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Judah b. Meremar

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Judah bar Meremar[1](orJudah Mar bar Meremar,[2]orRab Judah;,[3]orJudah b. Amemar,[4]Hebrew:יהודה בר מרימר) was aBabylonianrabbi, of the seventh generation ofamoraim.


He was the son ofMaremar,dean of theSura Yeshiva Academy.His rulings are mentioned in theTalmud,[5]and so are hishalakhichabits. For example, he would tell his assistant to hire a laborer to work for him, while committing Judah himself to pay the worker. Since the employer was not same person as the wage payer, there was no danger of accidentally violating the commandment[6]of paying one's workers on time.[7]

He was highly respected by his peers. Once whenRav Papawas marrying his son to the daughter ofAbba of Sura,and wanted to visit Abba's house to discuss Abba'sdowrypayment, Papa met Judah bar Meremar. Papa invited him to come in, but Judah refused, explaining that he did not want Abba of Sura to be ashamed because of him, and therefore would give his daughter more than he truly wished. At Papa's further urging, though, Judah agreed to come. When Abba of Sura stated the dowry's amount, Judah said nothing. Abba thought Judah was silent out of anger that the dowry amount was too small, so he added vast amounts to the dowry. When he saw that Judah was still silent, he said to Judah: "I left myself nothing, and you still want me to give more?" Judah replied: "What you gave is already against my opinion, in my opinion you did not have to give so much, but since you already gave - you should not retract."[8]

Once he ate together withMar bar Rav Ashiand R.Aha of Difti.Because the three were equal in wisdom, they thought they were exempt from thezimunbeforebirkat hamazon.However,Amemarruled out they did this in error.[9]


  1. ^Tractate Kethuboth 52b
  2. ^Tractate Kethuboth 80b
  3. ^Tractate Kethuboth 53a
  4. ^See: Moshe Yehuda BaleviYihusei Tannaim ve-Amoraim(editor),"יהודה בר אמימר",Brooklyn 1994, p. 39
  5. ^Babylonian Talmud,Kethubot 80b
  6. ^Deuteronomy 24:15
  7. ^Bava Metzia 111a
  8. ^Babylonian Talmud,Ketubot 52b
  9. ^Babylonian Talmud,Berakhot45b