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According to rabbinical sources, thekallalwas a small stoneurnkept in theTabernacleand later in theJewish temple in Jerusalemwhich contained the ashes of ared heifer.The Hebrew Bible does not mention any urn in the Numbers 19 account.[1]Kallalis theAramaicword for astone vesselor pitcher.[2][3]Alternatively,kallalis also used for large jars for washing.[4]



Thekalalis mentioned specifically in theMishnah(Parah3:3,Eduyot7:5), Hebrew Rabbinic writings describe vessels hidden under the direction ofJeremiahseven years prior to the destruction ofSolomon's Temple,because the dangers ofBabylonianconquest were imminent. The vessels that were hidden included theArk of the Covenantand the Tabernacle fittings, the stone tablets of Moses, the altar (with cherubim) for the daily and seasonal sacrifices, themenorah(candelabra), thekallaland numerous vessels of the priests.

Dead Sea Scrolls


Mainstream scholarship does not recognise any mention of thekallalvessels in theDead Sea Scrolls.HoweverVendyl Jonesof the Vendyl Jones Research Institute interpreted theCopper Scrollin the Archaeological Museum of Jordan to contain mention of sixty-four lost objects buried in the "Cave of the Column" mentioned in theCopper Scroll,including akallalburied behind a pillar, which would be a reference to thekallalof ashes in the Mishnah.[5]Jones died without finding such an urn, and his findings and readings of the Copper Scroll have not been accepted.


  1. ^MinervaVolume 4 1993 Perhaps this is the shape of the Talmudic kallal, which held the purification ashes of the red heifer. Two crudely finished cylindrical measuring cups (Fig 8), pared with a sharp tool, are typical of those found on Second Temple period... "
  2. ^Targum studiesVolume 2 Paul Virgil McCracken Flesher - 1998 "By contrast, the targum's clear description of the vessel into which the ash is put corresponds almost verbatim with Sifre Num. 124; it is a" pitcher, "qll, (see also m. Parah 3:3; 10:3, tos. Parah 9:5), stopped with a clay seal,...
  3. ^The stone vessel industry in the Second Temple periodIzchak Magen, Levana Tsfania - 2002 "(T Parah 3:3) It is possible that the" measuring cup "with handles from archaeological contexts is the" stone cup "mentioned in the sources. 4. An additional stage was placing the ashes of the heifer in a stone kallal when the..
  4. ^Partsah toharah be-YiśraʼelMuzeʼon Reʼuven ṿe-ʻIdit Hekhṭ, Ofra Guri-Rimon - 1994 "The large jars (called kallal in the sources) served to store the ashes of the heifer as well as pure water, which were needed for preparing the sacred water that was used in the process of cleansing someone defiled by a dead body..."
  5. ^Ready to rebuild: the imminent plan to rebuild the last days TempleThomas Ice, Randall Price - 1992 "The Missing Urn - About a decade ago, Vendyl Jones, a onetime Baptist minister... Jones has been digging in what he believes is the" Cave of the Column "mentioned in the Copper Scroll.