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Israel Bruna

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RabbiIsrael of Bruna(ישראל ברונא; 1480–1400) was aMoravian-GermanrabbiandPosek(decisor onJewish Law). He is also known asMahari Bruna,theHebrewacronymfor "Our Teacher, the Rabbi, Israel Bruna". Rabbi Bruna is best known as one of the primaryAshkenaziauthorities quoted byMoses Isserlesin theShulkhan Arukh.



Rabbi Bruna was born inBrnoin theBohemian Kingdom,although often anachronically he is stated as "been born inGermany".[1]He studied under the leadingAshkenazirabbis of his time:Jacob WeilandIsrael Isserlin,whoordainedhim and spoke very highly of him. "He was a brilliant student, who devoted himself, body and soul, to the study of theTalmud."He was then elected rabbi of Bruna. After the expulsion of the Jews from that city (1454) he settled atRatisbon,Bavaria,where he opened ayeshivah.

His later life has been described as "eventful and troublesome".

  • His position in Ratisbon caused some controversy, dividing the community. Rabbi Anschel Segal, who already was operating ayeshivahthere, felt Rabbi Bruna should have opened hisyeshivahelsewhere. Among Rabbi Anschel's followers there were some who resorted to painting the word "heretic" on Rabbi Bruna's seat in thesynagogue,and when he preached, they would stage a walkout. Rabbi Bruna, however, bore the attacks and insults with humility, and on the death of Rabbi Segal, he was accepted by the whole community.
  • In 1474, following a dispute betweenFrederick III, Holy Roman Emperorand DukeLudwig of Landsbergover a tax placed on the Jewish community, Bruna was imprisoned by the Emperor to compel him to use his authority in the Emperor's favor; he was released after thirteen days in prison.
  • Rabbi Bruna was later threatened with execution based on a charge ofBlood libel,brought by a convert toChristianity,Hans Vagol. The community appealed to Frederick III, as well as to KingLadislav of Bohemia,both of whom declared Rabbi Bruna innocent.



Rabbi Bruna was one of the greatestTalmudicauthoritiesof his time: rabbis and scholars from various cities and countries sent him their queries on all matters relating to Jewish law. Theseresponsa,Teshuvot Mahari Bruna,are his best known work. Importantly, they served as a source ofHalakhaforMoses Isserles'HaMapah- theglosson theShulkhan Arukhdescribing differences betweenAshkenaziandSephardipractice.See alsoHistory of Responsa: Fifteenth century


  1. ^Teich, Shmuel. (1982).The rishonim: biographical sketches of the prominent early rabbinic sages and leaders from the tenth-fifteenth centuries.Goldwurm, Hersh. (1st ed.). Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications.ISBN0-89906-452-3.OCLC8742174.