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TheJerrahi(Turkish:Cerrahiyye, Cerrahilik) are aSufitariqah(order) derived from theHalveti order.Their founder isHazreti Pîr Muhammad Nureddin al-Jerrahi(1678-1720), who lived inIstanbuland is buried at the site of histekkeinKaragümrük,Istanbul. Nureddin was a direct descendant ofMuhammadboth from his mother and father. During theLate Ottoman period,the Order was widespread throughout theBalkans,particularlyMacedoniaand southernGreece(Morea). The Jerrahi Order of Dervishes is a cultural, educational, and social relief organization with members from diverse professional, ethnic and national backgrounds.

Türbeof thesufiNur al-Din al-Jarrāhī inIstanbul

The headdergah"convention" of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order is in Karagümrük,Fatih,Istanbul. There are some substations inTurkeyand it has branches in some European countries,Australia,South Africa,South America and North America, includingLos Angeles,New York City, Mexico,San Francisco,TorontoandChicago.Branches of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order conduct gatherings where the dervishes perform Sufiremembrance ceremonies,practicesufi music,serve dinner, pray together and listen to the discourses of their Sufi guides. The main branch of the Jerrahi Order of America is inChestnut Ridge,Rockland County, New Yorkwith a congregation of mixed immigrant and local convert backgrounds.[1][2]


This Sufi Order was brought to Western countries byMuzaffer Ozak,who was the 19th Grand Sheikh of the Order from 1966 until his death in 1985. Sefer Dal was Grand Sheikh of the Order from 1985 until his own death in 1999.Ömer Tuğrul İnançerwas Grand Sheikh of the Order from 1999 to 2022. The current Sheikh of the Order since 2022 isAhmet Özhan.According to Gift of the Givers founder Imtiaz Sooliman, it was Sefer Dal, 20th Grand Sheikh of the Order, who advised him to establish the organization during a visit to Dal's Istanbul mosque.[3]

During theBosnian War,the Order's American branch worked with theFellowship of Reconciliationto bring 160 Bosnian refugees to the US.[4]Inancer, the previous Grand Sheikh of the Order, was a speaker at the World Sufi Forum organized by theAll India Ulema and Mashaikh Boardin 2016.[5]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Anne Noyes Saini and Ramaa Reddy Raghavan,At Houses Of Worship, Women Serve Food For A Higher Purpose.NPR,17 August 2014. Accessed 1 November 2018.
  2. ^Jane Lerner and Richard Liebson,Local Muslims, Jews horrified by terror in Paris.The Journal News,9 January 2015. Accessed 1 November 2018.
  3. ^Ryan Lenora Brown,A charity that gives food – and frees hostages.Christian Science Monitor, 19 November 2016. Accessed 1 November 2018.
  4. ^Stacy Teicher Khadaroo,Stuck in Syria, Iraqi students get a crack at college in the U.S.The Christian Science Monitor,14 August 2008. Accessed 1 November 2018.
  5. ^Priyanka Mogul,World Sufi Forum 2016: What you need to know about Muslim event inaugurated by Narendra Modi.International Business Times,17 March 2016. Accessed 1 November 2018.

External links[edit]