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List of mythological places

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This is alist of mythological placeswhich appear in mythological tales, folklore, and varying religious texts.


  • Bethulia(Christianity, Bible / old testament)

Egyptian mythology[edit]

Name Description
Aaru The heavenlyparadiseoften referred to as the Field Of Reeds, is an underworld realm whereOsirisrules in ancientEgyptian mythology.
Akhet AnEgyptianhieroglyphthat represents the sun rising over a mountain. It is translated as "horizon"or" the place in the sky where the sun rises ".[1]
Benben The mound that arose from the primordial watersNuupon which thecreator deityAtumsettled in thecreation mythof theHeliopolitanform ofancient Egyptian religion.
Duat The Underworld and abode of the dead inAncient Egyptianreligion.
The Indestructibles Two bright stars which, at that time, could always be seen circling theNorth Poleby ancient Egyptian astronomers.[2]
Land of Manu Western abode of the sun godRa.[3]
Nun The primordial waters from which theBenbenarose at the beginning of the universe, also considered to be a god Nu.

Greek mythology[edit]

Name Description
Arcadia A vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature, derived from the Greek province Arkadia which dates to antiquity.
Asphodel Meadows The section of the underworld where ordinary souls were sent to live after death.
Atlantis The legendary (and almost archetypal) lost continent that was supposed to have sunk into theAtlantic Ocean.
Cloud cuckoo land A perfect city between the clouds in the playThe BirdsbyAristophanes.
Chryse and Argyre A pair of legendary islands, located in theIndian Oceanand said to be made of gold (chrysos) and silver (argyros).
Elysium(Elysian Fields) InGreek mythology,the final resting place of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous.
Fortunate Isles(Islands of the Blessed) Islands in theAtlantic Ocean,variously treated as a simple geographical location and as a winterless earthly paradise inhabited by the heroes ofGreek mythology.
Garden of the Hesperides The sacred garden of Hera from where the gods got their immortality.
Hyperborea Home of the Hyperboreans in the far north of Greece or southern Europe.
Laistrygon Home to a tribe of giant cannibals that Odysseus encountered on his way back home from theTrojan War.
Meropis A gigantic island created purely as a parody ofPlato'sAtlantis.
Mount Olympus "Olympos" was the name of the home of theTwelve Olympian godsof the ancient Greek world.[4]
Nysa A beautiful valley full ofnymphs.
Okeanos The cosmic river encircling the Earth in Ancient Greek cosmology, also sometimes depicted as one of the Titan gods.
Panchaia(Pangaia) A group of islands South of the Arabian peninsula inhabited by several tribes and rich with scented oils. Assumed by some to be the birthplace of the Olympian gods.
Tartaros A pit in the underworld for condemned souls.
Themiskyra The capital city of theAmazonsinGreek mythology.
The Underworld Comprising the realms of The Elysium Fields, The Asphodel Meadows and Tartaros.

Norse mythology[edit]

Name Description
Alfheim The Land of elves inNorse mythology.
Asgard The high placed city of the gods, built byOdin,chief god of the Norse pantheon.
Biarmaland A geographical area around theWhite Seain the northern part of (European)Russia,referred to inNorse sagas.
Fositesland The kingdom ofForseti,thegodof Justice.
Gjöll A river that separates the living from the dead inNorse mythology.
Hel (heimr) The underworld in Norse mythology.
Hvergelmir A major spring inNorse mythology.
Jotunheim Land of the giants in Norse mythology.[5]
Kvenland A geographical area referred to in several medieval texts as well as in Norse sagas. The exact location of Kvenland is unknown, though, with several competing theories placing it in either the northern part of theScandinavian peninsulaor the southwestern part of what is nowFinland.
Mímisbrunnr A well associated with the beingMímir,located beneath the world treeYggdrasil.
Muspelheim Land of fire in Norse mythology.
Niflheim World of cold in Norse mythology.
Niflhel Cold underworld in Norse mythology.
Norumbega A legendary settlement in northeasternNorth America,connected with attempts to demonstrateVikingincursions in New England.
Svartálfaheimr The land of theDark ElvesinNorse mythology.
Urðarbrunnr A well inNorse mythology.
Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll "hall of the slain" ) is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin.
Vanaheimr The Land of theVanir,another tribe of gods, according toNorselegends.
Yggdrasil An immense and centralsacred treeinNorse cosmology.

Polynesian and Māori mythology[edit]

Name Description
Rarohenga AMāorispirit world for those who favorPapatūānukuThe Earth Mother.
Toi O Nga Rangi The Māori spirit world for those who favorRanginuiThe Sky Father. Sometimes known as the Sky World or the Summit Of The Heavens
Ao ThePolynesianrealm of light.
Te Po Polynesian realm of darkness and ancestors.
Hawaiki A mostly universal belief amongOceaniancultures of a realm where all Polynesians descend. Not to be confused with the Islands ofHawaii.
Cape Reinga/Te Rerenga Wairua Believed by Māori to be the place where spirits are required to journey through to reach the afterlife.

Indian mythology[edit]

Name Description
Agartha A legendary city located at the earth's core.
Amaravati Capital ofSvarga,the abode of the devas, ruled byIndra.[6]
Ayotha Amirtha Gangai An important river inAyyavazhi mythology.
Brahmaloka The abode ofBrahma,theHindugod of creation.
Himavanta A legendary forest that locates at the hill of theHimalayas.
Jambudvīpa Name for the terrestrial universe in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions.
Kailasha The celestial abode ofShiva.
Ketumati Apure landbelonging toMaitreyawithinBuddhism.[7]
Kshira Sagara A divine ocean of milk in Hindu mythology.
Manidvipa The abode of the supreme goddess in Hinduism.
Mount Mandara A sacred mountain mentioned in thePuranas.
Mount Meru The sacred five-peaked mountain of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmology. It is considered to be the center of all the physical, metaphysical, and spiritual universes.
Naraka A realm resembling Hell inIndian religionswhere souls are temporarily punished beforereincarnation.
Nirvana The ultimate state of soteriological release (liberation from repeated rebirth) commonly associated with Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.
Patala The netherworld of Indian religions.
Samavasarana Meeting place of thetirthankarasinJainism.
Sanzu River A mythological river inJapanese Buddhism.
Shakadvipa A land mass west of theUral MountainsinHindu mythology.
Shambhala InTibetan Buddhisttradition, a kingdom hidden somewhere in theHimalayas;Theosophistsregard it as the home on theetheric planeof the governingdeityof the earth,Sanat Kumara.
Siddhashila The place where souls who have escaped the cycle ofreincarnationand attainedmokshago according to the cosmology ofJainism.
Svarga The abode of the devas in Hinduism.
Tripura three cities or fortresses, is described in Hindu history as being constructed by the great Asura architect Mayasura
Thuvaraiyam Pathi InAyyavazhi mythology,it was a sunken island some 240 km (150 miles) off the south coast ofIndia.
Trāyastriṃśa An important world of thedevasin theBuddhist cosmology.
Urdhvaloka Seven upper worlds mentioned in the Puranas.
Uttarakuru Name of a continent (dvipa) in Indian religions.
Vaikuntha The celestial abode ofVishnu.[8]
Vaitarani River situated in hell mentioned in theGaruda Puranaand various otherHindu religious texts.

Chinese folk mythology[edit]

Name Description
Diyu The realm of the dead orHellinChinese mythology.
Eight Pillars A concept fromChinese mythologylocated in the eight cardinal directions, they are a group of eight mountains or pillars which have been thought to hold up the sky.
Feather Mountain One of many important mythological mountains inChinese mythology,particularly associated with theGreat Flood.
Fusang A mysterious land to the east in Chinese legends.
Jade Mountain A mythological mountain inChinese mythologyand the residence ofThe Queen Mother of the West.[9]
Kunlun Mountain A place where immortals lived according to Chinese mythology.
Longmen A legendary waterfall in Chinese mythology.
Mount Buzhou An ancientChinese mythologicalmountain which, according to old texts, lay to the northwest of theKunlun Mountains,in a location today referred to as thePamir Mountains.
Mount Penglai A legendary mountain in Chinese mythology, said to be situated on an island in the Bohai sea, home to Taoist immortals.
Moving Sands One of the obstacles the fictional version of the monkXuanzangand companions must cross over on their mission to fetch the Buddhist scriptures from India and return them to Tang China.
Red River One of the mythological rivers said to flow fromKunlun,a mythological land, with mountainous features.
Shangri-La A mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of theKunlun Mountains,described in the 1933 novelLost Horizonby English authorJames Hilton.
Weak River One of the mythological rivers flowing nearKunlun,home of a Western Paradise.
Xangdu The summer capital ofKublai Khan's Yuan empire became a mythological place and a metaphor for splendor and opulence, caused by the popular 1816 poemKubla KhananSamuel Taylor Coleridge.

Abrahamic mythology[edit]

Name Description
Antillia An island from an old Iberian legend set during the Muslim conquest of Hispania. The legend says that during this time seven Christian Visigothic bishops, who were fleeing Muslim Conquerors, embarked with their flocks on ships and set sail westwards into the Atlantic Ocean, leading them to an island (Antillia or Isle Of Seven Cities) where they founded seven settlements.
As-Sirāt The bridge which every human must pass on theYawm al-Qiyamah( "Day of Resurrection" ) to enterParadiseaccording toIslam.
Barzakh A place separating the living from thehereafteror a phase/ "stage" between an individual's death and their resurrection in "the Hereafter".[10][11][12][13][14]
Brig of Dread A bridge toPurgatorythat a deadsoulhad to cross.
Garden of Eden A paradise where humans were first created according toAbrahamic religionsand resided until cast out for disobeying God.
Heaven InAbrahamic religions,the paradise where good people who have died continue to exist.
Hell In someAbrahamic religions,a realm in the afterlife in which evil souls are punished after death.
Hitfun A great dividing river separating theWorld of Darknessfrom theWorld of LightinMandaean cosmology.[15]
Iram of the Pillars Thelost citymentioned in theQuran.
Jabulqa and Jabulsa Two cities mentioned inShi'ihadith.
Kingdom ofPrester John Legendary powerful Christian nation just beyond the Muslim world in medieval romantic literature, first located in South Asia, then Central Asia, then East Africa.
Kolob An astronomical body (star or planet) said to be near thethrone of GodinMormon cosmology.
Malakut A proposed invisible realm, featuring inIslamic cosmology.
Matarta A "station" or "toll house" that is located between theWorld of Light(alma ḏ-nhūra) fromTibil(Earth) inMandaean cosmology.
Mount of the Temptation The legendary location ofJesus Christ'sTemptation,traditionally placed atJebel Quruntulor'Ushsh el-GhurabnearJerichoin theWest Bank
Nbu TheMandaicname for the planetMercury.
Pandæmonium The capital of Hell in John Milton'sParadise Lost.
Piriawis The sacred life-giving river (yardna) of theWorld of LightinMandaean cosmology.
Pleroma Abode of the holyaeonsinGnosticism.
Scholomance A legendary school of black magic run by the Devil himself, located in Hermannstadt (now: Sibiu, Romania). Located in the mountains, south of the city Sibiu, near an unnamed lake.
Siniawis A region in theWorld of Darknessorunderworld.[16]
Yardna A body of flowingfresh waterthat is suitable for ritual use as baptismal water inMandaeism.[17]
Zarahemla A civilization which was constructed in the ancient Americas, according toMormonbelief.
Zerzura Saharan city known as the "oasis of little birds" rumored to be full of treasure.

Celtic mythologies[edit]

Name Description
Annwn The "otherworld" ofWelsh mythology.
Avalon Legendary Island of Apples, believed by some to be the final resting place ofKing Arthur.
Camelot The city in which King Arthur reigned.
Cantre'r Gwaelod A legendary ancient sunken kingdom said to have occupied a tract of fertile land lying betweenRamsey IslandandBardsey Island.
Celliwig The earliest named location for the court ofKing Arthur.
BrasilorHy-Brasil A mythical island to the west of Ireland.
Dinas Affaraon/Ffaraon Legendary home to a branch of theDruidscalled the Pheryllt, who worked as metallurgists and alchemists. Also known as “The City of Higher Powers,” or the “Ambrosial City”, its rumored location isSnowdoniaand is said to be the originalplacenameofDinas Emrys.
Emain Ablach A mythical island paradise inIrish mythology.
Fintan's Grave A mythological cave on the Irish mountain (now hill)Tul Tuinde[18]
Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann(Gorias, Finias, Murias, and Falias) InIrish MythologytheTuatha Dé Danannget their four magical treasures from four legendary cities: Gorias in the east; Finias, in the south; Murias in the west; and Falias in the north.
Lyonesse A country inArthurian legend,which is said to borderCornwallinEngland.
Mag Mell A mythical underworld plain in Irish mythology, achievable only through death or glory. Meaning 'plains of joy', Mag Mell was a hedonistic and pleasurable paradise, usually associated with the sea.
Rocabarraigh Aphantom islandinScottish Gaelicmythology.
Tech Duinn A mythological island to the west ofIrelandwhere souls go after death.
Tír fo Thuinn ACeltic OtherworldinIrish mythology,a kingdom under the sea.
Tír na nÓg TheCeltic OtherworldinIrish mythology.
Ys A city located inBrittany,Francethat was supposedly built below sea level, and demolished when the Devil destroyed the dam protecting it.


Name Description
Abya Yala "saved land", is the name used by the Guna people.
Adiri Afterlife inKiwaimythology.[19]
Adlivun,Adliparmiut, and Qudlivun Afterlives in CentralInuit mythology.Adlivun and Adliparmiut are described as lands of misery, whereas Qudlivun is a land of happiness.[20]
Akilineq Legendary location in Inuit mythology, believed to either be entirely mythical, or possiblyLabrador Peninsula,Baffin Island,or even Iceland.
Alatyr A sacred stone, the "father to all stones", the navel of the earth, containing sacred letters and endowed with healing properties inEast Slaviclegends.
Alomkik A place accessible to theAbenakipeoples' mythological protectorPamola,where he holds those who trespass on Maine'sMount Katahdin.
al-Wakwak Island of tree growing little children.
Axis mundi The center of the world or the connection betweenHeavenand Earth in various religions and mythologies.
Aztlán Legendary original homeland of the Mexica people in Mexica/Aztec mythology.
Bald Mountain A location in Slavicfolkmythologyrelated towitchcraft.
Baltia An island of amber somewhere innorthern Europe.
Biringan city A mythical city that is said to invisibly lie betweenGandara,Tarangnan,andPagsanghaninSamarprovince of thePhilippines.Biringan means "the black city" or the city of the Unknown in Waray.
Brittia A mythical island off the coast ofAustrasia.
Buyan A mysterious island with the ability to appear and disappear using tides inRussian mythology.
Chinvat Bridge The siftingbridge,[21]which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead inZoroastrianism.
City of the Caesars A city between a mountain of gold and another of diamonds supposed to be situated inPatagonia.
Cockaigne In medieval mythology,[which?]it is a land of plenty where want does not exist.
Domdaniel Cavernous hall at the bottom of the ocean where evil magicians, spirits, and gnomes meet.
El Dorado Rumored city of gold inSouth America.[22]
Fountain of Youth A place, detailed in many legends around the world, where one may drink of or bathe in its waters to restore their youth.
Fiddler's Green In 19th-century English maritime folklore, it was a kind of after-life for sailors who had served at least fifty years at sea.
Hara Berezaiti A legendary mountain around which the stars and planets revolve from the ancientZoroastrianscriptures of theAvesta.
Hawaiki The ancestral island of thePolynesians,particularly theMāori.
Hubur ASumerianterm meaning "river", "watercourse" or "netherworld".
Irkalla Theunderworldfrom which there is no return inBabylonian mythology.
Kalunga line A watery boundary between the world of the living and the dead in religious traditions of theCongoregion.
Karshvar Legendary continents according toAvesta.
Kingdom of Opona A mythical kingdom inRussian folklore.
Kingdom of Reynes A country mentioned in theMiddle English romanceKing Horn.
Kingdom of Saguenay According to the French, anIroquoianstory of a kingdom of blonde men rich in gold and fur that existed in northernCanadaprior to French colonization.
Kitezh A legendary city beneath the waters ofLake Svetloyar.
Kyöpelinvuori (Finnish for ghosts' mountain), in Finnish mythology, is the place which dead women haunt.
La Canela Also known as the Valley of Cinnamon, is a legendary location in South America.
La Ciudad Blanca "The White city", a legendary city of Honduras.
Lake Parime An enormous lake in northeastern South America, supposedly the site ofEl Dorado.
Land of Darkness A mythical land supposedly enshrouded in perpetual darkness.
Lemuria A hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Lintukoto In Finnish mythology, a paradise-like place where birds migrate every winter; because it was located near the edge of the sky dome, the sky was very close to the ground and therefore its inhabitants were dwarves.
Lost City of Z An indigenous city thatCol. Percy Harrison Fawcettbelieved had existed in the jungle of theMato Grossostate ofBrazil.
Lukomorye An ancient region in Russian lands.
Mahoroba A far-off land full of bliss and peace, similar toArcadia.
Mictlan The afterworld of theMexica.
Mu A hypothetical continent that allegedly disappeared at the dawn of human history.
Nibiru A mythological planet described by theBabylonians.
Paititi A legendary Inca lost city or utopian rich land said to lie east of the Andes.
Pohjola The realm of Louhi inFinnish mythology,literally translated its name means "North".
Quivira and Cíbola Two of the legendarySeven Cities of Goldsupposed by Spanishconquistadorsto have existed in the Americas.
Ryūgū-jō The undersea palace of Ryūjin, the dragon kami of the sea.
Section 37 Paul Bunyan's legendary camp. So large that it took half a day to walk around, with the kitchen itself being two-mile (3.2 km) long with nine cooks and seventy-five flunkies in its early days.[23]
Sierra de la Plata (Spanish: Silver Mountains), was a legendary treasury of silver that was believed to be located in South America.
Silat Bridge TheSilat Bridgeis a bridge inLalish,Iraq that leads to the most holyYazidi shrineinYazidism.
Suddene A country found in theMiddle English romanceKing Horn.
Summerland The name given byTheosophists,Wiccansand some earth-basedcontemporary paganreligions to their conceptualization of an (mostly pastoral)afterlife.
Takama-ga-hara The dwelling place of theShintokami.
Thule An island somewhere in the belt ofScandinavia,northernGreat Britain,Iceland,andGreenland.
Vineta A mythical city at the southern coast of theBaltic Sea.
Vyraj A mythical place inSlavic mythology,where "birds fly for the winter and souls go after death".
Westernesse A country found in theMiddle English romanceKing Horn.
Xibalba The underworld inMayan mythology.
Yomi The land of the dead according to Shinto mythology, as related in theKojiki.
Yomotsu Hirasaka A slope or boundary between this world, where the living live, and the other world, where the dead live (Yomi).


  1. ^Gardiner, Alan H. (1957).Egyptian grammar: being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs.1969 printing (3rd ed.). London: Published on behalf of the Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, by Oxford University Press. p. 489.ISBN9780900416354.OCLC229894.
  2. ^Curtis, Anthony R."Space Today Online -- Solar System Planet Earth -- Ancient Astronomy".spacetoday.org.Retrieved2018-03-17.
  3. ^Massey, Gerald(2014) [First published 1907].Ancient Egypt - Light Of The World.Vol. 1. Jazzybee Verlag. p. 465.ISBN978-3-8496-4444-4.
  4. ^Wilson, Nigel (31 October 2005).Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece.Abingdon, England: Routledge. p. 516.
  5. ^"Jotunheim".norse-mythology.org.
  6. ^Dalal, Roshen(2014).Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide.Penguin Books.ISBN978-0-14-341421-6.Entry: "Indraloka".
  7. ^Kim, Inchang (1996).The Future Buddha Maitreya: An Iconological Study.D.K. Printworld. p. 21.
  8. ^Maehle, Gregor (2012).Ashtanga Yoga The Intermediate Series: Mythology, Anatomy, and Practice.New World Library.p. 207.ISBN978-1-57731-987-0.
  9. ^Yang, Lihui; et al. (2005).Handbook of Chinese Mythology.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-533263-6.pp. 162, 219
  10. ^Jane Dammen McAuliffe Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān Volume 1 Georgetown University, Washington DC p. 205
  11. ^Al-`Ali, Hamid."What Is Al-Barzakh?".About Islam.Retrieved18 April2022.
  12. ^Siddiqui, Ahdur Rasheed (2015). "Barzakh".Qur'anic Keywords: A Reference Guide.Leicestershire, UK: Islamic Foundation. p. 31.Retrieved18 April2022.
  13. ^Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi. "Barzakh (Purgatory) - The Stage Between this World and the Hereafter".The HereAfter (Ma'ad).al-islam.org.Retrieved18 April2022.
  14. ^"What Is al-Barzakh? 11110".Islam Question and Answer.10 January 2000.Retrieved18 April2022.
  15. ^Al-Saadi, Qais Mughashghash; Al-Saadi, Hamed Mughashghash (2012).Ginza Rabba: The Great Treasure. An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book.Drabsha.
  16. ^Buckley, Jorunn Jacobsen (2002).The Mandaeans: ancient texts and modern people.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-515385-5.OCLC65198443.
  17. ^The Gnostic Bible(2003) (p. 810). New Seeds Books
  18. ^Mountain, Harry (May 1998).The Celtic Encyclopedia.Universal-Publishers. p. 679.ISBN978-1-58112-892-5.Retrieved16 January2011.
  19. ^Leech 1984,p. 10.
  20. ^Leech 1984,p. 25.
  21. ^Dawson, M. M. (2005).The Ethical Religion of Zoroaster.Kessinger Publishing. p. 237.ISBN9780766191365.
  22. ^"El Dorado".National Geographic.Archived fromthe originalon November 18, 2010.
  23. ^"SECTION 37 HIS LOGGING CAMP".paulbunyan.org.

Works cited[edit]

  • Leech, Maria (1984).Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend.New York: HarperCollins.ISBN0-308-40090-9.