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Jawi script

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Letter fromWilliam Farquharto Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam, the sultan ofBrunei,dated 28 November 1819.
Script type
Time period
c. 1300 CEto the present
Related scripts
Parent systems
Sister systems
Pegon script
This article containsphonetic transcriptionsin theInternational Phonetic Alphabet(IPA).For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, seeHelp:IPA.For the distinction between[ ],/ /and ⟨⟩, seeIPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

Jawi(جاوي;Acehnese:Jawoë;Kelantan-Pattani:Yawi;Malay pronunciation:[d͡ʒä.wi]) is awriting systemused for writing several languages ofSoutheast Asia,such asAcehnese,Magindanawn,Malay,Mëranaw,Minangkabau,Tausūg,andTernate.Jawi is based on theArabic script,consisting of all 31 original Arabic letters, six letters constructed to fitphonemesnative to Malay, and one additional phoneme used in foreign loanwords, but not found inClassical Arabic,which areca(چ‎⟩/t͡ʃ/),nga(ڠ‎⟩/ŋ/),pa(ڤ‎⟩/p/),ga(ݢ‎⟩/ɡ/),va(ۏ‎⟩/v/), andnya(ڽ‎⟩/ɲ/).

Jawi was developed during theadvent of IslaminMaritime Southeast Asia,supplanting the earlierBrahmic scriptsused during Hindu-Buddhist era. The oldest evidence of Jawi writing can be found on the 14th centuryTerengganu Inscription Stone,a text inClassical Malaythat contains a mixture of Malay, Sanskrit and Arabic vocabularies. There are two competing theories on the origins of the Jawi Alpha bet. Popular theory suggests that the system was developed and derived directly from theArabic script,while scholars likeR. O. Windstedtsuggest it was developed with the influence of thePerso-Arabic Alpha bet.[1]

The ensuing trade expansions and the spread of Islam to other areas of Southeast Asia from the 15th century carried the Jawi Alpha bet beyond the traditional Malay-speaking world. Until the 20th century, Jawi was the standard script of the Malay language, and gave birth to traditionalMalay literaturewhen it featured prominently in official correspondences, religious texts, and literary publications. With the arrival of Western influence through colonization and education, Jawi was relegated to religious education, with the Malay language eventually adopting a form of theLatin Alpha betcalledRumithat is currently in general usage.

Today, Jawi is one of twoofficial scriptsinBrunei.In Malaysia, the position of Jawi is protected under Section 9 of theNational Language Act 1963/67,as it retains a degree of official use in religious and cultural contexts. In some states, most notablyKelantan,TerengganuandPahang,Jawi has co-official script status as businesses are mandated to adopt Jawi signage and billboards. Jawi is also used as an alternative script among Malay communities in Indonesia and Thailand.[2]

Until the early 20th century, there was no standard spelling system for Jawi. The earliestorthographic reformtowards a standard system was in 1937 by The Malay Language and Johor Royal Literary Book Pact. This was followed by another reform byZa'aba,published in 1949. The final major reform was theEnhanced Guidelines of Jawi Spellingissued in 1986,which was based on the Za'aba system. Jawi can be typed using theJawi keyboard.



The wordJawi(جاوي) is a shortening of the term inArabic:الجزائر الجاوي,romanized:Al-Jaza'ir Al-Jawi,lit.'Java Archipelago', which is the term used byArabsforNusantara.[3][4]The wordjawiis a loanword fromJavanese:ꦗꦮꦶ,romanized:jawiwhich isJavanese Kramaword to refer to theJava IslandorJavanese people.[3][5][6]

According toKamus Dewan,Jawi(جاوي) is a term synonymous to 'Malay'.[7]The term has been used interchangeably with 'Malay' in other terms includingBahasa JawiorBahasa Yawi(Kelantan-Pattani Malay,aMalayan languageused inSouthern Thailand),Masuk Jawi[8](literally "to become Malay", referring to the practice ofcircumcisionto symbolise thecoming of age), andJawi pekanorJawi Peranakan(literally 'Malay of the town' or 'Malay born of', referring to the Malay-speaking Muslims of mixed Malay and Indian ancestry).[9]With verb-buildingcircumfixesmen-...-kan,menjawikan(literally'to make something Malay'), also refers to the act of translating a foreign text into Malay language. The phraseTulisan Jawithat means'Jawi script'is another derivative that carries the meaning 'Malay script'.[7]

Early history

A tombstone inAcehwith Jawi inscription dated from 16th or 17th century. The inscription are:
1st row:bahwasanya inilah nisan kubur
2nd row:yang mulia bernama Meurah Meukuta
3rd row:bergelar orang kaya kapai[10]

Prior to the onset ofIslamisation,thePallava script,Nagari, and old Sumatran scripts were used in writing the Malay language. This is evidenced from the discovery of several stone inscriptions inOld Malay,notably theKedukan Bukit inscriptionandTalang Tuo inscription.Thespread of Islam in Southeast Asiaand the subsequent introduction of Arabic writing system began with the arrival of Muslim merchants in the region since the seventh century. Among the oldest archaeological artefacts inscribed with Arabic script are; a tombstone of Syeikh Rukunuddin dated 48AH(668/669 CE) in Barus,Sumatra;a tombstone dated 290 AH (910 CE) on the mausoleum of Syeikh Abdul Qadir Ibn Husin Syah Alam located inAlor Setar,Kedah;a tombstone found inPekan,Pahangdated 419 AH (1026 CE); a tombstone discovered inPhan Rang,Vietnamdated 431 AH (1039 CE); a tombstone dated 440 AH (1048 CE) found inBandar Seri Begawan,Brunei;and a tombstone of Fatimah Binti Maimun Bin Hibat Allah found inGresik,East Javadated 475 AH (1082 CE).[11][12]Islam was spread from the coasts to the interior of the island and generally in a top-down process in which rulers were converted and then introduced more or less orthodox versions of Islam to their peoples. The conversion of KingPhra Ong MahawangsaofKedahin 1136 and KingMerah SiluofSamudra Pasaiin 1267 were among the earliest examples.

At the early stage of Islamisation, the Arabic script was taught to the people who had newly embraced Islam in the form of religious practices, such as the recitation ofQuranas well assalat.The Arabic script was accepted by the Malay community together with their acceptance of Islam and was adapted to suit spokenClassical Malay.Six letters were added for sounds not found in Arabic:ca,pa,ga,nga,vaandnya.Some Arabic letters are rarely used as they represent sounds not present in modernMalayhowever may be used to reflect the original spelling of Arabic loanwords. The sounds represented by these letters may be assimilated into sounds found in Malay's native phoneme inventory or in some instances appear unchanged. Like the other Arabic scripts, some letters are obligatorily joined while some are never joined.[13][14]This was the same for the acceptance of Arabic writing inTurkey,PersiaandIndiawhich had taken place earlier and thus, the Jawi script was then deemed as the writing of the Muslims.[15]

The oldest remains of Malay using the Jawi script have been found on theTerengganu Inscription Stone,dated 702AH(1303 CE), nearly 600 years after the date of the first recorded existence of Arabic script in the region. The inscription on the stone contains a proclamation issued by the "Sri Paduka Tuan" of Terengganu, urging his subjects to "extend and uphold"Islamand providing 10 basicSharialaws for their guidance. This has attested the strong observance of the Muslim faith in the early 14th century Terengganu specifically and theMalay worldas a whole.[11]

The development of Jawi script was different from that of Pallava writing which was exclusively restricted to the nobility and monks in monasteries. The Jawi script was embraced by the entire Muslim community regardless of class. With the increased intensity in the appreciation of Islam, scriptures originally written in Arabic were translated in Malay and written in the Jawi script. Additionally local religious scholars later began to elucidate the Islamic teachings in the forms of original writings. Moreover, there were also individuals of the community who used Jawi for the writing of literature which previously existed and spread orally. With this inclusion of written literature,Malay literaturetook on a more sophisticated form. This was believed to have taken place from the 15th century and lasted right up to the 19th century.[15]Other forms of Arabic-based scripts existed in the region, notably thePegon Alpha betused forJavaneseinJavaand theSerang Alpha betused forBugineseinSouth Sulawesi.Both writing systems applied extensive use ofArabic diacriticsand added several letters which were formed differently from Jawi letters to suit the languages. Due to their fairly limited usage, the spelling system of both scripts did not undergo similar advanced developments and modifications as experienced by Jawi.[16]

The spread and extent of Jawi script

A copy ofUndang-Undang Melaka('Laws of Malacca'). The Malacca system of justice as enshrined in the text was the legal source for other major regional sultanates likeJohor,Perak,Brunei,PattaniandAceh.[17][18]

The script became prominent with the spread of Islam, supplanting the earlier writing systems. The Malays held the script in high esteem as it is the gateway to understanding Islam and its Holy Book, the Quran. The use of Jawi script was a key factor driving the emergence of Malay as the lingua franca of the region, alongside the spread of Islam.[19]It was widely used in theSultanate of Malacca,Sultanate of Johor,Sultanate of Maguindanao,Sultanate of Brunei,Sultanate of Sulu,Sultanate of Pattani,theSultanate of Acehto theSultanate of Ternatein the east as early as the 15th century. The Jawi script was used in royal correspondences, decrees, poems and was widely understood by the merchants in the port of Malacca as the main means of communication. Early legal digests such as theUndang-Undang MelakaCode and its derivatives including the Codes of Johor, Perak, Brunei, Kedah, Pattani and Aceh were written in this script. It is the medium of expression of kings, nobility and the religious scholars. It is the traditional symbol of Malay culture and civilisation. Jawi was used not only amongst the ruling class, but also the common people. The Islamisation andMalayisationof the region popularised Jawi into a dominant script.[20]

Royal correspondences for example are written, embellished and ceremoniously delivered. Examples of royal correspondences still in the good condition are the letter between SultanHayatof Ternate and KingJohn III of Portugal(1521), the letter from SultanIskandar Mudaof Acèh Darussalam to KingJames Iof England (1615), and the letter from SultanAbdul JalilIV of Johor to KingLouis XV of France(1719).[20]Many literary works such as epics, poetry and prose use the Jawi script. It is the pinnacle of the classic Malay civilisation. Historical epics such as theMalay Annals,as listed byUNESCOunder Memories of the World, are among the countless epics written by the Malay people. TheSuficpoems byHamzah Fansuriand many others contributed to the richness and depth of the Malay civilisation. Jawi script was the official script for theUnfederated Malay Stateswhen they were British protectorates.

Jawi today

Street name signs inShah Alam,Malaysia include both Jawi and Latin script.
A similarly biscriptal street sign in Johor Bahru.
A supermarket in Brunei with Jawi and Latin script.
Street name signs inPekanbaru,Riau,Indonesia used both Jawi and Latin script.

Today, Jawi is one of the official scripts ofBrunei.[19]In Malaysia, it is used for religious and cultural administration in the states ofTerengganu,Kelantan,Kedah,Perlis,Penang,PahangandJohor.[citation needed]Various efforts were in place to revive the Jawi script in Malaysia and Brunei due to its role in the Malay and Islamic spheres. Jawi is also seen on the reverse ofMalaysian ringgitandBrunei dollarbanknotes. Malays inPatanistill use Jawi today for the same reasons.[citation needed]

In Malaysia


In August 2019, the Malaysian Government's plans to introduce the teaching of Jawi at the most basic level in ethnicChineseandTamil vernacular schoolsattracted opposition from ethnic Chinese and Indian education groups, which claimed that the move would lead to anIslamizationof the Malaysian education system.[21][22][23]The Chinese educationist groupDong Jiao Zongorganised a conference calling on the Malaysian Government to rescind its decision in late December 2019. Perhaps fearing violence, theRoyal Malaysia Policeobtained a court injunction against it on the grounds it would trigger ethnic tensions.[24][25]

The state government of Kedah in Malaysia has long defended the use of Jawi in the state.[26][27][28]TheMenteri Besarof Kedah has denied the allegation that the state government was trying to create an Islamic state ambience by promoting the use of Jawi in 2008, saying that it is a normal occurrence evidenced by Chinese coffeeshops and pawnshops having signboards written in Jawi.[26]This can further be seen later on when the Kedah state government has shown its support with Johor state government's move to use Jawi in official matters in 2019.[28]The exco of local authority of the state of Kedah had also stated that the Jawi script in billboards in Kedah is not forbidden, but rather recommended.[27]He claims that the recommendation to use Jawi script has been gazetted in the state law, and that it has been part of the state identity to have billboards in Jawi script in addition to other scripts.[27]He also stated that there are high demands in incorporating Jawi script in billboards in Kedah.[27]

Kuantan,the state capital of Pahang in Malaysia has introduced the usage of Jawi on all signage across the city from 1 August 2019.[29]This was done after a recommendation from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, who was then the Regent of Pahang, to uphold usage of the writing system.[30]The Pahang state government has since expanded the order and made it mandatory for every signage statewide including road signs to display Jawi alongside other scripts from 1 January 2020 after being delayed a few times.[31]Premises that fail to comply with this order will be fined up to a maximum of RM250, with the possibility of revocation of their business licences if they still do not comply afterwards.[32]In the early stage, usage of Jawi stickers are allowed to put on existing signage instead of replacing the whole signage.[33]

In Indonesia


Indonesia, having multiple regional and native languages, uses the Latin script for writing itsown standard of Malayin general. Nonetheless, the Jawi script does have a regional status innative Malay areassuch asRiau,Riau archipelago,Jambi,South Sumatra(i.ePalembang Malay language),Aceh,andKalimantan(i.e.Banjar language).[34][35]This is due to the fact that regional and native languages are compulsory studies in the basic education curriculum of each region (examples includeJavanesefor Javanese regions,Sundanesefor Sundanese regions,Maduresefor Maduranese regions, and Jawi for Malay regions).[34]Jawi script is widely used in Riau and Riau Island province, where road signs and government building signs are written in this script.[36]A sister variant calledPegonis used to write Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese and is still widely used in traditional religious schools acrossJava,but has been supplanted in common writing by theLatin Alpha betand, in some cases,Javanese scriptandSundanese script.


Jawi Alpha bet[37]
Name Isolated Final Medial Initial Sound represented Rumi equivalent Notes Unicode
ا ـا /a/or/ə/ a, e-pepet(ĕ) U+0627
ب ـب ـبـ بـ /b/ b U+0628
ت ـت ـتـ تـ /t/ t U+062A
ta marbutah
تاء مربوطة
ة ـة /t/or/h/ -t, -h U+0629
sa (tha)
ث ـث ـثـ ثـ /s/or/θ/ s Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+062B
ج ـج ـجـ جـ /d͡ʒ/ j U+062C
چ ـچ ـچـ چـ /t͡ʃ/ c Additional letter not present in Arabic U+0686
ح ـح ـحـ حـ /h/or/ħ/ h Also known asha kecil(حاء کچيل‎‎) orha pedas(حاء ڤدس‎‎) U+062D
kha (khO)
خ ـخ ـخـ خـ /x/ kh Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+062E
د ـد /d/ d U+062F
ذ ـذ /z/or/ð/ z Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0630
ra (rO)
ر ـر /r/ r U+0631
ز ـز /z/ z U+0632
س ـس ـسـ سـ /s/ s U+0633
ش ـش ـشـ شـ /ʃ/ sy, sh U+0634
sad (sOd)
ص ـص ـصـ صـ /s/ s Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0635
dad (dOd)
ض ـض ـضـ ضـ /d/ d Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0636
ta (tO)
ط ـط ـطـ طـ /t/ t Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0637
za (zO)
ظ ـظ ـظـ ظـ /z/ z Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0638
ع ـع ـعـ عـ /ʔ/ a, i, u, -k Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+0639
غ ـغ ـغـ غـ /ɣ/ gh Mainly used in Arabic loanwords U+063A
ڠ ـڠ ـڠـ ڠـ /ŋ/ ng Additional letter not present in Arabic U+06A0
ف ـف ـفـ فـ /f/ f U+0641
ڤ ـڤ ـڤـ ڤـ /p/ p Additional letter not present in Arabic U+06A4
ق ـق ـقـ قـ /q/or/k/ q, k U+0642
ک ـک ـکـ کـ /k/ k U+06A9
ݢ ـݢ ـݢـ ݢـ /ɡ/ g Additional letter not present in Arabic U+0762
ل ـل ـلـ لـ /l/ l U+0644
م ـم ـمـ مـ /m/ m U+0645
ن ـن ـنـ نـ /n/ n U+0646
و ـو /w/and/u,o,ɔ/ w, u, o U+0648
ۏ ـۏ /v/ v Additional letter not present in Arabic U+06CF
ه ـه ـهـ هـ /h/ h Also known asha besar(هاء بسر‎) orha simpul(هاء سيمڤول‎) U+0647
ء ء /ʔ/ U+0621
ي ـي ـيـ يـ /j/and/i,e,ɛ/ y, i, etaling(é) U+064A
ى ـى /ə,a/ -epepet(ĕ), a Also known asalif maqsurah(الف مقصورة‎) U+0649
ڽ ـڽ ـڽـ ڽـ /ɲ/ ny Additional letter not present in Arabic U+06BD
  • Letters with no initial and middle forms adopt either isolated or final form, because they cannot be joined with suffi xing letter. (ا‎,د‎,ذ‎,ر‎,ز‎,و‎,ۏ‎)
  • The letterhamzahmay also appear in itsthree-quarter form"ء"(hamzah tiga suku), abovealif"أ", belowalif"إ" or housed (aboveya"ئ" orwau"ؤ" ).[e]



Modern Jawi spelling is based on theDaftar Kata Bahasa Melayu (DKBM): Rumi-Sebutan-Jawidictionary. Older texts may use different spellings for some words.[38]Nonetheless, even different modern sources[39]may use different spelling conventions; they may differ especially in the usage of thematres lectionis(alifا,wauوandyaي) and thehamzah tiga sukuء,as well as in the spelling of vowels and consonant clusters in loanwords fromEnglish.[citation needed]One source[40]tends to use the following conventions;[41]there are numerous exceptions to them nonetheless.

  • Loanwordsmay be spelled differently. Particularly, loanwords fromArabicoften keep their original spellings.
The letterssaث,haح,khaخ,zalذ,sadص,dadض,taط,zaظ,ainع,ghainغ,andta marbutahةare mostly used to spell Arabic loanwords, e.g.,Selasaثلاث,hurufحروف,khabarخبر,fasalفصل,daruratضرورة,talakطلاق,zohorظهر,saatساعة,ghaibغيب,sunatسنة,khasiatخصية.The lettervaۏis mostly used to spell English loanwords, e.g.,universitiاونيۏرسيتي.The letterszaiز,syinش,faف,andyeىare mostly used to spell loanwords from English, Arabic or Dutch, e.g.,zooزو,zapinزاڤين,syifشيف,syukurشکور,filemفيلم,fakirفقير,nasionalismeناسيوناليسمى,andtakwaتقوى.
Rumixused to spell loanwords from English may be spelled using different Jawi letters, depending on pronunciation, e.g.,kaf-sinکسinX-rayايکس-رايorzaiزinxenonزينون.
The lettersyinشis also used to represent⟨sh⟩especially for words derived fromClassical Malaylanguage, e.g.,مهاريشيmaharishi;and loanwords, e.g.,شيرڤاSherpa.
Native Malay root morphemes with Rumikin the syllable coda areglottal stops(pronounced[ʔ]) and are written withqafق,e.g.,tengokتيڠوق,laksaلقسا,baiklahباءيقله,kotakkuکوتقکو,kotakmuکوتقمو.Loanwords where the Rumikis derived from Western languages are spelled withkaf:the initial and medial forms use the glyphک,e.g.,klinikکلينيکandteksiتيکسي.The finalkform can be eitherکorك,as in the variant spelling ofklinikکلينيك;the latter glyph is often found in old signboards.
The letterfaفwas historically used to represent/p/(Jawi:paڤ) and such usage may still be found in archaic Jawi spellings. This is because/f/is a non-native consonant in Malay found only in loanwords and in the past was often approximated as a/p/.
  • Though there are exceptions,[a]vowels and diphthongs tend to be spelled this way:
IPA First letter of a root morpheme Middle of a root morpheme, in an open syllable Middle of a root morpheme, in a closed syllable Last letter of a root morpheme
Rumi Jawi Rumi Jawi Rumi Jawi Rumi Jawi
/a/,[ə]in open final syllables of root morphemes, or in thepenultif followed by/h/,e.g., inusaha Spelling a ا[b] a ـا[b] a ـاor omitted[b][c] a ـاor omitted[b][c]
Example abu ابو cari چاري sampan, wang سمڤن, واڠ cuba, hanya چوبا, هاڽ
/e/mostly,/ɛ/in some words, i.e.,e-taling Spelling e(é) ايـ[b] e (é) ـيـ[b] e (é) ـيـ[b] e (é) ـي[b]
Example ekor ايکور tengok تيڠوق rendang ريندڠ sate ساتي
/ə/,i.e.,e-pepet Spelling e(ĕ) ا[b] e (ĕ) (omitted)[b] e (ĕ) (omitted)[b] e (ĕ) ـى,[d]ـا[b]
Example empat امڤت bersih برسيه sempit سمڤيت nasionalisme, memetabolismekan ناسيوناليسمى, ممتابوليسماکن
/i/,[e]in closed final syllables of root morphemes Spelling i ايـ[b] i ـيـ[b] i ـيـ[b] i ـي
Example ibu ايبو tiga تيݢ hampir همڤير kiri کيري
/o/mostly,/ɔ/in some words Spelling o او[b] o ـو[b] o ـو[b] o ـو[b]
Example obor اوبور bola بولا esok ايسوق soto سوتو
/u/,[o]in closed final syllables of root morphemes Spelling u او[b] u ـو[b] u ـو[b] u ـو[b]
Example ubi اوبي rugi روݢي tun تون biru بيرو
/ai̯/ Spelling ai اءيـ[e] ai ـايـ ai ـاءيـ ai ـاي
Example aiskrim اءيسکريم baiduri بايدوري sait ساءيت ramai راماي
/au̯/ Spelling au اءو[e] au ـاو au ـاءو au ـاو
Example aur اءور sauna ساونا taun تاءون pulau ڤولاو
/oi̯/ Spelling oi اوويـ oi ـويـ oi ـوءيـ oi ـوي
Example oidium اوويديوم boikot بويکوت eksploit ايکسڤلوءيت sepoi سڤوي
  • ^aWhen spelling vowels, there are many exceptions to the conventions stated above and below. Common exceptions includeadaاد,diد,diaدي,danدان,iaاي,jikaجک,jugaجوݢ,limaليم,keک,kitaکيت,merekaمريک,iniاين,ituايت,padaڤد,sukaسوک,andtigaتيݢ.
  • ^bSome words spelled distinctly in Rumi may behomographsin Jawi, e.g.,sembilanandsambilanare bothسمبيلن,markahandmerekahare bothمرکه,sesiandsisiare bothسيسي,biroandbiruare bothبيرو,borongandburungare bothبوروڠ,andgolongandgulungare bothݢولوڠ.
  • ^cUsing or omittingalifاwhen representing/a/in closed syllables and in the last letter of a root morpheme:
When representing/a/,alifاis mostly omitted inCVC-syllables.
However, it is usually not omitted in monosyllabic words that start withwauو,e.g.,wauواو,wapواڤ,wangواڠ.
It is also usually not omitted in root morphemes which first syllable is open and contains/e/and which second syllable is closed and begins with/wa/,e.g., words with a /Ce.waC/ structure (where each C is a consonant) likelewahليواه,mewahميواه,dewanديوان,tewasتيواس,rewangريواڠ,gewangݢواڠ,sewatسيوات,kelewangکليواڠ,kedewasکديواس,dewanggaديواڠݢ.
Finalalifاis generally kept to represent/a/[ə]at the end of a word.
However, in native Malay disyllabic root morphemes with the form /Ca.C*a/ [Ca.C*ə], where /C*/ is any of the following 12 consonantsbaب,taت,paڤ,sinس,gaݢ,nunن,nyaڽ,caچ,kafک,jimج,mimم,yaی(mnemonic:betapa segannya cik jamبتاڤ سݢنڽ چيق جم), finalalifاis not written, e.g.,rabaراب,mataمات,sapaساڤ,rasaراس,ragaراݢ,manaمان,hanyaهاڽ,bacaباچ,rayaراي,bakaباک,rajaراج,namaنام,andsamaسام.
Some native Malay trisyllabic root morphemes ending with/a/[ə],with three open syllables and which include the abovementioned 12 consonants, may also omit the finalalifا.
  • ^dAs the final letter of a word, root morpheme-final/ə/that is spelled withein Rumi may be represented byyeىin Jawi. In the middle of a word, root morpheme-final/ə/that is spelled withein Rumi may be represented byalifاin Jawi instead, e.g.,fatwaفتوىmemfatwakanممفتواکن,metabolismeميتابوليسمىmemetabolismekanممتابوليسماکن.
  • ^eThehamzahmay be used to spell some diphthongs. Sources differ as to whether and when it should be on the lineء,or placed above the previous mater lectionis, such as inalifwithhamzahaboveأ,or even if it should be used at all in some words.
Furthermore, it may be used to represent ahiatus,or a glottal stop[ʔ],especially when (but not limited to) separating vowels at the boundary of a root morpheme and an affix, e.g.,dato'داتوء,baikباءيق,mulaiمولاءي,bauباءو,daunداءون,lautلاءوت,peperiksaanڤڤريقساءن,kemerdekaanکمرديکاءن,diambilدأمبيل,dielakkanدأيلقکن,diertikanدأرتيکن,diikutiدأيکوتي,diolahدأوله,diutamakanدأوتاماکن,keadaanکأداءن,keempatکأمڤت,keindahanکأيندهن,keupayaanکأوڤاياءن,seakan-akanسأکن-اکن,seekorسأيکور,seorangسأورڠ,e-melإي-ميل,eh!إيه‮!‬,ateismeاتيئيسمى,dietديئت.
Arabic numerals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Full reduplicationof a base word is represented with the numeral٢,e.g.,anak-anakانق٢,while the suffixed reduplication of a base word is represented with the hyphen "-", e.g.,berhati-hatiبرهاتي-هاتي,sayur-sayuranسايور-سايورن,andgunung-ganangݢونوڠ-ݢانڠ.
Punctuation mark Malay name Rumi Jawi
Rumi Jawi
Comma Tanda koma تندا کوما ,
Semicolon Tanda koma bertitik تندا کوما برتيتيق ;
Question mark Tanda soal تندا سوءال ? ؟



Akin to the Arabic script, Jawi is constructed fromright-to-left.Below is an exemplification of the Jawi script extracted from the first and second verse of the notableGhazal untuk Rabiah,غزال اونتوق ربيعة(English:AGhazalfor Rabiah).[42]

Jawi script Rumi script English translation

کيلاون اينتن برکليڤ-کليڤ دلاڠيت تيڠݢي⹁
دان چهاي مناري-ناري دلاڠيت بيرو⹁
تيدقله داڤت مننڠکن ڤراساءنکو⹁
يڠ ريندوکن کحاضيرن کاسيه.

ݢمرسيق ايراما مردو بولوه ڤريندو⹁
دان ڽاڽين ڤاري٢ دري کايڠن⹁
تيدقله داڤت تنترمکن سانوباري⹁
يڠ مندمباکن کڤستين کاسيهمو.

Kilauan intan berkelip-kelip di langit tinggi,
Dan cahaya menari-nari di langit biru,
Tidaklah dapat menenangkan perasaanku,
Yang rindukan kehadiran kasih.

Gemersik irama merdu buluh perindu,
Dan nyanyian pari-pari dari kayangan,
Tidaklah dapat tenteramkan sanubari,
Yang mendambakan kepastian kasihmu.

The glimmer of gems twinkling in the lofty sky,
And light that dances across upon the azure sky,
Are not able to soothe my heart,
That pines for the presence of the Beloved.

The melodious rhythm of the reed flute,
And the chorus of nymphs from Heaven,
Are not able to calm the soul,
That craves the certainty of your Love.


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Further reading

  • De Casparis, J. G. (29 November 1975).Indonesian Paleography.BRILL. pp. 70–71.ISBN9004041729.
  • Hudson, Herbert Henry (1892).The Malay orthography.Singapore: Kelly & Walsh.
  • Paterson, H. S.; Blagden, C. O. (1924). "An early Malay Inscription from 14th-century Terengganu".Journ. Mal. Br.R.A.S.II:258–263.
  • Winstedt, R. O. (1962).A History of Malaya(revised ed.). p. 40.