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Akinetotrophorkinetic harvesteris ahypothetical organismthat would usekinetic energyto produce complex molecules likeadenosine triphosphate(ATP). Kinetotrophs could obtain their energy from numerous sources like wind, tides, or currents; this would allow them to inhabit locations with minimal light forphotosynthesis.[1]Kinetotrophs could descend fromchemotrophs,and have been hypothesized to take the form of sedentaryciliatesandreed-like organisms.[2]

There are no known kinetotrophs on Earth, likely because the process is less efficient than other sources of energy like light or chemicals.[2]However, similartransducersystems have been observed in some organisms. For example, some fish possess alateral line organ,which uses cilia to turn the movement of fluid intoelectric signals.[3]



The theoretical mechanics that would allow kinetotrophism vary widely. One pathway proposed byDirk Schulze-MakuchandLouis N. Irwininvolves lever-like proteins that would be moved by the flow of fluid. When inside aprotein channelwithcilia-like proteins that could act as channel guards, the levers could allow specific molecules into or out of the cell.[4]Harnessing theGibbs–Donnan effect,sodium ionscould be made to enter the cell and fuel a hydrogen transporter similar to those inmitochondria,thus allowing for energy-storing molecules like ATP to be synthesized.[1]This mechanism would act like abattery;thus, only enough time and a flow of fluid in the range of millimetres per second would be required for the synthesizing of complex molecules.[3]

Another mechanism to derive energy from kinetics would be aspring-like structure. Fluid currents or tides could place pressure on cilia structures, bending them and creatingtensile energy.When the pressure subsides, that tension would be released and could create usable energy.[2]


Kinetotrophs could thrive under the Europan ice sheet or on the moon's volcanic seafloor.

It has been proposed that kinetotrophs could exist underneath the ice sheet of theJovianmoonEuropa.These organisms might attach to the underside of the ice sheet, or to substrates on the ocean floor.[1][5]The kinetic energy these organisms would harness could be provided byconvection cells,where currents are created by the varying temperatures of fluid throughout thewater column.[3]


  1. ^abcSchulze‐Makuch, Dirk; Irwin, Louis N. (2001-03-27)."Alternative energy sources could support life on Europa".Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union.82(13): 150.Bibcode:2001EOSTr..82..150S.doi:10.1029/EO082i013p00150.ISSN0096-3941.
  2. ^abcIrwin, Louis (2011).Cosmic biology: how life could evolve on other worlds.Springer. pp. 101, 180, 240.ISBN9781441916464.
  3. ^abcSchulze-Makuch, Dirk (2008).Life in the universe: expectations and constraints(2nd ed.). Springer. pp. 73–74.
  4. ^Wicaksono, Adhityo; Cristy, Ghea Putry (2021)."Xenobiology: An expanded semantical review".Notulae Scientia Biologicae.13(2): 10929.doi:10.15835/nsb13210929– via ResearchGate.
  5. ^Schulz-Makuch, Dirk; Bains, William (2017).The Cosmic Zoo: Complex Life on Many Worlds.Springer. p. 196.ISBN978-3-319-62044-2.