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List ofStar Trek: Deep Space Ninecharacters

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This is a list of characters from thescience fictiontelevision seriesStar Trek: Deep Space Nine.Only characters who played a significant major role in the series are listed.

Star Trek: Deep Space Ninewas a science fiction television show of theStar Trekfranchisethat aired between 1993 and 1999. Many of the characters appear in other programs and films comprising the widerStar Trekscience fiction universe.

Main characters


Benjamin Sisko


Benjamin Sisko(played byAvery Brooks) is the Starfleet officer placed in charge ofDeep Space Nine,a formerlyCardassianspace station orbiting Bajor ( "Emissary",the first episode of the series). TheBajorans,having liberated themselves from a long, brutal Cardassian occupation of their planet, invite theFederationto jointly administer the station. Sisko and Jadzia Dax accidentally discover nearby the first known stablewormhole,which not only provides two-way quick access to the previously distant, unexploredGamma Quadrant,but is also considered by the Bajorans to be the home of their gods, theProphets.These two factors greatly magnify the station's importance.

The Bajorans (and Sisko himself) discover that he is the Emissary of the Prophets, which gives him enormous prestige and influence with them. At first uncomfortable with his unwanted status, he eventually comes to accept it. (It is later revealed that his birth was arranged by the Prophets.) In his dual role, he leads the fight against the enemies of Bajor and the Federation. Unlike most otherStar Trekcaptains, he is willing to resort to extreme measures to protect both, even secretly arranging the assassination of a Romulan senator to bring the then-neutral Romulans into theDominion Waron the Federation side ( "In the Pale Moonlight").



The security chief of the station,Odo(René Auberjonois) is a Changeling, a being able to shapeshift. Found by the Bajorans, he was subjected to painful testing by a Bajoran scientist while growing up. During the Cardassian occupation, Odo was a law enforcement officer aboard the station, doing his best to be even-handed and impartial, despite the circumstances and in the face of Cardassian "justice".

He is the nemesis of Quark, theFerengiowner of a bar/nightclub on the station during and after the occupation. Like nearly all Ferengi, Quark will do just about anything, legal or illegal, to make a profit.

Odo gradually falls in love with Kira Nerys, the Bajoran liaison officer and Sisko's second-in-command, and she with him.

He finally discovers that his people are the Founders, the iron-fisted rulers of theDominion,a very powerful state in the Gamma Quadrant. The Founders distrust all "solids" and have already subjugated many races. They go to war with the Federation and its allies, testing Odo's loyalties.

Julian Bashir


Julian Bashir(initially credited as Siddig El Fadil, then asAlexander Siddig) is a Starfleet lieutenant and the station's chief medical officer. When he was a child, his parents had him illegally genetically engineered to enhance him both physically and mentally, as he was falling behind his classmates. He is best friends with engineering officer Miles O'Brien and befriends the Enigma tic Garak, the sole Cardassian resident. He is manipulated by and fights againstSection 31,a highly secretive group within Starfleet that engages in very questionable activities on behalf of the Federation.

Jadzia/Ezri Dax


Dax is aTrillsymbiont,who has been "joined" to various humanoid Trills, both male and female, over the course of its long lifetime, sharing their bodies. Dax bonds with a new Trill after the death of its previous host. Prior to Jadzia, the Dax symbiont had been hosted by Lela, Tobin, Emony, Audrid, Torias, Joran, and Curzon.

Jadzia,Sisko's science officer, is Dax's host for the first six seasons. WhenTerry Farrell,the actress who portrayed her, left the show, Jadzia was killed by the Cardassian Dukat, and the symbiont transferred toEzri(Nicole de Boer). During Season 6, Jadzia had married Worf. Ezri, on the other hand, is attracted to Dr. Bashir.

Curzon, the roguish male host immediately prior to Jadzia, was Benjamin Sisko's mentor and close friend. Sisko calls Jadzia (and, subsequently, Ezri) "Old Man", despite her being neither old nor a man, in remembrance of this.

Jake Sisko


Jake (Cirroc Lofton) is Benjamin Sisko's teenage son. His best friend is theFerengiNog. Choosing not to follow his father's footsteps and join Starfleet, he becomes a journalist.

Miles O'Brien


Miles O'Brien(Colm Meaney) is the station's chief of operations, transferring over fromStar Trek: The Next Generation's starshipEnterprisein the first episode. He becomes best friends with Julian Bashir. He is married to Keiko, a botanist who works as a schoolteacher on the station; they have two children.



Quark(Armin Shimerman) is the longtime Ferengi owner of a bar/casino/holosuite arcade onDeep Space Nine.Sisko persuades him to remain and keep his establishment running after the Cardassians are forced out. Like most Ferengi, he pursues profit by any means, legal or otherwise. This frequently brings him into conflict with Odo. Sisko, on the other hand, occasionally finds his services and information useful.

Kira Nerys


Major, later Colonel,Kira Nerys(Nana Visitor) is the Bajoranliaison officerand Sisko's second-in-command on the station. During the Cardassian occupation, she became an effectiveguerrila fighter.At first, she is hostile to Federation involvement, but gradually changes her mind. A devout woman, she initially finds it difficult working for a commander who is also the Emissary of the Prophets, but comes to completely trust and respect Sisko. She has some romantic involvements with fellow Bajorans, but eventually learns of Odo's love for her, and reciprocates.



Worf(Michael Dorn) is a Starfleet officer transferred toDeep Space Nine(to boost ratings) after having served aboard theEnterpriseunder CaptainJean-Luc Picard.He is the station's Strategic Operations Officer. AKlingonraised by human foster parents after being orphaned, he became the first Starfleet officer of his species. He faces difficulties and divided loyalties as a result. He first helpsGowronbecome Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, then later kills him in a duel when Gowron endangers the Empire in the Dominion War for his own personal motives. Worf and Jadzia Dax eventually develop a romantic relationship and get married, though she is later murdered by Gul Dukat.

Recurring characters


Bareil Antos


Bareil Antos(Philip Anglim) is aBajoranVedek.

He first appears in the episode "In the Hands of the Prophets" in the first season, where he is introduced as a Bajoran religious leader, and the target of an assassination plot.[1]Bareil became a recurring character who has a romantic relationship with MajorKira Nerys,a subplot that begins at the start of season 2 and concludes with his death in "Life Support".[2]

He runs against VedekWinn Adamifor the role ofKai,but drops out to protect the reputation of the previous Kai, Opaka. Bareil is injured in a shuttle explosion, and Dr.Julian Bashirhas to replace his failing organs with cybernetics so that he can continue to advise Winn in vital negotiations with theCardassians.His continued efforts in this weakened state cause brain damage, and eventually his death.

In themirror universeepisode "Resurrection",the Bareil from that universe is a petty thief who is close to the alternate Kira, the evil commander of the space station. He leaves his universe in an attempt to steal anorb.[3]



Bruntis a liquidator with theFerengiCommerce Authority (FCA), portrayed byJeffrey Combs.He is the nemesis ofQuark,whom he perceives as a threat to the Ferengi way of life, and often attempts to either destroy him or to supplantGrand Nagus Zek(although at one time, he does help Quarkrescue Ishkafrom theDominion). By sharp contrast, hismirror universecounterpart is a friendly and congenial person, with unrequited feelings for his universe'sEzri Tigan,who ends up being murdered by theIntendant(mirror-Kira Nerys).

Kimara Cretak


Kimara Cretakis a senator and representative of theRomulanempire for a short time aboardDeep Space Nine.She is accused of treason against the Star Empire and found guilty in the episode "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges."The ending of the episode leaves her fate ambiguous, with it unclear if she will be imprisoned or executed. Cretak was first portrayed by Megan Cole in"Image in the Sand"and"Shadows and Symbols,"andAdrienne Barbeauin "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges."



Damar(Casey Biggs) is aCardassianmilitary officer. He serves underGul Dukatand later becomes his aide when theCardassian Unionjoins theDominion.Damar discovers a way to disable the Federation's self-replicating mines protectingDeep Space Nine,which had been preventing the Dominion from sending reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant through the wormhole, and is recommended for promotion to the rank ofgul.As the Federation retakes the station, Damar learns thatTora Ziyal,Dukat's half-Bajoran daughter, had been helpingKiraand others undermine them, and kills her.

After Dukat's mental breakdown following his daughter's death, Damar is promoted, first to gul and thenlegate.As the leader of Cardassia, he gradually comes to resent the Dominion's demotion of Cardassia and sacrifice of Cardassian soldiers during its war to conquer theAlpha Quadrant.He eventually switches sides and calls upon his people to fight the Dominion. He acceptsFederationaid and advice from an expert on guerrilla warfare, Colonel Kira Nerys. During desperate fighting to capture the Dominion's headquarters onCardassia Prime,Damar is killed in action.

Damar appeared in 23 episodes, beginning with season 4's "Return to Grace".

ProducerIra Behrhired Biggs, having seen him in the early IMAX filmAlamo: The Price of Freedom.[4]



Dukatis a Cardassian officer and the former commander ofTerok Nor,the Cardassian space station that is renamedDeep Space Ninefollowing Cardassia's expulsion from Bajor. Kira Nerys hates him for his actions during the Cardassian occupation, but it is later revealed that Dukat and her mother were lovers.

Dukat becomes a key player in forming a Cardassian alliance with the Dominion and joins them in fighting against the Federation and Bajor. With the Dominion on the verge of losing the war, Dukat allies himself with thePah-wraiths,the enemies of the Prophets, but is foiled by Sisko in his attempt to release them from their captivity and instead ends up joining them in eternal imprisonment.

In 2009,IGNranked Dukat as the 15th best character ofStar Trekoverall, noting the character as a complicated and nuanced "bad guy".[5]They note the character's morality in"Indiscretion",as well as his introduction in the premiere episode ofStar Trek: Deep Space Nine,"Emissary".[5]

In 2016,Screen Rantrated Dukat as the eighth best character inStar Trekoverall as presented in television and film.[6]Timerated Gul Dukat the fourth best villain of theStar Trekfranchise in 2016.[7]

In 2018,Comic Book Resources(CBR) ranked Gul Dukat the third best recurring character of allStar Trek.[8]

Michael Eddington


Michael Eddingtonis aStarfleetlieutenant commander. He is stationed onDeep Space Nineas security officer, due to distrust of Odo. Following orders from a Starfleet admiral, he sabotages theDefiant's cloaking system when CaptainSiskodefies orders and takes the ship to the Gamma Quadrant. On another occasion, he is instrumental in helping to recover the command staff of the station after a transporter malfunction.

Eddington later defects to the Maquis after stealing for them several industrial grade replicators destined for the Cardassian Union. He likens himself and Sisko to characters fromLes Miserables(Jean ValjeanandJavert,respectively), but is eventually captured and imprisoned. He is later killed while fighting alongside Sisko in a successful attempt to rescue survivors of a Maquis colony from the Dominion.

Michael Eddington was portrayed byKenneth Marshall,appearing as a recurring character beginning in season 3's "The Search, Part I".

In 2018, CBR ranked Eddington the 17th best recurring character inStar Trek.[8]

In 2016, the character was ranked as the 77th most important character in service toStarfleetwithin theStar Trekscience fiction universe byWired.[9]

Vic Fontaine


Vic Fontaineis a holographic lounge singer in Quark's holosuites. He provides advice to various characters.

Elim Garak


Elim Garakis the onlyCardassianto remain onDeep Space Nineafter the Bajorans and Federation take charge. Though he calls himself a simple tailor, it is obvious that he is far more than that. He turns out to be a former top operative of the Obsidian Order, the powerful and feared Cardassian intelligence organization, and the son of its longtime head, Enabran Tain. Disgraced for undisclosed reasons, he was exiled onDeep Space Nine.

Dr. Bashir and he become friends. He also proves very useful to Sisko from time to time, even arranging the assassination of a hostile visiting Romulan senator during the Dominion War in order to bring the then-neutral Romulan Empire into the war on the Federation side ( "In the Pale Moonlight").

Garak unabashedly lies, constantly and smoothly, but remains deeply loyal to Cardassia. He risks his life fighting against the Dominion when it turns on Cardassia.

Garak was originally intended to appear in only a single episode, "Past Prologue,"butAndrew Robinson's performance was so good that he was retained.

In 2015,Syfyrated Garak as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]



Gowronis a Klingon who is chosen leader of theKlingon Empireby CaptainJean Luc Picardin theStar Trek: The Next Generationepisode "Reunion"(directed byJonathan Frakes), and was featured in several episodes ofDeep Space Nine.

He endangers the Empire by repeatedly setting up Martok, one of his most effective generals in the Dominion War, for defeat in battle, considering him a rival. Worf is forced to challenge him to a duel and kills him.

In 2015, Syfy rated Gowron as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]



Ishkais the mother of Quark and Rom, both of whom affectionately address her as "Moogie." She causes trouble for the family by wearing clothes and earning profit, two activities that are forbidden to female Ferengi, and is unrepentant about her actions when discovered by the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Later, she has a romantic relationship with Grand Nagus Zek, and eventually persuades him to begin changing the regulations that govern Ferengi business, with far-reaching consequences for that society.

Ishka was introduced in the season 3 episode "Family Business".[11]


Chase Masterson (left) portrays the Bajoran woman Leeta, recurring from the third season onwards. Nicole De Boer (right) plays Ezri Dax in the seventh season main cast (Las VegasStar TrekConvention, 2011)

Leetais a recurring character (17 episodes) onDeep Space Nine,portrayed byChase Masterson.Introduced in season 3's "Explorers",she is aBajoranemployed as adabo girlin Quark's bar. After a brief romantic relationship with Julian Bashir, she marriesRom.

Although initially played as a stereotypical "airhead",over the course of the series it is revealed that she is an intelligent woman who chooses to maintain a carefree attitude. She is a ringleader when Quark's employees attempt to start atrade union,and also volunteers to play temporary host to one of Jadzia Dax's former personalities.

Unlike most Bajoran characters, Leeta is never given a family name. The non-canon novels explain that this is because she was brought up in an orphanage during theCardassian Occupation,and thus her actual family background is unknown.

In 2015, Syfy rated Leeta as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10] In 2018, CBR ranked Leeta the seventh best recurring character in all ofStar Trek.[8]


J.G. Hertzler as Martok (RiversideTrek Fest, 2014)

Martokis a Klingon general who befriends Worf. When Worf kills Gowron to save the Klingon Empire, Martok nominates him for the next Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, but Worf instead acclaims him Chancellor. Martok was played byJ.G. Hertzler.[12]

Martok was introduced in the season 4 opener, "The Way of the Warrior".[13]

In 2015, Syfy rated Martok among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]



Mila,a female Cardassian played byJulianna McCarthy,was for over three decades the housekeeper ofEnabran Tain,the head of theObsidian Order.She is killed by Dominion soldiers on the eve ofCardassia's liberation from the Dominion, while harboring Garak, Damar and Kira Nerys. She appeared in three episodes as well as in the novelA Stitch in TimebyAndrew J. Robinson.

Mora Pol


DoctorMora Polwas theBajoranscientist who was assigned to study theChangelingOdo. He studied and taught Odo at the Bajoran Center for Science during the Occupation of Bajor from 2358 to 2365. When Odo assumed the shape of a humanoid, he imitated Dr. Mora's hairstyle.

Odo initially resented Dr. Mora for failing to realize he was sentient. Under pressure from theCardassiansto get answers and not fully understanding what he was dealing with, Dr. Mora used some questionable methods in his experiments. Odo left the institute two years later. They would not reconcile their differences until 2373, when Dr. Mora arrives onDeep Space Nineto assist Odo in treating an infant changeling.

He was played by actorJames Sloyan.



Morn,played byMark Allen Shepherd,is a Lurian male, the first member of his species seen inStar Trek.Morn is a frequent customer in Quark's bar, often present in the background of scenes there.[14]Morn is named afterNorm Peterson,a character from the television seriesCheers.[15][16]

According tomake-updesignerMichael Westmore,on the first day of filming the series the director chose Morn randomly from among several prosthetic characters. Westmore went to great lengths to ensure that Morn could talk if the character ever had a line, but Morn remained silent throughout the series. This became arunning gag,with other characters commenting several times how talkative he is.[17]Morn is credited with knowing the funniest joke in the universe, and in several episodes an incidental character is seen to start laughing as they leave his side. Quark sometimes breaks down laughing when he tries to retell the joke, and always gives up by saying that no one can tell it like Morn. Morn's existence as a fixture at Quark's bar is mocked in the episode "Who Mourns for Morn?"when Quark sets up a holo-imager to project an image of Morn on his regular stool, quietly drinking. Mark Allen Shepherd plays a dual role in this episode: apart from his regular appearance as Morn, he plays aBajoranofficer invited to sit in Morn's usual chair at the bar.

Often, other characters refer to something Morn has done that, to the viewer, would seem uncharacteristic for Morn. For example, when it became clear that war with the Dominion is inevitable, Morn throws a chair at Quark, then ran naked across the Promenade screaming: "We're all doomed!" Following that, he supposedly rushed into the Bajoran temple and threw himself at the feet of Major Kira, crying out to the Prophets for protection. Lieutenant CommanderWorfclaimed that Morn was a formidable sparring partner, and the pair fought in the holosuites on a weekly basis. Jadzia Dax also said she had nearly become romantic with Morn, except that Morn turned her down.

Very little is revealed about Morn or his species on the show. Quark establishes in "Through the Looking Glass"that Morn has more than one heart. In"The Way of the Warrior,"it was implied Lurians are usually found near the Ionite Nebula; a hostileKlingonsuggested it was suspicious to find Morn so far from there. It was revealed in the episode "Who Mourns for Morn?"that he had been previously involved in some criminal activities, the most notable being a robbery in which his crew stole 1,000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum. Like all Lurians, Morn has two stomachs; Quark realized that he had extracted the liquid latinum from the bricks and was storing it in one stomach, causing his hair to fall out. Morn regurgitated 100 bricks' worth and gave it to Quark as a reward for helping to get the other thieves arrested.

Morn also appeared in theStar Trek: The Next Generationepisode "Birthright, Part I",made a cameo in theStar Trek: Voyagerepisode "Caretaker."He also makes a cameo in the animated seriesStar Trek: Lower Decks.Because of these appearances, this has made Morn one of the few characters to appear in three or more of theStar Trekseries, alongside Quark (who appeared inTNG,DS9,VoyagerandLower Decks),William Riker(TNG,DS9(as transporter clone),Voyager,Enterprise,Lower DecksandPicard),Jean-Luc Picard(TNG,DS9andPicard),Deanna Troi(TNG,Voyager,EnterpriseandPicard),Kang(The Original Series,DS9andVoyager),Q(TNG,DS9,Voyager,Lower DecksandPicard), andGeordi La Forge(TNG,Voyager(as Captain La Forge), andPicard.



Nog,Rom's son, was played byAron Eisenberg.

He develops a close friendship withJake Siskothroughout the series.

Working at the station's bar at first, Nog later becomes the firstFerengito joinStarfleetin"Facets",to the disapproval of his uncle, Quark. He is ultimately promoted to the rank ofLieutenant Junior GradebyBenjamin Siskoduring the final episode of the series, "What You Leave Behind".

Keiko O'Brien


Keiko O'Brienwas played byRosalind Chao.She is a botanist and the wife ofMiles O'Brienin bothStar Trek: The Next GenerationandStar Trek: Deep Space Nine.When an accident endangers her and her unborn second child, Doctor Bashir saves them both by removing the fetus and implanting it into Kira Nerys' womb. After the war, the O'Brien family relocates toEarth,when Miles accepts the position of instructor atStarfleet Academy.

Molly O'Brien


Molly O'Brien,played by Hana Hatae, is the first child of Keiko and Miles O'Brien. She originally appeared onStar Trek: The Next Generation,born in 2368 in theTNGepisode "Disaster".

In theDS9episode "Time's Orphan,"the O'Briens go on a picnic to Golana IV, where Molly accidentally falls into an abandoned time portal and emerges as an 18-year-old (played byMichelle Krusiec). From her point of view, she experiences approximately ten years of solitary existence. Eventually the adult Molly helps her child counterpart return home, erasing the adult Molly from history in the process.



Opaka,played byCamille Saviola,was theKaior spiritual leader of theBajoransthrough the latter years of the Cardassian Occupation and the first few months after it ended in 2369. Opaka recognizesBenjamin Siskoas the latest Emissary of the Prophets. During the Cardassian Occupation, Opaka had been a collaborator: she gave away the whereabouts of a rebel base and her son was killed in the subsequent attack, saving thousands of other Bajoran lives. Later on, Bareil Antos drops out of the election for Kai in an effort to keep this secret from ruining Opaka's legacy. This leads to Winn Adami becoming Kai.

In response to a prophetic Orb experience, Opaka leaves Bajor for the first time to pay an unannounced visit toDS9.Journeying with Sisko and Kira through the wormhole, she is killed in a crash on the Ennis penal moon, but is resurrected by artificial microbes present there. The microbes are specifically designed to only work on the moon. Given the opportunity to leave, she instead decides to remain and help end the prisoners' perpetual war.



Romis Quark's brother, He was played byMax Grodénchik.An atypical Ferengi, he does not have the "lobes" for business, but is a highly skilled engineer and a loving and supportive father to his son Nog.

In 2015,SyFyrated Rom as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]In 2013,Wiredsaid that Rom was arguably the best character inStar Trek: Deep Space Nine,and even in the entireStar Trekfranchise. They praised how Max Grodénchik brought the character to life, presenting a nuanced and layered character over the seven season run, and noted how Rom transforms from a comedic sidekick for Quark to a character that was much more important to the series.[18]In 2021, Julian Beauvais, writing forScreen Rant,thought that Rom was an honorable character for trying to take care of his family, using his engineering abilities to help defeat the Dominion during the war, and as Grand Nagus planning to reform Ferengi society to be more egalitarian.[19]

William J. Ross


Vice AdmiralWilliam J. Ross,played byBarry Jenner,is the field commander of Starfleet forces during theDominion Warand the coordinator of Starfleet's defense of theBolianandBajoranfronts in the early stages of that war.

During the first three months of the war, Ross comes under severe pressure to halt the advance of the Dominion. He makes Captain Sisko his adjutant. As the war progresses, Ross takes a much more tactical role rather than strategically planning the war effort. After the first battle ofChin'toka,Ross is posted aboardDeep Space Nineto command the Allied forces presently hemmed in at Chin'toka. During the Battle ofCardassia,Ross leads the Starfleet wing of the assault fleet. He devises the planned assault on Cardassia and, soon afterwards, presides over the signing of the Treaty of Bajor.

It is later revealed that Ross was one of the few Starfleet personnel to know of the existence ofSection 31.Although he collaborates with Section 31 in one of their operations, like Julian Bashir, he staunchly maintains that he is not a member of the organization.

Ross appeared in twelve episodes beginning with the season 6 episode "A Time to Stand".

In 2016, the character was ranked as the 41st most important character ofStarfleetwithin theStar Trekscience fiction universe byWired.[9]

Shakaar Edon


Shakaar Edonwas a resistance leader during the Occupation and later becomes First Minister of Bajor. He was played byDuncan Regehr.

As the head of Kira's resistance cell, he lets her go on her first raid at age 13 to fill in a vacancy in the ranks.

After the Cardassians are defeated, Shakaar handily wins the position ofBajor's second post-occupation First Minister, defeating acting Minister Winn in an election. As he works with Kira in her role of senior Bajoran onDS9,Shakaar realizes he has fallen in love with her and they begin a relationship. He pushes to fast-track Bajor's admission to theUFP,but that act is postponed at the last minute by Emissary Benjamin Sisko'spagh'tem'far(sacred vision) that it is not the right time.

He and Kira part ways romantically, after a visit to the Kendra shrine on Bajor reveals that they were not meant to walk the same path.

Joseph Sisko


Joseph Sisko,father of CaptainBenjamin Sisko,was played byBrock Peters.

Joseph runs a restaurant inNew Orleanscalled "Sisko's Creole Kitchen" ( "Image in the Sand").

Joseph was first married to a woman named Sarah, but when their son Benjamin was a year and a half old, Sarah left without explanation, eventually dying in a shuttle accident. Joseph remarried, but having been greatly emotionally wounded by Sarah's inexplicable leaving, could not bring himself to disclose to Benjamin who his true mother was. Years later, Benjamin discovers the truth in the episodes "Image in the Sand"and"Shadows and Symbols":Sarah's body was taken over by a Prophet in order to arrange the birth of Benjamin, the future Emissary of the Prophets.

Luther Sloan


Luther Sloanwas played byWilliam Sadler.An operative in theintelligence agencyknown asSection 31,Sloan appeared in three episodes ofStar Trek: Deep Space Nine:"Inquisition","Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges",and"Extreme Measures".

Sloan keeps trying to recruit Julian Bashir for Section 31, but Bashir adamantly refuses due to the organization's harsh methods. Nevertheless, Sloan manages to drag Bashir into Section 31 operations. Bashir discovers evidence that Section 31 is responsible for infecting Odo with a genocidal virus intended to kill all theFoundersand end theDominion War.Bashir, with the help of his friend Miles O'Brien, captures Sloan and extracts the cure from his mind before Sloan is able to commit suicide.



Solborwas played by James Otis. Solbor is a Bajoran assistant to Kai Winn. He is killed by Kai Winn when he threatens to expose Dukat and the Kai's betrayal of the Prophets. He appeared in three episodes.

Enabran Tain


Enabran Tain,played byPaul Dooley,is a Cardassian, the former head of theObsidian Orderand the father of Garak. He never admits this fact publicly, believing that his son was a "weakness [he] couldn't afford."

Tain was the head of the Obsidian Order for twenty years, and the only head of the Obsidian Order to live long enough to retire. Garak was his protege. Nevertheless, Tain was directly responsible for exiling Garak after being betrayed by him in some way.

Tain attempts a comeback by destroying the Founders' homeworld with a combined fleet of Obsidian Order andTal Shiarships. However, his organization is infiltrated by a Changeling, and the fleet is destroyed in an ambush by theJem'Hadar.Tain is captured, but manages to send asubspacesignal to Garak. By the time Garak reaches him, he is dying of a heart condition. On his deathbed, Tain finally acknowledges that Garak is his son.

Tora Ziyal


Tora Ziyalis the halfCardassian/ halfBajorandaughter of Dukat]] and his mistress Tora Naprem. She was played byCyia Battenin "Indiscretion"and"Return to Grace,"byTracy Middendorfin the episode "For the Cause,"and byMelanie Smith,over six episodes from season 5's "In Purgatory's Shadow"to season 6's"Sacrifice of Angels."He and Kira Nerys find Ziyal in aBreenprison camp on the planet and free her. Dukat originally intends to kill Ziyal to protect his career, as the Cardassians consider her an abomination, but Kira's arguments and his own paternal love convince him not to.

After Cardassian/Dominion troops reclaimDS9(Terok Nor) from the Federation, she agrees to help Quark liberate Rom, Kira, Jake and Leeta from prison. In the season 6 episode "Sacrifice of Angels,"her father tries to convince her to flee the station and return toCardassiawith him before the Federation troops retake the station. She is killed by Dukat's first officer, Damar, after he overhears her confession to her father about having helped free the prisoners. Dukat has a mental breakdown after witnessing his daughter's death.

Lwaxana Troi


A Betazoid ambassador and the mother ofDeanna Troi,Lwaxana occasionally visitsDS9and causes consternation for Security Chief Odo with her romantic interest in him.

In 2015, Syfy rated Lwaxana as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]



Weyounis a Vorta played byJeffrey Combs,debuting in"To the Death".He is killed, but the writers found his character interesting and made him a clone, so that he could return.[20]More Weyouns appeared in the series up until the finale, when the eighth and last clone is killed by Garak. All but one are completely loyal to the Founders. The exception, Weyoun 6, contacts Odo and offers to defect ( "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"); when caught escaping, he commits suicide to save Odo.

In 2013,Slateranked Weyoun one of the ten best villains in theStar Trekfranchise.[21]

In 2015,SyFyrated Weyoun as among the top 21 most interesting supporting characters inStar Trek.[10]

The character Weyoun was also included in theStar TreknovelMillennium: Fall of Terok Nor/War of the Prophets/Infernowhich was written by authors Judith Reeves-Stevens and Garfield Reeves-Stevens.[22]

Winn Adami

Louise Fletcher as Winn Adami in season 3's "Life Support"

KaiWinn Adamiheld the title ofVedekduring theCardassianoccupation ofBajor,and claimed to have been beaten for her religious teachings. She was played byLouise Fletcher.

Winn makes her first appearance objecting to whatKeiko O'Brienteaches in her school, in the episode "In the Hands of the Prophets".Winn also directs one of her supporters to assassinate Bareil, Winn's chief rival in the Vedek Assembly. Winn's involvement, although suspected by MajorKira Nerys,is never proven.

Winn later aligns herself with an extremist group called "The Circle." The Circle's goal is to eliminate all external influences from Bajor, including theFederation,which would have served Winn's purposes in getting rid of Commander Sisko, whom she resents as the Emissary of theProphets.The reward for her support would have been the guarantee of becoming Kai. When it is discovered that "The Circle"is secretly being supplied by theCardassians,Winn immediately changes sides.

In the episode "The Collaborator,"the election for the next Kai approaches. Winn seeks out and obtains information about theKendra Valley Massacre,which she uses to manipulate Major Kira into investigatingVedekBareil Antos,who is in a relationship with Kira at the time. Ultimately, Bareil is forced to withdraw, resulting in Winn's election as Kai. Although Bareil is later proven innocent by Kira, he chooses not to reveal the truth, which is thatKai Opakahad actually been responsible for the massacre, a move that resulted in 43 deaths, including that of her own son, but which had saved thousands of other Bajoran lives.

When the First Minister of the provisional government dies, Winn gets herself appointed to the office. Shakaar defeats Winn for the position in an election.

In the final days of the Dominion War, Winn finally receives what she believes to be a vision from the Prophets, who tell her that a guide will soon appear to her. In reality, this vision is from thePah-wraiths—the enemies of the Prophets—and the "guide" turns out to be Dukat, surgically altered to look like a Bajoran. Not recognizing him at first, she and Dukat soon became lovers, and he convinces her that to restore Bajor, she must release the Pah-wraiths, whom he claims are the true prophets of Bajor. When her aide Solbor discovers what she and Dukat are planning, he reveals Dukat's true identity to Winn and threatens to expose them. Winn kills him to prevent this. After studying a sacred text, Winn discovers there is only one way to release the Pah-wraiths. The Prophets send Sisko a premonition. In the series finale "What You Leave Behind",and after the battle of Cardassia, Sisko travels to the Fire Caves on Bajor, where the Pah-wraiths are imprisoned, to confront Winn and Dukat. Winn has killed Dukat as a necessary sacrifice to release the Pah-wraiths, but they keep him alive and give him great powers. While Dukat and Sisko fight, Winn tries to redeem herself. Before Dukat kills her, she gives Sisko the information he needs to imprison the Pah-wraiths (and Dukat) forever.

In 2018,CBRranked Winn the eleventh-best recurring character in all ofStar Trek.[8]

In 2013,Slateranked Kai Winn one of the ten best villains in theStar Trekfranchise.[21]

Kasidy Yates


Kasidy Danielle Yates,played byPenny Johnson Jerald,is a human civilian freighter captain. She is introduced toBenjamin Siskoby his sonJake,who feels it is time for Sisko to start dating again, after the death of his first wifeJenniferat theBattle of Wolf 359.The character is first introduced in the episode "Family Business"in season three, and is a recurring character (15 episodes) thereafter.[23]

Jake's attempt at matchmaking is successful, and Kasidy and Sisko become lovers, even after her arrest and eventual imprisonment for aiding theMaquisin "For the Cause".Following her release from prison, the two resume their relationship in"Rapture".Eventually, Kasidy becomes Sisko's second wife and, at the end of the series, she becomes pregnant with their child. When Sisko leaves to join the Prophets, he tells her that he will be away for a while, but would eventually return to her. They were ranked the eighth best romantic couple inStar Trekin 2020 byScreen Rant.[24]



Zekis theGrand Nagus(leader) of theFerengi Alliancethroughout most of the 24th century. He was played byWallace Shawn.[25]

Zek pretends to retire shortly after the discovery of thewormholenearBajor.He arrives onDS9and names Quark as his successor, and then appears to die. However, it is all just a test to see if his son Krax is ready to take over, but Krax fails, so Zek resumes his rule.

Zek visits the BajoranProphetswithin the wormhole in an attempt to gather information. Instead, the Prophets 'devolve' Zek's personality to that of a proto-Ferengi, before his people had dedicated their lives to the acquisition of wealth. During his time in this state, Zek makes many radical reforms to his people's laws and government that direct his people away from their greedy ways, including overhauling theRules of Acquisition.He is eventually changed back and his reforms nullified in the episode "Prophet Motive".

During aTongotournament onFerenginar,Zek receives a tip from Ishka, the mother of Quark and Rom, which helps him make a comeback and win the tournament. They eventually fall in love. They are briefly broken up by Quark at the prodding of LiquidatorBrunt,who wants to succeed Zek as Nagus, but the plot fails in "Ferengi Love Songs".Zek, suffering from failing memory, bequeaths all his financial dealings to the financially brilliant Ishka, eventually caving in to her demands for female rights. He is once again deposed, this time by Brunt, but is reinstated after the populace learns of the new and exciting business opportunities such reforms would bring about. Under Ishka's influence, he further reforms the Ferengi political and economic system into a significantly less capitalist model. Eventually, he retires with Ishka toRisa,naming Rom as his successor.

Shawn described the makeup process as "a little bit disturbing and uncomfortable and exhausting". It took three hours to put on the makeup, and an hour to take it off, and he would be wearing it for at least twelve hours. Although the process was arduous, and he wouldn't have wanted to do it more than once a year, he appreciated the results and found that "To be in that world and to be in that makeup really liberated me in a way that I never experienced before — or since. I felt completely free, so it was a joyful experience."[26]

In 2018,CBRranked Zek the 14th best recurring character of allStar Trek.[8]

See also



  1. ^Zack Handlen (March 29, 2012)."Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:" In The Hands Of The Prophets "".The A.V. Club.RetrievedMay 27,2021.
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  17. ^Westmore, Michael. Interview conducted on November 3, 2002, for the DVD extra "Michael Westmore's Aliens (Season 4)". Included withStarting the Trek: Deep Space Nineteen — The Complete Fourth Season.
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  25. ^STARTREK.COM STAFF (January 31, 2011)."Did Ron Surma Cast Your Favorite Trek Star? - Part 1".StarTrek.Wally wanted to do one, he was available and that worked out brilliantly.
  26. ^Wallace Shawn (July 7, 2019)."Getting into it With the Grand Nagus, Wallace Shawn".StarTrek(Interview).