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Methodist local preacher

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AMethodist local preacheris alaypersonwho has been accredited by theMethodistChurch to lead worship andpreachon a frequent basis. With separation from theChurch of Englandby the end of the 18th century, a clear distinction was recognised betweenitinerant preachers(later,ministers) and the local preachers who assisted them. Local preachers have played an important role in Methodism since the earliest days of the movement, and have also been important inEnglish social history.These preachers continue to serve an indispensable role in theMethodist Church of Great Britain,in which the majority ofchurch servicesare led by laypeople.[1]In certain Methodist connexions, a person becomes a local preacher after obtaining alicense to preach.In many parts of Methodism, such as theAllegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection,there are thus two different tiers of ministers—licensed preachers and ordainedelders.[2]

Historical background


Local preachers have been a characteristic of Methodism from its beginnings as a revival movement in 18th-century England.John Wesleytried to avoid a schism with theChurch of England,and encouraged those who attended hisrevival meetingsto attend their parish churches, but they also attended Methodist preaching services which were held elsewhere and met in "classes" (smallcell groups). It quickly became necessary to build "preaching houses"where the Methodist meetings could be held. These began to function as alternative churches, often depending on the attitude of the local Anglicanclergy.

One such preaching house wasThe Foundery,which served as Wesley's base in London. In about 1740, Wesley was away on business and had left a young man,Thomas Maxfield,in charge of The Foundery. Since no clergymen were available, Maxfield took it upon himself to preach to the congregation. Wesley was annoyed by this and returned to London in order to confront Maxfield. However, his mother,Susanna Wesley,persuaded him to hear Maxfield out, suggesting that he had as much right to preach as Wesley. Wesley was sufficiently impressed by Maxfield's preaching to see it as God's work and let the matter drop, with Maxfield becoming one of Methodism's earliest lay preachers.[3][page needed]

Methodism formally broke with the Anglican church as a result of Wesley's 1784 ordination ofministersto serve in theUnited Statesfollowing theAmerican War of Independence.Before the schism, Wesley had as accredited preachers only a handful of fellow Anglican priests who shared his view of the need to take the gospel to the people where they were. Because of their small number, these priests were necessarilyitinerant,travelling around the country like Wesley himself. Their travelling pattern, like that used until the mid 20th century by judges, gave rise to the use of the wordcircuitto describe a group of churches overseen by a single minister; this word is still in use today.

Because of the limited number of ordained ministers he could call on, Wesley appointedlocal preacherswho were not ordained but whom he examined, and whom he felt he could trust to lead worship and preach: though not to ministersacraments.

As the independent Methodist Church developed following the schism and Wesley's death, a pattern was soon established in which ordained ministers, whose number was still limited, were attached for a short period (at first three years, subsequently five, and now more usually seven or more) to a circuit. The circuit minister had pastoral oversight and administered sacraments, but the majority of services were led – and sermons preached – by laypersons. Local preachers would regularly spend a whole day with a local church (called aSociety), leading one or more services and undertaking pastoral visiting. Many travelled significant distances in the course of a day, often on foot.

In its essentials, this pattern has remained in British Methodism to the present day. Although by the end of the 19th century most circuits were staffed by several ministers, there were almost always more churches in the circuit than ministers, many of them offering two or three services every Sunday. The need for local preachers has never declined and in many circuits an active local preacher may well be involved in preparing and leading worship on seven or eight occasions in a thirteen-week quarter.

Women as local preachers


Methodism has always acknowledged and valued the ministry of women, a Wesleyan influence going back toSusanna Wesleyherself. In early British Methodism, a number of women served as local preachers (the heroine ofGeorge Eliot'sAdam Bedeis represented as one).[4]Methodism itself was subject to schism giving rise, in England, to several Methodist connexions including thePrimitive Methodistsand theBible Christiansas well as the majorityWesleyan Methodist Church.The separated denominations went much further than the Wesleyans in making use of women as local preachers and as ordained ministers.[5]In Wesleyan Methodism from 1803, women were restricted to addressing women-only meetings. This restriction meant that women preachers in Wesleyan Methodism found it increasingly difficult to exercise their ministry and even though in 1804 the Wesleyan Conference was very short of male preachers, it would not sanction the use of women. Some women, such asSarah Mallett,however, ignored this ban.[6]From 1910 the blanket ban was repealed, and from 1918 on, Wesleyan Methodism recruited and deployed women local preachers on exactly the same basis as men.[7]WhenMethodist Unionin England took place in 1932, the ordination of women in the separated denominations ceased until 1971, but the equal status of women as local preachers continued.

Importance of local preachers in English social history

David Hallamleading a service at City Road Methodist Church Birmingham 2019

Local preachers have always been required to undergo some form of training and examination – the examination being concerned with their doctrinalorthodoxyas well as with their knowledge of Scripture, and the history and doctrines of the church. Because Methodism had great strength among the lower middle classes and skilled working classes in 19th-century England, training as a local preacher was one of the ways in which intelligent people who had little chance of formal schooling acquired education and an ability at public speaking.[8]Although the church as an institution was by no means politically radical, many of its members were, and the discipline and eloquence of Methodist local preachers found a ready use in the developing labour movement of the later 19th century.

Many of the founders of thetrade union movementin Britain were local preachers, including George Loveless, the leader of theTolpuddle Martyrs.[9]Local preachers continue to be found in the ranks of the Labour movement: prominent recent examples includeGeorge Thomas,Speaker of the House of Commons from 1976 to 1983,[10]Len Murray,General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress from 1973 to 1984,[11]David HallamMember of the European Parliament 1994 to 1999 and,[12]early in his career,David Blunkett,former Home Secretary.[13]

Discipline, training and accreditation of local preachers today


Local preachers, together with their colleagues in the ordained ministry (presbytersanddeacons), are members of the Local Preachers' Meeting of the circuit in which their membership is held.[14]: 497 The Preachers' Meeting used to meet quarterly, though in many circuits it is now less often. The Meeting is the body which is responsible for the training and development of local preachers, for their pastoral care in this specific role and also for the discipline (should that be necessary) of its own members. It functions also as a study and fellowship group, and as a focus for continuing development of fully accredited local preachers. The standing of a local preacher, however, is national not local and, for example, is not affected by removal to another church or circuit – though it is always up to thesuperintendentminister whether any preacher is given any appointments.[14]

Currently, the training for local preachers in Britain consists of a course supported by local tutors, with examination on its content by continuous assessment rather thanunseen examination.The course (Worship: Leading and Preaching) is organised on aconnexional(national) basis, but all other aspects of the training and examination of preachers are dealt with at the local (circuit) level.[15]

Those offering themselves for training first ask for anote to preachfrom the superintendent minister of their circuit which is given at his or her sole discretion and reported to the Preachers' Meeting. The new preacher is then listed asOn note,begins a course of study and practical training (which takes between two and five years to complete), and begins to accompany an accredited preacher and share in the leadership of worship.[16]: 1 

After some months, provided favourable reports are received at the Circuit Preachers' Meeting, they then progress to beingon trial.[16]: 2 Local preachers on trial still work at first with an experienced preacher, but in due course they progress to leading worship on their own. The Preachers' Meeting continues to appoint preachers and other local officers to audit their services, make reports and offer guidance. The meeting carries out an oral doctrinal examination at the beginning of training, at intermediate points, and before the final acceptance of the candidate as an accredited preacher. The candidate must also give an account of theircallto preach, and are expected to have knowledge of some of the most important of theSermons of the Rev. John Wesley.[17]Final admission as a local preacher is referred to as beingfully accreditedorreceived onto full plan,theCircuit Planbeing the schedule of preaching appointments for the circuit. The decision is formally ratified by the Circuit Meeting before it is put into effect. A service of recognition is held, often within the context of a principal act of worship.

Formerly, before changes in 2022, candidates for ordination as apresbyterin the Methodist Church in Great Britain were required to be admitted as local preachers before candidating.[18]

Local preachers and the liturgy


Compared to lay people in some otherdenominations,Methodist local preachers are accorded significant authority over the progress of a service, for which they are seen as having overall responsibility, rather than just delivering the sermon. A local preacher may, at his or her discretion, do a number of different things:

  • create theorder of service;
  • omit or include any part of the order of service;
  • determine which Bible readings are to be included, which may – but need not – be selected from those defined in thelectionary;
  • involve other people in the preparation and leading of the worship

Increasingly, in British Methodism, local preachers accept guidance from the churches to which they go, for example in regular or seasonal local elements ofliturgy,or in using those nominated in a rota of readers or prayer leaders. A relatively recent development is the appointment of Worship Leaders who are members of the local church and authorised to share in the leading of worship there. All preachers and worship leaders are offered additional resources for shaping worship and preaching by their own charity, the Leaders of Worship and Preachers' Trust (LWPT) which publishes a quarterly journal (Ichthus) and has its own website.[19]

Local preachers worldwide


The institution of local preachers spread from the original Wesleyan Methodist Church to the other Methodist connexions that developed in Britain; and from Britain to Methodist churches in other countries, particularly those that were founded or supported by the British Methodist Church, such as the churches inIndia,Australia,New Zealand,theCaribbean,Fiji,and many countries inAfrica.The title of "local preacher" was used historically in severalMethodist denominations in North America,and local preachers there had the right to marry and bury people (though not to administer Communion) as well as to lead worship; the role has more or less vanished from America today. Although the modern US-basedUnited Methodist Churchrecognises an order of "lay speakers",[20]they do not have the authority or the responsibility for leading worship in the same way as a local preacher in Britain. Within the last decade, the United Methodist Church began an order called "local pastors," who are appointed by a bishop to serve in one localcharge.[20][page needed]

Lay preaching in other denominations


Although Methodism has probably organised the institution of local preaching more thoroughly than any otherdenomination,lay preachersare used by many other churches. The otherNonconformistchurches in Britain have long had similar arrangements, and theChurch of Englandnow makes considerable use of "lay readers".However Anglican lay readers, and indeed the lay preachers of other denominations, have never quite enjoyed the status within their own churches, or the recognition beyond them, that are associated with the Methodist local preacher.[1]


  1. ^abCole, John; The Co-Chairs of the Joint Implementation Commission for the Anglican-Methodist Covenant (April 2008)."Local Preachers and Readers: Sharing Two Ministries"(PDF).Anglican Methodist Covenant.Retrieved29 April2021.
  2. ^The Discipline of the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection (Original Allegheny Conference).Salem:Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection.2014. p. 90.
  3. ^Burdon, Adrian (2016).Authority and Order: John Wesley and his Preachers.London.ISBN978-0754654544.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  4. ^McConnell, James E. (July 2007)."The Character of Methodism in George Eliot'sAdam Bede"(PDF).Methodist History.45(4).Retrieved29 April2021.
  5. ^"The role of women within Methodism".library.manchester.ac.uk.The University of Manchester Library.Retrieved29 April2021.
  6. ^Collins, Vicki Tolar (1996)."Walking in Light, Walking in Darkness: The Story of Women's Changing Rhetorical Space in Early Methodism".Rhetoric Review.14(2): 336–354.doi:10.1080/07350199609389069.ISSN0735-0198.JSTOR465860.Retrieved29 April2021.
  7. ^Dr Waller and the Editor (1907). "A Famous Lady Preacher". In theWesleyan Methodist Magazine,pp. 538-44.
  8. ^Field, Clive D. (1977)."The Social Structure of English Methodism: Eighteenth-Twentieth Centuries".The British Journal of Sociology.28(2): 199–225.doi:10.2307/590211.ISSN0007-1315.JSTOR590211.Retrieved29 April2021.
  9. ^Citrine, Walter (1934).The Tolpuddle Martyrs: How the T.U.C. Will Commemorate the Dorsetshire Labourers Centenary.Victoria House Print. Company. p. 5.Retrieved29 April2021.
  10. ^Thomas, George (1985).George Thomas, Mr Speaker: the memoirs of the Viscount Tonypandy.Century Publishing. p. 161.
  11. ^"Lord Murray".Telegraph.co.uk.22 May 2004.Archivedfrom the original on 1 March 2016.Retrieved29 April2021.A Methodist lay preacher, he held strong ethical opinions about the role of trades unions in a free society.
  12. ^BBC-Vacher's Biographical Guide 1996.London: BBC Political Research Unit and Vacher's Publications. 1996. pp. 6–15.ISBN0951520857.
  13. ^"50 years ago: Blind local preacher bids for city council place".Methodist Recorder.13 March 2020
  14. ^abThe Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church,Volume 2, Section 56. London: Methodist Publishing, 2020. Accessed on 29 April 2021.
  15. ^"W:LP frequently asked questions".methodist.org.uk.Retrieved29 April2021.
  16. ^ab"Becoming a Methodist Local Preacher"(PDF).Methodist Church in Britain.Retrieved16 October2022.
  17. ^Tripp, David H. (Fall 2001).""Standard sermons" – History for history's sake, denominational manifesto, doctrinal "standard""(PDF).Asbury Theological Journal:99.Retrieved4 February2023.
  18. ^"Called to ordained ministry? – Frequently asked questions".methodist.org.uk.Retrieved4 February2024.
  19. ^"History".LWPT.Retrieved29 April2021.
  20. ^abThe Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church,2004(and all editions), Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House, 2004.

Further reading
