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Book of Rites

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Book of Rites
An annotated version of theBook of Rites,dated before 907
Chinese name
Traditional ChineseLễ Ký
Simplified ChineseLễ Ký
Literal meaning"Record of Rites"
Alternative Chinese name
Traditional ChineseLễ kinh
Simplified ChineseLễ kinh
Literal meaningRites Classic
Vietnamese name
VietnameseKinh Lễ
Hán-NômKinh lễ
Korean name
HanjaLễ Ký
Japanese name
KanjiLễ Ký

TheBook of Rites,also known as theLiji,is a collection of texts describing the social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites of theZhou dynastyas they were understood in theWarring Statesand the earlyHanperiods. TheBook of Rites,along with theRites of Zhou(Zhōulǐ) and theBook of Etiquette and Rites(Yílǐ), which are together known as the "Three Li (Sānlǐ), "constitute the ritual () section of theFive Classicswhich lay at the core of the traditionalConfuciancanon (each of the "five" classics is a group of works rather than a single text). As a core text of the Confucian canon, it is also known as theClassic of RitesorLijing,which some scholars believe was the original title before it was changed byDai Sheng.


TheBook of Ritesis a diverse collection of texts of uncertain origin and date that lacks the overall structure found in the other "rites" texts (theRites of Zhouand theEtiquette and Ceremonial).[1]Some sections consist of definitions of ritual terms, particularly those found in theEtiquette and Ceremonial,while others contain details of the life and teachings ofConfucius.[2]Parts of the text have been traced to such pre-Han works as theXunziandLüshi Chunqiu,while others are believed to date from theFormer Hanperiod.[3]

During the reign ofQin Shihuang,many of the Confucian classics were destroyed during the 213 BC "Burning of the Books."However, theQin dynastycollapsed within the decade and Confucian scholars who had memorized the classics, or hid written copies recompiled them in the earlyHan dynasty.[4]TheBook of Riteswas said to have been fully reconstructed, but theClassic of Musiccould not be recompiled and fragments principally survive in the "Record of Music"(Yueji) chapter of theBook of Rites.[citation needed]

Since then, other scholars have attempted to redact these first drafts. According to theBook of Sui,Dai Dereworked the text in the 1st century BC, reducing the original 214 books to 85 in the "Ritual Records of Dai the Elder" (Đại mang Lễ KýDà Dài Lǐjì), his nephewDai Shengfurther reduced this to 46 books in the "Ritual Records of Dai the Younger" (Tiểu mang Lễ KýXiǎo Dài Lǐjì), and finallyMa Rongadded three books to this bringing the total to 49.[5]Later scholarship has disputed theBook of Sui's account as there is no reliable evidence to attribute these revisions to either Dai De or Dai Sheng, although both of them were Confucian scholars specialising in various texts concerningli.[6]Nevertheless, at this time these texts were still being edited, with new script and old script versions circulating, and the content not yet fixed. However, whenZheng Xuan,a student of Ma Rong, composed his annotated text of theRiteshe combined all of the traditions of ritual learning to create a fixed edition of the 49 books which are the standard to this day. Zheng Xuan's annotated edition of theRitesbecame the basis of the "Right Meaning of the Ritual Records" (Lễ Ký chính nghĩaLǐjì Zhèngyì) which was the imperially authorised text and commentary on theRitesestablished in 653 AD.[7]

In 1993, a copy of the "Black Robes" chapter was found in Tomb 1 of theGuodian TombsinJingmen,Hubei.Since the tomb was sealed around 300 BCE, the find reactivated academic arguments about the possible dating of the otherLijichapters by the Warring States period.[8]


Confucius described“Li”as all traditional forms that provided a standard of conduct. “Li” literally means "rites" but it can also be used to refer to "ceremonial" or "rules of conduct.” The term has come to generally be associated with "good form,” "decorum" or "politeness.” Confucius felt that “li” should emphasize the spirit of piety and respect for others through rules of conduct and ceremonies. As outlined in the “Book of Rites,” “li” is meant to restore the significance of traditional forms by looking at the simplicity of the past. Confucius insisted that a standard of conduct that focused on traditional forms would be a way to ease the turmoil of collapsing Zhou state. The absolute power of “li” is displayed in the “Book of Rites”: "Of all things to which the people owe their lives the rites are the most important..."[9]The ideas of “li” were thought to become closely associated with human nature, ethics, and social order as the population integrated “li” into their lives. “Li” is beneficial to society because it guides people to recognize and fulfill their responsibilities toward others.


As a result of theBook of Rites'chapters, using asyncreticsystem later scholars formed both theGreat Learningand theDoctrine of the Mean.These two books were both believed to be written by two of Confucius' disciples one specifically being his grandson. The Neo-ConfucianZhu Xiand his edited versions of theGreat Learningand theDoctrine of the Meaninfluenced the Chinese society to place much more attention on these and two other books creating the Four Books. Following the decision of theYuan dynasty(followed by the Ming and Qing) to make the Five Classics and the Four Books the orthodox texts of the Confucian traditions, they were the standard textbooks for the state civil examination, from 1313 to 1905, which every educated person had to study intensively. Consequently, theBook of Ritesand two of its by-products were large integral parts of the Chinese beliefs and industry for many centuries.


Table of contents
## Chinese Pinyin Translation
01-02 Khúc lễ trên dưới Qūlǐ Summary of the Rules of Propriety Part 1 & 2
03-04 Đàn cung trên dưới Tángōng Tangong Part 1 & 2
05 Vương chế Wángzhì Royal Regulations
06 Thời tiết và thời vụ Yuèlìng Proceedings of Government in the Different Months
07 Từng tử hỏi Zēngzǐ Wèn Questions of Zengzi
08 Văn vương thế tử Wénwáng Shìzǐ King Wen as Son and Heir
09 Lễ vận Lǐyùn The Conveyance of Rites
10 Lễ khí Lǐqì Implements of Rites
11 Giao đặc sinh Jiāotèshēng Single Victim At The Border Sacrifices
12 Nội tắc Nèizé Pattern of the Family
13 Ngọc tảo Yùzǎo Jade-Bead Pendants of the Royal Cap
14 Sân phơi vị Míngtángwèi Places in the Hall of Distinction
15 Tang phục tiểu nhớ Sāngfú Xiǎojì Record of Smaller Matters in the Dress of Mourning
16 Đại truyền Dàzhuàn Great Treatise
17 Thiếu nghi Shǎoyí Smaller Rules of Demeanour
18 Học nhớ Xuéjì Record on the Subject of Education
19 Nhạc nhớ Yuèjì Record on the Subject of Music
20-21 Tạp ký trên dưới Zájì Miscellaneous Records Part 1 & 2
22 Tang đại nhớ Sàng Dàjì Greater Record of Mourning Rites
23 Tế pháp Jìfǎ Law of Sacrifices
24 Tế nghĩa Jìyì Meaning of Sacrifices
25 Tế thống Jìtǒng A Summary Account of Sacrifices
26 Kinh giải Jīngjiě Different Teaching of the Different Kings
27 Ai công hỏi Āigōng Wèn Questions of Duke Ai
28 Trọng Ni yến cư Zhòngní Yànjū Zhongni at Home at Ease
29 Khổng Tử nhàn cư Kǒngzǐ Xiánjū Confucius at Home at Leisure
30 Phường nhớ Fāngjì Record of the Dykes
31 Trung dung Zhōngyōng Doctrine of the Mean
32 Vật lưu niệm Biǎojì Record on Example
33 Truy y Zīyī Black Robes
34 Vội về chịu tang Běnsàng Rules on Hurrying to Mourning Rites
35 Hỏi tang Wènsāng Questions About Mourning Rites
36 Phục hỏi Fúwèn Subjects For Questioning About the Mourning Dress
37 Gian truyền Jiānzhuàn Treatise on Subsidiary Points in Mourning Usages
38 Ba năm hỏi Sānnián Wèn Questions About the Mourning for Three Years
39 Thâm y Shēnyī Long Dress in One Piece
40 Ném thẻ vào bình rượu Tóuhú Game ofPitch-Pot
41 Nho hành Rúxíng Conduct of the Scholar
42 Đại học Dàxué Great Learning
43 Quan nghĩa Guānyì Meaning of the Ceremony of Capping
44 Hôn nghĩa Hūnyì Meaning of the Marriage Ceremony
45 Hương uống rượu nghĩa Xiāngyǐn Jiǔyì Meaning of the Drinking Festivity in the Districts
46 Bắn nghĩa Shèyì Meaning of the Ceremony of Archery
47 Yến nghĩa Yànyì Meaning of the Banquet
48 Sính nghĩa Pìnyì Meaning of Interchange of Missions twixt Different Courts
49 Tang phục bốn chế Sàngfú Sìzhì Four Principles Underlying the Dress of Mourning


  1. ^Riegel (1993),p. 283.
  2. ^Riegel (1993),p. 295.
  3. ^Riegel (1993),pp. 295–296.
  4. ^"Annotated Edition of" The Book of Rites "".World Digital Library.1190–1194.Retrieved2013-09-04.
  5. ^Müller, Max,ed. (1879). "Preface".The Sacred Books of China.The Sacred Books of the East. Vol. 3. Trans.James Legge.Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. xviii–xix.Retrieved2011-05-31.
  6. ^Jeffrey K. Riegel, “Li chi Lễ Ký,” in Michael Lowe, ed.,Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide(Berkeley CA: The Society for the Study of Early China and the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1993), pp. 293-97; Michael Lowe, “Dai De,” in Xinzhong Yao, edl,RoutledgeCurzon Encyclopedia of Confucianism(New York: Routledge, 2003).
  7. ^Liu, Yucai; Habberstad, Luke (2014-11-01). "The Life of a Text: A Brief History of the Liji Lễ Ký (Rites Records) and Its Transmission".Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture.1(1–2): 289–308.doi:10.1215/23290048-2749455.S2CID162511233.
  8. ^Puett, 137 n.19.
  9. ^Dawson (1981),p. 32.


  • Buckley Ebrey, Patricia.Confucianism and the Family Rituals in Imperial China.New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1991,ISBN978-0-691-03150-7
  • Chen, Jingpan.Confucius as a Teacher.Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1990,ISBN978-0-8351-2240-5
  • Confucius; James Legge; Chʻu Chai; Winberg Chai.Li Chi: Book of Rites. An encyclopedia of ancient ceremonial usages, religious creeds, and social institutions,New Hyde Park, N.Y., University Books [1967]. (originally published in 1885)
  • Creel, H.G.Confucius and the Chinese Way.New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1949
  • Dawson, Raymond (1981),Confucius,Great Britain: The Guernsey Press,ISBN978-0-19-287536-5.
  • de Bary, Wm. Theodore, Wing-tsit Chan, and Buton Watson.Sources of Chinese Tradition.New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1960,ISBN978-0-231-02255-2
  • Holm, Jean, and John Bowker.Sacred Writings.London: Printer Publishers Ltd., 1994
  • Lin Yutang.The Wisdom of Confucius.New York: Random House, Inc., 1938
  • Nylan, Michael (2001),The five "Confucian" classics,Yale University Press,ISBN978-0-300-08185-5.
  • Puett, Michael. "Centering the Realm: Wang Mang, the Zhouli, and Early Chinese Statecraft." in Elman, Benjamin A. and Kern, Martin, eds.,Statecraft and Classical Learning: the Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History,pp. 129–154.[1]
  • Riegel, Jeffrey K. (1993), "Li chiLễ Ký ", in Loewe, Michael (ed.),Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide,Society for the Study of Early China, pp. 293–297,ISBN978-1-55729-043-4.
  • Smith, Howard.Confucius.Great Britain: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973

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