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Mespilus germanica

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Mespilus germanica
Foliage and fruit
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Mespilus
M. germanica
Binomial name
Mespilus germanica

Mespilus germanica,known as themedlarorcommon medlar,is a largeshrubor small tree in the rose familyRosaceae.The fruit of this tree, also called medlar, has been cultivated sinceRoman times,is usually available in winter and eaten whenbletted.[2]It may be eaten raw and in a range of cooked dishes.

When the genusMespilusis included in the genusCrataegus,thecorrect namefor this species isCrataegus germanica(L.)Kuntze.In the southwest of England it historically had a number of vulgar nicknames, such asopen-arseandmonkey's bottom,due to the appearance of its largecalyx.[3]



Under ideal circumstances, thedeciduousplant grows up to 8 metres (26 feet) tall. Generally, it is shorter and more shrub-like than tree-like. With a lifespan of 30–60 years, the tree is rather short-lived.[4]Its bark is grayish brown with deep vertical cracks forming rectangular plates that tend to lift off.[5]

The wild form ofM. germanicais mostly a thorny, more shrub-like than tree-like plant, which is between 1.5 and 4 m (5 and 13 ft) high. In the cultivated forms, the thorns are usually reduced or even completely absent.[6]In general, the medlar is a small, deciduous tree with an overhanging, almost round crown. The trunk is irregularly shaped.[7]The tree has a height between1 and 6 m (3+12and19+12ft), but can become significantly larger in culture.[8]Thediameter at breast heightis usually between 20 and 25 cm (8 and 10 in), but in exceptional cases it can be up to 50 cm (20 in). The roots are heavily branched and far-ranging, with a somewhatfibrous root system.[7]

The wood has a fine texture, but is very hard.[6]It has a white, slightly pink-tinted sapwood. The core is brownish. The annual rings are clearly visible.[7]

The winter buds are pointed, ovoid and up to5 millimetres (14inch) long.[7]The leaves are dark green and elliptic, 8–15 centimetres (3–6 in) long and 3–5 cm (1–2 in) wide. The leaves are densely hairy (pubescent) below, and turn red in autumn before falling.[9]

Medlar flowers are2–5 cm (34–2 in) in diameter, have a short stalk and are terminal and single on short side shoots. They have five elongated, narrowsepalsand five free, white or pale pinkpetals.[6]Compared to other fruit trees in the European latitudes, the medlar flowers very late (May or June).[8]The flowers arehermaphroditeand pollinated by bees.[5]Normally,self-pollinationoccurs in this plant.[7]The flower then develops flattened, reddish-brown, hairy fruits with juicy flesh.[8]The reddish-brown fruit is apome,2–3 cm (341+14in) diameter, with wide-spreading persistent sepals around a central pit, giving a 'hollow' appearance to the fruit.[9]In cultivated forms the diameter is even between3 and 8 cm (1+14and3+14in).[7]

Sexual reproductionis the norm in wild forms of the medlar. The resulting seeds have agerminationcapacity lasting from 18 to 20 months. The seeds are distributed by various animals such as birds, squirrels and deer. Somevarietiesare sterile and can therefore only be propagatedvegetatively.[8]

The number ofchromosomesis given as 2n = 32 or 2n = 34.[6]


The flower has long sepals that remain on the fruit.
Flower bud showing petals and sepals
Flower bud
The sepals are behind the petals.
Open flower

Until recently,M. germanicawas the only known species of medlar. However, in 1990, a new species was discovered in North America, now namedM. canescens.Theloquat,Eriobotrya japonica,is more distantly related to the medlar than genera such asCrataegus,Amelanchier,Peraphyllum,andMalacomeles,[10]but was once thought to be closely related, and is still sometimes called the 'Chinese medlar' or 'Japanese medlar'.[11]



Within thespeciesM. germanica23taxaare distinguished, also compromising wild or semi-wild forms, ornamental and of different origin.[12]Among them there are the following varieties:[13]

  • Mespilus germanicavar.giganteaKirchn.with very large fruits
  • Mespilus germanicavar.abortivaKirchn. with fruits without seeds
  • Mespilus germanicavar.argenteo-variegatawith white variegated leaves as ornamental plant
  • Mespilus germanicavar.aureo-variegatawith yellow variegated leaves as ornamental plant

CultivarsofM. germanicathat are grown for their fruit include 'Hollandia', 'Nottingham', and 'Russian',[13]the large-fruited variety 'Dutch' (also known as 'Giant' or 'Monstrous'), 'Breda giant', 'Large Russian',[14]'Royal' with very high yield,[15]'Early medlar' with early ripening and high quality fruits, 'Seedless' with seedless fruits of low quality.

The cultivar 'Nottingham' has gained theRoyal Horticultural Society'sAward of Garden Merit.[16][17]

For a time it was assumed that it was a species with narrowgenetic resourcesand therefore subject to high risks of genetic erosion, whereby the limited evolution ofM. germanicadiversity was ascribed to the lack of economic interest for this fruit species in the last centuries.[18]However, current findings show that natural populations of medlar are diverse with a high genetic potential, which could be used to improve production by using specific genotypes.[19]



The Latin namegermanicameans 'German', although the species is indigenous to other areas.[20]

Distribution and habitat


From an extensive study of literature and plant specimens,Kazimierz Browicz[20]concluded that the true homeland ofM. germanicais only in the southeastern part of the Balkan peninsula, inAsia Minor(Armenian highlands), on theCaucasus,Crimea,northernIran,and possibly also inTurkmenia.It is also found insoutheastern Europe,especially theBlack Seacoasts ofBulgariaandTurkey.[20]

The species requirestemperateandsub-mediterraneanclimate conditions with warm summers and mild winters.[21]Air temperatures of 18 to 20 °C (64 to 68 °F) are mentioned as favourable for growth, cold of as low as −20 °C (−4 °F) is tolerated and late frosts hardly cause any damage. The wild form was observed in dry areas with annual precipitation of 700 mm (28 in) and at altitudes from 0 to 1,100 m (0 to 3,600 ft). The species grows in a wide range of soil types and prefers fresh, well-drained loamy soils with apHthat is between 6 and 8.[22][23]It is found across southern Europe where it is generally rare. It is reported to be naturalized in some woods in southeast England, but is found in few gardens.[9]



Plant disease


M. germanicais only rarely attacked by diseases or harmed by insects.[7]

In plantations, the larvae of the leaf-mining butterfly speciesLithocolletis blancardellacan cause damage. Furthermore, especially in years with high precipitation, the fungusMonilinia fructigenacan be a problem.[7]It causes brown blemishes on the fruit and continues to spread until the fruit becomes entirely rotten.[4]

M. germanicacan also be infected byPodosphaera clandestina,the pathogen ofpowdery mildew,which can lead to the wilting of leaves and buds as well as byEntomosporium mespilithat causes leaf spots.[7]

The medlar is, like other species of the rosacea family which are used for propagation, susceptible toErwinia amylovora,the parasitic causative agent offire blight.[7]



The species may have been cultivated for as long as 3,000 years.[20]The ancient Greek geographerStraborefers to aμέσπιλον(mespilon) inGeographica,Book 16, Chapter 4.[24]The medlar was introduced to Greece around 700 BC and toRomeabout 200 BC. It was an important fruit plant during Roman and medieval times. By the 17th and 18th centuries, however, it had been superseded by other fruits, and is little cultivated today.[citation needed]

M. germanicapomes are one of the few fruits that become edible in winter, making it an important tree forgardenerswho wish to have fruit available all year round.[25]

Cultivated forms are propagated byinoculationand bygraftingon various substrates such asCrataegus(hawthorn) species,mountain ash,pearorquinceto improve the performance in different soils.[7][25]Cultivars reach full fruit set 6 to 7 years after grafting and they keep it for 20 to 25 years. The fruit production varies between 30 and 70 kilograms (70 and 150 pounds) per tree and year, depending on the variety and age.[7]

Grafting on medlar seedlings is not recommended because of the slow growth of the grafts. Irrigation and fertilization can stimulate growth in plantations.[7]If the fruit-bearing shoots are cut back after the harvest, the formation of new fertile short shoots is encouraged.[7]


Fruit cut in half showing brown 'bletting' which makes it edible
Blettingbegins on one side of the fruit. Bletted flesh is brown; ripe but unbletted flesh is white.

The fruits are hard and acidic even when ripe, but become edible after being softened, "bletted",by frost, or naturally in storage if given sufficient time by reducingtannincontent and fruit acids, increasing sugar content, and changes in the content of minerals.[26]

Once softening begins, the skin rapidly takes on a wrinkled texture and turns dark brown, and the inside reduces to the consistency and flavour reminiscent ofapple sauce.This process can confuse those new to medlars, as its softened fruit looks as if it has spoiled.[26][27]

Product use


Once bletted, the fruit can be eaten raw, sometimes with sugar and cream—it has been described as being an "acquired taste"[28]—or used to make medlarjelly.[29]It is used in "medlar cheese", which is similar tolemon curd,made with the fruit pulp, eggs, and butter.[28]

Unripe fruits have a relatively high tannin content of about 2.6% and are therefore used fortanning.The tannin causesflocculationof proteins, enabling its use to reduce theturbidityof wine. InSaarland,Germany, aschnappsis made from the fruit of the medlar, which is refined withhawthorn.[30]"Medlar tea" usually is not made fromM. germanica,but fromwolfberry,or goji, which is sometimes inaccurately translated as "red medlar."[31]

Mespilus germanicakernel oil was used for the first time to producebiodiesel,wherebylinoleic acidandoleic acidwith about 40% are main constituents of the extracted oil. The physical properties of the produced biodiesel allows an alternative for diesel fuels without any modification to the conventional engines.[32]Leaves of medlar fruit were used to produce activated carbon to removeheavy metalslike Ni2+from aqueous solutions.[33]

Silvernanoparticlescould be synthesized fromM. germanicaextract and show antibacterial,antibiofilmactivities against multidrug resistance ofKlebsiella pneumoniaeclinical strains.[34]

Nutrients and phytochemicals


In general, the medlar fruits were found to be rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.[35]

M. germanicacontains variousphytochemicalsvarying between genotypes,[35]fruit ripeness, harvest time and storage conditions. The fruits are particularly rich inmonoterpenesandorganic acids.[26][36]Amino acids, sugars, and organic acids affect flavor.[26]

Due to theirdiureticandastringenteffects, the fruits have been used intraditional medicine.[37][38]

In 1984 and 1985, the following values were given for homogenized fruit:[38]

Time Frame L-ascorbic acid Glucose Fructose Potassium Calcium
Early 1984 1,64 mg/l 53,75 mg/l 37,31 mg/l 47,20 ppm 4,70 ppm
End 1984 1,54 mg/l 61,74 mg/l 70,06 mg/l 43,00 ppm 4,50 ppm
Early 1985 2,64 mg/l 43,50 mg/l 35,70 mg/l 48,90 ppm 5,20 ppm
Late 1985 1,41 mg/l 60,30 mg/l 60,50 mg/l 46,1 ppm 5,00 ppm

Fructosecontent increases steadily during fruit development, whereassucrosecontent increases for 4 months and decreases afterwards.Tannincontent and fruit acid content, especiallyascorbid acid,decreases during fruit development. In ripe fruit,glutamateandaspartatewere the major amino compounds, but also total amino acid composition changed during fruit development.[26]

In literature and culture

A basket of medlars
Medlars depicted inTacuinum Sanitatis,14th century



A fruit which is rotten before it is ripe, the medlar is used figuratively in literature as a symbol ofprostitutionor premature destitution. For example, in the Prologue toThe Reeve's Tale,Geoffrey Chaucer's character laments his old age, comparing himself to the medlar, which he names using theOld Englishterm for the fruit, "open-arse":

This white top writeth myne olde yeris;
Myn herte is mowled also as myne heris —
But if I fare as dooth an open-ers.
That ilke fruyt is ever lenger the wers,
Til it be roten in mullok or in stree.
We olde men, I drede, so fare we:
Til we be roten, kan we nat be rype;



InWilliam Shakespeare'sTimon of Athens,Apemantus forces an apple upon Timon: "The middle of humanity thou never knewest, but the extremity of both ends. When thou wast in thy gilt and perfume, they mock'd thee for too much curiosity; in thy rags thou know'st none, but art despised for the contrary. There's a medlar for thee; eat it", perhaps including a pun on "meddler", one who meddles in affairs, as well as on rottenness. (IV.iii.300–305).

InMeasure for Measure,Lucio excuses his denial of past fornication because "they would else have married me to the rotten medlar." (IV.iii.171).

InAs You Like It,Rosalind makes a complicated pun involving grafting her interlocutor with the trees around her which bear love letters and with a medlar: "I'll graff it with you, and then I shall graff it with a medlar. Then it will be the earliest fruit i' th' country; for you'll be rotten ere you be half ripe, and that's the right virtue of the medlar." (III.ii.116–119).

The most famous reference to medlars, oftenbowdlerizeduntil modern editions accepted it, appears in Shakespeare'sRomeo and Juliet,when Mercutio laughs at Romeo's unrequited love for his mistress Rosaline (II, 1, 34–38):

Now will he sit under a medlar tree,
And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit
As maids call medlars, when they laugh alone.
O Romeo, that she were, O that she were
An open-arse and thou a pop'rin pear!

In the 16th and 17th centuries, medlars were bawdily called "open-arses" because of the shape of the fruits, inspiring boisterous or humorously indecent puns in manyElizabethan and Jacobean plays.The name survived in common use well into the 20th century.[3]

Other 16th- and 17th-century authors


InMiguel de Cervantes'Don Quixotethe eponymous hero and Sancho Panza "stretch themselves out in the middle of a field and stuff themselves with acorns or medlars."

InFrançois Rabelais'Gargantua and Pantagruel,medlars play a role in the origin of giants, including the eponymous characters. AfterCainkilledAbel,the blood of the just saturated the Earth, causing enormous medlars to grow. Humans who ate these medlars grew to great proportions. Those whose bodies grew longer became giants, and were the ancestors of Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Thomas Dekkeralso draws a comparison in his playThe Honest Whore:"I scarce know her, for the beauty of her cheek hath, like the moon, suffered strange eclipses since I beheld it: women are like medlars, no sooner ripe but rotten."

Another reference can be found inThomas Middleton'sA Trick to Catch the Old Onein the character of Widow Medler, impersonated by a courtesan, hence the following pun: "Who? Widow Medler? She lies open to much rumour." (II, 2, 59).

In the Memoirs ofGlückel of Hameln,Glückel recalls having had a craving for medlars when she was pregnant with her son Joseph, but ignoring the desire. When the baby was born, he was sickly and too weak to be breastfed. Remembering a superstition about the dangers of pregnant women not fulfilling their cravings, Glückel asked for someone to fetch her some medlars for the baby. As soon as the fruit touched the baby's lips, he ate all the pulp given to him, and was then able to be breastfed. (Book 4, Section 14)

Modern literature


In modern literature, some writers have mentioned this fruit:

Sakiuses medlars in hisshort stories,which often play on the decay of Edwardian society. In "The Peace of Mowsle Barton", the outwardly quiet farmstead features a medlar tree and corrosive hatred. In "The Boar Pig", the titular animal, Tarquin Superbus, is the point of contact between society ladies cheating to get intothegarden partyof the season and a not entirely honest young schoolgirl who lures him away by strategically throwing well-bletted medlars: "Come, Tarquin, dear old boy; you know you can't resist medlars when they're rotten and squashy."

Italian novelistGiovanni Verga's naturalist narrativeI Malavogliais titledThe House by the Medlar Treein the English translation.[39][circular reference][40]

H. C. Bailey's detective Reggie Fortune is very fond of medlars.[citation needed]

Philip Pullmandescribes Sir Charles Latrom's perfume as "rotted like a medlar" in his bookThe Subtle Knife.

Cultural significance


InGilan,northernIran,the leaves, bark, fruits and wood of the medlar tree are traditionally used in herbal medicine.[2]

See also



  1. ^Petrova, A.; Barstow, M. (2017)."Mespilus germanica".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.2017:e.T79920045A109616278.doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T79920045A109616278.en.Retrieved19 November2021.
  2. ^abGorvett, Zaria (25 March 2021)."The forgotten medieval fruit with a vulgar name".BBC News Online.Retrieved10 October2024.
  3. ^abMacMillan, Alexander Stuart (1922).Popular Names of Flowers, Fruits, &C: As Used in the County of Somerset and the Adjacent Parts of Devon, Dorset and Wilts.United Kingdom: Forgotten Books. p. 209.ISBN1-332-98501-7.OCLC978686284.
  4. ^ab"The Essential Guide to probably everything you need to know about Growing Medlar – Mespilus germanica".The Permaculture Research Institute.2021-05-24.Retrieved2021-11-14.
  5. ^ab""Mespilus germanica Medlar PFAF Plant Database"".
  6. ^abcdBaird, John R.; Thieret, John W. (1989-07-01)."The medlar (Mespilus germanica, Rosaceae) from antiquity to obscurity".Economic Botany.43(3): 328–372.Bibcode:1989EcBot..43..328B.doi:10.1007/BF02858732.ISSN1874-9364.S2CID40866174.
  7. ^abcdefghijklmnMinotta, Gianfranco (2014), Stimm, Bernd; Roloff, Andreas; Lang, Ulla M; Weisgerber, Horst (eds.),"Mespilus germanica",Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse: Handbuch und Atlas der Dendrologie(in German), American Cancer Society, pp. 1–6,doi:10.1002/9783527678518,ISBN978-3-527-67851-8,retrieved2021-11-14
  8. ^abcd"Erhaltungskonzept Mispel"(PDF).
  9. ^abcMitchell, Alan (1978).A Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe(2 ed.). Collins. p. 277.
  10. ^Campbell, C.S.; Evans, R.C.; Morgan, D.R.; Dickinson, T.A.; Arsenault, M.P. (2007)."Phylogeny of subtribe Pyrinae (formerly the Maloideae, Rosaceae): Limited resolution of a complex evolutionary history"(PDF).Plant Systematics and Evolution.266(1–2): 119–145.Bibcode:2007PSyEv.266..119C.doi:10.1007/s00606-007-0545-y.S2CID13639534.
  11. ^Die Asperl Mespilus germanica L.Georg Schramayr, Verein Regionale Gehölzvermehrung. St. Pölten. 2013.ISBN978-3-901542-41-1.OCLC967971863.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: others (link)
  12. ^Cristofori, V.; Silvestri, C.; Pica, A.L.; Bertazza, G.; Bignami, C. (2019-12-29)."Evaluation of four medlar cultivars: agronomical, pomological and qualitative traits".European Journal of Horticultural Science.84(6): 350–358.doi:10.17660/ejhs.2019/84.6.4.ISSN1611-4426.S2CID214450102.
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  14. ^Lothian, Thomas (1991).The complete book of fruit growing in Australia.Port Melbourne, Victoria.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  15. ^Schütt.Enzyklopädie der Laubbäume.p. 336.
  16. ^"RHS Plantfinder –Mespilus germanica'Nottingham'".Retrieved4 April2018.
  17. ^"AGM Plants – Ornamental"(PDF).Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 64.Retrieved4 April2018.
  18. ^Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; Cristofori, V.; Silvestri, C.; Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; Pica, A.L.; Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; Bertazza, G.; Istituto di Biometeorologia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bologna, Italy; Bignami, C.; Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy (2019-12-29)."Evaluation of four medlar cultivars: agronomical, pomological and qualitative traits".European Journal of Horticultural Science.84(6): 350–358.doi:10.17660/eJHS.2019/84.6.4.S2CID214450102.{{cite journal}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^Baird, John R.; Thieret, John W. (July 1989)."The medlar (Mespilus germanica, Rosaceae) from antiquity to obscurity".Economic Botany.43(3): 328–372.Bibcode:1989EcBot..43..328B.doi:10.1007/bf02858732.ISSN0013-0001.S2CID40866174.
  20. ^abcdBaird, J. R.; Thieret, J. W. (1989). "The Medlar (Mespilus germanica,Rosaceae) from antiquity to obscurity ".Economic Botany.43(3): 328–372.Bibcode:1989EcBot..43..328B.doi:10.1007/BF02858732.JSTOR4255177.S2CID40866174.
  21. ^Clarke, Richard (October 1982)."The Trees of Britain and Northern Europe, by Alan Mitchell and John Wilkinson Collins Pocket Guides, £6.95 hardback, £3.95 paperback".Oryx.16(5): 457.doi:10.1017/S0030605300018226.ISSN0030-6053.S2CID84855677.
  22. ^Khadivi, Ali; Rezaei, Mehdi; Heidari, Parviz; Safari-Khuzani, Amir; Sahebi, Mohammad (June 2019)."Morphological and fruit characterizations of common medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) germplasm".Scientia Horticulturae.252:38–47.Bibcode:2019ScHor.252...38K.doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2019.03.014.ISSN0304-4238.S2CID146091508.
  23. ^Enzyklopädie der Laubbäume.Schütt et al. p. 337.
  24. ^"Perseus Search Results".perseus.tufts.edu.
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  32. ^Qasemi, Zeinab; Jafari, Dariush; Jafari, Kourosh; Esmaeili, Hossein (2021-08-23)."Heterogeneous aluminum oxide/calcium oxide catalyzed transesterification of Mespilus germanica triglyceride for biodiesel production".Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy.41(2).doi:10.1002/ep.13738.ISSN1944-7442.S2CID238740226.
  33. ^Khedri, Ali; Jafari, Dariush; Esfandyari, Morteza (2021-07-27)."Adsorption of Nickel(II) Ions from Synthetic Wastewater Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Mespilus germanica Leaf".Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.47(5): 6155–6166.doi:10.1007/s13369-021-06014-7.ISSN2193-567X.S2CID237723962.
  34. ^Foroohimanjili, Fatemeh; Mirzaie, Amir; Hamdi, Seyed Mohammad Mehdi; Noorbazargan, Hassan; Hedayati Ch, Mojtaba; Dolatabadi, Aghigh; Rezaie, Hossein; Bishak, Faezeh M. (2020-01-29)."Antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antiquorum sensing activities of phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles fabricated fromMespilus germanicaextract against multidrug resistance ofKlebsiella pneumoniaeclinical strains ".Journal of Basic Microbiology.60(3): 216–230.doi:10.1002/jobm.201900511.ISSN0233-111X.PMID31994223.S2CID210949728.
  35. ^abD., Ercisli, S. Sengul, M. Yildiz, H. Sener, D. Duralija, B. Voca, S. Dujmovic Purgar (2012-10-16).Phytochemical and antioxidant characteristics of medlar fruits (Mespilus germanica L.).Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality.OCLC825218272.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  36. ^G. Bounous, E. Zanini:Variabilità di alcune componenti e caratteri biometrici dei frutti di 6 specie arboree ed arbustive.Proc. workshop „Lampone mirtillo ed altri piccoli frutti ", Trento, 1987, 189–197 (Zitiert nach Schuck et al.:Enzyklopädie der Laubbäume).
  37. ^Peyre (1945).Les Arbres & Leurs Fruits, Usage Medicaux Pharmaceutiques & Dietetiques.
  38. ^abSteffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann, Roland Spiegelberger (2015),Essbare Wildpflanzen 200 Arten bestimmen und verwenden(in German) (17. Auflage ed.), AT Verlag, p. 69,ISBN978-3-03800-886 6{{citation}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  39. ^I Malavoglia
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