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Kintsvisi Monastery

Coordinates:41°57′38″N43°50′04″E/ 41.9605331°N 43.8343085°E/41.9605331; 43.8343085
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Kintsvisi Monastery
ყინწვისის მონასტერი(in Georgian)
AffiliationGeorgian Orthodox
LocationKintsvisi,Shida KartliProvince (Mkhare),Georgia
Geographic coordinates41°57′38″N43°50′04″E/ 41.9605331°N 43.8343085°E/41.9605331; 43.8343085
Completed13th century
Official name: Kintsvisi Complex
DesignatedNovember 7, 2006;17 years ago(2006-11-07)
Reference no.2104
Item Number in Cultural Heritage Portal10644
Date of entry in the registryOctober 3, 2007;17 years ago(2007-10-03)

Kintsvisi Monastery(Georgian:ყინწვისი,Qinc'visi) is aGeorgian Orthodoxmonasteryin theShida Kartliregion,easternGeorgia,10 kilometers from the townKareli,on a forested slope of a high mountain of the Dzama valley. Its main church is an exceptional example of a brick church from theGeorgian Golden Ageperiod. The monumental mural is one of the largest among theMedieval Georgianartistic ensembles.



The Kintsvisi Monastery complex consists of three churches, of uncertain origin. The central (main) central church dedicated toSt Nicholasis thought to date to the early 13th century, in what is generally regarded as theGeorgian Golden Age.Its dating was possible due to the presence on the murals of the figures of three Georgian kings of that period. A very small chapel standing next to it is dedicated toSt George,and dates from around the same time.

The oldest church, dedicated toSt Marydates from the 10-11th centuries, but is mostly in ruins.

In the 15th century the main churchnarthexwas rebuilt by the local princeZaza Panaskerteli.Its internal space was divided into three parts and decorated byfrescoes.Among them also the unique depiction of Zaza himself.

The site is currently listed by theWorld Monuments Fundas a field project.


"KintsvisiAngel",complete with scarce and expensivenatural ultramarinepaint, evidences increasing sophistication and resources of Georgian masters following the reign ofGeorge III.

The main church is a large inscribed-cross domedbrickbuilding which houses unique examples of medievalmuralart from the early 13th century. Made of red brick, the church is harmoniously fit into the surrounding mountainous, forested landscape. This building material was not commonly used for construction in that period, representing exceptional case for the beginning of the 13th century. The dome was also originally covered in three-coloredroof tiles.Itstholobatehas 12 windows.

Though the internal space is cross-shaped, the church is rectangular in general plan. The only altar is flanked by aprothesisand asacristy.High semicircular arches connect the lateral naves with the western arm. Thenarthexhas two floors, with the lower floor being the portal and the lower thechoir.The portal has been later divided into three parts.

The church facades originally lack any decorations. They are present only in form of window arches on the dometholobate,also made of special bricks.

Except for the main church the monastery territory contains other buildings of different age and preservation, surrounded by the ruins of the common wall. Among the ruins, the bell tower, included into the northern wall, and twohall churchescan be recognized. The smaller St. George's Church, standing close to the western facade, is in rather good condition. From the larger St. Mary's Church, standing in the north-west part of the area, only theapsewith frescoes remains.



The interior is well-illuminated from the windows in thetholobateand in each arm of the cross. Original frescoes entirely covered the walls. In spite of being damaged, Kintsvisi murals are still among the largest and well-preserved Georgian Medieval wall paintings. In the central position of thecupolais theHodegetriaflanked by thearchangelsMichaelandGabriel.At the central part of cupola arch is an expressed cross as a medallion. Medallions with theFour Evangelistsadorn thependentives.Images of archangels are repeated on south and west walls of the church. Scenes from theNew Testamentare presented on north walls, as are portraits of Georgian kings,Giorgi III,TamarandGiorgi IV Lasha.

Particularly remarkable is the figure of a sitting angel (the so-called “Kintsvisi Archangel” ) from theResurrectioncomposition pointing at the opensarcophagusin a gracious manner, represented above the kings' figures, between two windows. The expressive bending of the head, the wing movement, soft drawing of the angel's shoulders are accompanied by the fine linear decorations of the blue clothes on blue background.

The eastern side contains the figure ofMarywithJesusin hands in theconch,theEucharistin thebemaand the church fathers, walking from to the bema from two sides, depicted in a three quarter turn on theapsewall. All the figures are expressive and dynamic. These murals date to before 1205 and rank, due to the lavish use oflapis-lazulito color their backgrounds, among the most beautiful paintings of that period.

These murals were ordered by Anton Gnolistavisdze, a local feudal magnate who served as a royal minister. His fresco with a model of a church in his hand is represented on the lower register of the south wall, along with a severely damaged cycle of images from the life of St Nicholas, and depictions of various Georgian saints.

The murals of thenarthexare of a later date, and were painted by the order of a prominent person of the 15th century, Zaza Panaskerteli, whose portrait is represented here as well.

The church of theVirgin Maryalso contains an enthronedHodegetriawith a Communion of the Apostles in its ruinedapse.The walls of this church were presumably entirely painted in the same manner as the main church, but everything but the apse has collapsed into ruins down the side of the mountain.


  • Abashidze, Irakli. Ed.Georgian Encyclopedia. Vol. IX.Tbilisi, Georgia: 1985.
  • Amiranashvili, Shalva.History of Georgian Art.Khelovneba: Tbilisi, Georgia: 1961.
  • Rosen, Roger.Georgia: A Sovereign Country of the Caucasus.Odyssey Publications: Hong Kong, 1999.ISBN962-217-748-4
  • Закарая, П. Памятники Восточной Грузии. Искусство, Москва: 1983, 376 с. [Zakaraya, P. Monuments of Eastern Georgia](In Russian)