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List of reflected light sources

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Moon
Zodiacal light
Reflection nebula

This is alist of reflected sources of lightexamples in contrast to theList of light sources.The list is oriented towards visible light reflection.

Celestial and atmospheric light[edit]

  • Moonlight– Light that reaches Earth from the Moon
  • Planetshine– Illumination by reflected sunlight from a planet
    • Earthshine– Light reflected from the Earth
  • Zodiacal light– Faint solar glow caused by interplanetary dust at sunset and sunrise
  • Gegenschein– Optical effect of interplanetary dust reflections[1]
  • Reflection nebula– Clouds of interstellar dust which reflect the light of nearby stars
  • Rainbow– Meteorological phenomenon
  • Fog bow– Type of rainbow formed by fog droplets

See also[edit]