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Mandatory Palestine

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Mandatory Palestine in 1946
Mandatory Palestine in 1946
StatusMandateof theUnited Kingdom
Common languagesEnglish,Arabic,Hebrew
Islam,Judaism,Christianity,Baháʼí Faith,Druzefaith
High Commissioner
• 1920–1925 (first)
Sir Herbert L. Samuel
• 1945–1948 (last)
Sir Alan Cunningham
• Parliamentary body of the Muslim community
Supreme Muslim Council
• Parliamentary body of the Jewish community
Assembly of Representatives
Historical era
Mandate assigned
25 April 1920
• Britain officially assumes control
29 September 1923
14 May 1948
• Total
25,585.3 km2(9,878.5 sq mi)[2]
• Census
757,182 (1922)[3]
CurrencyEgyptian pound
(until 1927)
Palestine pound
(from 1927)
ISO 3166 codePS
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Occupied Enemy Territory Administration
Jordanian annexation of the West Bank
All-Palestine Protectorate
Today part ofIsrael

Mandatory Palestine[a][4]was a geopolitical entity that existed between 1920 and 1948 in theregion of Palestineunder the terms of theLeague of NationsMandate for Palestine.

After anArab uprisingagainst the Ottoman Empire during theFirst World Warin 1916,BritishforcesdroveOttoman forcesout of theLevant.[5]TheUnited Kingdomhad agreed in theMcMahon–Hussein Correspondencethat it would honour Arab independence in case of a revolt but, in the end, the United Kingdom andFrancedivided what had beenOttoman Syriaunder theSykes–Picot Agreement—an act of betrayal in the eyes of the Arabs. Another issue was theBalfour Declarationof 1917, in which Britain promised its support for the establishment of aJewish "national home"in Palestine. Mandatory Palestine was then established in 1920, and the British obtained aMandate for Palestinefrom theLeague of Nationsin 1922.[6]

During the Mandate, the area saw successive waves ofJewish immigrationand the rise ofnationalist movementsin both the Jewish and Arab communities. Competing interests of the two populations led to the1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestineand the 1944–1948Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine.TheUnited Nations Partition Plan for Palestineto divide the territory into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, was passed in November 1947. The1948 Palestine warended with the territory of Mandatory Palestine divided among theState of Israel,theHashemite Kingdom of Jordan,whichannexed territory on the West Bankof theJordan River,and theKingdom of Egypt,which established the "All-Palestine Protectorate"in theGaza Strip.

Mandatory Palestine was designated as aClass A Mandate,based on its social, political, and economic development. This classification was reserved for post-war mandates with the highest capacity for self-governance.[7]All Class A mandates other than mandatory Palestine had gained independence by 1946.[8]


The name given to the Mandate's territory was "Palestine", in accordance with local Palestinian Arab and Ottoman usage[9][10][11][12]and with European tradition.[b]The Mandate charter stipulated that Mandatory Palestine would have three official languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew.

In 1926, the British authorities formally decided to use the traditional Arabic equivalent to the English name, and its Hebrew transcription i.e.Filasţīn(فلسطين) andPālēśtīnā(פּלשׂתינה) respectively. The Jewish leadership proposed that the proper Hebrew name should beʾĒrēts Yiśrāʾel(ארץ ישׂראל,Land of Israel). The final compromise was to append the initials of the Hebrew proposed name,Alef-Yod,within parenthesis (א״י) afterPālēśtīnāwhenever the Mandate's name was mentioned in Hebrew in official documents.[14][15]The Arab leadership saw this compromise as a violation of the mandate terms. Some Arab politicians suggested "Southern Syria"(سوريا الجنوبية) as the Arabic name instead. The British authorities rejected this proposal; according to the Minutes of the Ninth Session of the League of Nations'Permanent Mandates Commission:

Colonel Symes explained that the country was described as "Palestine" by Europeans and as "Falestin" by the Arabs. The Hebrew name for the country was the designation "Land of Israel", and the Government, to meet Jewish wishes, had agreed that the word "Palestine" in Hebrew characters should be followed in all official documents by the initials which stood for that designation. As a set-off to this, certain of the Arab politicians suggested that the country should be called "Southern Syria" in order to emphasise its close relation with another Arab State.[16]

The adjective "mandatory"indicates that the entity's legal status derived from aLeague of Nations mandate;it is not related to the word's more commonplace usage as a synonym for "compulsory" or "necessary".[17]



Palestinians in Jaffa in the 1920s

Following the arrival of the British, Arab inhabitants establishedMuslim-Christian Associationsin all of the major towns.[18]In 1919 they joined to hold the firstPalestine Arab Congressin Jerusalem.[19]It was aimed primarily at representative government and opposition to theBalfour Declaration.[20]Concurrently, theZionist Commissionformed in March 1918 and actively promoted Zionist objectives in Palestine. On 19 April 1920,electionstook place for theAssembly of Representativesof thePalestinian Jewish community.[21]

In March 1920, there was anattackby Arabs on the Jewish village ofTel Hai.In April, there was anotherattackon Jews, this time in Jerusalem.

In July 1920, a British civilian administration headed by aHigh Commissionerreplaced the military administration.[22]The first High Commissioner,Sir Herbert Samuel,a Zionist and a recent British cabinet minister, arrived in Palestine on 20 June 1920 to take up his appointment from 1 July. Samuel established his headquarters andofficial residencein part of theAugusta Victoria Hospitalcomplex onMount Scopuson what was then the northeastern edge of Jerusalem, a building that had been constructed for the Germanscirca1910.[23]Damaged by an earthquake in 1927, this building served as the headquarters and official residence of the British High Commissioners until 1933.[23]In that year, a new, purpose-built headquarters and official residence for the High Commissioner was completed on what was then the southeastern edge of Jerusalem.[23]Referred to asArmon HaNetzivby the Jewish population, this building, located on the 'Hill of Evil Counsel' on the ridge ofJabel Mukaber,remained in use as the headquarters and official residence of the British High Commissioners until the end of British rule in 1948.[23]

The formal transfer of Jerusalem to British rule, with a "native priest" reading the proclamation from the steps of theTower of David
The arrival ofSir Herbert Samuel.From left to right:T. E. Lawrence,Emir Abdullah,Air MarshalSir Geoffrey Salmond,Sir Wyndham Deedesand others
An Arab "protest gathering" in session, in the Rawdat el Maaref hall, 1929. From left to right: unknown –Amin al-HusayniMusa al-HusayniRaghib al-Nashashibi– unknown

One of the first actions of the newly installed civil administration was to begin grantingconcessions from the Mandatory governmentover key economic assets. In 1921 the government grantedPinhas Rutenberg– a Jewish entrepreneur – concessions for the production and distribution of electrical power. Rutenberg soon established an electric company whose shareholders were Zionist organisations, investors, and philanthropists. Palestinian-Arabs saw it as proof that the British intended to favour Zionism. The British administration claimed that electrification would enhance the economic development of the country as a whole, while at the same time securing their commitment to facilitate a Jewish National Home through economic – rather than political – means.[24]

In May 1921, following a disturbance between rival Jewish left-wing protestors and then attacks by Arabs on Jews, almost 100 died inrioting in Jaffa.

High Commissioner Samuel tried to establish self-governing institutions in Palestine, as required by the mandate, but the Arab leadership refused to co-operate with any institution which included Jewish participation.[25]WhenKamil al-Husayni,theGrand Mufti of Jerusalem,died in March 1921, High Commissioner Samuel appointed his half-brother,Mohammad Amin al-Husseini,to the position. Amin al-Husseini, a member of theal-Husayniclan of Jerusalem, was anArab nationalistand Muslim leader. As Grand Mufti, as well as in the other influential positions that he held during this period, al-Husseini played a key role in violent opposition toZionism.In 1922, al-Husseini was elected President of theSupreme Muslim Councilwhich had been established by Samuel in December 1921.[26][27]The Council controlled theWaqffunds, worth annually tens of thousands of pounds,[28]and the orphan funds, worth annually about £50,000, as compared to the £600,000 in theJewish Agency's annual budget.[29]In addition, he controlled theIslamiccourts in Palestine. Among other functions, these courts had the power to appoint teachers and preachers.

The 1922 PalestineOrder in Council[30]established a Legislative Council, which was to consist of 23 members: 12 elected, 10 appointed, and the High Commissioner.[31]Of the 12 elected members, eight were to be Muslim Arabs, two Christian Arabs, and two Jews.[32]Arabs protested against the distribution of the seats, arguing that as they constituted 88% of the population, having only 43% of the seats was unfair.[32]Electionstook place in February and March 1923, but due to an Arabboycott,the results were annulled and a 12-member Advisory Council was established.[31]

At theFirst World Congress of Jewish Womenwhich was held inVienna,Austria, 1923, it was decided that: "It appears, therefore, to be the duty of all Jews to co-operate in the social-economic reconstruction of Palestine and to assist in the settlement of Jews in that country."[33]

In October 1923, Britain provided the League of Nations with a report on the administration of Palestine for the period 1920–1922, which covered the period before the mandate.[34]

In August 1929, there wereriotsin which 250 people died.

1930s: Arab armed insurgency

In 1930,SheikhIzz ad-Din al-Qassamarrived in Palestine from Syria, then part of the French-ruledMandate for Syria and the Lebanon,and organised and established theBlack Hand,ananti-Zionistand anti-British militant organisation. He recruited and arranged military training for peasants, and by 1935 he had enlisted between 200 and 800 men. They used bombs and firearms against Zionist settlers and vandalised settlers' orchards and British-built railway lines.[35]In November 1935, two of his men engaged in a firefight with aPalestine Policepatrol hunting fruit thieves and a policeman was killed. Following the incident, British colonial police launched a search and surrounded al-Qassam in a cave nearYa'bad.In the ensuing battle, al-Qassam was killed.[35]

The Arab revolt

Arab revolt against the British

The death of al-Qassam on 20 November 1935 generated widespread outrage in the Arab community. Huge crowds accompanied Qassam's body to his grave inHaifa.A few months later, in April 1936, the Arab nationalgeneral strikebroke out. The strike lasted until October 1936, instigated by the Arab Higher Committee, headed by Amin al-Husseini. During the summer of that year, thousands of Jewish-farmed acres and orchards were destroyed. Jewish civilians were attacked and killed, and some Jewish communities, such as those inBeisan(Beit She'an) andAcre,fled to safer areas.[36]The violence abated for about a year while the British sent thePeel Commissionto investigate.[37]

During the first stages of the Arab Revolt, due to rivalry between the clans of al-Husseini andNashashibiamong the Palestinian Arabs, Raghib Nashashibi was forced to flee to Egypt after several assassination attempts ordered by Amin al-Husseini.[38]

After the Arab rejection of the Peel Commission recommendation, the revolt resumed in autumn 1937. Over the next 18 months, the British lostNablusand Hebron. British forces, supported by 6,000 armed Jewish auxiliary police,[39]suppressed the widespread riots with overwhelming force. The British officerCharles Orde Wingate(who supported a Zionist revival for religious reasons[40]) organisedSpecial Night Squadsof British soldiers and Jewish volunteers such asYigal Alon;these "scored significant successes against the Arab rebels in the lower Galilee and in the Jezreel valley"[41]by conducting raids on Arab villages.[42]Irgun,a Jewish militia group, used violence also against Arab civilians as "retaliatory acts",[43]attacking marketplaces and buses.

By the time the revolt concluded in March 1939, more than 5,000 Arabs, 400 Jews, and 200 British had been killed and at least 15,000 Arabs were wounded.[44]In total, 10% of the adult Arab male population was killed, wounded, imprisoned, or exiled.[45]From 1936 to 1945, while establishing collaborative security arrangements with the Jewish Agency, the British confiscated 13,200 firearms from Arabs and 521 weapons from Jews.[46]

The attacks on the Jewish population by Arabs had three lasting effects: firstly, they led to the formation and development of Jewish underground militias, primarily theHaganah,which were to prove decisive in 1948. Secondly, it became clear that the two communities could not be reconciled, and the idea of partition was born. Thirdly, the British responded to Arab opposition with theWhite Paper of 1939,which severely restricted Jewish land purchase and immigration. However, with the advent of theSecond World War,even this reduced immigration quota was not reached. The White Paper policy itself radicalised segments of the Jewish population, who after the war would no longer cooperate with the British.

The revolt had also a negative effect on Palestinian Arab leadership, social cohesion, and military capabilities, and it contributed to the outcome of the 1948 War because "when the Palestinians faced their most fateful challenge in 1947–49, they were still suffering from the British repression of 1936–39, and were in effect without a unified leadership. Indeed, it might be argued that they were virtually without any leadership at all."[47]

Partition proposals

Jewish demonstration against White Paper in Jerusalem in 1939

In 1937, thePeel Commissionproposed a partition between a small Jewish state, whose Arab population would have to be transferred, and an Arab state to be attached to theEmirate of Transjordan,this emirate also being part of the widerMandate for Palestine.The proposal was rejected outright by the Arabs. The two main Jewish leaders,Chaim WeizmannandDavid Ben-Gurion,had convinced theZionist Congressto equivocally approve the Peel recommendations as a basis for more negotiation.[48][49][50][51][52]Ina letter to his son in October 1937,Ben-Gurion explained that partition would be a first step to "possession of the land as a whole".[53][54][55]The same sentiment was recorded by Ben-Gurion on other occasions, such as at a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive in June 1938,[56]as well as by Chaim Weizmann.[55][57]

Following theLondon Conferencein February and March 1939, the British Government published aWhite Paperwhich proposed a limit to Jewish immigration from Europe, restrictions on Jewish land purchases, and a programme for creating an independent state to replace the Mandate within ten years. This was seen by theYishuvas betrayal of the mandatory terms, especially in light of the increasing persecution of Jews in Europe. In response, Zionists organisedAliyah Bet,a programme of illegal immigration into Palestine.Lehi,a small group of extremist Zionists, staged armed attacks on British authorities in Palestine. However, theJewish Agency,which represented the mainstream Zionist leadership and most of the Jewish population, still hoped to persuade Britain to allow resumed Jewish immigration and cooperated with Britain during theSecond World War.

Second World War

Allied and Axis activity

Australian soldiers inTel Avivin 1942

On 10 June 1940, during theSecond World War,theKingdom of Italydeclared war on theBritish Empireand sided withNazi Germany.Within a month, the Italiansattacked Palestine from the air,bombingTel AvivandHaifa,[58]inflicting multiple casualties.

In 1942, there was a period of great concern for theYishuv,when the German forces of GeneralErwin Rommeladvanced east acrossNorth Africatowards theSuez Canal,raising a fear that they would conquer Palestine. This period was referred to as the "200 days of dread".This event was the direct cause for the founding, with British support, of thePalmach[59]– a highly trained regular unit belonging toHaganah(a paramilitary group composed mostly of reserves).

As in most of the Arab world, there was no unanimity amongst the Palestinian Arabs as to their position regarding the belligerents in the Second World War. A number of leaders and public figures saw anAxisvictory as the likely outcome and a way of securing Palestine back from the Zionists and the British. Even though Arabs were not highly regarded byNazi racial theory,theNazisencouraged Arab support as a counter to British hegemony.[60]On the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in 1943,Reichsführer-SSHeinrich Himmlerand Foreign MinisterJoachim von Ribbentropsent telegrams of support for theGrand Mufti of Jerusalem,Mohammad Amin al-Husseini,to read out for a radio broadcast to a rally of supporters inBerlin.[c][61][62]On the other hand, as many as 12,000 Palestinian Arabs, with the endorsement of many prominent figures such as the mayors ofNablusandGazaand media such as "Radio Palestine"[d]and the prominentJaffa-basedFalastinnewspaper,[e]volunteered to join and fight for the British, with many serving in units that also included Jews from Palestine. 120 Palestinian women also served as part of the "Auxiliary Territorial Service". However, this history has been less studied, as Israeli sources put more focus in studying the role played by Jewish soldiers. Meanwhile, Palestinian sources "were not eager to glorify the names of those who cooperated with Britain not so many years after the British put down the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939, and thereby indirectly helped the Jews establish a state."[63]


Jewish Brigadeheadquarters under theUnion FlagandJewish flag

On 3 July 1944, the British government consented to the establishment of aJewish Brigadewithin theBritish Army,with hand-picked Jewish and also non-Jewish senior officers. On 20 September 1944, an official communiqué by theWar Officeannounced the formation of the Jewish Brigade Group of the British Army. The Jewish Brigade then was stationed inTarvisio,near the border triangle of Italy,Yugoslavia,and Austria, where it played a key role in theBerihah's efforts to help Jews escape Europe for Palestine, a role many of its members would continue after the brigade was disbanded. Among its projects was the education and care of theSelvino children.Later, veterans of the Jewish Brigade were to play a major role in the foundation of theIsrael Defense Forces(IDF).

From the Palestine Regiment, two platoons, one Jewish, under the command ofBrigadierErnest Benjamin,and another Arab, were sent to join Allied forces on theItalian Front,having taken part in thefinal offensivethere.

Besides Jews and Arabs from Palestine, in total by mid-1944 the British had assembled a multiethnic force consisting of volunteer European Jewish refugees (from German-occupied countries),Yemenite JewsandAbyssinian Jews.[64]

The Holocaust and immigration quotas

Jewish Stateship, one of several Haganah ships that carried Jewish immigrants from Europe, mostly illegal, at theHaifa Port,Mandatory Palestine, 1947[65]

In 1939, as a consequence of theWhite Paper of 1939,the British reduced the number of immigrants allowed into Palestine. TheSecond World Warand theHolocauststarted shortly thereafter and once the 15,000 annual quota was exceeded, Jews fleeingNazipersecution were interned in detention camps or deported to places such asMauritius.[66]

Starting in 1939, a clandestine immigration effort calledAliya Betwas spearheaded by an organisation calledMossad LeAliyah Bet.Tens of thousands of European Jews escaped the Nazis in boats and small ships headed for Palestine. The BritishRoyal Navyintercepted many of the vessels; others were unseaworthy and were wrecked; aHaganahbomb sunk theSSPatria,killing 267 people; two other ships were sunk bySoviet submarines:the motorschoonerStrumawastorpedoed and sunkin theBlack Seaby a Soviet submarine in February 1942 with the loss of nearly 800 lives.[67]The last refugee boats to try to reach Palestine during the war were theBulbul,MefküreandMorinain August 1944. A Soviet submarine sank the motor schoonerMefküreby torpedo and shellfire and machine-gunned survivors in the water,[68]killing between 300 and 400 refugees.[69]Illegal immigration resumed after the end of the Second World War, especially by the Haganah, who carried mostly illegal Jewish immigrants in the period 1945-47.[65]

After the war, 250,000 Jewish refugees were stranded in displaced persons (DP) camps in Europe. Despite the pressure of world opinion, in particular the repeated requests of theU.S. President,Harry S. Truman,and the recommendations of theAnglo-American Committee of Inquirythat 100,000 Jews be immediately granted entry to Palestine, the British maintained the ban on immigration.

Beginning of Zionist insurgency

Jerusalem onVE Day,8 May 1945

The JewishLehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel)andIrgun (National Military Organisation)movements initiatedviolent uprisingsagainst the British Mandate in the 1940s. On 6 November 1944,Eliyahu HakimandEliyahu Bet Zuri(members of Lehi) assassinatedLord MoyneinCairo.Moyne was the British Minister of State for the Middle East and the assassination is said by some to have turned British Prime MinisterWinston Churchillagainst the Zionist cause. After the assassination of Lord Moyne, theHaganahkidnapped, interrogated, and turned over to the British many members of the Irgun ( "The Hunting Season"), and the Jewish Agency Executive decided on a series of measures against" terrorist organisations "in Palestine. Irgun ordered its members not to resist or retaliate with violence, so as to prevent a civil war.

After the Second World War: Insurgency and the Partition Plan

The three main Jewish underground forces later united to form theJewish Resistance Movementand carry out several attacks and bombings against the British administration. In 1946, the Irgun blew up theKing David Hotelin Jerusalem, the southern wing of which was the headquarters of the British administration, killing 92 people. Following the bombing, the British Government began interningillegal Jewish immigrants in Cyprus.In 1948, the Lehi assassinatedCountBernadotte,the UN mediator, in Jerusalem.Yitzak Shamir,a futurePrime Minister of Israel,was one of the conspirators.

The UN Partition Plan

The negative publicity resulting from the situation in Palestine caused the Mandate to become widely unpopular in Britain itself and caused theUnited States Congressto delay granting the British vital loans for reconstruction. The BritishLabour Partyhad promised before its election in 1945 to allow mass Jewish migration into Palestine but reneged on this promise once in office. Anti-British Jewish militancy increased, and the situation required the presence of over 100,000 British troops in the country. Following the Acre Prison Break and the retaliatory hanging of British sergeants by the Irgun, the British announced their desire to terminate the mandate and to withdraw by no later than the beginning of August 1948.[22]

TheAnglo-American Committee of Inquiryin 1946 was a joint attempt by Britain and the United States to agree on a policy regarding the admission of Jews to Palestine. In April, the Committee reported that its members had arrived at a unanimous decision. The Committee approved the American recommendation of the immediate acceptance of 100,000 Jewish refugees from Europe into Palestine. It also recommended that there be no Arab or Jewish state. The Committee stated that "in order to dispose, once and for all, of the exclusive claims of Jews and Arabs to Palestine, we regard it as essential that a clear statement of principle should be made that Jew shall not dominate Arab and Arab shall not dominate Jew in Palestine". U.S. PresidentHarry S. Trumanangered the British Government by issuing a statement supporting the 100,000 refugees but refusing to acknowledge the rest of the committee's findings. Britain had asked for U.S. assistance in implementing the recommendations. TheUS War Departmenthad said earlier that to assist Britain in maintaining order against an Arab revolt, an open-ended US commitment of 300,000 troops would be necessary. The immediate admission of 100,000 new Jewish immigrants would almost certainly have provoked an Arab uprising.[70]

These events were the decisive factors that forced Britain to announce their desire to terminate the Palestine Mandate and place the Question of Palestine before theUnited Nations,the successor to theLeague of Nations.The UN createdUNSCOP(the UN Special Committee on Palestine) on 15 May 1947, with representatives from 11 countries. UNSCOP conducted hearings and made a general survey of the situation in Palestine and issued its report on 31 August. Seven members (Canada,Czechoslovakia,Guatemala, Netherlands, Peru, Sweden, and Uruguay) recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states, with Jerusalem to be placed underinternational administration.Three members (India, Iran, andYugoslavia) supported the creation of a single federal state containing both Jewish and Arab constituent states. Australia abstained.[71]

On 29 November 1947,the UN General Assembly, voting 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions, adopted a resolutionrecommending the adoption and implementation of thePlan of Partition with Economic Unionas Resolution 181 (II),[72][73]while making some adjustments to the boundaries between the two states proposed by it. The division was to take effect on the date of British withdrawal. The partition plan required that the proposed states grant full civil rights to all people within their borders, regardless of race, religion or gender. The UN General Assembly is only granted the power to make recommendations; therefore, UNGAR 181 was not legally binding.[74]Both the US and theSoviet Unionsupported the resolution. Haiti, Liberia, and the Philippines changed their votes at the last moment after concerted pressure from the US and from Zionist organisations.[75][76][77]The five members of theArab League,who were voting members at the time, voted against the Plan.

The Jewish Agency, which was the Jewish state-in-formation, accepted the plan, and nearly all the Jews in Palestine rejoiced at the news.

The partition plan was rejected by the Palestinian Arab leadership and by most of the Arab population.[f][g]Meeting inCairoon November and December 1947, the Arab League then adopted a series of resolutions endorsing a military solution to the conflict.

Britain announced that it would accept the partition plan, but refused to enforce it, arguing it was not accepted by the Arabs. Britain also refused to share the administration of Palestine with the UN Palestine Commission during the transitional period. In September 1947, the British government announced that the Mandate for Palestine would end at midnight on 14 May 1948.[80][81][82]

Some Jewish organisations also opposed the proposal.IrgunleaderMenachem Beginannounced, "The partition of the Homeland is illegal. It will never be recognised. The signature by institutions and individuals of the partition agreement is invalid. It will not bind the Jewish people. Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for ever."[83]

Termination of the mandate

British troops leavingHaifain 1948

When the United Kingdom announced the independence of theEmirate of Transjordanas theHashemite Kingdom of Transjordanin 1946, the final Assembly of the League of Nations and the General Assembly both adopted resolutions welcoming the news.[84]The Jewish Agency objected, claiming that Transjordan was an integral part of Palestine, and that according to Article 80 of theUN Charter,the Jewish people had a secured interest in its territory.[85]

During the General Assembly deliberations on Palestine, there were suggestions that it would be desirable to incorporate part of Transjordan's territory into the proposed Jewish state. A few days before the adoption ofResolution 181(II) on 29 November 1947, US Secretary of State Marshall noted frequent references had been made by the Ad Hoc Committee regarding the desirability of the Jewish State having both theNegevand an "outlet to the Red Sea and the Port of Aqaba".[86]According to John Snetsinger, Chaim Weizmann visited President Truman on 19 November 1947 and said it was imperative that the Negev and Port of Aqaba be within the Jewish state.[87]Truman telephoned the US delegation to the UN and told them he supported Weizmann's position.[88]However, theTrans-Jordan memorandumexcluded territories of the Emirate of Transjordan from any Jewish settlement.[89]

Immediately after the UN resolution,civil warbroke out between the Arab and Jewish communities, and British authority began to break down. On 16 December 1947, thePalestine Police Forcewithdrew from theTel Avivarea, home to more than half the Jewish population, and turned over responsibility for the maintenance of law and order to Jewish police.[90]As the civil war raged on, British military forces gradually withdrew from Palestine, although they occasionally intervened in favour of either side. Many of these areas became war zones. The British maintained strong presences inJerusalemandHaifa,even as Jerusalem came under siege by Arab forces and became the scene of fierce fighting, though the British occasionally intervened in the fighting, largely to secure their evacuation routes, including by proclaiming martial law and enforcing truces. ThePalestine Police Forcewas largely inoperative, and government services such as social welfare, water supplies, and postal services were withdrawn. In March 1948, all British judges in Palestine were sent back to Britain.[91]In April 1948, the British withdrew from most of Haifa but retained an enclave in the port area to be used in the evacuation of British forces, and retainedRAF Ramat David,an airbase close to Haifa, to cover their retreat, leaving behind a volunteer police force to maintain order. The city was quickly captured by theHaganahin theBattle of Haifa.After the victory, British forces in Jerusalem announced that they had no intention of overseeing any local administration but also that they would not permit actions that would hamper the safe and orderly withdrawal of their forces; military courts would try anybody who interfered.[92][93][94]Although by this time British authority in most of Palestine had broken down, with most of the country in the hands of Jews or Arabs, the British air and sea blockade of Palestine remained in place. Although Arab volunteers were able to cross the borders between Palestine and the surrounding Arab states to join the fighting, the British did not allow the regular armies of the surrounding Arab states to cross into Palestine.

The British had notified the UN of their intent to terminate the mandate not later than 1 August 1948.[95][96]However, early in 1948, the United Kingdom announced its firm intention to end its mandate in Palestine on 15 May. In response, PresidentHarry S. Trumanmade astatement on 25 March proposing UN trusteeship rather than partition,stating that "unfortunately, it has become clear that the partition plan cannot be carried out at this time by peaceful means... unless emergency action is taken, there will be no public authority in Palestine on that date capable of preserving law and order. Violence and bloodshed will descend upon the Holy Land. Large-scale fighting among the people of that country will be the inevitable result".[97]TheBritish Parliamentpassed the necessary legislation to terminate the Mandate with the Palestine Bill, which receivedRoyal assenton 29 April 1948.[98]

Hoisting of the Yishuv flag in Tel Aviv, 1 January 1948

By 14 May 1948, the only British forces remaining in Palestine were in the Haifa area and in Jerusalem. On that same day, the British garrison in Jerusalem withdrew, and the last High Commissioner,GeneralSir Alan Cunningham,left the city for Haifa, where he was to leave the country by sea. The Jewish leadership, led by the future Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion,declared the establishmentof a Jewish State inEretz-Israel,to be known as theState of Israel,[99]on the afternoon of 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708 in theHebrew calendar), to come into effect at the moment of termination of the Mandate at midnight.[100][101][102]Also on the 14th, the Provisional Government of Israel asked the US Government for recognition, on the frontiers specified in the UN Plan for Partition.[103]The United States immediately replied, recognizing "the provisional government as the de facto authority".[104]

At midnight on 14/15 May 1948, the Mandate for Palestine expired, and the State of Israel came into being. The Palestine Government formally ceased to exist, the status of British forces still in the process of withdrawal from Haifa changed to occupiers of foreign territory, thePalestine Police Forceformally stood down and was disbanded, with the remaining personnel evacuated alongside British military forces, the British blockade of Palestine was lifted, and all those who had beenPalestinian citizensceased to beBritish protected persons,withMandatory Palestine passportsno longer giving British protection.[93][105]The1948 Palestinian expulsion and flighttook place both before and after the end of the Mandate.[106][107]

Over the next few days, approximately 700 Lebanese, 1,876 Syrian, 4,000 Iraqi, and 2,800 Egyptian troops crossed over the borders into Palestine, starting the1948 Arab–Israeli War.[108]Around 4,500 Transjordanian troops, commanded partly by 38 British officers who had resigned their commissions in the British Army only weeks earlier, including overall commander, GeneralJohn Bagot Glubb,entered thecorpus separatumregion encompassing Jerusalem and its environs(in response to the Haganah'sOperation Kilshon)[109]and moved into areas designated as part of the Arab state by the UN partition plan. The war, which was to last until 1949, would see Israel expand to encompass about 78% of the territory of the former British Mandate, with Transjordan seizing and subsequently anne xing theWest Bankand theKingdom of Egyptseizing theGaza Strip.With the end of the Mandate, the remaining British troops in Israel were concentrated in an enclave in the Haifa port area, through which they were being withdrawn, and at RAF Ramat David, which was maintained to cover the withdrawal. The British handed over RAF Ramat David to the Israelis on 26 May and on 30 June, the last British troops were evacuated from Haifa. The British flag was lowered from the administrative building of the Port of Haifa and the Israeli flag was raised in its place, and the Haifa port area was formally handed over to the Israeli authorities in a ceremony.[110]


The administration of the Mandate was officially under British Government Service however, the Peel Commission noted that it was unreliable, understaffed, and over-centralised and that racial antagonism between Jews and Arabs had begun affecting the whole Administration. The Jewish Agency and the Arab Higher Committee representing the Jews and the Arabs respectively, had grown to be parallel governments themselves, a case ofimperium in imperio.[111]

Palestinian Arab community

Front cover
Biographical pages
Passports from the British Mandate era

The resolution of theSan Remo Conferencecontained a safeguarding clause for the existing rights of the non-Jewish communities. The conference accepted the terms of the Mandate with reference to Palestine, on the understanding that there was inserted in the memorandum a legal undertaking by the Mandatory Power that it would not involve the surrender of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine.[112]The draft mandates forMesopotamiaand Palestine, and all of the post-war peace treaties, contained clauses for the protection of religious groups and minorities. The mandates invoked the compulsory jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice in the event of any disputes.[113]

Article 62 (LXII) of theTreaty of Berlin,signed on 13 July 1878,[114]dealt with religious freedom andcivil and political rightsin all parts of the Ottoman Empire.[115]The guarantees have frequently been referred to as "religious rights" or "minority rights". However, the guarantees included a prohibition against discrimination in civil and political matters. Difference of religion could not be alleged against any person as a ground for exclusion or incapacity in matters relating to the enjoyment of civil or political rights, admission to public employments, functions, and honours, or the exercise of the various professions and industries, "in any locality whatsoever".

A legal analysis performed by theInternational Court of Justice(ICJ) noted that theCovenant of the League of Nationshad provisionally recognised the communities of Palestine as independent nations. The mandate simply marked a transitory period, with the aim and object of leading the mandated territory to become an independent self-governing State.[116]Judge Higgins explained that the Palestinian people are entitled to their territory, to exerciseself-determination,and to have their own State. "[117]The Court said that specific guarantees regarding freedom of movement and access to the Holy Sites contained in theTreaty of Berlin(1878) had been preserved under the terms of the Palestine Mandate and a chapter of theUnited Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.[118]

According to historianRashid Khalidi,the mandate ignored the political rights of the Arabs.[119]The Arab leadership repeatedly pressed the British to grant them national and political rights, such as representative government, over Jewish national and political rights in the remaining 23% of the Mandate of Palestine which the British had set aside for a Jewish homeland. The Arabs reminded the British ofPresident Wilson'sFourteen Pointsand British promises during theFirst World War.The British, however, made acceptance of the terms of the mandate a precondition for any change in the constitutional position of the Arabs. A legislative council was proposed inThe Palestine Order in Council,of 1922, which implemented the terms of the mandate. It stated that: "No Ordinance shall be passed which shall be in any way repugnant to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Mandate." For the Arabs, this decree was unacceptable, akin to "self murder".[120]As a result, the Arabs boycotted theelections to the Councilheld in 1923, which were subsequently annulled.[121]During the interwar period, the British rejected the principle of majority rule or any other measure that would give Arabs control of the government.[122]

The terms of the mandate required the establishment of self-governing institutions in both Palestine and Transjordan. In 1947, theForeign Secretary,Ernest Bevin,admitted that, during the previous twenty-five years, the British had done their best to further the legitimate aspirations of the Jewish communities without prejudicing the interests of the Arabs, but had failed to "secure the development of self-governing institutions" in accordance with the terms of the Mandate.[123]

Palestinian Arab leadership and national aspirations

A 1930 protest inJerusalemagainst the British Mandate by Arab women. The sign reads "No dialogue, no negotiations until termination of the Mandate."

Under the British Mandate, the office of "Mufti of Jerusalem", traditionally limited in authority and geographical scope, was refashioned into that of "Grand Mufti of Palestine". Furthermore, a Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) was established and given various duties, such as the administration ofreligious endowmentsand the appointment ofreligious judgesand local muftis. In Ottoman times, these duties had been fulfilled by the Imperial bureaucracy inConstantinople(Istanbul).[124]In dealings with the Palestinian Arabs, the British negotiated with the elite rather than the middle or lower classes.[125]They choseHajj Amin al-Husseinito become Grand Mufti, although he was young and had received the fewest votes from Jerusalem's Islamic leaders.[126]One of the mufti's rivals,Raghib Bey al-Nashashibi,had already been appointedMayor of Jerusalemin 1920, replacingMusa Kazim,whom the British removed after theNabi Musa riots of 1920,[127]during which he exhorted the crowd to give their blood for Palestine.[128]During the entire Mandate period, but especially during the latter half, the rivalry between the mufti and al-Nashashibi dominated Palestinian politics. Khalidi ascribes the failure of the Palestinian leaders to enroll mass support to the fact that they had been part of the ruling elite and accustomed to their commands being obeyed; thus, the idea of mobilising the masses was unknown to them.[129]

On the Husseini-Nashashibi rivalry, an editorial in the Arabic-languageFalastinnewspaper in the 1920s commented:[130]

The spirit of factionalism has penetrated most levels of society; one can see it among journalists, trainees, and the rank and file. If you ask anyone: who does he support? He will reply with pride, Husseini or Nashasibi, or... he will start to pour out his wrath against the opposing camp in a most repulsive manner.

There had already been rioting and attacks on and massacres of Jews in1921and1929.During the 1930s, Palestinian Arab popular discontent with Jewish immigration grew. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, several factions of Palestinian society, especially from the younger generation, became impatient with the internecine divisions and ineffectiveness of the Palestinian elite and engaged in grass-roots anti-British and anti-Zionist activism, organised by groups such as theYoung Men's Muslim Association.There was also support for the radical nationalistIndependence Party(Hizb al-Istiqlal), which called for a boycott of the British in the manner of theIndian Congress Party.Some took to the hills tofight the British and the Jews.Most of these initiatives were contained and defeated by notables in the pay of the Mandatory Administration, particularly the mufti and his cousinJamal al-Husseini.A six-month general strike in 1936 marked the start of the great Arab Revolt.[131]

Palestinian Arab journalism

The PalestinianArab Christian-ownedFalastinnewspaper featuring a caricature on its 18 June 1936 edition showing Zionism as a crocodile under the protection of a British officer telling Palestinian Arabs: "don't be afraid!!! I will swallow you peacefully...."[132]

After the Palestinian Arab press during theOttoman periodhad been suppressed due to the outbreak ofWorld War Iin 1914, only two of the three leading newspapers of the Ottoman era were reopened during the mandate period,Al-KarmilandFalastin.During this period, the press became more diverse, and increasingly reflected different political factions and national consciousness. According to one survey in the mid 1930s, over 250 Arabic newspapers and 65 in other languages were circulating in Mandatory Palestine.[133]Twenty newspapers were established inJerusalem,six inJaffa,twelve inHaifa,and others inBethlehem,GazaandTulkarem.[133]

The Ottoman Press Law, which mandated licensing and the submission of translations to government authorities, was adopted by the British, but they rarely interfered until the1929 Palestine riots,which saw violent confrontations between Arabs and Zionists, and led to a radicalization of Arab newspapers. One outspoken newspaper was established inJaffacalledAl-Difa'(The Defense) in 1934, which was associated withHizb Al-Istiqlal(The Independence Party).[133]FalastinandAl-Difa'became the two most prominent dailies during the mandate period, and a rivalry developed between the two, which led to improvements in their quality.[134]

Many of the editors and owners of newspapers were members of political organizations, and used their publications for mobilizing the public.[135]The British authorities' attitude towards Palestinian press was initially tolerant, given they had assessed that their impact on public life was minimal, but restrictive measures were soon increasingly introduced. A new Publications Law was issued in 1933, which gave the British authorities the power to revoke publication permits, suspend newspapers, and punish journalists. Regulations were issued that further restricted freedom of the press. Many major publications were suspended for extended periods between 1937 and 1938, includingFalastin,Al-Difa,andAl-Liwa.After the outbreak ofWorld War II,emergency laws were enacted and the British closed almost all the newspapers, with the exception ofFalastinandAl-Difa,due to the moderation of their tone and the publishing of censored news.[136]

Jewish community

The conquest ofOttoman Syriaby British forces in 1917 found a mixed community in the region, withPalestine,the southern part of Ottoman Syria, containing a mixed population of Muslims, Christians, Jews and Druze. In this period, the Jewish community (Yishuv) in Palestine was composed of traditional Jewish communities in cities (theOld Yishuv), which had existed for centuries,[137]and the newly established agricultural Zionist communities (theNew Yishuv), established since the 1870s. With the establishment of the Mandate, the Jewish community in Palestine formed the Zionist Commission to represent its interests.

In 1929, theJewish Agency for Palestinetook over from the Zionist Commission its representative functions and administration of the Jewish community. During the Mandate period, the Jewish Agency was a quasi-governmental organisation that served the administrative needs of the Jewish community. Its leadership was elected by Jews from all over the world by proportional representation.[138]The Jewish Agency was charged with facilitating Jewish immigration to Palestine, land purchase and planning the general policies of the Zionist leadership. It ran schools and hospitals and formed theHaganah.The British authorities offered to create a similarArab Agencybut this offer was rejected by Arab leaders.[139]

In response to numerous Arab attacks on Jewish communities, theHaganah,a Jewish paramilitary organisation, was formed on 15 June 1920 to defend Jewish residents. Tensions led to widespread violent disturbances on several occasions, notably in 1921 (seeJaffa riots), 1929 (primarily violent attacks by Arabs on Jews – see1929 Hebron massacre) and 1936–1939. Beginning in 1936, Jewish groups such asEtzel (Irgun)andLehi (Stern Gang)conducted campaigns of violence against British military and Arab targets.

Jewish immigration

Jewish immigration to Mandatory Palestine from 1920 to 1945

During the Mandate, the Yishuv grew from one-sixth to almost one-third of the population. According to official records, 367,845 Jews and 33,304 non-Jews immigrated legally between 1920 and 1945.[140]It was estimated that another 50–60,000 Jews and a marginal number of Arabs, the latter mostly on a seasonal basis, immigrated illegally during this period.[141]Immigration accounted for most of the increase of Jewish population, while the non-Jewish population increase was largely natural.[142]Of the Jewish immigrants, in 1939 most had come from Germany and Czechoslovakia, but in 1940–1944 most came from Romania and Poland, with an additional 3,530 immigrants arriving from Yemen during the same period.[143]

Initially, Jewish immigration to Palestine met little opposition from thePalestinian Arabs.However, asanti-Semitismgrew in Europe during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish immigration (mostly from Europe) to Palestine began to increase markedly. Combined with the growth of Arab nationalism in the region and increasing anti-Jewish sentiments the growth of the Jewish population created much Arab resentment. The British government placed limitations on Jewish immigration to Palestine. These quotas were controversial, particularly in the latter years of British rule, and both Arabs and Jews disliked the policy, each for their own reasons.

Jewish immigrants were to be afforded Palestinian citizenship:

Article 7. The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.[144]

Jewish national home

In 1919, the general secretary (and future President) of the Zionist Organisation, Nahum Sokolow, publishedHistory of Zionism (1600–1918).He also represented the Zionist Organisation at the Paris Peace Conference.

Nahum Sokolow, History of Zionism[145]

One of the objectives of British administration was to give effect to theBalfour Declaration,which was also set out in the preamble of the mandate, as follows:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect thedeclaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917,by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of anational home for the Jewish people,it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[146]

The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine said the Jewish National Home, which derived from the formulation of Zionist aspirations in the 1897Basle programhas provoked many discussions concerning its meaning, scope and legal character, especially since it had no known legal connotation and there are no precedents in international law for its interpretation. It was used in the Balfour Declaration and in the Mandate, both of which promised the establishment of a "Jewish National Home" without, however, defining its meaning. A statement on "British Policy in Palestine", issued on 3 June 1922 by the Colonial Office,[147]placed a restrictive construction upon the Balfour Declaration. The statement said the British government did not contemplate "the disappearance or subordination of the Arabic population, language or customs in Palestine" or "the imposition of Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole", and made it clear that in the eyes of the mandatory Power, the Jewish National Home was to be founded in Palestine and not that Palestine as a whole was to be converted into a Jewish National Home. The Committee noted that the construction, which restricted considerably the scope of the National Home, was made prior to the confirmation of the Mandate by the Council of the League of Nations and was formally accepted at the time by the Executive of the Zionist Organisation.[148]

In March 1930, Lord Passfield, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, had written a Cabinet Paper[149]which said:

In the Balfour Declaration there is no suggestion that the Jews should be accorded a special or favoured position in Palestine as compared with the Arab inhabitants of the country, or that the claims of Palestinians to enjoy self-government (subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory as foreshadowed in Article XXII of the Covenant) should be curtailed in order to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people. "... Zionist leaders have not concealed and do not conceal their opposition to the grant of any measure of self-government to the people of Palestine either now or for many years to come. Some of them even go so far as to claim that that provision of Article 2 of the Mandate constitutes a bar to compliance with the demand of the Arabs for any measure of self-government. In view of the provisions of Article XXII of the Covenant and of the promises made to the Arabs on several occasions that claim is inadmissible.

The League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission took the position that the Mandate contained a dual obligation. In 1932 the Mandates Commission questioned the representative of the Mandatory on the demands made by the Arab population regarding the establishment of self-governing institutions, in accordance with various articles of the mandate, and in particular Article 2. The chairman noted that "under the terms of the same article, the mandatory Power had long since set up the Jewish National Home".[150]

In 1937, thePeel Commission,a British Royal Commission headed byEarl Peel,proposed solving the Arab–Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into two states. The two main Jewish leaders,Chaim WeizmannandDavid Ben-Gurion,had convinced theZionist Congressto approve equivocally the Peel recommendations as a basis for more negotiation.[48][49][50][151]The US Consul General at Jerusalem told the State Department that the Mufti had refused the principle of partition and declined to consider it. The Consul said that theEmir Abdullahurged acceptance on the ground that realities must be faced, but wanted modification of the proposed boundaries and Arab administrations in the neutral enclave. The Consul also noted that Nashashibi sidestepped the principle, but was willing to negotiate for favourable modifications.[152]

A collection of private correspondence published by David Ben Gurion contained a letter written in 1937 which explained that he was in favour of partition because he did not envision a partial Jewish state as the end of the process. Ben Gurion wrote "What we want is not that the country be united and whole, but that the united and whole country be Jewish." He explained that a first-class Jewish army would permit Zionists to settle in the rest of the country with or without the consent of the Arabs.[153]Benny Morris said that both Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion saw partition as a stepping stone to further expansion and the eventual takeover of the whole of Palestine.[154]Former Israeli Foreign Minister and historian Schlomo Ben Ami writes that 1937 was the same year that the "Field Battalions" under Yitzhak Sadeh wrote the "Avner Plan", which anticipated and laid the groundwork for what would become in 1948,Plan D.It envisioned going far beyond any boundaries contained in the existing partition proposals and planned the conquest of the Galilee, the West Bank, and Jerusalem.[155]

In 1942, theBiltmore Programwas adopted as the platform of the World Zionist Organisation. It demanded "that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth".

In 1946 an Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry noted that the demand for a Jewish State went beyond the obligations of either the Balfour Declaration or the Mandate and had been expressly disowned by the Chairman of the Jewish Agency as recently as 1932.[156]The Jewish Agency subsequently refused to accept the subsequentMorrison-Grady Planas the basis for discussion. A spokesman for the agency, Eliahu Epstein, told the US State Department that the Agency could not attend the London conference if the Grady-Morrison proposal was on the agenda. He stated that the Agency was unwilling to be placed in a position where it might have to compromise between the Grady-Morrison proposals on the one hand and its own partition plan on the other. He stated that the Agency had accepted partition as the solution for Palestine which it favoured.[157]

Land ownership

Map of Palestinian land ownership by sub-district (1945) originally published in theVillage Statistics, 1945
Palestinian index of villages and settlements, showing land in Jewish possession as of 31 December 1944

After transition to the British rule, much of the agricultural land in Palestine (about one third of the whole territory) was still owned by the same landowners as under Ottoman rule, mostly powerful Arab clans and local Muslim sheikhs. Other lands had been held by foreign Christian organisations (most notably the Greek Orthodox Church), as well as Jewish private and Zionist organisations, and to lesser degree by small minorities of Baháʼís, Samaritans and Circassians.

As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600dunams(26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[158]Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945.[159][160]The Jewish owned agricultural land was largely located in the Galilee and along the coastal plain. Estimates of the total volume of land that Jews had purchased by 15 May 1948 are complicated by illegal and unregistered land transfers, as well as by the lack of data on land concessions from the Palestine administration after 31 March 1936. According to Avneri, Jews held 1,850,000 dunams (1,850 km2) of land in 1947, or 6.94% of the total.[161]Stein gives the estimate of 2,000,000 dunams (2,000 km2) as of May 1948, or 7.51% of the total.[162]According to Fischbach, by 1948, Jews and Jewish companies owned 20% percent of all cultivable land in the country.[163]

According to Clifford A. Wright, by the end of the British Mandate period in 1948, Jewish farmers cultivated 425,450 dunams of land, whilePalestinianfarmers had 5,484,700 dunams of land under cultivation.[164]The 1945 UN estimate shows that Arab ownership of arable land was on average 68% of a district, ranging from 15% ownership in the Beer-Sheba district to 99% ownership in the Ramallah district. These data cannot be fully understood without comparing them to those of neighbouring countries: in Iraq, for instance, still in 1951 only 0.3 per cent of registered land (or 50 per cent of the total amount) was categorised as 'private property'.[165]

Land ownership by district

The following table shows the 1945 land ownership of mandatory Palestine bydistrict:

Land ownership of Palestine in 1945 by district
District Sub-district Arab-owned Jewish-owned Public / other
Haifa Haifa 42% 35% 23%
Galilee Acre 87% 3% 10%
Beisan 44% 34% 22%
Nazareth 52% 28% 20%
Safad 68% 18% 14%
Tiberias 51% 38% 11%
Lydda Jaffa 47% 39% 14%
Ramle 77% 14% 9%
Samaria Jenin 84% <1% 16%
Nablus 87% <1% 13%
Tulkarm 78% 17% 5%
Jerusalem Hebron 96% <1% 4%
Jerusalem 84% 2% 14%
Ramallah 99% <1% 1%
Gaza Beersheba 15% <1% 85%
Gaza 75% 4% 21%
Data from the Land Ownership of Palestine[166]

Land ownership by corporation

The table below shows the land ownership of Palestine by large Jewish Corporations (in square kilometres) on 31 December 1945.

Land ownership of Palestine by large Jewish Corporations (in square kilometres) on 31 December 1945
Corporations Area
JNF 660.10
PICA 193.70
Palestine Land Development Co. Ltd. 9.70
Hemnuta Ltd 16.50
Africa Palestine Investment Co. Ltd. 9.90
Bayside Land Corporation Ltd. 8.50
Palestine Kupat Am. Bank Ltd. 8.40
Total 906.80
Data is from Survey of Palestine (vol. I, p. 245).[167][168]

Land ownership by type

The land owned privately and collectively by Jews, Arabs and other non-Jews can be classified as urban, rural built-on, cultivable (farmed), and uncultivable. The following chart shows the ownership by Jews, Arabs and other non-Jews in each of the categories.

Land ownership of Palestine (in square kilometres) on 1 April 1943
Category Arab / non-Jewish ownership Jewish ownership Total
Urban 76.66 70.11 146.77
Rural built-on 36.85 42.33 79.18
Cereal (taxable) 5,503.18 814.10 6,317.29
Cereal (not taxable) 900.29 51.05 951.34
Plantation 1,079.79 95.51 1,175.30
Citrus 145.57 141.19 286.76
Banana 2.30 1.43 3.73
Uncultivable 16,925.81 298.52 17,224.33
Total 24,670.46 1,514.25 26,184.70
Data is from Survey of Palestine (vol. II, p. 566).[168][169]By the end of 1946, Jewish ownership had increased to 1624 km2.[170]

List of Mandatory land laws

Land classification as prescribed in 1940
  • Land Transfer Ordinance of 1920
  • 1926 Correction of Land Registers Ordinance
  • Land Settlement Ordinance of 1928
  • Land Transfer Regulations of 1940

In February 1940, the British Government of Palestine promulgated theLand Transfer Regulationswhich divided Palestine into three regions with different restrictions on land sales applying to each. In Zone "A", which included the hill-country of Judea as a whole, certain areas in theJaffasub-District, and in theGaza District,and the northern part of theBeershebasub-District, new agreements for sale of land other than to a Palestinian Arab were forbidden without the High Commissioner's permission. In Zone "B", which included theJezreel Valley,eastern Galilee, a parcel of coastal plain south ofHaifa,a region northeast of the Gaza District, and the southern part of the Beersheba sub-District, sale of land by a Palestinian Arab was forbidden except to a Palestinian Arab with similar exceptions. In the "free zone", which consisted of Haifa Bay, the coastal plain fromZikhron Ya'akovtoYibna,and the neighborhood of Jerusalem, there were no restrictions. The reason given for the regulations was that the Mandatory was required to "ensur[e] that the rights and positions of other sections of the population are not prejudiced", and an assertion that "such transfers of land must be restricted if Arab cultivators are to maintain their existing standard of life and a considerable landless Arab population is not soon to be created"[171]


British censuses and estimations

Street in As-Salt in the 1920s
Population distribution near the end of the Mandate

In 1920, the majority of the approximately 750,000 people in this multi-ethnic region wereArabic-speaking Muslims, including aBedouinpopulation (estimated at 103,331 at the time of the 1922 census[172]and concentrated in theBeershebaarea and the region south and east of it), as well as Jews (who accounted for some 11% of the total) and smaller groups ofDruze,Syrians, Sudanese, Somalis,Circassians,Egyptians, Copts, Greeks, andHejazi Arabs:

  • Thefirst censusof 1922 showed a population of 757,182, of whom 78% were Muslim, 11% Jewish and 10% Christian.
  • Thesecond census,of 1931, gave a total population of 1,035,154 of whom 73.4% were Muslim, 16.9% Jewish and 8.6% Christian.

A discrepancy between the two censuses and records of births, deaths and immigration, led the authors of the second census to postulate the illegal immigration of about 9,000 Jews and 4,000 Arabs during the intervening years.[173]

Arab Christian Palestinian boys at theJerusalem YMCA,1938

There were no further censuses but statistics were maintained by counting births, deaths and migration. By the end of 1936 the total population was approximately 1,300,000, the Jews being estimated at 384,000. The Arabs had also increased their numbers rapidly, mainly as a result of the cessation of themilitary conscription imposed on the country by the Ottoman Empire,thecampaign against malariaand a general improvement in health services. In absolute figures their increase exceeded that of the Jewish population, but proportionally, the latter had risen from 13 per cent of the total population at the census of 1922 to nearly 30 per cent at the end of 1936.[174]

Some components such as illegal immigration could only be estimated approximately. TheWhite Paper of 1939,which placed immigration restrictions on Jews, stated that the Jewish population "has risen to some 450,000" and was "approaching a third of the entire population of the country". In 1945, a demographic study showed that the population had grown to 1,764,520, comprising 1,061,270 Muslims, 553,600 Jews, 135,550 Christians and 14,100 people of other groups.

Year Total Muslim Jewish Christian Other
1922 752,048 589,177
1931 1,036,339 761,922
1945 1,764,520 1,061,270
Average compoundedpopulation
rate per annum, 1922–1945
3.8% 2.6% 8.6% 2.8% 2.7%

By district

Map of the municipalities in Mandatory Palestine by population count (1945)
150,000 and more
less than 500
Nomadic regions in theNegevdesert

The following table gives the religious demography of each of the 16districtsof the Mandate in 1945.

Demography of Palestine in 1945 by district[175]
District Sub-District Muslim Jewish Christian Total
Number % Number % Number %
Haifa Haifa 95,970 38% 119,020 47% 33,710 13% 253,450
Galilee Acre 51,130 69% 3,030 4% 11,800 16% 73,600
Beisan 16,660 67% 7,590 30% 680 3% 24,950
Nazareth 30,160 60% 7,980 16% 11,770 24% 49,910
Safad 47,310 83% 7,170 13% 1,630 3% 56,970
Tiberias 23,940 58% 13,640 33% 2,470 6% 41,470
Lydda Jaffa 95,980 24% 295,160 72% 17,790 4% 409,290
Ramle 95,590 71% 31,590 24% 5,840 4% 134,030
Samaria Jenin 60,000 98% negligible <1% 1,210 2% 61,210
Nablus 92,810 98% negligible <1% 1,560 2% 94,600
Tulkarm 76,460 82% 16,180 17% 380 1% 93,220
Jerusalem Hebron 92,640 99% 300 <1% 170 <1% 93,120
Jerusalem 104,460 41% 102,520 40% 46,130 18% 253,270
Ramallah 40,520 83% negligible <1% 8,410 17% 48,930
Gaza Beersheba 6,270 90% 510 7% 210 3% 7,000
Gaza 145,700 97% 3,540 2% 1,300 1% 150,540
Total 1,076,780 58% 608,230 33% 145,060 9% 1,845,560

Government and institutions

Jerusalem City Hall,1939

Under the terms of the August 1922 Palestine Order in Council, the Mandate territory was divided into administrative regions known asdistrictsand were administered by the office of theBritish High Commissioner for Palestine.[176]

Britain continued themilletsystem of theOttoman Empirewhereby all matters of a religious nature and personal status were within the jurisdiction of Muslim courts and the courts of other recognised religions, calledconfessional communities.The High Commissioner established the Orthodox Rabbinate and retained a modifiedmilletsystem which only recognised eleven religious communities: Muslims, Jews and nine Christian denominations (none of which were Christian Protestant churches). All those who were not members of these recognised communities were excluded from themilletarrangement. As a result, there was no possibility, for example, of marriages between confessional communities, and there were no civil marriages. Personal contacts between communities were nominal.

Apart from the Religious Courts, the judicial system was modelled on the British one, having a High Court with appellate jurisdiction and the power of review over the Central Court and the Central Criminal Court. The five consecutive Chief Justices were:

The local newspaperThe Palestine Postwas founded in 1932 byGershon Agron.In 1950, its name was changed toThe Jerusalem Post.In 1923,Pinhas Rutenbergfounded the Palestine Electric Company (to become theIsrael Electric Corporationin 1961).


1927 Mandatory Palestine postage stamp
1941 Mandatory Palestine coin
1927 Mandatory Palestine revenue stamp
1927 Mandatory Palestine coin
"Palestine"is shown in English, Arabic (فلسطين) and Hebrew; the latter includes the acronymא״יforEretz Yisrael(Land of Israel).

Between 1922 and 1947, the annual growth rate of the Jewish sector of the economy was 13.2%, mainly due to immigration and foreign capital, while that of the Arab was 6.5%. Per capita, these figures were 4.8% and 3.6% respectively. By 1936, Jews earned 2.6 times as much as Arabs.[181]Compared to Arabs in other countries, Palestinian Arabs earned slightly more.[182]

TheJaffa Electric Companywas founded in 1923 byPinhas Rutenberg,and was later absorbed into a newly createdPalestine Electric Corporation;theFirst Jordan Hydro-Electric Power Housewas opened in 1933.Palestine Airwayswas founded in 1934,Angel Bakeriesin 1927, and theTnuvadairy in 1926. Electric current mainly flowed to Jewish industry, following it to its nestled locations in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Although Tel Aviv had by far more workshops and factories, the demand for electric power for industry was roughly the same for both cities by the early 1930s.[183]

The country's largest industrial zone was inHaifa,where many housing projects were built for employees.[184]

On the scale of the UNHuman Development Indexdetermined for around 1939, of 36 countries, Palestinian Jews were placed 15th, Palestinian Arabs 30th, Egypt 33rd and Turkey 35th.[185]The Jews in Palestine were mainly urban, 76.2% in 1942, while the Arabs were mainly rural, 68.3% in 1942.[186]Overall, Khalidi concludes that Palestinian Arab society, while overmatched by theYishuv,was as advanced as any other Arab society in the region and considerably more than several.[187]


Under the British Mandate, the country developed economically and culturally. In 1919, the Jewish community founded a centralised Hebrew school system, and the following year established theAssembly of Representatives,theJewish National Counciland theHistadrutlabour federation. TheTechnionuniversity was founded in 1924, and theHebrew University of Jerusalemin 1925.

There were several attempts by the Arab Palestinians to establish an Arab higher education institution, starting from the 1920s, but it did not materialise. Israeli historianIlan Pappéattributed this to "Zionist pressure, British anti-Arab racism, and lack of resources." He added that "the colonial mentality of the British authorities who deemed the Palestinians yet another colonized people who had to be oppressed, while regarding the Zionist settlers as fellow colonialists, feared that such a university would enhance the Palestinian national movement."[188]

Literacy rates in 1932 were 86% for the Jews compared to 22% for the Palestinian Arabs, but Arab literacy rates steadily increased thereafter. By comparison, Palestinian Arab literacy rates were higher than those of Egypt and Turkey, but lower than in Lebanon.[189]

See also


  1. ^During its existence the territory was officially known simply asPalestine,but, in later years, a variety of other names and descriptors have been used, includingMandatoryorMandate Palestine,theBritish Mandate of PalestineandBritish Palestine.(Arabic:فلسطين الانتدابيةFilasṭīn al-Intidābiyah;Hebrew:פָּלֶשְׂתִּינָה (א״י)Pāleśtīnā (E.Y.),where "E.Y." indicates’Eretz Yiśrā’ēl,theLand of Israel)
  2. ^HistorianNur Masalhadescribes the "British preoccupation with Palestine" and the large increase in European books, articles, travelogues and geographical publications during the 18th and 19th centuries.[13]
  3. ^From Himmler:

    The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory.

    From Ribbentrop:

    I am sending my greetings to your eminence and to the participants of the meeting held today in the Reich capital under your chairmanship. Germany is linked to the Arab nation by old ties of friendship, and today we are united more than ever before. The elimination of the socalled Jewish national home and the liberation of all Arab countries from the oppression and exploitation of the Western powers is an unchangeable part of the Great German Reich policy. Let the hour not be far off when the Arab nation will be able to build its future and find unity in full independence.

  4. ^For example, Radio Palestine broadcast the comments of an Egyptian writer who said, "The war is between the lofty and humane values represented by England and the forces of darkness represented by the Nazis."[63]
  5. ^A British recruiting poster in Arabic, published in theFalastinnewspaper in January 1942, read: "She couldn't stop thinking about contribution and sacrifice, she felt ongoing pride and exaltation of spirit – when she did what she saw as her sacred duty for her nation and its sons. When your country is crying out to you and asking for your service, when your country makes it plain that our Arab men need your love and support, and when your country reminds you of how cruel the enemy is – when your country is calling you, can you stand by and do nothing?"[63]
  6. ^p. 50, at 1947 "Haj Amin al-Husseini went one better: he denounced also the minority report, which, in his view, legitimized the Jewish foothold in Palestine, a" partition in disguise ", as he put it."; p. 66, at 1946 "The League demanded independence for Palestine as a" unitary "state, with an Arab majority and minority rights for the Jews. The AHC went one better and insisted that the proportion of Jews to Arabs in the unitary state should stand at one to six, meaning that only Jews who lived in Palestine before the British Mandate be eligible for citizenship"; p. 67, at 1947 "The League's Political Committee met in Sofar, Lebanon, on 16–19 September, and urged the Palestine Arabs to fight partition, which it called" aggression "," without mercy ". The League promised them, in line with Bludan, assistance" in manpower, money and equipment "should the United Nations endorse partition."; p. 72, at Dec 1947 "The League vowed, in very general language," to try to stymie the partition plan and prevent the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, "[78]
  7. ^"The Arabs rejected the United Nations Partition Plan so that any comment of theirs did not specifically concern the status of the Arab section of Palestine under partition but rather rejected the scheme in its entirety."[79]


  1. ^"Palestine seal".royalmintmuseum.org.uk.Retrieved12 February2024.
  2. ^Department of Statistics (1945).Village Statistics, April, 1945.Government of Palestine.Scan of the original document at the National Library of Israel.
  3. ^1922 Census of Palestine,retrieved 19 February 2024.
  4. ^"League of Nations decision confirming the Principal Allied Powers' agreement on the territory of Palestine".Archived fromthe originalon 25 November 2013.
  5. ^Hughes, Matthew, ed. (2004).Allenby in Palestine: The Middle East Correspondence of Field Marshal Viscount Allenby June 1917 – October 1919.Army Records Society. Vol. 22. Phoenix Mill, Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Ltd.ISBN978-0-7509-3841-9.Allenby to Robertson 25 January 1918 in Hughes 2004, p. 128
  6. ^Article 22, The Covenant of the League of NationsArchived26 July 2011 at theWayback Machineand "Mandate for Palestine",Encyclopaedia Judaica,Vol. 11, p. 862, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1972
  7. ^Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion of 9 July 2004, 2004 International Court of Justice 63.
  8. ^Victor Kattan.From Coexistence to Conquest, International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1891–1949.London, New York: Pluto Press, 2009.
  9. ^Nur Masalha (2018).Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History.Zed.ISBN978-1-78699-272-7.Chapter 9: Being Palestine, becoming Palestine, p. 287: "the sense of continuity between the ancient, medieval and modern political geography and naming traditions of Palestine eventually came into play in the designation of the British Mandatory Government of Palestine". The preceding pages, p.259-287, document in detail the usage of the term Palestine by native Palestinians from the moment the printing press was introduced into the area in the late 19th century.
  10. ^Khalidi 1997,pp. 151–152.
  11. ^Büssow, Johann (11 August 2011).Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872–1908.BRILL. p. 5.ISBN978-90-04-20569-7.Retrieved17 May2013.
  12. ^|The 1915Filastin Risalesi( "Palestine Document" ) is a country survey of theVIII Corpsof the Ottoman Army, which identified Palestine as a region including the sanjaqs of Akka (the Galilee), the Sanjaq of Nablus, and the Sanjaq of Jerusalem (Kudus Sherif), seeOttoman Conceptions of Palestine-Part 2: Ethnography and Cartography, Salim TamariArchived27 March 2015 at theWayback Machine
  13. ^Nur Masalha(2018).Palestine A Four Thousand year History.Zed Books. pp. 242–245.ISBN978-1-78699-274-1.
  14. ^Neil Kaplan,Zionist Visions of Palestine, 1917-1936,The Muslim World,Vol. 84, Issue 1-2 p. 19-35 p.22, n.9. |quote= “The Jews found it totally unnatural to transliterate the English" Palestine "into Hebrew as" Palestina ", but the British would not agree to use the politically loaded “Eretz-Israel” as the official Hebrew translation of ’Palestine’. An awkward compromise was devised whereby the first postage stamps and coins of Mandatory Palestine bore the inscriptions: "Palestine" in English, "Filastin" in Arabic, and the bizarre formula – "Palestina (aleph-yod)".'
  15. ^Ronald Storrs,Orientations,Nicholson & Watson 1943 pp.383-384.|quote='When..the first civil issue of Palestine stamps was being designed, strong pressure was exerted on the authorities to render Palestine, in the Hebrew title, byEretz Yisrael,the Land of Israel, the ancient and traditional Jewish name. Jews have never called the country Palestine, which was indeed a Roman name etymologically akin to Philistia..the Government was undoubtedly right in resisting a nomenclature intolerable to the vast majority of Palestinians, and in substituting the device, relatively inoffensive to all parties (though giving complete satisfaction to none), of adding to "Palestine" in Hebrew the two Hebrew initials (E.Y.).'
  16. ^League of Nations, Permanent Mandate Commission,Minutes of the Ninth SessionArchived2011-06-28 at theWayback Machine(Arab Grievances), Held at Geneva from 8 to 25 June 1926,
  17. ^Rayman, Noah (29 September 2014)."Mandatory Palestine: What It Was and Why It Matters".Time.Archivedfrom the original on 26 May 2020.
  18. ^Ira M. Lapidus,A History of Islamic Societies,2002: "The first were the nationalists, who in 1918 formed the first Muslim-Christian associations to protest against the Jewish national home" p.558
  19. ^Tessler,A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Second Edition,2009: "An All-Palestine Congress, known also as the First Congress of the Muslim-Christian Societies, was organised by the MCA and convened in Jerusalem in February 1919." p.220-221
  20. ^"First Arab Congress 1919 Paris Resolution (in Arabic)"(PDF).ecf.org.il.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 25 September 2017.
  21. ^"Palestine Through History: A Chronology (I)".Archived fromthe originalon 17 June 2011.Retrieved14 February2016.The Palestine Chronicle
  22. ^ab"United Nations Maintenance Page".unispal.un.org.Archived fromthe originalon 3 June 2014.
  23. ^abcd'A Colonial Room With a View of Jerusalem' (Haaretz,24 April 2012).https:// haaretz /israel-news/culture/2012-04-24/ty-article/a-colonial-room-with-a-view-of-Jerusalem/0000017f-deec-db22-a17f-fefd9e520000
  24. ^Shamir, Ronen (2013)Current Flow: The Electrification of PalestineStanford: Stanford University Press
  25. ^Caplan, Neil.Palestine Jewry and the Arab Question, 1917 – 1925.London and Totowa, NJ: F. Cass, 1978.ISBN978-0-7146-3110-3.pp. 148–161.
  26. ^Mattar, Philip(2003). "al-Husayni, Amin". In Mattar, Philip (ed.).Encyclopedia of the Palestinians(Revised ed.). New York: Facts On File.ISBN978-0-8160-5764-1.
  27. ^"It was not scholarly religious credentials that made Hajj Amin an attractive candidate for president of the SMC in the eyes of colonial officials. Rather, it was the combination of his being an effective nationalist activist and a member of one of Jerusalem's most respected notable families that made it advantageous to align his interests with those of the British administration and thereby keep him on a short tether." Weldon C. Matthews,Confronting an Empire, Constructing a Nation: Arab Nationalists and Popular Politics in Mandate Palestine,I.B.Tauris, 2006 pp. 31–32
  28. ^For details see Yitzhak Reiter,Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem under British Mandate,Frank Cass, London Portland, Oregon, 1996
  29. ^Excluding funds for land purchases. Sahar Huneidi,A Broken Trust: Herbert Samuel, Zionism and the Palestinians 1920–1925,I.B. Tauris, London and New York, 2001 p. 38. The 'Jewish Agency', mentioned in article 4 of the Mandate only became the official term in 1928. At the time the organisation was called the Palestine Zionist Executive.
  30. ^"1922 Palestine Order in Council".Archived fromthe originalon 16 September 2014.
  31. ^ab"Palestine. The Constitution Suspended. Arab Boycott Of Elections. Back To British Rule"The Times,30 May 1923, p. 14, Issue 43354
  32. ^abLegislative Council (Palestine)Archived15 October 2018 at theWayback MachineAnswers
  33. ^Las, Nelly."International Council of Jewish Women".International Council of Jewish Women.Retrieved20 November2018.
  34. ^League of Nations,Official Journal,October 1923, p. 1217.
  35. ^abSegev 2000,pp.360–362
  36. ^Gilbert 1998,p. 80
  37. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 87–90
  38. ^Smith, Charles D. (2007).Palestine and the Arab–Israeli Conflict: A History with Documents(Sixth ed.). pp. 111–225.
  39. ^Gilbert 1998,p. 85: TheJewish Settlement Policewere created and equipped with trucks and armoured cars by the British working with theJewish Agency.
  40. ^"The Zionism of Orde",Covenant,vol. 3, IDC, archived fromthe originalon 1 August 2014,retrieved4 August2014
  41. ^Black 1991,p. 14
  42. ^Shapira 1992,pp. 247, 249, 350
  43. ^Firestone, Reuven (2012).Holy War in Judaism: The Fall and Rise of a Controversial Idea.Oxford University Press. p. 192.ISBN978-0-19-986030-2.
  44. ^"Aljazeera: The history of Palestinian revolts".Archived fromthe originalon 15 December 2005.Retrieved15 December2005.
  45. ^Khalidi 2001,p. 26
  46. ^Khalidi 1987,p. 845.
  47. ^Khalidi 2001,p. 28.
  48. ^abLouis, William Roger (2006).Ends of British Imperialism: The Scramble for Empire, Suez, and DecolonizationArchived28 November 2022 at theWayback Machine,p. 391.
  49. ^abMorris, Benny (2009).One State, Two States: Resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict,p. 66
  50. ^abMorris, Benny(2004) [1988].The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited.Cambridge University Press. pp. 11, 48, 49.ISBN978-0-521-00967-6.Retrieved12 February2022.p. 11 "while the Zionist movement, after much agonising, accepted the principle of partition and the proposals as a basis for negotiation"; p. 49 "In the end, after bitter debate, the Congress equivocally approved—by a vote of 299 to 160—the Peel recommendations as a basis for further negotiation."
  51. ^'Zionists Ready To Negotiate British Plan As Basis',The TimesThursday, 12 August 1937; p. 10; Issue 47761; col B.
  52. ^Eran, Oded (2002). "Arab-Israel Peacemaking."The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East.Ed.Avraham Sela.New York: Continuum, p. 122.
  53. ^Letter from David Ben-Gurion to his son Amos, written 5 October 1937Archived12 May 2019 at theWayback Machine,Obtained from the Ben-Gurion Archives in Hebrew, and translated into English by theInstitute of Palestine Studies,Beirut
  54. ^Morris, Benny(2011),Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–1998,Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, p. 138,ISBN978-0-307-78805-4Quote: "No Zionist can forgo the smallest portion of the Land Of Israel. [A] Jewish state in part [of Palestine] is not an end, but a beginning….. Our possession is important not only for itself… through this we increase our power, and every increase in power facilitates getting hold of the country in its entirety. Establishing a [small] state…. will serve as a very potent lever in our historical effort to redeem the whole country"
  55. ^abFinkelstein, Norman (2005),Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-semitism and the Abuse of History,University of California Press, p. 280,ISBN978-0-520-24598-3
  56. ^Quote from a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive in June 1938: "[I am] satisfied with part of the country, but on the basis of the assumption that after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state, we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel." in
    Masalha, Nur (1992),Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought, 1882–1948,Inst for Palestine Studies, p.107,ISBN978-0-88728-235-5;andSegev 2000,p.403
  57. ^From a letter from Chaim Weizmann toGeneralSir Arthur G. Wauchope,High Commissioner for Palestine,while the Peel Commission was convening in 1937: "We shall spread in the whole country in the course of time….. this is only an arrangement for the next 25 to 30 years."Masalha, Nur (1992),Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought, 1882–1948,Inst for Palestine Studies, p.62,ISBN978-0-88728-235-5
  58. ^"Why Italian Planes Bombed Tel-Aviv?".Archived fromthe originalon 21 September 2011.
  59. ^How the Palmach was formedArchived12 December 2019 at theWayback Machine(History Central)
  60. ^Secret World War II documents released by the UK in July 2001, include documents onOperation ATLAS(SeeReferences: KV 2/400–402Archived2 April 2014 at theWayback Machine.A German task force led byKurt Wielandparachuted into Palestine in September 1944. This was one of the last German efforts in the region to attack the Jewish community in Palestine and undermine British rule by supplying local Arabs with cash, arms and sabotage equipment. The team was captured shortly after landing.
  61. ^Moshe Pearlman(1947).Mufti of Jerusalem; the story of Haj Amin el Husseini.V. Gollancz. p. 50.
  62. ^Rolf Steininger (17 December 2018).Germany and the Middle East: From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel.Berghahn Books. pp. 55–.ISBN978-1-78920-039-3.
  63. ^abcAderet, Ofer. "12,000 Palestinians Fought for U.K. in WWII alongside Jewish Volunteers, Historian Finds." Haaretz. Haaretz, May 31, 2019.LinkArchived27 March 2022 at theWayback Machine.
  64. ^Corrigan, Gordon.The Second World WarThomas Dunne Books, 2011ISBN978-0-312-57709-4p. 523, last paragraph
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  66. ^Lenk, RS (1994).The Mauritius Affair, The Boat People of 1940–41.London: R Lenk.ISBN978-0-9518805-2-4.
  67. ^Aroni, Samuel (2002–2007)."Who Perished on the Struma And How Many?".JewishGen.org.
  68. ^Подводная лодка "Щ-215".Черноморский Флот информационный ресурс(in Russian). 2000–2013.Retrieved27 March2013.
  69. ^"מפקורה SS Mefküre Mafkura Mefkura".Haapalah Aliyah Bet Database.27 September 2011.Retrieved26 March2013.
  70. ^Kenneth Harris,Attlee(1982) pp 388–400.
  71. ^Howard Adelman, "UNSCOP and the Partition Recommendation." (Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, 2009)onlineArchived19 December 2019 at theWayback Machine.
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  73. ^Cathy Hartley; Paul Cossali (2004).Survey of Arab-Israeli Relations.Routledge. pp. 52–53.ISBN978-1-135-35527-2.
  74. ^Article 11 of the United Nations Charter
  75. ^Roosevelt, Kermit (1948). "The Partition of Palestine: A lesson in pressure politics".Middle East Journal.2(1): 1–16.JSTOR4321940.
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  83. ^Menachem Begin (1977)."The Revolt".
  84. ^SeeMandates, Dependencies and Trusteeship,by H. Duncan Hall, Carnegie Endowment, 1948, pp. 266–267.
  85. ^"The Mandate is Indivisble".Historical Jewish Press, Tel Aviv University, Palestine Post.9 April 1946. p. 3. Archived fromthe originalon 29 September 2010.
  86. ^"The Near East and Africa".Foreign relations of the United States.1947. p. 1255.
  87. ^Snetsinger, John (1974).Truman, the Jewish vote, and the creation of Israel.Hoover Press. pp. 60–61.ISBN978-0-8179-3391-3.
  88. ^"The Near East and Africa, Volume V (1947)".United States Department of State, Foreign relations of the United States.p. 1271.
  89. ^The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945–1951Archived28 November 2022 at theWayback Machine,p. 348. William Roger Louis, Clarendon Press, 1984
  90. ^"Violence Ebbs; British Police Withdrawn from Tel Aviv and Its Environs – Jewish Telegraphic Agency".jta.org.16 December 1947.
  91. ^Michael J Cohen (24 February 2014).Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917–1948.Routledge. pp. 481–.ISBN978-1-317-91364-1.
  92. ^"British Forces in Jerusalem Alerter Following Haifa Victory; Fear Haganah Raid on City – Jewish Telegraphic Agency".jta.org.23 April 1948.
  93. ^ab"PALESTINE BILL".Parliamentary Debates (Hansard).10 March 1948.
  94. ^Herzog, Chaim and Gazit, Shlomo:The Arab-Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East from the 1948 War of Independence to the Present,p. 46
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  98. ^Northey, Ruth (project ed.) (2013).Whitaker's Britain.Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 127.ISBN978-1-4729-0305-1.
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  100. ^Bier, Aharon, & Slae, Bracha,For the sake of Jerusalem,Mazo Publishers, 2006, p. 49
  101. ^Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel,14 May 1948.
  102. ^J. Sussmann (1950). "Law and Judicial Practice in Israel".Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law.32:29–31.
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  105. ^"Palestine Passports Cease to Give British Protection After May Govt. Announces – Jewish Telegraphic Agency".jta.org.26 March 1948.
  106. ^Masalha, Nur(1992). "Expulsion of the Palestinians." Institute for Palestine Studies, this edition 2001, p. 175.
  107. ^Rashid (1997). p.21Archived28 November 2022 at theWayback Machine"In 1948 half of Palestine's 1.4 million Arabs were uprooted from their homes and became refugees".
  108. ^Appendix IX-B, 'The Arab Expeditionary Forces to Palestine, 15/5/48, Khalidi, 1971, p. 867.
  109. ^Bayliss, 1999, p. 84.
  110. ^Cohen-Hattab, Kobi (8 July 2019).Zionism's Maritime Revolution: The Yishuv's Hold on the Land of Israel's Sea and Shores, 1917–1948.Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.ISBN978-3-11-063352-8.
  111. ^"Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission (Peel Commission) report - League of Nations/Non-UN document".un.org.
  112. ^See Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States"The Paris Peace Conference".1919. p. 94.
  113. ^League of Nations Union (1922)."Summary of the work of the League of Nations, January 1920 – March 1922".London – via Internet Archive.
  114. ^"Internet History Sourcebooks".fordham.edu.Archived fromthe originalon 8 June 2008.Retrieved12 January2010.
  115. ^See Defending the Rights of Others, by Carol Fink, Cambridge University, 2006,ISBN978-0-521-02994-0,p. 28
  116. ^See the Statement of the Principal Accredited Representative, Hon.W. Ormsby-Gore,C.330.M.222, Mandate for Palestine– Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission/League of Nations 32nd session, 18 August 1937Archived3 June 2011 at theWayback Machine
  117. ^See the Judgment in "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory"Archived2011-01-12 at theWayback Machine(PDF)
  118. ^See paragraphs 49, 70, and 129 of the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian TerritoryPDFArchived2010-07-06 at theWayback Machineand PAUL J. I. M. DE WAART (2005). "International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process."Leiden Journal of International Law,18, pp. 467–487,doi:10.1017/S0922156505002839
  119. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 32–33.
  120. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 33–34.
  121. ^"Palestine. The Constitution Suspended., Arab Boycott Of Elections., Back To British Rule"The Times,30 May 1923, p. 14, Issue 43354
  122. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 32, 36.
  123. ^See Foreign relations of the United States, 1947. The Near East and Africa Volume V, p. 1033
  124. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 63.
  125. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 52.
  126. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 56–57.
  127. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 63, 69;Segev 2000,pp. 127–144.
  128. ^Morris 2001,p. 112.
  129. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 81.
  130. ^"Filastin".National Library of Israel.Retrieved4 March2019.
  131. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 87–90.
  132. ^Sufian, Sandy (1 January 2008)."Anatomy of the 1936–39 Revolt: Images of the Body in Political Cartoons of Mandatory Palestine".Journal of Palestine Studies.37(2): 23–42.doi:10.1525/jps.2008.37.2.23.Retrieved14 January2008.
  133. ^abcKominko 2015,p. 384.
  134. ^Gorman & Monciaud 2018,p. 106.
  135. ^Regan 2018,p. 135, 137.
  136. ^Kominko 2015,p. 386-387.
  137. ^In June 1947, the British Mandate Government of Palestine had published the following statistics: "It is estimated that over a quarter of the Jewish population in Palestine are Sephardic Jews of whom some 60,000 were born of families resident in Palestine for centuries. The bulk of the Sephardic community, however, consists of oriental Jews emanating from Syria, Egypt, Persia, Iraq, Georgia, Bokhara and other Eastern countries. They are confined mainly to the larger towns..." (From:Supplement to Survey of Palestine – Notes compiled for the information of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine – June 1947,Gov. Printer Jerusalem, pp. 150–151)
  138. ^"Jewish Agency History".Archived fromthe originalon 15 February 2006.Retrieved29 January2012.
  139. ^Palestine Jewry and the Arab Question, 1917–1925,by Caplan, Neil. London and Totowa, NJ: F. Cass, 1978.ISBN978-0-7146-3110-3.pp. 161–165.
  140. ^A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.Vol. 1. Palestine: Govt. printer. 1946. p. 185.
  141. ^A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.Vol. 1. Palestine: Govt. printer. 1946.p. 210: "Arab illegal immigration is mainly... casual, temporary and seasonal". pp. 212: "The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purpose of permanent settlement is insignificant".
  142. ^J. McCarthy (1995).The population of Palestine: population history and statistics of the late Ottoman period and the Mandate.Princeton, N.J.: Darwin Press.
  143. ^Supplement to Survey of Palestine – Notes compiled for the information of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine – June 1947,Gov. Printer Jerusalem, p. 18
  144. ^John B. Quigley (2010).The Statehood of Palestine: International Law in the Middle East Conflict.Cambridge University Press. p. 54.ISBN978-0-521-15165-8.
  145. ^See History of Zionism (1600–1918), Volume I, Nahum Sokolow, 1919 Longmans, Green, and Company, London, pp. xxiv–xxv
  146. ^"The Avalon Project: The Palestine Mandate".avalon.law.yale.edu.
  147. ^"British White Paper of June 1922".avalon.law.yale.edu.
  148. ^See the report of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, UN Document A/364, 3 September 1947
  149. ^Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, "Palestine: High Commissioners Views on Policy", March 1930, UK National Archives Cabinet Paper CAB/24/211, formerly C.P. 108 (30)
  150. ^"PERMANENT MANDATES COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE TWENTY-SECOND SESSION".LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Archived fromthe originalon 10 August 2011.Retrieved8 June2010.
  151. ^Partner to Partition: The Jewish Agency's Partition Plan in the Mandate Era,byYossi Katz,Routledge, 1998,ISBN978-0-7146-4846-0
  152. ^"FRUS: Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers, 1937. The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa: Palestine".digicoll.library.wisc.edu.
  153. ^SeeLetters to Paula and the Children,David Ben Gurion, translated by Aubry Hodes, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1971 pp. 153–157
  154. ^SeeRighteous Victims: A History of the Zionist–Arab Conflict, 1881–1999,by Benny Morris, Knopf, 1999,ISBN978-0-679-42120-7,p. 138
  155. ^SeeScars of war, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli–Arab Tragedy,by Shlomo Ben-Ami, Oxford University Press, USA, 2006,ISBN978-0-19-518158-6,p. 17
  156. ^"Avalon Project – Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry – Chapter V".avalon.law.yale.edu.
  157. ^See Foreign relations of the United States, 1946, The Near East and Africa Volume VII, pp. 692–693
  158. ^Stein 1984,p. 4.
  159. ^"Land Ownership in Palestine", CZA, KKL5/1878. The statistics were prepared by the Palestine Lands Department for the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1945, ISA, Box 3874/file 1. SeeKhalaf 1991,p. 27
  160. ^Stein 1984,p. 226.
  161. ^Avneri 1984,p. 224.
  162. ^Stein 1984,pp. 3–4, 247.
  163. ^Fischbach, Michael R. (13 August 2013).Jewish Property Claims Against Arab Countries.Columbia University Press. p. 24.ISBN978-0-231-51781-2.By 1948, after several decades of Jewish immigration, the Jewish population of Palestine had risen to about one third of the total, and Jews and Jewish companies owned 20 percent of all cultivable land in the country
  164. ^Wright, Clifford A. (2015).Facts and Fables (RLE Israel and Palestine): The Arab-Israeli Conflict.Routledge.p. 38.ISBN978-1-317-44775-7.
  165. ^Kamel, Lorenzo (2014)."Whose Land? Land Tenure in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Palestine".British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.41(2): 230–242.doi:10.1080/13530194.2013.878518.S2CID153944896.
  166. ^Land Ownership of PalestineArchived26 February 2024 at theWayback Machine– Map prepared by the Government of Palestine on the instructions of the UN Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestine Question.
  167. ^Table 2 showing Holdings of Large Jewish Lands Owners as of December 31st, 1945, British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine: Volume I – Page 245. Chapter VIII: Land: Section 3., prepared by the British Mandate for the United NationsArchived18 June 2021 at theWayback MachineSurvey of Palestine Retrieved 4 July 2015
  168. ^abAnglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Jewish Problems in Palestine and Europe, J. V. W. Shaw, General Assembly, Special Committee on Palestine, United Nations(1991).A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December, 1945 and January, 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.Vol. 1.Institute for Palestine Studies.ISBN978-0-88728-211-9.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  169. ^Ownership of land in Palestine, Share of Palestinan (sic) Arabs and Jews as of 1 April 1943, prepared by the British Mandate for the United NationsArchived29 September 2018 at theWayback MachineSurvey of Palestine Retrieved 25 August 2014
  170. ^ibid,Supplement p30.
  171. ^A Survey of Palestine(Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the information of theAnglo-American Committeeof Inquiry), vol. 1, chapter VIII, section 7, Government Printer of Jerusalem, pp.260–262Archived12 September 2017 at theWayback Machine
  172. ^""Hope Simpson report, Chapter III".Zionism-israel. October 1930.
  173. ^Mills, E.Census of Palestine, 1931(UK government, 1932), Vol I, pp. 61–65.
  174. ^The Political History of Palestine under British Administration,Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee
  175. ^prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. (1991).A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December, 1945 and January, 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.Vol. 1. Institute for Palestine Studies. pp. 12–13.ISBN978-0-88728-211-9.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  176. ^The Palestine Order in Council, 10 August 1922, article 11Archived16 September 2014 at theWayback Machine:"The High Commissioner may, with the approval of a Secretary of State, by Proclamation divide Palestine into administrative divisions or districts in such manner and with such subdivisions as may be convenient for purposes of administration describing the boundaries thereof and assigning names thereto."
  177. ^abLikhovski 2006,p. 64.
  178. ^"H.h. Trusted Named Chief Justice of Palestine".Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 27 October 1936.Retrieved18 November2015.
  179. ^Likhovski 2006,p. 74.
  180. ^Likhovski 2006,p. 75.
  181. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 13–14.
  182. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 27.
  183. ^Shamir, Ronen (2013).Current Flow: The Electrification of Palestine.Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  184. ^Noam Dvir (5 April 2012)."Haifa's glass house transparent, but still an Israeli mystery".Haaretz.
  185. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 16.
  186. ^Khalidi 2006,p. 17.
  187. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 29–30.
  188. ^"Why Only a Hebrew University? The Tale of the Arab University in Mandatory Jerusalem"(PDF).Jerusalem Quarterly.Institute for Palestine Studies. 2023.Retrieved16 April2023.
  189. ^Khalidi 2006,pp. 14, 24.


Further reading

  • Bar-Yosef, Eitan. "Bonding with the British: Colonial Nostalgia and the Idealization of Mandatory Palestine in Israeli Literature and Culture after 1967."Jewish Social Studies22.3 (2017): 1–37.onlineArchived31 October 2019 at theWayback Machine
  • Cohen, Michael J.Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917–1948(2014)
  • El-Eini, Roza.Mandated landscape: British imperial rule in Palestine 1929–1948(Routledge, 2004).
  • Galnoor, Itzhak.Partition of Palestine, The: Decision Crossroads in the Zionist Movement(SUNY Press, 2012).
  • Hanna, Paul Lamont, "British Policy in PalestineArchived1 October 2018 at theWayback Machine",Washington, D.C., American Council on Public Affairs, (1942)
  • Harris, Kenneth.Attlee(1982) pp 388–400.
  • Kamel, Lorenzo. "Whose Land? Land Tenure in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Palestine", "British Journal of Middle Eastern studies" (April 2014), 41, 2, pp. 230–242.
  • Miller, Rory, ed.Britain, Palestine and Empire: The Mandate Years(2010)
  • Morgan, Kenneth O.The People's Peace: British history 1945 – 1990(1992) 49–52.
  • Ravndal, Ellen Jenny. "Exit Britain: British Withdrawal From the Palestine Mandate in the Early Cold War, 1947–1948",Diplomacy and Statecraft,(Sept 2010) 21#3 pp. 416–433.
  • Roberts, Nicholas E. "Re‐Remembering the Mandate: Historiographical Debates and Revisionist History in the Study of British Palestine."History Compass9.3 (2011): 215–230.online[dead link].
  • Sargent, Andrew. "The British Labour Party and Palestine 1917–1949" (PhD thesis, University of Nottingham, 1980)onlineArchived25 December 2018 at theWayback Machine
  • Shelef, Nadav G. "From 'Both Banks of the Jordan' to the 'Whole Land of Israel:' Ideological Change in Revisionist Zionism."Israel Studies9.1 (2004): 125–148.OnlineArchived5 November 2019 at theWayback Machine
  • Sinanoglou, Penny. "British Plans for the Partition of Palestine, 1929–1938."Historical Journal52.1 (2009): 131–152.onlineArchived10 November 2019 at theWayback Machine
  • Wright, Quincy,The Palestine Problem,Political Science Quarterly,41#3 (1926), pp. 384–412,onlineArchived1 October 2018 at theWayback Machine.