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Left 4 Dead

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Left 4 Dead
Developer(s)Valve South[1][a]
Designer(s)Mike Booth
Writer(s)Chet Faliszek
Composer(s)Mike Morasky
SeriesLeft 4 Dead
November 18, 2008
  • Microsoft Windows
    • WW:November 18, 2008
  • Xbox 360
    • NA:November 18, 2008
    • AU:November 18, 2008
    • EU:November 21, 2008
  • Mac OS X
    • WW:October 27, 2010
Genre(s)First-person shooter

Left 4 Deadis a 2008first-person shooter gamedeveloped byValve Southand published byValve.It was originally released forMicrosoft WindowsandXbox 360in November 2008 and forMac OS Xin October 2010, and is the first title in theLeft 4 Deadseries. Set during the aftermath of azombie outbreakon theEast Coast of the United States,the game pits its four protagonists, dubbed the "Survivors", against hordes of the infected.

Left 4 Deaduses Valve's proprietarySource engine,with four game modes: a single-player mode in which allied characters are controlled byAI,a four-player co-op campaign mode, an eight-player online versus mode, and a four-playersurvival mode.In all modes, an artificial intelligence dubbed the "Director"controls level pacing and item placements in an attempt to create a dynamic experience and increasereplay value.

Left 4 Deadwas well received by the industry media upon its release, with praise for its replay value, focus on cooperative play, and cinematic feel, although some criticized its limited level selection and lack of narrative. Considered one of thegreatest video games ever made,the game won several publication awards, as well as distinctions from theAcademy of Interactive Arts & SciencesandBritish Academy of Film and Television Arts.As was done withTeam Fortress 2,Valve supplemented the game with free downloadable content. The success of the game led to the development of thesequelLeft 4 Dead 2,which was released in 2009. In 2012, allLeft 4 Deadcampaigns were ported over toLeft 4 Dead 2,with cross-platform multiplayer support between Windows and Mac versions of the game.


The survivors Francis, Bill, Zoey, and Louis (left to right) on the poster for the "No Mercy" campaign

An outbreak of a highly contagious pathogen nicknamed the "Green Flu" (which causes extreme aggression, mutation to the body cells, loss of higher brain functions, and essentialzombificationof those who catch it) begins inPennsylvania.[2]Memorial walls—giving names and obituaries to those who have died in the infection—suggest that the game takes place in October 2009.[3]Two weeks after the first infection, four immune survivors—Green BeretandVietnamveteran William "Bill" Overbeck (voiced byJim French), college student Zoey (voiced byJen Taylor), district account manager Louis (voiced by Earl Alexander), andoutlaw bikerFrancis (voiced by Vince Valenzuela)—make their way out of the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the infection is creatingdangerous mutationsin some of its hosts.

After narrowly avoiding the new types of infected, the survivors are alerted by a passinghelicopterto an evacuation point at the roof of Mercy Hospital. Fighting their way through the city's streets, subway, and sewers, they are rescued from the hospital's roof by the pilot (voiced by Dennis Bateman), only to discover that he is infected. Zoey is forced to kill him, causing the helicopter to crash in an industrial district outside the city. Finding an armored delivery truck, the group uses it to reach the small town of Riverside. After encountering a paranoid and delirious man (voiced by Nathan Vetterlein) in the local church, they discover that the town is overrun and head to a boathouse for rescue. Contacting a small fishing vessel (owner voiced byJohn Patrick Lowrie), they are kicked out of the boat at the city of Newburg across the river, finding much of it in flames. Resting in a greenhouse, the survivors are interrupted by a militaryC-130 Herculespassing overhead, leading them to believe that it will land at the city's airport. TheU.S. militaryhad bombed the airport in an attempt to contain the infection, though the runway is partially intact, allowing the survivors to fuel up and escape in the waiting C-130 (pilot voiced by Gary Schwartz).

Like the helicopter before it, this plane also crashes, and the survivors find themselves at the outskirts of theAllegheny National Forest.Following a series of train tracks, the group finally reaches a functioning but abandoned military evacuation point. After answering a radio transmission (soldier voiced by David Scully), they make their final stand against hordes of infected before a militaryAPCarrives to supposedly transport them to Northeast Safe Zone Echo, one of the few remaining safe areas. Instead, they are detained in a military installation,[4]where they learn that they are not immune and are actuallyasymptomatic carrierswho have infected most of their rescuers. Meanwhile, the base is overthrown by a mutiny, attracting hordes of infected. The survivors escape via train and travel south at the insistence of Bill, who believes they can find long-term safety on the islands of theFlorida Keys.

At the portside town of Rayford inGeorgia,they find a sailboat but must first raise alift bridgepowered by an aging generator alongside two other generators to reach open waters. As the bridge raises, the aging generator gives out. Bill sacrifices himself to restart it so that the others may reach safety. While waiting for the horde to disperse, the three remaining members encounter the survivors fromLeft 4 Dead 2.They agree to help the other survivors re-lower the bridge so that they can cross in their car. Louis, Zoey, and Francis then board their boat and set sail for the Florida Keys.


InLeft 4 Dead,the four survivors must fight off infected humans while trying to make their way to a safe house/rescue vehicle.

Left 4 Deadis afirst-person shooterin which the player takes control of one of four survivors; if human players are not available, the remaining survivors are filled by AI-controlledbots.They play through campaigns fighting off the infected—living humans who have been infected with arabies-like virus that causespsychosis.[5][6]The overarching goal is not to clear infected, but only to reach the next safe area alive. This is compounded by the presence of an "AI Director", who tracks each player's current situation, and will add or remove items and infected in response; with the goal of maintaining constant tension and creating a new experience with each playthrough.[7]

While a shooter, the game focuses largely on cooperation and teamwork, and thus eschews some "realism" conventions usual in other FPS games. Colored outlines of teammates are visible through walls to help players stick together and coordinate their movement. If a survivor'shealthis depleted, they become incapacitated and can only be helped by another survivor, after which they continue playing with lower health. If they are incapacitated twice without healing, the third incapacitation will kill them.

During "Campaign" mode, if a survivor is killed, they will eventuallyrespawnin a closet or small room, but must be freed by another survivor to rejoin the team.[8]The AI will not open "respawn closets", so if all human player survivors are incapacitated, the level will restart. Survivors can sharefirst-aid kitsand pain pills, and heal each other.Left 4 Deadhasfriendly fire,increasing the need for caution and coordination around other survivors.

Via a quick menu, the survivors can communicate and organize with voice commands and callouts.[9]Over 1,000 unique lines were recorded for each survivor.[7]Additional communication of player actions is conveyed through lights; weapon-mounted flashlights andmuzzle flasheshelp players determine when their companions are shooting, performing melee attacks, reloading or moving. (Due to control issues and the likelihood of players using a headset, the Xbox 360 version ofLeft 4 Deadomits the quick phrases feature.)[10]



All original campaigns are divided into five levels, connected by safehouses; checkpoints where players can heal, re-arm and revive characters who were killed.[11]Some levels are broken up with "crescendo events", which introduce a new obstacle before the survivors can continue moving. In the final chapter of each campaign, the players must defend a position from an onslaught of infected until rescue arrives.[7]The four campaigns are: "No Mercy", a city culminating in a hospital skyscraper; "Death Toll", a small town and countryside; "Dead Air", a bombed city and an airport; and "Blood Harvest", a woodland and farm setting.

A two-level DLC campaign, "Crash Course", was released on September 29, 2009, set in the industrial outskirts between "No Mercy" and "Death Toll". The Sacrifice is a three-level campaign released on October 5, 2010, with an industrial port-side setting in Georgia. These new levels contain a number of alternate routes to follow with more supplies, helping to create a sense of non-linearity.[12]Each campaign typically lasts between 20 and 75 minutes depending on the difficulty level. Both platform versions of the game utilize an achievement system.[13]



Each player starts the game with a semiautomatic pistol, anM1911.[14]It is the only weapon with unlimited ammo, and the only weapon that can be used while incapacitated. (If a second pistol is found, the player candual wieldthem.) At the beginning of each campaign, survivors can choose between asubmachine gunand apump-action shotgun.As the survivors progress through a campaign, more powerful weapons can be found; the full-autoassault rifle,asemi-automatic shotgun,and a scopedhunting rifle.

In addition to firearms, a player can carry three other items: improvised grenades (either aMolotov cocktail,or apipe bombwith a smoke alarm, designed to attract the infected);[14]afirst aid kit,which can be used to heal any survivor, and pain pills, which provide a temporary health boost. Ameleeattack can always be used to shove away any infected within reach. Also available are environmental weapons, such as gas cans, propane cylinders, and oxygen tanks, which explode when shot. These can be picked up and moved by survivors, but this blocks them from using other weapons at the same time. Rarely, there are strategically placedminigunturrets near crescendo events and finales.



The infected (voiced byexperimental musicianMike Patton[commons, Smoker, and Hunter] and voice actorFred Tatasciore[Boomer and Tank])[15]are the enemies ofLeft 4 Dead,and comparisons have been made with 'zombies' from certain modern films, such asDawn of the Dead,28 Days Later,andQuarantine.[16][17]An important distinction from the former is that the infected are, as cited in the game's manual, living humans infected with arabies-likepathogen;more similar to the latter two films, rather thanundeadzombies.While they are never seen eating humans, bite wounds and mutilation are often mentioned. In an interview with 1Up, designerMike Boothcommented on the concept of using a pathogen as an inspiration for the setting:

Even though we obviously pushed well beyond the realm of believability with many of our "Boss" infected, the core idea of a mind-destroying, civilization-collapsing pathogen is more horrifying to me than magically animated corpses, precisely because it is plausible. Rabies is a good example of a pathogen that can turn a loyal, friendly, protective family pet into a slavering attack machine. It is a virus that reprograms the behaviors of a complex animal – a mammal, in fact. What if something similar happened to humans?Left 4 Deadis one possible answer.[5]

The "common infected" are fast and agile, weak individually, but overwhelming in numbers. They display a special attraction to high-pitched sounds, such as car alarms and the beeping device attached to pipe bombs. They will often chase down these noises while ignoring lower-pitched, louder sounds, such as gunfire. They occasionally attack en masse, referred to as a "horde".[18]

There are five "special" or "Boss"infected, whose mutations grant them special attacks. Each of the special infected have a distinctive sound, silhouette, andmusical cue,making their presence easily recognizable by players. There are five special infected inLeft 4 Dead:[18]

  • TheBoomeris a bloated infected that can spit vision-impairing bile on the Survivors. This bile attracts hordes of common infected. The Boomer explodes on death, spewing more bile; this came out of the desire to have an enemy players would not want to shoot on sight.
  • TheHunteris an agile enemy that can pounce a survivor from long distances, tearing at them until he is pushed off or killed.
  • TheSmokeris an infected with a long tongue, which can be used to ensnare and drag a survivor back to himself. The survivor may be attacked directly, attacked by the horde while immobile, or left suspended in mid-air. The tongue is only released if a teammate shoves the ensnared survivor, shoots the tongue, or shoots the Smoker, resulting in a vision-obscuring cloud.
  • TheTankis a gigantic, muscular infected that has the ability to swipe at survivors, knocking them off their feet and incapacitating them; he can also throw rocks, cars, and other debris at the survivors. The Tank is the most durable of all the special infected, and requires the full support of all survivors to be killed. The Tank appears rarely, usually during crescendo events or finales.
  • TheWitchis a female infected with long claws, who stays still in one spot. Survivors can often avoid the Witch, but if they disturb her with light, loud noises, gunfire, or getting too close, she will become aggressive and charge. The Witch is the strongest infected in the game, and on the hardest difficulties, will kill a survivor with one hit. She is the only infected not playable by human players in Versus mode.

AI Director


Theartificial intelligenceofLeft 4 Deadfeatures a dynamic system for game dramatics, pacing and difficulty called the "Director". Instead of fixedspawn pointsfor enemies, the Director places enemies and items in varying positions and quantities based upon each player's current situation, status, skill and location, creating a new experience for each playthrough.[7]The Director also creates mood and tension with emotional cues, such as visual effects, dynamic music, and character communication.[10]

Valve has termed this dynamic set-up "procedural narrative".[19]In addition to the AI Director, there is a second Director that controls music. It was created as a way to keep the soundtrack interesting throughout the game. The music Director monitors what a player has experienced to create an appropriate mix. The process is client-side and done by a multi-track system. Each player hears their own mix, which is being generated as they play through the game; dead spectators will hear their teammates' mix.[20]

A far simpler version of the A.I. Director was previously used for some key battles inHalf-Life 2: Episode Two.[21]Valve is looking for ways to apply the Director in their future games to make pacing and difficulty more dynamic.[22]

Game modes


Left 4 Deadcontains four game modes: Campaign, Versus, Survival, and Single-Player. Campaign consists of up to four human-controlled survivors who attempt to make their way between safe rooms and eventually to rescue. In this mode, the special infected are controlled by the AI.

In Versus, there are two teams of four players each. They play each chapter as both Survivors and Infected, swapping sides after each round.[23]The infected team are given vertical pathways, such as pipes and vines, which can be climbed and used for ambushes. Dead survivors do not respawn. If at least one player reaches the safehouse, the survivor team earns 100 points, as well as bonuses based on their health, and the health items still in their inventory. These points are multiplied by the chapter's difficulty level, and the number of survivors who lived. If all survivors are killed, the survivor team only earns points from their progress through the chapter and the difficulty multiplier.[24]The victor is decided by which team scores the highest during the campaign.

Survival mode consists of a timed challenge where players try to survive as long as possible against a never-ending flood of the infected, added in April 2009 in the Survival Pack DLC.[25]Single-player mode is similar to campaign mode, but played offline with three AI-controlled bots as the other survivors. On Xbox 360, other players can join the same console to turn single player into an offline co-op game.Left 4 Deadcan also be played through a system link, or local area network. Players have also discovered a way to do splitscreen co-op with the PC version.[26]





The concept ofLeft 4 Deadhad its origins in amodificationcreated byTurtle Rock StudiosforCounter-Strike: Condition Zero,which they were co-developing withValve.This mod, named "Terror Strike", saw four players assigned as the terrorists with the goal to plant a bomb and then defend it from unending waves of counter-terrorists. Turtle Rock also were co-developers ofCounter-Strike: Source,in which they refined the mod, refining the assets to make it more horror themed and having the players fight off zombies. Turtle Rock had attempted to get Valve to publish "Terror Strike" as its own game, but did not gain any traction until Valve writerChet Faliszekdiscovered the project and championed it to Valve's CEO,Gabe Newell.[27]Both versions of "Terror Strike" forCondition ZeroandSourceeventually were released to the Internet in 2023.[28]

With Valve's approval, development onLeft 4 Deadstarted in mid-2005,[29]and grew significantly larger after Faliszek became lead of the project from Valve's side, bringing in over 100 Valve employees to help expand production.[27]Turtle Rock aimed to create a horror film-inspired game that merges single player games' character-driven narrative structure with multiplayer games' social interaction and highreplayability.[10]

To giveLeft 4 Deadsignificant exposure, Valve financed a $10-million marketing campaign for the game in the United States and Europe, with advertisements appearing on television, print, websites and outdoor placements in many cities. Valve also hosted photo contests called, "Dude, where's my thumb?" offering copies ofLeft 4 Deadto people who submitted the best picture involving zombies or the outdoor advertising.[30]



Left 4 Deaduses the 2008 version of Valve'sSource engine,with improvements such asmulti-core processorsupport andphysics-based animationto more realistically portray hair and clothing, and to improve physics interaction with enemies when shot or shoved in different body parts.[31]Animation was also improved to allow characters to lean realistically when moving in curved paths. Rendering and artificial intelligence were scaled up to allow for a greater number of enemies who can navigate the world in better ways, such as climbing, jumping, or breaking obstacles.[32][33]Lighting was enhanced with newself-shadowingnormal mappingand advanced shadow rendering that is important to convey information about the environment and player actions.[10][34]Wet surfaces and fog are used to create mood.[35][36]Many kinds ofpost processingcinematic visual effects inspired by horror movies have been added to the game. There is dynamiccolor correctionthat accentuates details based on importance,contrastandsharpeningto focus attention on critical areas,film grainto expose details or imply details in dark areas andvignettingto evoke tension and a horror-film look.[10]

Left 4 Deadunderwent many phases of development; influenced byplaytesting,Turtle Rock Studios removed many of the features that were originally in the game. In early development, there was another special infected, the "Screamer", which had no attacks but upon spotting a survivor would run to a safe place and then emit a loud scream that attracted a horde of infected. This infected was removed, but its ability to attract the horde was incorporated into the Boomer's vomit.[37]A persistent merit/demerit system was envisioned to provide positive feedback for good behavior, such as aiding a fallen teammate; and negative feedback for poor behavior, such as shooting a teammate. This would provide a score to rank a player's effectiveness as a teammate,[38]but this system was removed late in the development of the game in favor of immediate, non-persistent feedback displayed in-game. Another significant element removed was a long introduction between campaigns; because the game is designed for replayability, it was difficult to hold the player's attention for repeated viewings of cut scenes, so they were dropped in favor of a sparse narrative.[39]In early development, the game began with a big city level with many routes for the survivors, but playtesters were confused when they began to play, and later they always chose the same route; ultimately Turtle Rock Studios cut the city maps into the first "No Mercy" and "Dead Air" campaigns.[40]

Certain Affinityassisted Turtle Rock Studios with the Xbox 360 version of the game.[41]The Xbox 360 version ofLeft 4 Deadhas the same game modes as the PC version but has additional features such as support forsplit screen,allowing for two players to play offline and online from the same console,[42]andSystem Linkplay.[43]Split-screen mode can also be achieved on the PC version, but it requires console commands and may require the modification of controller configuration files; and it is not officially supported.[44]Both versions of the game have a new matchmaking system to simplify the process of finding other players.[10][45]This new server management system was met with a negative reaction from PC server operators, who, with this system, had very little control over their servers. This led to Valve releasing a series of patches that allowed server operators to remove their server from the matchmaking "pool" of servers or make private servers.[46]Valve runsdedicated serversfor both versions of the game.[42][47]



The game was first revealed in the Christmas 2006 publication ofPC Gamer UKwith a six-page article describing a playthrough at Turtle Rock Studios headquarters. Ateaserwas released withThe Orange Box.The game was first playable at the Showdown 2007 LAN inSan Joseand atQuakeCon 2007.Turtle Rock Studios announcedLeft 4 Deadon November 20, 2006,[48]and was acquired by Valve on January 10, 2008, because of the game and long-standing relationship between the companies.[49]The game opened up to pre-purchasing on Valve'sSteam systemon October 15, 2008.[50]

To promote the game and provide basic training to players before starting the game, Valve chose to develop apre-renderedintro movie. This movie was released on Halloween[51]and shows events prior to the beginning of the "No Mercy" campaign.[52]Valve chose an intro movie over in-game training mechanics because they wanted the players to be immediately dropped into a zombie apocalypse. Valve later detailed in their officialLeft 4 Deadblog how they designed the movie, from a basic animatic in July 2008 to the final result for the launch of the game.[52]

Early access to theLeft 4 Deaddemo for people who pre-ordered the game began on November 6, 2008, for both Windows and Xbox 360. It gave users access to both online and single-player play in two "scenes" in one "movie" within the game. This promotion was being offered in addition to the ten percent savings for those who pre-order and applies to all Steam Windows pre-orders and all Windows and Xbox 360 pre-orders from GameStop and EB Games in North America.[53]On November 11, theLeft 4 Deaddemo was made available to all Windows and Xbox 360 gamers worldwide.[54]TheLeft 4 Deaddemo was removed from the Xbox 360 Marketplace and Valve's own Steam after the game's release on November 18, 2008, however it is still available for those that played it.

The demo had many server problems when it launched, primarily Valve's strategy for server management which made it impossible to set up a dedicated private server with administrator controls.[55]However, a stream of patches led to the availability of a server browser and basic private server functionality as well as Valve's acknowledgment of player concerns.[55]It appears that a patch released just before the game itself has resolved many of the connection issues that demo players were having.[56]

On May 1, 2009, the game was released freely via Steam as a one-day trial called "Freaky Free Friday". The trial was then extended to end on Saturday.[57]

On October 5, 2010, the price of the game via Steam was dropped to US$6.80, or a "4-pack" for $20.40, as a promotion coinciding with the release of "The Sacrifice" DLC.[58]



Left 4 Deadwentgoldon November 13, 2008, and was released on November 18, 2008, inNorth America;and on November 21, 2008, inEuropeto coincide with the tenth anniversary of the release ofHalf-Life.[59][60]

Valve released a server patch in December 2008 to stop players on Xbox Live from using PC-style cheats.[61]A spokesman from Valve said, "The fix is designed to halt the cheating behavior on the dedicated servers, which accounts for the majority of the co-op and versus modes of play."[62]

After release


Valve intended to support the PC version of the game through free content updates and the Xbox 360 version with DLC.[63]On a podcast byKotaku,writer Chet Faliszek divulged that an announcement regardingDLCfor thePCandXbox 360would be released "very soon", and that the announcement was delayed by the holiday season. On February 5, 2009, Valve released details about the upcomingdownloadable contentpack. The two full campaigns of "Death Toll" and "Dead Air" for versus mode—which were previously unavailable—are included, as well as the survival game mode, where the survivors try to survive endless waves of the infected for as long as possible. On February 11, 2009, Valve announced that the downloadable content for the game would be free for both the Xbox 360 and PC;[64]and on April 21, it was released.[65]Survival mode shipped with 16 maps, 15 of them being modified portions of existing maps and one being a new lighthouse-themed level titled "The Last Stand".[25]AGame Of the Year EditionofLeft 4 Deadwas released on the PC and Xbox 360 on May 12, 2009, with updates and new content included on the disc.[66]

On May 15, 2009, an open beta test for the Source Development Kit updated to supportLeft 4 Deadwas started under the name of the "Left 4 Dead Authoring tools". This included a new set of plugins that allowed for users to import data fromSketchUp,a free 3D modeling program, directly into the Hammer level editor for use in maps.[67]The beta was concluded on June 25, 2009, with the full release of the Left 4 Dead authoring tools and corresponding server and matchmaking update to support custom maps. The update included a command line tool for packaging customLeft 4 Deadcampaigns to ease distribution.[68]

A sequel, announced at the 2009E3conference and was released November 17, 2009.[69]Addressing concerns voiced by fans,Gabe Newellresponded to an email from Kotaku explaining that despite the upcoming sequel,Left 4 Deadwould continue to be supported and more content is planned in the coming months.[70]

On August 4, 2009, Valve announced the second DLC pack. It contains a new campaign calledCrash Course,set shortly after the events of theNo Mercycampaign, where the Survivors try to get to a Truck Depot after the helicopter they were in crashed. It is available for co-op, versus and survival modes, with various tweaks to game mechanics, and containing new locations and character dialog.[71][72][73]The DLC was announced to be released on September 29, 2009,[74]on which date it was released for free for PC, but was accidentally released on Xbox Live at a higher price. The price was amended soon after, and all players who bought the DLC at the higher price were refunded.[75]

On November 9, 2009, a matchmaking update to allow for matchmaking between teams of four players in versus mode was released.[76][77]

An add-on campaign forLeft 4 Dead 2,"The Passing", featured theLeft 4 Deadsurvivors meeting the new cast as part of a full campaign. TheLeft 4 Dead 2content was set for release in March 2010, however it was delayed until April 22, 2010. To connect the events in "The Passing" to that inLeft 4 Dead,Valve released another add-on in October 2010 for bothLeft 4 Deadand its sequel, entitled "The Sacrifice"; the events of the add-on take place before "The Passing" and tells how theLeft 4 Deadsurvivors come to encounter the group fromLeft 4 Dead 2,and how one sacrificed themselves for the safety of the others.[78][79][80]

Valve announced a 190-page digital comic that has been revealed in four parts in the weeks leading up to the release ofThe Sacrifice.[81]Part one was released on September 14, 2010,[82]with a new part scheduled for release each week untilThe Sacrifice's October 5 release.[83]The comic is illustrated byMike Oeming,the artist behind thePowerscomic series,[84]and tells the stories of the original four survivors, as well as the events leading up to the infection. The comic begins with Bill, having just sacrificed himself to save the others, taking on three tanks while severely wounded. It then cuts to the finale of Blood Harvest, which is revealed to be one week earlier. InThe SacrificeDLC, any player, whether playing as Bill or not, can choose to sacrifice themselves to allow the other survivors to complete the campaign.

In March 2010, Valve announced that it would be bringing the Steam content platform toMac OS Xcomputers; along with it, they will be providing native versions of existing Valve games includingLeft 4 Deadand its sequel. The game was released for Mac OS X on October 27, 2010.[85]Left 4 Deadsupport cross-platform play, allowing Mac players to play alongside PC players on the same servers, and is also part of the "Steam Play" cross-compatible and Steam Cloud titles, allowing a player that has purchased the game on one platform to download and play it on the other platform for free.[86]

Overkill Software, the developers ofPayday: The Heist,a similar game toLeft 4 Deadfeaturing four player co-operative gameplay, announced in June 2012 that it has worked with Valve to create a DLC level forPaydayin the form of a map mirroring the "No Mercy" level fromLeft 4 Dead,however, this DLC level is not canon to Left 4 Dead and does not lead to the infection that initiated the events inLeft 4 Dead.[87]

On August 20, 2015, an update for the gameZombie Army Trilogywas released, which imported the eight survivors from bothLeft 4 Deadgames intoZAT.Downloadable content forZombie Army 4: Dead Warin 2021 included the fourLeft 4 Deadsurvivors as playable characters as part of its co-op mode.[88]

The character of Bill was introduced in the gameDead by Daylightin that game's DLC in 2017,[89]and was given an expanded lore scenario around his time in the Vietnam War in additional content released in 2021.[90]



Critical reception


Left 4 Deadreceived highly positive reviews from critics. AtMetacritic,the game received an aggregated score of 89 out of 100 for both Xbox 360 and PC.[92][91]IGNstated, "It's almost pitch perfect in how it captures the tension and the action of a Hollywood zombie movie", and went on to describe it as, "quite possibly the perfect co-op shooter."[101]Giant Bombcommented that the Source engine was beginning to show its age, but praised the game's use of lighting and filmic effects that gives the game world, "a desolate, washed-out feeling", as well as the realistic and emotive faces and the engrossing art direction.[100]Eurogamerconcluded thatLeft 4 Dead"is another deeply professional, personality-filled and progressive take on the shooter from Valve."[96]IGN,GameSpot,and1Uppraised the game's replayability, but GameSpot criticized the "limited map selection" that could "sometimes feel a bit repetitious".[23][101][93]GameSpynoted the lack of an overall narrative between the campaigns was disappointing.[99]However, some reviewers praised its faithfulness to thezombie filmgenre,[106][107][108]including the "deliberately ambiguous" back-story,[109]and the amount of characterization and emotion brought by each of the four survivors.[110]TeamXboxcommented thatclippingissues hurt the otherwise "incredibly good" visual experience.[104]Hideo Kojima,creator of theMetal Gearseriesdeclared in an interview with1UPthat he was "addicted to the game", which was, in his view, one of the "core titles made with movie-industry people that explore the depths of hi-def".[111]



On October 28, 2008, Valve reported that preorders forLeft 4 Deadhad beaten those ofThe Orange Boxby 95 percent after the Steam pre-order was launched.[112]On November 21, 2008, the day of the game's release in Europe, Valve issued a press release stating thatLeft 4 Deadhad exceeded the pre-order numbers ofThe Orange Boxby over 160 percent.[113]The Xbox 360 version ofLeft 4 Deadwas the seventh best-selling game of December 2008 in the United States, selling in excess of 629,000 copies.[114]On February 3, Electronic Arts revealed thatLeft 4 Deadhad sold 1.8 million copies, excluding Steam and worldwide sales figures.[115]On March 26, Mike Booth revealed that the game had exceeded 2.5 million sales at retail during a presentation at the Game Developers Conference 2009.[116]On September 24, 2009, Valve announced that almost 3 million copies of the game had been sold.[117]On May 10, 2011, Doug Lombardi mentioned that the game and its sequel have each sold 3 million copies on the Xbox 360.[118]On August 11, 2011, in a phone interview with Giant Bomb, Chet Faliszek said that the series has sold over 11 million units in total.[119]



Left 4 Deadreceived recognition as one of the best multiplayer and PC games of 2008 from various organizations and gaming publications. The game was named the Best Multiplayer Game of 2008 byIGN,[120][121]GameSpy,[122]Spike TV,[123]NoFrag[124]andBAFTA;[125]and as the "Computer Game of the Year" by theAcademy of Interactive Arts & Sciences(AIAS),[126]Spike TV, andBit-tech.[127]Other awards include "Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay"from the AIAS (who also nominated it for"Overall Game of the Year"), Best Use of Sound for the PC[128]and Best Shooting[129]game overall from IGN, Father of All FPS from Nofrag, and the best Cooperative Multiplayer[130]and Shooter[131]of 2008 fromGameSpotwho also nominated it for Game of the Year.



Left 4 Deadand its sequel created a format for several games that followed that used the same four-player-versus-environment style of gameplay using artificial intelligence similar to the AI Director and encourages strong cooperation between players. SuchLeft 4 Dead-likes, according toPolygon's Josh Rios, included games likeWarhammer: End Times – Vermintideand itssequel,andDeep Rock Galactic,but only about a decade afterLeft 4 Dead's release did a large number of titles in this genre emerge.[132]Seven of the originalLeft 4 Deaddevelopers from Turtle Rock Studios were part of the team that released a spiritual successor titledBack 4 Bloodin October 2021.[133]SeveralLeft 4 Dead-like games were announced ahead and duringE3 2021,includingRainbow Six Extraction,The Anacrusis,Redfall,Warhammer 40,000: DarktideandEvil Dead: The Game.[134][135]These newer titles typically incorporaterole-playing game-like elements atop the core gameplay loop ofLeft 4 Dead.[136]


  1. ^Certain AffinityassistedValve Southwith theXbox 360version of the game.


  1. ^Jongewaard, Dana (August 13, 2008)."Features - The Gamasutra 20: 2008's Breakthrough Developers".Gamasutra.Archivedfrom the original on February 22, 2014.RetrievedFebruary 25,2012.
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  20. ^Valve(2008).Left 4 Dead(PC). Level/area: No Mercy (developer commentary).Tim Larkin:We took several steps to keep the music interesting enough that the players would be inclined to keep it on as they play. We keep it changing so it won't become tedious; to this end, we created a music director that runs alongside the AI director, tracking the player's experience rather than their emotional state. We keep the music appropriate to each player's situation and highly personalized. The music engine inLeft 4 Deadhas a complete client-side, multi-track system per player that is completely unique to that player and can even be monitored by the spectators. Since some of the fun ofLeft 4 Deadis watching your friends when you're dead, we thought it was important to hear their personal soundtrack as well. This feature is unique toLeft 4 Dead.
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  32. ^Valve(2008).Left 4 Dead(PC). Level/area: No Mercy: The Apartments (developer commentary).Phil Robb:We treat the infected horde as a major character inLeft 4 Dead,and spend a lot of effort in making their movements believable. This includes hundreds of motion-captured animations that are algorithmically blended with the physics system to create characters that realistically interact with their environment and each other.... When they see a survivor, they become enraged, taking off at a full sprint, leaning into their turns, jumping and climbing over everything in their way, trying to get to their victim. We wanted to express this rage in their faces as well, so we found efficient ways for each member of the horde to make intense facial expressions.
  33. ^Valve(2008).Left 4 Dead(PC). Level/area: No Mercy: The Subway (developer commentary).Matt Campbell:Although it sounds ridiculous to talk about advanced zombie AI, we spent a great deal of time on the AI systems for the common horde. First and foremost is their ability to navigate. The environments inLeft 4 Deadare geometrically complex, and littered with breakable and movable objects such as doors or cars. One of the design goals for the zombie horde was that there can never be a place where a survivor can stand that a zombie cannot navigate to. To make this happen required not only robust path-finding code, but also path-following algorithms as well. These path followers have to continuously evaluate the local geometry around them, and decide whether to crouch, stand, jump, climb over, and otherwise navigate nearly arbitrary environmental obstacles.
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