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Iraq Levies

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Assyrian Levies
Three members of the RAF Levies arrive at Liverpool aboard SS Orbita in 1946
Three members of the RAF Levies arrive at Liverpool aboardSSOrbitain 1946.
AllegianceUnited Kingdom
BranchBritish Army
Royal Air Force
TypeAir force
Size40,000 Assyrians[1]
Nickname(s)Assyrian Levies
EngagementsMahmud Barzanji revolts
Kirkuk Massacre of 1924
World War II
Anglo-Iraqi War
Ahmed Barzani revolt[2]
Simko Shikak revolt (1918–1922)[2]
Simko Shikak revolt (1926)[2]
Dawid Mar Shimun
Agha Petros
Malik Khoshaba
Malik Yaqo
Zaia Giwargis

TheIraq Levies(also known as theAssyrian Levies) were the first Iraqi military force established by the British in British controlledIraq.[3]The Iraq Levies originated in a local armed scout force raised during theFirst World War.After Iraq became aBritish Mandate,the force was composed mostly ofAssyrians,KurdsandIraqi Turkmenwho lived in the north of the country, while the nascentIraqi Armywas recruited first from the Arabs who had joined the Iraqi Levies and later from the general Arab population (Beth-Kamala). Eventually the Levies enlisted mainly Assyrian soldiers with British officers. The unit initially defended the northern frontiers of the Province of Mosul when Turkey claimed the province and massed its army across the frontiers. After 1928 the prime role of the Levies was to guard theRoyal Air Forcebases located in Iraq.[4]

The Levies distinguished themselves in May 1941 during theAnglo-Iraqi Warand were also used in other theatres of theSecond World Warafter 1942. The force thereafter grew and survived until it was disbanded when control ofRAF HabbaniyaandRAF Shaibahwas handed to Iraq in 1957.[5]



The Iraq Levies traced their history to the Arab Scouts organized in 1915 by Major J. I. Eadie, of theBritish Indian Armywho served as aSpecial Service Officerin theMuntafiq DivisioninMesopotamia.He recruited forty mounted Arabs from the tribes aroundNasiriyeh,for duty under the Intelligence Department as bodyguard forpolitical officersin southern and central Iraq. By 1918 the Arab Scouts increased to 5,467Arabs,Kurds,Turkoman,Marsh ArabandAssyrianmilitia.[4][6]

At its height, an estimated 40,000 Assyrians served in the Levies.[7]



In 1919 the force changed names twice, first to the Militia and then in July to the Iraq Levies when Iraq became a British Mandate. On 12 August 1919, the force became known as the "Arab and Kurdish Levies."[4]Also in 1919 the Iraq Levies were split into a strike force of 3,075 men, based in Baquba, and district Police force of 1,786 men.[6]On 1 August 1919, the Levy and Gendarmerie Orders were published in which the control of the Levies, and the duties of the Inspecting Officer of the Levies, who were limited to inspection and administration, were defined. This put the Levies under the control of three different people: the Inspecting Officer, the Political Officer of the Area, and the Local Administrative Commandant. The budget was dealt with by the Inspecting Officer, except in the Northern Iraqi Provinces ofKirkuk,SulaimaniandMosul Liwas,where Political Officers dealt with it.[4]Later the Levies came under their own OC Iraq Levies.

The Levies consisted of a Headquarters (first located inBaquba,thenHinaidi,and then inHabbaniya), a Hospital (also in Habbaniya), and numerous numbered field companies. Some of the field companies were later organized into battalions for mobile operations.



At the 1921Cairo Conferencethe mission of the Levies was defined "...to relieve the British andIndianTroops in Iraq, take over outposts inMosulVilayat(province) and in Kurdistan, previously held by the Imperial Garrison, and generally to fill the gap until such time as the Iraq National Army is trained to undertake these duties. "[6][8]

Up to 1921 the Levies had consisted primarily ofArabs,Kurds,TurkmensandShabaks,while theAssyrianshad fought independently alongside theArmeniansand Allied Forces in anAssyrian war of independenceduring World War I. Now that an Iraqi Army was to be formed, the Arabs and other Muslim peoples were required to join it rather than to go to the Levies. It was decided to enlist ethnicAssyriansin the Levies.

TheAssyrianswere prized for their discipline, loyalty, bravery and fighting skills by the British, and wereEastern AramaicspeakingAssyrian Church of the East,Syriac OrthodoxorChaldean CatholicChristians, a Semiticethnic and religious minorityin a generally Arab/Kurdish Muslim population.[9]In July 1922 Orders were issued in which no more Arabs were to be enlisted as they were required to join the newIraqi Army,and those serving could not re-engage. A 1922 treaty between Great Britain and Iraq allowed for the continued existence of the Levies as "local forces of the Imperial garrison" and specified that its members were "members of the British Forces who are inhabitants of Iraq".[6]

By 1923 the ethnic composition of the Iraq Levies was 50% Assyrian, with a large minority of Kurds, plus an attached battalion ofMarsh Arabsand a fewArmenians,MandeansandTurcomans.

In July 1928 the Levies were transferred from theColonial Officeto theAir Ministryand its headquarters was transferred toHinaidi.

By 1928 the Levies had become entirely Assyrian. The Marsh Arab battalion became the 7th Battalion of the Iraqi Army. The force then expanded rapidly and became known as "Shabanas", aTurkishword meaning a semi-militarygendarmerie.Its primary duty was now to protectRoyal Air Forcebases in Iraq.

As the Assyrian force became more disciplined they rendered excellent service; during the Arab rebellion of the 1920s they displayed, under conditions of the greatest trial, steadfast loyalty to their British officers.[3]

In 1920 the Assyrians had given proof of their discipline and fighting qualities when the Assyrian camps at Mindan and Baquba were attacked by Arab forces, the Assyrians defeating and driving off the Arabs.[3]



In 1931 Levies and Iraqi army units were patrolling Barzan district. Government troops implied government control, which Shaykh Ahmad still wanted to avoid.[10]

On 1 June 1932 the Levies presented a signed memorial to their commanding officer stating that "all the men had decided to cease serving as from 1st July." The reason was Britain had "failed adequately to ensure the future of the Assyrian nation after the termination of their mandate over Iraq."[11]

Following abortive negotiations through Assyrian officers, British troops were brought in from Egypt to take over the guard and garrison duties of the Levies. Assyrian civilian and religious leaders issued a statement urging all ranks of the Levies to continue in "loyal and obedient service" until a national petition to theLeague of Nationscould be responded to. The effect of this intervention was to calm concern amongst the majority of Levies, who resumed their former duties. Two hundred and fifty men were however discharged from service.[11]


TwoYazidirecruits, 1942, byCecil Beaton.
New recruits, still wearing their own clothes, are drilled at Habbaniya during the Second World War.

In 1940–41 theBattle of Habbaniyatook place. During theRashid Alirebellion in 1941the base was besieged by theIraqi Armyencamped on the overlooking plateau. The siege was lifted by the units based at Habbaniya, including pilots from the training school, a battalion of theKing's Own Royal Regimentflown in at the last moment,No. 1 Armoured Car Company RAF,and the RAF's Iraq Levies. The subsequent arrival of a relief column (Kingcol), part ofHabforcesent fromPalestine,then a British mandate, combined with the Habbaniya units to force the rebel forces to retreat to Baghdad. The Levies then recruited an additional 11,000 men, mostly Assyrians, but also some Kurds andYezidi.

"They had dug trenches and were determined on destroying the Assyrians and taking their properties and possessions. Assyrians painfully rememberedthe massacreof 1933 inSimeleand the surrounding villages and pledged 'Never Again!' They remembered the raping and pillaging of defenseless Assyrian villagers. "[12]

By 1942, the Iraq Levies consisted of a Headquarters, a Depot, Specialist Assyrian companies, 40 service companies and the 1st Parachute Company, which consisted of 75% Assyrian and 25% Kurd. The new Iraq Levies Disciplinary Code was based largely on the Indian Army Act.

By 1943 the Iraq Levies strength stood at 166 British officers controlling 44 companies; 22 Assyrian, five Mixed Assyrian/Yizidi,ten Kurdish, and fourMarsh Arabs.Eleven Assyrian companies served inPalestineand another four served inCyprus.The Parachute Company was attached to theRoyal Marine Commandoand were active inAlbania,ItalyandGreece.In 1943/1944 the Iraq Levies were renamed the Royal Air Force Levies.

In 1945, after the Second World War, the Levies were reduced to 60 British officers and 1,900 other ranks. TheRAF Regimenttook over command of the Levies and Army personnel were gradually replaced by RAF personnel. During October 1946 the Levies battalions were redesignated as wings and squadrons to conform to the RAF Regiment procedure. In December the Kurdish Squadrons in Cyprus and thePersian Gulfwere returned toIran.



The RAF Levies continued its escort and guard duties into 1954; when it consisted of 1,200 Assyrians, 400 Kurds, and 400 Arabs. The RAF Levies were disbanded on 2 May 1955, andKing Faisalwas present along with members of the government, asRAF HabbaniyaandRAF Shaibahwere handed back to the Iraqi Government, although the RAF remained at Habbaniya until May 1959.[13]Of 515 Assyrians, 195 volunteered for service in theIraqi Army.At 0800 hours on 3 May 1955, the Levy'squarter guardswere relieved by guards from the Iraqi Army. A minor and passing event but it did signify the end of an era as now the Levies had ceased to exist.[13]

The British offered financial compensation, vocational training, and resettlement in civilian life to members of the RAF Levies. Those members with 15 or more years of service were pensioned off. Those with less than 15 years were given a gratuity of one month pay for each year of service. Also, the Levies received full pay up to and including 2 May. Those who were to be discharged on that day received pay and a ration allowance for 28 days terminal leave; plus a civilian clothing allowance and a free railway pass to their homes. Those Levies receiving vocational training had their current rates of pay and allowances continue until the end of their training.[13]

Levy ranks and uniforms


Levy officer ranks were derived from ancient Assyrian military ranks:

  • Rab Khaila: force leader
  • Rab Tremma: leader of 200
  • Rab Emma: leader of 100
  • Rab Khamshi: leader of 50

Throughout most of their history the Levies wore standard British tropical service andbattle dressuniforms, though with RAF rank insignia after 1943. The most distinctive feature was aslouch hatwith brim turned back in the Australian style, worn with a white plume for parade.

Medals awarded to the Levies


Cross of Saint George


TheRussian Empirerecommended and awarded theCross of Saint Georgeto eight Assyrian members in 1917 duringWorld War I.

Order of the British Empire


A total of tenOrders of the British Empirewere awarded to officers of the Iraq Levies.

FiveOBEswere awarded to:

FiveMBEswere awarded to:

Military Cross


TheMilitary Crosswas awarded to the following personnel;

Military Medal


TheMilitary Medalwas awarded to the following personnel;

Mentioned in Dispatches


Six members of the Iraq Levies wereMentioned in Dispatches

The King has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition of distinguished services in the Middle East:-

"... Lincoln Regiment - Capt. H. J. C. Thomas, MBE (64588), attached Iraq Levies..."

(London Gazette,23 December 1941)

Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct


Over 300Medals for Long Service and Good Conductawarded for over fifteen years service in the Assyrian Levies.

King George Medal with Clasp


Dozens ofKing George Medalswith Clasp were awarded in 1922 for operations inRawanduzin Northern Iraq.

General Service Medal with Iraq Clasp


TheGeneral Service Medalfor Iraq was established in 1924 and was awarded to the Levies byKing Faisal Ifor operations in Iraq between 1924 and 1936.

World War Two Medals


Three different World War Two Medals were awarded to members of the Iraq Levies.

  • TheWar Medal 1939–1945- Awarded to Levies after 28 days of service in World War II.
  • The1939-1945 Star- Awarded to Levies after six months service in World War II.
  • TheItaly Star- Awarded to parachute company personnel that served in Albania, Italy and/or Greece.

See also


For similar units see:


  1. ^40,000 Assyrians fought in the Levies
  2. ^abc"آغا بطرس: سنحاريب القرن العشرين"(PDF).نينوس نيراري.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 12 August 2018.
  3. ^abcStafford, R. S. (2006) [1935].The Tragedy of the Assyrians.Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press. p. 59.ISBN978-1-59333-413-0.
  4. ^abcdBrowne, J. Gilbert (1932).The Iraqi Levies 1915–1932.London: Royal United Service Institution.Retrieved16 November2016.
  5. ^Nisan, Mordechai (1991).Minorities in the Middle East: a history of struggle and self-expression.Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.ISBN978-0-89950-564-0.
  6. ^abcd"Chronological History of the Iraq Levies".Assyrian Levies.Archived fromthe originalon 24 April 2009.
  7. ^40,000 Assyrians fought in the Levies
  8. ^Pollack, Kenneth Michael (2002).Arabs at War: Military effectiveness, 1948–1991.Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.ISBN978-0-80323-7-339.
  9. ^Deighton, Len(1993).Blood, Tears and Folly: An objective look at World War II.New York, New York: HarperCollins.ISBN978-0-06017-000-4.
  10. ^MacDowall, David (2004) [1994].A Modern History of the Kurds(3rd rev. and updated ed.). London, UK: I.B. Tauris. p. 178.ISBN978-1-85043-4-160.
  11. ^abStavridis, Stavros T. (8 March 2004)."Britain, Iraq and the Assyrians: The Nine Demands".Zinda.X(2).
  12. ^"The biography of brave Assyrians in Habbanyia".Nineveh On Line.
  13. ^abcSolomon, Solomon (Sawa) (1996).The Assyrian Levies.ATOUR Publications. Archived fromthe originalon 22 July 2011.Retrieved17 August2012.