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Recorder (Bible)

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Arecorder(Hebrew:מזכירmazkir[1]), as mentioned in theHebrew Bible,was the office first held by Jehoshaphat in the court ofDavid(2 Samuel8:16), also in the court ofSolomon(1 Kings4:3). The next recorder mentioned wasJoah,in the reign ofHezekiah(2 Kings 18:18,37;Isaiah36:3,22). In the reign ofJosiahanother person named Joah filled this office (2 Chronicles 34:8).

The "recorder" was the chancellor orvizierof the kingdom. He brought all weighty matters under the notice of the king, "such as complaints, petitions, and wishes of subjects or foreigners. He also drew up papers for the king's guidance, and prepared drafts of the royal will for the scribes. All treaties came under his oversight; and he had the care of the national archives or records, to which, as royalhistoriographer,like the same state officer inAssyriaand Egypt, he added the current annals of the kingdom. "
