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Liquid cargo barge

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a tank barge
an asphalt barge

Liquid cargo bargesarebargesthat transport petrochemicals, such asstyrene,benzeneandmethanol;liquid fertilizer, including anhydrous ammonia; refined products, includinggasoline,diesel fuel,and jet fuel; black oil products, such asasphalt,No. 6 fuel oil and coker fuel; and pressurized products, such asliquefied petroleum gasesandbutadiene,which are transported on the waterways from producers to end users.

Inside an empty tank within liquid asphalt bargeEndeavourwhile having its deck plates replaced. The heating coils at the bottom of the tank keep the product in a hot, liquid state.

In Russia,Volgotankeroperated a fleet of liquid cargo barges on theVolga Riversystem until 2008.[1]

