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Levi ben Sisi

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Alleged tomb of Levi and Yossi Bar Sisi,Sasa, Israel

Levi ben SisiorLevi bar Sisi(Sisyi,Susyi,Hebrew:לוי בר סיסי) was aJewishscholar, one of the semi-tannaimof the late 2nd century and early 3rd century.


He was a student of the patriarchJudah haNasi,and studied together with Judah's sonSimeon.[1]

He assisted Judah in the compilation of theMishnah,and composed his own collection ofbaraitot.[2]Many of Levi's baraitot were eventually embodied in a compilation known asKiddushin de-Bei Levi.[3]

In theBabylonian TalmudLevi is seldom quoted with hispatronymic,and neither in the Babylonian nor in theJerusalem Talmudnor in theMidrashimis he quoted with the title of "Rabbi". Thus, one can determine whether the name "Levi" without a patronymic refers to Levi bar Sisi or to a younger namesake (Levi II) who is almost always cited as "R. Levi".

Although Levi bar Sisi is not given the title "Rav," he was highly esteemed among scholars. Where an anonymous passage is introduced with the statement למדין לפני חכמים (= "it was argued before the sages" ), the implication is that the argument was advanced by Levi beforeJudah haNasi.[4]

Judah haNasilater spoke of Levi bar Sisi as of an equal. At the request of a congregation atSimoniasto send a man who could fulfill the duties of a preacher, judge, beadle, scribe and teacher, and supervise general congregational affairs, Judah sent Levi. When Levi took up his position, he failed to satisfy the first requirement. Questions of law and of exegesis were addressed to him, and he left them unanswered. The Simonias congregation charged the patriarch with sending someone unfit for the job, but he responded that Levi was as able as himself. He summoned Levi and asked the same questions, which Levi answered all correctly. Judah inquired why he did not do so before and Levi answered that his courage had failed him.[5]A latemidrashspeaks of him as aBiblicalscholar and fine preacher.[6]

Several stories are told of his prayers in times of distress, which were immediately answered.[7]

After Judah haNasi's death,Epes the Southernerwas made head of the academy, which led Levi andHanina bar Hamato avoid the academy. When Epes later died and Hanina became head of the academy, Levi moved toBabylonia,whither his fame had preceded him.[8]He died in Babylonia, and was greatly mourned by scholars.Abba bar Abbaeulogized him, saying that Levi alone was worth as much as the whole of humanity.[9]


  1. ^19a
  2. ^Yoma 24a
  3. ^Kiddushin76b;Bava Batra52b
  4. ^Sanhedrin17b; compareMenachot80b;Meilah9b; seeRashiandTosafotad loc.
  5. ^YerushalmiYebamot12 13a; compareYebamot105a;Genesis Rabbah81:2
  6. ^Pesikta Rabbati25 165b
  7. ^Yerushalmi Taanit 3:8; Taanit 25a; see also Megillah 22b
  8. ^Shabbat 59b
  9. ^YerushalmiBerachot2 5c

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Levi b. Sisi".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

Jewish Encyclopedia citations[edit]

  • Bacher, Ag. Tan. ii. 536;
  • Frankel, Mebo, p. 110b;
  • Halevy, Dorot ha-Rishonim, ii. 60a;
  • Seder HaDoroth,ii.;
  • Weiss, Dor, ii. 192.