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Jan Mosdorf

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Jan Mosdorf(30 May 1904 – 11 October 1943), was a Polishright-wingpolitician, director of thenationalistorganizationAll-Polish Youth(Młodzież Wszechpolska,MW) and member of the far-right political partyNational Radical Camp(ONR). He also worked as a publicist, using the pseudonymAndrzej Witkowski.In 1943, Mosdorf was killed in theAuschwitz concentration camp.



Mosdorf was born inWarsaw.He associated himself with the National Democratic movement (founded byRoman Dmowski) some time in 1926. Two years later, he completed his philosophy studies, earning an M.A. degree (later, he also earned a PhD in philosophy, writing about works ofAuguste Comte,under supervision of Prof.Władysław Tatarkiewicz). As a student, he was a member of several right-wing youth organizations. He wrote articles for nationalist magazines, always claiming that Germany was Poland's main enemy and that Poland should gain control over the Western part ofUpper SilesiaandMasuria.

In 1928, during the IV Congress of the MW, which took place inLwów,he was elected director of the organization. Later on, he had to hide for some time because he was a member of the ONR, and the government had incarcerated several activists of the organization in theBereza Kartuska Prison.

We [Polish nationalists] are not fascists, nor Hitlerites, for we are a native Polish movement, independent of foreign views. Additionally, we do not see ourselves as fascists or Nazis due to the many weaknesses, and even sins, these movements carry. These are not examples we would want to follow.- Jan Mosdorf "Wczoraj i Jutro", 1938[1]

In late 1939, after thePolish September Campaign,he returned to the undergroundNational Party.He was one of leaders of the party, and he helped with the creation of the anti-Naziparamilitaryunits known asNarodowa Organizacja Wojskowa.In July 1940, Mosdorf was arrested and placed inGestapo's infamousPawiakprison. On 6 January 1941, he was sent to Auschwitz. While there, Mosdorf met his friend from ONR,Bolesław Świderski,whose support was crucial.

Until then, Mosdorf had regarded Jews as enemies of Poland and the Polish nation. After survivingtyphus,however, he changed his attitudes. Professor Irina Livezeanu fromUniversity of Pittsburghwrote: "Mosdorf did everything in his power to help the Jews in the Auschwitz camp, and he died together with the Jews."

On 25 September 1943, Mosdorf was placed in the Pavilion XI, and on 11 October he was executed with a group of other inmates. Hiscenotaphis located at thePowązkowski Cemeteryin Warsaw.


  • Jan Mosdorf, "Wczoraj i Jutro", 1938 reprint Agencja Wydawniczo-Reklamowa "ARTE", 2005,ISBN83-921586-0-1,ISBN978-83-921586-0-8,




  1. ^Jan Mosdorf, "Wczoraj i Jutro", 1938 reprint Agencja Wydawniczo-Reklamowa "ARTE", 2005,ISBN83-921586-0-1,ISBN978-83-921586-0-8