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Isaiah Berlin

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Isaiah Berlin
Berlin in 1983
Born(1909-06-06)6 June 1909
Died5 November 1997(1997-11-05)(aged 88)
Oxford,England, United Kingdom
Alma materCorpus Christi College, Oxford
Aline de Gunzbourg
Era20th-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
Doctoral students
Other notable students
Main interests
Notable ideas

Sir Isaiah BerlinOMCBEFBA(24 May/6 June 1909[4]– 5 November 1997) was a Russian-British social and political theorist,philosopher,andhistorian of ideas.[5]Although he became increasingly averse to writing for publication, his improvised lectures and talks were sometimes recorded and transcribed, and many of his spoken words were converted into published essays and books, both by himself and by others, especially by his principal editor from 1974,Henry Hardy.

Born inRiga(now the capital ofLatvia,then a part of theRussian Empire) in 1909, he moved toPetrograd,Russia, at the age of six, where he witnessed the revolutions of 1917. In 1921, his family moved to the UK, and he was educated atSt Paul's School, London,andCorpus Christi College, Oxford.[6]In 1932, at the age of twenty-three, Berlin was elected to a prize fellowship atAll Souls College, Oxford.In addition to his own output, he translated works byIvan Turgenevfrom Russian into English, and during World War II, worked for theBritish Diplomatic Service.From 1957 to 1967, he wasChichele Professor of Social and Political Theoryat the University of Oxford. He was president of theAristotelian Societyfrom 1963 to 1964. In 1966, he played a role in creatingWolfson College, Oxford,and became its founding President. Berlin was appointed aCBEin 1946,knightedin 1957, and appointed to theOrder of Meritin 1971. He was President of theBritish Academyfrom 1974 to 1978. He also received the 1979Jerusalem Prizefor his lifelong defence of civil liberties, and on 25 November 1994, he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at theUniversity of Toronto,for which occasion he prepared a "short credo" (as he called it in a letter to a friend), now known as "A Message to the Twenty-First Century", to be read on his behalf at the ceremony.[7]

An annual Isaiah Berlin Lecture is held at the Hampstead Synagogue, atWolfson College, Oxford,at the British Academy, and in Riga. Berlin's work onliberal theoryand onvalue pluralism,as well as his opposition toMarxismandcommunism,has had a lasting influence.

Early life

Plaque marking what was once Berlin's childhood home (designed byMikhail Eisenstein) in Riga, engraved in Latvian, English, and Hebrew with the tribute "The British philosopher Sir Isaiah Berlin lived in this house 1909–1915"
TheAngliyskaya EmbankmentinSaint Petersburg,where Berlin lived as a child during the Russian Revolutions

Berlin was born on 6 June 1909 into a wealthyJewishfamily, the only son of Mendel Berlin, a timber trader (and a direct descendant ofShneur Zalman,founder ofChabad Hasidism), and his wife Marie (néeVolshonok).[8][9]His family owned a timber company, one of the largest in the Baltics,[10]as well as forests in Russia,[9]from where the timber was floated down theDaugava riverto its sawmills in Riga. As his father, who was the head of the Riga Association of Timber Merchants,[10]worked for the company in its dealings with Western companies, he was fluent not only in Yiddish, Russian, and German, but also in French and English. His Russian-speaking mother, Marie (Musya) Volshonok,[11]was also fluent in Yiddish andLatvian.[12]Isaiah Berlin spent his first six years in Riga and later lived inAndreapol(a small timber town nearPskov,effectively owned by the family business)[13]andPetrograd(now St Petersburg). In Petrograd, the family lived first onVasilevsky Islandand then on Angliiskii Prospekt on the mainland. On Angliiskii Prospekt, they shared their building with other tenants, including Rimsky-Korsakov's daughter, an assistant Minister of Finnish affairs, and Princess Emeretinsky. With the onset of the October Revolution of 1917, the fortunes of the building's tenants were rapidly reversed, with both the Princess Emeretinsky and Rimsky-Korsakov's daughter soon being made to stoke the building's stoves and sweep the yards.[14]Berlin witnessed theFebruaryandOctober Revolutionsboth from his apartment windows and from walks in the city with his governess, where he recalled the crowds of protesters marching on theWinter Palace Square.[15]

One particular childhood memory of the February Revolution marked his lifelong opposition to violence, with Berlin saying:

Well I was seven and a half and something, and then I was – did I tell you the terrible sight of the policeman being dragged – not policeman, a sharp shooter from the rooftop – being dragged away by a lynching bee […] In the early parts of the revolution, the only people who remained loyal to the Tsar was the police, the Pharaon, I've never seen [the term] Pharaon in the histories of the Russian Revolution. They existed, and they did sniping from the rooftops or attics. I saw a man like that, a Pharaon […]. That's not in the books, but it is true. And they sniped at the revolutionaries from roofs or attics and things. And this man was dragged down, obviously, by a crowd, and was being obviously taken to a not very agreeable fate, and I saw this man struggling in the middle of a crowd of about twenty […] [T]hat gave me a permanent horror of violence which has remained with me for the rest of my life.[16]

English Heritageblue plaqueat 33 Upper Addison Gardens, Holland Park, London

Feeling increasingly oppressed by life underBolshevikrule, which identified the family as bourgeoisie, the family left Petrograd, on 5 October 1920, for Riga, but encounters with anti-Semitism and difficulties with the Latvian authorities convinced them to leave, and they moved to Britain in early 1921 (Mendel in January, Isaiah and Marie at the beginning of February), when Berlin was eleven.[17]In London, the family first stayed inSurbitonwhere he was sent to Arundel House for preparatory school, then within the year they bought a house inKensingtonand six years later inHampstead.

Berlin's native language was Russian, and his English was virtually nonexistent at first, but he reached proficiency in English within a year at around the age of 12.[18]In addition to Russian and English, Berlin was fluent in French, German, and Italian, and he knew Hebrew, Latin, and Ancient Greek. Despite his fluency in English, however, in later life Berlin's Oxford English accent would sound increasingly Russian in its vowel sounds.[19]Whenever he was described as an English philosopher, Berlin always insisted that he was not an English philosopher, but would forever be a Russian Jew: "I am a Russian Jew from Riga, and all my years in England cannot change this. I love England, I have been well treated here, and I cherish many things about English life, but I am a Russian Jew; that is how I was born and that is who I will be to the end of my life."[20][21]



Berlin was educated atSt Paul's Schoolin London. According to Michael Bonavia, a British author (and son ofFerruccio Bonavia) who was at school with him, he

made astonishing feats in the school's Junior Debating Society and the School Union Society. The rapid, even flow of his ideas, the succession of confident references to authors whom most of his contemporaries had never heard, left them mildly stupefied. Yet there was no backlash, no resentment at these breathless marathons, because Berlin's essential modesty and good manners eliminated jealousy and disarmed hostility.[22]

After leaving St Paul's, Berlin applied toBalliol College, Oxford,but was denied admission after a chaotic interview. Berlin decided to apply again, only to a different college:Corpus Christi College, Oxford.Berlin was admitted and commenced hisliterae humanioresdegree.He graduated in 1928, taking first-class honours in his final examinations and winning the John Locke Prize for his performance in the philosophy papers, in which he outscoredA. J. Ayer.[23]He subsequently took another degree at Oxford inphilosophy, politics and economics,again taking first-class honours after less than a year on the course. He was appointed a tutor in philosophy atNew College, Oxford,[citation needed]and soon afterwards was elected to a prize fellowship atAll Souls College, Oxford,the first unconverted Jew to achieve this fellowship at All Souls.[24]

While still a student, he befriended Ayer (with whom he was to share a lifelong amicable rivalry),Stuart Hampshire,Richard Wollheim,Maurice Bowra,Roy Beddington,Stephen Spender,Inez Pearn,J. L. AustinandNicolas Nabokov.In 1940, he presented a philosophical paper on other minds to a meeting attended byLudwig Wittgensteinat Cambridge University. Wittgenstein rejected the argument of his paper in discussion but praised Berlin for his intellectual honesty and integrity. Berlin was to remain at Oxford for the rest of his life, apart from a period working forBritish Information Services(BIS) in New York from 1940 to 1942 and for the British embassies in Washington, DC, and Moscow from then until 1946. Before crossing the Atlantic in 1940, Berlin took rest in Portugal for a few days. He stayed inEstoril,at the Hotel Palácio, between 19 and 24 October 1940.[25]Prior to this service, however, Berlin was barred from participation in the British war effort as a result of his being born in Latvia,[26]and because his left arm had been damaged at birth. In April 1943 he wrote a confidential analysis of members of theSenate Foreign Relations Committeefor theForeign Office;he described SenatorArthur Capperfrom Kansas asa solid, stolid, 78-year-old reactionary from the corn belt, who is the very voice of Mid-Western "grass root" isolationism.[27] For his services, he was appointed a CBE in the1946 New Year Honours.[28]Meetings withAnna Akhmatovain Leningrad in November 1945 and January 1946 had a powerful effect on both of them, and serious repercussions for Akhmatova (who immortalised the meetings in her poetry).[29]

Personal life


In 1956 Berlin married Aline Elisabeth Yvonne Halban,néede Gunzbourg (1915–2014), the former wife of nuclear physicistHans Halban,and a former winner of the ladies' golf championship of France.[30]She was from an exiled half Russian-aristocratic and half ennobled-Jewish banking and petroleum family (her mother was Yvonne Deutsch de la Meurthe and her grandfather was Emile Deutsch de la Meurthe, brother ofHenri Deutsch de la Meurthe) based in Paris.

The Berlin Quadrangle,Wolfson College

He was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciencesin 1959,[31]and a member of theAmerican Philosophical Societyin 1975.[32]He was instrumental in the founding, in 1966, of a new graduate college at Oxford University:Wolfson College.The college was founded to be a centre of academic excellence which, unlike many other colleges at Oxford, would also be based on a strong egalitarian and democratic ethos.[33]Berlin was a member of the Founding Council of theRothermere American InstituteatOxford University.[34]As later revealed, when he was asked to evaluate the academic credentials ofIsaac Deutscher,Isaiah Berlin argued against a promotion, because of the profoundly pro-communist militancy of the candidate.[35]

Berlin died in Oxford on 5 November 1997, aged 88.[5]He is buried there inWolvercote Cemetery.On his death, the obituarist ofThe Independentwrote: "he was a man of formidable intellectual power with a rare gift for understanding a wide range of human motives, hopes and fears, and a prodigiously energetic capacity for enjoyment – of life, of people in all their variety, of their ideas and idiosyncrasies, of literature, of music, of art".[36]The same publication reported: "Isaiah Berlin was often described, especially in his old age, by means of superlatives: the world's greatest talker, the century's most inspired reader, one of the finest minds of our time. There is no doubt that he showed in more than one direction the unexpectedly large possibilities open to us at the top end of the range of human potential."[36]The front page ofThe New York Timesconcluded: "His was an exuberant life crowded with joys – the joy of thought, the joy of music, the joy of good friends.... The theme that runs throughout his work is his concern with liberty and the dignity of human beings.... Sir Isaiah radiated well-being."[37]

Isaiah Berlin’s nephew isEfraim Halevy(Hebrew:אפרים הלוי),Israeliintelligenceexpert and diplomat, advisor toAriel Sharon,9th director of theMossadand the 3rd head of theIsraeli National Security Council.



Though like Our Lord and Socrates he does not publish much, he thinks and says a great deal and has had an enormous influence on our times

Maurice Bowraon Isaiah Berlin's publishing record.[38]

Lecturing and composition


Berlin did not enjoy writing, and his published work (including both his essays and books) was produced through dictation to a tape-recorder, or by the transcription of his improvised lectures and talks from recorded tapes. The work of transcribing his spoken word often placed a strain on his secretaries.[39]This reliance on dictation extended to his letters, which were recorded on aGrundigtape recorder. He would often dictate these letters while simultaneously conversing with friends, and his secretary would then transcribe them. At times, the secretary would inadvertently include the author's jokes and laughter in the transcribed text.[39]The product of this unique methodology was a writing style that mimicked his spoken discourse—animated, quick, and constantly jumping from one idea to another. His everyday conversation was literally mirrored in his works, complete with intricate grammar and punctuation.[39]

"Two Concepts of Liberty"


Berlin is known for his inaugural lecture, "Two Concepts of Liberty," delivered in 1958 as Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford.[40][41]The lecture, later published as an essay, reintroduced the study of political philosophy to the methods ofanalytic philosophy.Berlin defined 'negative liberty' as absence of coercion or interference in private actions by an external political body, which Berlin derived from the Hobbesian definition of liberty. 'Positive liberty' Berlin maintained, could be thought of as self-mastery, which asks not what we are free from, but what we are free to do. Berlin contended that modern political thinkers often conflated positive liberty with rational action, based upon a rational knowledge to which, it is argued, only a certain elite or social group has access. This rationalist conflation was open to political abuses, which encroached on negative liberty, when such interpretations of positive liberty were, in the nineteenth century, used to defend nationalism, paternalism, social engineering, historicism, and collective rational control over human destiny.[42]



Berlin's lectures onthe Enlightenmentand its critics (especiallyGiambattista Vico,Johann Gottfried Herder,Joseph de MaistreandJohann Georg Hamann,to whose views Berlin referred asthe Counter-Enlightenment) contributed to his advocacy of an irreducibly pluralist ethicalontology.[1]InThree Critics of the Enlightenment,Berlin argues that Hamann was one of the first thinkers to conceive of human cognition as language – the articulation and use of symbols. Berlin saw Hamann as having recognised as the rationalist'sCartesianfallacy the notion that there are "clear and distinct" ideas "which can be contemplated by a kind of inner eye", without the use of language – a recognition greatly sharpened in the 20th century by Wittgenstein'sprivate language argument.[43]

Value pluralism


For Berlin, values are creations of mankind, rather than products of nature waiting to be discovered. He argued, on the basis of the epistemic and empathetic access we have to other cultures across history, that the nature of mankind is such that certain values – the importance of individual liberty, for instance – will hold true across cultures, and this is what he meant by objective pluralism. Berlin's argument was partly grounded inWittgenstein's later theory of language, which argued that inter-translatability wassupervenienton a similarity in forms of life, with the inverse implication that our epistemic access to other cultures entails an ontologically contiguous value-structure. With his account of value pluralism, he proposed the view that moral values may be equally, or rather incommensurably, valid and yet incompatible, and may, therefore, come into conflict with one another in a way that admits of no resolution without reference to particular contexts of a decision. When values clash, it may not be that one is more important than the other: keeping a promise may conflict with the pursuit of truth; liberty may clash withsocial justice.Moral conflicts are "an intrinsic, irremovable element in human life". "These collisions of values are of the essence of what they are and what we are."[44]For Berlin, this clashing of incommensurate values within, no less than between, individuals, constitutes the tragedy of human life.Alan Brownsuggests, however, that Berlin ignores the fact that values are commensurable in the extent to which they contribute to the human good.[45]

"The Hedgehog and the Fox"


"The Hedgehog and the Fox", a title referring to a fragment of the ancient Greek poetArchilochus,was one of Berlin's most popular essays with the general public, reprinted in numerous editions. Of the classification that gives the essay its title, Berlin once said "I never meant it very seriously. I meant it as a kind of enjoyable intellectual game, but it was taken seriously."[46]

Berlin expands upon this idea to divide writers and thinkers into two categories: hedgehogs, who view the world through the lens of a single defining idea (examples given includePlato), and foxes, who draw on a wide variety of experiences and for whom the world cannot be boiled down to a single idea (examples given includeAristotle).[47]

Positive liberty


Berlin promoted the notion of "positive liberty"in the sense of an intrinsic link between positive freedom and participatory, Athenian-style, democracy.[48]There is a contrast with "negative liberty." Liberals in the English-speaking tradition call for negative liberty, meaning a realm of private autonomy from which the state is legally excluded. In contrast French liberals ever since theFrench Revolutionmore often promote "positive liberty" – that is, liberty insofar as it is tethered to collectively defined ends. They praise the state as an essential tool to emancipate the people.[49][50]

Other work


Berlin's lecture "Historical Inevitability" (1954) focused on a controversy in thephilosophy of history.Given the choice, whether one believes that "the lives of entire peoples and societies have been decisively influenced by exceptional individuals" or, conversely, that whatever happens occurs as a result of impersonal forces oblivious to human intentions, Berlin rejected both options and the choice itself as nonsensical. Berlin is also well known for his writings on Russian intellectual history, most of which are collected inRussian Thinkers(1978; 2nd ed. 2008) and edited, as most of Berlin's work, byHenry Hardy(in the case of this volume, jointly with Aileen Kelly). Berlin also contributed a number of essays on leading intellectuals and political figures of his time, includingWinston Churchill,Franklin Delano Roosevelt,andChaim Weizmann.Eighteen of these character sketches were published together as "Personal Impressions" (1980; 2nd ed., with four additional essays, 1998; 3rd ed., with a further ten essays, 2014).[51]



A number of commemorative events for Isaiah Berlin are held at Oxford University, as well as scholarships given out in his name, including the Wolfson Isaiah Berlin Clarendon Scholarship, The Isaiah Berlin Visiting Professorship, and the annual Isaiah Berlin Lectures. The Berlin Quadrangle of Wolfson College, Oxford, is named after him. The Isaiah Berlin Association of Latvia was founded in 2011 to promote the ideas and values of Sir Isaiah Berlin, in particular by organising an annual Isaiah Berlin day and lectures in his memory.[52]At theBritish Academy,the Isaiah Berlin lecture series has been held since 2001.[53]Many volumes from Berlin's personal library were donated toBen-Gurion University of the NegevinBeer Shevaand form part of the Aranne Library collection. The Isaiah Berlin Room, on the third floor of the library, is a replica of his study at the University of Oxford.[54]There is also the Isaiah Berlin Society which takes place at his alma mater ofSt Paul's School.The society invites world famous academics to share their research into the answers to life's great concerns and to respond to students' questions. In the last few years they have hosted: A.C. Grayling, Brad Hooker, Jonathan Dancy, John Cottingham, Tim Crane, Arif Ahmed, Hugh Mellor and David Papineau.[55]

Published works


Apart fromUnfinished Dialogue,all books/editions listed from 1978 onwards are edited (or, where stated, co-edited) by Henry Hardy, and all butKarl Marxare compilations or transcripts of lectures, essays, and letters. Details given are of first and latest UK editions, and current US editions. Most titles are also available as e-books. The twelve titles marked with a '+' are available in the US market in revised editions fromPrinceton University Press,with additional material by Berlin, and (except in the case ofKarl Marx) new forewords by contemporary authors; the 5th edition ofKarl Marxis also available in the UK.

  • +Karl Marx: His Life and Environment,Thornton Butterworth, 1939. 5th ed.,Karl Marx,2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691156507.
  • The Age of Enlightenment: The Eighteenth-Century Philosophers,New American Library, 1956. Out of print. Second edition (2017) available online only.[56]
  • +The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy's View of History,Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1953. 2nd ed., 2014, Phoenix.ISBN978-1780228433.2nd US ed., Princeton University Press, 2013.ISBN978-1400846634.
  • Four Essays on Liberty,Oxford University Press, 1969. Superseded byLiberty.
  • Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas,Chatto and Windus, 1976. Superseded byThree Critics of the Enlightenment.
  • Russian Thinkers(edited by Henry Hardy and Aileen Kelly), Hogarth Press, 1978. 2nd ed. (revised by Henry Hardy), Penguin, 2008.ISBN978-0141442204.
  • +Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays,Hogarth Press, 1978. Pimlico.ISBN978-0712665520.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691157498.
  • +Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas,Hogarth Press, 1979. Pimlico.ISBN978-0712666909.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.
  • +Personal Impressions,Hogarth Press, 1980. 2nd ed., Pimlico, 1998.ISBN978-0712666015.3rd ed., 2014, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691157702.
  • +The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas,John Murray, 1990. 2nd ed., Pimlico, 2013.ISBN978-1845952082.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691155937.
  • The Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism,John Murray, 1993. Superseded byThree Critics of the Enlightenment.
  • +The Sense of Reality: Studies in Ideas and their History,Chatto & Windus, 1996. Pimlico.ISBN978-0712673679.2nd ed., 2019, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691182872.
  • The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays(edited by Henry Hardy and Roger Hausheer) [a one-volume selection from the whole of Berlin's work], Chatto & Windus, 1997. 2nd ed., Vintage, 2013.ISBN978-0099582762.
  • +The Roots of Romanticism(lectures delivered in 1965), Chatto & Windus, 1999. [imlico.ISBN978-0712665445.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691156200.
  • +Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder,Pimlico, 2000. 2nd ed., 2013.ISBN978-1845952136.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691157658.
  • +The Power of Ideas,Chatto & Windus, 2000. Pimlico.ISBN978-0712665544.2nd ed., 2013, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691157603.
  • +Freedom and Its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty(lectures delivered in 1952), Chatto & Windus, 2002. Pimlico.ISBN978-0712668422.2nd ed., 2014, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691114996.
  • Liberty[revised and expanded edition ofFour Essays on Liberty], Oxford University Press, 2002.ISBN978-0199249893.
  • The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism,Brookings Institution Press, 2004.ISBN978-0815721550.2nd ed., Brookings Classics, 2016.ISBN978-0815728870.
  • +Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought(1952), Chatto & Windus, 2006.ISBN0701179090.Pimlico,ISBN978-1844139262.2nd ed., 2014, Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691126951.
  • (with Beata Polanowska-Sygulska)Unfinished Dialogue,Prometheus, 2006.ISBN978-1591023760.



See also



  1. ^abCherniss, Joshua; Hardy, Henry (25 May 2010)."Isaiah Berlin".Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Retrieved7 March2012.
  2. ^Rosen, Frederick (2005).Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill.Routledge. p. 251.According to Berlin, the most eloquent of all defenders of freedom and privacy [was] Benjamin Constant, who had not forgotten the Jacobin dictatorship
  3. ^Brockliss, Laurence; Robertson, Ritchie (2016).Isaiah Berlin and the Enlightenment.Oxford University Press.Berlin refers to Diderot and Lessing as 'two of my favorite thinkers in the eighteenth century.'
  4. ^His date of birth was officially registered as 24 May, according to the Julian calendar then in force in the Russian Empire. Latvian State Historical Archive, Rīgas rabināts, 4346. fonds, 2. apraksts, 58. lieta, 71. lp. o. p., 72. lp.
  5. ^ab"Philosopher and political thinker Sir Isaiah Berlin dies".BBC News.8 November 1997.Retrieved7 March2012.
  6. ^"Concepts and Categories – Philosophical Essays"(PDF).Pimlico. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 19 May 2016.Retrieved6 September2016.
  7. ^The New York Review of Books, 23 October 2014, "A Message to the 21st Century",http:// sjpcommunications.org/images/uploads/documents/Isaiah_Berlin.pdfArchived9 January 2021 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^Joshua L. Cherniss and Steven B. Smith (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018, p. 13.
  9. ^abIsaiah Berlin: In Conversation with Steven Lukes,Salmagundi, No. 120 (Fall 1998), pp. 52–134
  10. ^ab"Isaiah Berlin: Connection with Riga"(PDF).Retrieved24 March2018.
  11. ^In their matrimonial record from 1906, available at the Jewish genealogy site JewishGen.org, mother's name is spelledMusya Volshonok.
  12. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 30
  13. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 21
  14. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 26
  15. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 24
  16. ^Isaiah Berlin and the PolicemanPosted on 29 March 2014,Lesley Chamberlain
  17. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 31
  18. ^Ignatieff 1998,pp. 33–37
  19. ^The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin,edited by Henry Hardy, (Boydell & Brewer 2013), p. 180
  20. ^Cultural Diversity, Liberal Pluralism and Schools: Isaiah Berlin and Education(Routledge, 2006), Neil Burtonwood, p. 11
  21. ^Dubnov A.M. (2012) "Becoming a Russian-Jew". In:Isaiah Berlin. Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History.Palgrave Macmillan, New York
  22. ^Bonavia, Michael (1990).London Before I Forget.The Self Publishing Association Ltd. p. 29.
  23. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 57
  24. ^"Sir Isaiah's modest Zionism".Haaretz.
  25. ^Exiles Memorial Center.
  26. ^"A Biography of Isaiah Berlin".
  27. ^Hachey, Thomas E. (Winter 1973–1974)."American Profiles on Capitol Hill: A Confidential Study for the British Foreign Office in 1943"(PDF).Wisconsin Magazine of History.57(2): 141–153.JSTOR4634869.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 21 October 2013.
  28. ^London Gazette,1 January 1946.
  29. ^Brooks, David (2 May 2014),"Love Story",The New York Times.
  30. ^"Lady Berlin – obituary".The Telegraph.26 August 2014.Archivedfrom the original on 12 January 2022.Retrieved24 March2021.
  31. ^"Book of Members, 1780–2010: Chapter B"(PDF).American Academy of Arts and Sciences.Retrieved16 June2011.
  32. ^"APS Member History".search.amphilsoc.org.Retrieved1 August2022.
  33. ^Ignatieff 1998,p. 268
  34. ^"Founding Council".The Rothermere American Institute. Archived fromthe originalon 17 November 2012.Retrieved22 November2012.
  35. ^Isaiah Berlin,Building: Letters 1960–1975,ed. Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle (London: Chatto and Windus, 2013), 377–378.
  36. ^abHardy, Henry (7 November 1997)."Obituary: Sir Isaiah Berlin".The Independent.Retrieved7 March2012.
  37. ^Berger, Marilyn(10 November 1997)."Isaiah Berlin, Philosopher And Pluralist, Is Dead at 88".The New York Times.Retrieved7 March2012.
  38. ^Letter toNoel Annanquoted in Lloyd-Jones, p. 53.
  39. ^abcIgnatieff 1998,p. 113
  40. ^Warburton, Nigel(2001)."Two Concepts of Liberty".Freedom: An Introduction with Readings.The Open University.Psychology Press.ISBN978-0-415-21246-5.Isaiah Berlin's essay 'Two Concepts of Liberty'* is one of the most important pieces of post-war political philosophy. It was originally given as a lecture in Oxford in 1958 and has been much discussed since then. In this extract from the lecture Berlin identifies the two different concepts of freedom – negative and positive – which provide the framework for his wide-ranging discussion.
  41. ^"Two Concepts of Liberty".berlin.wolf.ox.ac.uk.Retrieved31 December2023.
  42. ^Kocis, Robert (17 November 2023).Isaiah Berlin: A Kantian and Post-Idealist Thinker.Political Philosophy Now. University of Wales Press. pp. 71–95.ISBN9781786838957.
  43. ^D. Bleich (2006). "The Materiality of Reading".New Literary History.37(3): 607–629.doi:10.1353/nlh.2006.0000.S2CID144957435.
  44. ^Berlin, Isaiah (1997). Hardy, Henry; Hausheer, Roger (eds.).The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays.Chatto and Windus. pp. 11, 238.ISBN0701165278.OCLC443072603.
  45. ^Brown, Alan (1986).Modern Political Philosophy: Theories of the Just Society.Middlesex: Penguin Books. pp. 157–158.ISBN0140225285.OCLC14371928.
  46. ^Jahanbegloo, Ramin (1992).Conversations with Isaiah Berlin.Halban Publishers. p. 188.ISBN1870015487.OCLC26358922.
  47. ^Santos, Gonçalo (2021).Chinese Village Life Today: Building Families in an Age of Transition.Seattle:University of Washington Press.pp. xiii.ISBN978-0-295-74738-5.
  48. ^Isaiah Berlin, "Two concepts of liberty."Liberty Reader(Routledge, 2017) pp. 33–57online.
  49. ^Michael C. Behrent, "Liberal Dispositions: Recent scholarship on French Liberalism."Modern Intellectual History13.2 (2016): 447–477.
  50. ^Steven J. Heyman, "Positive and negative liberty."Chicago-Kent Law Review.68 (1992): 81–90.online
  51. ^Berlin, Isaiah (2014).Personal Impressions.Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691157702– via press.princeton.edu.
  52. ^"The Isaiah Berlin Day in Riga 2015".fondsdots.lv.
  53. ^"Isaiah Berlin Lectures".
  54. ^"Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – Rare correspondence between Sir Isaiah Berlin and David Ben-Gurion on" Who is a Jew? "donated to BGU".in.bgu.ac.il.
  55. ^"Isaiah Berlin Society".St Paul's School.
  56. ^"The Age of Enlightenment"(PDF).2017.Retrieved29 August2017.



Further reading



  • Baum, Bruce and Robert Nichols, eds.Isaiah Berlin and the Politics of Freedom: 'Two Concepts of Liberty' 50 Years Later,(Routledge, 2013).
  • Benhabib, Seyla.Exile, Statelessness, and Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin(Princeton University Press, 2018)
  • Blattberg, Charles.From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics: Putting Practice First,Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.ISBN0198296886.A critique of Berlin's value pluralism.Blattberg has also criticised Berlin for taking politics "too seriously."
  • Brockliss, Laurence and Ritchie Robertson (eds.),Isaiah Berlin and the Enlightenment,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Caute, David,Isaac and Isaiah: The Covert Punishment of a Cold War Heretic(Yale University Press, 2013)
  • Cherniss, Joshua, and Steven Smith, eds.The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin(Cambridge University Press, 2018).excerpt
  • Crowder, George.Isaiah Berlin: Liberty and Pluralism,Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004.ISBN0745624766.
  • Crowder, George.The Problem of Value Pluralism: Isaiah Berlin and Beyond(Routledge, 2019)
  • Dubnov, Arie M.Isaiah Berlin: The Journey of a Jewish Liberal(Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).
  • Galipeau, Claude.Isaiah Berlin's Liberalism,Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.ISBN0198278683.
  • Gray, John.Isaiah Berlin: An Interpretation of His Thought,(Princeton University Press, 1996).ISBN069104824X.
  • Hardy, Henry, ed.The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah BerlinArchived1 August 2009 at theWayback Machine(The Boydell Press, 2009).
  • Ignatieff, Michael.Isaiah Berlin: A Life(Chatto and Windus, 1998)
  • Lyons, Johnny.The Philosophy of Isaiah Berlin(Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020).excerpt
  • Müller, Jan-Werner, ed.Isaiah Berlin’s Cold War Liberalism(Springer, 2019).
  • Walicki, Andrzej.Encounters with Isaiah Berlin: Story of an Intellectual Friendship(Peter Lang, 2011).

Tributes, obituaries, articles and profiles

External videos
video iconBooknotesinterview with Michael Ignatieff onIsaiah Berlin: A Life,24 January 1999,C-SPAN
Academic offices
Preceded by Chichele Professor of
Social and Political Theory

Succeeded by
New office President ofWolfson College, Oxford
Succeeded by
Professional and academic associations
Preceded by President of theAristotelian Society
Succeeded by
Preceded by President of theBritish Academy
Succeeded by
Preceded by Jerusalem Prize
Succeeded by