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Malachi Martin

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The Reverend

Malachi Brendan Martin
Born(1921-07-23)23 July 1921
Ballylongford,County Kerry,Ireland
Died27 July 1999(1999-07-27)(aged 78)
New York, New York,U.S.
Pen nameMichael Serafian
OccupationBiblical archaeologist
Catholic priest
RelativesF. X. Martin(brother)

Malachi Brendan Martin(23 July 1921 – 27 July 1999), also known under the pseudonym ofMichael Serafian,was anIrish-bornAmericanTraditionalist Catholicpriest,biblical archaeologist,exorcist,palaeographer,professor,andwriteron theCatholic Church.

Ordained as aJesuit,Martin became Professor ofPalaeographyat thePontifical Biblical Institutein Rome. From 1958, he served as secretary to CardinalAugustin Beaduring preparations for theSecond Vatican Council.Disillusioned by the council, Martin asked to be released from certain aspects of his Jesuit vows in 1964 and moved toNew York City.

Martin's 17 novels and non-fiction books were frequentlycriticalof theCatholic hierarchy,who he believed had failed to act on what he called "the Third Prophecy"revealed by theVirgin MaryatFátima.[1]His works includedThe Scribal Character of theDead Sea Scrolls(1958) andHostage to the Devil(1976), which dealt withSatanism,demonic possession,andexorcism.The Final Conclave(1978) was a warning againstSoviet espionagein the Vatican.


Early life, education and ordination[edit]

Martin was born inBallylongford,County Kerry,Ireland,to a middle-class family[2]in which the children were raised speakingIrishat the dinner table. His parents, Conor and Katherine Fitzmaurice Martin, had five sons and five daughters. Four of the five sons became priests, including his younger brother,Francis Xavier Martin.[3]

Martin attendedBelvedere Collegein Dublin, then studiedphilosophyfor three years atUniversity College Dublin.[4]On 6 September 1939, he became anovicewith the Society of Jesus.[5]Martin taught for three years, spending four years at Milltown Park, Dublin, and wasordainedin August 1954.[6]

Upon completion of his degree course in Dublin, Martin was sent to theCatholic University of Louvainin Belgium, where he took a doctorate inarchaeology,Oriental history,andSemitic languages.[4]He started postgraduate studies at both theHebrew University of Jerusalemand at theUniversity of Oxford.Martin specialized inintertestamentary studies,JesusinJewishandIslamicsources,Ancient HebrewandArabicmanuscripts.[4]He undertook additional study inrational psychology,experimental psychology,physics,andanthropology.[1]


Martin participated in the research on theDead Sea Scrollsand published 24 articles onSemiticpalaeography.[7][8]He did archaeological research and worked extensively on theByblos syllabaryin Byblos,[9][page needed]inTyre,and in theSinai Peninsula.Martin assisted in his firstexorcismwhile working inEgyptfor archaeological research.[10]In 1958, he published a work in two volumes,The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls.[11]

In 1958, Martin was assigned to serve as a private secretary toCardinalAugustin Bea,working with him in the Vatican until 1964.[citation needed]Martin's years in Rome coincided with the beginning of the Second Vatican Council (1962–65), which was to transform the Catholic Church in a way that the initially liberal Martin began to find distressing. He became friends withMonsignor George Gilmary HigginsandFather John Courtney Murray.[2]

Biblical Institute of Rome

In Rome, Martin became a professor at thePontifical Biblical Institute,where he taughtAramaic,Hebrew, palaeography, andSacred Scripture.He also taughttheology,part-time, at Loyola University Chicago'sJohn Felice Rome Center.Martin worked as a translator for theEastern Orthodox Churchesand Ancient Oriental Churches Division of theSecretariat for Promoting Christian Unityunder Bea. Martin became acquainted with Jewish leaders, such asRabbiAbraham Joshua Heschel,in 1961 and 1962.[12]Martin accompaniedPope Paul VIon a trip toJordanin January 1964. He resigned his position at the Pontifical Institute in June 1964.[2]

In 1964, Martin requested a release from hisvowsand from theJesuit Order.[4]He received a provisional release in May 1965[2]and adispensationfrom his vows of poverty and obedience on 30 June 1965[2](cf.qualified exclaustration). Even if dispensed from his religious vow ofchastity,Martin remained under the obligation of chastity if still an ordained secular priest. Martin maintained that he remained a priest, saying that he had received a dispensation from Paul VI to that effect.[6]

Martin moved toNew York Cityin 1966, working as adishwasher,a waiter, andtaxi driver,[4][2]while continuing to write.[4][6]He co-founded an antiques firm and was active in communications and media for the rest of his life.[1]

Communications and media[edit]

Central Park,New York

In 1967, Martin received his firstGuggenheim Fellowship.In 1970, he published the bookThe Encounter: Religion in Crisis,[4]winning theChoice Book Awardof theAmerican Library Association.[13]He then publishedThree Popes and the Cardinal: The Church of Pius, John and Paul in its Encounter with Human History(1972) andJesus Now(1973). In 1970, Martin became anaturalizedU.S. citizen.[14]

In 1969, Martin received a second Guggenheim Fellowship, allowing him to write his first of fourbestsellers,[15]Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans(1976).[4]In the book, Martin calls himself an exorcist, claiming he assisted in several exorcisms. According to McManus Darraugh,William Peter Blatty"wrote a tirade against Malachi, saying his 1976 book was a fantasy, and he was just trying to cash in."[10]Darraugh also said that Martin became "an iconic person in the paranormal world."[10]

Martin served as religious editor for theNational Review[16][17]from 1972 to 1978. He was interviewed twice byWilliam F. Buckley, Jr.forFiring Lineon PBS.[18]He was an editor for theEncyclopædia Britannica.[19]

Martin published several works of fiction and non-fiction in the following years:

  • Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans(1976)[4]
  • The Final Conclave(1978)[4]
  • King of Kings: a Novel of the Life of David(1980)
  • Vatican: A Novel(1986)

His other works included:

  • The Pilgrim(1964)[4]
  • The Encounter(1970)[4]
  • The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church(1981)
  • The New Castle: Reaching for the Ultimate(1982)
  • Rich Church, Poor Church: The Catholic Church and its Money(1984)
  • There is Still Love: Five Parables of God's Love That Will Change Your Life(1984)

Martin's bestselling[15]1987 non-fiction book,The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church,was highly critical of the Jesuit Order,[4]accusing the Jesuits of systematically undermining church teachings.[20]

Later life[edit]

Martin was a periodic guest onArt Bell's radio program,Coast to Coast AM,between 1996 and 1998.[21]The show continues to play tapes of his interviews on Halloween.[10]

Martin'sThe Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist Westwas published in 1990.[4]It was followed in 1996 byWindswept House: A Vatican Novel.[4]

The Vatican restored Martin's faculty to celebrate Mass in 1989, at his request.[4]He was strongly supported by someTraditionalist Catholicsources and severely criticized by other sources, such as theNational Catholic Reporter.[22][23][24]Martin served as a guest commentator forCNNduring the live coverage of the visit ofPope John Paul IIto the United States in October 1995.

In the last three years of his life, Martin forged a close friendship with the Traditionalist Catholic philosopher Rama P. Coomaraswamy (1929–2006). During this period, Martin was received in a private audience by John Paul II.[citation needed]


The footstone of Malachi Martin in Gate of Heaven Cemetery

In 1999, Malachi Martin died inManhattanof anintracerebral hemorrhage,four days after his 78th birthday. It was caused by a fall in his apartment in Manhattan.[citation needed]The documentaryHostage to the Devilclaimed that Martin said he was pushed from a stool by a demonic force.[citation needed]

Martin's funeral took place inSt. Anthony of Padua Catholic ChurchinWest Orange, New Jersey,before burial atGate of Heaven Cemetery,in Hawthorne, New York.[citation needed]



In 1964, under the pseudonym of "Michael Serafian", Martin wroteThe Pilgrim: Pope Paul VI, the Council, & the Church in a Time of Decision.The book contained Martin's views onthe Jewish questionin Europe and on theSecond Vatican Council.Martin's fictional works purported to give detailed insider accounts ofChurch historyduring the reigns of PopesPius XII,John XXIII, Paul VI (The Pilgrim, Three Popes and the Cardinal, Vatican: A Novel[15]),John Paul I(The Final Conclave[15]) andJohn Paul II(The Keys of This Blood,Windswept House).

Martin's non-fictional writings cover a range of Catholic topics, such asdemonic possessions,exorcisms,Satanism,liberation theology,the Second Vatican Council (The Pilgrim), theTridentine liturgy,Catholic dogma,Catholic modernism(Three Popes and the Cardinal;The Jesuits), thefinancial history of the Church(Rich Church, Poor Church;The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church), theNew World Orderand the geopolitical importance of thePope(The Keys of This Blood).[citation needed]


Three secrets of Fátima[edit]

Martin often spoke and wrote about theThree Secrets of Fátimaand was an ardent supporter of FatherNicholas Gruner'sinterpretations of them: "Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary's role in the salvation of our imperiled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration ofRussiaas Our Lady desired, has not been executed ".[25]According to Martin, the unreleased third secret of Fatima was that theSoviet Unionwould beconverted to Christianity.The Vatican released what it claimed to be the third secret letter in 2000. This text did not mention Russia or the Soviet Union.[26]

Other theories[edit]

Martin did not believe in the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary atMeđugorjein what is todayBosnia and Herzegovina.He said that false pretenses were used in obtaining earlier his recommendation.[27]Concerning theGarabandal apparitions,he remained open minded.[28]

In March 1997, Martin claimed onRadio Liberty'sSteel on Steel,that two popes were murdered during the 20th century:

Martin stated that, along withdiabolic possession,angelic possessionalso exists and that angels could have use ofpreternaturalpowers in certain circumstances.[29][unreliable source?][30]

Siri theory[edit]

Martin partially gave credence to theSiri thesis,saying that CardinalGiuseppe Siriwas twice elected pope inpapal conclaves,but declined his election after being pressured by so-called worldly forces acting through cardinals present at the conclaves. Martin called thisthe little brutality.On the one hand, Martin says that Siri was intimidated; on the other hand he says that Siri did indicate that his decision not to accept was made freely.[31][32]

  • The first election, according to Martin, happened atPapal conclave, 1963.Martin mentioned the possibility of a nuclear threat which involved "the very existence of the Vatican state" during this conclave on pages 600–610 ofThe Keys of this Blood,[citation needed]
  • The second election was thePapal conclave, October 1978.Martin said onSteel on Steelin March 1997, that Siri received a written note after his initial election threatening him and his family with death should he accept.[33]


Martin claimed that John XXIII and Paul VI wereFreemasonsduring a certain period and that photographs and other detailed documents proving this were in the possession of theVatican State Secretariat.[31]Heallegoricallymentioned these supposed facts in his 1986 novelVatican: A Novel,where he related the Masonic adherence of Pope Giovanni Angelica and Giovanni De Brescia.[13]Martin also claimed that ArchbishopAnnibale Bugniniwas a Freemason and thatAgostino Casaroli,long-time Cardinal Secretary of State, was anatheist.[31]

Metz accord[edit]

In his 1987 bookThe Jesuits,Martin describes negotiations and a diplomatic agreement betweenthe Vaticanand theUSSRnamed as the "Moscow Vatican Pact of 1962" or the "Metz Pact". In this "little-known" agreement, the Vatican allegedly promised non-condemnation ofSoviet CommunismorMarxismin exchange for participation ofRussian-Orthodoxprelates as observers at the Second Vatican Council.[34]Description of this incident was embedded as background within a larger discussion of a meeting at the Vatican in the middle of spring 1981 betweenPope John Paul IIand his six most powerful cardinals.[35]In his bookThe Final Conclave,published on 1 August 1978,[36]the month of the1978 conclavethat resulted in the 26 August election of Albino Luciani, Martin wrote of the unexpected election of aCardinal Angelico,a figure that has been interpreted as corresponding to Luciani.


Alleged affairs[edit]

There were three allegations made against Martin of having affairs with women:

  • Martin was criticized in the bookClerical Error: A True StorybyRobert Blair Kaiser,Timemagazine's former Vatican correspondent. Kaiser, a former Jesuit, accused Martin of having carried on an extramarital affair with his wife during 1964 in Rome,[2]and claimed that Martin fled to the United States as a renegade from the priesthood.[37]A friend of Martin's, William H. Kennedy, published an article inThe Seattle Catholicdisputing Kaiser's allegation and other claims made about Martin after his death.[38]Kennedy points out that Kaiser admits in his book that he was diagnosed as havingparanoid schizophrenia,[39]and cites passages from Kaiser's book which he believes show that Kaiser was writing from a distorted and delusional perspective due to his mental illness.
  • In her 2008 book,Queen of the Oil Club: The Intrepid Wanda Jablonski and the Power of Information,Anna Rubino wrote that Martin had a love affair with oil journalistWanda Jablonskion a visit toBeirut,Lebanonin the 1950s.[40]The book was published long after the deaths of both Jablonski (1992) and Martin (1999).

Laicization dispute[edit]

TheTraditionalist CatholicwebsiteDaily Catholicsaid in 2004 that FatherVincent O'Keefe,formerVicar Generalof the Society of Jesus and a past President ofFordham University,stated that Martin had never beenlaicized.According to this report, O'Keefe stated that Martin had been released from his Jesuit vows except forchastity.[41]No claim has been made that Martin wasincardinatedinto any particular diocese.

Martin himself is quoted as stating that "'In 1965, Mr. Martin received a dispensation from all privileges and obligations deriving from his vows as a Jesuit and from priestly ordination' (Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life,25 June 1997, Prot. N. 04300/65) ".[42]

TheDaily Catholicsaid its 2004 statement was based on one by William Kennedy, according to which the declaration of Martin's laicization was mounted in retaliation for his bookThe Jesuits,which accused the Jesuits of deviating from their original character and mission by embracingliberation theology.[43][failed verification]

Alleged ordination as a bishop[edit]

During a videotaped memorial titledMalachi Martin Weeps For His Church,Rama Coomaraswamy claimed that Martin had told him that he had been secretly consecrated a bishop by Pius XII. Martin's mission was to ordain priests and bishops for the underground churches ofEastern Europeand the Soviet Union. Coomaraswamy died in 2006.[44][45][46]

Alleged authorship[edit]

  • The bookThe Pilgrim: Pope Paul VI, The Council and The Church in a time of decisionwas written by Martin under the pseudonym Michael Serafian. This was confirmed by Martin himself and corroborated independently by the Swiss Catholic dissident and priestHans Küng.[47]Martin related that his choice of surname,Serafian,was due to meeting a carpet dealer in Jerusalem with that name, during the trip of Paul VI to Jordan in January 1964. Serafian is a commonArmeniansurname.[44]
  • The pseudonym ofXavier Rynne,used to write more than 20 books on Vatican II, is not that of Martin, but of Fr.Francis X. MurphyC.Ss.R.[48][49]
  • The 1966 articleLaures et ermitages du désert d'Egyptepublished inMélanges de l'Université Saint-Josephby the hand of "M. Martin" was written by Maurice Martin, not Malachi Martin.[50]

Joseph Roddy allegations[edit]

Journalist Joseph Roddy alleged — in a 1966Look Magazinearticle about the debate about Jews during the Second Vatican Council[51]— that one and the same person under three different pseudonyms had written or acted on behalf of Jewish interest groups, such as theAmerican Jewish Committee,to influence the outcome of the debates. Roddy wrote that two timely and remunerated 1965 articles were penned under the pseudonymF.E. Cartus,one forHarper's Magazine[52]and one for the American Jewish Committee's magazineCommentary.[53]

Roddy alleged that tidbits of information were leaked to the New York press that detailed Council failings vis a vis Jews under the pseudonym ofPushkin.Roddy claimed two unidentified persons were one and the same person — a "young cleric-turned-journalist" and a "Jesuit of Irish descent working for Cardinal Bea...who was active in the Biblical Institute" — he figuratively named asTimothy O'Boyle-Fitzharris, S.J.so as not to reveal the true identity of his source.

In his 2007 bookSpiritual Radical: Abraham Joshua Heschel in America,Edward K. Kaplan confirmed that Martin cooperated with theAmerican Jewish Committeeduring the Council "for a mixture of motives, both lofty and ignoble...[He] primarily advised the committee on theological issues, but he also provided logistical intelligence and copies of restricted documents." It is confirmed in the book that Martin used the pseudonymsForestandPushkin.[12]Kaplan acknowledges thatThe Pilgrimby Michael Serafian, was requested from Martin by Abraham J. Heschel, who arranged for the book to be published byRoger W. Straus, Jr.'sFarrar, Straus and Girouxprinting company. It was published in the hope that it would influence the deliberations in the council. Once Martin's identity as author was revealed, it led to protests "and the book had to be removed from circulation at considerable financial loss to the publisher". Kaplan lastly states that Martin was the primary source of information for Joseph Roddy in writing his 1966 article forLook Magazine,and thatO'Boyle-Fitzharriswas, in fact, Martin. Kaplan judges the Roddy article as "dangerously misleading [due] to the credence it gives to the claim that without organised Jewish pressure the council declaration on the Jews would not have been accepted."[12]

Martin explicitly denied he was a spy, along with denying other rumors. Michael Cuneo, in his bookAmerican Exorcism,writes, "Martin told me that he was perplexed, and more than a little annoyed, by the swirl of rumors surrounding his personal life."

Elsewhere, Martin admitted some of his work involved intelligence gathering behind theIron Curtainand throughout theMiddle East,and at times threatening cardinals with blackmail if they did not want to do what Bea and John XXIII wanted from them at the council. "I saw cardinals sweating in front of me," Martin recalled. "And I began to enjoy it."[54]

Alleged Jewish heritage[edit]

Rumors appearing on various Catholic orsedevacantistwebsites[55]and magazines[56]alleged that Martin hadJewish ancestrythat descended fromIberian Jewswho migrated toMedieval Irelandand theKingdom of Englandin the 15th century, and also alleged him being anIsraelispy[29][unreliable source?]because of his first name,Malachi,after a Hebrew prophet and his extensive travels in theLevant.These allegations were rebutted by William H. Kennedy (In Defense of Father Malachi Martin).[57]After having made genealogical inquiries with surviving relatives of Martin in Ireland, Kennedy concluded that Martin's father was anEnglishmanwho moved to Ireland, and that Martin's mother wasIrishon both sides. Fr. Rama Coomasrawamy confirmed this independently.[44]TheIrish languagenameMaélsheachlainnis usually anglicized as "Malachy",andSaint Malachywas a 12th-century Irish Catholic saint.

Alleged photograph[edit]

Claims that Martin features as a curial monsignor in fullregaliaon a prominent photograph next to John Paul I and his assistantDiego Lorenziappeared on the Internet.[58]The photograph, published in David Yallop'sIn God's Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul Ias number 28 between pages 120 and 121, shows a "Monsignor Martin", visibly different from Malachi Martin.[59]This is a case ofmistaken identity:the cleric in the photograph wasJacques-Paul Martin,Prefect of the Casa Pontificiafrom 1969 to 1986.[60][61]

See also[edit]



  • The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls Vol. 1,Bibliothèque du Muséon 44, Publications Universitaires, Louvain, 1958
  • The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls Vol. 2,Bibliothèque du Muséon 45, Publications Universitaires, Louvain, 1958
  • The Pilgrim: Pope Paul VI, The Council and The Church in a time of decision,Farrar, Straus,New York, 1964 (written under the pseudonym of Michael Serafian)
  • The Encounter: Religion in Crisis,Farrar, Straus and Giroux,New York, 1969;ISBN0-374-14816-3(in collaboration with Henry Allen Moe)
  • Three Popes and the Cardinal: The Church of Pius, John and Paul in its Encounter with Human History,Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1972;ISBN0-374-27675-7
  • Jesus Now,E. P. Dutton,New York, 1973;ISBN0-525-13675-4
  • The New Castle: Reaching for the Ultimate,E.P. Dutton, New York; 1974ISBN0-525-16553-3
  • Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans,1st edition,Reader's Digest,New York, 1976;ISBN0-06-065337-X;2nd edition with a new preface by the author,HarperSanFrancisco,San Francisco, CA, U.S. 1992;ISBN0-06-065337-X
  • The Final Conclave Stein and Day New York 1978ISBN978-0-8128-2434-6.
  • King of Kings: a Novel of the Life of David,Simon & Schuster,New York, 1980;ISBN0-671-24707-7
  • The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church,G. P. Putnam's Sons,New York, 1981;ISBN0-399-12665-1
  • Rich Church, Poor Church: The Catholic Church and its Money,G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1984;ISBN0-399-12906-5
  • There is Still Love: Five Parables of God's Love That Will Change Your Life,Macmillan,New York, 1984;ISBN0-02-580440-5
  • Vatican: A Novel,Harper & Row,New York, 1986;ISBN0-06-015478-0
  • The Marian Year of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II,Saint Paul, Remnant Press, 1987
  • The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church,Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987;ISBN0-671-54505-1
  • God's Chosen People: The Relationship between Christian and Jews,Remnant Press, Saint Paul, 1988
  • Apostasy Within: The Demonic in the (Catholic) American Church,Christopher Publishing House, Hanover, 1989ISBN0-8158-0447-4(in collaboration with Paul Trinchard S.T.D.)
  • The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West,Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990;ISBN0-671-69174-0
  • The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace,MaxKol Communications, Sterling, 1993;ISBN0-9634307-0-X(in collaboration with Ted Flynn and Maureen Flynn)
  • Windswept House: A Vatican Novel,Doubleday,New York, 1996;ISBN0-385-48408-9
  • In the Murky Waters of Vatican II,MAETA, Metairie, 1997;ISBN1-889168-06-8(in collaboration with Atila Sinke Guimarães)
  • Fatima Priest: The Story of Father Nicolas Grüner,Gods Counsel Publishing, Pound Ridge, 1997;ISBN0-9663046-2-4(in collaboration with Francis Alban and Christopher A. Ferrara)


  • "Revision and reclassification of the Proto-Byblian signs", inActa Orientalia,No. 31, 1962
  • "The Balu'a Stele: A New Transcription with Paleographic and Historical Notes", Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 1964, pp. 8–9 (in collaboration with Ward William)
  • "Jewish Christian Ceasefire"(PDF),Worldview Magazine,vol. 17, no. 1, New York: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, pp. 17–19, January 1974,OCLC5856776,archived fromthe original(PDF)on 15 March 2012,retrieved7 February2010(debate with James A. Rudin and David R. Hunter).
  • "The Scientist as Shaman",Harper's Magazine,vol. 244, no. #1462, March 1972.
  • "Death at Sunset", inNational Review,November 22, 1974
  • "The Scientist as Shaman", in Clarke, Robin,Notes for the future: an alternative history of the past decade,Universe Books, New York, 1975;ISBN0-87663-929-5
  • "On Toying with Desecration", inNational Review,October 10, 1975
  • "On Human Love", inNational Review,September 2, 1977
  • "Test-Tube Morality", inNational Review,October 13, 1978
  • "Footsteps of Abraham",The New York Times,13 March 1983.

Related books and articles[edit]

  • Kennedy, William H. (2004).Lucifer's lodge: Satanic ritual abuse in the Catholic Church.Hillsdale, NY: Sophia Perennis.ISBN978-0-900588-06-8.
  • Marinelli, Luigi,Shroud of Secrecy: The Story of Corruption Within the Vatican
  • ——— (2001),Fumo di Satana in Vaticano[Smoke of Satan in the Vatican] (in Italian),ISBN978-8879531030
  • Upton, Charles,The System of Antichrist.
  • Wiltgen, Ralph M.,The Rhine Flows into the Tiber


  1. ^abcCorley, Felix (6 August 1999)."Obituary: Malachi Martin".The Independent.Retrieved1 April2019.
  2. ^abcdefgCuneo, Michael W (2001),American Exorcism: Expelling Demons in the Land of Plenty,New York: Doubleday,ISBN978-0-385-50176-7
  3. ^"Papers of F.X. Martin", UCD Archives
  4. ^abcdefghijklmnop"'I have smelt the breath of Satan and heard the demons' voices...'".The Irish Times.Dublin.7 August 1999.ISSN0791-5144.Archivedfrom the original on 21 February 2021.Retrieved11 November2021.
  5. ^Annuario Pontificio,2010, p.1438.
  6. ^abcGalati, Eric (9 August 1999)."Malachi Martin (obituary)".The Guardian.Retrieved1 April2019.
  7. ^Martin, M. (1962). "Revision and Reclassification of the Proto-Byblian Signs".Acta Orientalia.31(2): 250–271.ISSN0030-5367.JSTOR43073693.
  8. ^Ward, William A.;Martin, Malachi (1964)."The Balu'a Stele: A New Transcription with Paleographic and Historical Notes".Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan:8–9.Retrieved1 April2019.
  9. ^Martin, Malachi (1966),Laures et ermitages du désert d'Egypte[Lavras and hermitages of the Egyptian desert] (in French), Beyrouth: Imprimerie Catholique,OCLC418237964
  10. ^abcdMcManus Darraugh. "The Strange Case of Father Malachi Martin",Independent,January 13, 2017
  11. ^Martin, Malachi (1958),The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls,Bibliothèque du Muséon, Louvain: Publications Universitaires,2 volumes.
  12. ^abcKaplan, Edward R. (2007),Spiritual Radical: Abraham Joshua Heschel in America 1940–1972,New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,ISBN978-0-300-11540-6
  13. ^abcMartin, Malachi (1986),Vatican: A Novel,New York: Harper & Row,ISBN978-0-06-015478-3
  14. ^"Malachi Martin Is Dead at 78; Author of Books on the Church".The New York Times.30 July 1999.Retrieved1 April2019.
  15. ^abcd"Bestseller",The New York Times(list)
  16. ^Martin, Malachi (2 September 1977), "On Human Love",National Review
  17. ^Martin, Malachi (22 November 1974), "Death at Sunset",National Review
  18. ^Buckley, William F. Jr. (23 December 1973), "The Jesus Movement: Interview with Malachi Martin",Firing Line,PBS
  19. ^Martin, Malachi (1984),There is Still Love: Five Parables of God's Love That Will Change Your Life,New York: Macmillan,ISBN978-0-02-580440-1
  20. ^Martin, Malachi (1987),The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church,New York: Simon & Schuster,ISBN978-0-671-54505-5
  21. ^"Guests: Malachi Martin - Biography & Interviews".Coast to Coast AM.Retrieved28 September2018.
  22. ^Woodward, Kenneth L. (8 October 2004),"Looking for sanctity in all the wrong places",National Catholic Reporter
  23. ^"Right and righteous who run with Ralph Reed",National Catholic Reporter(editorial), 27 December 1996 – 3 January 1997
  24. ^Greeley, Andrew (22 May 1998),"Farrell's Hugo would be a papal Gorbachev",National Catholic Reporter
  25. ^"Plotting World Order in Rome. Vatican expert Malachi Martin tries to scope out papal succession",U.S. News & World Report,10 June 1996
  26. ^SOURCES, SUSAN MARTIN, COMPILED FROM NEWS WIRE SERVICES AND OTHER (26 June 2000)."'THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA' RELEASED ".The Buffalo News.Retrieved7 November2021.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^Sabalto, Rich (1999),"Mystery Cloaks Father Malachi Martin's Death",Weekly Newsletter,Unity
  28. ^Janzen, Bernard (2004) [1991],The External War: Interview with Malachi Martin,Toronto: Triumph,ISBN978-0-9732148-1-9
  29. ^abDoran, Brian (2001).Malachi Martin: God's Messenger – In the Words of Those Who Knew Him Best(cassette). Monrovia: Catholic Treasures.ISBN978-1-885692-08-5.
  30. ^Bell, Art (18 October 1996),Interview with Malachi Martin,Coast to Coast AM[dubiousdiscuss].
  31. ^abcLes Amis du Christ-Roi (1997),L'Eglise Eclipsée? Réalisation du complot maçonnique contre l'Eglise. Témoignage inédit du père Malachi Martin, présent en qualité d'intreprète aux derniers Conclaves[The Church eclipsed? Realisation of the Masonic conspiracy against the Church. Original testimony of Father Malachi Martin, present as an interpreter at the last Conclaves] (in French), Dinard: Delacroix,ISBN978-2-9511087-0-7
  32. ^Derksen, Mario (18–20 November 2004),"Eclipse of the Church: 1958 and Beyond",Daily Catholic,vol. 15, no. 186
  33. ^Loeffler, John (March 1997),The Wisdom of Malachi Martin,Soquel: Radio Liberty
  34. ^Martin, Malachi (1987).The Jesuits.pp. 85–86.
  35. ^Martin, Malachi (1987).The Jesuits.pp. 79–94.
  36. ^Martin, Malachi (1978).The Final Conclave.Pocket Books.ISBN978-0671824846..
  37. ^Jones, Arthur (8 March 2002),"A wicked priest and a shattered marriage",National Catholic Reporter
  38. ^Kennedy, William H. (2008),Occult History(PDF),pp. 129–57, archived fromthe original(PDF)on 18 July 2011
  39. ^Kaiser, Robert (2002),Clerical Error: A True Story,New York: Continuum, p.261,ISBN978-0-8264-1384-0
  40. ^Rubino, Anna (2008),Queen of the Oil Club: The Intrepid Wanda Jablonski and the Power of Information,Boston:Beacon Press,ISBN978-0-8070-7277-6
  41. ^Cain, Michael (14 April 2004),"A Reputation Recouped!: The 'Fly on the Wall' is Freed at Last!",The Daily Catholic,vol. 15, no. 104
  42. ^"Malachi Martin",Expert answers,EWTN,retrieved23 July2010
  43. ^Kennedy, William H.; Widner, SJ, Tom (April 2004),High Ranking Jesuit Confirms Malachi Martin's Status as Life Long Priest,William H Kennedy, archived fromthe originalon 11 November 2005
  44. ^abcCoomaraswamy, Rama (1999),Malachi Martin Weeps For His Church,Broomall: Catholic Counterpoint,OCLC54977738.TheSouthern Poverty Law Centerdescribes the publishing house as specializing in the most extreme radical traditionalist materials (Intelligence Report,Winter 2006, Issue Number: 124).
  45. ^Coomaraswamy, Rama,On the Validity of My Ordination,CoomaraswamyCatholicWritings
  46. ^Ekelberg, Mary Ellen,The Underground Church of Pius XII,Catholic Counterpoint, Broomall,...
  47. ^Küng, Hans (2003),My Struggle for Freedom: Memoirs,Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans,ISBN978-0-8028-2659-6
  48. ^"Hells Bibliophiles",Rip,F2
  49. ^Brennan, Michael (30 July 1999),"Malachi Martin Is Dead at 78; Author of Books on the Church",The New York Times
  50. ^Martin, Maurice (1966),Laures et ermitages du désert d'Egypte[Lavras & hermitages of the Egyptian desert],Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph(in French), Beyrouth: Imprimerie Catholique
  51. ^Roddy, Joseph (25 January 1966), "How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking",Look Magazine,vol. 30, no. 2
  52. ^Cartus, FE (September 1965),"The Vatican Council Ends: Reform on borrowed Time?",Harper's Magazine
  53. ^Cartus, FE (January 1965),"Vatican II & The Jews",Commentary(letters), archived fromthe originalon 6 January 2009
  54. ^Kaufman, Ben L. (22 December 1973)."Jesus Now Author Not A Swashbuckler".The Cincinnati Enquirer.Archived fromthe originalon 1 December 2017.
  55. ^"~In Today's Catholic World (TCW) True Catholic News~",Today's Catholic World, Daily News for the Church in Eclipse,December 2005
  56. ^"Serviam N° 9",Serviam,Nostra ætate, 12 January 2009
  57. ^Kennedy, William H. (July 2002),"In Defense of Father Malachi Martin",Seattle Catholic,archived fromthe originalon 2 March 2007
  58. ^Malachi Martin,Puritans
  59. ^Yallop, David(2007),In God's Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I,London: Constable & Robinson,ISBN978-1-84529-496-0
  60. ^Albino Luciani
  61. ^Martin, Jacques (1993),Mes Six Papes: Souvenirs Romains du cardinal Jacques Martin[My Six Popes: Roman Memories of the Cardinal Jacques Martin] (in French), Paris: Mame

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