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List of fossil bird genera

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A replica of the Berlin specimen ofArchaeopteryx,most famous of prehistoric "birds". Modern research considers it unlikely to be a bird ancestor, though it was certainly a close relative of these.

Birdsevolved from certainfeatheredtheropoddinosaurs, and there is no real dividing line between birds andnon-avian dinosaursexcept that some of the former survived theCretaceous–Paleogene extinction eventwhile the latter did not. For the purposes of this article, a 'bird' is considered to be any member of the cladeAvialae.[1]Some dinosaur groups which may or may not be true birds are listed below underProto-birds.

This page contains a listing of prehistoric bird taxa only known from completelyfossilizedspecimens. These extinctions took place before the LateQuaternaryand thus took place in the absence of significant human interference. While the earliesthominidshad been eating birds and especially their eggs,human populationandtechnologywas simply insufficient to seriously affect healthy bird populations until theUpper Paleolithic Revolution.Rather, reasons for the extinctions listed here are stochastic abiotic events such asbolideimpacts,climate changesdue to orbital shifts, mass volcanic eruptions etc. Alternatively, species may have gone extinct due toevolutionarydisplacement by successor or competitor taxa – it is notable that an extremely large number of seabirds have gone extinct during the mid-Tertiary;this seems at least partly due to competition by the contemporary radiation ofmarine mammals.

The relationships of thesetaxaare often hard to determine, as many are known only from very fragmentary remains and due to the complete fossilization precluding analysis of information fromDNA,RNAor protein sequencing. The taxa listed in this article should be classified with theWikipedia conservation status category"Fossil".

Before the late 19th century, whenmineralswere still considered one of thekingdomsofbinomial nomenclature,fossils were often treated according to a paralleltaxonomy.Rather than assigning them to animal or plant genera, they were treated as mineral genera and givenbinomial namestypically usingOsteornis( "bone-bird" ) orOrnitholithus( "bird fossil" ) as "genus".The latter name, however, is still in use for anoogenusoffossil bird eggs.Also, other animals (in particularpterosaurs) were placed in these "genera". In sources pre-dating theLinneansystem, the above terms are also seen in the more extensive descriptions used to nametaxaback then.

Taxonomic list of fossil prehistoric birds


Higher-leveltaxaare presented in likely or suspectedphylogeneticorder.Genus-level taxa and lower are sorted chronologically, in ascending order (i.e., older taxa first).

The higher-level groups of non-Neornithesare arranged based on thephylogenyproposed byLuis Chiappe,[2]updated and expanded to incorporate recent research.[3]The categories are inclusive in ascending order.

Taxonomic assignments, especially in the pygostylian to early neornithine genera, are still very provisional and subject to quite frequent change.[4][5]



The most primitive "birds", usually still possessing a long bony tail with generally unfused vertebrae. Not all of these may be on the line of bird ancestors; whether they are not closer to othertheropodsgroups than to theAvialaeremains to be thoroughly tested (seeXiaotingia).



The earliest birds with a modernpygostyle:a reduction and fusion of the tail vertebrae; possibly aparaphyleticgroup. Two types of pygostyle are known, a rod-shaped one found inConfuciusornithidae,Enantiornithesand some non-avian theropods such asNomingia,and aplowshare-shaped one, only known in the lineage leading to modern birds. It is not certain that the pygostyles found in birds are indeedsynapomorphies.[6]

Reconstruction ofIberomesornis romerali,a tiny primitive enantiornithine.
It was no bigger than a modern-dayfinch.

The taxonomic list of enantiornithine groups presented here follows a summary published by Thomas R. Holz Jr. in 2011.[7]


Note that Holtz (2011) also includedZhyraornisin his classification of euenantiornithines, though this genus is more often classified as anornithuran.[13]Holtz also placedLiaoningornisas anornithuromorph,though more recent studies have placed it as a close relative ofEoalulavis.[14]



Also called "basalOrnithuromorpha".[15]Essentially modern birds, except many still possess a few primitive features such as teeth or wing claws. These have theplowshare-shaped pygostyle and proper tail fan as seen in most living birds. Thetaxonomyof this group is confusing; the name "Ornithurae" was first proposed byErnst Haeckelin 1866 and has been revised in meaning several times since.

The following is a list of primitive euornithian genera and those that cannot be confidently referred to any subgroups, following Holtz (2011).[7]

Note that Holtz also included the generaEurolimnornis,Holbotia,PalaeocursornisandPiksias euornitheans, though they have since been re-identified aspterosaurs.[16]



The subclass that contains all modern birds.

Unresolved and basal forms
These modern birds are known from remains that cannot be placed in relation to any one modern group and are neitherautapomorphicenough to assign them to own orders. Especially theLate Cretaceous/earlyPaleogenetaxaare probablybasalto several modern orders, while laterPaleogenetaxa often represent extinct lineages outside the modern families.

Ostrichand relatedratites.

Cassowaries,emusand related ratites.

  • CasuariidaeKaup 1847 [Dromaiidae Huxley 1868; Dramaiinae Gray 1870; Dramiceiidae Richmond 1908; Dramaeidae Newton 1896] (emus and cassowaries)

Rheasand related ratites.


Two unnamedSaint Bathans Faunaspecies.[17]

LithornithiformesHoude 1988


The group that includes modernducksandgeese.

The group that includesdomestic chickensand their relatives.




The diatrymas, a group of huge flightless Paleogene birds of unclear affinities. Traditionally placed within the Gruiformes, they are usually considered a distinct order nowadays and appear closer to the Anseriformes.

The group that includes modernrailsandcranes.Probablyparaphyletic.


The diverse group that includesstorks,heronsandNew World vultures.Paraphyleticas listed here.

The group that includes modernpelicansandcormorants.As presented hereparaphyletic;the tropicbird lineage is not part of this group and relationships with Procellariiformes and Sphenisciformes require more research. Also, as the pelicans are at least as close to theCiconiiformesas to cormorants, the latter group is being recognized as Phalacrocoraciiformes by some recent authors and the core Pelecaniformes are occasionally merged into the Ciconiiformes.


The group that includes modernalbatrosses,petrelsandstorm-petrels.

  • Columbidae– doves and pigeons
    • Arenicolumba(Early Miocene) – doubtfully distinct fromPatagioenas
    • Rupephaps(Early Miocene)
    • Placement unresolved
      • Columbidae gen. et sp. indet. (Early/Middle Miocene)
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record

Unresolved and basal fossil parrots:


Cuckoos, turacos and allies.

  • Placement unresolved
    • Cuculiformes gen. et sp. indet. (Early Eocene)
  • Cuculidae– cuckoos


Swifts and hummingbirds.

Mousebirds and relatives

Owls and barn owls

  • Unresolved and basal forms
    • Berruornis(Late Paleocene) – basal? Sophornithidae?
    • Strigiformes gen. et sp. indet. (Late Paleocene)
    • Palaeoglaux(middle – Late Eocene) – own family Palaeoglaucidae or Strigidae?
    • Palaeobyas(Late Eocene/Early Oligocene) – Tytonidae? Sophiornithidae?
    • Palaeotyto(Late Eocene/Early Oligocene) – Tytonidae?
    • Strigiformes gen. et spp. indet. (Early Oligocene)
  • Ogygoptyngidae
  • Protostrigidae
    • Eostrix(Early – middle Eocene)
    • Minerva(middle – Late Eocene) – formerlyProtostrix,includes"Aquila" ferox,"Aquila" lydekkeri,and"Bubo" leptosteus
    • Oligostrix(middle Oligocene)
  • Sophiornithidae
  • Strigidae– typical owls
    • Mioglaux(Late Oligocene? – Early Miocene) – includes"Bubo" poirreiri
    • Intulula(Early/Middle –? Late Miocene) – includes"Strix/Ninox" brevis
    • Alasio(Middle Miocene) – includes"Strix" collongensis
    • Oraristrix(Late Pleistocene)
    • Miosurnia(Late Miocene)
    • Placement unresolved
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Strix(Early Miocene – Recent)
      • Bubo(Late Miocene? – Recent)
      • Asio(Late Pliocene – Recent)
      • Athene(Late Pliocene – Recent)
      • Glaucidium(Late Pliocene – Recent)
      • Surnia(Late Pliocene – Recent)
      • Pulsatrix(Late Pleistocene – Recent)
  • Tytonidae– barn owls
    • Nocturnavis(Late Eocene/Early Oligocene)
    • Selenornis(Late Eocene/Early Oligocene)
    • Necrobyas(Late Eocene/Early Oligocene – Early Miocene)
    • Prosybris(Early Oligocene? – Early Miocene)
    • Placement unresolved
      • Tytonidaegen. et sp. indet.TMT 164 (Middle Miocene)
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Tyto(Late Miocene – Recent)

Rollers and allies. Probably paraphyletic.

  • Placement unresolved
    • Piciformes gen. et sp. indet. IRScNB Av 65 (Early Oligocene)
    • Rupelramphastoides(Early Oligocene) – ramphastid?
    • Piciformes gen. et sp. indet. SMF Av 429 (Late Oligocene)
    • Capitonides(Early – Middle Miocene) – ramphastid? "capitonid" (Lybiidae, Megalaimidae)? own family Capitonididae?
    • Pici gen. et sp. indet. (Middle Miocene) – "capitonid" (Lybiidae, Megalaimidae?)
  • Miopiconidae
    • Miopico
  • Lybiidae– African barbets
    • Lybiidae gen. et sp. indet. (Late Miocene) – extant genusPogoniulus?
  • Galbulidae
  • Picavidae
  • Picidae– woodpeckers
  • Placement unresolved
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Early Eocene) – several species, oscine?
    • Resoviaornis(Early Oligocene)
    • Wieslochia(Early Oligocene)
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Late Oligocene) – several suboscine and oscine species
    • Certhiops(Early Miocene of Germany) – basalCerthioidea
    • Passeriformes gen. et sp. indet. (Early/Middle Miocene) – suboscine?
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Early/Middle Miocene) – several species, oscine?
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Middle Miocene) – several species, basal?
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Middle Miocene) – several species, oscine?
    • Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Late Miocene) –Sylvioidea
    • "Palaeostruthus"eurius(Pliocene)
  • Eurylaimidae– broadbills
    • Placement unresolved
      • Eurylaimidae gen. et sp. indet. (Early Miocene)
  • Palaeoscinidae
  • Furnariidae– ovenbirds
  • Menuridae– lyretails
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Menura(Early Miocene – Recent)
  • Meliphagidae– honeyeaters
    • Placement unresolved
      • Meliphagidae gen. et spp. indet. (Middle/Late Miocene – Pliocene of Riversleigh, Australia) – at least 7 spp., some may be from extant genera
  • Orthonychidae– logrunners
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Orthonyx(Middle/Late Miocene – Recent)
  • Oriolidae– Old World orioles
    • Longmornis(Early Miocene of Riversleigh, Australia)
  • Artamidae– woodswallows, butcherbirds, currawongs and Australian magpie
    • Placement unresolved
      • Artamidae gen. et sp. indet. (Early/Middle Miocene) – cracticine
  • Corvidae– crows, ravens, jays and magpies
    • Miocorvus(Middle Miocene)
    • Miopica(Middle Miocene)
    • Miocitta(Late Miocene)
    • Protocitta(Early Pleistocene)
    • Henocitta(Middle Pleistocene)
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
    • Placement unresolved
      • Corvidae gen. et sp. indet. (Early Pliocene)
      • Corvidae gen. et sp. indet. (Early/Middle Pleistocene) – probably belongs in extant genus
  • Laniidae– shrikes
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Lanius(Early Miocene – Recent)
  • Regulidae– kinglets
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
  • Hirundinidae– swallows and martins
    • Placement unresolved
      • Hirundinidae gen. et spp. indet. (Early Pliocene of Langebaanweg, South Africa) – 2 species
  • Megaluridae– grass-warblers and allies
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
  • Acrocephalidae– marsh- and tree-warblers
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
  • Muscicapidae– Old World flycatchers and chats
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
  • Turdidae– thrushes
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • ?Turdus(Middle? Miocene – Recent)
  • Alaudidae– larks
    • Eremarida(Late Miocene of Hrabarsko, Bulgaria)
  • Motacillidae– wagtails
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
  • Fringillidae– finches
  • Icteridae– grackles and New World orioles
  • Cardinalidae– cardinals
    • Placement unresolved
      • Passerinasp. (Early Pliocene of Yepómera, Mexico)
  • Emberizidae– buntings and New World sparrows
    • Pampaemberiza(Middle Pleistocene of Necochea, Argentina)
    • Extant genera present in the fossil record
      • Ammodramus(Late Miocene – Recent) – includingPalaeostruthus
    • Additional prehistoric species of extant genera

These fossil taxa cannot be assigned to any major group with reasonable certainty. The "proto-birds" above are of some indeterminate basal position in the entire avialan (and paravian) radiation, but known from such diagnostic material that their relationships at thefamilylevel are known. In contrast, the taxa here have ahypodigmthat is usually just sufficient for giving them a valid scientific name, but not for phylogenetic purposes beyond classing them as pygostylians or more modern birds. Some, however, are known from such fragmentary remains that the possibility that they are non-avian "reptiles"such asdinosaurscannot be ruled out at present.

  • "Ichthyornis" minusculusNesov 1990 (Bissekty Late Cretaceous of Kyzyl Kum, Uzbekistan) – enantiornithine?
  • Qinornis paleocenicaXue 1995 (Early/Middle Paleocene) – enantiornithine? neornithine?

See also



  1. ^Sereno (2005)
  2. ^Chiappe (2001, 2002)
  3. ^See e.g. Mortimer (2004), Sereno (2005)
  4. ^"Taxonomic lists- Aves".Paleofile (net, info).Archived fromthe originalon 11 January 2016.Retrieved30 December2015.
  5. ^Brodkob, Pierce (1963). "Catalogue of fossil birds 1- Archaeopterygiformes through Ardeiformes".Biological Sciences, Bulletin of the Florida State Museum.7(4): 180–293.
  6. ^Clarkeet al.(2006)
  7. ^abHoltz, Thomas R. Jr. (2007).Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages.New York NY, US: Random House.ISBN978-0-375-82419-7.Winter 2011 Appendix.
  8. ^Kurochkin, E.N.et al.(2006)
  9. ^O'Connor, J. K.; Zhang, Y.; Chiappe, L. M.; Meng, Q.; Quanguo, L.; Di, L. (2013). "A new enantiornithine from the Yixian Formation with the first recognized avian enamel specialization".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.33(1): 1–12.Bibcode:2013JVPal..33....1O.doi:10.1080/02724634.2012.719176.S2CID85261944.
  10. ^Li Li; En-pu Gong; Li-dong Zhang; Ya-jun Yang; Lian-hai Hou (2010)."A new enantiornithine bird (aves) from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning, China".Acta Palaeontologica Sinica.49(4): 524–531.
  11. ^Gareth J. Dyke, Attila Ősi (2010). "A review of Late Cretaceous fossil birds from Hungary".Geological Journal.45(4): 434–444.Bibcode:2010GeolJ..45..434D.doi:10.1002/gj.1209.S2CID128580503.
  12. ^Fernando Emilio Novas, Federico Lisandro Agnolín and Carlos Agustín Scanferla (2010)."New enantiornithine bird (Aves, Ornithothoraces) from the Late Cretaceous of NW Argentina".Comptes Rendus Palevol.9(8): 499–503.Bibcode:2010CRPal...9..499N.doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.09.005.hdl:11336/60953.
  13. ^Kurochkin (2006)
  14. ^O'Connor, J.K. (2012)
  15. ^FideChiappe (2002)
  16. ^Federico L. Agnolin and David Varricchio (2012)."Systematic reinterpretation ofPiksi barbarulnaVarricchio, 2002 from the Two Medicine Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Western USA (Montana) as a pterosaur rather than a bird ".Geodiversitas.34(4): 883–894.doi:10.5252/g2012n4a10.S2CID56002643.Archived fromthe originalon 2013-01-07.
  17. ^Tennyson, A.J.D.; Worthy, T.H.; Jones, C.M.; Scofield, R.P.; Hand, S.J. (2010)."Moa's Ark: Miocene fossils reveal the great antiquity of moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) in Zealandia".Records of the Australian Museum.62:105–114.doi:10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.1546.
  18. ^abNikita V. Zelenkov; Thomas A. Stidham; Nicolay V. Martynovich; Natalia V. Volkova; Qiang Li; Zhuding Qiu (2018). "The middle Miocene duckChenoanas(Aves, Anatidae): new species, phylogeny and geographical range ".Papers in Palaeontology.4(3): 309–326.Bibcode:2018PPal....4..309Z.doi:10.1002/spp2.1107.S2CID134072594.
  19. ^Suárez, William; Olson, Storrs L. (2021)."A new fossil raptor (Accipitridae: Buteogallus) from Quaternary cave deposits in Cuba and Hispaniola, West Indies".Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club.141(3).doi:10.25226/bboc.v141i3.2021.a3.S2CID237456822.
  20. ^Similar toUrocoliusandLimnatornis(if distinct): Mlíkovský (2002)

