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Julius Nepos

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Julius Nepos
Gold coin with portrait
Solidusof Julius Nepos, marked:
Roman emperor
in theWest
InItaly24 June 474 –28 August 475
SuccessorRomulus Augustulus
InDalmatia28 August 475 –9 May 480[a]
Successorposition abolished
(Zenoin theEast)[b]
Died9 May 480[c]
SpouseNieceofLeo I
MotherSister ofMarcellinus
ReligionChalcedonian Christianity

Julius Nepos(died 9 May 480),[c]or simplyNepos,[8][9]ruled asRoman emperorof theWestfrom 24 June 474 to 28 August 475. After losing power in Italy, Nepos retreated to his home province ofDalmatia,from which he continued to claim the western imperial title, with recognition from theEastern Roman Empire,until he was murdered in 480. Though Nepos' successor in Italy,Romulus Augustulus(r. 475–476), is traditionally deemed the last western Roman emperor, Nepos is regarded by some historians as the true last emperor of the west, being the last widely recognised claimant to the position.

A native of Dalmatia, Nepos began his career as the semi-autonomous governor of the province, succeeding his uncleMarcellinus,a prominent general, asmagister militum('master of troops') of Dalmatia. After the death of the western emperorAnthemius(r. 467–472), who had been appointed by the eastern emperorLeo I(r. 457–474), as well as Anthemius' successorOlybrius(r.472), Leo sought to assert his authority in the west, granting Nepos command of an army in December 473 to attack Italy and deposeGlycerius(r. 473–474), who had been proclaimed emperor by theBurgundiangeneralGundobad.Nepos left for Italy in the spring of 474, backed by Leo's successorZeno,and landed with his army atPortus,nearRome.Nepos swiftly deposed Glycerius and was crowned western emperor in Rome on 24 June 474.[d]He was the last emperor to be crowned in the city untilCharlemagnein the ninth century.[e]Whether the original intention of the invasion was to install Nepos as western emperor is unclear, but in any event, he was quickly recognised as the legitimate western emperor by Zeno.

Nepos worked to restore the prestige and authority of theWestern Empire,though mostly unsuccessfully. He may have repelled aVisigothicattack on Italy and managed to once more reduce the Burgundians intofoederati.Nepos focused most of his attention on reasserting imperial control and authority inGaul,but the Western Empire could no longer project enough strength to halt Visigothic conquests in the region. The failure to defeat the Visigoths in Gaul, and Zeno's brief overthrow inConstantinopleby the usurperBasiliscus,weakened Nepos' already shaky position in Italy. In 475, Nepos' newly appointedmagister militumOrestesrevolted and marched onRavenna,capital of the Western Empire. Unable to deal with Orestes' forces, Nepos fled back to Dalmatia and two months later, Orestes proclaimed his young son Romulus Augustulus as emperor.

Although no longer in control of Italy, Nepos never renounced his claim to the Western Empire and continued to be recognised as the legitimate western emperor by the Eastern Empire. In 476, the barbarian generalOdoacerdeposed Romulus Augustulus and became the firstking of Italy.Nepos repeatedly petitioned Zeno, who by then had defeated Basiliscus, for help in regaining control of Italy, though all he achieved was nominal recognition by Odoacer, who minted coins in Nepos' name but otherwise mostly ignored him. In 480, Nepos was murdered by two of his generals,Ovidaand Viator, perhaps inDiocletian's Palace,possibly while planning an expedition of his own to recover Italy.


Geopolitical background[edit]

TheEastern(orange) and Western (green) Roman Empires in 476

The idea that theRoman Empirehad grown too large to efficiently be managed by one emperor, and was more appropriately governed by two co-ruling emperors, had become established by the time of emperorDiocletian(r.284–305) in the late 3rd century. Throughout the 4th century, various different divisions were made until the empire was firmly and permanently divided into western and eastern spheres of imperial administration from the death of emperorTheodosius I(r.379–395) in 395.[12]Though modern historians typically use the termsWestern Roman EmpireandEastern Roman Empireto describe the new political situation, the Romans themselves never considered the empire to have been formally divided, still viewing it as a single unit, although most often having two rulers rather than one.[13]The Western Roman Empire was more rural than the east, with fewer people and a less stable economy. Throughout the 5th century, it experienced an increasing number ofGermanicbarbarianinvasions and settlements and a period of decline.[12]In 410, theVisigothsunderAlaric IhadsackedRome;in 455, the last western emperor of theTheodosian dynasty,Valentinian III(r.425–455), was deposed and murdered. That same year, Rome wassacked again,this time by theVandalsunderGaiseric,who captured Valentinian's widow,Licinia Eudoxia,and two of his daughters,EudociaandPlacidia.The Western Roman army gradually became increasingly reliant on barbarian mercenaries. After Valentinian's murder, the most powerful barbarian generals, such asRicimer,became politically dominant, ruling through proclaimingpuppet emperors.[14]In the time between the death of Valentinian and the accession of Julius Nepos, a period of less than twenty years, seven different emperors ruled the west and effective imperial control was only exercised inItaly,Raetiaand some regions ofGaul.[15][16]

Ancestry and family[edit]

Bust of the eastern emperorLeo I(r.457–474), who assigned Nepos the army he took Italy with and who was possibly the uncle ofNepos' wife

Julius Nepos was a native of the Roman province ofDalmatia.[8][17]Dalmatia, although politically, economically and geographically oriented towards the Western Roman Empire, had formally been under the authority of the Eastern Roman Empire since 437, when the western emperor Valentinian III had ceded it to the east. In practical terms, the province was often more or less autonomous.[18][19]Nepos was the son ofNepotianus(died 465),[19]a general who served under the western emperorMajorian(r.457–461). The nephew of themagister militum('master of troops', a high-ranking military officer)Marcellinus(died 468),[20]being the son of one of Marcellinus' sisters.[7][8][19]Nepos may have been part of a prominent local Roman family in Dalmatia. This is supported by memorial inscriptions from four roughly contemporary individuals; Aelia Nepotes, Aelia Nepos, another Julius Nepos and Nepotes, having been identified from Dalmatia.[21]

Nepos' uncle Marcellinus was a prominent late Roman general, having fought the Vandals in several campaigns and playing a notable role in momentarily fending off Vandal attempts at controllingSardinia.In 461, after the murder of Emperor Majorian by Ricimer, Marcellinus appears to have planned to invade Italy to depose Ricimer's puppet emperorLibius Severus(r.461–465), but he was dissuaded from this course of action by the eastern emperor Leo I.[22]Nepos married a Roman noblewoman whose name is not recorded, but who was related to the eastern empressVerina,[8][20]possibly a niece of Leo I.[7]

By the time of his death, Marcellinus had been a semi-autonomous governor in Dalmatia, and after his death,[18]Nepos inherited this position.[20]Nepos is first attested on 1 June 473,[17]when he is described asmagister militum Dalmatiae,[8][22]although it is possible that he had held that rank ever since Marcellinus' death.[8][23]Nepos might have held this position until he became emperor in 474, by which point he had also become apatrician.[7][8]


After the death of the western emperorAnthemius(r.467–472) as well as his successorOlybrius(r.472), who had not been recognised in the east, Leo I, the sole remaining Roman emperor, maintained that he had the right to select the new western emperor. At first, Leo did not act on this right, perhaps because he had no suitable candidates to promote or because of the violent end of Anthemius, who had been previously appointed by Leo I. In March 473, theBurgundiankingGundobad,nephew of Ricimer, appointed thecomes domesticorum(commander of the palace guard)Glyceriusas western emperor.[7]Angered by this, Leo appointed Nepos as the commander of an army to attack Italy and depose Glycerius.[7][8]Why Leo waited so long to appoint Nepos is not known, but by this time the winter meant that Nepos could not take action against Glycerius for a few months.[7]By appointing Nepos to lead the invasion, Leo not only sought to assert his authority in the west but perhaps also hoped to rid himself of a possible rival in the east.[7]After the political situation inConstantinoplehad stabilised sufficiently in the aftermath of Leo I's death on 18 January 474, Nepos left for Italy in the spring of 474, with the backing of the new eastern emperorZeno.[17][24]


Emperor in Italy (474–475)[edit]

Solidusof Nepos minted atArlesin southernGaul

Nepos and his force sailed from Constantinople and landed atPortus,near Rome,[8][19]where he was promptly proclaimedCaesar,[17][f]per the procedure preceding elevation to the rank ofAugustus(emperor).[17]On 24 June,[d]having deposed Glycerius, Nepos was proclaimed the westernAugustusin Rome.[7][11]Nepos thus accomplished the exact intervention into Italy that had been planned by his uncle Marcellinus some years prior.[22]Nepos was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome until the coronation ofCharlemagnein 800.[e]Glycerius put up no resistance against Nepos,[7]and his life was spared; he was consecrated as bishop ofSalona,[25]the provincial capital of Dalmatia.[17]It is not clear if Nepos becoming emperor had been Zeno's plan, but in any event, Zeno swiftly recognised him as the legitimate western emperor.[23]His rule was likewise accepted by theRoman Senateand the people ofItaly.[19]

Few records of Nepos' reign survive, and little is known of his activities.[7][17]He is known to have issued coins throughout Italy, such as at Rome,RavennaandMediolanum.Coinage minted in northern Gaul in his name indicates that his rule was accepted by the Roman generalSyagrius,who ruled a more-or-lessautonomous province of his ownthere.[7]Nepos also issued symbolic coins of Zeno and his junior colleagueLeo II,indicating his close ties and gratitude to the eastern court.[7]

Solidus of Nepos minted in Rome.

Nepos worked to restore imperial prestige. Through his initial efforts, a Visigothic attack on Italy appears to have been repelled and theBurgundianswere once again made intofoederati(barbarian allies of the empire).[26]It appears that Nepos mainly directed his efforts to attempting to restore and consolidate imperial authority in Gaul. The remaining imperial territories in Gaul were at the time being invaded byEuric,king of the Visigoths, who hoped to take control of the province ofAquitania Prima.[17]To combat the threat, Nepos appointedEcdicius,a son of the former western emperorAvitus(r.455–456) as patrician andmagister militum.[7]Per the surviving writings of contemporary Gallo-Roman authors, such asSidonius Apollinaris,Nepos' accession was enthusiastically accepted in the remaining imperial possessions in Gaul.[7]Ecdicius successfully managed to relieve a Visigothic siege ofArlesin 474. Still, he was less successful in 475 as there simply were not enough remaining military resources to achieve victory.[26]Even after Ecdicius had proven unable to defeat the Visigoths,[17]the threat of imperial invasion made Euric willing to negotiate with Nepos. In the spring of 475, Nepos sent as his ambassadors to Euric a group of Roman bishops, which includedEpiphanius of Pavia,who had previously brokered peace between Ricimer and emperor Anthemius. Although Epiphanius and his delegation apparently achieved peace, a second delegation, consisting of the bishops Leontius of Arles, Faustus of Riez, Graecus of Marseilles, and Basilius of Aix, was sent later in 475, possibly tasked with working out the concrete terms of the peace treaty. The Romans in Gaul, including Sidonius Apollinaris, were shocked to learn that the peace had involved ceding theAuvergneregion to the Visigoths in turn for them leaving the rest of what remained under imperial control in Gaul alone.[7][6]Nepos' failure to actually defeat the Visigoths, combined with Zeno's overthrow in Constantinople in early 475 by the usurperBasiliscus,weakened Nepos' position,[17]which had been shaky in Italy from the very beginning.[16]

In his foreign policy, Nepos also had to deal with theVandals,who ruledNorth Africa,and their renewed and increased pirate attacks throughout the Mediterranean. Because of the weak position of the western empire, Nepos was forced to recognise Vandal rule over the territories they had already taken in Africa and throughout the Mediterranean, such as the islands of Sardinia andCorsica,theBalearics,and parts ofSicily.[7]

After the failure of Nepos' efforts in Gaul, he dismissed Ecdicius and replaced him asmagister militumwithOrestes,[6]a distinguished officer who had once served asnotarius(secretary) to theHunnickingAttila.[16]Nepos tasked Orestes with leading another army against the Visigoths, and against the Burgundians, who were rebelling, in southern Gaul.[27]Orestes' army included manyfoederatitroops, whom he learned were upset with the emperor for refusing their requests to be granted land.[28]With the backing of this army, Orestes disobeyed Nepos' orders and instead marched onRavenna,the capital of the western empire.[8][16]Hoping to maintain control, Nepos recalled Ecdicius from Gaul, but he was unable to arrive in time.[7]On 28 August 475, Orestes entered Ravenna with his army, and Nepos escaped across theAdriatic Seato Salona in Dalmatia,[8][16][27][28]having ruled in Italy for only 14 months.[23]On 31 October, Orestes proclaimed his young son,Romulus Augustulus,as emperor.[29]

Exile in Dalmatia (475–480)[edit]

Approximate extent of Nepos' domain inDalmatiain 476, with neighbouring states

Little is known of Nepos' later activities in Dalmatia due to the scarcity of surviving sources.[5]Nepos never renounced his claim to theWestern Empireand continued to be recognised in the east instead of Romulus Augustulus.[16][30][31][32]Throughout his time in exile, Nepos hoped to regain control of Italy.[5]On 4 September 476, Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the barbarian generalOdoacer,who became the firstKing of Italy.[29]Odoacer sent Romulus' western imperial regalia to Zeno in the east, and swore allegiance to him, ruling without further imperial successors in the west.[33]Odoacer considered the Roman Empire from this point on as only requiring a single emperor, ruling from Constantinople.[16]At the same time, an embassy from Nepos arrived in Constantinople, congratulating Zeno on regaining Constantinople from Basiliscus and requesting his assistance in restoring Nepos to power in Italy. Zeno responded to the ambassadors sent by Odoacer, members of the Roman Senate, that they had killed one east-supported emperor (Anthemius) and driven one out (Nepos) and that they would do well in receiving Nepos back as their ruler. Zeno also stated that Odoacer would do best in receiving the rank of patrician, which he had requested, not from Zeno, but from the legal western ruler, Nepos, although Zeno promised to grant the rank if Nepos would not. Zeno also urged Odoacer to accept Nepos back as emperor in Italy.[7][16][34]Although Zeno and Verina, who remained influential at court, officially supported Nepos' restoration and continued to regard him as the western emperor,[5][7]he was not granted the necessary military support or funding to retake Italy.[5]

Diocletian's Palace,possibly the residence of Julius Nepos during his nominal continued reign in Dalmatia

Odoacer only nominally accepted Nepos' rule, resuming the production of gold coins in the name of Nepos at Italian mints, but taking no serious action to restore his throne.[6]Coins of both Nepos and Zeno were minted in Italy, and Odoacer perhaps provided Nepos with a pension,[7][27]but in practice ignored him.[23]In 477 or 478, Nepos again petitioned Zeno to help him retake Italy.[5]Also in 477, some of the remaining imperial possessions in southern Gaul rebelled against Odoacer, probably intending to fight for the restoration of Nepos. Zeno received embassies from both Odoacer and Gaul, but was forced to support Odoacer given that supporting the Gallic rebels against Odoacer would have amounted to declaring war on Odoacer, which Zeno was not prepared to do.[7]

In 479, Nepos' hopes may have been ignited whenTheodoric,the king of theOstrogoths,offered to pledge his troops to fight for Nepos' claim.[5]Nepos was murdered on 9 May 480,[c]at his villa near Salona, possibly the same building asDiocletian's Palace,[5]by members of his retinue, thecomitesOvidaand Viator.[4][6]It is possible that the former emperor Glycerius, whom Nepos had deposed, also played a leading role in the murder,[25][20]possibly as the instigator.[35]If Glycerius was not the instigator, it is possible that the murder was caused by Nepos in 480 actively beginning to prepare his forces for a real attempt at recovering Italy militarily, and that his supporters in Dalmatia were unwilling to embark on such an adventure.[7]Though the chroniclers of the time wrote of Nepos' violent and unexpected death, it was given little attention and no actions were taken against his murderers for quite some time.[5][7]Only in late 481 or 482 did Odoacer invade Dalmatia and put Ovida, who had become the ruler of the province, to death,[5]using Nepos' murder as a pretext to conquer the province for himself.[6][7]The eastern empire made no attempt to stop him.[36]After Nepos' death, Odoacer recognised Zeno as his new suzerain and Zeno did not appoint a new western emperor, becoming the first proper sole Roman emperor of the entire empire since the death ofTheodosius Iin 395 (though he continued to only effectively control the eastern provinces).[1][2]


Nepos' successor in Italy,Romulus Augustulus,is typically regarded as the last western Roman emperor,[16][27][28][30]though several historians argue that this distinction is better applied to Nepos,[16][17][33][37]given that he continued to rule in Dalmatia with the imperial title and the full recognition, although not the full military support, of the eastern empire, until he was murdered in 480.[27][33]Romulus Augustulus, by strange coincidence, shares the name of both the founder of Rome (Romulus) and its first emperor (Augustus),[38]which may, in addition to being the last western emperor to rule Italy, have contributed to him being viewed as the last emperor over Nepos.[16]Nepos shares a similar coincidence, in that he shares his first name, Julius, withJulius Caesar,Augustus' adoptive father and predecessor as authoritarian ruler of the Roman state.[35]

By the time of Nepos' death in 480, the Western Roman Empire was gone, and Nepos had, in the words of the Roman historian Ralph W. Mathisen, become an "unwantedanachronism";a hindrance to Odoacer who wished to expand into Dalmatia himself and an embarrassment to Zeno, who could not offer him his full support. Though his death was seen as marking the end of the line of emperors in the west, it was barely acknowledged at the time.[7]By the next century, eastern Roman historians no longer recognised Nepos' reign in Dalmatia from 475 to 480 as a legitimate continuation of his imperial reign: the 6th-century eastern historiansMarcellinus Comes,ProcopiusandJordanesall considered the child emperor, Romulus Augustulus, to have been the last western emperor.[16][27][33]


  1. ^Even thoughRomulus Augustuluswas the last Roman emperor Nepos still reigned in Dalmatia
  2. ^Upon Nepos's death,Odoacer,the King of Italy, recognized theeastern emperorZeno as his suzerain.[1][2]It has been suggested that some western coins minted in Zeno's name were minted in Dalmatia in the immediate aftermath of Nepos' death, which would mean that Zeno's rule was swiftly accepted.[3]
  3. ^abc9 May 480 is the most commonly cited date by modern historians.[4][5][6]Its accuracy is not certain, as contemporary sources give three different dates: 25 April, 22 June and 9 May.[7]
  4. ^abTheFasti vindobonensesgives VIII kal. Iulias (24 June), while theAuctarium Prosperi Havniensegives XIII kal. Iulias (19 June), one of which is a corruption of the other.[7]TheFastidates are usually the most accepted.[10]
  5. ^abNepos' successor,Romulus Augustulus,was crowned inRavenna.[11]
  6. ^The chronicle ofMarcellinus Comesand theAnonymus Valesianusspecify Nepos landing at Portus. The later work byJordanescontradictingly states that Nepos landed atRavenna,and was proclaimedCaesarthere on the orders of Zeno.[7]Following Jordanes, some modern historians hold that Nepos was madeCaesarat Ravenna rather than Portus. In any event, he was madeCaesarbefore he was madeAugustus.[7][11]



Regnal titles
Preceded by WesternRoman emperor
Succeeded by
Preceded by Ruler of Dalmatia
Succeeded by
Titles in pretence
Loss of title
Driven from Italy byOrestes
Western Roman emperor
(Ruling fromDalmatia)
Position abolished
Zenobecomes sole Roman emperor