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List of sovereign states in the 1970s

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This is alist of sovereign states in the 1970s,giving an overview of states around the world during the period between 1 January 1970 and 31 December 1979. It contains 191 entries, arranged Alpha betically, with information on the status andrecognitionof theirsovereignty.It includes 166 widely-recognized sovereign states (including 4 associated states that gained full independence, 4 states which were initially unrecognized but then gained full recognition later in the decade, and 1 state which was initially widely-recognized but then lost full recognition later in the decade), 2 constituent republics of another sovereign state that were UN members on their own right, 12 entities which claim an effective sovereignty but are consideredde factodependencies of other powers by the general international community, 4 associated states, and 7 transitional states.

Sovereign states[edit]

Name and capital city Information on status and recognition of sovereignty


Abu Dhabi– Emirate of Abu Dhabi(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Capital:Abu Dhabi
Transitional independent state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state; Afghanistan wasoccupiedby the Soviet Union from 27 December 1979.

Ajman– State of Ajman(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Transitional independent state.

  • People's Republic of Albania(to 28 December 1976)[d]
  • People's Socialist Republic of Albania(from 28 December 1976)[d]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Algeria– People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Andorra– Principality of Andorra
Capital:Andorra la Vella
Widely-recognized independent state; thePresident of FranceandBishop of Urgellwereex officioCo-Princes of Andorra.The defense of Andorra was the responsibility of foreign states, in this case France and Spain.

Angola– People's Republic of Angola(from 11 November 1975)[e]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 1 December 1976.

Capital:St. John's
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdom.Antigua had two dependencies,Barbuda(from 23 December 1976) andRedonda.

Capital:Buenos Aires
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Argentina was afederationof22 provinces and two federal territories.[6]It had a claim overArgentine Antarctica,which was suspended under theAntarctic Treaty.It also claimed theFalkland IslandsandSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,both of which wereBritish overseas territories.

Australia– Commonwealth of Australia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.Australia was afederationofsix states and three territories.[7]It had sovereignty over the following external territories:

Australia administered oneUnited Nations Trust Territory:

Austria– Republic of Austria
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Austria was afederationofnine states.[8]


The Bahamas– Commonwealth of the Bahamas(from 10 July 1973)[g]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 18 September 1973.Commonwealth realm.

Bahrain– State of Bahrain(from 15 August 1971)[h]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 21 September 1971.

Bangladesh(from 26 March 1971)[i]
De factoindependent state. Claimed by Pakistan (to 22 February 1974).Permanent observerat theUN(from 1973 to 17 September 1974). Widely-recognized state (from 1973).

Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.

Belgium– Kingdom of Belgium
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember.

Benin →Dahomey

Bhutan– Kingdom of Bhutan
Widely-recognized independent state.Permanent observerat theUN(to 21 September 1971).UNmember state (from 21 September 1971). Bhutan was officially guided by India in its foreign affairs, but effectively pursued an independent foreign policy starting in the 1970s.

Biafra– Republic of Biafra(to 12 January 1970)[j]
Partially recognizedde factoindependent state;[k]claimed byNigeria.

BoliviaBolivia– Republic of Bolivia
Capital:Sucre(official),La Paz(administrative)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Bophuthatswana– Republic of Bophuthatswana(from 6 December 1977)[l]
Nominally independentSouth Africanbantustan.[m]

Botswana– Republic of Botswana
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Brazil– Federative Republic of Brazil
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Brazil was afederationof22 states, four territories, and one federal district.[n]

Bulgaria– People's Republic of Bulgaria
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

  • Union of Burma(to 3 January 1974)[o]
  • Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma(from 3 January 1974)[o]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Burundi– Republic of Burundi
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Cabinda– Republic of Cabinda(from 1 August 1975 to 11 November 1975)[p]
De factoindependent state. Claimed by Portugal (to 11 November 1975) andAngola(on 11 November 1975).

Cambodia/Khmer Republic/Kampuchea, Democratic
Capital:Phnom Penh
  • Kingdom of Cambodia(to 9 October 1970)
  • Khmer Republic(from 9 October 1970 to 17 April 1975)
  • Kampuchea (Kingdom of Cambodia)(from 17 April 1975 to 5 January 1976)
  • Democratic Kampuchea(from 5 January 1976 to 10 January 1979)[q]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.[r]Claimed to be the sole legitimate government of Kampuchea, despite being in exile from 10 January 1979.

  • Federal Republic of Cameroon(to 2 June 1972)[s]
  • United Republic of Cameroon(from 2 June 1972)[s]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Until 2 June 1972, Cameroon was afederationof two regions.[17]

Canada– Dominion of Canada
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.Canada was afederationoften provinces and two territories.[18]

Cape Verde– Republic of Cape Verde(from 5 July 1975)[t]
Widely-recognized independent state.UNmember state (from 16 September 1975).

Central African Republic/Central African Empire
  • Central African Republic(to 4 December 1976)[u]
  • Central African Empire(from 4 December 1976 to 20 September 1979)[u][v]
  • Central African Republic(from 20 September 1979)[v]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Ceylon/Sri Lanka
Capital:Colombo(to 1978),Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte(from 1978)
  • Dominion of Ceylon(to 22 May 1972)[w]
  • Free, Sovereign and Independent Republic of Sri Lanka(from 22 May 1972 to 7 September 1978)[w][x]
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka(from 7 September 1978)[x]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm(to 22 May 1972).

Chad– Republic of Chad
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. It had a claim overChilean Antarctic Territory,which is suspended under theAntarctic Treaty.

ChinaPeople's Republic of China
Partially recognizedde factoindependent state (to 25 October 1971). Widely-recognizedUNmember state (from 25 October 1971).[y]The People's Republic of China had five autonomous regions:Guangxi,Inner Mongolia,Ningxia,Xin gian gandTibet.The People's Republic of China claimedTaiwan,Kinmen,theMatsu Islands,Pratas Islandand the Vereker Banks, andItu Aba,all of which were governed by theRepublic of China.It also claimed theParacel Islands(disputed by theRepublic of ChinaandVietnam), theSpratly Islands(disputed by theRepublic of China,Vietnam,thePhilippinesandMalaysia), andSouth Tibet(controlled by India). The People's Republic of China administeredAksai Chinand theTrans-Karakoram Tract,which were within the disputed region ofKashmir.

China, Republic of
Capital:Taipei(seat of government),Nanjing(claimed)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state to 25 October 1971 under the name "China". Partially recognizedde factoindependent state from 25 October 1971.[y]Taiwan claimed to be the sole legitimate government of China, but only administeredTaiwan,Kinmen,theMatsu Islands,Pratas IslandandItu Aba.The Republic of China had territorial claims overMongolia;theTuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;theSixty-Four Villages East of the River(administered by the Soviet Union); The majority ofGorno-Badakhshan(administered by the Soviet Union); The eastern tip of theWakhan Corridor(administered byAfghanistan); a small portion ofGilgit-Baltistan(administered by Pakistan and part of the disputedKashmirregion);Aksai Chin(administered by thePeople's Republic of Chinaand part of the disputedKashmirregion); easternBhutan;South Tibet(controlled by India); andKachin State(administered byBurma).

Colombia– Republic of Colombia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Colombia claimedQuita Sueño Bank,Roncador Bank,andSerrana Bank(disputed by the United States);Bajo Nuevo Bank(disputed byJamaica,Nicaraguaand the United States); andSerranilla Bank(disputed byNicaraguaand the United States).

Comoros(from 6 July 1975)
  • State of the Comoros(from 6 July 1975 to 1 October 1978)[z][aa]
  • Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros(from 1 October 1978)[aa]
De factoindependent state. Claimed by France to 31 December 1975. Widely-recognizedUNmember state from 12 November 1975. After 24 May 1978, the Comoros was afederationof three islands.
3 Islands:Anjouan,Grande Comore,Mohéli.Comoros claimed sovereignty over theFrench overseas territoriesofMayotteand theGlorioso Islands.It also claimedBanc du Geyser(disputed byMadagascarand France).

Congo, Democratic Republic of the/Zaire
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo(to 27 October 1971)[ab]
  • Republic of Zaire(from 27 October 1971)[ab]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Congo, Republic of the/Congo
  • Republic of the Congo(to 3 January 1970)[ac]
  • People's Republic of the Congo(from 3 January 1970)[ac]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Cook Islands
A state infree associationwithNew Zealand;it shares ahead of statewith New Zealand as well as havingshared citizenship.

Costa Rica– Republic of Costa Rica
Capital:San José
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Cuba– Republic of Cuba
Widely-recognizedUNmember state; the Cuban area ofGuantánamo Baywas under the control of the United States.

Cyprus– Republic of Cyprus
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.[ad]Cyprus included one self-declared state which, although it did not claim independence, wasde factoself-governing:

Czechoslovakia– Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.[ae]Czechoslovakia was afederationof two republics.[27]


Capital:Porto-Novo(official),Cotonou(seat of government)
  • Republic of Dahomey(to 30 November 1975)[af]
  • People's Republic of Benin(from 30 November 1975)[af]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Denmark– Kingdom of Denmark
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember from 1 January 1973. TheDanish Realmalso included two of its constituent countries:

Djibouti– Republic of Djibouti(from 27 June 1977)[ag]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 20 September 1977.

  • Dominica(to 2 November 1978)
  • Commonwealth of Dominica(from 3 November 1978)[ah]
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdom(to 2 November 1978).

Widely-recognized independent state from 3 November 1978;UNmember state from 18 December 1978.

Dominican Republic
Capital:Santo Domingo
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Dubai– State of Dubai(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Transitional independent state.


East Timor– Democratic Republic of East Timor(from 28 November 1975 to 7 December 1975)[ai]
De factoindependent state from 28 November 1975 to 7 December 1975; claimed by Portugal andIndonesiafrom 29 November 1975.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Egypt →United Arab Republic

El Salvador
Capital:San Salvador
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Equatorial Guinea– Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Capital:Addis Ababa
  • Ethiopian Empire(to 12 September 1974)[aj]
  • Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia (Derg)(from 12 September 1974)[aj]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Fiji– Dominion of Fiji(from 10 October 1970)[ak]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 13 October 1970.Commonwealth realm.Fiji had an autonomous dependency,Rotuma.

Finland– Republic of Finland
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Finland had a neutral and demilitarized region:

France– French Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember. France included fiveoverseas departments:French Guiana,Guadeloupe,Martinique,Réunion,andSaint Pierre and Miquelon(from 19 July 1976). It also had sovereignty over the followingoverseas territories:

It also co-administered onecondominium:

France also claimedBanc du Geyser(disputed byMadagascarand theComoros).

Fujairah– State of Fujairah(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Transitional independent state.


GabonGabonese Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

The Gambia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm(to 24 April 1970).

Germany, East– German Democratic Republic
Capital:East Berlin(disputed)
Widely-recognized independent state.Permanent observerat theUN(from 1972 to 18 September 1973).UNmember state (from 18 September 1973).

Germany, West– Federal Republic of Germany
Widely-recognized independent state;Permanent observerat theUNto 18 September 1973.UNmember state from 18 September 1973;EECmember. West Germany was afederationoften states.[35]

Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Greece had sovereignty overMount Athos,an autonomous monastic state that was jointly governed by the multi-national "Holy Community" on the mountain and the Civil Governor appointed by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and spiritually came under the direct jurisdiction of theEcumenical Patriarchate.

Capital:St. George's
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdom(to 6 February 1974).

Widely-recognized independent state from 7 February 1974;UNmember state from 17 September 1974.Commonwealth realm.Grenada had one autonomous dependency,Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Guatemala– Republic of Guatemala
Capital:Guatemala City
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

GuineaGuinea– People's Revolutionary Republic of Guinea
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Guinea-Bissau– Republic of Guinea-Bissau(from 24 September 1973)[aq]
Capital:Madina do Boe(to 10 September 1974),Bissau(from 10 September 1974)
De factoindependent state; claimed by Portugal to 10 September 1974. Widely-recognized from 10 September 1974;UNmember state from 17 September 1974.

  • Guyana(to 23 February 1970)[ar]
  • Co-operative Republic of Guyana(from 23 February 1970)[ar]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


HaitiHaiti– Republic of Haiti
Widely-recognizedUNmember state; Haiti claimed the uninhabited United States possession ofNavassa Island.

Holy See →Vatican City

HondurasRepublic of Honduras
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Hungary– People's Republic of Hungary
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Iceland– Republic of Iceland
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

India– Republic of India
Capital:New Delhi
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. India was afederationof22 states and 11 union territories.[40]India had sovereignty over one protectorate:

Indian sovereignty overSouth Tibet,administered as part ofNorth-East Frontier Agencyand then Arunachal Pradesh from 1972 was disputed by the People's Republic of China. India administered part of the disputed region ofKashmiras the state ofJammu and Kashmir.

Indonesia– Republic of Indonesia
Capital:Djakarta(renamedJakartain 1972)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Indonesia's sovereignty overTimor Timurfrom 17 July 1976 was disputed and not widely recognized.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Iraq– Iraqi Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember from 1 January 1973.

Israel– State of Israel
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.[au]Israel occupied theGaza StriptheGolan Heights,theSinai Peninsula,and theWest Bank,includingEast Jerusalem.These areas were not recognized as being part of Israel.

Italy– Italian Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember. Italy had 5 autonomous regions:Aosta Valley,Friuli-Venezia Giulia,Sardinia,Sicily,andTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.

Ivory CoastIvory Coast– Republic of Ivory Coast
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Jordan– Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Jordan claimed theIsraeli-occupied territoriesofWest Bank,includingEast Jerusalem.


Kampuchea, Democratic →Cambodia

Kampuchea, People's Republic of(from 10 January 1979)[av]
Capital:Phnom Penh
Partially recognizedde factoindependent state.[r]Claimed to be the sole legitimate government of Kampuchea; the People's Republic of Kampuchea was occupied byVietnamfrom December 1978.

Kenya– Republic of Kenya
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Khmer Republic →Cambodia

Kiribati– Republic of Kiribati(from 12 July 1979)[aw]
Capital:South Tarawa
Widely-recognized independent state.

Korea, North– Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Capital:Seoul(de jureto 1972),Pyongyang(de factoto 1972,de jurefrom 1972)
Widely-recognized independent state.[ax]Permanent observerat theUNfrom 1973; claimed to be the sole legitimate government ofKorea.

Korea, South
Widely-recognized independent state.[ay]Permanent observerat theUN;claimed to be the sole legitimate government ofKorea.

Kuwait– State of Kuwait
Capital:Kuwait City
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Lebanon– Lebanese Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state; Lebanon wasoccupied by Syriafrom 2 November 1975.

Lesotho– Kingdom of Lesotho
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Liberia– Republic of Liberia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Capital:Tripoli, Libya
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Federation of Arab Republicsmember from 17 April 1971 to November 1977.

Widely-recognized independent state.[ae]The defense of Liechtenstein was the responsibility of Switzerland.

Luxembourg– Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember.


Malagasy Republic/Madagascar
  • Malagasy Republic(to 30 December 1975)[bb]
  • Democratic Republic of Madagascar(from 30 December 1975)[bb]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Madagascar claimed the French possessions ofBassas da India,Europa Island,Glorioso IslandsandJuan de Nova Island.It also claimedBanc du Geyser,which was disputed byComorosand France.

Malawi– Republic of Malawi
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Capital:Kuala Lumpur
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Malaysia was afederationofthirteen states and one federal territory.[47]

Maldives– Republic of Maldives
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

MaliRepublic of Mali
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm(to 13 December 1974).

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. From 26 February 1976 to 11 August 1979, Mauritania claimed sovereignty over and controlled a portion of the disputedWestern Sahara.The territory was home to thede factoindependentSahrawi Arab Democratic Republicfrom 27 February 1976.

Capital:Port Louis
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.Mauritius had three dependencies:Agalega Islands,Cargados CarajosandRodrigues.It claimed theBritish Indian Ocean Territoryand the French territory ofTromelin Island.

Mexico– United Mexican States
Capital:Mexico City
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Mexico was afederationof31 states, two territories, and one federal district.[49]

Monaco– Principality of Monaco
Widely-recognized independent state.Permanent observerat theUN.The defense of Monaco was the responsibility of France.

Mongolia– Mongolian People's Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Morocco– Kingdom of Morocco
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. After 26 February 1976, Morocco claimed sovereignty over and controlled most of the disputedWestern Sahara.The territory was home to thede factoindependentSahrawi Arab Democratic Republicfrom 27 February 1976. Morocco disputed the Spanish sovereignty overCeuta,Isla de Alborán,Isla Perejil,Islas Chafarinas,Melilla,andPeñón de Alhucemas.

Mozambique– People's Republic of Mozambique(from 25 June 1975)[bd]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 16 September 1975.

Muscat and Oman/Oman
Capital:Muscat, Oman
  • Sultanate of Muscat and Oman(to 9 August 1970)
  • Sultanate of Oman(from 9 August 1970)
Widely-recognized independent state.UNmember state (from 7 October 1971). Under the informal protection of the United Kingdom until 1971.


Nauru– Republic of Nauru
Widely-recognized independent state; the defense of Nauru was the responsibility of Australia.

Nepal– Kingdom of Nepal
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Netherlands– Kingdom of the Netherlands
Capital:Amsterdam(official),The Hague(seat of government)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. The Kingdom of the Netherlands consisted of three autonomous countries:

The Kingdom of the Netherlands as a whole was a member of theEEC.

New Zealand– Dominion of New Zealand
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm.New Zealand had responsibilities for the two freeassociated statesof:

It also had sovereignty over three dependent territories:

The government ofTokelau Islands(Tokelau) claimedSwains Island,part ofAmerican Samoa(a US dependency).

Nicaragua– Republic of Nicaragua
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Niger– Republic of Niger
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Nigeria was afederationof23 states and one federal territory.[51]

Niue(from 19 October 1974)
A state infree associationwithNew Zealand;Niue was a member of multiple UN agencies with full treaty making capacity and it hadshared citizenshipwith New Zealand.

North Solomons– Republic of the North Solomons(from 1 September 1975 to 7 August 1976)[be]
De factoindependent state. Claimed by Australia (to 16 September 1975) andPapua New Guinea(from 16 September 1975).

Norway– Kingdom of Norway
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Norway had two integral overseas areas:Jan MayenandSvalbard.The latter of area had a special status due to theSpitsbergen Treaty.Norway had sovereignty over the following dependencies:


Oman →Muscat and Oman


Pakistan– Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Pakistan was afederationofsix provinces and three territories.It administered part of the disputed region ofKashmiras the territories ofAzad Kashmirand theNorthern Areas.[56]

Panama– Republic of Panama
Capital:Panama City
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Papua New Guinea– Independent State of Papua New Guinea(from 16 September 1975)[bf]
Capital:Port Moresby
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 10 October 1975.Commonwealth realm.

Paraguay– Republic of Paraguay
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Peru– Peruvian Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Capital:Quezon City(official, to 24 June 1976)Manila(official, from 24 June 1976),Baguio(summer, to 24 June 1976)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. The Philippines administeredScarborough Shoal,which was disputed byChinaandTaiwan.It also claimed sovereignty over theSpratly Islands(disputed byChina,Taiwan,Vietnam,andMalaysia) and the Malaysian territory ofSabah.

Poland– Polish People's Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Poland's government was stillin exile.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Portugal had two autnonomous regions: theAzores(from 27 August 1976) andMadeira(from 27 August 1976). Portugal had sovereignty over the following overseas provinces:

It had one autonomous republic:

It also had one Chinese territory which it administered as a dependency:

  • Macau(from 17 February 1976)

Portugal continued to claim sovereignty overPortuguese Timorafter its unilateral declaration of independence on 28 November 1975 and itsoccupation by Indonesiaon 7 December 1975. It claimed the former overseas province ofPortuguese India,which had been annexed by India, until 31 December 1974. It also claimed the Spanish municipalities ofOlivenzaandTáliga.


Qatar– State of Qatar(from 3 September 1971)[bg]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 21 September 1971.


Ras al-Khaimah– State of Ras al-Khaimah(from 1 December 1971 to 11 February 1972)[bh]
Capital:Ras al-Khaimah
Transitional independent state.

Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Rhodesia
  • Rhodesia(to 2 March 1970)[bi]
  • Republic of Rhodesia(from 2 March 1970 to 1 June 1979)[bi][bj]
  • Republic of Zimbabwe Rhodesia(from 1 June 1979 to 12 December 1979)[bj][bk]
De factoindependent state; not recognized by any other state. Claimed by the United Kingdom.

Romania– Socialist Republic of Romania
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Rwanda– Rwandese Republic[bl]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Rwenzururu– Kingdom of Rwenzururu
De factoindependent state; not recognized by any other state. Claimed byUganda.


Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic(from 27 February 1976)[bm]
Capital:Bir Lehlou(official),Rabouni(seat of government-in-exile),El Aaiún(claimed)
Partially recognizedde factoindependent state. The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic claimed the disputed territory ofWestern Sahara,most of which was under control ofMoroccoand (to 11 August 1979)Mauritania.The territory under its control, the so-calledFree Zone,was claimed byMoroccoandMauritania.Its government resided in exile inTindouf,Algeria.

Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdom.

Saint Lucia[bn]
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdom(to 21 February 1979).

Widely-recognized independent state from 22 February 1979;UNmember state from 18 September 1979.Commonwealth realm.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Saint Vincent(to 26 October 1979)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(from 27 October 1979)[bo]
Associated stateof theUnited Kingdomto 26 October 1979. Widely-recognized independent state from 27 October 1979;Commonwealth realm.

San Marino– Republic of San Marino
Capital:San Marino
Widely-recognized independent state.

São Tomé and Príncipe– Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe(from 12 July 1975)[bp]
Capital:São Tomé
Widely-recognized independent state.UNmember state (from 16 September 1975).

Saudi Arabia– Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Senegal– Republic of Senegal
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Seychelles(from 29 June 1976)[bq]
Widely-recognized independent state.UNmember state (from 21 September 1976). The Seychelles claimed theBritish Indian Ocean Territoryand the French territories ofTromelin Islandand theGlorioso Islands.

Sharjah– State of Sharjah(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Transitional independent state.

Sierra Leone
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm(to 19 April 1971).

Singapore– Republic of Singapore
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Solomon Islands(from 7 July 1978)[bs]
Widely-recognized independent state.UNmember state (from 19 September 1978).Commonwealth realm.

Somalia– Somali Democratic Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

South Africa– Republic of South Africa
Capital:Pretoria(administrative),Cape Town(legislative),Bloemfontein(judicial)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. South Africa had eight autonomousbantustans:Bophuthatswana(from 1 June 1972 to 6 December 1977),Ciskei(from 1 August 1972)Gazankulu(from 1 February 1973),KwaZulu(from 1 February 1977),Lebowa(from 2 October 1972),Transkei(to 26 October 1976),QwaQwa(from 1 November 1974), andVenda(from 1 February 1973 to 13 September 1979). There were also threebantustanswhich were nominally independent:Bophuthatswana(from 6 December 1977),Transkei(from 26 October 1976), andVenda(from 13 September 1979). South Africa administered oneLeague of Nations mandate:

Soviet Union– Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. The Soviet Union was a federation of15 republics,two of which (ByelorussiaandUkraine) wereUNmembers in their own right.[75]

Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Spain includedtwo autonomous communities.Spain had sovereignty over one overseas province:

Its sovereignty overCeuta,Isla de Alborán,Isla Perejil,Islas Chafarinas,Melilla,andPeñón de Alhucemaswas disputed byMorocco.Its sovereignty overOlivenzaandTáligawas disputed by Portugal; it claimed theBritish overseas territoryofGibraltar.

Sri Lanka →Ceylon

SudanSudan– Democratic Republic of the Sudan
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Suriname– Republic of Suriname(from 25 November 1975)[bu]
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 4 December 1975.

Swaziland– Kingdom of Swaziland
Capital:Mbabane(administrative),Lobamba(royal and legislative)
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Sweden– Kingdom of Sweden
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Switzerland– Swiss Confederation
Widely-recognized independent state;permanent observerat theUN.Switzerland was afederationof26 cantons.[79]

Syria– Syrian Arab Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Federation of Arab Republicsmember from 17 April 1971 to November 1977. Syria included the Israeli-occupiedGolan Heightsand disputed Turkey's sovereignty overHatay Province.


Tanna– Tanna Nation(from 24 March 1974 to 29 June 1974)[bv]
De factoindependent state; claimed by the Anglo-FrenchNew HebridesCondominium.

Tanzania– United Republic of Tanzania
Capital:Dar es Salaam
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Tanzania had one autonomous region:Zanzibar.

Thailand– Kingdom of Thailand
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

TogoTogo– Togolese Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Tonga– Kingdom of Tonga(from 4 June 1970)[bw]
Widely-recognized independent state.

Transkei– Republic of Transkei(from 26 October 1976)[bx]
Nominally independentSouth Africanbantustan.[m]

Trinidad and Tobago
Capital:Port of Spain
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Commonwealth realm(to 1 August 1976).

Tunisia– Tunisian Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Turkey– Republic of Turkey
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Tuvalu(from 1 October 1978)[bz]
Widely-recognized independent state;Commonwealth realm.


Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Umm al-Quwain– State of Umm al-Quwain(from 1 December 1971 to 2 December 1971)[a]
Capital:Umm al-Quwain
Transitional independent state.

United Arab Emirates(from 2 December 1971)[a]
Capital:Abu Dhabi
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 9 December 1971. The United Arab Emirates was a federation ofseven emirates.[85]

United Arab Republic/Egypt
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;Federation of Arab Republicsmember from 17 April 1971 to November 1977. to The United Arab Republic consisted of one state:Egypt.It included theSinai Peninsula,which was occupied byIsrael.

United Kingdom– United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Widely-recognizedUNmember state;EECmember from 1 January 1973. The United Kingdom was composed offour constituent countries:England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The United Kingdom had responsibilities for the followingself-governing free associated states:

The United Kingdom administered the foreign affairs of the followingprotected states:

The United Kingdom co-administered the followingcondominiums:

It also had sovereignty over the followingcrown colonies and protectorates:

In addition, theBritish Monarchhad direct sovereignty over three self-governingCrown dependencies:

United States– United States of America
Capital:Washington, D.C.
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. The United States was afederationof50 states, one federal district, and one incorporated territory.It asserted sovereignty over the following inhabitedunincorporated territories:[87]

The United States co-administered the followingcondominium:

The United States administered one territory under the residual sovereignty of Japan:

In addition, the United States administered oneUnited Nations Trust Territory:

Upper Volta– Republic of Upper Volta
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Widely-recognizedUNmember state.


Vatican City– Vatican City State
Capital:Vatican City
Widely-recognized independent state. Vatican City was administered by theHoly See,a sovereign entity recognized by a large number of countries and aPermanent observerat theUnited Nations.The Holy See also administered a number ofextraterritorial propertiesin Italy; thePopewas theex officiohead of state of Vatican City.

Venda– Republic of Venda(from 13 September 1979)[cb]
Nominally independentSouth Africanbantustan.[m]

Venezuela– Republic of Venezuela
Widely-recognizedUNmember state. Venezuela was afederationof20 states, two territories, one federal dependency, and one federal district.[89]

Vietnam– Socialist Republic of Vietnam(from 2 July 1976)[cc]
Widely-recognized independent state.Permanent observerat theUN(from 2 July 1976 to 20 September 1977).UNmember state (from 20 September 1977). Vietnam claimed sovereignty over theParacel Islands(disputed byChinaandTaiwan) andSpratly Islands(disputed byChina,Taiwan,thePhilippines,andMalaysia).

Vietnam, North– Democratic Republic of Vietnam(to 2 July 1976)[cc]
Widely-recognized independent state;permanent observerat theUNfrom 30 April 1975 to 2 July 1976.

Vietnam, South
Widely-recognized independent state to 30 April 1975;permanent observerat theUNto 30 April 1975. South Vietnam claimed sovereignty over theParacel Islands(disputed byChinaandTaiwan) andSpratly Islands(disputed byChina,Taiwan,and thePhilippines).


Western Samoa– Independent State of Western Samoa
Widely-recognized independent state;UNmember state from 15 December 1976.


Yemen, North– Yemen Arab Republic
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Yemen, South
  • People's Republic of South Yemen(to 1 December 1970)[ce]
  • People's Democratic Republic of Yemen(from 1 December 1970)[ce]
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Yugoslavia– Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state; Yugoslavia was afederationof six republics.[92]


Zaire →Congo, Democratic Republic of

ZambiaRepublic of Zambia
Widely-recognizedUNmember state.

Zimbabwe Rhodesia →Rhodesia

Other entities[edit]

Excluded from the list above are the following noteworthy entities which either were not fully sovereign or did not claim to be independent:

  • Antarcticaas a whole had no government and no permanent population. Seven states claimed portions of Antarctica and five of these had reciprocally recognised one another's claims.[93]These claims, which were regulated by theAntarctic Treaty System,were neither recognised nor disputed by any other signatory state.[94]
  • Estoniawas occupied and administered by the Soviet Union, but the legality of the annexation was not widely-recognized. TheBaltic diplomatic servicesin the West continued to be recognised as representing thede jurestate.
  • Latviawas occupied and administered by the Soviet Union, but the legality of the annexation was not widely-recognized. TheBaltic diplomatic servicesin the West continued to be recognised as representing thede jurestate.
  • Lithuaniawas occupied and administered by the Soviet Union, but the legality of the annexation was not widely-recognized. TheBaltic diplomatic servicesin the West continued to be recognised as representing thede jurestate.
  • TheSaudi–Iraqi neutral zonewas a strip of neutral territory betweenIraqandSaudi Arabia.
  • TheSovereign Military Order of Maltawas an entity claiming sovereignty. The order had bi-lateral diplomatic relations with a large number of states, but had no territory other thanextraterritorialareas within Rome.[95]The order's Constitution stated: "The Order is a subject of international law and exercises sovereign functions."[96]Although the order frequently asserted its sovereignty, it did not claim to be a sovereign state. It lacked a defined territory. Since all its members were citizens of other states, almost all of them lived in their native countries, and those who resided in the order's extraterritorial properties in Rome did so only in connection with their official duties, the order lacked the characteristic of having a permanent population.
  • West Berlinwas a political enclave that was closely aligned with, but not actually a part of,West Germany.It consisted of three occupied sectors administered by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdefgAbu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, and Fujairah became fully independent states when the British protectorate over theTrucial Statescame to an end on 1 December 1971. The next day, they united to form theUnited Arab Emirates.[1]
  2. ^abMohammed Daoud KhanoverthrewMohammed Zahir Shahon 17 July 1973 and proclaimed a new state known as the "Republic of Afghanistan".[2]
  3. ^abFollowing acoup d'etaton 27 April 1978, theRevolutionary Councilof Afghanistan declared a new state called the "Democratic Republic of Afghanistan" withNur Muhammad Tarakias its president.[3]
  4. ^abAlbania adopted a new constitution on 28 December 1976.[4]
  5. ^Angola gained independence from Portugal on 11 November 1975.[5]
  6. ^The name "Argentine Nation" was also used for the purposes of legislation.
  7. ^The Bahamas gained independence from the United Kingdom on 10 July 1973.[9]
  8. ^The British Protectorate over Bahrain came to an end on 15 August 1971.[10]
  9. ^Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan on 26 March 1971.[11]
  10. ^Biafra surrendered to Nigeria on 12 January 1970.[12]
  11. ^Recognized byGabon,Ivory Coast,Tanzania,andZambia.
  12. ^Bophuthatswana was declared independent on 6 December 1977.[13]
  13. ^abcThe nominally independentbantustansofBophuthatswana,Transkei,andVendawere only recognized bySouth Africaand by each other. The rest of the world regarded them as part of South Africa.
  14. ^22 states:Acre,Alagoas,Amazonas,Bahia,Ceará,Espírito Santo,Goiás,Guanabara(to 15 March 1975),Maranhão,Mato Grosso,Mato Grosso do Sul(from 11 October 1977),Minas Gerais,Pará,Paraíba,Paraná,Pernambuco,Piauí,Rio Grande do Norte,Rio Grande do Sul,Rio de Janeiro,Santa Catarina,São Paulo,Sergipe.4 territories:Amapá,Fernando de Noronha,Rondônia,Roraima). 1 federal district:Federal District.
  15. ^abBurma adopted a new constitution on 3 January 1974.[14]
  16. ^Cabinda declared independence from the Portuguese overseas province Angola on 1 August 1975. It was annexed by the independent state of Angola on 11 November 1975.[15]
  17. ^The constitution of Democratic Kampuchea was adopted on 5 January 1976.
  18. ^abAlthough the People's Republic of Kampuchea had near total control over the territory of Cambodia from 10 January 1979 on, the majority of the states in the world recognized the former government of Democratic Kampuchea, which retained Cambodia's UN membership. The People's Republic of Kampuchea was mainly recognized byVietnamand states within theSoviet sphere of influence.
  19. ^abCameroon adopted its constitution on 2 June 1972.[16]
  20. ^Cape Verde attained independence from Portugal on 5 July 1975.[19]
  21. ^abThe Central African Empire was declared on 4 December 1976.[20]
  22. ^abThe Central African Republic was restored on 20 September 1979.[20]
  23. ^abCeylon was declared a republic on 22 May 1972.[21]
  24. ^abA new constitution for Sri Lanka came into effect on 7 September 1978.[22]
  25. ^abThePeople's Republic of Chinaand theRepublic of Chinadid not recognize each other, as both states claimed to be the sole legitimate government of China. The following states recognized the PRC instead of the ROC:Afghanistan,Albania,Algeria,Argentina(from 19 February 1972), Australia (from 21 December 1972), Austria (from 28 May 1971),Bangladesh(from 4 October 1975),Barbados(from 30 May 1977), Belgium (from 25 October 1971),Botswana(from 6 January 1975), Brazil (from 15 August 1974),Bulgaria,Burma,Burundi(from 13 October 1971),Cambodia,Canada (from 13 October 1970),Cape Verde(from 25 April 1976),Central African Republic,Chad(from 28 November 1972),Chile(from 15 December 1970),Comoros(from 13 November 1975),Democratic Republic of Congo,Republic of Congo,Cuba,Cyprus(from 14 December 1972),Czechoslovakia,Dahomey(from 29 December 1972), Denmark,Djibouti(from 8 January 1979),Egypt,Equatorial Guinea(from 15 October 1970),Ethiopia(from 24 November 1970),Fiji(from 5 November 1975), Finland, France,Gabon(from 20 April 1974),the Gambia(from 14 December 1974),East Germany,West Germany(from 11 October 1972),Ghana,Greece (from 5 June 1972),Guinea,Guinea-Bissau(from 15 March 1974),Guyana(from 27 June 1972), Hungary,Iceland(from 8 December 1971), India,Indonesia,Iran(from 16 August 1971),Iraq,Ireland (from 22 June 1979), Italy (from 6 November 1970),Jamaica(from 21 November 1972), Japan (from 29 September 1972),Jordan(from 7 April 1977),Kenya,North Korea,Kuwait(from 22 March 1971),Laos,Lebanon(from 9 November 1971),Liberia(from 17 February 1977),Libya(from 9 August 1978),Liechtenstein,Luxembourg(from 16 November 1972),Madagascar(from 6 November 1972),Malaysia(from 31 May 1974),Maldives(from 14 October 1972),Mali,Malta(from 31 January 1972),Mauritania,Mauritius(from 15 April 1972),Mexico(from 14 February 1972),Mongolia,Morocco,Mozambique(from 25 June 1975),Nepal,Netherlands (recognition accepted on 18 March 1972), New Zealand (from 22 December 1972),Niger(from 20 July 1974),Nigeria(from 10 February 1970), Norway,Oman(from 25 May 1978), Pakistan,Papua New Guinea(from 12 October 1976),Peru(from 2 November 1971),Philippines(from 9 June 1975), Poland, Portugal (from 8 February 1979),Romania,Rwanda(from 12 November 1971),Samoa(from 6 November 1975),San Marino(from 6 May 1971),São Tomé and Príncipe(from 21 July 1975),Senegal(from 7 December 1971),Seychelles(from 30 June 1976),Sierra Leone(from 29 July 1971),Somalia,the Soviet Union, Spain (from 9 March 1973),Sri Lanka,Sudan,Suriname(from 28 May 1976), Sweden, Switzerland,Syria,Tanzania,Thailand(from 1 July 1975),Togo(from 19 September 1972),Trinidad and Tobago(from 20 June 1974),Tunisia,Turkey (from 4 August 1971)Uganda,the United Kingdom (recognition accepted on 13 March 1972), the United States (from 1 January 1979),Upper Volta(from 15 September 1973),Venezuela(from 28 June 1974),North Vietnam,North Yemen,South Yemen,Yugoslavia,andZambia.
  26. ^The Comoros became independent from France on 6 July 1975.[23]
  27. ^abThe Comoros enacted a new constitution on 1 October 1978.[24]
  28. ^abThe Democratic Republic of the Congo was renamed Zaire on 27 October 1961.[25]
  29. ^abCongo became a "People's Republic" on 3 January 1970.[26]
  30. ^Cyprus was not recognized by Turkey.
  31. ^abOwing to adisputeover lands seized during World War II, Liechtenstein and Czechoslovakia did not recognize each other.
  32. ^abDahomey was renamed Benin on 30 November 1975.[28]
  33. ^The French Territory of the Afars and the Issas gained independence as Djibouti on 27 June 1977.[29]
  34. ^Dominica gained independence from the United Kingdom on 3 November 1978.[30]
  35. ^East Timor declared independence from Portugal on 28 November 1975. It was invaded and occupied by Indonesia on 7 December 1975 and annexed outright on 17 July 1976, though the legality of the declaration and annexation were not widely-recognized.[31]
  36. ^abEmperorHaile Selassieof Ethiopia was deposed by theDergon 12 September 1974.[32]
  37. ^Fiji gained independence from the United Kingdom on 10 October 1970.[33]
  38. ^abComoros declared independence on 6 July 1975 and was recognized by France on 31 December 1975, but the island of Mayotte remained under French administration. A separate administration for Mayotte was not formally established until 24 December 1976.
  39. ^abThe Gambia became a republic on 24 April 1970.[34]
  40. ^abKingConstantine II of Greecewas deposed by theRegime of the Colonelson 1 June 1973.[36]The end of the monarchy was confirmed by plebiscite on 8 December 1974 and a new Republican constitution was enacted on 11 June 1975.
  41. ^Grenada became independent from the United Kingdom on 7 February 1974.[37]
  42. ^TheNew Jewel Movementproclaimed the socialist republic on 13 March 1979.
  43. ^Guinea-Bissau unilaterally declared independence from Portugal on 24 September 1973.[38]
  44. ^abGuyana became a republic on 23 February 1970.[39]
  45. ^abcThe Monarchy of Iran was abolished on 11 February 1979. The Islamic Republic was proclaimed on 1 April 1979.[41]
  46. ^Ireland also had the legal description of "Republic of Ireland", although this was not its constitutional name.
  47. ^Israel was not recognized byAfghanistan,Algeria,Bahrain,Bangladesh,Chad,Cuba,Indonesia,Iran,Iraq,Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon,Libya,Malaysia,North Korea,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Sudan,Syria,theUnited Arab Emirates,andYemen.
  48. ^The People's Republic of Kampuchea was declared on 10 January 1979.[42]
  49. ^Kiribati gained independence from the United Kingdom on 12 July 1979.[43]
  50. ^North Korea was not recognized byEstonia,France, Japan, orSouth Korea.
  51. ^South Korea was not recognized by the Soviet Union,China,RomaniaorNorth Korea.
  52. ^abSavang Vatthanaabdicated his throne on 2 December 1975.[44]
  53. ^abThe Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was declared on 2 March 1977.[45]
  54. ^abMadagascar adopted a new constitution on 30 December 1975.[46]
  55. ^abMalta became a republic on 13 December 1974.[48]
  56. ^Mozambique declared independence from Portugal on 25 June 1975.[50]
  57. ^The Republic of the North Solomons declared independence from the Australian-administered Trust Territory of Papua and New Guinea on 1 September 1975.[52][53]The North Solomons gave up their claim of independence on 7 August 1976.[54][55]
  58. ^Papua New Guinea gained independence from an Australian-administered UN Trusteeship on 16 September 1975.[57]
  59. ^Qatar gained independence from the United Kingdom on 3 September 1971.[58]
  60. ^Ras al-Khaimah became fully independent when the British Protectorate over theTrucial Statescame to an end on 1 December 1971. On 11 February 1972 it joined the United Arab Emirates.[59]
  61. ^abRhodesia became a republic on 2 March 1970.[60]
  62. ^abThe interim state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia was established on 1 June 1979.[61]
  63. ^Zimbabwe Rhodesia reverted to the UK's rule on 12 December 1979.[62]
  64. ^Rwanda's official French name was "République rwandaise".[63][64]It could be translated into English as "Rwandese Republic",[65]"Rwandan Republic",[66]or "Republic of Rwanda"[67]
  65. ^The date the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic declared its independence on.[68]
  66. ^Saint Lucia gained independence from the United Kingdom on 22 February 1979.[69]
  67. ^Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gained independence from the United Kingdom on 27 October 1979.[70]
  68. ^São Tomé and Príncipe gained independence from Portugal on 12 July 1975.[71]
  69. ^The Seychelles gained independence from the United Kingdom on 29 June 1976.[72]
  70. ^abSierra Leone became a republic on 19 April 1971.[73]
  71. ^The Solomon Islands gained independence from the United Kingdom on 7 July 1978.[74]
  72. ^Spain enacted a new constitution on 29 December 1978.[77]
  73. ^Suriname gained independence from the Netherlands on 25 November 1975.[78]
  74. ^Tanna declared independence from the New Hebrides on 24 March 1974. The rebellion was put down on 29 June 1974.[80]
  75. ^Tonga gained independence from the United Kingdom on 4 June 1970.[81]
  76. ^The South African bantustan of Transkei was declared independent on 26 October 1976.[82]
  77. ^abTrinidad and Tobago became a republic on 1 March 1976.[83]
  78. ^Tuvalu became independent from the United Kingdom on 1 October 1978.[84]
  79. ^abThe United Kingdom considered the Canton and Enderbury Islands to be part of itsGilbert Islandscolony from 1 January 1975. The United States continued to claim the islands until 20 September 1979.
  80. ^Venda gained nominal independence on 13 September 1979.[88]
  81. ^abcNorth Vietnam and South Vietnam united to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on 2 July 1976.[90]
  82. ^abSaigon fell to the North Vietnamese on 30 April 1975, leading to the establishment of the Republic of South Vietnam.[90]
  83. ^abSouth Yemen was renamed on 1 December 1970.[91]


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  2. ^"Afghanistan: History Of 1973 Coup Sheds Light On Relations With Pakistan".globalsecurity.org.
  3. ^"Afghanistan Country Study".Archived fromthe originalon 2009-06-04.Retrieved2009-06-04.
  4. ^"The Albanian Constitution of 1976".bjoerna.dk.
  5. ^"Africa:: Angola — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.6 June 2022.
  6. ^23 Provinces:Buenos Aires,Catamarca,Chaco,Chubut,Córdoba,Corrientes,Entre Ríos,Formosa,Jujuy,La Pampa,La Rioja,Mendoza,Misiones,Neuquén,Río Negro,Salta,San Juan,San Luis,Santa Cruz,Santa Fe,Santiago del Estero,Tucumán.2 Territories:Buenos Aires,Tierra del Fuego.
  7. ^6 States:New South Wales,Queensland,South Australia,Tasmania,Victoria,Western Australia.3 Territories:Australian Capital Territory,Jervis Bay Territory,Northern Territory.
  8. ^9 States:Burgenland,Carinthia,Lower Austria,Salzburg,Styria,Tyrol,Upper Austria,Vorarlberg,Vienna.
  9. ^"Central America:: Bahamas, The".The World Factbook.Virginia: Central Intelligence Agency. 7 June 2022.
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  12. ^"Effiong Announces Surrender of Biafra".17 August 2001. Archived fromthe originalon 17 August 2001.
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  17. ^2 regions:East CamerounandWest Cameroun.
  18. ^10 Provinces:Alberta,British Columbia,Manitoba,New Brunswick,Newfoundland,Nova Scotia,Ontario,Prince Edward Island,Quebec,Saskatchewan.2 Territories:Northwest Territories,Yukon.
  19. ^"Africa:: Cabo Verde — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.6 June 2022.
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  21. ^"The Constitution of Sri Lanka: Reforms".3 February 2003. Archived fromthe originalon 3 February 2003.
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  24. ^"Background Notes: Comoros".6 March 2012. Archived fromthe originalon 6 March 2012.
  26. ^"Congo (Brazzaville)".10 June 2011. Archived fromthe originalon 10 June 2011.
  27. ^2 Republics:Czech Socialist Republic,Slovak Socialist Republic.
  28. ^"Constitution of the People's Republic of Benin".Refworld.UNHCR. Archived fromthe originalon 12 October 2012.Retrieved12 October2012.
  29. ^"Africa:: Djibouti — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.6 June 2022.
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  31. ^Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (September 2004)."Background Note: East Timor".Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.United States Department of State. Archived fromthe originalon 2019-05-25.Retrieved2 September2004.
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  34. ^Bureau of African Affairs (January 2002)."Background Note: Gambia, The".Bureau of African Affairs.United States Department of State. Archived fromthe originalon 2019-05-25.Retrieved6 June2002.
  35. ^10 States:Baden-Württemberg,Bavaria,Bremen,Hamburg,Hesse,Lower Saxony,North Rhine-Westphalia,Rhineland-Palatinate,Saarland,Schleswig-Holstein.
  36. ^"Danish Royal Family".18 November 2006. Archived fromthe originalon 18 November 2006.
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  38. ^"Guinea-Bissau (01/02)".4 April 2002. Archived fromthe originalon 25 May 2019.
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  40. ^22 States:Andhra Pradesh,Assam,Bihar,Gujarat,Haryana,Himachal Pradesh(from 25 January 1971),Jammu and Kashmir,Kerala,Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra,Manipur(from 21 January 1972),Meghalaya(from 21 January 1972),Mysore(renamedKarnataka1 November 1973),Nagaland,Orissa,Punjab,Rajasthan,Sikkim(from 16 May 1975),Tamil Nadu,Tripura(from 21 January 1972),Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal.11 Union Territories:Andaman and Nicobar Islands,Chandigarh,Dadra and Nagar Haveli,National Capital Territory of Delhi,Goa, Daman and Diu,Himachal Pradesh(to 25 January 1971),Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindivi Islands,Manipur(to 21 January 1972),Pondicherry,Tripura(to 21 January 1972).
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  47. ^13 States:Johor,Kedah,Kelantan,Malacca,Negeri Sembilan,Pahang,Perak,Perlis,Penang,Sabah,Sarawak,Selangor,Terengganu.1 Federal Territory:Kuala Lumpur(from 1 February 1974).
  48. ^"Malta (04/95)".6 June 2002. Archived fromthe originalon 25 May 2019.
  49. ^31 States:Aguascalientes,Baja California,Baja California Sur(from 8 October 1974),Campeche,Chiapas,Chihuahua,Coahuila,Colima,Durango,Guanajuato,Guerrero,Hidalgo,Jalisco,México,Michoacán,Morelos,Nayarit,Nuevo León,Oaxaca,Puebla,Querétaro,Quintana Roo(from 8 October 1974),San Luis Potosí,Sinaloa,Sonora,Tabasco,Tamaulipas,Tlaxcala,Veracruz,Yucatán,Zacatecas.2 Territories:Baja California Sur(to 8 October 1974),Quintana Roo(to 8 October 1974). 1 Federal District:Federal District
  50. ^"Africa:: Mozambique — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.6 June 2022.
  51. ^23 States:Anambra(from 3 February 1976),Bauchi(from 3 February 1976),Mid-Western(renamed Bendel on 3 February 1976),Benue(from 3 February 1976),Benue-Plateau(to 3 February 1976),Borno(from 3 February 1976),South-Eastern(renamedCross-Riveron 3 February 1976),East Central(to 3 February 1976),Gongola(from 3 February 1976),Imo(from 3 February 1976),Kano,Kwara,Lagos,North-Eastern State(to 3 February 1976),Northwestern State(renamedKadunaon 3 February 1976),Niger(from 3 February 1976),Ogun(from 3 February 1976),Ondo(from 3 February 1976),Oyo(from 3 February 1976),Plateau(from 3 February 1976),Rivers,Sokoto(from 3 February 1976),Western(to 3 February 1976). 1 Federal Territory:Federal Capital Territory(from 3 February 1976).
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  75. ^15 Republics:Armenia,Azerbaijan,Byelorussia,Estonia,Georgia,Kazakhstan,Kirghizia,Latvia,Lithuania,Moldavia,Russian SFSR,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,Ukraine,Uzbekistan.
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  78. ^"South America:: Suriname — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.7 June 2022.
  79. ^26 Cantons:Aargau,Appenzell Ausserrhoden,Appenzell Innerrhoden,Basel-Stadt,Basel-Landschaft,Bern,Fribourg,Geneva,Glarus,Graubünden,Jura(from 1 January 1979),Lucerne,Neuchâtel,Nidwalden,Obwalden,Schaffhausen,Schwyz,Solothurn,St. Gallen,Thurgau,Ticino,Uri,Valais,Vaud,Zug,Zürich
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  85. ^7 Emirates:Abu Dhabi,Ajman,Dubai,Fujairah,Ras Al Khaimah,Sharjah,Umm Al Quwain.
  86. ^ab"Newspapers - The Straits Times, 2 September 1971".archive.is.26 January 2014. Archived fromthe originalon 26 January 2014.
  87. ^50 States:Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming.1 Federal District:District of Columbia.1 Incorporated Territory:Palmyra Atoll.
  88. ^"1979 - The O'Malley Archives".omalley.nelsonmandela.org.
  89. ^20 States:Anzoátegui,Apure,Aragua,Barinas,Bolívar,Carabobo,Cojedes,Falcón,Guárico,Lara,Mérida,Miranda,Monagas,Nueva Esparta,Portuguesa,Sucre,Táchira,Trujillo,Yaracuy,Zulia.2 Territories:Amazonas,Delta Amacuro.1 Federal District:Federal District.1 Federal Dependency:Federal Dependencies.
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  91. ^"Yemen (08/04)".1 September 2004. Archived fromthe originalon 25 May 2019.
  92. ^6 Republics:Bosnia and Herzegovina,Croatia,Macedonia,Montenegro,Serbia,Slovenia.
  93. ^Rogan-Finnemore, Michelle (2005), "What Bioprospecting Means for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean", in Von Tigerstrom, Barbara (ed.),International Law Issues in the South Pacific,Ashgate Publishing, p. 204,ISBN0-7546-4419-7"Australia, New Zealand, France, Norway and the United Kingdom reciprocally recognize the validity of each other's claims."
  94. ^CIA – the World Factbook – Antarctica– accessed 19 January 2008
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  96. ^Chapter General of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (1998-01-12).Constitutional Charter and Code of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, promulgated 27 June 1961, revised by the Extraordinary Chapter General 28–30 April 1997, Article 3 "Sovereignty," Paragraph 1(PDF).Rome: Tipografia Arte della Stampa. p. 11.