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Jean Cavaillès

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Jean Cavaillès
Born(1903-05-15)15 May 1903
Died4 April 1944(1944-04-04)(aged 40)
EducationÉcole Normale Supérieure
University of Paris
Era20th-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
SchoolContinental philosophy
French historical epistemology[1]
Main interests
Philosophy of mathematics
Notable ideas
Philosophy of the concept,[2]dialectics of the concept (dialectique du concept)

Jean Cavaillès(/ˌkævˈɛs/;French:[ʒɑ̃kavajɛs];15 May 1903 – 4 April 1944) was aFrench philosopherand logician who specialized inphilosophy of mathematicsandphilosophy of science.He took part in theFrench Resistancewithin theLibérationmovement and was arrested by theGestapoon 17 February 1944 and shot on 4 April 1944.

Early life and education


Cavaillès was born inSaint-Maixent,Deux-Sèvres.After passing his firstbaccalauréatin 1919 and baccalauréats in mathematics and philosophy the following year, he studied at theLycée Louis-le-Grand,including two years ofclasses préparatoires,before entering theÉcole Normale Supérieurein 1923, reading philosophy. In 1927 he passed theagrégationcompetitive exam. He began graduate studies in Philosophy in 1928 under the supervision ofLéon Brunschvicg.Cavaillès won aRockefeller Foundationscholarship in 1929–1930. In 1931 he travelled extensively in Germany; in Göttingen he conceived, jointly withEmmy Noether,the project of publishing theCantor-Dedekindcorrespondence. He was a teaching assistant at the École Normale Supérieure between 1929 and 1935, then teacher at the lycée d'Amiens (nowlycée Louis-Thuillier) in 1936. In 1937, he successfully defended his doctoral theses[7]at theUniversity of Parisand became aDoctor of Lettersin Philosophy. He was then appointedmaître de conférencesin Logic and in General Philosophy at theUniversity of Strasbourg.

World War II


After the outbreak of World War II, he was mobilized in 1939 as an infantry lieutenant with the 43rd Regiment and was later attached to the Staff of the 4thColonial Division.He was honoured for bravery twice and was captured on 11 June 1940. At the end of July 1940 he escaped from Belgium and fled toClermont-Ferrand,where the university of Strasbourg was re-organized.

At the end of December 1940, he metEmmanuel d'Astier de la Vigeriewith whom he created a small group of resistance fighters, known as "the Last Column". To reach a broader audience, they created a newspaper which was to becomeLibération.It served as the mouthpiece of bothLibération-SudandLibération-Nord.Cavaillès took an active part in editing the paper. The first edition appeared in July 1941.

In 1941, he was appointed professor at theSorbonneand left Clermont-Ferrand forParis,where he helped form the Libération-Nord resistance group, becoming part of its management committee.

In April 1942, at the instigation ofChristian Pineau,the central Office of Information and Action (BCRA) of London charged him with the task of forming an intelligence network in the Northern Zone, known as "Cohors". He was ordered byChristian Pineauto pass into the Southern Zone, and Cavaillès headed the network and formed similar groups in Belgium and the north of France.

In September 1942 he was arrested with Pineau inNarbonneby theFrench police.After a failed escape attempt to London, he was interned inMontpellierat the Saint-Paul d' Eyjeaux prison camp from where he escaped at the end of December 1942. The book Cavaillès wrote in prison in Montpellier in 1942 was published posthumously in 1946, edited by the epistemologistGeorges Canguilhemand the mathematicianCharles Ehresmannunder the titleSur la logique et la theorie de la science.

Denounced as a public enemy by theVichy regimeand sought by the police, he fled clandestinely to London in February 1943. There he met GeneralCharles de Gaulleon several occasions.

Back in France on 15 April he resigned from the management Committee of theLibérationmovement in order to dedicate himself entirely to direct action. He was in charge of the sabotage of the stores of theKriegsmarineinBrittanyand German radio installations on the coast.

Betrayed by one of his liaison officers[who?],he was arrested on 28 August 1943 in Paris with his sister[who?]and her brother-in-law[who?].Tortured, imprisoned inFresnesthen inCompiègne,he was transferred to the Citadel from Arras and was reported as being executed there on 17 February 1944. New research in 2015 revealed this date was incorrect and he was sentenced and executed on 4 April 1944.[8]Buried at first inArrasunder a wooden cross marked "unknown n°5", his body was exhumed in 1946 to be buried in the Crypt in theSorbonne,in Paris.



The Centre Cavaillès de l'École Normale Supérieurewas established in Paris in 1969, at 29rue d'Ulm,as Centre for the Study of the History and Philosophy of Science. At the formal opening, philosopherGeorges Canguilhemsaid, "A philosopher-mathematician loaded with explosives, lucid and reckless, resolute without optimism. If that's not a hero, what is a hero?" (Translated from the originalFrench language:"Un philosophe mathématicien bourré d'explosifs, un lucide téméraire, un résolu sans optimisme. Si ce n'est pas un héros, qu'est-ce qu'un héros?" )[9]

Cavaillès is honored in theHeroes of the Resistancepostage stamp set.

InL'Armée des ombres,a 1969 film directed byJean-Pierre Melville,the character ofLuc Jardie(the Chief) was in part inspired by Cavaillès. Jardie's chief operative, recuperating from injuries in a hideaway, has only five books; the title of each is a publication of Cavaillès, though the author is shown as "Luc Jardie."

Military honours



  • Sur la deuxième définition des ensemble finis donnée par Dedekind[On the second definition of finite sets given byDedekind],Fundamenta Mathematicae,XIX,1932, pp. 143–148.
  • L'école de Vienne au Congrès de Prague,Revue de métaphysique et de morale,XLII,1935, pp. 137–149.
  • Briefwechsel Cantor-Dedekind,ed. by E. Noether and J. Cavaillès,Actualités scientifiques et industrielles,518,Paris, Hermann, 1937. French translation by Charles Ehresmann in Cavaillès,Philosophie mathématique,Paris, Hermann, 1962, pp. 177–252.
  • Remarques sur la formation de la théorie abstraite des ensembles[Remarks on the formation of abstract set theory],Actualités scientifiques et industrielles,606&607,Paris, Hermann, 1938. Reprinted in Cavaillès,Philosophie mathématique,Paris, Hermann, 1962, pp. 23–176.
  • Méthode axiomatique et formalisme[Axiomatic method and formalism],Actualités scientifiques et industrielles,608,609&610,Paris, Hermann, 1938.
  • Du collectif au pari[From the collective to the bet],Revue de métaphysique et de morale,XLVII,1940, pp. 139–163.
  • La pensée mathématique[Mathematical thought], discussion with Albert Lautman (February 4, 1939),Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie,XL,1946.
  • Transfini et continu[Transfinite and continuum],Actualités scientifiques et industrielles,1020,Paris, Hermann, 1947. Reprinted in Cavaillès,Philosophie mathématique,Paris, Hermann, 1962, pp. 253–274.
  • Sur la logique et la théorie de la science[On logic and the theory of science], Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1947. English translation by T. S. Kisiel in J. Kockelmans and T. Kisiel (eds),Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences,Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1970.
  • Philosophie mathématique[Mathematical philosophy], Paris, Hermann, 1962.
  • Œuvres complètes de philosophie des sciences[Complete works in philosophy of the sciences], Paris, Hermann, 1994.


  1. ^E. Reck (ed.),The Historical Turn in Analytic Philosophy,Springer, 2016: ch. 2.1.
  2. ^Concept - Cahiers pour l'Analyse (An electronic edition)
  3. ^Joseph W. Dauben and Christoph J. Scriba (eds.),Writing the History of Mathematics – Its Historical Development,2002, p. 33.
  4. ^Šebestik, Jan."Bolzano's Logic".InZalta, Edward N.(ed.).Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  5. ^Alan D. Schrift (2006),Twentieth-Century French Philosophy: Key Themes And Thinkers,Blackwell Publishing, p. 138.
  6. ^Schrift 2006, p. 87
  7. ^Méthode axiomatique et formalisme(thèse principale) andRemarques sur la formation de la théorie abstraite des ensembles(thèse complémentaire) under the direction ofLéon Brunschvicg.
  8. ^"Maitron".maitron.fr.Retrieved2023-04-01.
  9. ^Georges Canguihem,Vie et mort de Jean Cavaillès,Paris: Éditions Allia, 2004, p. 35.

Further reading

  • Canguilhem, Georges.Vie et mort de Jean Cavaillès[Life and death of Jean Cavaillès], Paris, Allia, 1996
  • Cassou-Noguès, Pierre.De l'expérience mathématique. Essai sur la philosophie des sciences de Jean Cavaillès[On mathematical experiment: Essay on the philosophy of science of Jean Cavaillès], Paris, Vrin, 2001
  • Azema, Jean-Pierre and Aglan, Alya.Jean Cavaillès Résistant ou la Pensée en actes[Jean Cavaillès – Resisting or thought in actions], Paris, Flammarion, 2002
  • Dominique Dubarle,"Le dernier écrit philosophique de Jean Cavaillès" inRevue de métaphysique et de morale,LIII, no. 3 (Société française de philosophie, Paris, 1948)
  • Ferrières, Gabrielle.Jean Cavaillès: Un philosophe dans la guerre, 1903-1944,fourth edition, Paris, Le Félin, 2003. First edition, asJean Cavaillès philosophe résistant,Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1950. English translation of the second French edition of 1982, by T. N. F. Murtagh, asJean Cavaillès: A Philosopher in Time of War, 1903-1944,New York, Edward Mellen Press, 2000.
  • Cortois, Paul.Bibliographie de Jean Cavaillès,Philosophia Scientiæ,III,1998, pp. 157–174.