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Macomadeswas aCarthaginianandRomancity inNorth Africa.It was located near present-dayOum-El-Bouaghi,Algeria


Macomades was established as an inlandPunictrading post under the nameMQMʾ(Punic:𐤌𐤒𐤌𐤀,[1]"Place" ). It was about 64 kilometers (40 mi) fromCirta.[1]It issued its ownbronzecoins with anEgyptian-style god's headobverseand areversebearing either ahogandgallopinghorseor a disk in a crescent, a symbol of thePunic goddessTanit.[1]

It was a town in theRomanprovinceofNumidia.

It was overrun by theUmayyad Caliphateduring the7th-century Muslim invasion.


No later than AD256, the town was theseatof aChristianbishop.The diocese was in abeyance after the Muslim conquest of the region until it was restored by theRoman Catholic Churchin 1933 as atitular bishopric(diocesis Macomadensis).[2]

List of bishops[edit]

See also[edit]




  • Head, Barclay; et al. (1911),"Numidia",Historia Numorum(2nd ed.), Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 884–887.
  • Huss, Werner (1990),Der Karthager,Munich: C.H. Beck,ISBN9783406379123.