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MMC-2 with Intel Mobile Pentium II

Mobile Module Connector 2(MMC-2) is Intel's 400-pin processor cartridge used withPentium II,CeleronandPentium IIImobile processors. It contains CPU,443BX(Pentium II)Northbridge,off-die L2cache(early Pentium II only) and voltage regulator. It is the successor ofMMC-1,main differences beingAGPinterface and 100 MHzFSBfor the Pentium III. This processor cartridge was widely used on laptops from the late 1990s to early 2000s.

Fastest processors in the MMC-2 form factor are:

  • Pentium II 400/256
  • Pentium III 850/256
  • Celeron 700/128
  • Unofficially Pentium III 1000/256, this was achieved by removing the chip off an MMC-2 socket card and soldering a Pentium III 1000 processor on the board

See also
