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Joseph bar Hama

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RavJoseph bar Hama(orYosef bar Hama;Hebrew:רב יוסף בר חמא) was aBabylonianrabbi of the third generation ofamoraim.[1]

He was a disciple of R.Sheshet.[2]However, The Talmud also cites statements that he delivered on the authority ofRav Nachman bar Yaakov.[3]

He had a son of the name ofRava(Rava b. Joseph b. Hama), who became one of the most prominent Amora sages and the head of the academy ofPumbedita,inMahuzaofBabylonia.


  1. ^BabylonianTalmud,Gittin14a
  2. ^In various references in theTalmudhe delivers statements on his authority (i.e. BabylonianTalmud,Hullin56b;Jerusalem Talmud,Taanit1:6
  3. ^BabylonianTalmud,Gittin43b