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List of ecoregions in Mozambique

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The following is a list ofecoregionsinMozambique,as identified by theWorldwide Fund for Nature(WWF).

Terrestrial ecoregions[edit]

bymajor habitat type

Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests[edit]

Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands[edit]

Flooded grasslands and savannas[edit]

Montane grasslands and shrublands[edit]


Freshwater ecoregions[edit]

by bioregion

Great Lakes[edit]

Eastern and Coastal[edit]


Marine ecoregions[edit]


  • Burgess, Neil, Jennifer D’Amico Hales, Emma Underwood (2004).Terrestrial Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar: A Conservation Assessment.Island Press, Washington DC.
  • Spalding, Mark D., Helen E. Fox, Gerald R. Allen, Nick Davidsonet al."Marine Ecoregions of the World: A Bioregionalization of Coastal and Shelf Areas".BioscienceVol. 57 No. 7, July/August 2007, pp. 573-583.[1]
  • Thieme, Michelle L. (2005).Freshwater Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar: A Conservation Assessment.Island Press, Washington DC.