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Juan Bautista Pastene

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Juan Bautista Pastene
Idealized illustration of Pastene fromAlonso de Ovalle's "Histórica relación del Reyno de Chile".
Map showing the September 1544 expedition led by Pastene.

Giovanni Battista Pastene(1507–1580) was aGenoesemaritime explorerwho, while in the service of theSpanishcrown,explored the coasts ofPanama,Colombia,Ecuador,PeruandChileas far south as the archipelago ofChiloé.

Early life


Juan Bautista Pastene was born inGenoa.His parents were Thomas and Esmeralda Solimana Pastene. He married Geneva Seixas, with whom he had three children. He arrived inHondurasin 1526, traveling in his own ship. He then came toPeruin 1536 to serveFrancisco Pizarro.In 1544, and was pilot and Master of the shipConcepción.

He participated actively in many maritime explorations, which led to him being appointed by the Audiencia ofPanamaas apiloto mayorof theMar del Sur(the Spanish name for thePacific Oceanat the time).



KingCharles Vordered the exploration of southernChile.This task was given by theViceroy of Peruto Pastene, in 1543, for which he was awarded the title ofgeneral de la Mar del Sur.

In 1544Pedro de Valdiviaentrusted exploring the coasts of the south to Pastene, ordering him to reach theStrait of Magellan.Although he did not reach this goal, he explored much of the coast. He was the first to arrive atBay of Concepción,in the ship "San Pedro", and took possession of it.

In 1545 Pastene went to Peru in search of aid for the new settlements in Chile, returning in 1547. He made other voyages in support of the struggling colony.

In 1550, Pastene supported Valdivia's campaign intoMapucheterritory in what is now theBiobío Regionlinking up with theconquistadorsland expedition atPencowith his two ships on February 23, 1550. There he was present in the foundation ofConcepción.He took one ship to acquire provisions at an offshore Island where seven of his crew were killed by the islanders.

During the Government ofGarcía Hurtado de Mendoza,Juan Bautista Pastene made a naval reconnaissance down the coast to Chiloé. He also held the position ofregidorof the city ofSantiago, Chilein 1548, 1551, 1553, 1557 and 1568, and was mayor in 1564. He was also the first Governor ofValparaíso.He died in 1580 inSantiago, Chile.

The city ofCapitán Pastene,formed by Italian immigrants to Chile in the early 1900, was named in his honor.

He was great grandfather of theJesuitchroniclerAlonso de Ovalle.[1]




  1. ^Pinto Rodríguez, Jorge(1993). "Jesuitas, Franciscanos y Capuchinos italianos en la Araucanía (1600–1900)".Revista Complutense de Historia de América(in Spanish).19:109–147.