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Jacob ben Abraham Kahana

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Jacob ben Abraham Kahana(Hebrew:יעקב בן אברהם כהנא;died 1826) was a rabbinical author. His father was rabbi atBrestowitz,government ofGrodno.Jacob was the son-in-law of Rabbi Issachar of Vilna, brother of theVilna Gaon.He lived with his father-in-law, and was supported by him for many years, so that he was able to devote his time to the study of the Law; and he became one of the leadingTalmudicalscholars inVilna.After Issachar's death Jacob was appointed trustee of the charities of the city. He died in Vilna.

Jacob was the author ofShittot,a commentary on the tractateErubin.The work is divided into three parts, the first consisting ofnovellæon theGemara,the second of novellæ on theTosefta,and the third of novellæ on the corresponding tractates in theYerushalmi.The manuscript was revised and the work published in Lemberg, 1863, byRaphael Nathan Rabbinowicz.


  • This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Gotthard DeutschandLouis Ginzberg(1901–1906)."Ashkenazi, Bezalel".InSinger, Isidore;et al. (eds.).The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.Jewish Encyclopedia bibliography:Fuenn,Keneset Yisrael,p. 550; idem,Kiryah Ne'emanah,p. 240.