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List of cities in South Korea

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Special city
Special autonomous city
Metropolitan cities
Big municipal cities
Administrative cities

The largest cities ofSouth Koreahave an autonomous status equivalent to that of provinces.Seoul,the largest city and capital, is classified as ateukbyeolsi(Special City), while the next six-largest cities are classified asgwangyeoksi(Metropolitan Cities). Smaller cities are classified assi( "cities" ) and are under provincial jurisdiction, at the same level as counties.

City status[edit]

Article 10 of the Local Autonomy Act defines the standards under which a populated area may become a city: an area which is predominantlyurbanisedand has a population of at least 50,000; agunwhich has an urbanised area with a population of at least 50,000; or agunwhich has a total population of at least 150,000 and multiple urbanised areas each with a population of at least 20,000.[1]Cases outside of these standards require specific legislation, such as the special bill by theNational Assemblyto designateGyeryongas a city.[citation needed]

Under Article 3 of the Local Autonomy Act, a city with a population of less than 500,000 may create administrative subdivisions in the form ofdongin its urbanised area andeupormyeonin its rural area, while a city with a population of more than 500,000 may create administrative subdivisions in the form of non-autonomousgu.[2]

Classifications for large municipal cities[edit]

The national government can designate cities of at least 500,000 inhabitants as special status cities. This status expands the scope of administrative authority delegated from the provincial government to the city government.[3]There is no legal standard for becoming ametropolitan city,but it was usually promoted to a metropolitan city when the population was close to 1,000,000. However, considering that there are four cities inSuwon,Changwon,Goyang,andYonginthat have a population of more than 1 million but have not become metropolitan cities, there is no further promotion.[citation needed]

Big city[edit]

Abig cityis a city (other than a special city or a metropolitan city) that has a population greater than 500,000, and has been designated by an order of the national government under Article 198 of the Local Autonomy Act. Big municipal cities are given the power to subdivide themselves intonon-autonomous districts(일반구;Giống nhau khu).[3]However, some big municipal cities have chosen not to divide themselves into districts, such asBucheon,Gimhae,Hwaseong,orNam dương cụ.Currently, South Korea has a total of 17 big cities. "Specific city" (특정시,Riêng thị) is an unofficial term for big city with municipal status.[citation needed]

Due its legal status as an administrative city,Jeju Citycannot be designated as a "big city" under the Local Autonomy Law, despite having an estimated population exceeding 500,000 as of 2022. The designation of "administrative city" was created by the law which granted special self-governing status toJeju Province;that law specifically states that the Local Autonomy Act would not apply to administrative cities. As such,Jeju Citydoes not enjoy special autonomy and only has the same legal powers as the much smallerSeogwipoCity. The administrative authority ofJeju Cityis trying to expand the scope of administrative authority delegated from the provincial government to the city government.[4]

Special-status city[edit]

Aspecial-status cityis a subclass of big municipal city that has a population greater than 1,500,000.


  • The name "Seoul" does not originate from hanja. The official Chinese translation is written asSeoul/Seoul,which is a transcription based on the pronunciation of "Seoul", butSeoul/Seoulremains frequently used. As an affix or abbreviation, the charactergyeong(Kinh), which means "capital", is used.
  • Seoul was designated a "Special Independent City" (Teukbyeol-jayusi;특별자유시;Đặc biệt tự do thị) separate from Gyeonggi Province on August 16, 1946; it became a "Special City" on August 15, 1949.
Name Korean No.
Hangul Hanja
Special City 특별시 Đặc biệt thị 1
Special Autonomous City 특별자치시 Đặc biệt tự trị thị 1
Metropolitan City 광역시 Quảng vực thị 6
Big Municipal city 대도시 Đại đô thị 17
Administrative City 행정시 Hành chính thị 2
City Thị 60
City Hangul Hanja Province Population
Area Density Founded
Andong 안동시 An chợ phía đông North Gyeongsang 168,226 1521.26 110.6 1963-01-01
Ansan 안산시 An sơn thị Gyeonggi 689,326 149.06 4624.5 1986-01-01
Anseong 안성시 An thành thị Gyeonggi 182,784 553.47 330.3 1998-04-01
Anyang 안양시 An dưỡng thị Gyeonggi 598,392 58.46 10235.9 1973-07-01
Asan 아산시 Nha sơn thị South Chungcheong 303,043 542.15 559.0 1986-01-01
Boryeong 보령시 Bảo Ninh Thị South Chungcheong 103,620 569.01 182.1 1986-01-01
Bucheon 부천시 Phú xuyên thị Gyeonggi 851,245 53.40 15940.9 1973-07-01
Busan 부산광역시 Phủ sơn quảng vực thị City-cnone 3,496,779 765.94 4565.3 1963-01-01
Changwon 창원시 Xương nguyên thị South Gyeongsang 1,063,116 736.34 1443.8 1980-04-01
Cheonan 천안시 Thiên an thị South Chungcheong 619,286 636.22 973.4 1963-01-01
Cheongju 청주시 Thanh châu thị North Chungcheong 835,802 153.45 5446.7 1949-08-15
Chuncheon 춘천시 Xuân xuyên thị Gangwon 280,565 1116.35 251.3 1949-08-15
Chungju 충주시 Trung châu thị North Chungcheong 208,288 983.70 211.7 1956-07-08
Daegu 대구광역시 Đại khâu quảng vực thị City-cnone 2,484,688 885.60 2805.7 1981-07-01
Daejeon 대전광역시 Cánh đồng quảng vực thị City-cnone 1,514,354 539.86 2805.1 1989-01-01
Dangjin 당진시 Đường Tân Thị South Chungcheong 166,782 694.08 240.3 2012-01-01
Dongducheon 동두천시 Đông đậu xuyên thị Gyeonggi 98,062 95.66 1025.1 1981-07-01
Donghae 동해시 Đông Hải thị Gangwon 93,289 180.17 517.8 1980-04-01
Gangneung 강릉시 Giang Lăng thị Gangwon 213,747 1040.07 205.5 1955-09-01
Geoje 거제시 Cự tế thị South Gyeongsang 256,979 401.61 639.9 1989-01-01
Gimcheon 김천시 Kim tuyền thị North Gyeongsang 142,277 1009.50 140.9 1949-08-14
Gimhae 김해시 Kim Hải Thị South Gyeongsang 529,577 463.28 1143.1 1981-07-01
Gimje 김제시 Kim đê thị North Jeolla 87,658 544.99 160.8 1989-01-01
Gimpo 김포시 Kim phổ thị Gyeonggi 364,808 276.64 1318.7 1998-04-01
Gongju 공주시 Công châu thị South Chungcheong 109,750 940.36 116.7 1986-01-01
Goyang 고양시 Cao Dương thị Gyeonggi 1,040,648 267.31 3893.0 1992-02-01
Gumi 구미시 Quy đuôi thị North Gyeongsang 420,048 615.52 682.4 1978-02-15
Gunpo 군포시 Quân phổ thị Gyeonggi 284,735 36.36 7831.0 1989-01-01
Gunsan 군산시 Dãy núi thị North Jeolla 277,328 675.38 410.6 1949-08-15
Guri 구리시 Chín dặm thị Gyeonggi 194,298 33.30 5834.8 1986-01-01
Gwacheon 과천시 Quả xuyên thị Gyeonggi 62,929 35.86 1754.9 1986-01-01
Gwangju 광주광역시 Quang châu quảng vực thị City-cnone 1,469,583 501.26 2931.8 1986-11-01
Gwangju 광주시 Quảng Châu thị Gyeonggi 328,940 430.96 763.3 2001-03-21
Gwangmyeong 광명시 Quang minh thị Gyeonggi 339,071 38.50 8807.0 1981-07-01
Gwangyang 광양시 Quang dương thị South Jeolla 154,164 453.84 339.7 1989-01-01
Gyeongju 경주시 Khánh Châu thị North Gyeongsang 259,228 1324.39 195.7 1955-09-01
Gyeongsan 경산시 Khánh sơn thị North Gyeongsang 257,902 411.70 626.4 1989-01-01
Gyeryong 계룡시 Kê long thị South Chungcheong 42,737 60.74 703.6 2003-09-19
Hanam 하남시 Hà Nam thị Gyeonggi 213,028 93.07 2288.9 1989-01-01
Hwaseong 화성시 Hoa thành thị Gyeonggi 644,498 687.54 937.4 2001-03-21
Icheon 이천시 Lợi xuyên thị Gyeonggi 210,565 531.09 396.5 1996-03-01
Iksan 익산시 Ích sơn thị North Jeolla 301,061 506.70 594.2 1949-08-15
Incheon 인천광역시 Nhân xuyên quảng vực thị City-cnone 2,944,009 1032.41 2851.6 1981-07-01
Jecheon 제천시 Đê xuyên thị North Chungcheong 136,389 883.09 154.4 1980-04-01
Jeongeup 정읍시 Giếng ấp thị North Jeolla 115,083 692.93 166.1 1981-07-01
Jeonju 전주시 Toàn châu thị North Jeolla 652,234 206.22 3162.8 1949-08-15
Jeju 제주시 Tế Châu thị Jeju 470,957 977.80 481.6 1955-09-01
Jinju 진주시 Tấn Châu thị South Gyeongsang 347,056 712.62 487.0 1949-08-15
Naju 나주시 La Châu thị South Jeolla 105,080 172.8 608.15 1981-07-01
Nam dương cụ 남양주시 Nam Dương Châu thị Gyeonggi 662,183 458.54 1444.1 1989-01-01
Namwon 남원시 Nam nguyên thị North Jeolla 84,140 752.50 111.8 1981-07-01
Nonsan 논산시 Luận sơn thị South Chungcheong 123,094 554.85 221.9 1996-03-01
Miryang 밀양시 Mật dương thị South Gyeongsang 108,322 799.01 135.6 1989-01-01
Mokpo 목포시 Mộc phổ thị South Jeolla 237,464 50.08 4741.7 1949-08-15
Mungyeong 문경시 Nghe khánh thị North Gyeongsang 74,555 911.17 81.8 1986-01-01
Osan 오산시 Ô sơn thị Gyeonggi 208,873 42.76 4884.8 1989-01-01
Paju 파주시 Sườn núi châu thị Gyeonggi 431,035 672.57 640.9 1996-03-01
Pocheon 포천시 Ôm xuyên thị Gyeonggi 154,381 826.50 186.8 2003-10-19
Pohang 포항시 Phổ hạng thị North Gyeongsang 516,497 1128.76 457.6 1949-08-14
Pyeongtaek 평택시 Bình trạch thị Gyeonggi 472,141 454.62 1038.5 1986-01-01
Sacheon 사천시 Nước mũi xuyên thị South Gyeongsang 114,854 398.25 288.4 1956-07-08
Sangju 상주시 Thượng châu thị North Gyeongsang 101,729 1254.83 81.1 1986-01-01
Samcheok 삼척시 Tam trắc thị Gangwon 70,120 1185.86 59.1 1986-01-01
Sejong 세종특별자치시 Thế Tông đặc biệt tự trị thị City-bnone 244,939 465.23 526.5 2012-07-01
Seogwipo 서귀포시 Tây về phổ thị Jeju 171,431 870.87 196.9 1981-07-01
Seongnam 성남시 Thành nam thị Gyeonggi 974,755 141.82 6873.2 1973-07-01
Seosan 서산시 Thụy sơn thị South Chungcheong 170,810 740.66 230.6 1989-01-01
Seoul 서울특별시 서울Đặc biệt thị City-anone 9,930,478 605.27 16406.7 1946-08-16
Siheung 시흥시 Thủy hưng thị Gyeonggi 403,398 135.02 2987.7 1989-01-01
Sokcho 속초시 Thúc chợ phiên Gangwon 81,797 105.00 779.0 1963-01-01
Suncheon 순천시 Thuận lòng trời thị South Jeolla 279,540 907.41 308.1 1949-08-14
Suwon 수원시 Thủy nguyên thị Gyeonggi 1,194,276 121.09 9862.7 1949-08-14
Taebaek 태백시 Quá bạch thị Gangwon 46,892 303.57 154.5 1981-07-01
Tongyeong 통영시 Thống doanh thị South Gyeongsang 138,001 238.85 577.8 1955-09-01
Uijeongbu 의정부시 Thảo luận chính sự phủ thị Gyeonggi 438,753 81.59 5377.5 1963-01-01
Uiwang 의왕시 Nghĩa vương thị Gyeonggi 156,410 54.00 2896.5 1989-01-01
Ulsan 울산광역시 Úy sơn quảng vực thị City-cnone 1,117,656 1057.50 1056.9 1997-07-15
Wonju 원주시 Nguyên châu thị Gangwon 338,374 872.56 387.8 1955-09-01
Yangju 양주시 Dương Châu thị Gyeonggi 205,977 309.77 664.9 2003-10-19
Yangsan 양산시 Lương Sơn thị South Gyeongsang 318,836 485.18 657.1 1996-03-01
Yeoju 여주시 Li châu thị Gyeonggi 111,558 608.64 183.3 2013-09-23
Yeongcheon 영천시 Vĩnh Xuyên thị North Gyeongsang 100,384 920.29 109.1 1981-07-01
Yeongju 영주시 Vinh châu thị North Gyeongsang 109,281 669.05 163.3 1980-04-01
Yeosu 여수시 Lệ thủy thị South Jeolla 288,818 501.27 576.2 1949-08-14
Yongin 용인시 Long nhân thị Gyeonggi 991,622 591.36 1676.8 1996-03-01

Cities by population[edit]

This is a list cities of South Korea by population including provincial-level divisions: special city (특별시/ đặc biệt thị ) and metropolitan cities (광역시/ quảng vực thị ), and municipal-level division: cities (시/ thị ). Other municipal-level divisions: counties (군/ quận which have populations under 50K) and districts (구/ khu ) are not included. All population data are based on the South Korean population and housing census 2000–2020.[5]

Rank Division 2020 2015 2010 2005 2000
1 Seoul (Special city) 9,586,195 9,904,312 9,631,482 9,762,546 9,853,972
2 Busan (Metropolitan city) 3,349,016 3,448,737 3,393,191 3,512,547 3,655,437
3 Incheon (Metropolitan city) 2,945,454 2,890,451 2,632,035 2,517,680 2,466,338
4 Daegu (Metropolitan city) 2,410,700 2,466,052 2,431,774 2,456,016 2,473,990
5 Daejeon (Metropolitan city) 1,488,435 1,538,394 1,490,158 1,438,551 1,365,961
6 Gwangju (Metropolitan city) 1,477,573 1,502,881 1,466,143 1,413,644 1,350,948
7 Suwon Gyeonggi 1,210,150 1,194,313 1,054,053 1,039,233 944,239
8 Ulsan (Metropolitan city) 1,135,423 1,166,615 1,071,673 1,044,934 1,012,110
9 Yongin Gyeonggi 1,066,975 971,327 847,138 686,842 384,741
10 Goyang Gyeonggi 1,045,497 990,073 897,222 864,402 762,598
11 Changwon[6] South Gyeongsang 1,029,389 1,059,241 1,047,488 1,075,326 1,076,448
12 Seongnam Gyeonggi 922,025 948,757 936,267 931,019 912,222
13 Hwaseong[7] Gyeonggi 880,859 608,725 474,160 282,124 185,979
14 Cheongju[8] North Chungcheong 855,326 833,276 804,119 752,768 701,256
15 Bucheon Gyeonggi 833,148 843,794 842,482 833,931 757,832
16 Ansan Gyeonggi 717,345 747,035 699,063 669,839 554,998
17 Nam dương cụ Gyeonggi 696,033 629,061 526,639 424,446 339,545
18 Cheonan South Chungcheong 682,199 629,062 565,201 518,171 415,818
19 Jeonju North Jeolla 666,517 658,172 646,512 622,092 615,804
20 Gimhae South Gyeongsang 552,427 534,124 484,244 428,893 330,829
21 Pyeongtaek Gyeonggi 542,522 457,873 381,731 374,262 342,806
22 Anyang Gyeonggi 542,336 585,177 596,772 609,886 578,845
23 Siheung Gyeonggi 535,147 425,184 393,293 384,304 304,260
24 Pohang North Gyeongsang 501,109 511,804 508,736 488,433 515,187
25 Jeju(City)[9] Jeju(Prov.) 492,306 451,758 398,677 391,132 366,809
26 Uijeongbu Gyeonggi 449,572 421,579 415,170 397,694 354,422
27 Gimpo Gyeonggi 474,546 352,683 217,280 192,716 148,576
28 Paju Gyeonggi 460,541 415,345 323,955 239,823 177,128
29 Gumi North Gyeongsang 416,603 421,075 399,019 381,583 339,457
30 Gwangju[10] Gyeonggi 385,141 310,278 224,269 204,266 124,789
31 Sejong[11] (Special autonomous city) 353,933 204,088 80,542 80,389 79,745
32 Wonju Gangwon 352,429 330,854 309,803 283,583 267,849
33 Jinju South Gyeongsang 352,403 349,788 335,297 336,355 339,413
34 Yangsan South Gyeongsang 351,206 297,532 249,529 215,845 191,147
35 Asan South Chungcheong 340,518 319,929 272,282 206,851 179,900
36 Gwangmyeong Gyeonggi 298,116 338,509 326,418 319,452 333,596
37 Iksan North Jeolla 285,312 301,723 294,479 306,974 322,636
38 Chuncheon Gangwon 284,645 281,596 274,220 260,234 252,177
39 Gyeongsan North Gyeongsang 283,733 278,500 260,643 240,371 226,713
40 Hanam Gyeonggi 279,795 154,838 137,569 121,646 120,149
41 Gunpo Gyeonggi 275,571 285,721 274,198 268,917 262,593
42 Suncheon South Jeolla 272,449 265,390 257,800 261,519 265,724
43 Yeosu South Jeolla 271,505 273,761 268,727 277,420 303,115
44 Gunsan North Jeolla 269,023 275,155 258,845 249,212 272,129
45 Gyeongju North Gyeongsang 261,778 262,310 252,750 266,131 275,132
46 Geoje South Gyeongsang 246,965 261,371 225,014 193,398 167,231
47 Osan Gyeonggi 240,645 213,840 180,996 131,792 102,287
48 Yangju[12] Gyeonggi 233,286 205,988 183,673 149,931 107,440
49 Icheon Gyeonggi 226,212 209,003 192,918 187,514 179,081
50 Mokpo South Jeolla 224,509 239,524 248,694 244,543 250,336
51 Chungju North Chungcheong 218,412 211,005 201,361 204,248 217,510
52 Gangneung Gangwon 216,542 215,677 217,481 220,706 227,856
53 Anseong Gyeonggi 203,030 194,765 175,824 157,632 132,906
54 Guri Gyeonggi 192,051 180,063 184,503 186,954 160,485
55 Seogwipo[13] Jeju(Prov.) 178,552 153,861 129,734 139,554 145,732
56 Seosan South Chungcheong 176,379 169,221 155,082 143,692 142,972
57 Dangjin[14] South Chungcheong 168,955 163,762 135,106 112,267 117,447
58 Uiwang Gyeonggi 160,230 154,879 143,378 143,568 117,594
59 Andong North Gyeongsang 159,412 168,581 165,399 169,436 181,974
60 Pocheon[15] Gyeonggi 157,939 163,388 136,580 139,472 135,758
61 Gwangyang South Jeolla 143,928 144,414 137,100 135,583 132,568
62 Gimcheon North Gyeongsang 139,145 137,540 126,823 135,166 147,269
63 Jecheon North Chungcheong 134,768 136,350 133,626 132,483 143,537
64 Tongyeong South Gyeongsang 127,984 137,208 127,896 121,115 123,747
65 Nonsan South Chungcheong 119,707 124,246 117,686 124,779 137,452
66 Yeoju[16] Gyeonggi 113,352 109,937 100,052 98,441 97,412
67 Naju South Jeolla 113,293 92,582 77,825 86,823 99,233
68 Sacheon South Gyeongsang 111,184 113,335 106,175 106,532 110,912
69 Gongju[17] South Chungcheong 108,333 113,542 120,660 126,484 130,223
70 Jeongeup North Jeolla 106,706 110,627 109,458 115,416 128,892
71 Yeongju North Gyeongsang 103,818 109,266 108,268 113,670 126,415
72 Miryang South Gyeongsang 103,228 103,069 98,564 105,651 115,787
73 Yeongcheon North Gyeongsang 100,353 97,669 94,350 103,289 110,918
74 Boryeong South Chungcheong 99,088 101,852 97,091 96,992 109,423
75 Sangju North Gyeongsang 95,473 98,760 97,559 105,600 116,365
76 Dongducheon Gyeonggi 95,239 97,424 90,433 78,897 72,366
77 Donghae Gangwon 87,801 90,255 90,321 93,018 96,280
78 Sokcho Gangwon 80,054 79,846 80,505 84,706 87,880
79 Gimje North Jeolla 79,733 84,269 82,739 90,376 102,428
80 Namwon North Jeolla 78,097 80,499 78,425 85,828 94,810
81 Mungyeong North Gyeongsang 68,212 71,863 68,692 70,813 90,778
82 Samcheok Gangwon 65,939 69,509 67,131 67,957 75,592
83 Gwacheon Gyeonggi 58,018 64,817 66,319 56,587 66,592
84 Taebaek Gangwon 41,494 46,715 51,400 55,241 54,164
85 Gyeryong[18] South Chungcheong 40,854 39,243 41,395 31,646 27,104

Renamed cities[edit]

Before Hangul Hanja After Hangul Hanja Renamed date
Chungmu 충무시 Trung võ thị Tongyeong 통영시 Thống doanh thị 1995-01-01
Daecheon 대천시 Đại xuyên thị Boryeong 보령시 Bảo Ninh Thị 1995-01-01
Donggwangyang 동광양시 Đông quang dương thị Gwangyang 광양시 Quang dương thị 1995-01-01
Geumseong 금성시 Cẩm Thành thị Naju 나주시 La Châu thị 1986-01-01
Gyeongseong 경성부 Kinh thành phủ Seoul 서울특별시 서울 đặc biệt thị 1949-08-15
Iri 이리시 Thị Iksan 익산시 Ích sơn thị 1995-05-10
Jangseungpo 장승포시 Trường thừa phổ thị Geoje 거제시 Cự tế thị 1995-01-01
Jeomchon 점촌시 Cửa hàng thôn thị Mungyeong 문경시 Nghe khánh thị 1995-01-01
Jeongju 정주시 Giếng châu thị Jeongeup 정읍시 Giếng ấp thị 1995-01-01
Migeum 미금시 Mĩ kim thị Nam dương cụ 남양주시 Nam Dương Châu thị 1995-01-01
Onyang 온양시 Ôn dương thị Asan 아산시 Nha sơn thị 1995-01-01
Samcheonpo 삼천포시 3000 phổ thị Sacheon 사천시 Nước mũi xuyên thị 1995-05-10

Dissolved cities[edit]

City Hangul Hanja Founded Dissolved Merged division
Busan 부산부 Phủ sơn phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Busan 부산시 Phủ sơn thị 1949-08-15 1963-01-01 upgraded into aDirectly administered cityand changed into aMetropolitan cityin 1995-01-01
Cheongju 청주부 Thanh châu phủ 1946-06-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Chuncheon 춘천부 Xuân xuyên phủ 1946-06-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Daegu 대구부 Đại khâu phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Daegu 대구시 Đại khâu thị 1949-08-15 1981-07-01 upgraded into aDirectly administered cityand changed into aMetropolitan cityin 1995-01-01
Daejeon 대전부 Cánh đồng phủ 1935-10-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Daejeon 대전시 Cánh đồng thị 1949-08-15 1989-01-01 upgraded into aDirectly administered cityand changed into aMetropolitan cityin 1995-01-01
Gunsan 군산부 Dãy núi phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Gwangju 광주부 Quang châu phủ 1935-10-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Gwangju 광주시 Quang châu thị 1949-08-15 1986-11-01 upgraded into aDirectly administered cityand changed into aMetropolitan cityin 1995-01-01
Gyeongseong 경성부 Kinh thành phủ 1914-03-01 1946-08-16 upgraded into aSpecial independent cityand changed into aSpecial cityin 1949-08-15
Incheon 인천부 Nhân xuyên phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Incheon 인천시 Nhân xuyên thị 1949-08-15 1981-07-01 upgraded into aDirectly administered cityand changed into aMetropolitan cityin 1995-01-01
Iri 이리부 Phủ 1947-02-23 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Jeonju 전주부 Toàn châu phủ 1935-10-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Jinhae 진해시 Trấn Hải Thị 1955-09-01 2010-07-01 merged intoChangwon
Jinju 진주부 Tấn Châu phủ 1939-10-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Masan 마산부 Mã sơn phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Masan 마산시 Mã sơn thị 1949-08-15 2010-07-01 merged intoChangwon
Mokpo 목포부 Mộc phổ phủ 1914-03-01 1949-08-15 upgraded into a city (;Thị)
Songjeong 송정시 Tùng đinh thị 1986-11-01 1988-01-01 merged intoGwangju
Songtan 송탄시 Tùng than thị 1981-07-01 1995-05-10 merged intoPyeongtaek
Ulsan 울산시 Úy sơn thị 1962-06-01 1997-07-15 upgraded into aMetropolitan city
Yeocheon 여천시 Lệ xuyên thị 1986-01-01 1998-04-01 merged intoYeosu

Claimed cities[edit]

City Hangul Hanja Province Founded
Cheongjin 청진시 Thanh Tân Thị North Hamgyeong 1949-05-23
Gaeseong 개성시 Khai thành thị Gyeonggi* 1949-05-23
Haeju 해주시 Hải châu thị Hwanghae 1949-05-23
Hamheung 함흥시 Hàm hưng thị South Hamgyeong 1949-05-23
Heungnam 흥남시 Hưng nam thị South Hamgyeong 1949-05-23
Jinnampo 진남포시 Trấn nam phổ thị South Pyeongan 1949-05-23
Najin 나진시 La Tân Thị North Hamgyeong 1949-05-23
Pyeongyang 평양시 Bình Nhưỡng thị South Pyeongan 1949-05-23
Sariwon 사리원시 Sa viện thị Hwanghae 1949-05-23
Seongjin 성진시 Thành Tân Thị North Hamgyeong 1949-05-23
Sinuiju 신의주시 Tân Nghĩa Châu thị North Pyeongan 1949-05-23
Songnim 송림시 Rừng thông thị Hwanghae 1949-05-23
Wonsan 원산시 Nguyên sơn thị South Hamgyeong 1949-05-23


See also[edit]


  1. ^지방자치법[Local Autonomy Act] (As Amended by Law 18661). 28 December 2021.An English translation is available from the Korea Legislative Research Institute, but is out of date:Local Autonomy Act(As Amended by Law 16057). 24 December 2018.Article 7 of the 2018 version of the law is similar in content to Article 10 of the 2021 version of the law, aside from cross-references to other articles.
  2. ^Article 3, Local Autonomy Act (2021). Article 3 of the 2018 version of the law has similar provisions.
  3. ^abArticle 198, Local Autonomy Act (2021). Article 175 of the 2018 version of the law has similar provisions but is less detailed.
  4. ^"제주시 1월부터 법률상 자격없는 인구 50만 대도시".Jeju Sori.23 December 2021.Retrieved7 February2022.See alsoSpecial Act on the Establishment of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the Development of Free International City(As Amended by Law 17883). 5 January 2021.
  5. ^Population Census,Korean Statistical Information Service,2000–2020, Statistics Korea
  6. ^Includes former cityMasanandJinhae.
  7. ^Includes former county Hwaseong.
  8. ^Includes former countyCheongwon.Some villages of Cheongwon are out to merge withSejong.Numbers before 2010 contain populations of those villages.
  9. ^Includes former county Bukjeju (North Jeju).
  10. ^Includes former county Gwangju.
  11. ^Includes former county Yeongi; Current Sejong city contains some villages fromGongjuand former county Cheongwon, North Chungcheong, and the population statistics of Yeongi county did not contain populations of those villages.
  12. ^Includes former county Yangju.
  13. ^Includes former county Namjeju (South Jeju).
  14. ^Includes former county Dangjin.
  15. ^Includes former county Pocheon.
  16. ^Includes former county Yeoju.
  17. ^Some villages are out to merge withSejong.Numbers before 2010 contain populations of those villages.
  18. ^Includes former Gyeryong branch office of Nonsan city.


External links[edit]