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Internal combustion engine

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Diagram of a cylinder as found in an overhead cam 4-stroke gasoline engine:

Aninternal combustion engine(ICEorIC engine) is aheat enginein which thecombustionof afueloccurs with anoxidizer(usually air) in acombustion chamberthat is an integral part of theworking fluidflow circuit. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperatureand high-pressuregases produced by combustion applies directforceto some component of the engine. The force is typically applied topistons(piston engine),turbine blades(gas turbine), arotor (Wankel engine),or anozzle(jet engine). This force moves the component over a distance. This process transformschemical energyintokinetic energywhich is used to propel, move or power whatever the engine is attached to.

The first commercially successful internal combustion engine was created byÉtienne Lenoiraround 1860,[1]and the first modern internal combustion engine, known as theOtto engine,was created in 1876 byNicolaus Otto.The terminternal combustion engineusually refers to an engine in which combustion isintermittent,such as the more familiartwo-strokeandfour-strokepiston engines, along with variants, such as thesix-strokepiston engine and theWankel rotary engine.A second class of internal combustion engines use continuous combustion:gas turbines,jet enginesand mostrocket engines,each of which are internal combustion engines on the same principle as previously described.[1][2](Firearmsare also a form of internal combustion engine,[2]though of a type so specialized that they are commonly treated as a separate category, along with weaponry such as mortars and anti-aircraft cannons.) In contrast, inexternal combustion engines,such assteamorStirling engines,energy is delivered to a working fluid not consisting of, mixed with, or contaminated by combustion products. Working fluids forexternalcombustion engines include air, hot water,pressurized wateror evenboiler-heatedliquid sodium.

While there are many stationary applications, most ICEs are used in mobile applications and are the primary power supply forvehiclessuch ascars,aircraftandboats.ICEs are typically powered byhydrocarbon-based fuels likenatural gas,gasoline,diesel fuel,orethanol.Renewable fuelslikebiodieselare used in compression ignition (CI) engines andbioethanolorETBE(ethyl tert-butyl ether) produced from bioethanol in spark ignition (SI) engines. As early as 1900 the inventor of the diesel engine,Rudolf Diesel,was using peanut oil to run his engines.[3]Renewable fuels are commonly blended with fossil fuels.Hydrogen,which is rarely used, can be obtained from either fossil fuels or renewable energy.


A vintage mechanical device known as the Brayton walking beam engine from the year 1872
Brayton walking beam engine from 1872

Variousscientistsandengineerscontributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1791,John Barberdeveloped thegas turbine.In 1794 Thomas Mead patented agas engine.Also in 1794, Robert Street patented an internal combustion engine, which was also the first to useliquid fuel,and built an engine around that time. In 1798,John Stevensbuilt the first American internal combustion engine. In 1807,FrenchengineersNicéphore Niépce(who went on to inventphotography) andClaude Niépceran a prototype internal combustion engine, using controlled dust explosions, thePyréolophore,which was granted a patent byNapoleon Bonaparte.This engine powered a boat on theSaôneriver in France.[4][5]In the same year,SwissengineerFrançois Isaac de Rivazinvented a hydrogen-based internal combustion engine and powered the engine by electric spark. In 1808, De Rivaz fitted his invention to a primitive working vehicle – "the world's first internal combustion powered automobile".[6]In 1823,Samuel Brownpatented the first internal combustion engine to be applied industrially.

In 1854, in the UK, the Italian inventorsEugenio BarsantiandFelice Matteucciobtained the certification: "Obtaining Motive Power by the Explosion of Gases". In 1857 the Great Seal Patent Office conceded them patent No.1655 for the invention of an "Improved Apparatus for Obtaining Motive Power from Gases".[7][8][9][10]Barsanti and Matteucci obtained other patents for the same invention in France, Belgium and Piedmont between 1857 and 1859.[11][12]In 1860,BelgianengineerJean Joseph Etienne Lenoirproduced a gas-fired internal combustion engine.[13]In 1864,Nicolaus Ottopatented the first atmospheric gas engine. In 1872, AmericanGeorge Braytoninvented the first commercial liquid-fueled internal combustion engine. In 1876,Nicolaus Ottobegan working withGottlieb DaimlerandWilhelm Maybach,patented the compressed charge, four-cycle engine. In 1879,Karl Benzpatented a reliabletwo-strokegasoline engine. Later, in 1886, Benz began the first commercial production of motor vehicles with an internal combustion engine, in which a three-wheeled, four-cycle engine and chassis formed a single unit.[14]In 1892,Rudolf Dieseldeveloped the first compressed charge, compression ignition engine. In 1926,Robert Goddardlaunched the first liquid-fueled rocket. In 1939, theHeinkel He 178became the world's firstjet aircraft.



At one time, the wordengine(viaOld French,fromLatiningenium,"ability" ) meant any piece ofmachinery—a sense that persists in expressions such assiege engine.A "motor" (from Latinmotor,"mover" ) is any machine that produces mechanicalpower.Traditionally,electric motorsare not referred to as "engines"; however, combustion engines are often referred to as "motors". (Anelectric enginerefers to alocomotiveoperated by electricity.)

In boating, an internal combustion engine that is installed in the hull is referred to as an engine, but the engines that sit on the transom are referred to as motors.[15]


Reciprocating engineof a car
Diesel generatorfor backup power

Reciprocating piston engines are by far the most common power source for land and watervehicles,includingautomobiles,motorcycles,shipsand to a lesser extent,locomotives(some are electrical but most use diesel engines[16][17]). Rotary engines of the Wankel design are used in some automobiles, aircraft and motorcycles. These are collectively known as internal-combustion-engine vehicles (ICEV).[18]

Where high power-to-weight ratios are required, internal combustion engines appear in the form ofcombustion turbines,or sometimes Wankel engines.Powered aircrafttypically use an ICE which may be a reciprocating engine. Airplanes can instead usejet enginesandhelicopterscan instead employturboshafts;both of which are types of turbines. In addition to providing propulsion, aircraft may employ a separate ICE as anauxiliary power unit.Wankel engines are fitted to manyunmanned aerial vehicles.

ICEs drive large electric generators that power electrical grids. They are found in the form ofcombustion turbineswith a typical electrical output in the range of some 100 MW.Combined cycle power plantsuse the high temperature exhaust to boil and superheat water steam to run asteam turbine.Thus, the efficiency is higher because more energy is extracted from the fuel than what could be extracted by the combustion engine alone. Combined cycle power plants achieve efficiencies in the range of 50–60%. In a smaller scale,stationary engineslikegas enginesordiesel generatorsare used for backup or for providing electrical power to areas not connected to anelectric grid.

Small engines(usually 2‐stroke gasoline/petrol engines) are a common power source forlawnmowers,string trimmers,chain saws,leafblowers,pressure washers,snowmobiles,jet skis,outboard motors,mopeds,andmotorcycles.



There are several possible ways to classify internal combustion engines.



By number of strokes:

By type of ignition:

By mechanical/thermodynamic cycle (these cycles are infrequently used but are commonly found inhybrid vehicles,along with other vehicles manufactured forfuel efficiency[20]):



Continuous combustion

  • Gas turbineengine
    • Turbojet,through a propelling nozzle
    • Turbofan,through a duct-fan
    • Turboprop,through an unducted propeller, usually with variable pitch
    • Turboshaft,a gas turbine optimized for producing mechanical torque instead of thrust
  • Ramjet,[21]similar to a turbojet but uses vehicle speed to compress (ram) the air instead of a compressor.
  • Scramjet,a variant of the ramjet that uses supersonic combustion.
  • Rocket engine

Reciprocating engines



Bare cylinder block of a V8 engine
Piston, piston ring, gudgeon pin and connecting rod

The base of a reciprocating internal combustion engine is theengine block,which is typically made ofcast iron(due to its good wear resistance and low cost)[22]oraluminum.In the latter case, the cylinder liners are made of cast iron or steel,[23]or a coating such asnikasiloralusil.The engine block contains thecylinders.In engines with more than one cylinder they are usually arranged either in 1 row (straight engine) or 2 rows (boxer engineorV engine); 3 or 4 rows are occasionally used (W engine) in contemporary engines, and otherengine configurationsare possible and have been used.Single-cylinder engines(orthumpers) are common for motorcycles and other small engines found in light machinery. On the outer side of the cylinder, passages that contain cooling fluid are cast into the engine block whereas, in some heavy duty engines, the passages are the types of removable cylinder sleeves which can be replaceable.[22]Water-cooled engines contain passages in the engine block where cooling fluid circulates (thewater jacket). Some small engines are air-cooled, and instead of having a water jacket the cylinder block has fins protruding away from it to cool the engine by directly transferring heat to the air. The cylinder walls are usually finished byhoning to obtain a cross hatch,which is able to retain more oil. A too rough surface would quickly harm the engine by excessive wear on the piston.

Thepistonsare short cylindrical parts which seal one end of the cylinder from the high pressure of the compressed air and combustion products and slide continuously within it while the engine is in operation. In smaller engines, the pistons are made of aluminum; while in larger applications, they are typically made of cast iron.[22]In performance applications, pistons can also be titanium or forged steel for greater strength. The top surface of the piston is called itscrownand is typically flat or concave. Some two-stroke engines use pistons with adeflector head.Pistons are open at the bottom and hollow except for an integral reinforcement structure (the piston web). When an engine is working, the gas pressure in the combustion chamber exerts a force on the piston crown which is transferred through its web to agudgeon pin.Each piston hasringsfitted around its circumference that mostly prevent the gases from leaking into the crankcase or the oil into the combustion chamber.[24]Aventilation systemdrives the small amount of gas that escapes past the pistons during normal operation (the blow-by gases) out of the crankcase so that it does not accumulate contaminating the oil and creating corrosion.[22]In two-stroke gasoline engines the crankcase is part of the air–fuel path and due to the continuous flow of it, two-stroke engines do not need a separate crankcase ventilation system.

Valve train above a diesel engine cylinder head. This engine uses rocker arms but no pushrods.

Thecylinder headis attached to the engine block by numerousboltsorstuds.It has several functions. The cylinder head seals the cylinders on the side opposite to the pistons; it contains short ducts (theports) for intake and exhaust and the associated intakevalvesthat open to let the cylinder be filled with fresh air and exhaust valves that open to allow the combustion gases to escape. The valves are often poppet valves[25][26]but they can also berotary valves[27]orsleeve valves.[28]However, 2-stroke crankcase scavenged engines connect the gas ports directly to the cylinder wall without poppet valves; the piston controls their opening and occlusion instead. The cylinder head also holds thespark plugin the case of spark ignition engines and theinjectorfor engines that use direct injection. All CI (compression ignition) engines use fuel injection, usually direct injection but some engines instead useindirect injection.SI (spark ignition) engines can use acarburetoror fuel injection as port injection ordirect injection.Most SI engines have a single spark plug per cylinder butsome have 2.Ahead gasketprevents the gas from leaking between the cylinder head and the engine block. The opening and closing of the valves is controlled by one or severalcamshaftsand springs—or in some engines—adesmodromic mechanismthat uses no springs. The camshaft may press directly the stem of the valve or may act upon arocker arm,again, either directly or through apushrod.

Engine block seen from below. The cylinders, oil spray nozzle and half of the main bearings are clearly visible.

The crankcase is sealed at the bottom with asumpthat collects the falling oil during normal operation to be cycled again. The cavity created between the cylinder block and the sump houses acrankshaftthat converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons to rotational motion. The crankshaft is held in place relative to the engine block bymain bearings,which allow it to rotate. Bulkheads in the crankcase form a half of every main bearing; the other half is a detachable cap. In some cases a singlemain bearing deckis used rather than several smaller caps. Aconnecting rodis connected to offset sections of the crankshaft (thecrankpins) in one end and to the piston in the other end through the gudgeon pin and thus transfers the force and translates the reciprocating motion of the pistons to the circular motion of the crankshaft. The end of the connecting rod attached to the gudgeon pin is called its small end, and the other end, where it is connected to the crankshaft, the big end. The big end has a detachable half to allow assembly around the crankshaft. It is kept together to the connecting rod by removable bolts.

The cylinder head has anintake manifoldand anexhaust manifoldattached to the corresponding ports. The intake manifold connects to theair filterdirectly, or to a carburetor when one is present, which is then connected to theair filter.It distributes the air incoming from these devices to the individual cylinders. The exhaust manifold is the first component in theexhaust system.It collects the exhaust gases from the cylinders and drives it to the following component in the path. Theexhaust systemof an ICE may also include acatalytic converterandmuffler.The final section in the path of the exhaust gases is thetailpipe.

Four-stroke engines

Diagram showing the operation of a 4-stroke SI engine. Labels:
1 ‐ Induction
2 ‐ Compression
3 ‐ Power
4 ‐ Exhaust

Thetop dead center(TDC) of a piston is the position where it is nearest to the valves;bottom dead center(BDC) is the opposite position where it is furthest from them. Astrokeis the movement of a piston from TDC to BDC or vice versa, together with the associated process. While an engine is in operation, the crankshaft rotates continuously at a nearly constantspeed.In a 4-stroke ICE, each piston experiences 2 strokes per crankshaft revolution in the following order. Starting the description at TDC, these are:[29][30]

  1. Intake, induction or suction: The intake valves are open as a result of the cam lobe pressing down on the valve stem. The piston moves downward increasing the volume of the combustion chamber and allowing air to enter in the case of a CI engine or an air-fuel mix in the case of SI engines that do not usedirect injection.The air or air-fuel mixture is called thechargein any case.
  2. Compression: In this stroke, both valves are closed and the piston moves upward reducing the combustion chamber volume which reaches its minimum when the piston is at TDC. The piston performsworkon the charge as it is being compressed; as a result, its pressure, temperature and density increase; an approximation to this behavior is provided by theideal gas law.Just before the piston reaches TDC, ignition begins. In the case of a SI engine, the spark plug receives a high voltage pulse that generates the spark which gives it its name and ignites the charge. In the case of a CI engine, the fuel injector quickly injects fuel into the combustion chamber as a spray; the fuel ignites due to the high temperature.
  3. Power or working stroke: The pressure of the combustion gases pushes the piston downward, generating morekinetic energythan is required to compress the charge. Complementary to the compression stroke, the combustion gases expand and as a result their temperature, pressure and density decreases. When the piston is near to BDC the exhaust valve opens. In theblowdown,the combustion gases expandirreversiblydue to the leftover pressure—in excess ofback pressure,the gauge pressure on the exhaust port.
  4. Exhaust: The exhaust valve remains open while the piston moves upward expelling the combustion gases. For naturally aspirated engines a small part of the combustion gases may remain in the cylinder during normal operation because the piston does not close the combustion chamber completely; these gases dissolve in the next charge. At the end of this stroke, the exhaust valve closes, the intake valve opens, and the sequence repeats in the next cycle. The intake valve may open before the exhaust valve closes to allow better scavenging.

Two-stroke engines


The defining characteristic of this kind of engine is that each piston completes a cycle every crankshaft revolution. The 4 processes of intake, compression, power and exhaust take place in only 2 strokes so that it is not possible to dedicate a stroke exclusively for each of them. Starting at TDC the cycle consists of:

  1. Power: While the piston is descending the combustion gases perform work on it, as in a 4-stroke engine. The samethermodynamicsfor the expansion apply.
  2. Scavenging: Around 75° of crankshaft rotation before BDC the exhaust valve or port opens, and blowdown occurs. Shortly thereafter the intake valve or transfer port opens. The incoming charge displaces the remaining combustion gases to the exhaust system and a part of the charge may enter the exhaust system as well. The piston reaches BDC and reverses direction. After the piston has traveled a short distance upwards into the cylinder the exhaust valve or port closes; shortly the intake valve or transfer port closes as well.
  3. Compression: With both intake and exhaust closed the piston continues moving upwards compressing the charge and performing work on it. As in the case of a 4-stroke engine, ignition starts just before the piston reaches TDC and the same consideration on the thermodynamics of the compression on the charge apply.

While a 4-stroke engine uses the piston as apositive displacement pumpto accomplish scavenging taking 2 of the 4 strokes, a 2-stroke engine uses the last part of the power stroke and the first part of the compression stroke for combined intake and exhaust. The work required to displace the charge and exhaust gases comes from either the crankcase or a separate blower. For scavenging, expulsion of burned gas and entry of fresh mix, two main approaches are described: Loop scavenging, and Uniflow scavenging. SAE news published in the 2010s that 'Loop Scavenging' is better under any circumstance than Uniflow Scavenging.[19]

Crankcase scavenged

Diagram of a crankcase scavenged valveless 2-stroke engine in operation

Some SI engines are crankcase scavenged and do not use poppet valves. Instead, the crankcase and the part of the cylinder below the piston is used as a pump. The intake port is connected to the crankcase through areed valveor a rotary disk valve driven by the engine. For each cylinder, a transfer port connects in one end to the crankcase and in the other end to the cylinder wall. The exhaust port is connected directly to the cylinder wall. The transfer and exhaust port are opened and closed by the piston. The reed valve opens when the crankcase pressure is slightly below intake pressure, to let it be filled with a new charge; this happens when the piston is moving upwards. When the piston is moving downwards the pressure in the crankcase increases and the reed valve closes promptly, then the charge in the crankcase is compressed. When the piston is moving downwards, it also uncovers the exhaust port and the transfer port and the higher pressure of the charge in the crankcase makes it enter the cylinder through the transfer port, blowing the exhaust gases. Lubrication is accomplished by addingtwo-stroke oilto the fuel in small ratios.Petroilrefers to the mix of gasoline with the aforesaid oil. This kind of 2-stroke engine has a lower efficiency than comparable 4-strokes engines and releases more pollutingexhaust gasesfor the following conditions:

  • They use atotal-loss oiling system:all the lubricating oil is eventually burned along with the fuel.
  • There are conflicting requirements for scavenging: On one side, enough fresh charge needs to be introduced in each cycle to displace almost all the combustion gases but introducing too much of it means that a part of it gets in the exhaust.
  • They must use the transfer port(s) as a carefully designed and placed nozzle so that a gas current is created in a way that it sweeps the whole cylinder before reaching the exhaust port so as to expel the combustion gases, but minimize the amount of charge exhausted. 4-stroke engines have the benefit of forcibly expelling almost all of the combustion gases because during exhaust the combustion chamber is reduced to its minimum volume. In crankcase scavenged 2-stroke engines, exhaust and intake are performed mostly simultaneously and with the combustion chamber at its maximum volume.

The main advantage of 2-stroke engines of this type is mechanical simplicity and a higherpower-to-weight ratiothan their 4-stroke counterparts. Despite having twice as many power strokes per cycle, less than twice the power of a comparable 4-stroke engine is attainable in practice.

In the US, 2-stroke engines were banned for road vehicles due to the pollution. Off-road only motorcycles are still often 2-stroke but are rarely road legal. However, many thousands of 2-stroke lawn maintenance engines are in use.[citation needed]

Blower scavenged

Diagram of uniflow scavenging

Using a separate blower avoids many of the shortcomings of crankcase scavenging, at the expense of increased complexity which means a higher cost and an increase in maintenance requirement. An engine of this type uses ports or valves for intake and valves for exhaust, exceptopposed piston engines,which may also use ports for exhaust. The blower is usually of theRoots-typebut other types have been used too. This design is commonplace in CI engines, and has been occasionally used in SI engines.

CI engines that use a blower typically useuniflow scavenging.In this design the cylinder wall contains several intake ports placed uniformly spaced along the circumference just above the position that the piston crown reaches when at BDC. An exhaust valve or several like that of 4-stroke engines is used. The final part of the intake manifold is an air sleeve that feeds the intake ports. The intake ports are placed at a horizontal angle to the cylinder wall (I.e: they are in plane of the piston crown) to give a swirl to the incoming charge to improve combustion. The largest reciprocating IC are low speed CI engines of this type; they are used for marine propulsion (seemarine diesel engine) orelectric power generationand achieve the highest thermal efficiencies among internal combustion engines of any kind. Some diesel–electriclocomotive enginesoperate on the 2-stroke cycle. The most powerful of them have a brake power of around 4.5MWor 6,000HP.TheEMD SD90MACclass of locomotives are an example of such. The comparable classGE AC6000CW,whose prime mover has almost the same brake power, uses a 4-stroke engine.

An example of this type of engine is theWärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-Cturbocharged 2-stroke diesel, used in large container ships. It is the most efficient and powerful reciprocating internal combustion engine in the world with athermal efficiencyover 50%.[31][32][33]For comparison, the most efficient small four-stroke engines are around 43% thermally-efficient (SAE 900648);[citation needed]size is an advantage for efficiency due to the increase in the ratio of volume to surface area.

See theexternal linksfor an in-cylinder combustion video in a 2-stroke, optically accessible motorcycle engine.

Historical design


Dugald Clerkdeveloped the first two-cycle engine in 1879. It used a separate cylinder which functioned as a pump in order to transfer the fuel mixture to the cylinder.[19]

In 1899John Daysimplified Clerk's design into the type of 2 cycle engine that is very widely used today.[34] Day cycle engines are crankcase scavenged and port timed. The crankcase and the part of the cylinder below the exhaust port is used as a pump. The operation of the Day cycle engine begins when the crankshaft is turned so that the piston moves from BDC upward (toward the head) creating a vacuum in the crankcase/cylinder area. The carburetor then feeds the fuel mixture into the crankcase through areed valveor a rotary disk valve (driven by the engine). There are cast in ducts from the crankcase to the port in the cylinder to provide for intake and another from the exhaust port to the exhaust pipe. The height of the port in relationship to the length of the cylinder is called the "port timing".

On the first upstroke of the engine there would be no fuel inducted into the cylinder as the crankcase was empty. On the downstroke, the piston now compresses the fuel mix, which has lubricated the piston in the cylinder and the bearings due to the fuel mix having oil added to it. As the piston moves downward it first uncovers the exhaust, but on the first stroke there is no burnt fuel to exhaust. As the piston moves downward further, it uncovers the intake port which has a duct that runs to the crankcase. Since the fuel mix in the crankcase is under pressure, the mix moves through the duct and into the cylinder.

Because there is no obstruction in the cylinder of the fuel to move directly out of the exhaust port prior to the piston rising far enough to close the port, early engines used a high domed piston to slow down the flow of fuel. Later the fuel was "resonated" back into the cylinder using an expansion chamber design. When the piston rose close to TDC, a spark ignited the fuel. As the piston is driven downward with power, it first uncovers the exhaust port where the burned fuel is expelled under high pressure and then the intake port where the process has been completed and will keep repeating.

Later engines used a type of porting devised by the Deutz company to improve performance. It was called theSchnurle Reverse Flowsystem. DKW licensed this design for all their motorcycles. TheirDKW RT 125was one of the first motor vehicles to achieve over 100 mpg as a result.[35]



Internal combustion engines require ignition of the mixture, either byspark ignition (SI)orcompression ignition (CI).Before the invention of reliable electrical methods, hot tube and flame methods were used. Experimental engines withlaser ignitionhave been built.[36]

Spark ignition process

Bosch magneto
Points and coil ignition

The spark-ignition engine was a refinement of the early engines which used Hot Tube ignition. When Bosch developed themagnetoit became the primary system for producing electricity to energize a spark plug.[37]Many small engines still use magneto ignition. Small engines are started by hand cranking using arecoil starteror hand crank. Prior toCharles F. Ketteringof Delco's development of the automotive starter all gasoline engined automobiles used a hand crank.[38]

Larger engines typically power theirstarting motorsandignition systemsusing the electrical energy stored in alead–acid battery.The battery's charged state is maintained by anautomotive alternatoror (previously) a generator which uses engine power to create electrical energy storage.

The battery supplies electrical power for starting when the engine has astarting motorsystem, and supplies electrical power when the engine is off. The battery also supplies electrical power during rare run conditions where the alternator cannot maintain more than 13.8 volts (for a common 12 V automotive electrical system). As alternator voltage falls below 13.8 volts, the lead-acid storage battery increasingly picks up electrical load. During virtually all running conditions, including normal idle conditions, the alternator supplies primary electrical power.

Some systems disable alternator field (rotor) power during wide-open throttle conditions. Disabling the field reduces alternator pulley mechanical loading to nearly zero, maximizing crankshaft power. In this case, the battery supplies all primary electrical power.

Gasoline engines take in a mixture of air and gasoline and compress it by the movement of the piston from bottom dead center to top dead center when the fuel is at maximum compression. The reduction in the size of the swept area of the cylinder and taking into account the volume of the combustion chamber is described by a ratio. Early engines hadcompression ratiosof 6 to 1. As compression ratios were increased, the efficiency of the engine increased as well.

With early induction and ignition systems the compression ratios had to be kept low. With advances in fuel technology and combustion management, high-performance engines can run reliably at 12:1 ratio. With low octane fuel, a problem would occur as the compression ratio increased as the fuel was igniting due to the rise in temperature that resulted.Charles Ketteringdeveloped alead additivewhich allowed higher compression ratios, which was progressivelyabandoned for automotive usefrom the 1970s onward, partly due tolead poisoningconcerns.

The fuel mixture is ignited at different progressions of the piston in the cylinder. At low rpm, the spark is timed to occur close to the piston achieving top dead center. In order to produce more power, as rpm rises the spark is advanced sooner during piston movement. The spark occurs while the fuel is still being compressed progressively more as rpm rises.[39]

The necessary high voltage, typically 10,000 volts, is supplied by aninduction coilor transformer. The induction coil is a fly-back system, using interruption of electrical primary system current through some type of synchronized interrupter. The interrupter can be either contact points or a power transistor. The problem with this type of ignition is that as RPM increases the availability of electrical energy decreases. This is especially a problem, since the amount of energy needed to ignite a more dense fuel mixture is higher. The result was often a high RPM misfire.

Capacitor discharge ignitionwas developed. It produces a rising voltage that is sent to the spark plug. CD system voltages can reach 60,000 volts.[40]CD ignitions use step-uptransformers.The step-up transformer uses energy stored in a capacitance to generateelectric spark.With either system, a mechanical or electrical control system provides a carefully timed high-voltage to the proper cylinder. This spark, via the spark plug, ignites the air-fuel mixture in the engine's cylinders.

While gasoline internal combustion engines are much easier to start in cold weather than diesel engines, they can still have cold weather starting problems under extreme conditions. For years, the solution was to park the car in heated areas. In some parts of the world, the oil was actually drained and heated overnight and returned to the engine for cold starts. In the early 1950s, the gasoline Gasifier unit was developed, where, on cold weather starts, raw gasoline was diverted to the unit where part of the fuel was burned causing the other part to become a hot vapor sent directly to the intake valve manifold. This unit was quite popular until electricengine block heatersbecame standard on gasoline engines sold in cold climates.[41]

Compression ignition process


For ignition, diesel,PPCandHCCIengines rely solely on the high temperature and pressure created by the engine in its compression process. The compression level that occurs is usually twice or more than a gasoline engine. Diesel engines take in air only, and shortly before peak compression, spray a small quantity of diesel fuel into the cylinder via a fuel injector that allows the fuel to instantly ignite. HCCI type engines take in both air and fuel, but continue to rely on an unaided auto-combustion process, due to higher pressures and temperature. This is also why diesel and HCCI engines are more susceptible to cold-starting issues, although they run just as well in cold weather once started. Light duty diesel engines withindirect injectionin automobiles and light trucks employglowplugs(or other pre-heating: seeCummins ISB#6BT) that pre-heat thecombustion chamberjust before starting to reduce no-start conditions in cold weather. Most diesels also have a battery and charging system; nevertheless, this system is secondary and is added by manufacturers as a luxury for the ease of starting, turning fuel on and off (which can also be done via a switch or mechanical apparatus), and for running auxiliary electrical components and accessories. Most new engines rely on electrical and electronicengine control units(ECU) that also adjust the combustion process to increase efficiency and reduce emissions.


Diagram of an engine using pressurized lubrication

Surfaces in contact and relative motion to other surfaces requirelubricationto reduce wear, noise and increase efficiency by reducing the power wasting in overcomingfriction,or to make the mechanism work at all. Also, the lubricant used can reduce excess heat and provide additional cooling to components. At the very least, an engine requires lubrication in the following parts:

  • Between pistons and cylinders
  • Small bearings
  • Big end bearings
  • Main bearings
  • Valve gear (The following elements may not be present):
    • Tappets
    • Rocker arms
    • Pushrods
    • Timing chain or gears. Toothed belts do not require lubrication.

In 2-stroke crankcase scavenged engines, the interior of the crankcase, and therefore the crankshaft, connecting rod and bottom of the pistons are sprayed by thetwo-stroke oilin the air-fuel-oil mixture which is then burned along with the fuel. The valve train may be contained in a compartment flooded with lubricant so that nooil pumpis required.

In asplash lubrication systemno oil pump is used. Instead the crankshaft dips into the oil in the sump and due to its high speed, it splashes the crankshaft, connecting rods and bottom of the pistons. The connecting rod big end caps may have an attached scoop to enhance this effect. The valve train may also be sealed in a flooded compartment, or open to the crankshaft in a way that it receives splashed oil and allows it to drain back to the sump. Splash lubrication is common for small 4-stroke engines.

In aforced(also calledpressurized)lubrication system,lubrication is accomplished in a closed-loop which carriesmotor oilto the surfaces serviced by the system and then returns the oil to a reservoir. The auxiliary equipment of an engine is typically not serviced by this loop; for instance, analternatormay useball bearingssealed with their own lubricant. The reservoir for the oil is usually the sump, and when this is the case, it is called awet sumpsystem. When there is a different oil reservoir the crankcase still catches it, but it is continuously drained by a dedicated pump; this is called adry sumpsystem.

On its bottom, the sump contains an oil intake covered by a mesh filter which is connected to an oil pump then to anoil filteroutside the crankcase. From there it is diverted to the crankshaft main bearings and valve train. The crankcase contains at least oneoil gallery(a conduit inside a crankcase wall) to which oil is introduced from the oil filter. The main bearings contain a groove through all or half its circumference; the oil enters these grooves from channels connected to the oil gallery. The crankshaft has drillings that take oil from these grooves and deliver it to the big end bearings. All big end bearings are lubricated this way. A single main bearing may provide oil for 0, 1 or 2 big end bearings. A similar system may be used to lubricate the piston, its gudgeon pin and the small end of its connecting rod; in this system, the connecting rod big end has a groove around the crankshaft and a drilling connected to the groove which distributes oil from there to the bottom of the piston and from then to the cylinder.

Other systems are also used to lubricate the cylinder and piston. The connecting rod may have a nozzle to throw an oil jet to the cylinder and bottom of the piston. That nozzle is in movement relative to the cylinder it lubricates, but always pointed towards it or the corresponding piston.

Typically forced lubrication systems have a lubricant flow higher than what is required to lubricate satisfactorily, in order to assist with cooling. Specifically, the lubricant system helps to move heat from the hot engine parts to the cooling liquid (in water-cooled engines) or fins (in air-cooled engines) which then transfer it to the environment. The lubricant must be designed to be chemically stable and maintain suitable viscosities within the temperature range it encounters in the engine.

Cylinder configuration


Common cylinder configurations include thestraight or inline configuration,the more compactV configuration,and the wider but smootherflat or boxer configuration.Aircraft enginescan also adopt aradial configuration,which allows more effective cooling. More unusual configurations such as theH,U,X,andWhave also been used.

Some popular cylinder configurations:
a – straight
b – V
c – opposed
d – W

Multiple cylinder engines have their valve train and crankshaft configured so that pistons are at different parts of their cycle. It is desirable to have the pistons' cycles uniformly spaced (this is calledeven firing) especially in forced induction engines; this reduces torque pulsations[42]and makesinline engineswith more than 3 cylinders staticallybalancedin its primary forces. However, someengine configurationsrequire odd firing to achieve better balance than what is possible with even firing. For instance, a 4-strokeI2 enginehas better balance when the angle between the crankpins is 180° because the pistons move in opposite directions and inertial forces partially cancel, but this gives an odd firing pattern where one cylinder fires 180° of crankshaft rotation after the other, then no cylinder fires for 540°. With an even firing pattern, the pistons would move in unison and the associated forces would add.

Multiple crankshaft configurations do not necessarily need acylinder headat all because they can instead have a piston at each end of the cylinder called anopposed pistondesign. Because fuel inlets and outlets are positioned at opposed ends of the cylinder, one can achieve uniflow scavenging, which, as in the four-stroke engine is efficient over a wide range of engine speeds. Thermal efficiency is improved because of a lack of cylinder heads. This design was used in theJunkers Jumo 205diesel aircraft engine, using two crankshafts at either end of a single bank of cylinders, and most remarkably in theNapier Delticdiesel engines. These used three crankshafts to serve three banks ofdouble-ended cylindersarranged in an equilateral triangle with the crankshafts at the corners. It was also used in single-banklocomotive engines,and is still used inmarine propulsionengines and marine auxiliary generators.

Diesel cycle

p–V diagramfor the ideal diesel cycle. The cycle follows the numbers 1–4 in clockwise direction.

Most truck and automotive diesel engines use a cycle reminiscent of a four-stroke cycle, but with temperature increase by compression causing ignition, rather than needing a separate ignition system. This variation is called the diesel cycle. In the diesel cycle, diesel fuel is injected directly into the cylinder so that combustion occurs at constant pressure, as the piston moves.

Otto cycle


TheOtto cycleis the most common cycle for most cars' internal combustion engines that use gasoline as a fuel. It consists of the same major steps as described for the four-stroke engine: Intake, compression, ignition, expansion and exhaust.

Five-stroke engine


In 1879,Nicolaus Ottomanufactured and sold a double expansion engine (the double and triple expansion principles had ample usage in steam engines), with two small cylinders at both sides of a low-pressure larger cylinder, where a second expansion of exhaust stroke gas took place; the owner returned it, alleging poor performance. In 1906, the concept was incorporated in a car built by EHV (Eisenhuth Horseless Vehicle Company);[43]and in the 21st centuryIlmordesigned and successfully tested a 5-stroke double expansion internal combustion engine, with high power output and low SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption).[44]

Six-stroke engine


Thesix-stroke enginewas invented in 1883. Four kinds of six-stroke engines use a regular piston in a regular cylinder (Griffin six-stroke, Bajulaz six-stroke, Velozeta six-stroke and Crower six-stroke), firing every three crankshaft revolutions. These systems capture the waste heat of thefour-strokeOtto cycle with an injection of air or water.

TheBeare Headand "piston charger" engines operate asopposed-piston engines,two pistons in a single cylinder, firing every two revolutions rather than every four like a four-stroke engine.

Other cycles


The first internal combustion engines did not compress the mixture. The first part of the piston downstroke drew in a fuel-air mixture, then the inlet valve closed and, in the remainder of the down-stroke, the fuel-air mixture fired. The exhaust valve opened for the piston upstroke. These attempts at imitating the principle of asteam enginewere very inefficient. There are a number of variations of these cycles, most notably theAtkinsonandMiller cycles.

Split-cycle enginesseparate the four strokes of intake, compression, combustion and exhaust into two separate but paired cylinders. The first cylinder is used for intake and compression. The compressed air is then transferred through a crossover passage from the compression cylinder into the second cylinder, where combustion and exhaust occur. A split-cycle engine is really anair compressoron one side with a combustion chamber on the other.

Previous split-cycle engines have had two major problems—poor breathing (volumetric efficiency) and low thermal efficiency. However, new designs are being introduced that seek to address these problems. TheScuderi Engineaddresses the breathing problem by reducing the clearance between the piston and the cylinder head through various turbocharging techniques. The Scuderi design requires the use of outwardly opening valves that enable the piston to move very close to the cylinder head without the interference of the valves. Scuderi addresses the low thermal efficiency via firing after top dead center (ATDC).

Firing ATDC can be accomplished by using high-pressure air in the transfer passage to create sonic flow and high turbulence in the power cylinder.

Combustion turbines


Jet engine

Turbofan jet engine

Jet engines use a number of rows of fan blades to compress air which then enters acombustorwhere it is mixed with fuel (typically JP fuel) and then ignited. The burning of the fuel raises the temperature of the air which is then exhausted out of the engine creating thrust. A modernturbofanengine can operate at as high as 48% efficiency.[45]

There are six sections to a turbofan engine:

  • Fan
  • Compressor
  • Combustor
  • Turbine
  • Mixer
  • Nozzle[46]

Gas turbines

Turbine power plant

A gas turbine compresses air and uses it to turn aturbine.It is essentially a jet engine which directs its output to a shaft. There are three stages to a turbine: 1) air is drawn through a compressor where the temperature rises due to compression, 2) fuel is added in thecombuster,and 3) hot air is exhausted through turbine blades which rotate a shaft connected to the compressor.

A gas turbine is a rotary machine similar in principle to asteam turbineand it consists of three main components: a compressor, a combustion chamber, and a turbine. The temperature of the air, after being compressed in the compressor, is increased by burning fuel in it. The heated air and the products of combustion expand in a turbine, producing work output. About23of the work drives the compressor: the rest (about13) is available as useful work output.[47]

Gas turbines are among the most efficient internal combustion engines. The General Electric 7HA and 9HA turbinecombined cycleelectrical plants are rated at over 61% efficiency.[48]

Brayton cycle

Brayton cycle

A gas turbine is a rotary machine somewhat similar in principle to a steam turbine. It consists of three main components: compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine. The air is compressed by the compressor where a temperature rise occurs. The temperature of the compressed air is further increased by combustion of injected fuel in the combustion chamber which expands the air. This energy rotates the turbine which powers the compressor via a mechanical coupling. The hot gases are then exhausted to provide thrust.

Gas turbine cycle engines employ a continuous combustion system where compression, combustion, and expansion occur simultaneously at different places in the engine—giving continuous power. Notably, the combustion takes place at constant pressure, rather than with the Otto cycle, constant volume.

Wankel engines

The Wankel rotary cycle. The shaft turns three times for each rotation of the rotor around the lobe and once for eachorbital revolutionaround the eccentric shaft.

The Wankel engine (rotary engine) does not have piston strokes. It operates with the same separation of phases as the four-stroke engine with the phases taking place in separate locations in the engine. Inthermodynamicterms it follows theOtto enginecycle, so may be thought of as a "four-phase" engine. While it is true that three power strokes typically occur per rotor revolution, due to the 3:1 revolution ratio of the rotor to the eccentric shaft, only one power stroke per shaft revolution actually occurs. The drive (eccentric) shaft rotates once during every power stroke instead of twice (crankshaft), as in the Otto cycle, giving it a greater power-to-weight ratio than piston engines. This type of engine was most notably used in theMazda RX-8,the earlierRX-7,and other vehicle models. The engine is also used in unmanned aerial vehicles, where the small size and weight and the high power-to-weight ratio are advantageous.

Forced induction


Forced induction is the process of delivering compressed air to the intake of an internal combustion engine. A forced induction engine uses agas compressorto increase the pressure, temperature anddensity of the air.An engine without forced induction is considered anaturally aspirated engine.

Forced induction is used in the automotive and aviation industry to increase engine power and efficiency. It particularly helps aviation engines, as they need to operate at high altitude.

Forced induction is achieved by asupercharger,where the compressor is directly powered from the engine shaft or, in theturbocharger,from a turbine powered by the engine exhaust.

Fuels and oxidizers


All internal combustion engines depend oncombustionof achemical fuel,typically with oxygen from the air (though it is possible to injectnitrous oxideto do more of the same thing and gain a power boost). The combustion process typically results in the production of a great quantity of thermal energy, as well as the production of steam and carbon dioxide and other chemicals at very high temperature; thetemperature reachedis determined by the chemical make up of the fuel and oxidizers (seestoichiometry), as well as by the compression and other factors.



The most common modern fuels are made up ofhydrocarbonsand are derived mostly fromfossil fuels(petroleum). Fossil fuels includediesel fuel,gasolineandpetroleum gas,and the rarer use ofpropane.Except for the fuel delivery components, most internal combustion engines that are designed for gasoline use can run onnatural gasor liquefied petroleum gases without major modifications. Large diesels can run with air mixed with gases and a pilot diesel fuel ignition injection. Liquid and gaseousbiofuels,such asethanolandbiodiesel(a form of diesel fuel that is produced from crops that yieldtriglyceridessuch assoybeanoil), can also be used. Engines with appropriate modifications can also run onhydrogengas,wood gas,orcharcoal gas,as well as from so-calledproducer gasmade from other convenient biomass. Experiments have also been conducted using powdered solid fuels, such as themagnesium injection cycle.

Presently, fuels used include:

Even fluidized metal powders and explosives have seen some use. Engines that use gases for fuel are called gas engines and those that use liquid hydrocarbons are called oil engines; however, gasoline engines are also often colloquially referred to as "gas engines" ( "petrol engines"outside North America).

The main limitations on fuels are that it must be easily transportable through thefuel systemto thecombustion chamber,and that the fuel releases sufficientenergyin the form ofheatuponcombustionto make practical use of the engine.

Diesel enginesare generally heavier, noisier, and more powerful at lower speeds thangasoline engines.They are also more fuel-efficient in most circumstances and are used in heavy road vehicles, some automobiles (increasingly so for their increasedfuel efficiencyover gasoline engines), ships,railwaylocomotives,and lightaircraft.Gasoline engines are used in most other road vehicles including most cars,motorcycles,andmopeds.InEurope,sophisticated diesel-engined cars have taken over about 45% of the market since the 1990s. There are also engines that run onhydrogen,methanol,ethanol,liquefied petroleum gas(LPG),biodiesel,paraffinandtractor vaporizing oil(TVO).



Hydrogen could eventuallyreplace conventional fossil fuelsin traditional internal combustion engines. Alternativelyfuel celltechnology may come to deliver its promise and the use of the internal combustion engines could even be phased out.

Although there are multiple ways of producing free hydrogen, those methods require converting combustible molecules into hydrogen or consuming electric energy. Unless that electricity is produced from a renewable source—and is not required for other purposes—hydrogen does not solve anyenergy crisis.In many situations the disadvantage of hydrogen, relative to carbon fuels, isits storage.Liquid hydrogenhas extremely low density (14 times lower than water) and requires extensive insulation—whilst gaseous hydrogen requires heavy tankage. Even when liquefied, hydrogen has a higherspecific energybut the volumetric energetic storage is still roughly five times lower than gasoline. However, the energy density of hydrogen is considerably higher than that of electric batteries, making it a serious contender as an energy carrier to replace fossil fuels. The 'Hydrogen on Demand' process (seedirect borohydride fuel cell) creates hydrogen as needed, but has other issues, such as the high price of thesodium borohydridethat is the raw material.


One-cylinder gasoline engine,c. 1910

Since air is plentiful at the surface of the earth, the oxidizer is typically atmospheric oxygen, which has the advantage of not being stored within the vehicle. This increases the power-to-weight and power-to-volume ratios. Other materials are used for special purposes, often to increase power output or to allow operation under water or in space.

  • Compressed air has been commonly used intorpedoes.[49]
  • Compressedoxygen,as well as some compressed air, was used in the JapaneseType 93 torpedo.Somesubmarinescarry pure oxygen. Rockets very often useliquid oxygen.[50]
  • Nitromethaneis added to some racing andmodelfuels to increase power and control combustion.
  • Nitrous oxidehas been used—with extra gasoline—in tactical aircraft, and in specially equipped cars to allow short bursts of added power from engines that otherwise run on gasoline and air. It is also used in the Burt Rutan rocket spacecraft.
  • Hydrogen peroxidepower was under development for German World War II submarines. It may have been used in some non-nuclear submarines, and was used on some rocket engines (notably theBlack Arrowand theMesserschmitt Me 163rocket fighter).
  • Other chemicals such as chlorine or fluorine have been used experimentally, but have not been found practical.



Cooling is required to remove excessive heat—high temperature can cause engine failure, usually from wear (due to high-temperature-induced failure of lubrication), cracking or warping. Two most common forms of engine cooling areair-cooledandwater-cooled.Most modern automotive engines are both water and air-cooled, as the water/liquid-coolant is carried to air-cooled fins and/or fans, whereas larger engines may be singularly water-cooled as they are stationary and have a constant supply of water through water-mains or fresh-water, while most power tool engines and other small engines are air-cooled. Some engines (air or water-cooled) also have anoil cooler.In some engines, especially forturbine engine blade coolingandliquid rocket engine cooling,fuel is used as a coolant, as it is simultaneously preheated before injecting it into a combustion chamber.


Hand-cranking a boat diesel motor inInle Lake(Myanmar)
Electric starter as used in automobiles

Internal combustion engines must have their cycles started. In reciprocating engines this is accomplished by turning the crankshaft (Wankel Rotor Shaft) which induces the cycles of intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust. The first engines were started with a turn of theirflywheels,while the first vehicle (the Daimler Reitwagen) was started with a hand crank. All ICE engined automobiles were started with hand cranks untilCharles Ketteringdeveloped the electric starter for automobiles.[51]This method is now the most widely used, even among non-automobiles.

As diesel engines have become larger and their mechanisms heavier,air startershave come into use.[52]This is due to the lack of torque in electric starters. Air starters work by pumping compressed air into the cylinders of an engine to start it turning.

Two-wheeled vehicles may have their engines started in one of four ways:

  • By pedaling, as on a bicycle
  • By pushing the vehicle and then engaging the clutch, known as "run-and-bump starting"
  • By kicking downward on a single pedal, known as "kick starting"
  • By an electric starter, as in cars

There are also starters where a spring is compressed by a crank motion and then used to start an engine.

Some small engines use a pull-rope mechanism called "recoil starting", as the rope rewinds itself after it has been pulled out to start the engine. This method is commonly used in pushed lawn mowers and other settings where only a small amount of torque is needed to turn an engine over.

Turbine engines are frequently started by an electric motor or by compressed air.

Measures of engine performance


Engine types vary greatly in a number of different ways:

Energy efficiency


Once ignited and burnt, thecombustionproducts—hot gases—have more availablethermal energythan the original compressed fuel-air mixture (which had higherchemical energy). This available energy is manifested as a highertemperatureandpressurethat can be converted intokinetic energyby the engine. In a reciprocating engine, the high-pressure gases inside the cylinders drive the engine's pistons.

Once the available energy has been removed, the remaining hot gases arevented(often by opening avalveor exposing the exhaust outlet) and this allows the piston to return to its previous position (top dead center, or TDC). The piston can then proceed to the next phase of its cycle, which varies between engines. Any thermal energy that is not translated into work is normally considered a waste product and is removed from the engine either by an air or liquid cooling system.

Internal combustion engines are consideredheat engines(since the release of chemical energy in combustion has the same effect asheattransfer into the engine) and as such their theoretical efficiency can be approximated by idealizedthermodynamic cycles.The thermal efficiency of a theoretical cycle cannot exceed that of theCarnot cycle,whose efficiency is determined by the difference between the lower and upperoperating temperaturesof the engine. The upper operating temperature of an engine is limited by two main factors; the thermal operating limits of the materials, and the auto-ignition resistance of the fuel. Allmetalsandalloyshave a thermal operating limit, and there is significant research intoceramicmaterials that can be made with greater thermal stability and desirable structural properties. Higher thermal stability allows for a greater temperature difference between the lower (ambient) and upper operating temperatures, hence greater thermodynamic efficiency. Also, as the cylinder temperature rises, the fuel becomes more prone to auto-ignition. This is caused when the cylinder temperature nears the flash point of the charge. At this point, ignition can spontaneously occur before the spark plug fires, causing excessive cylinder pressures. Auto-ignition can be mitigated by using fuels with high auto-ignition resistance (octane rating), however it still puts an upper bound on the allowable peak cylinder temperature.

Thethermodynamic limitsassume that the engine is operating under ideal conditions: a frictionless world, ideal gases, perfect insulators, and operation for infinite time. Real world applications introduce complexities that reduce efficiency. For example, a real engine runs best at a specific load, termed itspower band.The engine in a car cruising on a highway is usually operating significantly below its ideal load, because it is designed for the higher loads required for rapid acceleration.[citation needed]In addition, factors such aswind resistancereduce overall system efficiency. Vehiclefuel economyis measured inmiles per gallonor in liters per 100 kilometers. The volume of hydrocarbon assumes a standard energy content.

Even when aided with turbochargers and stock efficiency aids, most engines retain anaverageefficiency of about 18–20%.[53]However, the latest technologies inFormula One engineshave seen a boost in thermal efficiency past 50%.[54] There are many inventions aimed at increasing the efficiency of IC engines. In general, practical engines are always compromised by trade-offs between different properties such as efficiency, weight, power, heat, response, exhaust emissions, or noise. Sometimes economy also plays a role in not only the cost of manufacturing the engine itself, but also manufacturing and distributing the fuel. Increasing the engine's efficiency brings better fuel economy but only if the fuel cost per energy content is the same.

Measures of fuel efficiency and propellant efficiency


For stationary and shaft engines including propeller engines, fuel consumption is measured by calculating thebrake specific fuel consumption,which measures the mass flow rate of fuel consumption divided by the power produced.

For internal combustion engines in the form of jet engines, the power output varies drastically with airspeed and a less variable measure is used:thrust specific fuel consumption(TSFC), which is the mass of propellant needed to generateimpulsesthat is measured in either pound force-hour or the grams of propellant needed to generate an impulse that measures one kilonewton-second.

For rockets, TSFC can be used, but typically other equivalent measures are traditionally used, such asspecific impulseandeffective exhaust velocity.

Air and noise pollution


Air pollution


Internal combustion engines such as reciprocating internal combustion engines produceair pollutionemissions, due to incomplete combustion ofcarbonaceousfuel. The main derivatives of the process arecarbon dioxideCO
,water and somesoot—also calledparticulate matter(PM).[55]The effects of inhaling particulate matter have been studied in humans and animals and include asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues, and premature death.[56]There are, however, some additional products of the combustion process that includenitrogen oxidesandsulfurand some uncombusted hydrocarbons, depending on the operating conditions and the fuel-air ratio.

Carbon dioxide emissions from internal combustion engines (particularly ones usingfossil fuelssuch as gasoline and diesel) contribute to human-inducedclimate change.Increasing the engine'sfuel efficiencycan reduce, but not eliminate, the amount ofCO
emissions as carbon-based fuel combustion producesCO
.Since removingCO
from engine exhaust is impractical, there is increasing interest in alternatives. Sustainable fuels such asbiofuels,synfuels,andelectric motorspowered by batteries are examples.

Not all of the fuel is completely consumed by the combustion process. A small amount of fuel is present after combustion, and some of it reacts to form oxygenates, such asformaldehydeoracetaldehyde,or hydrocarbons not originally present in the input fuel mixture. Incomplete combustion usually results from insufficientoxygento achieve the perfectstoichiometricratio. The flame is "quenched" by the relatively cool cylinder walls, leaving behind unreacted fuel that is expelled with the exhaust. When running at lower speeds, quenching is commonly observed in diesel (compression ignition) engines that run on natural gas. Quenching reduces efficiency and increases knocking, sometimes causing the engine to stall. Incomplete combustion also leads to the production ofcarbon monoxide(CO). Further chemicals released arebenzeneand1,3-butadienethat are alsohazardous air pollutants.

Increasing the amount of air in the engine reduces emissions of incomplete combustion products, but also promotes reaction between oxygen andnitrogenin the air to producenitrogen oxides(NOx).NOxis hazardous to both plant and animal health, and leads to the production ofozone(O
). Ozone is not emitted directly; rather, it is a secondary air pollutant, produced in the atmosphere by the reaction ofNOxandvolatile organic compoundsin the presence of sunlight. Ground-level ozone is harmful to human health and the environment. Though the same chemical substance, ground-level ozone should not be confused withstratospheric ozone,or theozone layer,which protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Carbon fuels containing sulfur producesulfur monoxides(SO) andsulfur dioxide(SO
) contributing toacid rain.

In the United States, nitrogen oxides,PM,carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, are regulated ascriteria air pollutantsunder theClean Air Actto levels where human health and welfare are protected. Other pollutants, such as benzene and 1,3-butadiene, are regulated ashazardous air pollutantswhose emissions must be lowered as much as possible depending on technological and practical considerations.

NOx,carbon monoxide and other pollutants are frequently controlled viaexhaust gas recirculationwhich returns some of the exhaust back into the engine intake.Catalytic convertersare used to convert exhaust chemicals toCO
(agreenhouse gas),H
(water vapour, also a greenhouse gas) andN

Non-road engines


The emission standards used by many countries have special requirements fornon-road engineswhich are used by equipment and vehicles that are not operated on the public roadways. The standards are separated from the road vehicles.[57]

Noise pollution


Significant contributions tonoise pollutionare made by internal combustion engines. Automobile and truck traffic operating on highways and street systems produce noise, as do aircraft flights due to jet noise, particularly supersonic-capable aircraft. Rocket engines create the most intense noise.



Internal combustion engines continue to consume fuel and emit pollutants while idling. Idling is reduced bystop-start systems.

Carbon dioxide formation


A good way to estimate the mass of carbon dioxide that is released when one litre of diesel fuel (or gasoline) is combusted can be found as follows:[58]

As a good approximation the chemical formula of diesel isC
.In reality diesel is a mixture of different molecules. As carbon has a molar mass of 12 g/mol and hydrogen (atomic) has a molar mass of about 1 g/mol, the fraction by weight of carbon in diesel is roughly1214.

The reaction of diesel combustion is given by:

+ 3nO
⇌ 2nCO
+ 2nH

Carbon dioxide has a molar mass of 44 g/mol as it consists of 2 atoms of oxygen (16 g/mol) and 1 atom of carbon (12 g/mol). So 12 g of carbon yields 44 g of carbon dioxide.

Diesel has a density of 0.838 kg per litre.

Putting everything together the mass of carbon dioxide that is produced by burning 1 litre of diesel can be calculated as:

The figure obtained with this estimation is close to the values found in the literature.

For gasoline, with a density of 0.75 kg/L and a ratio of carbon to hydrogen atoms of about 6 to 14, the estimated value of carbon dioxide emission from burning 1 litre of gasoline is:

Parasitic loss


The termparasitic lossis often applied to devices that take energy from the engine in order to enhance the engine's ability to create more energy or convert energy to motion. In the internal combustion engine, almost every mechanical component, including thedrivetrain,causes parasitic loss and could thus be characterized as a parasitic load.



Bearings,oil pumps,piston rings,valve springs,flywheels,transmissions,driveshafts,anddifferentialsall act as parasitic loads that rob the system of power. These parasitic loads can be divided into two categories: those inherent to the working of the engine and those drivetrain losses incurred in the systems that transfer power from the engine to the road (such as the transmission, driveshaft, differentials and axles).

For example, the former category (engine parasitic loads) includes the oil pump used to lubricate the engine, which is a necessary parasite that consumes power from the engine (its host). Another example of an engine parasitic load is asupercharger,which derives its power from the engine and creates more power for the engine. The power that the supercharger consumes is parasitic loss and is usually expressed inkilowattorhorsepower.While the power that the supercharger consumes in comparison to what it generates is small, it is still measurable or calculable. One of the desirable features of aturbochargerover a supercharger is the lower parasitic loss of the former.[59]

Drivetrain parasitic losses include both steady state and dynamic loads. Steady state loads occur at constant speeds and may originate in discrete components such as thetorque converter,the transmissionoil pump,and/orclutchdrag, and in seal/bearing drag, churning of lubricant and gearwindage/frictionfound throughout the system. Dynamic loads occur under acceleration and are caused byinertiaof rotating components and/or increased friction.[60]



While rules of thumb such as a 15% power loss from drivetrain parasitic loads have been commonly repeated, the actual loss of energy due to parasitic loads varies between systems. It can be influenced by powertrain design, lubricant type and temperature and many other factors.[60][61]In automobiles, drivetrain loss can be quantified by measuring the difference between power measured by anengine dynamometerand achassis dynamometer.However, this method is primarily useful for measuring steady state loads and may not accurately reflect losses due to dynamic loads.[60]More advanced methods can be used in a laboratory setting, such as measuring in-cylinder pressure measurements, flow rate and temperature at certain points, and testing of individual parts or sub-assemblies to determine friction and pumping losses.[62]

For example, in a dynamometer test byHot Rodmagazine,aFord Mustangequipped with a modified 357cismall-block Ford V8engine and an automatic transmission had a measured drivetrain power loss averaging 33%. In the same test, aBuickequipped with a modified 455ci V8 engine and a 4-speed manual transmission was measured to have an average drivetrain power loss of 21%.[63]

Laboratory testing of a heavy-duty diesel engine determined that 1.3% of the fuel energy input was lost to parasitic loads of engine accessories such as water and oil pumps.[62]



Automotive engineers and tuners commonly make design choices that reduce parasitic loads in order to improve efficiency and power output. These may involve the choice of major engine components or systems, such as the use ofdry sumplubrication system over awet sumpsystem. Alternately, this can be effected through substitution of minor components available as aftermarket modifications, such as exchanging a directly engine-driven fan for one equipped with afan clutchor an electric fan.[63]Another modification to reduce parasitic loss, usually seen in track-only cars, is the replacement of an engine-driven water pump for an electrical water pump.[64]The reduction in parasitic loss from these changes may be due to reduced friction or many other variables that cause the design to be more efficient.[citation needed]

See also



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Further reading

  • Singer, Charles Joseph; Raper, Richard (1978). Charles, Singer; et al. (eds.).A History of Technology: The Internal Combustion Engine.Clarendon Press. pp. 157–176.ISBN978-0-19-858155-0.
  • Setright, LJK (1975).Some unusual engines.London: The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.ISBN978-0-85298-208-2.
  • Suzuki, Takashi (1997).The Romance of Engines.US: Society of Automotive Engineers.ISBN978-1-56091-911-7.
  • Hardenberg, Horst O. (1999).The Middle Ages of the Internal Combustion Engine.US: Society of Automotive Engineers.
  • Gunston, Bill (1999).Development of Piston Aero Engines.PSL.ISBN978-1-85260-619-0.