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Mandatory offer

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Inmergers and acquisitions,amandatory offer,also called amandatory bidin some jurisdictions, is an offer made by one company (the "acquiring company" or "bidder" ) to purchase some or all outstanding shares of another company (the "target" ), as required bysecurities lawsand regulations orstock exchangerules governing corporatetakeovers.Most countries, with the notable exception of the United States, have provisions requiring mandatory offers.


Country or territory Mandatory offer threshold[1]
Argentina 15%
Australia 20%
Austria 30%
Belgium 30%
Bermuda No mandatory offer
Brazil 25%
British Virgin Islands No mandatory offer
Canada 20%
China 30%
Czech Republic 30%
Egypt 50%
France 30%
Germany 30%
Guernsey 30%
Hong Kong 30%
India 25%
Indonesia 25%
Israel 25%
Italy 25%
Japan 1/3
Jersey 30%
Kuwait 30%
Malaysia 33%
Mexico 30%
Netherlands 30%
Russia 30%
Saudi Arabia 50%
Singapore 30%
South Africa 35%
South Korea 5%
Spain 30%
Sweden 30%
Switzerland 1/3
Taiwan 20%
Thailand 25%
Turkey 50%
United Kingdom 30%
United States No mandatory offer
Vietnam 25%

Typically, a mandatory offer must be made when the acquiring company exceeds a certain shareholding threshold in the target, or gains actual control of the target.[2]Most countries, with the notable exception of the United States, have such a requirement.[3]The purpose of mandatory offer regulations is to protectminority shareholdersin situations where control of the target is being transferred, and in particular to discourage acquisitions driven byprivate benefits of controlby requiring that a premium be paid for such control.[4]

Thresholds for mandatory offers vary widely between countries. A 2006 World Bank survey of the laws of 50 countries found thresholds ranging from 15% (India; became 20% in 2011) to 67% (Finland); the author'sliterature reviewdid not find any study of the optimal level for the threshold.[5]Thirty percent is a fairly common threshold, found in theCity Code on Takeovers and Mergersfollowed in the United Kingdom as well as the laws of several other European countries. Depending on the ownership structure of the target, any given threshold short of absolute majority may in practice result in an acquirer being obliged to make an offer even when the acquirer has not yet established acontrolling interestin the target, and even when another shareholder besides the acquirer retains the majority of shares; conversely, if the remaining shares not held by the acquirer are highly dispersed, actual control of the target could be attained without crossing the mandatory offer threshold. Takeover legislation in various European countries in the 1990s, for example in Austria, thus attempted to use de facto control rather than a specific threshold as the trigger for a mandatory offer; however, this presented enforcement difficulties, given that the threshold for control varied not only between target corporations but over time in the same target, and regulations later provided for apresumptionof control upon achieving a specific threshold.[6]

A mandatory offer rule is distinct fromtag-along rights,which give minority shareholders the right to join in any sale by the majority shareholder: the former is an obligation imposed on the acquirer by laws and regulations, while the latter may be provided voluntarily by the majority shareholder of the target to minority shareholders through unilateral announcement or in ashareholders' agreementor similar private contract.[7]

By jurisdiction






Brazilian corporate law provided for a mandatory offer rule prior to 1997. It was repealed that year, but then partially reinstated in 2000 due to pressure frominstitutional investors.A major transaction concluded prior to the rule's reinstatement was the Brazilian government's sale of its 66.7% of voting shares inBanco BanespatoBanco Santander,in which Banco Santander'stender offercovered only the government's state and excluded the minority shareholders.[8]

United States


In the United States, theWilliams Actof 1968, which regulatestender offers,does not contain any provisions requiring mandatory offers, due to concerns that such provisions could increasetransaction costsin mergers and acquisitions.[9]



China's mainland


A mandatory bid rule has been applicable in some form since 1993 to companies listed on theShanghai Stock ExchangeandShenzhen Stock Exchange,although theChina Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) is empowered to grant exemptions, and in practise acquirers can also structure their transactions to avoid triggering the rule in many cases.[10][11]The first version of the rule was adapted from the similar rule in Hong Kong, as at the time manystate-owned enterprises of Chinahad already listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and the regulations' drafters sought advice from Hong Kong experts. The rule provided that upon acquiring 30% of the outstandingcommon stockof the target, the acquirer must make a bid for all remaining outstanding shares within 45 working days, at a price which at least matches the highest price paid by the acquirer in the past year for the shares it already holds, as well as the average market price of the shares within the last 30 days.[12]That rule remained in effect after the passage of the 1998Securities Law[zh],though the 1999 law relaxed some related reporting requirements. 2002 regulations maintained the 30% threshold, but provided that the mandatory bid only had to be made if the acquirer intended to acquire more shares, and permitted the CSRC to grant exceptions to the obligation to bid.[13]In 2006, both the Securities Law and the 2002 regulations were revised; Article 88 of the revised law left the 30% threshold intact, but weakened the bid requirement from the earlier mandatory bid for all outstanding shares to a bid for at least 5% of the outstanding shares.[14]

Hong Kong


In Hong Kong, mandatory offers have been governed since 1975 by Rule 26 of the Code on Takeovers and Mergers, issued by theSecurities and Futures Commission.The code does not have force of law.[15]However, compliance with the code is required by Listing Rule 13.23 of theHong Kong Stock Exchange.[16]



In India, the mandatory bid rule originated in the 1980s as part of the listing agreement between listed companies and stock exchanges. After theSecurities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) became a statutory body with the power to issuesubsidiary legislationunder the SEBI Act 1992, the board promulgated the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1994 (colloquially, the "Takeover Code" ), governing takeovers, including a mandatory bid rule. A subsequent review committee chaired by former chief justiceP. N. Bhagwatirecommended the repeal of the 1994 regulations and their replacement by the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. A third review led by Securities Appellate Tribunal chief C. Achuthan led to the replacement of the 1997 regulations by the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 2011.[17]The mandatory bid provided for under the Takeover Code is a partial bid: it requires acquiring companies exceeding the shareholding threshold to offer to purchase some portion of the outstanding shares rather than all of them. Under the 1997 Takeover Code, the shareholding threshold was 15%; once exceeded, the acquirer would have to make an offer to purchase 20% of the outstanding shares. Under the 2011 Takeover Code, these percentages were raised to 20% and 26% respectively.[18]The 2011 Takeover Code also provides for further mandatory bids by an incumbent who holds between 25% and 75% of a target upon an increase in holdings of at least 5% during afinancial year.[19]

South Korea


South Korea enacted a partial mandatory offer rule in January 1997 by an amendment to theSecurities and Exchange Law[ko].[20]Under the rule, an acquirer which reached a 25% shareholding threshold would then have to make a bid to increase its holdings to a total amount defined by regulations; the subsequent regulatory update which took effect in April 1997 set the total amount to 50% plus one of the outstanding shares.[21]However, as thefinancial crisis which began that yeardeepened, the rule was repealed the following year underpressure from the International Monetary Fundand theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development,who believed that the rule could deter takeover bids against companies in financial distress.[22][23]



Though the United States is the main model for Taiwan's mergers and acquisitions laws, Taiwan adopted a partial mandatory offer requirement in 2002 in Article 43-1 of theSecurities and Exchange Act[zh].The mechanics of the rule were largely based on United Kingdom and Hong Kong rules, although Taiwan requires only a partial offer to purchase outstanding shares, rather than the full offer required in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.[24]



European Union directive


Amongmember states of the European Union,the 2004Takeover Directivespecifies general standards for national takeover legislation, including a mandatory offer rule, though the choice of threshold is left to individual states.[25]



In Germany, mandatory offers are required under thePublic Takeover Act[de].[26]An acquiring company must make a mandatory offer upon achieving a "controlling interest" in the target, defined by § 35 of the act as a thirty percent direct or indirect shareholding. Upon reaching this threshold, the acquiring company must notify the target company and theFederal Financial Supervisory Authority,and make an offer in the form specified by § 11 of the act and its regulations to acquire the remaining shares.[27]



France adopted a partial mandatory offer rule in 1989: it obligated the acquirer to offer to purchase two-thirds of the outstanding shares. In the 1990s, France's rule was expanded to require an offer to purchase 100% of outstanding shares.[28]As of 2020, a mandatory offer is required when the threshold of 30% is reached, and the mandatory tender offer price must be at least the highest price paid by the bidder for securities of the target during the 12-month period preceding the crossing of the 30% threshold. In addition, a bidder launching a tender offer for a French target must extend its offer to any listed subsidiary of the target.[29]



Sweden adopted a mandatory offer rule in 1999.[30]



The legal framework governing mandatory offers in Turkish law was established by Article 26(1) of the Capital Markets Law (Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu,Law No. 6362 of 1981), authorising theTurkish Capital Markets Boardto promulgate regulations governing mandatory offers. The first such regulations, the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Takeover Bids (Serial: IV, No. 44), were superseded in 2014 by the Communiqué on Tender Offers No II-26.1.[31][32]


  1. ^"Stakebuilding, mandatory offers and squeeze-out comparative table".Thomson Reuters. 1 October 2017.Retrieved23 December2020.
  2. ^Schultz, Martin (2012).The Law of Business Organizations: A Concise Overview of German Corporate Law.Springer. pp. 123–126.ISBN9783642177934.
  3. ^Vernimmen, Pierre; Quiry, Pascal; Dallocchio, Maurizio; Le Fur, Yann; Salvi, Antonio (2014).Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice.Wiley. p. 810.ISBN9781118849293.
  4. ^Hertig, Gerard; Kanda, Hideki (2004)."Issuers and Investor Protection".The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach.Oxford University Press. p. 186.ISBN9780199260645.
  5. ^Nenova, Tatiana (October 2006)."Takeover Laws and Financial Development"(PDF).World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. p. 9.
  6. ^Ventoruzzo, Marco (2006)."Europe's Thirteenth Directive and U.S. Takeover Regulation: Regulatory Means and Political Economic Ends".Texas International Law Journal.141:195–196.
  7. ^Bennedsen, Morten; Meisner Nielsen, Kasper; Vester Nielsen, Thomas (2012). "Private Contracting and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Provision of Tag-Along Rights in Brazil".Journal of Corporate Finance.12(4): 904–918.doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2011.03.007.SSRN1779845.
  8. ^Bennedsen, Meisner Nielsen & Vester Nielsen 2012,p. 905
  9. ^Kenyon-Slade, Stephen (2004).Mergers and Takeovers in the US and UK: Law and Practice.Oxford University Press. pp. 676–691.ISBN9780198260516.Cited inChu 2017,p. 316.
  10. ^Cai, Wei (December 2011). "The Mandatory Bid Rule in China".European Business Organization Law Review.12(4): 653–680.SSRN2604568,p. 653. For more detailed treatment, see the author's doctoral dissertation:Cai, Wei (2011).The mandatory bid rule, hostile takeovers and takeover defences in China.Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Legal Studies. University of Hong Kong.doi:10.5353/th_b4696839(inactive 2024-04-12).{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of April 2024 (link)
  11. ^Zhu, Ciyun; Tang, Linyao (2018)."Limitations of Legal Transplantation: The Comparison of Tender Offer Regulations between China and Western Countries"(PDF).Tsinghua China Law Review.10(2): 275.
  12. ^Cai 2011,p. 655, citing Article 48,Cổ phiếu phát hành cùng giao dịch quản lý tạm thi hành điều lệ[Tentative Regulations on the Administration of the Issuing and Trading of Shares] (State Council Order 112) (in Chinese). 22 April 1993.
  13. ^Cai 2011,p. 656, citing Articles 23–24 and 49,Công ty niêm yết thu mua quản lý biện pháp[Regulations on Takeovers of Companies Listed in China](PDF)(China Securities Regulatory Commission Order 11) (in Chinese). 28 September 2002.
  14. ^Cai 2011,p. 658 andZhu & Tang 2018,p. 281
  15. ^Au, Alan (1987)."Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers: Toothless Watchdog or Handmaiden of Equality?".Hong Kong Law Journal.17:24.
  16. ^"Consolidated Main Board Listing Rules"(PDF).Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 6 July 2019.Retrieved20 August2020.
  17. ^Varottil, Umakanth (2017)."The Nature of the Market for Corporate Control in India".In Varottil, Umakanth; Wan, Wai Yee (eds.).Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives.Cambridge University Press. p. 347.ISBN9781107195271.
  18. ^Laskar, Anirudh; Mohan, Vyas (29 July 2011)."India raises threshold for mandatory takeover offer".LiveMint.Retrieved20 August2020.
  19. ^Varottil 2017,p.355
  20. ^Kim, Hong-sik (June 2014).우리나라의 공개매수제도에 관한 연혁적 검토[A historical review of the public tender system in our country].Sogang Journal of Law and Business.4(1): 97.
  21. ^Kim 2014,p. 98, citing Article 21 of the증권거래법[Securities and Exchange Law] (As Amended by Law 5254) (in Korean). 13 January 1997.Article 11-2 of the증권거래법시행령[Securities and Exchange Law Implementation Order] (As Amended by Order 15312) (in Korean). 22 March 1997.
  22. ^Rho, Hyeok-Joon (2017)."M&A in Korea: Continuing Concern for Minority Shareholders".In Varottil, Umakanth; Wan, Wai Yee (eds.).Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives.Cambridge University Press. p. 293.ISBN9781107195271.
  23. ^Black, Bernard; Metzger, Barry; O'Brien, Timothy J.; Shin, Young-Moo (2001)."Corporate Governance in Korea at the Millenium: Enhancing International Competitiveness"(PDF).Journal of Corporation Law.26(Spring): 605–606.
  24. ^Chu, Claire Te-fang (2017)."Takeover laws and practices in Taiwan".In Varottil, Umakanth; Wan, Wai Yee (eds.).Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives.Cambridge University Press. p. 315.ISBN9781107195271.
  25. ^Ventoruzzo 2006
  26. ^Schultz 2012,pp. 124
  27. ^Schultz 2012,pp. 126
  28. ^Hertig & Kanda 2004,p. 186
  29. ^Grumberg, Armand W; Attar-Rezvani, Arash; Zika, Julien;Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom(1 March 2020)."Public mergers and acquisitions in France: overview".Thomson Reuters.Retrieved25 December2020.
  30. ^Hertig & Kanda 2004,p. 186
  31. ^Gürkaynak, Gönenç; Yukaruc, Nazli; Yetim, Irmak (8 March 2021)."Turkey: The Changes Proposed By The Draft Communiqué To The Tender Offer Procedures In Turkey".Mondaq.Retrieved8 September2021.
  32. ^Turan, M. Togan; Şahan, Ökkeş; Bezirci, Nazlı (1 April 2020)."Public mergers and acquisitions in Turkey: overview".Thomson Reuters.Retrieved8 September2021.