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Lumbar arteries

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Lumbar arteries
The veins of the right half of the malepelvis(lumbar arteries not labeled, but third lumbar vein labeled at center top)
SourceAbdominal aorta
VeinLumbar veins
SuppliesQuadratus lumborum
Latinarteriae lumbares
Anatomical terminology

Thelumbar arteriesarearterieslocated in the lower back orlumbar region.The lumbar arteries are in parallel with theintercostals.

They are usually four in number on either side, and arise from the back of theaorta,opposite the bodies of the upper fourlumbar vertebrae.

A fifth pair, small in size, is occasionally present: they arise from themiddle sacral artery.

They run lateralward and backward on the bodies of thelumbar vertebrae,behind thesympathetic trunk,to the intervals between the adjacenttransverse processes,and are then continued into the abdominal wall.

The arteries of the right side pass behind theinferior vena cava,and the upper two on each side run behind the correspondingcrusof thediaphragm.

The arteries of both sides pass beneath thetendinous archeswhich give origin to thepsoas major,and are then continued behind this muscle and thelumbar plexus.

They now cross thequadratus lumborum,the upper three arteries running behind, the last usually in front of the muscle.

At the lateral border of the quadratus lumborum they pierce the posterior aponeurosis of thetransversus abdominisand are carried forward between this muscle and theobliquus internus.

They anastomose with thelower intercostal,thesubcostal,theiliolumbar,thedeep iliac circumflex,and theinferior epigastricarteries.

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