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Liu Yiming

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Liu Yiming
Portrait by Qing-dynasty painter Tang Lian, ca. 1800/1820
Liu Yiming
Traditional ChineseLưu một minh
Simplified ChineseLưu một minh

Liu Yiming(1734–1821) ( Lưu một minh ) was a ChineseTaoistmaster, thinker, and writer. He was one of the main representatives of Taoist Internal Alchemy, orNeidan.He was an 11th-generation master of one of the northern branches of the Longmen Long Môn (Dragon Gate) lineage, and the author of a large number of works that illustrate his views on both Taoism and Neidan.



Liu Yiming ( Lưu một minh ) was born in 1734 inQuwo( Khúc Ốc ), Pingyang Bình Dương (in present-dayLinfen,Shanxi). Before he reached the age of 20, he was severely ill three times (Sun Yongle 2011:302). After recovery, he began to travel, and in 1755 he met his first master, whom he calls the Kangu Laoren kham cốc lão nhân (Elder of the Kangu Valley). Between 1756 and 1761, he lived inBeijing,and later moved toHenanwhere he worked as a doctor (Sun Yongle 2011:302).

In 1766 he resumed traveling, and around 1768 he met the Xianliu zhangren ngộ tiên lưu trượng (Great Man Who Rests in Immortality), who became his main master. As Liu Yiming reports in one of his works, it was under the Xianliu zhangren that he obtained the full awakening (Liu Yiming 2013:34; Baldrian-Hussein 2008:691). After his awakening, the Xianliu zhangren gave Liu Yiming teachings on Neidan.[1]

After the death of his father in 1769, Liu Yiming—who was then in his mid-30s—alternated periods of traveling (inShaanxi,Gansu,Ningxia,and elsewhere) and of seclusion for a decade. In early 1779 (possibly, in late 1778), he visited Mount Qiyun tê vân sơn in Jincheng Kim Thành (present-dayYuzhong,Gansu) and settled there. From that time, this mountain became his stable residence, even though he occasionally traveled elsewhere. His abode, called Zizai wo tự tại oa (Nest of Being by Oneself), is still extant in the present day (Sun Yongle 2011:304; Baldrian-Hussein 2008:691).

Liu Yiming devoted the second half of his life to teaching and writing. Far from living as a solitary recluse (as is sometimes stated), he soon began to leave his mark on the mountain, raising funds from an extended network of benefactors (shanrenNgười lương thiện ) in order to restore temples, shrines, and other buildings; to buy and lease fields to poor farmers; and to provide burial ground to those who could not afford it. In 1816, he prognosticated an auspicious place for his tomb on top of Mount Qiyun, and his "grave-cavern" was built there. In 1821, on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month, Liu Yiming entered the grave, pronounced his final words to his disciples, and died (Sun Yongle 2011:308).



The main collection of Liu Yiming's works is entitledDaoshu shi'er zhongĐạo thư mười hai loại (Twelve Books on the Dao; Pregadio 2008:331-33). His best-known works—all found in this collection—consist of commentaries to Neidan texts and of independent works on Neidan, including the following:

Main commentaries to Neidan texts

  • Cantong zhizhiTham cùng thẳng chỉ (Straightforward Directions on theUnity of the Three), on theZhouyi cantong qi(The Seal of the Unity of the Three)
  • Wuzhen zhizhiNgộ thật thẳng chỉ (Straightforward Directions on theAwakening to Reality), on theWuzhen pian(Awakening to Reality); trans. Cleary 1987
  • Yinfu jing zhuÂm phù kinh chú (Commentary to theScripture of the Hidden Agreement), on theYinfu jing(Scripture of the Hidden Agreement); trans. Cleary 1991:220-38
  • Jindan sibai zi jieKim Đan 400 tự giải (Explication of theFour Hundred Words on the Golden Elixir), on theJindan sibai zi(Four Hundred Words on the Golden Elixir), with additional poems by Liu Yiming; trans. Cleary 1986a:3-48

Main works on Neidan

  • Xiangyan poyiTượng ngôn phá nghi (Removing Doubts on Symbolic Language); trans. Cleary, 1986a:51-118
  • Xiuzhen biannanTu chân biện khó (Discriminations on Difficult Points in Cultivating Reality); selections trans. in Pregadio 2019: 239-53
  • Xiuzhen houbianTu chân sau biện (Further Discriminations in Cultivating Reality); trans. in Liu Yiming 2013
  • Wudao luNgộ đạo lục (Accounts of an Awakening to the Dao); trans. Cleary 1988
  • Xiyou yuanzhiTây du nguyên chỉ (The Original Purport of theJourney to the West), containing a Neidan interpretation of the Ming-dynasty novelJourney to the West

Other works


In addition, Liu Yiming wrote:

  • Several books on theYijing(Book of Changes); one of them, theZhouyi chanzhenChu Dịch xiển thật (Uncovering the True in the Book of Changes), is translated in Cleary 1986b
  • Little-known commentaries to theDaode jingand to Buddhist texts (Heart SutraandDiamond Sutra)
  • Works on ophthalmology and other medical subjects

Views on Taoism and Internal Alchemy


This summary of Liu Yiming's views on Taoism and Internal Alchemy is mainly based on theXiuzhen houbian(Further Discriminations in Cultivating Reality; English trans. in Liu Yiming 2013). The main Chinese works on Liu Yiming are Liu Ning 2001; Liu Zhongyu 2010; and Jia Laisheng 2011.

The "unity of the three teachings"(Taoism,Buddhism,Confucianism) is one of the major themes in Liu Yiming's teachings; accordingly, he uses Buddhist andNeo-Confucianterminology, to different extents according to the individual texts he wrote (Baldrian-Hussein 2008:691). This is a major aspect of Neidan (Internal Alchemy) itself, whose masters frequently draw concepts and terms from different traditions if this serves to express their point.

"Precelestial" and "Postcelestial"


The distinction between the "precelestial" (xiantianBẩm sinh ) and the "postcelestial" (houtianHậu thiên ) domains (before and after the generation of the cosmos, respectively) is essential in Liu Yiming's discourse on Taoism and Internal Alchemy. The precelestial domain harbors Original Essence (yuanjingNguyên tinh ), Original Breath (yuanqiNguyên khí ), and Original Spirit (yuanshenNguyên thần ), which are all formless. Their operation results in the generation of the postcelestial domain (Liu Yiming 2013:23-25). In the human being, Original Essence manifests itself mainly as semen in males and menstrual blood in females; Original Breath manifests itself mainly as the ordinary breath of inspiration and expiration; and Original Spirit manifests itself mainly as the thinking mind (Liu Yiming 2013:27; seeThree Treasures). The precelestial state is Yang, and the postcelestial state is Yin. The shift from one to the other state is seen as inevitable; however, the precelestial state is not erased, but only concealed within the postcelestial (Liu Yiming 2013:50, 124, 141).

Above the precelestial and postcelestial domains, Liu Yiming places the Precelestial Breath of True Unity (xiantian zhenyi zhi qiBẩm sinh thật một chi khí ). This state is beyond definition or description: "It cannot be compared to the postcelestial breath of inspiration and expiration, the thinking spirit, and the essence of the intercourse; and it also cannot be equated to the Original Essence, the Original Breath, and the Original Spirit" (Liu Yiming 2013:32). In alchemical terms, according to Liu Yiming, the Precelestial Breath of True Unity is the Golden Elixir (id.). The Elixir, therefore, consists in the conjunction of the precelestial and the postcelestial, and grants access to the higher state of non-duality, or True Unity.

The Human Being


The Mysterious Barrier.The One Opening of the Mysterious Barrier (xuanguan yiqiaoHuyền quan một khiếu ) is the spaceless center of the human being. Liu Yiming agrees with earlier Neidan masters in saying that this center is neither in the body nor in the mind (Liu Yiming 2013:101-2). The One Opening harbors the Precelestial Breath of True Unity. With the shift from the precelestial to the postcelestial, the precelestial True Yang becomes concealed within the postcelestial Yin, and the recognition of the spaceless center is lost. In the images of theYijing(Book of Changes), True Yang becomes the solid line (⚊) found within Kan ☵, surrounded by two broken Yin lines. The purpose of Neidan consists in recovering the Yang within Kan ☵ and in using it to replace the Yin within Li ☲. This allows Qian ☰ (True Yang) and Kun ☷ (True Yin) to be reconstituted and then newly joined to one another.

Nature and Existence.Nature (XingTính ) and Existence (mingMệnh ) are the two main poles of one's life, and the core of Neidan: "The Way of the Golden Elixir is the Way of cultivating Nature and Existence" (Xiuzhen biannan). "Nature" refers to one's authentic, inner Nature, which is innately perfected. "Existence" refers to one's life as an individual being, including one's function in existence as a whole. According to Liu Yiming, the shift from the precelestial to the postcelestial involves that both Nature and Existence take on two aspects, which he calls "true" and "false" (Liu Yiming 2013:44). One's true Nature can be hidden by one's false personality; and one's true Existence (or "true destiny" ) can be concealed by "following the course" (shunThuận ) of life. The gradual process of Neidan provides a means for "inverting the course" (niNghịch ), making it possible first to "return to one's destiny," and then to "see one's Nature."

Body and Mind.In Liu Yiming's view, the ordinary body and mind are "illusory" (huanHuyễn ). Their authentic counterparts are the "dharma-body" (fashenPháp thân ) and the "celestial mind" (tianxinThiên tâm ). The celestial mind is "utterly empty and utterly numinous, silent and unmoving," and "pervades throughout by responding to impulses" (Liu Yiming 2013:40). The dharma-body (a term that inBuddhismmeans the awakened "body" of the Buddha; seeTrikaya) has "no head and no tail, no front and no back; it stands at the center and does not slant" (id.). With the shift to the postcelestial domain, "the dharma-body is buried and the illusory body takes charge, the celestial mind retires from its position and the human mind takes power" (id.). Neidan makes it possible to attain "the utmost of quiescence," which is a property of the celestial mind. Moreover, the practice is concluded with the birth of the Embryo of Sainthood (shengtaiThánh thai ), which in Liu Yiming's view is equivalent to one's dharma-body, or "true body" (Liu Yiming 2013:62).

Neidan (Internal Alchemy)


"Superior Virtue" and "Inferior Virtue".Concerning Neidan, Liu Yiming makes a fundamental distinction between two ways of self-cultivation, respectively called "superior virtue" (shangdeThượng đức ) and "inferior virtue" (xiadeHạ đức; Liu Yiming 2013:117-20). Superior virtue is the state in which the precelestial has not been damaged and the original state of Unity is unspoiled. The few persons who have an inherent potential to preserve this state only need to "protect it and guard it" (Liu Yiming 2013:117). This requires receiving the instructions of a master, but the method (faPháp ) ultimately consists in following theTaoitself: there is no need to "do" a practice, and one operates by "non-doing" (wuweiVô vi ). If this original state is not preserved, the precelestial is dispersed and the postcelestial takes over. To recover the precelestial state, one cannot anymore operate by "non-doing" and instead must "do": one needs a technique (shuThuật ) through which one can conjoin the True Yang and True Yin now found within the postcelestial Yin and Yang, respectively. This is the way of Internal Alchemy, which is the way of inferior virtue. However, Liu Yiming points out that when the way of inferior virtue has been fulfilled, it leads "to the same destination as superior virtue" (Liu Yiming 2013:118).

"Doing" and "Non-Doing".In parallel to the distinction between superior and inferior virtue, Liu Yiming also establishes a key difference between two aspects, or stages, of the Internal Elixir. These stages focus on the cultivation of Nature and Existence, and they correspond to the ways of superior and inferior virtue, respectively. Those who are able to follow the way of superior virtue perform the two stages simultaneously: "In superior virtue, there is no need to cultivate Existence and one just cultivates Nature: when Nature is fulfilled, then Existence is also fulfilled" (Liu Yiming 2013:119). Everyone else should perform the two stages in sequence, starting from the lower one and then proceeding to the higher one: "In inferior virtue, one must first cultivate Existence and then cultivate Nature; after Existence is fulfilled, one must also fulfill Nature" (id.). The way of superior virtue attains both stages instantly by "non-doing." Inferior virtue, instead, is the gradual way, and its practice is performed first by "doing" and then by "non-doing."

The Two Elixirs.The stages mentioned above correspond to two different Elixirs, which Liu Yiming calls Small Reverted Elixir (xiao huandanTiểu hoàn đan ) and Great Reverted Elixir (da huandanĐại hoàn đan ). The Small Reverted Elixir "consists in returning from the postcelestial to the precelestial" (Liu Yiming 2013:61). This is the movement of ascent, the "inversion of the course" performed through Internal Alchemy. The practice, however, is completed only by compounding the Great Reverted Elixir. At this stage, one performs the complementary movement of descent, returning "from Non-Being to Being, and from the subtle to the manifest" (Liu Yiming 2013:62). Thus Internal Alchemy, through its gradual process, enables one to ascend to the precelestial, but its practice is concluded when the descent to the postcelestial is also performed. Then the precelestial and the postcelestial become one, and one operates by transforming (huaHóa ) the postcelestial into the precelestial.


  1. ^"Supu shi yunyou ji zhujie" mộc mạc sư vân du nhớ chú giải (Records of the Cloud Travels of the Master of Simplicity, with Annotations), in Sun Yongle tôn Vĩnh Nhạc, ed.,Liu Yiming: Qiyun bijiLưu một minh: Tê vân bút ký (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011), sec. 3 (pp. 172-73).

Works quoted

  • Baldrian-Hussein, Farzeen. 2008. "Liu Yiming." In Fabrizio Pregadio, ed.,The Encyclopedia of Taoism,pp. 690–91. London: Routledge.
  • Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1986a.The Inner Teachings of Taoism.Boston and London: Shambhala.
  • Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1986b.The Taoist I Ching.Boston and London: Shambhala.
  • Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1987.Understanding Reality: A Taoist Alchemical Classic.Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1988.Awakening to the Tao.Boston and Shaftesbury: Shambhala.
  • Cleary, Thomas (trans.). 1991.Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist Sourcebook.Boston and London: Shambhala.
  • Jia Laisheng giả kiếp sau. 2011.Tie gian daoyi: Liu Yiming dazhuanThiết vai đạo nghĩa — Lưu một minh đại truyền [Carrying the meaning of the Tao on one's iron shoulders: A biography of Liu Yiming]. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe.
  • Liu Ning Lưu ninh. 2001.Liu Yiming xiudao sixiang yanjiuLưu một minh tu đạo tư tưởng nghiên cứu [A study of Liu Yiming's thought on Cultivating the Tao]. Chengdu: Ba Shu shushe.
  • Liu Yiming ( Lưu một minh ). 2013.Cultivating the Tao: Taoism and Internal Alchemy.TheXiuzhen houbian(c. 1798), translated with Introduction and Notes by Fabrizio Pregadio. Mountain View, CA: Golden Elixir Press.ISBN978-0-985547516.
  • Liu Zhongyu Lưu trọng vũ. 2010.Liu Yiming xue'anLưu một minh học án [Materials for the study of Liu Yiming]. Jinan: Qi Lu shushe.
  • Pregadio, Fabrizio. 2008. "Daoshu shier zhong (Twelve Books on the Dao)." In Fabrizio Pregadio, ed.,The Encyclopedia of Taoism,pp. 331–33. London: Routledge.
  • Pregadio, Fabrizio. 2019.Taoist Internal Alchemy: An Anthology of Neidan Texts.Mountain View, CA: Golden Elixir Press.
  • Sun Yongle tôn Vĩnh Nhạc (ed.). 2011.Liu Yiming: Qiyun bijiLưu một minh — tê vân bút ký [Liu Yiming: Miscellaneous Notes from Mount Qiyun]. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe.