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Jonathan and Martha Kent

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Jonathan and Martha Kent
A middle-aged Jonathan and Martha Kent with an infant Kal-El inAction Comics#977 (April 2017).
Art byIan Churchill.
Publication information
PublisherDC Comics
First appearanceSuperman#1 (June 1939)
Created byJerry Siegel
Joe Shuster
In-story information
Place of originEarth
Supporting character ofSuperman
Notable aliasesMa and Pa Kent

Jonathan KentandMartha Kent(often referred to as "Pa"and"Ma"Kent, respectively) are fictional characters inAmerican comic bookspublished byDC Comics.They are the adoptive parents ofSuperman,and live in the rural town ofSmallville, Kansas.[1]In most versions of Superman's origin story, Jonathan and Martha findKal-Elas an infant after he crash-lands on Earth following the destruction of his home planet,Krypton.They adopt him shortly thereafter, renaming him Clark Kent, "Clark" being Martha'smaiden name.

The Kents are usually portrayed as loving parents who instill within Clark a strong moral compass, and they encourage Clark to use his powers for the betterment of humanity. In some continuities, Martha is also the one who creates Clark's superhero costume, often from the baby blankets Clark's biological parents had swaddled him in before enclosing him in the capsule, which are found to withstand virtually all hazards.[2]

In pre-Crisiscontinuity, the Kents die shortly after Clark'shigh schoolgraduation.[3]In post-Crisis continuity, they both remain alive even after Clark becomes an adult, being supporting characters until Jonathan's death during an attack by the supervillainBrainiac.[4]Martha remains a supporting character inSupermancomics until 2011's "The New 52"continuity reboot, in which both she and her husband are deceased, having been killed by a drunk driver, although this accident was later revealed to be the work ofDr. Manhattanof theWatchmenuniverse, specifically to see how Clark would fare in becoming Superman without their guidance. They are brought back to life in 2019, in the aftermath of the "DC Rebirth"relaunch.

Glenn FordandPhyllis Thaxterportrayed Jonathan and Martha in the 1978 filmSuperman: The Movie.Annette O'TooleandJohn Schneiderportrayed the couple in the 2001 seriesSmallville.Eva Marie Saintportrayed Martha in the 2006 filmSuperman Returns.Kevin CostnerandDiane Laneportray Jonathan and Martha Kent in theDC Extended Universe.Michele Scarabelliand Fred Henderson portray the couple in the 2021 seriesSuperman & Lois.Pruitt Taylor Vinceand Neva Howell will portray Jonathan and Martha in theDC UniversefilmSuperman(2025).


Golden and Silver Age versions[edit]

Although a "passing motorist" is described as having found the infantKal-Elin the character's first appearance in 1938'sAction Comics#1, 1939'sSuperman#1 introduces Superman's adoptive parents to the mythos, with "Mary Kent" being the only parent given a name. The Kents' first names vary in stories from the 1940s. A 1942 Superman novel,The Adventures of SupermanbyGeorge Lowther,[5]gave the names "Eben and Sarah Kent"; Eben and Martha Kent were used in the 1948Supermanfilm serial; while Eben and Sarah Kent were used in the 1952 première ofAdventures of Supermantelevision series, but the first extensive retelling of Superman's origin inSuperman#53 (July–August 1948, billed as the "10th Anniversary Issue!" ) names them "John and Mary Kent". This issue firmly establishes that it is the Kents who discover the infant Kal-El. The Kents take him to a "home for foundlings" and express an interest in adopting him, to which the home readily agrees after suffering the disruption of the infant's growing abilities. This story also establishes that "Clark" is Mary Kent's maiden name. Mary and John Kent die of natural causes as "Clark grew to manhood", with John on his deathbed imploring Clark to become "a powerful force for good" and suggesting that Clark is a "Superman", a name adopted by Clark in the story's final panel. Oddly, no mention of "Superboy" is included, though that feature had already been established.

Pa Kent is first named Jonathan inAdventure Comicsv1 #149 (Feb 1950). Ma Kent is first named Marthe inSuperboyv1 #12 (Jan-Feb 1951) and Martha in subsequent appearances. Her full name is given as Martha Hudson Clark Kent in answer to a letter writer's query inSupermanv1 #148 (Oct 1961). Later stories,[6]after the early 1960s introduction ofDC'sMultiversesystem, declare that the early version of the Kents are named "John and Mary Kent" and live on the world of "Earth-Two",home of theGolden AgeDC superheroes, while the more modern Jonathan and Martha Kent live on the world of "Earth-One",home of theSilver AgeDC superheroes.

Martha and Jonathan Kent, as they appear in comics from the 1970s and 1980s. FromNew Adventures of Superboy#1 (January 1980). Art byKurt Schaffenberger.

The Kents made few appearances inSupermanstories until the introduction of theSuperboycomic book series in 1949. In this series, they are regular supporting characters of the teenage superhero. TheSuperboystories establish the Kents' backstory. Jonathan, a formerrace cardriver,[7]is afarmeron afarmjust outsideSmallville.After he and Martha find the toddlerKal-Elin his rocket, they take him to the SmallvilleOrphanageand later formally adopt him, naming him "Clark". They soon discover that Clark possesses a fantastic array of superpowers. Around the time Clark starts school, the Kents sell their farm, and the family moves into Smallville, where they open ageneral store.[8]During Clark's early grade school years, Jonathan trains young Clark in the use of his superpowers to the best of his knowledge while urging him to keep the use of his powers a secret. At the age of eight,[9]Clark begins a superhero career as Superboy. Martha creates Superboy's costume out of the blankets inside the rocket that brought him toEarth,and Jonathan helps him to create a means of making Superboy and Clark appear to be different people by developing Clark'ssecret identityas a mild-mannered, reserved individual. The Kents assist their adopted son on many adventures as Superboy.

In Superman #161 (May 1963), the story "The Last Days of Ma and Pa Kent" was released explaining how they passed away due to exposure to the "Plague Disease" after Jonathan found a buried pirate chest on a Caribbean island while he and Martha were on vacation there. The original owner of the chest, Peg-leg Morgan, had buried the items before he died of the same disease. The Kents were exposed to the disease at that time. At this time, the Kents were still shown as elderly. This conflicts with their rejuvenation to a younger age in Superboy #145 (March 1968). Someone else will have to explain the transition from their death in 1963 to their rejuvenation in 1968.

InSuperboyvol. 1 #145 (March 1968), Jonathan and Martha are rejuvenated physically and appear younger due to the influence of an alien serum. After this, Jonathan and Martha were drawn by artists as latemiddle-aged— as opposed toelderly— in appearance until Superman's1986 reboot.(Action Comics#500 recounts that the serum eventually wore off just before Clark's high school graduation, and the Kents gradually reverted to their true ages and elderly appearances.) After Clark graduates from high school, Jonathan and Martha take a vacation to theCaribbean Islands,where they contract a fatal tropical disease after handling materials from apirate's treasure chest they had exhumed; despite Superboy's best efforts, Martha dies, with Jonathan dying soon thereafter. Before dying, Jonathan reminds Clark that he must always use his powers for the benefit of humanity.[3]Clark mourns his parents and moves toMetropolisto attend college.

InSupermanandSuperboystories prior to 1986, both the Kents die before the beginning of Clark's adult career as Superman. However, Jonathan did receive one opportunity to see his adopted son as the Man of Steel. After Superboy assists a group of interplanetary farmers from an alien world,[10]they repay him by granting Jonathan's subconscious desire to see Clark in the future as Superman. Using their advanced technology, they place an artificially aged Jonathan years into the future, warping reality to make it appear that he had never died, and had maintained contact with his son all along. After spending 30 hours in the future with his adult son, Jonathan is returned by the aliens to his proper time period. The incident is removed from everyone's conscious memory, and the timeline is restored to normal.[11]

Modern Age versions[edit]

The Man of Steel[edit]

Jonathan and Martha Kent inAction Comics#597 (February 1988). Art byJohn Byrne.

After comics writerJohn Byrnerewrote Superman's origin in the 1986The Man of Steellimited series,one of the changes he made was keeping Jonathan and Martha Kent alive into Clark's adulthood. The Kents have the same role as in the earlier stories, instilling within Clark the morals needed to become a strong and heroic figure. ALegion of Super-Heroes/Superman team-up that was written to explain why the Legion still exists even without Superboy confirms that post-CrisisJonathan and Martha Kent are younger than their pre-Crisiscounterparts, explaining in part why they live on in Clark's adult life.[12]

In this version of events, after aKryptonian"birthing matrix" lands onEarth,Jonathan and Martha find a newborn infant inside. Taking the infant in just before a majorsnowstormstrikes (that buriedSmallvillein snow for a number of months and cut off outsiders' access to the Kent family farm), the couple decides to pass the infant off as their own natural child, naming him "Clark", exploiting Martha's past miscarriages to justify their decision to keep their 'latest pregnancy' a secret. Clark's powers slowly develop, with his powers fully emerging once he reaches his late teens. After Clark's high school graduation, the Kents tell Clark about his true origins, and Clark leaves Smallville to explore the outside world. After Clark moves toMetropolis,Jonathan and Martha help Clark to create a superhero identity. They are later present when Clark finally discovers a holographic message in his ship from his biological father,Jor-El;prior to this the Kents had assumed that the ship was from another country's space program.

In theMan of Steelmini-series and afterwards, the Kents remain farmers through Clark's adult years, although a storyline[volume & issue needed]features them having opened a general store in Smallville. Although Jonathan is still alive in the comics, he suffers aheart attackafterThe Death of Supermanstoryline,[13]and he meets Clark in the afterlife and encourages him to return to life with him, suggested to be one of several factors that allowed Superman to return to life. The Kents' post-Crisishistory is more fully fleshed out in the late 1980s limited seriesThe World of Smallville,with Jonathan's ancestors' history more fully explored in the 1990s limited seriesThe Kents,which reveals that the Kent family were resoluteabolitionistswho moved to Kansas to participate in the fight to establish it as a Free State during that region's violent pre-American Civil Warperiod known asBleeding Kansas.

Following Clark reaching adulthood and moving to Metropolis, the Kents continue to play a prominent role in Clark's life, and also in the lives of his extended alien family. When theMatrix Supergirlarrives on earth, she moves in for a time with the Kents, who treat her a like a daughter despite such issues as her relationship with Lex Luthor (currently posing as his own son after his brain was transplanted into a clone) and her own guilt about 'subverting' the life ofLinda Danverswhen Matrix unwittingly merged with the dying Linda. After Supergirl revealed that part of her life to the Kents, Jonathan visited the Danvers to help Linda's father Fred adapt to their mutual daughter's unconventional status. The Kents later take in Clark's half-clone,Kon-El,also known as Superboy. They give him the name Conner Kent and care for him in much the same was as they did Clark. However, Conner is not Clark, and while he appreciates everything the Kents did, he does not much like living on a farm. The couple find themselves childless again when Conner dies during theInfinite Crisis.Afterwards,Kara Zor-El,(Clark's recently discovered cousin) visits, questioning the Kents as to why Clark never asked that she live with them.[14]The Kents also helpLoisand Clark in dealing with their adopted son,Chris Kent.


The Kents were again altered in 2003'sSuperman: Birthrightlimited seriesbyMark Waid,which again revised Superman's origins.[15]Jonathan is portrayed as having a more strained relationship with his son, mainly due to Jonathan's childhood experiences with his overbearing father, and he and Martha are depicted as far younger at the time of Clark adopting his Superman identity than in past portrayals, appearing here to be scarcely middle-aged.[citation needed]

The younger version of the Kents as depicted inSuperman: Birthright.Art byLeinil Francis Yu.

The Kents' appearances were altered to resemble the younger versions of actorJohn Schneiderand actressAnnette O'Toole,who portray the Kents in theSmallvilletelevision series.[16]Although now shown wearing glasses, Jonathan has a full head of blond hair, and Martha has long red tresses. This younger portrayal of the Kents has persisted in the regularDC UniversesinceBirthrightwas published.[citation needed]


After the "Infinite Crisis"storyline, Superman's continuity was revised yet again from theBirthrightorigin, as briefly summarized inAction Comics#850. Although various aspects of his past are clearlyretconnedfrom theBirthrightversion, there is little to specifically indicate that the Kents themselves have been substantially changed. They are initially still depicted with younger appearances and theSchneiderandO'Toolelikenesses; however, this eventually gives way to older, more traditionally generic, gray-haired representations.

Jonathan and Martha Kent with Clark Kent on the cover ofSuperman: Secret Origin#1 (Nov. 2009) art byGary Frank.

A new origin story for Superman was revealed inGeoff JohnsandGary Frank'sSuperman: Secret Origin.This origin for the most part follows closely with the Silver Age history. For example, Clark's Superboy storyline is re-introduced, as is his history with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Also, unlikeBirthright,Jonathan is shown to have an equal standing as Martha in helping Clark create his heroic identity. Martha and Jonathan are the ones who suggest Clark dons a superhero costume, which initially Clark is not fond of. When Clark feels different from native Earth children, Martha relates with a story of her own family coming to terms in America, having emigrated fromGermanylong ago. In this version, the Kents are both shown to already have graying hair when they find the baby Kal-El, but are still drawn to be considerably younger, more in-tune to theirBirthrightcounterparts; as the miniseries progresses into Clark's adulthood and debut as Superman, they visibly age and their appearances come to match those inThe Man of Steel.This version also had Kal-El's spaceship not sensitive to Kryptonian DNA; anyone who got within proximity of the ship was shown the prerecorded message left by Jor-El and Lara, as well as scene of Kryptonian life. Jonathan and Martha are shown images of Krypton, although it is Martha who appears more fascinated with the scientifically advanced and beautiful race of Kryptonians.

At the conclusion of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's "Brainiac"story arc, Pa Kent suffers a fatal heart attack during Brainiac's attack on Earth's sun. His funeral, attended by all his family and friends from Smallville, is shown in theSuperman: New Krypton Specialin which Martha, refusing to be a hindrance for their son, asks Clark to leave her alone at the farm and go attend the more pressing matter of Kandor's restoration and transformation in New Krypton. Despite her reassurances to Clark that she will be okay, Martha begins to suffer from loneliness at being alone on the Kent Farm. Sensing that Martha needed a friend, and also feeling lonely without Clark,Kryptoarrives on the front porch, offering Martha much needed companionship.

Following the "Final Crisis"storyline, Clark returns from the 31st Century along with a newly resurrected Conner Kent. Conner moves back in with Martha, finding a new appreciation for Smallville and the farm, following his death. This further helps to assuage Martha's loneliness, as she states that she disliked living in a" quiet "house.[volume & issue needed]

During the 2009 "Blackest Night"storyline, the body of the deceasedEarth-Two Supermanis turned into aBlack Lantern,and goes on a killing spree through Smallville, culminating with the abduction of Pa's coffin from his grave, and the kidnapping of Ma by the Black Lantern Lois Lane of Earth-Two. The Earth-Two Superman declares that Ma and Pa will soon be back in each other's arms.[17]While Conner and Clark deal with Earth-Two Superman, Martha is left to deal with the Black Lantern Lois, who chases Martha into the cornfield.[18]However, Martha fights back against Black Lantern Lois, with the help of Krypto. Together, the two of them light the cornfield on fire, and Krypto temporarily severs Lois' connection to the Black Lantern Ring, allowing for Martha to survive.[19]

After "Blackest Night" and the destruction of New Krypton, Superman set out to walk across America to re-establish a personal connection with the human race, feeling that he needed to remember what it was to be human after his time on New Krypton and the loss of his father. When talking about Superman's recent emotional upheaval during his walk,Batmanspeculates that part of the problem is that Clark never really experienced personal loss prior to Jonathan's death (Krypton's destruction having occurred when he was too young to have any emotional investment in it), although he is confident that his friend will come through recent events. Later on, Lex Luthor briefly acquires near-omnipotent power and attempts to drive Superman mad by forcing him to experience the human emotions he believed the alien merely faked to blend in with humanity, only to become outraged when his probing of his enemy's mind revealed that Superman's defining moment of tragedy was Jonathan's death, as he could not accept that his enemy was raised by humans or had such a good upbringing compared to his own anguished relationship with his father.[20]

The New 52[edit]

InThe New 52(a 2011 reboot of the DC Comics universe), both Jonathan and Martha Kent have died following an incident with a drunk driver and Clark Kent has to grow into his role asSupermanwithout them.[citation needed]

DC Rebirth[edit]

In the mini-series "Doomsday Clock",which concludes the 2016DC Rebirthrelaunch, it is revealed that the continuity of the 2011 DC Comics initiativeThe New 52was caused byDoctor Manhattan,who also caused the Kents' death. Superman had a nightmare about their deaths.[21]Doctor Manhattan is eventually convinced by Superman to undo his actions: the former timeline is restored and the Kents are restored to life. This was depicted where Clark was inspired by the tales of the Justice Society where he became Superboy and prevented their deaths.[22]

Other versions[edit]

The Kent's Earth-3 counterparts appear briefly in the 2013–2014 "Forever Evil"storyline as part ofUltraman's origin. Young Jonathan and Martha Kent of Earth-Three are drug addicts in an abusive relationship. One day, while Jonathan is threatening Martha with a knife, Ultraman's space pod crash lands on their farm. Young Ultraman decides to blend into society until he is ready to conquer the planet, and forces Jonathan and Martha to act as his parents. It is revealed that sometime around the age of seven, Ultraman murders the Kents and burns down their farm, but keeps the name Clark Kent.[23]

InSuperman: Earth Oneuniverse, Jonathan and Martha find the Kryptonian pod while hiking.

In the prequel to the video gameInjustice: Gods Among Us,the President of the United States hires Mirror Master and a team of commandos to kidnap Jonathan and Martha to use them as bargaining chips in an attempt to end Superman's enforced peacekeeping. Superman and the Justice League successfully rescue them and Clark places them in theFortress of Solitudeto protect them after the government burned down Kent farm. When the Insurgency breaks into the Fortress to retrieve the super pill, Green Arrow accidentally hits Jonathan in the shoulder with one of his arrows when trying to combat Superman. Clark brutally beats Oliver to death, and Martha takes one of the pills to end his assault. The two confront their son over his unapologetic and dictatorial methods with Jor-El's hologram appearing and agreeing with the Kents that Clark has gone too far. As Superman ignores their pleads and flies out of the Fortress, the two apologize to Jor-El for failing to raise him properly while Jor-El apologizes to them for unleashing Kal-El onto this world.

In the prequel to thegame's sequel,the Kents still live in the Fortress of Solitude knowing they'd be persecuted for their son's actions if they returned to Smallville, with their farm having been burned down. When the heroes arrive to free the Teen Titans from the Phantom Zone, they allow all of them in except forHarley Quinn(due to her contribution to Superman's turn to villainy).

In other media[edit]







Glenn Fordas Jonathan Kent withPhyllis Thaxteras Martha inSuperman(1978).

DC Extended Universe[edit]

  • Jonathan and Martha Kent appear in theDC Extended Universe,portrayed byKevin CostnerandDiane Laneand first appearing in the 2013 filmMan of Steel.As a boy, Martha consoles Clark when his powers threaten to overwhelm him. Conflict exists between Clark's desire to use his powers to help others and Jonathan's desire to keep them secret. When Clark grows into adulthood, the two are further at odds over Clark's desire to go out into the world, while Jonathan prefers that he continue the family farm. Ultimately, Jonathan is killed in a tornado, refusing to let Clark save him. Years later, whenGeneral Zodand other Phantom Zone criminals arrive on Earth and demand from Martha the location of the spacecraft that brought Clark to Earth, Martha refuses to cooperate, and is saved only by the timely intervention of her son.
  • InBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,Lex Luthorhas Martha kidnapped and held hostage byAnatoli Knyazevto forces Superman to fightBatman.Superman convinces Batman to join forces against Luthor, and Batman rescues Martha. AfterDoomsdaykills Superman, he is buried next to Jonathan.[32]
  • InJustice League,Martha sells the Kent farm, as she cannot afford bank fees and no longer has an attachment to Smallville following her son's death. When Superman is resurrected, she joyously reunites with him, andBruce Waynebuys the bank Martha owed money to, allowing her to keep the farm. InZack Snyder's Justice League,Martian Manhunterdisguises himself as Martha to convinceLois Laneto re-enter society.[33]

Video games[edit]


  1. ^The second season episode "Suspect" reveals that Jonathan graduated in 1976, putting his date of birth in 1958 and making him 43 years old at the time of the series' 2001 debut.


  1. ^Fleisher, Michael L. (2007).The Original Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes, Volume Three: Superman.New York City: DC Comics. pp. 118–123.ISBN978-1-4012-1389-3.
  2. ^Greenberger, Robert; Pasko, Martin (2010).The Essential Superman Encyclopedia.New York City:Del Rey Books.pp. 157–160.ISBN978-0-345-50108-0.
  3. ^abSuperman#161 (May 1963)
  4. ^Action Comics#870 (December 2008)
  5. ^Lowther, George (1942).The Adventures of Superman.Random House.ISBN978-1-55709-228-1.
  6. ^Bates, Cary(w),Swan, Curt(a). "Superman Takes a Wife!"Action Comics,no. 484 (June 1978). DC Comics.
  7. ^Superboy#196 (Sep. 1973)
  8. ^Dick Giordano(w), John Sikela (a),Julius Schwartz(ed).Superboy,no. 78 (January 1960).DC Comics.
  9. ^New Adventures of Superboy#1 (Jan. 1980)
  10. ^New Adventures of Superboy#5 (May 1980)
  11. ^Action Comics#507-508 (May–June 1980)
  12. ^Action Comics#591 (August 1987)
  13. ^Simonson, Louise(w), Bogdanove, Jon (p), Janke, Dennis (i).Superman: The Man of Steel,no. 21, p. 22 (March 1993).DC Comics.
  14. ^Supergirlvol. 5, #9 (October 2006)
  15. ^"Birthright #1 - A Review".Superman Through the Ages!. 2003-07-03. Archived fromthe originalon 2014-04-07.Retrieved2010-12-25.
  16. ^Singh, Arune,Comic Book Resources - Super-Stars (Part 1): Mark Waid's "Birthright",The Official Origin,archived fromthe originalon 2008-02-07,retrieved2007-12-25
  17. ^Blackest Night: Superman#1 (October 2009)
  18. ^Blackest Night: Superman#2 (November 2009)
  19. ^Blackest Night: Superman#3 (December 2009)
  20. ^Action Comics#900
  21. ^Johns, Geoff(w);Grank, Gary(p).Doomsday Clock#1, November 2017, DC Comics (Burbank, California).
  22. ^Johns, Geoff(w);Grank, Gary(p).Doomsday Clock#12, December 2019, DC Comics (Burbank, California).
  23. ^Justice Leaguevol. 2 #24 (October 2013)
  24. ^abcdefghijklm"Martha Kent Voices (Superman)".Behind The Voice Actors.RetrievedApril 1,2024.A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  25. ^abcdefghij"Jonathan Kent Voices (Superman)".Behind The Voice Actors.RetrievedApril 1,2024.A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  26. ^Wahlgren, Kari (July 6, 2023)."Sneak peek! 🦸🏻‍♂️ I play Ma Kent and Young Clark in the new" My Adventures with Superman "series. Looking forward to the premiere!".instagram.RetrievedJuly 7,2023.
  27. ^"Titans: Superboy Episode Confirms Major Superman Characters Are Coming".screenrant.October 7, 2019.
  28. ^Vejvoda, Jim (April 30, 2020)."Superman: Man of Tomorrow Movie Voice Cast Revealed".IGN.RetrievedApril 1,2024.
  29. ^Couch, Aaron (July 21, 2021)."DC's 'Injustice' Sets Cast for Animated Movie (Exclusive)".The Hollywood Reporter.RetrievedJuly 21,2021.
  30. ^Gonzalez, Umberto (April 16, 2024)."'Superman' Finds Jonathan Kent in Actor Pruitt Taylor Vince ".TheWrap.RetrievedApril 19,2024.
  31. ^Gonzalez, Umberto (April 17, 2024)."Neva Howell to Play Martha Kent in 'Superman' | Exclusive".TheWrap.RetrievedApril 19,2024.
  32. ^Freydkin, Donna (April 28, 2015)."Diane Lane is an earth mother in 'Batman v Superman'".USA Today.RetrievedJanuary 6,2015.
  33. ^Knox, Kelly (March 18, 2021)."Martian Manhunter Explained: The Hero Hiding in Plain Sight in the Justice League Snyder Cut".IGN.RetrievedApril 1,2024.
  34. ^Eisen, Andrew (October 4, 2013)."DC Characters and Objects - Scribblenauts Unmasked Guide".IGN.RetrievedApril 1,2024.

External links[edit]