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Magdalena–Urabá moist forests

Coordinates:8°17′53″N75°09′00″W/ 8.298°N 75.150°W/8.298; -75.150
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Magdalena–Urabá moist forests (NT0137)
Montería,capital of Córdoba Department
Ecoregion territory (in purple)
BiomeTropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
Area76,923 km2(29,700 sq mi)
Coordinates8°17′53″N75°09′00″W/ 8.298°N 75.150°W/8.298; -75.150
GeologyMiddle,Lower Magdalena Valley,Sinú-San Jacinto Basin
RiversMagdalena,Cauca,Nechí,San Jorge,Sinú,Atrato
Climate typeAm: equatorial, monsoonal

TheMagdalena–Urabá moist forests(NT0137) is an ecoregion in the north of Colombia. The terrain is largely flat or undulating, but includes mountainous areas in the south. It contains moist forests and large wetlands that are important to resident and migratory birds. The ecoregion forms a bridge between the Pacific coast ecoregions of Colombia and Central America, and the ecoregions of the Andes and Amazon. It is surrounded by the more populated parts of Colombia and is threatened by farming, ranching, logging, oil exploitation and water pollution in the main rivers.





The ecoregion is in the north of Colombia, with an area of 7,692,264 hectares (19,008,000 acres). It includes the flat landscape along the lower course of theMagdalena River,and extends west over the coastal plain to theGulf of Urabá.[1] To the north the ecoregion transitions into theSinú Valley dry forestsandGuajira–Barranquilla xeric scrubecoregions. To the west it meets theChocó–Darién moist forests,and to the south merges into theNorthwestern Andean montane forests,Cauca Valley montane forestsandMagdalena Valley montane forests. The ecoregion transitions into theMagdalena Valley dry forestsin the extreme south.[2]



TheEastern RangesandCentral Rangesbound the eastern part of the ecoregion, and theWestern Rangesborders the western part, which extends to theGulf of Urabáand theChocó Department. A series of ranges run along the southern part of the region, theSerranía de Abibe,Serranía de San Jerónimo,Serranía de AyapelandSerranía de San Lucas,which rises to over 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) above sea level. Other than these ranges and some isolated mountains, the terrain is undulating. The center of the region is flat.[3]

The main river in the ecoregion is theMagdalena River. Other important rivers include the lowerCauca,Nechí,San Jorge,SinúandAtrato. In the center of the ecoregion the rivers form theciénagas(wetlands), a large system of marshes, lakes and ponds, of great importance to resident and migratory birds.[3]



The ecoregion has a seasonal climate, with dry periods in January–March, when strong winds carry clouds from the Caribbean to the southern serranías, and in July–August. There is more rainfall around the Serranía de San Lucas, in the center of the region, and in the upper valleys of the Sinú, San Jorge and Nechí rivers. Mean annual rainfall in the lower areas is 3,000 millimetres (120 in). As much as 4,000 millimetres (160 in) may fall in the upper river valleys and canyons.[3]

At a sample location at coordinates8°15′N74°45′W/ 8.25°N 74.75°W/8.25; -74.75theKöppen climate classificationis "Am": equatorial, monsoonal.[4] The mean temperature ranges from 27.1 °C (80.8 °F) in October to 28.8 °C (83.8 °F) in March. Yearly total rainfall is about 3,000 millimetres (120 in). Monthly rainfall is under 30 millimetres (1.2 in) in January and February, rising to 396.9 millimetres (15.63 in) in August.[4]



The ecoregion is in theNeotropical realm,in thetropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forestsbiome.[1] The Magdalena–Urabá moist forests ecoregion links the Central American and Chocó ecoregions with the ecoregions of the Andes and the Amazon basin. It has high diversity of species and a high level of endemism.[3] The ecoregion is sometimes seen as the eastern part of the Chocó, but it has different characteristics and different endemic species.[3]



In the flooded areas vegetation is palmettos and wetland flora. In the drier areas the vegetation is dense, high rainforest with a rich understory, with great diversity of flora. Large trees includeAnacardium excelsum,Cariniana pyriformis,Caryocar amygdaliferum,Caryocar glabrum,Cedrela odorata,Ceiba pentandra,Cordia gerascanthus,Hymenaea courbaril,Myroxylon balsamum,Ochroma lagopus,Schizolobium parahybaandTabebuia rosea. The forest contains large vines that support creepers,AraceaeandBromeliaceae. There are more than 150 species of orchid, includingCattleya warscewiczii,Cycnoches chlorochilon,Peristeria elataandPsychopsis papilio. Endemic flora includeHeliconia laxa,Heliconia lentiginosa,Heliconia rigidaandHeliconia sanctae-theresae.[3]



Large mammals found in the rain forests or wetlands includeGeoffroy's spider monkey(Ateles geoffroyi),cotton-top tamarin(Saguinus oedipus),white-footed tamarin(Saguinus leucopus),jaguar(Panthera onca),cougar(Puma concolor),ocelot(Leopardus pardalis),jaguarundi(Puma yagouaroundi),crab-eating raccoon(Procyon cancrivorus),giant anteater(Myrmecophaga tridactyla),South American tapir(Tapirus terrestris colombianus),red brocket(Mazama americana),gray brocket(Mazama gouazoubira),capybara(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) andWest Indian manatee(Trichechus manatus).[3] Endangered mammals includeblack-headed spider monkey(Ateles fusciceps),Geoffroy's spider monkey(Ateles geoffroyi),red-crested tree-rat(Santamartamys rufodorsalis),white-footed tamarin(Saguinus leucopus) andcotton-top tamarin(Saguinus oedipus).[5]

The ecoregion is a wintering place or feeding place for many species of birds. It provides the main winter habitat for species such as northern pintail(Anas acuta),American wigeon(Anas americana),northern shoveler(Anas clypeata),cinnamon teal(Anas cyanoptera),blue-winged teal(Anas discors), andosprey(Pandion haliaetus). Native species includegreat green macaw(Ara ambiguus),military macaw(Ara militaris),blue-and-yellow macaw(Ara ararauna),scarlet macaw(Ara macao),red-and-green macaw(Ara chloroptera)chestnut-fronted macaw(Ara severus),northern screamer(Chauna chavaria),Muscovy duck(Cairina moschata),knob-billed duck(Sarkidiornis melanotos),black-bellied whistling duck(Dendrocygna autumnalis),white-faced whistling duck(Dendrocygna viduata),fulvous whistling duck(Dendrocygna bicolor),black hawk-eagle(Spizaetus tyrannus),crested eagle(Morphnus guianensis),harpy eagle(Harpia harpyja) andblue-billed curassow(Crax alberti).[3] Endangered birds include therecurve-billed bushbird(Clytoctantes alixii) andblue-billed curassow(Crax alberti).[5]

The ecoregion is home to reptiles such asAmerican crocodile(Crocodylus acutus),spectacled caiman(Caiman crocodilus),Magdalena River turtle(Podocnemis lewyana),red-footed tortoise(Chelonoidis carbonaria), bushmaster (Lachesis muta),boa constrictor(Boa constrictor),green iguana(Iguana iguana) andgold tegu(Tupinambis teguixin). Endangered reptiles includeDahl's toad-headed turtle(Mesoclemmys dahli). Endangered amphibians include the frogSachatamia punctulata.[5] The wetlands provide a nursery for a variety of freshwater and salt water fish species.[3]



TheWorld Wide Fund for Naturegives the ecoregion the status of "Critical/Endangered". It is surrounded by most of the population of Colombia. Pressures come from large-scale farming, ranching, gold mining, oil wells and logging. It has suffered from warfare related to illegal narcotics. The largest rivers, the Magdalena and Cauca, are highly polluted. However, there are sizeable areas where there has been little human impact, the largest being the area round the Serranía de San Lucas. Several internationally-funded projects are trying to save important wetlands in the region.[3]




  • Constantino, Emilio,Northern South America: Northern Colombia (NT0137),WWF: World Wildlife Fund,retrieved2017-05-23
  • "Magdalena-Urabá moist forests",Global Species,Myers Enterprises II,retrieved2017-05-23
  • WildFinder,WWF: World Wildlife Fund,retrieved2017-04-26