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John Rawls

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John Rawls
Black-and-white portrait photograph of John Rawls wearing glasses
Rawls in 1971
John Bordley Rawls

(1921-02-21)February 21, 1921
DiedNovember 24, 2002(2002-11-24)(aged 81)
EducationPrinceton University(BA,PhD)
Christ Church, Oxford
Notable workA Theory of Justice(1971)
Political Liberalism(1993)
Margaret Warfield Fox
AwardsRolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy(1999)
National Humanities Medal(1999)
Era20th-century philosophy
21st-century philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
InstitutionsPrinceton University
Cornell University
Harvard University
Doctoral advisorWalter Terence Stace
Doctoral students
Main interests
Notable ideas
John Rawls signature

John Bordley Rawls(/rɔːlz/;[2]February 21, 1921 – November 24, 2002) was an Americanmoral,legalandpoliticalphilosopher in themodern liberal tradition.[3][4]Rawls has been described as one of the most influentialpolitical philosophersof the 20th century.[5]

In 1990,Will Kymlickawrote in his introduction to the field that "it is generally accepted that the recent rebirth of normativepolitical philosophybegan with the publication of John Rawls'sA Theory of Justicein 1971 ".[6][7]Rawls's theory of"justice as fairness"recommends equal basic liberties, equality of opportunity, and facilitating the maximum benefit to the least advantaged members of society in any case where inequalities may occur. Rawls's argument for these principles ofsocial justiceuses athought experimentcalled the "original position",in which peopledeliberatelyselect what kind of society they would choose to live in if they did not know which social position they would personally occupy. In his later workPolitical Liberalism(1993), Rawls turned to the question of how political power could be made legitimate given reasonable disagreement about the nature of the good life.

Rawls received both theSchock Prizefor Logic and Philosophy and theNational Humanities Medalin 1999. The latter was presented by PresidentBill Clintonin recognition of how his works "revived the disciplines of political and ethical philosophy with his argument that a society in which the most fortunate help the least fortunate is not only a moral society but a logical one".[8]

Among contemporary political philosophers, Rawls is frequently cited by the courts of law in the United States and Canada[9]and referred to by practicing politicians in the United States and the United Kingdom. In a 2008 national survey of political theorists, based on 1,086 responses from professors at accredited, four-year colleges and universities in the United States, Rawls was voted first on the list of "Scholars Who Have Had the Greatest Impact on Political Theory in the Past 20 Years".[10]



Early life and education


Rawls was born on February 21, 1921, inBaltimore,Maryland.[11]He was the second of five sons born to William Lee Rawls, a prominent Baltimore attorney, and Anna Abell Stump Rawls.[12][13]Tragedy struck Rawls at a young age:

Two of his brothers died in childhood because they had contracted fatal illnesses from him.... In 1928, the seven-year-old Rawls contracteddiphtheria.His brother Bobby, younger by 20 months, visited him in his room and was fatally infected. The next winter, Rawls contractedpneumonia.Another younger brother, Tommy, caught the illness from him and died.[14]

Rawls's biographerThomas Poggecalls the loss of the brothers the "most important events in John's childhood."

Photo portrait of a young man with short hair wearing a suit and tie
Rawls as aKent Schoolsenior, 1937

Rawls graduated inBaltimorebefore enrolling in theKent School,anEpiscopalianpreparatory schoolinConnecticut.Upon graduation in 1939, Rawls attendedPrinceton University,where he was accepted intoThe Ivy Cluband theAmerican Whig-Cliosophic Society.At Princeton, Rawls was influenced byNorman Malcolm,Ludwig Wittgenstein's student. During his last two years at Princeton, he "became deeply concerned with theology and its doctrines." He considered attending a seminary to study for the Episcopal priesthood and wrote an "intensely religious senior thesis (BI)."[15]In his 181-page long thesis titled "Meaning of Sin and Faith," Rawls attackedPelagianismbecause it "would render the Cross of Christ to no effect."[16]Rawls graduated from Princeton in 1943 with a Bachelor of Arts,summa cum laude.[13]

Military service, 1943–46


Rawls enlisted in theU.S. Armyin February 1943. DuringWorld War II,Rawls served as aninfantrymanin the Pacific, where he served a tour of duty inNew Guineaand was awarded aBronze Star;and thePhilippines,where he endured intensive trench warfare and witnessed traumatizing scenes of violence and bloodshed.[17]It was there that he lost his Christian faith and became an atheist.[15][18][19]

Following the surrender of Japan, Rawls became part ofGeneral MacArthur's occupying army[13]and was promoted to sergeant. But he became disillusioned with the military when he saw the aftermath of the atomic blast inHiroshima.Rawls then disobeyed an order to discipline a fellow soldier, "believing no punishment was justified," and was "demoted back to aprivate."Disenchanted, he left the military in January 1946.[17]

Academic career


In early 1946, Rawls returned to Princeton to pursue a doctorate in moral philosophy. He married Margaret Warfield Fox, aBrown Universitygraduate, in 1949. They had four children:Anne Warfield,Robert Lee, Alexander Emory, and Elizabeth Fox.[13]

Rawls received his PhD from Princeton in 1950 after completing a doctoral dissertation titledA Study in the Grounds of Ethical Knowledge: Considered with Reference to Judgments on the Moral Worth of Character.His PhD included a year of study at Cornell. Rawls taught at Princeton until 1952 when he received aFulbright FellowshiptoChrist ChurchatOxford University,where he was influenced by the liberal political theorist and historianIsaiah Berlinand the legal theoristH. L. A. Hart.After returning to the United States, he served first as an assistant and then associate professor atCornell University.

In the fall of 1953 Rawls became an assistant professor atCornell University,joining his mentorNorman Malcolmin the Philosophy Department. Three years later Rawls received tenure atCornell.During the 1959–60 academic year, Rawls was a visiting professor at Harvard, and he was appointed in 1960 as a professor in the humanities division at MIT. Two years later, he returned to Harvard as a professor of philosophy, and he remained there until reaching mandatory retirement age in 1991.

In 1962, he achieved a tenured position atMIT.That same year, he moved toHarvard University,where he taught for almost forty years and where he trained some of the leading contemporary figures in moral and political philosophy, includingSibyl A. Schwarzenbach,Thomas Nagel,Allan Gibbard,Onora O'Neill,Adrian Piper,Arnold Davidson,Elizabeth S. Anderson,Christine Korsgaard,Susan Neiman,Claudia Card,Rainer Forst,Thomas Pogge,T. M. Scanlon,Barbara Herman,Joshua Cohen,Thomas E. Hill Jr.,Gurcharan Das,Andreas Teuber,Henry S. Richardson,Nancy Sherman,Samuel FreemanandPaul Weithman.He held theJames Bryant ConantUniversity Professorshipat Harvard.[20]

Rawls was, for a time, a member of theMont Pèlerin Society.He was put forward for membership byMilton Friedmanin 1968, and withdrew from the society three years later, just before hisA Theory of Justicewas published.[21]

Later life


Rawls rarely gave interviews and, having both a stutter (partially caused by the deaths of two of his brothers, who died through infections contracted from Rawls) and a "bat-like horror of the limelight," did not become a public intellectual despite his fame. He instead remained committed mainly to his academic and family life.[12]

In 1995, he had the first of several strokes, severely impeding his ability to continue to work. He was nevertheless able to completeThe Law of Peoples,the most complete statement of his views on international justice and published in 2001 shortly before his deathJustice as Fairness: A Restatement,a response to criticisms ofA Theory of Justice.Rawls died from heart failure at his home inLe xing ton, Massachusetts,on November 24, 2002, at age 81.[3]He was buried at theMount Auburn Cemeteryin Massachusetts. He was survived by his wife, four children, and four grandchildren.[22]

Philosophical thought


Rawls published three main books. The first,A Theory of Justice,focused on distributive justice and attempted to reconcile the competing claims of the values of freedom and equality. The second,Political Liberalism,addressed the question of how citizens divided by intractable religious and philosophical disagreements could come to endorse a constitutional democratic regime. The third,The Law of Peoples,focused on the issue of global justice.

A Theory of Justice


A Theory of Justice,published in 1971, aimed to resolve the seemingly competing claims of freedom and equality. The shape Rawls's resolution took, however, was not that of a balancing act that compromised or weakened the moral claim of one value compared with the other. Rather, his intent was to show that notions of freedom and equality could be integrated into a seamless unity he calledjustice as fairness.By attempting to enhance the perspective which his readers should take when thinking about justice, Rawls hoped to show the supposed conflict between freedom and equality to be illusory.

Rawls'sA Theory of Justice(1971) includes a thought experiment he called the "original position."The intuition motivating its employment is this: the enterprise of political philosophy will be greatly benefited by a specification of the correct standpoint a person should take in their thinking about justice. When we think about what it would mean for a just state of affairs to obtain between persons, we eliminate certain features (such as hair or eye color, height, race, etc.) and fixate upon others. Rawls's original position is meant to encode all of our intuitions about which features are relevant, and which irrelevant, for the purposes of deliberating well about justice.

The original position is Rawls'shypotheticalscenario in which a group of persons is set the task of reaching an agreement about the kind of political and economic structure they want for a society, which they will then occupy. Each individual, however, deliberates behind a "veil of ignorance":each lacks knowledge, for example, of their gender, race, age, intelligence, wealth, skills, education and religion. The only thing that a given member knows about themselves is that they are in possession of the basic capacities necessary to fully and willfully participate in an enduring system of mutual cooperation; each knows they can be a member of the society.

Green book cover
A Theory of Justice,1sted.
Illustration showing two groups and a wall (or veil) separating them: the first group at left are uniform stick figures, while the group at right are more diverse in terms of gender, race, and other qualities
Visual illustration of the "original position"and"veil of ignorance"
Citizens making choices about their society are asked to make them from an "original position" of equality(at left)behind a "veil of ignorance"(wall, center),without knowing what gender, race, abilities, tastes, wealth, or position in society they will have(at right).Rawls claims this will cause them to choose "fair" policies.

Rawls posits two basic capacities that the individuals would know themselves to possess. First, individuals know that they have the capacity to form, pursue and revise a conception of the good, or life plan. Exactly what sort of conception of the good this is, however, the individual does not yet know. It may be, for example, religious or secular, but at the start, the individual in the original position does not know which. Second, each individual understands themselves to have the capacity to develop a sense of justice and a generally effective desire to abide by it. Knowing only these two features of themselves, the group will deliberate in order to design a social structure, during which each person will seek their maximal advantage. The idea is that proposals that we would ordinarily think of as unjust—such as that black people or women should not be allowed to hold public office—will not be proposed, in this, Rawls's original position, because it would beirrationalto propose them. The reason is simple: one does not know whether he himself would be a woman or a black person. This position is expressed in thedifference principle,according to which, in a system of ignorance about one's status, one would strive to improve the position of the worst off, because he might find himself in that position.

Rawls develops his original position by modeling it, in certain respects at least, after the "initial situations" of various social contract thinkers who came before him, includingThomas Hobbes,John LockeandJean-Jacques Rousseau.Each social contractarian constructs their initial situation somewhat differently, having in mind a unique political morality they intend the thought experiment to generate.[23]Iain Kinghas suggested the original position draws on Rawls's experiences in post-war Japan, where the US Army was challenged with designing new social and political authorities for the country, while "imagining away all that had gone before."[17]

In social justice processes, each person early on makes decisions about which features of persons to consider and which to ignore. Rawls's aspiration is to have created a thought experiment whereby a version of that process is carried to its completion, illuminating the correct standpoint a person should take in their thinking about justice. If he has succeeded, then the original position thought experiment may function as a full specification of the moral standpoint we should attempt to achieve when deliberating about social justice.

In setting out his theory, Rawls described his method as one of "reflective equilibrium,"a concept which has since been used in other areas of philosophy. Reflective equilibrium is achieved by mutually adjusting one's general principles and one's considered judgements on particular cases, to bring the two into line with one another.

Principles of justice


Rawls derives two principles of justice from the original position. The first of these is the Liberty Principle, which establishes equal basic liberties for all citizens. 'Basic' liberty entails the (familiar in the liberal tradition) freedoms of conscience, association and expression as well as democratic rights; Rawls also includes apersonal propertyright, but this is defended in terms of moral capacities and self-respect,[24]rather than an appeal to a natural right of self-ownership (this distinguishes Rawls's account from theclassical liberalismof John Locke and thelibertarianismofRobert Nozick).

Rawls argues that a second principle of equality would be agreed upon to guarantee liberties that represent meaningful options for all in society and ensure distributive justice. For example, formal guarantees of political voice and freedom of assembly are of little real worth to the desperately poor and marginalized in society. Demanding that everyone have exactly the same effective opportunities in life would almost certainly offend the very liberties that are supposedly being equalized. Nonetheless, we would want to ensure at least the "fair worth" of our liberties: wherever one ends up in society, one wants life to be worth living, with enough effective freedom to pursue personal goals. Thus, participants would be moved to affirm a two-part second principle comprising Fair Equality of Opportunity and the famous (and controversial[25])difference principle.This second principle ensures that those with comparable talents and motivation face roughly similar life chances and that inequalities in society work to the benefit of the least advantaged.

Rawls held that these principles of justice apply to the "basic structure" of fundamental social institutions (such as the judiciary, the economic structure and the political constitution), a qualification that has been the source of some controversy and constructive debate (see the work ofGerald Cohen). Rawls's theory of justice stakes out the task of equalizing the distribution of primary social goods to those least advantaged in society and thus may be seen as a largely political answer to the question of justice, with matters of morality somewhat conflated into a political account of justice and just institutions. Relational approaches to the question of justice, by contrast, seek to examine the connections between individuals and focuses on their relations in societies, with respect to how these relationships are established and configured.[26]

Rawls further argued that these principles were to be 'lexically ordered' to award priority to basic liberties over the more equality-oriented demands of the second principle. This has also been a topic of much debate among moral and political philosophers.

Finally, Rawls took his approach as applying in the first instance to what he called a "well-ordered society... designed to advance the good of its members and effectively regulated by a public conception of justice."[27]In this respect, he understood justice as fairness as a contribution to "ideal theory," the determination of "principles that characterize a well-ordered society under favorable circumstances."[28]

Political Liberalism

Beige book cover with simple black and red shapes
First edition ofPolitical Liberalism

InPolitical Liberalism(1993), Rawls turned towards the question of political legitimacy in the context of intractable philosophical, religious, and moral disagreement amongst citizens regarding the human good. Such disagreement, he insisted, was reasonable—the result of the free exercise of human rationality under the conditions of open enquiry and free conscience that the liberal state is designed to safeguard. The question of legitimacy in the face of reasonable disagreement was urgent for Rawls because his own justification of Justice as Fairness relied upon aKantianconception of the human good that can be reasonably rejected. If the political conception offered inA Theory of Justicecan only be shown to be good by invoking a controversial conception of human flourishing, it is unclear how a liberal state ordered according to it could possibly be legitimate.

The intuition animating this seemingly new concern is actually no different from the guiding idea ofA Theory of Justice,namely that the fundamental charter of a society must rely only on principles, arguments and reasons that cannot be reasonably rejected by the citizens whose lives will be limited by its social, legal, and political circumscriptions. In other words, the legitimacy of a law is contingent upon its justification being impossible to reasonably reject. This old insight took on a new shape, however, when Rawls realized that its application must extend to the deep justification of Justice as Fairness itself, which he had presented in terms of a reasonably rejectable (Kantian) conception of human flourishing as the free development of autonomous moral agency.

The core of Political Liberalism is its insistence that in order to retain its legitimacy, the liberal state must commit itself to the "ideal ofpublic reason."This roughly means that citizens in their public capacity must engage one another only in terms of reasons whose statusasreasons is shared between them. Political reasoning, then, is to proceed purely in terms of "public reasons." For example: a Supreme Court justice deliberating on whether or not the denial to homosexuals of the ability to marry constitutes a violation of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause may not advert to his religious convictions on the matter, but he may take into account the argument that a same-sex household provides sub-optimal conditions for a child's development.[citation needed]This is because reasons based upon the interpretation of sacred text are non-public (their force as reasons relies upon faith commitments that can be reasonably rejected), whereas reasons that rely upon the value of providing children with environments in which they may develop optimally are public reasons—their status as reasons draws upon no deep, controversial conception of human flourishing.

Rawls held that the duty of civility—the duty of citizens to offer one another reasons that are mutually understood as reasons—applies within what he called the "public political forum." This forum extends from the upper reaches of government—for example the supreme legislative and judicial bodies of the society—all the way down to the deliberations of a citizen deciding for whom to vote in state legislatures or how to vote in public referendums. Campaigning politicians should also, he believed, refrain from pandering to the non-public religious or moral convictions of their constituencies.

The ideal of public reason secures the dominance of the public political values—freedom, equality, and fairness—that serve as the foundation of the liberal state. But what about the justification of these values? Since any such justification would necessarily draw upon deep (religious or moral) metaphysical commitments which would be reasonably rejectable, Rawls held that the public political values may only be justified privately by individual citizens. The public liberal political conception and its attendant values may and will be affirmed publicly (in judicial opinions and presidential addresses, for example) but its deep justifications will not. The task of justification falls to what Rawls called the "reasonable comprehensive doctrines" and the citizens who subscribe to them. A reasonable Catholic will justify the liberal values one way, a reasonable Muslim another, and a reasonable secular citizen yet another way. One may illustrate Rawls's idea using a Venn diagram: the public political values will be the shared space upon which overlap numerous reasonable comprehensive doctrines. Rawls's account of stability presented inA Theory of Justiceis a detailed portrait of the compatibility of one—Kantian—comprehensive doctrine with justice as fairness. His hope is that similar accounts may be presented for many other comprehensive doctrines. This is Rawls's famous notion of an "overlapping consensus."

Such a consensus would necessarily exclude some doctrines, namely, those that are "unreasonable", and so one may wonder what Rawls has to say about such doctrines. An unreasonable comprehensive doctrine is unreasonable in the sense that it is incompatible with the duty of civility. This is simply another way of saying that an unreasonable doctrine is incompatible with the fundamental political values a liberal theory of justice is designed to safeguard—freedom, equality and fairness. So one answer to the question of what Rawls has to say about such doctrines is—nothing. For one thing, the liberal state cannot justify itself to individuals (such as religious fundamentalists) who hold to such doctrines, because any such justification would—as has been noted—proceed in terms of controversial moral or religious commitments that are excluded from the public political forum. But, more importantly, the goal of the Rawlsian project is primarily to determine whether or not the liberal conception of political legitimacy is internally coherent, and this project is carried out by the specification of what sorts of reasons persons committed to liberal values are permitted to use in their dialogue, deliberations and arguments with one another about political matters. The Rawlsian project has this goal to the exclusion of concern with justifying liberal values to those not already committed—or at least open—to them. Rawls's concern is with whether or not the idea of political legitimacy fleshed out in terms of the duty of civility and mutual justification can serve as a viable form of public discourse in the face of the religious and moral pluralism of modern democratic society, not with justifying this conception of political legitimacy in the first place.

Rawls also modified the principles of justice as follows (with the first principle having priority over the second, and the first half of the second having priority over the latter half):

  1. Each person has an equal claim to a fully adequate scheme of basic rights and liberties, which scheme is compatible with the same scheme for all; and in this scheme the equal political liberties, and only those liberties, are to be guaranteed their fair value.
  2. Social and economic inequalities are to satisfy two conditions: first, they are to be attached to positions and offices open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity; and second, they are to be to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged members of society.

These principles are subtly modified from the principles inTheory.The first principle now reads "equal claim" instead of "equal right", and he also replaces the phrase "system of basic liberties" with "a fully adequate scheme of equal basic rights and liberties". The two parts of the second principle are also switched, so that the difference principle becomes the latter of the three.

The Law of Peoples


Although there were passing comments on international affairs inA Theory of Justice,it was not until late in his career that Rawls formulated a comprehensive theory of international politics with the publication ofThe Law of Peoples.He claimed there that "well-ordered" peoples could be either "liberal" or "decent". Rawls's basic distinction in international politics is that his preferred emphasis on a society of peoples is separate from the more conventional and historical discussion of international politics as based on relationships between states.

Rawls argued that the legitimacy of aliberal international orderis contingent on toleratingdecent peoples,which differ fromliberal peoples,among other ways, in that they might have state religions and deny adherents ofminorityfaithsthe right to hold positions of power within the state and might organize political participation via consultation hierarchies rather than elections. However, no well-ordered peoples may violate human rights or behave in an externally aggressive manner. Peoples that fail to meet the criteria of "liberal" or "decent" peoples are referred to as 'outlaw states', 'societies burdened by unfavorable conditions' or 'benevolent absolutisms', depending on their particular failings. Such peoples do not have the right to mutual respect and toleration possessed by liberal and decent peoples.

Rawls's views on global distributive justice as they were expressed in this work surprised many of his fellow egalitarian liberals. For example,Charles Beitzhad previously written a study that argued for the application of Rawls's Difference Principles globally. Rawls denied that his principles should be so applied, partly on the grounds that a world state does not exist and would not be stable. This notion has been challenged, as a comprehensive system of global governance has arisen, amongst others in the form of theBretton Woods system,that serves to distribute primary social goods between human beings. It has thus been argued that a cosmopolitan application of the theory of justice as fairness is the more reasonable alternative to the application of The Law of Peoples, as it would be more legitimate towards all persons over whom political coercive power is exercised.[29]

According to Rawls however, nation states, unlike citizens, were self-sufficient in the cooperative enterprises that constitute domestic societies. Although Rawls recognized that aid should be given to governments which are unable to protect human rights for economic reasons, he claimed that the purpose for this aid is not to achieve an eventual state of global equality, but rather only to ensure that these societies could maintain liberal or decent political institutions. He argued, among other things, that continuing to give aid indefinitely would see nations with industrious populations subsidize those with idle populations and would create amoral hazardproblem where governments could spend irresponsibly in the knowledge that they will be bailed out by those nations who had spent responsibly.

Rawls's discussion of "non-ideal" theory, on the other hand, included a condemnation of bombing civilians and of the American bombing of German and Japanese cities inWorld War II,as well as discussions of immigration and nuclear proliferation. He also detailed here the ideal of the statesman, a political leader who looks to the next generation and promotes international harmony, even in the face of significant domestic pressure to act otherwise. Rawls also controversially claimed that violations of human rights can legitimize military intervention in the violating states, though he also expressed the hope that such societies could be induced to reform peacefully by the good example of liberal and decent peoples.

Influence and reception


Despite the exacting, academic tone of Rawls's writing and his reclusive personality, his philosophical work has exerted an enormous impact on not only contemporary moral and political philosophy but also public political discourse. During thestudent protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989,copies of "A Theory of Justice" were brandished by protesters in the face of government officials.[30][31][32]Despite being approximately 600 pages long, over 300,000 copies of that book have been sold,[33]stimulating critical responses fromutilitarian,feminist,conservative,libertarian,Catholic,communitarian,MarxistandGreenscholars.

Although having a profound influence ontheories of distributive justiceboth in theory and in practice, the generally anti-meritocraticsentiment of Rawls's thinking has not been widely accepted by the political left. He consistently held the view that naturally developed skills and endowments could not be neatly distinguished from inherited ones, and that neither could be used to justifymoral desert.[34]Instead, he held the view that individuals could "legitimately expect" entitlements to the earning of income or development of abilities based on institutional arrangements. This aspect of Rawls's work has been instrumental in the development of such ideas asluck egalitarianismandunconditional basic income,which have themselves been criticized.[35][36]The strictlyegalitarianquality of Rawls's second principle of justice has called into question thetype of equalitythat fair societies ought to embody.[37][38]

In a 2008 national survey of political theorists, based on 1,086 responses from professors at accredited, four-year colleges and universities in the United States, Rawls was voted first on the list of "Scholars Who Have Had the Greatest Impact on Political Theory in the Past 20 Years".[10]

Communitarian critique


Charles Taylor,Alasdair Macintyre,Michael Sandel,andMichael Walzerproduced a range of critical responses contesting theuniversalistbasis of Rawls'original position.While these criticisms, which emphasize the cultural and social roots of normative political principles, are typically described ascommunitariancritiques of Rawlsian liberalism, none of their authors identified with philosophicalcommunitarianism.In his later works, Rawls attempted to reconcile his theory of justice with the possibility that its normative foundations may not be universally applicable.[39]

September Group


The late philosopherG. A. Cohen,along with political scientistJon Elster,andJohn Roemer,used Rawls's writings extensively to inaugurate theAnalytical Marxismmovement in the 1980s.

Frankfurt School


In the later part of Rawls's career, he engaged with the scholarly work ofJürgen Habermas(seeHabermas-Rawls debate). Habermas's reading of Rawls led to an appreciation of Rawls's work and otheranalytical philosophersby theFrankfurt Schoolofcritical theory,and many of Habermas's own students and associates were expected to be familiar with Rawls by the late 1980s.[40]TheLeibniz Prize-winning political philosopherRainer Forstwas advised by both by Rawls and Habermas in completing his PhD.[41][42]Axel Honneth,Fabian Freyenhagen,andJames Gordon Finlaysonhave also drawn on Rawls's work in comparison to Habermas.

Feminist political philosophy


PhilosopherEva Kittayhas extended the work of John Rawls to address the concerns of women and cognitively disabled people.[43]

Awards and honors


John Rawls is featured as the protagonist ofA Theory of Justice: The Musical,a musical comedy that premiered at Oxford in 2013 and was revived for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.[48]




  • A Study in the Grounds of Ethical Knowledge: Considered with Reference to Judgments on the Moral Worth of Character.Ph.D. dissertation,Princeton University, 1950.
  • A Theory of Justice.Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. The revised edition of 1999 incorporates changes that Rawls made for translated editions ofA Theory of Justice.
  • Political Liberalism.The John Dewey Essays in Philosophy, 4.New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. The hardback edition published in 1993 is not identical. The paperback adds a valuable new introduction and an essay titled "Reply to Habermas."
  • The Law of Peoples:with "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited."Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999. This slim book includes two works; a further development of his essay entitled "The Law of Peoples" and another entitled "Public Reason Revisited," both published earlier in his career.
  • Collected Papers.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999. This collection of shorter papers was edited by Samuel Freeman.
  • Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy.Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2000. This collection of lectures was edited by Barbara Herman. It has an introduction on modern moral philosophy from 1600 to 1800 and then lectures on Hume, Leibniz, Kant and Hegel.
  • Justice as Fairness: A Restatement.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 2001. This shorter summary of the main arguments of Rawls's political philosophy was edited by Erin Kelly. Many versions of this were circulated in typescript and much of the material was delivered by Rawls in lectures when he taught courses covering his own work at Harvard University.
  • Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2007. Collection of lectures onThomas Hobbes,John Locke,Joseph Butler,Jean-Jacques Rousseau,David Hume,John Stuart MillandKarl Marx,edited by Samuel Freeman.
  • A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith.Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2010. With introduction and commentary by Thomas Nagel, Joshua Cohen and Robert Merrihew Adams. Senior thesis, Princeton, 1942. This volume includes a brief late essay by Rawls entitledOn My Religion.


  • "Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics."Philosophical Review(April 1951), 60 (2): 177–197.
  • "Two Concepts of Rules."Philosophical Review(January 1955), 64 (1):3–32.
  • "Justice as Fairness."Journal of Philosophy(October 24, 1957), 54 (22): 653–362.
  • "Justice as Fairness."Philosophical Review(April 1958), 67 (2): 164–194.
  • "The Sense of Justice."Philosophical Review(July 1963), 72 (3): 281–305.
  • "Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice"Nomos VI(1963)
  • "Distributive Justice: Some Addenda." Natural Law Forum (1968), 13: 51–71.
  • "Reply to Lyons and Teitelman."Journal of Philosophy(October 5, 1972), 69 (18): 556–557.
  • "Reply to Alexander and Musgrave."Quarterly Journal of Economics(November 1974), 88 (4): 633–655.
  • "Some Reasons for the Maximin Criterion."American Economic Review(May 1974), 64 (2): 141–146.
  • "Fairness to Goodness."Philosophical Review(October 1975), 84 (4): 536–554.
  • "The Independence of Moral Theory."Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association(November 1975), 48: 5–22.
  • "A Kantian Conception of Equality."Cambridge Review(February 1975), 96 (2225): 94–99.
  • "The Basic Structure as Subject."American Philosophical Quarterly(April 1977), 14 (2): 159–165.
  • "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory."Journal of Philosophy(September 1980), 77 (9): 515–572.
  • "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical."Philosophy & Public Affairs(Summer 1985), 14 (3): 223–251.
  • "The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus."Oxford Journal for Legal Studies(Spring 1987), 7 (1): 1–25.
  • "The Priority of Right and Ideas of the Good."Philosophy & Public Affairs(Fall 1988), 17 (4): 251–276.
  • "The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus."New York University Law Review(May 1989), 64 (2): 233–255.
  • "Roderick Firth: His Life and Work."Philosophy and Phenomenological Research(March 1991), 51 (1): 109–118.
  • "The Law of Peoples."Critical Inquiry(Fall 1993), 20 (1): 36–68.
  • "Political Liberalism: Reply to Habermas."Journal of Philosophy(March 1995), 92 (3):132–180.
  • "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited."Chicago Law Review(1997), 64 (3): 765–807. [PRR]

Book chapters

  • "Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice." In Carl J. Friedrich and John W. Chapman, eds.,Nomos, VI: Justice,pp. 98–125. Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. New York: Atherton Press, 1963.
  • "Legal Obligation and the Duty of Fair Play." In Sidney Hook, ed.,Law and Philosophy: A Symposium,pp. 3–18. New York: New York University Press, 1964. Proceedings of the 6th Annual New York University Institute of Philosophy.
  • "Distributive Justice." InPeter LaslettandW. G. Runciman,eds.,Philosophy, Politics, and Society.Third Series, pp. 58–82. London: Blackwell; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1967.
  • "The Justification of Civil Disobedience." InHugo Adam Bedau,ed.,Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice,pp. 240–255. New York: Pegasus Books, 1969.
  • "Justice as Reciprocity." In Samuel Gorovitz, ed.,Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill: With Critical Essays,pp. 242–268. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971.
  • "Author's Note." In Thomas Schwartz, ed.,Freedom and Authority: An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy,p. 260. Encino & Belmont, California: Dickenson, 1973.
  • "Distributive Justice." InEdmund S. Phelps,ed.,Economic Justice: Selected Readings,pp. 319–362. Penguin Modern Economics Readings. Harmondsworth & Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1973.
  • "Personal Communication, January 31, 1976." In Thomas Nagel's "The Justification of Equality." Critica (April 1978), 10 (28): 9n4.
  • "The Basic Liberties and Their Priority." InSterling M. McMurrin,ed.,The Tanner Lectures on Human Values,III(1982), pp. 1–87. Salt Lake City:University of Utah Press;Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1982.
  • "Social unity and primary goods" inSen, Amartya;Williams, Bernard,eds. (1982).Utilitarianism and beyond.Cambridge / Paris: Cambridge University Press / Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. pp. 159–185.ISBN978-0511611964.
  • "Themes in Kant's Moral Philosophy." In Eckhart Forster, ed.,Kant's Transcendental Deductions: The Three Critiques and the Opus postumum,pp. 81–113, 253–256. Stanford Series in Philosophy. Studies in Kant and German Idealism. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1989.


  • Review ofAxel Hägerström'sInquiries into the Nature of Law and Morals(C.D. Broad, tr.).Mind(July 1955), 64 (255):421–422.
  • Review ofStephen Toulmin'sAn Examination of the Place of Reason in Ethics(1950).Philosophical Review(October 1951), 60 (4): 572–580.
  • Review ofA. Vilhelm Lundstedt'sLegal Thinking Revised.Cornell Law Quarterly(1959), 44: 169.
  • Review ofRaymond Klibansky,ed.,Philosophy in Mid-Century: A Survey.Philosophical Review(January 1961), 70 (1): 131–132.
  • Review ofRichard B. Brandt,ed.,Social Justice(1962).Philosophical Review(July 1965), 74(3): 406–409.

See also



  1. ^Young, Shaun (2002).Beyond Rawls: An Analysis of the Concept of Political Liberalism.Lanham, MD:University Press of America.p.59.ISBN978-0761822400.
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  44. ^Page 12 of 'John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice' by Thomas Pogge, 2007.
  45. ^"John Rawls".American Academy of Arts & Sciences.Archivedfrom the original on August 9, 2022.RetrievedAugust 9,2022.
  46. ^"APS Member History".search.amphilsoc.org.Archivedfrom the original on May 24, 2022.RetrievedAugust 9,2022.
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  48. ^"Oxford / News / Colleges / PPE finalists create revision musical".Cherwell.org. October 3, 2012.Archivedfrom the original on March 29, 2016.RetrievedJanuary 31,2013.

Further reading
