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Keke Geladze

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Ekaterine Geladze
ეკატერინე გელაძე
Geladze in 1892
Ekaterine Giorgis asuli Geladze

Died4 June 1937 (aged 78/81)
SpouseBesarion Jughashvili
Parent(s)Giorgi Geladze (father)
Melania Khomezurashvili (mother)

Ekaterine "Keke" Giorgis asuli Geladze[a](1856/1858[2][b]– 4 June 1937) was the mother ofJoseph Stalin.

Born into a family of peasants outside ofGori,in modernGeorgia,she marriedBesarion Jughashvili,a cobbler, and had three sons; only the youngest,Ioseb,lived. Besarion would leave the family, leaving Geladze to raise her son. Deeply religious, she wanted Ioseb to become a priest, working as a seamstress in Gori in order to pay for his education. Geladze remained in Gori when Ioseb moved to theTbilisi Spiritual Seminary,and stayed there until his rise to power in theSoviet Unionas Joseph Stalin. In her older age Geladze lived in Tbilisi, the capital city ofGeorgia;while Stalin wrote to her, he visited rarely, with the last visit in 1935. She died in 1937, and was buried in theMtatsminda Pantheonin Tbilisi.

Early life


Geladze was born to a family ofGeorgian Orthodox Christianserfsin Gambareuli nearGoriin either 1856 or 1858.[2]Her father, Giorgi (or Glakha) Geladze, was either a bricklayer or potter, and was a serf belonging toPrince Ivane Amilakhvari.[3]He died around the time of Geladze's birth, though her mother Melania ensured that Geladze learned to read and write, which was unusual for women at the time.[4][5]She had two brothers: Giorgi (Gio) and Sandala.[6]Melania died while Geladze was young, leaving the children to be raised by Melania's brother, who moved them into Gori around 1864, when serfs were emancipated in the Caucasus (they had beenfreed in Russia in 1861).[5]

Marriage and motherhood

Besarion Jughashvili,Keke's husband.

As a teenager, Geladze was apparently quite "an attractive freckled girl with auburn hair." Geladze would later brag that among her friends she "became the desired and beautiful girl."[7]She was sought out byBesarion Jughashvili,a local cobbler, and the two married in either 1872 or 1874, when she was likely 16.[5][c]They had three children, all boys, though the first two, Mikheil (14–21 February 1875) and Giorgi (24 December 1876 – 19 June 1877), died aged one week and six months, respectively.[8]Their third and final son,Ioseb,was born on 6 December 1878.[d]Prior to the birth of Ioseb, Geladze became intensely religious, promising to make a pilgrimage to a church inGeriif the child survived, a promise she and Jughashvili upheld.[10]

Initially Jughashvili's shop was quite successful, employing up to ten people as well as apprentices, and the family initially enjoyed a rather high standard of living; a former apprentice would later note that he frequently saw butter in their home, which was an expensive delicacy for most Georgians (however Kotkin wrote that the family lived more modestly, eating more traditional foods likelobio,lavash,andbadrijani nigvzit).[11]However Jughashvili'sdrinking,exacerbated by a Georgian custom that business paid in part with wine rather than money, had adverse effects on his business and home life.[12][13]Isaac Deutscherfelt that Jughashvili's inability to lift his status, "to be his own master," likely contributed to his drinking and frustrations.[14]This idea is echoed byRobert Service,who noted that Jughashvili did not adapt to make European-style shoes that were popular at the time, and instead kept producing traditional Georgian styles, and suggests that the rumours about Geladze were also a major influence on his drinking.[15]Frequently drunk, Jughashvili became violent and routinely would beat Geladze (who often hit back) and Ioseb, and acted out in public, earning the nickname "Crazy Beso."[16]Jughashvili's business suffered from his drinking, and he was eventually forced to give it up. The family also lost their home, and began staying with others for short periods, with nine different addresses over a ten-year period.[17]

Ioseb Jughashvili,Jughashvili's third son, and the only one who survived childhood, pictured in 1894. He would grow up and take the name Joseph Stalin.

Jughashvili's drinking was likely exacerbated by rumours of Geladze flirting with married men in Gori: rumours linked her to several men, including Yakov Egnatashvili, who served as best man at the wedding and godfather to the first two children; Damian Davrishevi, a police officer; and Kristopore Charkviani, a priest.[13][18]This also fed the idea that Ioseb was not the son of Jughashvili, but was instead fathered by one of the other men.[19]However, there is no evidence to show either that Geladze was flirtatious, or even that the men came to her, and there has been no proof that Jughashvili was not Ioseb's father.[13][e]

In 1884 Jughashvili left the family and moved to Tiflis, returning to his old job at the Adelkhanov factory.[17][f]He sent some money to Keke, as well as offers to reconcile, but all efforts to do so failed.[20]To support herself and her son, Geladze took on any menial job available; mainly housework, sewing and laundering, including in the homes of Davrichewy and Egnatashvili.[21]Living in near-poverty, they moved frequently, living in nine homes over the next decade.[22]In 1886 they were able to move into the top story of Charkviani's house; historianStephen Kotkinhas suggested that this was a calculated move on Geladze's part, as she lobbied Charkviani to help enroll Ioseb into the church school that year, as well as teach himRussian.[23]Around this time Geladze started working at acouture shop,and would remain there until she left Gori.[20]

Jughashvili was upset when he learned that Keke had enrolled Ioseb in school, instead hoping his son would follow his path and become a cobbler.[24]This led to a major incident in January, 1890. Ioseb had been struck by aphaeton,severely injuring him.[23]Jughashvili returned to Gori and brought his son to a Tiflis hospital, and after Ioseb healed he was apprenticed to the Adelkhanov factory.[25]Keke was adamantly opposed to the idea, and used her connections with the church to bring Ioseb back to Gori, where he would continue his studies to become a priest.[26]This marked the last real contact Jughasvhili had with his wife or son, as he cut off contact and financial support when Ioseb left Tiflis.[27]Geladze cleaned the school to help pay the tuition, though Ioseb soon gained a stipend due to his academic performance, and upon graduating in 1894 wrote entrance exams for theTbilisi Spiritual Seminary,one of the top schools in the Caucasus at the time, and was admitted.[28]

Later life


While Ioseb moved to Tiflis, Geladze remained in Gori.[29]Expelled from the Seminary in 1899, Ioseb turned to revolutionary activity, eventually taking the nameJoseph Stalin.[30]He would visit Geladze in Gori one final time, in 1904 after escaping from exile inSiberia.[31]She would not hear any further information about her son for more than 10 years, until his role in theRussian Revolutionin 1917.[32]In 1922 Geladze moved to Tiflis, at the insistence of the leadership of theGeorgian Soviet Socialist Republic,as they felt the mother of one of the leading Bolsheviks should be taken care of.[33]She was given a room in thepalaceof the formerViceroy of the Caucasus;theCouncil of People's Commissarsof Georgia also used the palace.[34]She was cared for byLavrentiy Beria,the leader of Georgia and a close ally of Stalin, and frequently visited by his wife Nino.[35]Dressed in black, signifying she was widowed, Geladze was frequently seen in the Tbilisi markets, closely guarded by thesecret police,which were under Beria's control.[34]

Stalin rarely visited his mother after coming to power: in a 1930 interview withH.R. Knickerbockerof theNew York Evening Postshe was quoted as saying Stalin had only visited her in 1921 and 1926, and had visited Moscow once, though "didn't like it."[36]They kept up via letter-writing, though that decreased after the suicide of Stalin's second wifeNadezhda Alliluyevain 1932;[37]only eighteen letters from Stalin were archived, while one from Geladze remains.[38]Stalin's children visited in 1935, though bothVasilyandSvetlanadid not understandGeorgianand needed their half-brotherYakovto translate (Geladze never learned Russian).[34]

Hearing that his mother was ill, Stalin visited her for the final time on 17 October 1935. According to an unpublished memoir of Geladze's doctor, the two had a short discussion about Stalin's position: "Mama, do you remember our tsar? Well, I'm something like the tsar," to which Geladze replied "You'd have done better to become a priest."[39][40]From the same source, it is reported that Stalin asked, "Why did you dream so much of me becoming a priest?", with Geladze saying "I saw how little they worked and how well they lived. They were also greatly respected. So I thought that there was no better occupation for a man, and I would have been proud that I was a priest's mother. But I confess, even about that I was wrong."[41]Three days after Stalin's visit Geladze was interviewed byPravda;the article appeared in the 23 October edition of the newspaper, with a follow-up article in the 27 October edition, detailing Stalin's visit. Though he was indifferent to the first article's publication, Stalin was not pleased with a second one about his mother being published.[42]

Geladze died on 4 June 1937. The medical report listed the cause of death as heart failure.[43]Occupied with theGreat Purgeof Communist officials and theRed Army,in particular the arrest and interrogation ofMikhail Tukhachevsky,Stalin did not attend the funeral; Beria was sent in his stead, with a wreath that had the message "To a dear and beloved mother, from your son Iosif Jughashvili (Stalin)" written in Georgian and Russian.[43]Stalin had her buried in theMtatsminda Pantheonoverlooking Tbilisi, anecropolisfull of prominent Georgian figures.[44]In the 21st century there was discussion about moving Geladze's body from Mtatsminda to her hometown of Gori, with the Deputy Mayor of Tbilisi stating in 2017 that "there is no place for Stalin’s mother in the Mtatsminda", but no action was taken, and Geladze's grave is one of the most popular spots for tourists in the Pantheon.[45]




  1. ^Georgian:ეკატერინე გიორგის ასული გელაძე[1]
    In Russian, her name was Екатерина Георгиевна Геладзе,Ekaterina Georgievna Geladze
  2. ^Soviet sources also gave her birth date as 1860. Kotkin suggests the discrepancy relates to her wedding, and an attempt to make Geladze appear older than she was. SeeKotkin 2014,p. 742, note 21.
  3. ^Montefiore and Rayfield state the wedding took place in 1872 (seeMontefiore 2007,p. 17 andRayfield 2004,p. 5), while Kotkin and Suny states it was in 1874, specifically 17 May. Kotkin also points out that Montefiore's timeline doesn't work, as Montefiore states that "just over nine months after the wedding, on 14 February 1875" (seeKotkin 2014,p. 742, note 21 andSuny 2020,p. 19).
  4. ^Ioseb would later change his name to Joseph Stalin.[9]
  5. ^Geladze was quoted as saying in later life that, "When I was young, I cleaned house for people and when I met a good-looking boy, I didn't waste the opportunity." However this was written in the memoirs ofLavrentiy Beria's son Sergo, and not reliable. SeeKotkin 2014,p. 742, note 35.
  6. ^Montefiore (Montefiore 2007,p. 29) states that Jughashvili left after Ioseb contractedsmallpox,though Kotkin (Kotkin 2014,p. 20) suggests the events were unrelated, and implies Jughashvili left before the smallpox outbreak, and that he was told to leave by the Gori police chief after attacking him.


  1. ^Gozalishvili 1937
  2. ^abKotkin 2014,p. 742, note 21
  3. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 19
  4. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 22
  5. ^abcKotkin 2014,p. 16
  6. ^Suny 2020,p. 18
  7. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 17
  8. ^Kun 2003,p. 10
  9. ^Suny 2020,p. 458
  10. ^Montefiore 2007,pp. 21–22
  11. ^Kotkin 2014,p. 19
  12. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 23
  13. ^abcKotkin 2014,p. 20
  14. ^Deutscher 1966,p. 4
  15. ^Service 2005,pp. 16–17
  16. ^Suny 2020,p. 27
  17. ^abSuny 2020,p. 20
  18. ^Montefiore 2007,pp. 18, 20–21
  19. ^Montefiore 2007,pp. 24–26
  20. ^abMontefiore 2007,p. 31
  21. ^Montefiore 2007,pp. 24, 31
  22. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 28
  23. ^abKotkin 2014,p. 21
  24. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 29
  25. ^Kotkin 2014,p. 22
  26. ^Kotkin 2014,pp. 22–23
  27. ^Kotkin 2014,p. 23
  28. ^Kotkin 2014,p. 26
  29. ^Montefiore 2007,p. 383
  30. ^Kotkin 2014,p. 46
  31. ^Medvedev & Medvedev 2003,p. 297
  32. ^Medvedev & Medvedev 2003,p. 298
  33. ^Medvedev & Medvedev 2003,p. 299
  34. ^abcKotkin 2017,p. 270
  35. ^Montefiore 2003,p. 186
  36. ^Kotkin 2017,pp. 63, 921, note 332
  37. ^Montefiore 2007,pp. 383–384
  38. ^Kotkin 2017,p. 108
  39. ^Spirin 1992.The source however does not name the archive, and while the quote is possible to be authentic, it could itself be hearsay.
  40. ^Radzinsky 1997,p. 24. Radzinsky's source cites Spirin.
  41. ^Spirin 1992
  42. ^Kotkin 2017,p. 271
  43. ^abKotkin 2017,p. 421
  44. ^Chikovani 2021,p. 239
  45. ^Chikovani 2021,p. 242


  • Chikovani, Nino (2021), "The Mtatsminda Pantheon: a memory site and symbol of identity",Caucasus Survey,9(3): 235–249,doi:10.1080/23761199.2020.1871242,S2CID234037225
  • Deutscher, Isaac(1966),Stalin: A Political Biography(Second ed.), New York City: Oxford University Press
  • Gozalishvili, V. (1937),ეკატერინე გიორგის–ასული ჯუღაშვილის ხსოვნას[In Memory of Ekaterine Giorgis-asuli Jughashvili] (in Georgian),Tbilisi State University,retrieved1 April2019
  • Kotkin, Stephen(2014),Stalin, Volume I: Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928,New York City: Penguin Press,ISBN978-1-59420-379-4
  • Kotkin, Stephen (2017),Stalin, Volume II: Waiting for Hitler, 1929–1941,New York City: Penguin Press,ISBN978-1-59420-380-0
  • Kun, Miklós (2003),Stalin: An Unknown Portrait,translated by Bodóczky, Miklós; Hideg, Rachel; Higed, János; Vörös, Miklós, Budapest: Central European University Press,ISBN963-9241-19-9
  • Medvedev, Zhores A.;Medvedev, Roy A.(2003),The Unknown Stalin,translated by Ellen Dahrendorf, London: I.B. Tauris,ISBN1-86064-768-5
  • Montefiore, Simon Sebag(2003),Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar,London: Phoenix,ISBN978-0-7538-1766-7
  • Montefiore, Simon Sebag (2007),Young Stalin,London: Phoenix,ISBN978-0-297-85068-7
  • Radzinsky, Edvard(1997),Stalin: The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives,Anchor,ISBN978-0-385-47954-7
  • Rayfield, Donald(2004),Stalin and His Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who Killed for Him,New York City: Random House,ISBN0-375-50632-2
  • Service, Robert(2005),Stalin: A Biography,Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University,ISBN0-674-01697-1
  • Spirin, Leonid (13 August 1992),"'Живите десять тысяч лет.' Письма Сталина к матери "['Live ten thousand years.' Stalin's letters to his mother],Nezavisimaya Gazeta(in Russian), Moscow,retrieved7 November2019
  • Suny, Ronald Grigor(2020),Stalin: Passage to Revolution,Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,ISBN978-0-691-18203-2