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Removing of shackles: painting byAleksander Sochaczewski(1843–1923)

Katorga(Russian:ка́торга,IPA:[ˈkatərɡə];from medieval and modernGreek:κάτεργον,romanized:katergon,lit.'galley') was a system ofpenal laborin theRussian Empire[1]and theSoviet Union(seeKatorga labor in the Soviet Union).

Prisoners were sent to remotepenal coloniesin vast uninhabited areas ofSiberiaand theRussian Far Eastwhere voluntary settlers and workers were never available in sufficient numbers. The prisoners had to performforced laborunder harsh conditions.


Prisoners at anAmur Cart Roadcamp, between 1908 and 1913
Bashkirsconducting convicts to Siberia, painted byWilliam Allan,1814

Katorga,a category of punishment within thejudicialsystem of theRussian Empire,had many of the features associated withlabor-campimprisonment: confinement, simplified facilities (as opposed toprisons), andforced labor,usually involving hard, unskilled or semi-skilled work.

Katorga camps were established in the 17th century by TsarAlexis of Russiain newly conquered, underpopulated areas ofSiberiaand theRussian Far East—regions that had few towns or food sources. Despite the isolated conditions, a few prisoners successfully escaped to populated areas. From these times, Siberia gained its fearful connotation of punishment, which was further enhanced by theSovietgulagsystem.

After the change in Russianpenal lawin 1847,exileand katorga became common punishments for participants in nationaluprisingswithin the Russian Empire. This led to increasing numbers ofPolessent to Siberia for katorga. These people have become known in Poland asSybiraks( "Siberians" ). Some of them remained there, forming a Polish minority in Siberia.

The most common occupations in katorga camps wereminingandtimberwork. Another example involved the successful construction of theAmur Cart Road(Амурская колесная дорога).

In 1891Anton Chekhov,the Russian writer and playwright, visited the katorga settlements onSakhalinisland in the Russian Far East and wrote about the conditions there in his bookSakhalin Island.He criticized the short-sightedness and incompetence of the officials in charge that led to poor living standards, waste of government funds, and decreased productivity.Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,in his book about the Soviet-era labor camps,Gulag Archipelago,quoted Chekhov extensively to illustrate the enormous deterioration of living conditions for inmates and the huge increase in the number of people sent there in the Soviet era, compared to the katorga system of Chekhov's time.

Peter Kropotkin,whileaide de campto the governor ofTransbaikaliain the 1860s, was appointed to inspect the state of the prison system in the area; he later described his findings in his bookIn Russian and French Prisons(1887).

Notable katorgas[edit]

Famous katorga convicts[edit]




Farewell to Europe,byAleksander Sochaczewski


Soviet times[edit]

After theRussian Revolution of 1917the Russian penal system was taken over by theBolsheviks,who eventually transformed the katorga into theGulaglabor camps.

In 1943 the "katorga labor"(каторжные работы) as a special, severe type of punishment was reintroduced. It was initially intended forNazi collaborators,but other categories of political prisoners (for example, members ofdeported peopleswho fled from exile) were also sentenced to "katorga labor". Prisoners sentenced to "katorga labor" were sent to gulag prison camps with the most harsh regime, and many of them died.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Russian History Resources".Bucknell University – Russian Studies.Lewisberg, PA. n.d. Archived fromthe originalon February 28, 2007.
  2. ^"ГУЛАГ: общие сведения | Репрессии и пенитенциарная система в СССР"[Gulag: general information | Repression and the prison system in the USSR]. Archived fromthe originalon 2009-04-19.
  • P.Kropotkin,In Russian and French Prisons,London: Ward and Downey; 1887.

Further reading[edit]

  • Daly, Jonathan W.Autocracy under Siege: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1866–1905(1998).

External links[edit]