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Joint Chiefs of Staff

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Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
RoleAdvisory board providing professional military advice to thesecretary of defenseand thepresident
Established in practice1942
Constituting instrumentNational Security Act of 1947
currently codified at
10 U.S.C.§ 151
Predecessor entitiesJoint Board
ChairmanGenCharles Q. Brown Jr.,USAF
Vice ChairmanADMChristopher W. Grady,USN
Number of membersEight
Parent agencyU.S. Department of Defense
Staff organizationThe Joint Staff (for the chairman and the vice chairman; the service chiefs and theNational Guard Bureauchief have their own staffs assisting them)
SeatThe Pentagon

TheJoint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) is the body of the most senior uniformed leaders within theUnited States Department of Defense,which advises thepresident of the United States,thesecretary of defense,theHomeland Security Counciland theNational Security Councilon military matters. The composition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is defined bystatuteand consists of achairman(CJCS), avice chairman(VJCS), the chiefs of theArmy,Marine Corps,Navy,Air Force,Space Force,and thechief of the National Guard Bureau.[1][2]Each of the individual service chiefs, outside their JCS obligations, works directly under the secretaries of their respective military departments, e.g. thesecretary of the Army,thesecretary of the Navy,and thesecretary of the Air Force.[3][4][5][6]

Following theGoldwater–Nichols Actin 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, either individually or collectively, as thechain of commandgoes from the president to the secretary of defense, and from the secretary to the regionalcombatant commanders.[7]Goldwater–Nichols also created the office of vice chairman, and the chairman is now designated as the principal military adviser to the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council and the president.[8]

TheJoint Staff(JS) is a headquarters staff in thePentagon,composed of personnel from each of the six service branches, that assists the chairman and the vice chairman in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by thedirector of the Joint Staff(DJS).[9]

Role and responsibilities[edit]

The Joint Chiefs of Staff in May 2024.

After the 1986 reorganization of theArmed Forcesundertaken by theGoldwater–Nichols Act,the Joint Chiefs of Staff does not possess operational authority over troops or other units. Responsibility for conducting military operations goes from thepresidentto thesecretary of defensedirectly to the commanders of theunified combatant commandsand thus bypasses the Joint Chiefs of Staff completely.

Today, their primary responsibility is to ensure personnel readiness, policy, planning and training of their respective services for the combatant commanders to utilize. In addition, thechairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffacts as the chief military advisor to the president and the secretary of defense. In this strictly advisory role, the Joint Chiefs constitute the third-highest deliberative body for military policy, after theNational Security Counciland theHomeland Security Council,which includes the president and other officials besides the chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

While serving as the chairman or vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, chief of staff of the Army, commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Naval Operations, chief of staff of the Air Force, or commandant of the Coast Guard, the salary is $15,583.20 a month,[10]regardless of cumulative years of service completed under section 205 oftitle 37,United States Code.

Current members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff[edit]

Position Photograph Name Service Serving since Nominated by Flag
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Charles Q. Brown Jr.
United States Air Force 1 October 2023 Joseph R. Biden
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Christopher W. Grady
United States Navy 20 December 2021 Joseph R. Biden
Chief of Staff of the Army
Randy A. George
United States Army 21 September 2023 Joseph R. Biden
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Eric M. Smith
United States Marine Corps 22 September 2023 Joseph R. Biden
Chief of Naval Operations
Lisa M. Franchetti
United States Navy 2 November 2023 Joseph R. Biden
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
David W. Allvin
United States Air Force 2 November 2023 Joseph R. Biden
Chief of Space Operations
B. Chance Saltzman
United States Space Force 2 November 2022 Joseph R. Biden
Chief of the National Guard Bureau
Daniel R. Hokanson
United States Army 3 August 2020 Donald J. Trump

Non-member attendee[edit]

Position Photograph Name Service Serving since Nominated by Flag
Commandant of the Coast Guard
Linda L. Fagan
United States Coast Guard 1 June 2022 Joseph R. Biden

Although it is a branch of the Armed Forces pursuant to14 U.S.C.§ 101,the Coast Guard operates under theDepartment of Homeland Securityrather than theDepartment of Defense,except when the president (e.g., in times of war or national emergency) transfers it to theDepartment of the Navy.[11]Thecommandant of the Coast Guardis not ade juremember of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but is sometimes regarded as ade factomember, being entitled to the same supplemental pay as the Joint Chiefs,[12]and occasionally will attend meetings of the JCS by invitation.[13]Unlike the Joint Chiefs, who are not actually in the military's operational chain of command, the commandant is both the administrative and the operational commander of the Coast Guard.


Joint Board[edit]

United States Secretary of DefenseHarold BrownandUnited States Deputy Secretary of DefenseCharles W. Duncan JrwithChairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGeneralGeorge S. Brownand the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon in 1977

As theU.S. militarygrew in size following theAmerican Civil War,joint military action between theArmyandNavybecame increasingly difficult. The Army and Navy were unsupportive of each other at either the planning or operational level and were constrained by disagreements during theSpanish–American Warin theCaribbeancampaigns.[14][15]The Joint Army and Navy Board was established in 1903 by PresidentTheodore Roosevelt,comprising representatives from the military heads and chief planners of both the Navy'sGeneral Boardand the Army'sGeneral Staff.The Joint Board acting as an "advisory committee" was created to plan joint operations and resolve problems of commonrivalrybetween the two services.[14][15]

Yet the Joint Board accomplished little since its charter gave it no authority to enforce its decisions. The Joint Board also lacked the ability to originate its own opinions and was thus limited to commenting only on the problems submitted to it by thesecretaries of warandNavy.As a result, the Joint Board had little to no impact on the manner in which the United States conducted World War I.

After World War I, the two secretaries agreed in 1919 to reestablish and revitalize the Joint Board. The mission of the General Staff was to develop plans for mobilization for the next war. In these, the U.S. was always designated "blue" andpotential enemies were assigned various other colors.[16]

Now, the Joint Board's membership was to include the chiefs of staff, their deputies, and the chief of war plans division for the Army and the director of plans division for the Navy. Under the Joint Board was to be a staff called the Joint Planning Committee to serve the board. Along with new membership, the Joint Board could initiate recommendations on its own initiative. However, the Joint Board still did not possess the legal authority to enforce its decisions.

World War II[edit]

Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting (c. 1943). From left to right are: Gen.Henry H. Arnold,Chief of the Army Air Forces; Adm.William D. Leahy,Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy; Adm.Ernest J. King,Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations; and Gen.George C. Marshall,Chief of Staff of the United States Army.

U.S. presidentFranklin D. Rooseveltand British prime ministerWinston Churchillestablished theCombined Chiefs of Staff(CCS) during the 1942Arcadia Conference.[17]The CCS would serve as the supreme military body for strategic direction of the joint U.S.–UK war effort.

The UK portion of the CCS would be composed of the BritishChiefs of Staff Committee,but the United States had no equivalent body. The Joint Board's lack of authority made it of little use to the CCS, although its 1935 publication, Joint Action of the Army and Navy, did give some guidance for the joint operations during World War II. The Joint Board had little influence during the war and was ultimately disbanded in 1947.

As a counterpart to the UK's Chiefs of Staff Committee in the CCS, and to provide better-coordinated effort and coordinated staff work for America's military effort,AdmiralWilliam D. Leahyproposed a "unified high command" in what would come to be called the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Modeled on the British Chiefs of Staff Committee, the JCS' first formal meeting was held on 9 February 1942, to coordinate operations between War and Navy Departments.[17][18]The official history of the Army Air Forces noted that although there was "no official charter establishing this committee...by the end of February it had assumed responsibilities toward the American war effort comparable to the CCS on the combined level."[19]On 20 July 1942, Admiral Leahy became the "Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief", with all individual service chiefs operating under his authority.

The first members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were:[20]

Name Service Position
AdmiralWilliam D. Leahy USN Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navyand
Special Presidential Military Advisor
GeneralGeorge C. Marshall USA Chief of Staff of the United States Army(CSUSA)
AdmiralErnest J. King USN Commander in Chiefof theUnited States Fleetand
Chief of Naval Operations(COMINCH-CNO)
GeneralHenry H. 'Hap' Arnold USA Chief of the Army Air Forcesand Deputy Chief of Staff for Air
The Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1959. From left to right: Gen.Lyman L. Lemnitzer,USA;Adm.Arleigh A. Burke,USN;Gen.Nathan F. Twining,USAF(chairman); Gen.Thomas Dresser White,USAF;and Gen.Randolph M. Pate,USMC
The Joint Chiefs of Staff in an annual meeting with the commanders of unified and specified command in the JCS meeting room, also known as "The Tank" on 15 January 1981.

Each of the members of the original Joint Chiefs was a four-star flag or general officer in his service branch. By the end of the war each had been promoted: Leahy and King tofleet admiral;Marshall and Arnold togeneral of the Army.Arnold was later appointed to the grade ofgeneral of the Air Force.

One of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's committees was the Joint Strategic Survey Committee (JSSC). The JSSC, "one of the most influential planning agencies in the wartime armed forces", was an extraordinary JCS committee that existed from 1942 until 1947.[21]Members included Lieutenant GeneralStanley D. Embick,U.S. Army, chairman, 1942–1946, Vice AdmiralRussell Willson,U.S. Navy, 1942–1945, Vice AdmiralTheodore Stark Wilkinson,U.S. Navy, 1946, and Major GeneralMuir S. Fairchild,U.S. Army Air Force, 1942–?.

National Security Act of 1947[edit]

With the end of World War II, the Joint Chiefs of Staff was officially established under theNational Security Act of 1947.Per the National Security Act, the JCS consisted of a chairman, thechief of staff of the Army,thechief of staff of the Air Force(which was established as a separate service by the same Act), and thechief of naval operations.Thecommandant of the Marine Corpswas to be consulted on matters concerning the Corps, but was not a regular member; GeneralLemuel C. Shepherd, Jr.,Commandant in 1952–55, was the first to sit as an occasional member. The law was amended during the term of GeneralLouis H. Wilson, Jr.(1975–79), making the commandant a full-time JCS member in parity with the other three DoD services.

The position of vice chairman was created by theGoldwater–Nichols Actof 1986 to complement the CJCS, as well as to delegate some of the chairman's responsibilities, particularly resource allocation through theJoint Requirements Oversight Council(JROC).

GeneralColin L. Powell(Chairman, 1989–1993) was the first African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff when he became the 12th Chairman of the JCS in 1989. GeneralCharles Q. Brown Jr.was the first African American appointed to lead a service branch when he became the Chief of Staff of the Air Force in 2020. On May 25, 2023, President Joe Biden nominated General Brown to become the 21st Chairman of the JCS. General Brown was subsequently confirmed and took up the post of chairman on October 1, 2023. GeneralRichard B. Myers(Chairman, 2001–2005) was the firstvice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffto serve aschairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.GeneralPeter Pace(Vice Chairman 2001–2005; Chairman, 2005–2007) was the first Marine to serve in either position. AdmiralLisa Franchettibecame the first woman to serve on the JCS when she took over as Chief of Naval Operations on November 2, 2023.[22][23]

National Defense Authorization Act of 2012[edit]

A provision in the2012 National Defense Authorization Actadded the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Guard historians called it the "most significant development" for the National Guard since theMilitia Act of 1903.[1]

National Defense Authorization Act of 2020[edit]

The2020 National Defense Authorization Actestablished theU.S. Space Forceon 20 December 2019. The Space Force is headed by the chief of space operations, who reports directly to thesecretary of the Air Force.Pursuant to10 U.S.C.§ 9082,the chief of space operations became a statutory member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 20 December 2020.[24]

Organization and leadership positions[edit]


The Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2001

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is, by law, the highest-ranking military officer of theUnited States Armed Forces,[25]and the principal military adviser to the president of the United States. He leads the meetings and coordinates the efforts of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, comprising the chairman, thevice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,thechief of staff of the United States Army,thecommandant of the United States Marine Corps,thechief of naval operations,thechief of staff of the United States Air Force,theChief of Space Operations(statutory member after December 2020), and thechief of the National Guard Bureau.The Joint Chiefs of Staff have offices inthe Pentagon.The chairman outranks all service chiefs,[26]but does not maintain authority over them, their branches or theUnified Combatant Commands.[26]All combatant commanders receive their orders directly from thesecretary of defense.[27]

On 20 July 1942,Fleet AdmiralWilliam D. Leahybecame Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief (20 July 1942 – 21 March 1949). He was not technically the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Leahy's office was the precursor to the post of "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff". That post was established and first held by General of the ArmyOmar Bradleyin 1949.

The current and 21st chairman is GeneralCharles Q. Brown Jr.,who began his tenure on 29 September 2023.

Vice Chairman[edit]

The position ofVice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffwas created by theGoldwater–Nichols Actof 1986. The vice chairman is a four-star-generaloradmiraland, by law, is the second highest-ranking member of the U.S. Armed Forces (after the chairman). In the absence of the chairman, the vice chairman presides over the meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He may also perform such duties as the chairman may prescribe. It was not until the National Defense Authorization Act in 1992 that the position was made a full voting member of the JCS.[28]

The current vice chairman is AdmiralChristopher W. Grady,who began his tenure on 20 December 2021.

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman[edit]

The senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (SEAC) advises on all matters concerning joint and combined total force integration, utilization, development, and helps develop noncommissioned officers related joint professional education, enhance utilization of senior NCOs on joint battle staffs, and support the chairman's responsibilities as directed.

Command Sergeant MajorWilliam Gainey,was the first SEAC, serving from 1 October 2005. The current SEAC isTroy E. Black,who was sworn in by General Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on 3 November 2023, replacing SEACRamón Colón-López.

Joint Staff[edit]

Joint Staff
Agency overview
HeadquartersThe Pentagon
EmployeesApprox. 1,500
Agency executive
Parent agencyDepartment of Defense
The Joint Staff Organization Chart as of March 2018
Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a press conference at The Pentagon with Secretary of Defense. From left to right areArmy Vice Chief of StaffGeneralRichard A. Cody,Chief of Naval OperationsAdmiralVern Clark,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,U.S. Air ForceGeneralRichard B. Myers,U.S. Secretary of DefenseDonald Rumsfeld,Air Force Chief of StaffGeneralJohn P. JumperandCommandant of the Marine CorpsGeneralMichael Hagee.In the absence of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Service Chief, theVice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffand the Vice Service Chief will replace its presence at an important event.
Members of The Joint Chiefs of Staff withU.S. Secretary of Defensein 1973.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (seated) and the directors of the Joint Staff directorates (standing), November 1989.

TheJoint Staff(JS)[29][30]is a military headquarters staff based atThe Pentagon(with offices inHampton Roads,Virginia;Fort Leavenworth,Kansas;Lackland Air Force Base,Texas;Fort Belvoir,Virginia;Fairchild Air Force Base,Washington andFort McNair,District of Columbia) composed of personnel from all the six armed services, assisting the chairman and the vice chairman in discharging their responsibilities. They work closely with theOffice of the Secretary of Defense(OSD), the military department staffs, and theCombatant Commandstaffs.

Thechairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(CJCS) is assisted by thedirector of the Joint Staff(DJS), a three-star officer who assists the chairman with the management of the Joint Staff, an organization composed of approximately equal numbers of officers contributed by the Army, the Navy and Marine Corps, the Air Force, the Space Force, and the Coast Guard, who have been assigned to assist the chairman in providing to thesecretary of defenseunified strategic direction, operation, and integration of the combatant land, naval, space, and air forces. The director is assisted by thevice director of the Joint Staff,a two-star officer.

Former Secretary of DefenseMark Espertasked the Joint Staff with developing aJoint Warfighting Concept[JadConcept 1]for the services by December 2020.[31]Developing Joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) as a concept[JadConcept 1]is a key goal of the20thCJCS.[31]AnOSD/Joint StaffCross-Functional TeamforJADC2isunderway.[32][33]Esper ordered the four services and the Joint Staff to create a new joint warfighting concept for All-domain operations, operating simultaneously in the air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).[34]The Joint Chiefs and Combatant Commanders witnesseddemonstrations of the conceptin September 2020.[35]


The Joint Staff includes the following departments where all the planning, policies,intelligence,manpower,communications and logistics functions are translated into action.[36]

  • Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    • Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
      • Director, Joint Staff – assists the Chairman in his role as advisor to the President and Secretary of Defense, coordinates and directs activities of the Joint Staff in support of the Chairman, and serves as the staff inspector general.
        • Vice Director, Joint Staff
          • J1 – Director, Manpower and Personnel
          • J2 – Director, Intelligence
          • J3 – Director, Operations
          • J4 – Director, Logistics
          • J5 – Director, Strategy, Plans, and Policy
          • J6 – Director, Command, Control, Communications, and Computers / Chief Information Officer
          • J7 – Director, Joint Force Development
          • J8 – Director, Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment
          • Director of Management
          • Secretary, Joint Staff (SJS) – overall management and administration of JS actions
          • Joint History Office – record activities of the chairman and the Joint Staff
      • Assistant to the Chairman – oversees matters requiring close personal control by the chairman with particular focus on international relations and politico-military concerns
      • Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman (SEAC) – advisor to the chairman on all matters involving joint and combined total force integration, utilization, health of the force, and joint development for enlisted personnel

Directorates of the Joint Staff[edit]

The Joint Staff includes the following departments where all the planning, policies,intelligence,manpower,communications and logistics functions are translated into action.[36]

Joint Chiefs of Staff: Civilian awards[edit]

The Joint Chiefs may recognize private citizens, organizations or career civilian government employees for significant achievements provided to the joint community with one of the following decorations/awards.[41]

  • CJCS Award for Distinguished Public Service (DPS)
  • CJCS Award for Outstanding Public Service (OPS)
  • CJCS Joint Distinguished Civilian Service Award
  • CJCS Joint Meritorious Civilian Service Award
  • Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award (JCSCA)
  • Joint Civilian Service Achievement Award (JCSAA)

Coast Guard[edit]

Although, as discussed above, thecommandant of the Coast Guardis not anex officiomember of the JCS like the other service chiefs, Coast Guard officers are legally eligible to be appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman, pursuant to10 U.S.C.§ 152(a)(1)and10 U.S.C.§ 154(a)(1)respectively, which use the collective term "armed forces" rather than listing the eligible services, as well as to other positions on the Joint Staff. As of 2020,no Coast Guard officer has been appointed Chairman or Vice Chairman, but Coast Guard officers routinely serve on the JCS staff, including onevice admiralwho was appointed to serve as J6 in 2016.


See also[edit]


  1. ^abJADC2 as a concept— Like the Integrated Tactical Network, instances of a concept can exist before acquisition— seePEO C3T (2018) Integrated Tactical Network


  1. ^ab"Top Guard officer joins Joint Chiefs of Staff".Army Times.4 January 2012.
  2. ^10 USC 151.Joint Chiefs of Staff: composition; functions
  3. ^10 U.S.C.§3033Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  4. ^10 U.S.C.§5033Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  5. ^10 U.S.C.§5043Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  6. ^10 U.S.C.§8033Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  7. ^10 U.S.C.§162(b)Archived29 May 2013 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^10 U.S.C§151(b)Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  9. ^10 U.S.C§155Archived12 March 2013 at theWayback Machine
  10. ^"2017 Military Pay Scale".Military Factory. May 2017.
  11. ^"The Coast Guard: America's Oldest Maritime Defenders | GoCoastGuard".gocoastguard.Retrieved22 May2021.
  12. ^37 U.S.C.§ 414(a)(5)– Personal money allowance ($4,000 per annum in 2009)
  13. ^Thompson, Mark (4 January 2012)."The Changing of the Guard".Time.ISSN0040-781X.Retrieved22 May2021.
  14. ^abMillett, Allan R. (1980).Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps.New York: Macmillan. p. 269 [para. 2].ISBN0-02-921590-0.
  15. ^ab"Joint Chiefs of Staff > About > Origin of Joint Concepts".jcs.mil.Retrieved22 May2021.
  16. ^Bradley, John H.; Griess, Thomas E.; Dice, Jack W. (2002).The Second World War: Asia and the Pacific.United States Military Academy,Dept. of History. Square One. p. 26.ISBN0-7570-0162-9.
  17. ^abCline, Ray S. (1990).United States Army in World War II – The War Department – Washington Command Post: The Operations Division; Chapter VI. Organizing The High Command For World War II "Development of the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff System".Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D. C. pp. 98–104. Archived fromthe originalon 11 December 2018.Retrieved5 January2012.
  18. ^Leighton, Richard M.; Robert W Coakley (1995).United States Army in World War II – The War Department – Global Logistics and Strategy 1940–1943.Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D. C. p. 144. Archived fromthe originalon 11 October 2017.Retrieved5 January2012.
  19. ^Craven, James (1948).United States Army Air Forces in World War II – Volume I Plans and Early Operations Jan 1939 – Aug 1941; Chapter 7. Establishment of the Fundamental Bases of Strategy(PDF).AFHRA, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. p. 254. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 18 October 2016.Retrieved15 October2016.
  20. ^"Washington Eats".Life.5 October 1942. p. 95.Retrieved20 November2011.
  21. ^Stoler, Mark A. (1982). "From Continentalism to Globalism: General Stanley D. Embick, the Joint Strategic Survey Committee, and the Military View of American National Policy during the Second World War".Diplomatic History.6(3): 303–320 [quote at p. 307].doi:10.1111/j.1467-7709.1982.tb00378.x.
  22. ^Ziezulewicz, Geoff (2 November 2023)."Senate finally confirms Adm. Franchetti as Navy's top officer".Defense News.
  23. ^10 U.S.C.§ 151
  24. ^"National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020"(PDF).Retrieved20 December2019.
  25. ^[1]10 USC 152. Chairman: appointment; grade and rank
  26. ^ab[2]10 USC 152(c). Chairman: appointment; grade and rank – Grade and Rank.
  27. ^[3]10 USC 162. Combatant commands: assigned forces; chain of command
  28. ^"About the Joint Chiefs".Archived fromthe originalon 5 July 2006.
  29. ^"Joint Doctrine constitutes official advice, however, the judgment of the commander is paramount in all situations." —Director Joint Force Development (1JAN19)Joint Electronic Library
  30. ^Joint Staff, J-7(Jan 2020) DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated TermsArchived18 February 2020 at theWayback Machine
  31. ^abHitchens, Theresa (29 January 2020)."New Joint Warfighting Plan Will Help Define 'Top Priority' JADC2: Hyten".
  32. ^Sydney J Freedberg Jr (11 May 2021) Revised JADC2 Strategy Hits DepSecDef's DeskJADC2 strategy: federate the data fabric
  33. ^Hitchens, Theresa (14 November 2019)."OSD & Joint Staff Grapple With Joint All-Domain Command".
  34. ^Colin Clark (18 Feb 2020) Gen. Hyten On The New American Way of War: All-Domain Operations
    • "A computer-coordinated fight": in the air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)
      • "forces from satellites to foot soldiers to submarines sharing battle data at machine-to-machine speed"
    • "it's the ability to integrate and effectively command and control all domains in a conflict or in a crisis seamlessly" —Gen. Hyten, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
      • All-Domain Operations use global capabilities: "space, cyber, deterrent [the nuclear triad (for mutually assured destruction in the Cold War, an evolving concept in itself)], transportation, electromagnetic spectrum operations, missile defense"
  35. ^Theresa Hitchens (3 Sep 2020) ABMS Demo Proves AI Chops For C2The acquisition method for several of the capabilities being demonstrated would be indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ), but the decisions to buy would be made by the Combatant Commands. —Air Force acquisition executive Will Roper
  36. ^abjcs.milArchived3 March 2009 at theWayback Machine
  37. ^"J6 Page at jcs.mil".Archived fromthe originalon 14 May 2011.
  38. ^Gibson, Tim (2003)."SIPRNET connectivity: do's and don'ts".Army Communicator.Archived fromthe originalon 17 October 2015.
  39. ^"Military Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Executive Board, 23 Apr 2014"– via Internet Archive.
  40. ^"DoD Budget p.33"(PDF).
  41. ^[4]Archived29 June 2011 at theWayback Machine

Further reading[edit]

  • Gillespie, Robert M.The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Escalation of the Vietnam Conflict, 1964–1965.Masters Thesis, Clemson University, 1994.OCLC32515894.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff.Organizational Development of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1942–1987.Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1988.
  • Jordan, Jonathan W.,American Warlords: How Roosevelt's High Command Led America to Victory in World War II(NAL/Caliber 2015).
  • McMaster, H. R.Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam.New York: HarperCollins, 1997.
  • Perry, Mark.Four Stars: The Inside Story of the Forty-Year Battle Between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America's Civilian Leaders.New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1989,ISBN0-395-42923-4.
  • Rearden, Steven L.History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.Two vols. Washington, D.C.: Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1984.
  • Schnabel, James F.History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy 1945–1947. Volume I(registration required).Washington, D.C.: Joint History Office, The Joint Staff, 1996.
  • Taylor, Maxwell D.The Uncertain Trumpet.New York: Harper & Row, 1959.
  • Weiner, Sharon K.Managing the Military: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Civil-Military Relations(Columbia University Press, 2022)online book review

External links[edit]

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