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Kleitias(Greek:Κλειτίας, sometimes rendered asKlitias[1]) was an ancientAthenianvase painter of theblack-figure stylewho flourishedc. 570–560BCE. Kleitias' most celebrated work today is theFrançois Vase(c. 570 BCE), which bears over two hundred figures in its six friezes. Painted inscriptions on four pots and one ceramic stand name Kleitias as their painter andErgotimosas their potter,[2]showing the craftsmen's close collaboration.[3]A variety of other fragments have been attributed to him on a stylistic basis.[4]

Signed works

The "François Vase"
  • Berlin, Antikensammlung V. I. 4604:Gordion cupfromGordion
  • Florence, Museo Archeologico 4209 ( "François Vase",also known as" Klitias krater "): volute krater
  • London, British Museum 1948.8-15.1 u. 2; 88.6-1.215, 424, 427 + Cambridge N 206: fragments of a cup fromNaukratis
  • London, British Museum 88.6-1.237, 324, 426; 1948.8-15.3 u. 4: fragments of a cup from Naukratis
  • New York, Metropolitan Museum 31.11.4: stand fromVari

See also



  1. ^The formKleitiaswas firmly established by G. M. A. Richter, "A Stand by Kleitias and an Athenian Jug", in:The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin26.12, Part 1 (December 1931:289-294) esp. p. 290. In scholarly literature, it is often writtenKlitias(like on the François Vase) because the Ancient Greek diphthongeiis frequently rendered asiin post-antique transliterations of Ancient Greek words and names.
  2. ^SeeJ. Beazley,Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford 1956) 76-78.
  3. ^There is only one pot with an inscription naming Ergotimos as its potter which hasnotbeen attributed to Kleitias as a painter. See J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford 1956) 79-80.
  4. ^See the essential list in J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford 1956) 77-79. Examples found or attributed later include particularly D. von Bothmer, "A New Kleitias Fragment from Egypt", in:Antike Kunst24, 1981, 66-67.


  • John Beazley:Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters,Oxford 1956, p. 76–78.
  • Bettina Kreuzer:Klitias,in: Künstlerlexikon der Antike Vol 1, 2001, p. 419–420.