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Member states of the United Nations

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193 United Nations member states
2 eligible non-member states (theCook IslandsandNiue)[1][2]
A long row of flags
Flags of the member states of the United Nations, in front of thePalace of Nations(Geneva,Switzerland). Since 2015, the flags of the twoobserver statesare raised alongside those of the 193 member states.

Themember states of the United Nationscomprise 193sovereign states.TheUnited Nations(UN) is the world's largestintergovernmental organization.All members have equal representation in theUN General Assembly.[3]

TheCharter of the United Nationsdefines the rules for admission of member states. Membership is open to all states which accept certain terms of the charter and are able to carry them out. New members must be recommended by theUnited Nations Security Council.In addition to the member states, the UN also invites non-member states to beobserver statesat theUN General Assembly.A member state that has persistently violated the principles of the United Nations Charter can beexpelled from the United Nations.[4]


The criteria for admission of new members to the UN are established inChapter II,Article 4 of theUN Charter:[5]

  • Membership in the United Nations is open to all states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgement of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
  • The admission of any such state to membership in theUnited Nationswill be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of theSecurity Council.

A recommendation for admission from theSecurity Councilrequires affirmative votes from at least nine of the council's fifteen members, with none of the fivepermanent membersusing theirveto power.TheSecurity Council's recommendation must then be approved in theGeneral Assemblyby a two-thirds majority vote.[6]

In principle, onlysovereign statescan become UN members,[citation needed]and currently, all UN members are sovereign states. Although five members were not sovereign when they joined the UN, they all subsequently became fully independent between 1946 and 1991. Because a state can only be admitted to membership in the UN by the approval of the Security Council and the General Assembly,a number of states that are considered sovereignaccording to theMontevideo Conventionare not members of the UN. This is because the UN does not consider them to possesssovereignty,mainly due to the lack ofinternational recognitionor due to opposition from one of the permanent members.

In addition to the member states, the UN also invites non-member states to becomeobserver statesat theUN General Assembly,[7]allowing them to participate and speak in General Assembly meetings, but not vote. Observers are generally intergovernmental organizations and international organizations and entities whose statehood or sovereignty is not precisely defined.

Original members[edit]

The United Nations in 1945, afterWorld War II.In light blue, the founding members. In dark blue, protectorates and territories of the founding members.

The UN officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, after ratification of theUnited Nations Charterby thefive permanent membersof theUnited Nations Security Council(theRepublic of China,France,theSoviet Union,theUnited Kingdom,and theUnited States) and a majority of the other signatories.[8]A total of 51 original members (or founding members) joined that year; 50 of them signed the Charter at theUnited Nations Conference on International OrganizationinSan Franciscoon 26 June 1945, whilePoland,which was not represented at the conference, signed it on 15 October 1945.[9][10]

The original members of the United Nations were:France(then theProvisional Government),Russia(then theSoviet Union),China(thenRepublic of China), theUnited Kingdom,theUnited States— these first five forming the Security Council —Argentina,Australia,Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil(then theVargas Era Brazil),Belarus(then theByelorussian SSR),Canada,Chile(then the1925–73 Presidential Republic),Colombia,Costa Rica,Cuba(then the1902–59 Republic),Czechoslovakia(then theThird Republic),Denmark,theDominican Republic,Ecuador,Egypt(then theKingdom of Egypt),El Salvador,Ethiopia(then theEthiopian Empire),Greece(then theKingdom of Greece),Guatemala,Haiti(then the1859–1957 Republic),Honduras,India(then theBritish Raj),Iran(then theImperial State of Iran),Iraq(then theKingdom of Iraq),Lebanon,Liberia,Luxembourg,Mexico,theNetherlands,New Zealand(then theDominion of New Zealand),Nicaragua,Norway,Panama,Paraguay,Peru,thePhilippines(then theCommonwealth),Poland(then theProvisional Government of National Unity),Saudi Arabia,South Africa(then theUnion of South Africa),Syria(then theMandatory Republic),Turkey,Ukraine(then theUkrainian SSR),Uruguay,VenezuelaandYugoslavia(then theDemocratic Federal Yugoslavia).[10]

Among the original members, 49 are either still UN members or had their memberships in the UN continued by asuccessor state(see table below);for example, the membership of theSoviet Unionwas continued by theRussian Federationafter its dissolution(see the sectionFormer members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).The other two original members,CzechoslovakiaandYugoslavia(i.e., the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), had been dissolved and their memberships in the UN not continued from 1992 by any one successor state(see the sectionsFormer members: CzechoslovakiaandFormer members: Yugoslavia).[10]

At the time of UN's founding, theseat of China in the UNwas held by theRepublic of China,but as a result ofUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758in 1971, it is now held by thePeople's Republic of China(see the sectionFormer members: Republic of China (Taiwan)).

A number of the original members were not sovereign when they joined the UN, and only gained full independence later:[11]

Current members[edit]

UN member states
Member state Date of admission Notes
Afghanistan[b] 19 November 1946 On 1 December 2021, the nine-nationCredentials Committee of the General Assemblyvoted to defer a decision to allow theTalibanto represent Afghanistan at the UN.[13]On 15 February 2022, the UN released an updated list of member state officials with the names ofGhani administrationofficials replaced with the placeholder string "..." and a blank space in place of the "Date of Appointment" field. The titles corresponding to these placeholder names continue to use the designation "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan".[14][15]On 12 December 2022, the Credentials Committee again deferred the decision.[16]On 6 December 2023, the Credentials Committee again deferred the decision.[17][18]
Albania 14 December 1955
Algeria 8 October 1962
Andorra 28 July 1993
Angola 1 December 1976
Antigua and Barbuda 11 November 1981
Argentina 24 October 1945
Armenia 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member) andArmenia and the United Nations
Australia 1 November 1945 Australia and the United Nations
Austria 14 December 1955
Azerbaijan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member), andAzerbaijan and the United Nations
Bahamas 18 September 1973
Bahrain 21 September 1971
Bangladesh 17 September 1974 Bangladesh and the United Nations
Barbados 9 December 1966
Belarus 24 October 1945 Former member:Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
Belgium 27 December 1945
Belize 25 September 1981
Benin 20 September 1960 Name was changed fromDahomeyon 2 December 1975.
Bhutan 21 September 1971
Plurinational State of Bolivia 14 November 1945 Previously referred to as Bolivia until 9 April 2009.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 May 1992 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member)
Botswana 17 October 1966
Brazil 24 October 1945 Brazil and the United Nations
Brunei Darussalam 21 September 1984
Bulgaria 14 December 1955
Burkina Faso 20 September 1960 Name was changed fromUpper Voltaon 6 August 1984.
Burundi 18 September 1962
Cabo Verde 16 September 1975 Previously referred to as Cape Verde. On 24 October 2013, Cabo Verde requested that its name no longer be translated into different languages.[19]
Cambodia 14 December 1955 Name was changed to theKhmer Republicon 7 October 1970, and back to Cambodia on 30 April 1975. Name was changed again toDemocratic Kampucheaon 6 April 1976, and back to Cambodia on 3 February 1990.
Cameroon 20 September 1960 Previously referred to asCameroun(before merging withSouthern Cameroonsin 1961). By a letter of 4 January 1974, the Secretary-General was informed that Cameroon had changed its name to the United Republic of Cameroon. Name was changed back to Cameroon on 4 February 1984.
Canada 9 November 1945 Canada and the United Nations
Central African Republic 20 September 1960 Country known asCentral African Empirefrom 20 December 1976 to 20 September 1979.
Chad 20 September 1960
Chile 24 October 1945
China 24 October 1945 Former member:Republic of ChinaandChina and the United Nations
Colombia 5 November 1945
Comoros 12 November 1975
Congo 20 September 1960 Previously referred to as thePeople's Republic of the Congo.Name was changed to Congo on 15 November 1971.
Costa Rica 2 November 1945 Costa Rica and the United Nations
Côte d'Ivoire 20 September 1960 Until 31 December 1985 referred to as Ivory Coast.
Croatia 22 May 1992 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member)
Cuba 24 October 1945
Cyprus 20 September 1960
Czechia 19 January 1993 Former member:Czechoslovakia(original member)

Name was changed from Czech Republic on 17 May 2016. Its nameplate continued to display Czech Republic until sometime in 2022.[20][better source needed]

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 17 September 1991 Korea and the United Nations
Democratic Republic of the Congo 20 September 1960 Country used the nameZairefrom 27 October 1971 to 16 May 1997.
Denmark[c] 24 October 1945
Djibouti 20 September 1977
Dominica 18 December 1978
Dominican Republic 24 October 1945
Ecuador 21 December 1945
Egypt 24 October 1945 Former member:United Arab Republic
El Salvador 24 October 1945
Equatorial Guinea 12 November 1968
Eritrea 28 May 1993
Estonia 17 September 1991
Eswatini 24 September 1968 Name was changed from Swaziland on 19 April 2018.
Ethiopia 13 November 1945 Ethiopia and the United Nations
Fiji 13 October 1970 Fiji and the United Nations
Finland 14 December 1955
France 24 October 1945 France and the United Nations
Gabon 20 September 1960
Republic of The Gambia 21 September 1965
Georgia 31 July 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)
Germany 18 September 1973 Former member:German Democratic RepublicandGermany and the United Nations

East GermanyandWest Germanywere admitted separately on the same date; they unified in 1991.

Ghana 8 March 1957
Greece 25 October 1945
Grenada 17 September 1974
Guatemala 21 November 1945
Guinea 12 December 1958
Guinea-Bissau 17 September 1974
Guyana 20 September 1966
Haiti 24 October 1945
Honduras 17 December 1945
Hungary 14 December 1955
Iceland 19 November 1946
India 30 October 1945 India and the United Nations
Indonesia 28 September 1950 Withdrawal of Indonesia (1965-1966)andIndonesia and the United Nations

Withdrew from the UN on 20 January 1965. It rejoined on 28 September 1966.

Islamic Republic of Iran 24 October 1945 Previously referred to as Iran. By a communication of 4 November 1982, Iran informed the Secretary-General that it should be referred to as the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iraq 21 December 1945
Ireland 14 December 1955
Israel 11 May 1949 Israel and the United Nations
Italy 14 December 1955
Jamaica 18 September 1962
Japan 18 December 1956 Japan and the United Nations
Jordan 14 December 1955
Kazakhstan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)

Spelling was changed from Kazakstan on 20 June 1997.

Kenya 16 December 1963
Kiribati 14 September 1999
Kuwait 14 May 1963
Kyrgyzstan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)
Lao People's Democratic Republic 14 December 1955 Name was changed from Laos on 2 December 1975.
Latvia 17 September 1991
Lebanon 24 October 1945 Lebanon and the United Nations
Lesotho 17 October 1966
Liberia 2 November 1945
Libya 14 December 1955 Formerly recognised as the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 after originally being admitted as Libya. Bynotes verbalesof 1 and 21 April 1977, the Libyan Arab Republic advised that it had changed its name to theLibyan Arab Jamahiriya.On 16 September 2011, the UN General Assembly awarded the UN seat to theNational Transitional Council,thereby restoring the original name of Libya.

On 12 December 2022, the Credentials Committee deferred a decision on allowing theGovernment of National Stabilityto represent Libya at the U.N., allowing theGovernment of National Unityto retain the seat.[16]

Liechtenstein 18 September 1990 Liechtenstein and the United Nations
Lithuania 17 September 1991
Luxembourg 24 October 1945 Luxembourg and the United Nations
Madagascar 20 September 1960
Malawi 1 December 1964
Malaysia 17 September 1957 Former member:Federation of MalayaandMalaysia and the United Nations
Maldives 21 September 1965 Name was changed from Maldive Islands on 14 April 1969.
Mali 28 September 1960
Malta 1 December 1964
Marshall Islands 17 September 1991 Marshall Islands and the United Nations
Mauritania 27 October 1961
Mauritius 24 April 1968
Mexico 7 November 1945 Mexico and the United Nations
Federated States of Micronesia 17 September 1991 Federated States of Micronesia and the United Nations
Monaco 28 May 1993
Mongolia 27 October 1961
Montenegro 28 June 2006 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member),Serbia and Montenegro
Morocco 12 November 1956
Mozambique 16 September 1975
Myanmar 19 April 1948 Name was changed from Burma on 17 June 1989.

On 1 December 2021, the Credentials Committee of the General Assembly voted to defer a decision to allow Myanmar'sruling military juntato represent the country at the UN.[13]The Credentials Committee again deferred the decision on 12 December 2022.[16]The Credentials Committee again deferred the decision on 6 December 2023.[17][18]

Namibia 23 April 1990
Nauru 14 September 1999
Nepal 14 December 1955
Kingdom of the Netherlands[c] 10 December 1945
New Zealand[c] 24 October 1945 New Zealand and the United Nations
Nicaragua 24 October 1945
Niger 20 September 1960
Nigeria 7 October 1960
North Macedonia 8 April 1993 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member)

Name was changed from The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 11 February 2019.

Norway 27 November 1945
Oman 7 October 1971
Pakistan 30 September 1947 Pakistan and the United Nations
Palau 15 December 1994
Panama 13 November 1945
Papua New Guinea 10 October 1975
Paraguay 24 October 1945
Peru 31 October 1945 Peru and the United Nations
Philippines 24 October 1945 Philippines and the United Nations
Poland 24 October 1945 Poland and the United Nations
Portugal 14 December 1955
Qatar 21 September 1971
Republic of Korea 17 September 1991 Korea and the United Nations
Republic of Moldova 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)

Referred to as Moldova from 6 October 2006 to 10 September 2008.

Romania 14 December 1955
Russian Federation 24 October 1945 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(Soviet Union and the United Nations) andRussia and the United Nations
Rwanda 18 September 1962
Saint Kitts and Nevis 23 September 1983 Referred to as Saint Christopher and Nevis until 28 December 1986.
Saint Lucia 18 September 1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 September 1980
Samoa 15 December 1976 The country was formerly named "Western Samoa" until 4 July 1997, but nevertheless always referred to as just "Samoa".
San Marino 2 March 1992
São Tomé and Príncipe 16 September 1975
Saudi Arabia 24 October 1945
Senegal 28 September 1960
Serbia 1 November 2000 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member),Serbia and Montenegro,andSerbia and the United Nations
Seychelles 21 September 1976
Sierra Leone 27 September 1961
Singapore 21 September 1965 Former member:MalaysiaandSingapore and the United Nations
Slovakia 19 January 1993 Former member:Czechoslovakia(original member)
Slovenia 22 May 1992 Former member:Yugoslavia(original member)
Solomon Islands 19 September 1978
Somalia 20 September 1960
South Africa 7 November 1945 Referred to as theUnion of South Africauntil 13 May 1961.
South Sudan 14 July 2011
Spain 14 December 1955 Spain and the United Nations
Sri Lanka 14 December 1955 Name was changed fromCeylonon 29 August 1972.
Sudan 12 November 1956
Suriname 4 December 1975 Name was changed from Surinam on 23 January 1978.
Sweden 19 November 1946
Switzerland 10 September 2002
Syrian Arab Republic 24 October 1945 Former member:United Arab Republic
Tajikistan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)
Thailand 16 December 1946
Timor-Leste 27 September 2002
Togo 20 September 1960
Tonga 14 September 1999
Trinidad and Tobago 18 September 1962 Trinidad and Tobago and the United Nations
Tunisia 12 November 1956
Türkiye 24 October 1945 Turkey and the United Nations

Previously referred to as Turkey until 31 May 2022.

Turkmenistan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)
Tuvalu 5 September 2000 Tuvalu and the United Nations
Uganda 25 October 1962
Ukraine 24 October 1945 Former member:Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
United Arab Emirates 9 December 1971
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 24 October 1945 United Kingdom and the United Nations
United Republic of Tanzania 14 December 1961 Former member:Zanzibar

Name was changed from United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on 2 November 1964.

United States of America 24 October 1945 United States and the United Nations
Uruguay 18 December 1945
Uzbekistan 2 March 1992 Former member:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(original member)
Vanuatu 15 September 1981 Vanuatu and the United Nations
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 15 November 1945 Previously referred to as Venezuela until 17 November 2004.
Viet Nam 20 September 1977
Yemen 30 September 1947 Former members:YemenandPeople's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Zambia 1 December 1964
Zimbabwe 25 August 1980

Package deal[edit]

The start of theCold Warled to membership conflicts almost immediately, with the United States refusing to admit countries inEastern Europewhile the Soviet Union refused to admit countries inWestern Europe.Starting as early as January 1946, the United States used its "automatic majority"[23]on theSecurity Council[d]to refuse the application ofAlbaniawithout a veto, while the Soviet Unionvetoedthe applications of Ireland and Portugal. The Soviet Union also vetoed the applications ofJordanandCeylon,stating that it did not believe they were sufficiently independent from the United Kingdom.

Starting in September 1949, the Soviet Union began to veto the applications of some neutral countries such asNepalas well, stating that it would not admit them until its preferred applicants were also admitted. Both the United States and Soviet Union stated that they were willing to admit each other's preferred applicants, but the United States demanded that Western European applicants be voted on first while the Soviet Union demanded that Eastern European applicants be voted on first. Both superpowers refused to allow multiple applicants to be voted on simultaneously.

The impasse continued until thedeath of Stalincaused a brief thaw in the Cold War. By this time, 18 applications had been blocked, and the superpowers stated that they would no longer oppose a simultaneous vote. Theveto of Mongoliaby theRepublic of Chinadelayed the proceedings by one day, with the Soviet Union offering to exclude Mongolia from the list of 18 if Japan were also excluded. The United States abstained on the offering. In what was widely described as a "package deal", the remaining 16 countries (Albania, Jordan, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Finland, Ceylon, Nepal, Libya, Cambodia, Laos, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Spain) were simultaneously admitted to the United Nations on 14 December 1955.[24]

Former members[edit]

Republic of China (1945–1971)[edit]

A map of East Asia highlighting the Chinese states
Areas controlled by the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China

TheRepublic of China(ROC) joined the UN as an original member on 24 October 1945, and as set out by theUnited Nations Charter,Chapter V,Article 23, became one of the five permanent members of theUnited Nations Security Council.[25]In 1949, as a result of theChinese Civil War,theKuomintang-led ROC government lost effective control ofmainland Chinaand relocated to theisland of Taiwan,and theCommunist Party-led government of thePeople's Republic of China(PRC), declared on 1 October 1949, took control of mainland China. The UN was notified on 18 November 1949 of the formation of theCentral People's Government of the People's Republic of China;however, theGovernment of the Republic of Chinacontinued to represent China at the UN, despite the small size of the ROC's jurisdiction ofTaiwan and a number of smaller islandscompared to the PRC's jurisdiction of mainland China. As both governments claimed to be the sole legitimate representative of China, proposals to effect a change in the representation of China in the UN were discussed but rejected for the next two decades, as the ROC was still recognized as the sole legitimate representative of China by a majority of UN members.[citation needed]Both sides rejected compromise proposals to allow both states to participate in the UN, based on theOne-China policy.[26]

By the 1970s, a shift had occurred in international diplomatic circles and the PRC had gained the upper hand in international diplomatic relations and recognition count. On 25 October 1971, the 21st time theUnited Nations General Assemblydebated on the PRC's admission into the UN,[27]United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758was adopted, by which it recognized that "the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations and that the People's Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council," and decided "to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives ofChiang Kai-shekfrom the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it. "[28]This effectively transferred the seat of China in the UN, including its permanent seat on the Security Council, from the ROC to the PRC, and expelled the ROC from the UN.

In addition to losing its seat in the UN, the UN Secretary-General concluded from the resolution that the General Assembly considered Taiwan to be a province of "China", which refers to the Greater China region. Consequently, the Secretary-General decided that it was not permitted for the ROC to become a party to treaties deposited with it.[29]

Bids for readmission as the representative of Taiwan[edit]

Ma Ying-jeou stands behind a podium decked with flowers
The presidency ofMa Ying-jeousaw the first participation of theRepublic of Chinaon a United Nations body in almost 40 years.

In 1993, the ROC began campaigning to rejoin the UN separately from the People's Republic of China. A number of options were considered, including seeking membership in thespecialized agencies,applying forobserver status,applying for full membership, or having resolution 2758 revoked to reclaim the seat of China in the UN.[30]

Every year from 1993 to 2006, UN member states submitted a memorandum to the UN Secretary-General requesting that the UN General Assembly consider allowing the ROC to resume participating in the United Nations.[31][e]This approach was chosen, rather than a formal application for membership, because it could be enacted by the General Assembly, while a membership application would need Security Council approval, where the PRC held a veto.[30]Early proposals recommended admitting the ROC with parallel representation over China, along with the People's Republic of China, pending eventual reunification, citing examples of other divided countries which had become separate UN member states, such asEastandWest GermanyandNorthandSouth Korea.Later proposals emphasized that the ROC was a separate state, over which the PRC had no effective sovereignty. These proposed resolutions referred to the ROC under a variety of names: "Republic of China in Taiwan" (1993–1994), "Republic of China on Taiwan" (1995–1997, 1999–2002), "Republic of China" (1998), "Republic of China (Taiwan)" (2003), and "Taiwan" (2004–2006).[citation needed]

However, all fourteen attempts were unsuccessful as the General Assembly's General Committee declined to put the issue on the Assembly's agenda for debate, under strong opposition from the PRC.[32]

While all these proposals were vague, requesting the ROC be allowed to participate in UN activities without specifying any legal mechanism, in 2007 the ROC submitted a formal application under the name "Taiwan" for full membership in the UN.[33]However, the application was rejected by theUnited Nations Office of Legal Affairsciting General Assembly Resolution 2758,[34]without being forwarded to the Security Council.Secretary-General of the United NationsBan Ki-moonstated that:

The position of the United Nations is that the People's Republic of China is representing the whole of China as the sole and legitimate representative Government of China. The decision until now about the wish of the people in Taiwan to join the United Nations has been decided on that basis. The resolution (General Assembly Resolution 2758) that you just mentioned is clearly mentioning that the Government of China is the sole and legitimate Government and the position of the United Nations is that Taiwan is part of China.[35]

Responding to the UN's rejection of its application, the ROC government has stated that Taiwan is not now nor has it ever been under the jurisdiction of the PRC, and that since General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not clarify the issue of Taiwan's representation in the UN, it does not prevent Taiwan's participation in the UN as an independent sovereign nation.[36]The ROC government also criticized Ban for asserting that Taiwan is part of China and returning the application without passing it to the Security Council or the General Assembly,[37]contrary to UN's standard procedure (Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council, Chapter X, Rule 59).[38]On the other hand, the PRC government, which has stated that Taiwan is part of China and firmly opposes the application of any Taiwan authorities to join the UN either as a member or an observer, praised that UN's decision "was made in accordance with the UN Charter and Resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly, and showed the UN and its member states' universal adherence to theone-China principle".[39]A group of UN member states put forward a draft resolution for that fall's UN General Assembly calling on the Security Council to consider the application.[33]

The following yeartwo referendumsin Taiwan on the government's attempts to regain participation at the UN did not pass due to low turnout. That fall the ROC took a new approach, with its allies submitting a resolution requesting that the "Republic of China (Taiwan)" be allowed to have "meaningful participation" in the UNspecialized agencies.[40]Again the issue was not put on the Assembly's agenda.[32]In 2009, the ROC chose not to bring the issue of its participation in the UN up for debate at the General Assembly for the first time since it began the campaign in 1993.[41]

In May 2009, theDepartment of Health of the Republic of Chinawas invited by theWorld Health Organizationto attend the 62ndWorld Health Assemblyas an observer under the name "Chinese Taipei".This was the ROC's first participation in an event organized by aUN-affiliated agencysince 1971, as a result of the improvedcross-strait relationssinceMa Ying-jeoubecame thePresident of the Republic of Chinaa year before.[42]

The Republic of China is officiallyrecognized by 11 UN member statesand theHoly See.It maintains unofficial relations with around 100 nations, including theUnited StatesandJapan.

States that no longer exist[edit]

Czechoslovakia (1945–1992)[edit]

Czechoslovakiajoined the United Nations as an original member on 24 October 1945. Upon the imminentdissolution of Czechoslovakia,in a letter dated 10 December 1992, its Permanent Representative informed theUnited Nations Secretary-Generalthat the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic would cease to exist on 31 December 1992 and that theCzech RepublicandSlovakia,as successor states, would apply for membership in the UN. Neither state sought sole successor state status. Both states were readmitted to the UN on 19 January 1993.[43]

German Democratic Republic (1973–1990)[edit]

Both theFederal Republic of Germany(West Germany) and theGerman Democratic Republic(East Germany) were admitted to the UN on 18 September 1973. Through theaccession of the East German federal states to the Federal Republic of Germany,effective from 3 October 1990, the territory of the German Democratic Republic became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. In a letter to the general secretary, German Foreign Minister notified the UN about this unification and stated that the Federal Republic of Germany would subsequently assume its membership under the nameGermany.Consequently, the Federal Republic of Germany continued being a member of the UN while the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist.[43]

Federation of Malaya (1957–1963)[edit]

TheFederation of Malayajoined theUnited Nationson 17 September 1957. On 16 September 1963, its name was changed toMalaysia,following the formation of Malaysia fromSingapore,North Borneo(nowSabah),Sarawakand the existing states of theFederation of Malaya.Singapore became an independent State on 9 August 1965 and a Member of the United Nations on 21 September 1965.

Tanganyika (1961–1964) and Zanzibar (1963–1964)[edit]

Tanganyikawas admitted to the UN on 14 December 1961, and theSultanate of Zanzibarwas admitted to the UN on 16 December 1963. Following the ratification on 26 April 1964 of the Articles of Union between Tanganyika and thePeople's Republic of Zanzibar,the two states merged to form the single member "United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar", with its name changed to theUnited Republic of Tanzaniaon 1 November 1964.[43][44]

Soviet Union (1945–1991)[edit]

A map of Eurasia highlighting the USSR
The USSR as its borders and republics were configured upon entry to the UN. Border changes and the dissolution of various republics happened over the course of its membership.

TheUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR) joined the UN as an original member on 24 October 1945, and as set out by theUnited Nations Charter,Chapter V,Article 23, became one of the five permanent members of theUnited Nations Security Council.[25]Upon the imminentdissolution of the USSR,in a letter dated 24 December 1991,Boris Yeltsin,thePresident of the Russian Federation,informed theUnited Nations Secretary-Generalthat the membership of the USSR in the Security Council and all other UN organs was being continued by theRussian Federationwith the support of the 11member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.[43]

The other fourteen independent states established from the former Soviet Republics were all admitted to the UN:

United Arab Republic (1958–1961)[edit]

A map of the UAR
The United Arab Republic, including theoccupied Gaza Strip.
Egyptian presidentGamal Abdel Nasser(seated right) and Syrian presidentShukri al-Quwatlisign the accord to form theUnited Arab Republicin 1958. The political union briefly represented both states and was used as the name ofEgyptfollowingSyria's withdrawal in 1961.

BothEgyptandSyriajoined the UN as original members on 24 October 1945. Following a plebiscite on 21 February 1958, theUnited Arab Republicwas established by a union of Egypt and Syria and continued as a single member. On 13 October 1961,Syria,having resumed its status as an independent state, resumed its separate membership in the UN. Egypt continued as a UN member under the name of the United Arab Republic, until it reverted to its original name on 2 September 1971. Syria changed its name to the Syrian Arab Republic on 14 September 1961.[43]

Yemen (1947–1990) and Democratic Yemen (1967–1990)[edit]

Yemen(i.e.,North Yemen) was admitted to the UN on 30 September 1947;Democratic Yemen(i.e.,South Yemen) was admitted to the UN under the namePeople's Republic of South Yemenon 14 December 1967, with its name changed to thePeople's Democratic Republic of Yemenon 30 November 1970, and was later referred to as Democratic Yemen. On 22 May 1990,the two states mergedto form the Republic of Yemen, which continued as a single member under the nameYemen.[43]

Yugoslavia / Serbia and Montenegro (1945–2006)[edit]

TheSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslaviadisintegrated into several states starting in the early 1990s. By 2006, six UN member states existed in its former territory. Kosovo declared independence in 2008.

TheSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,referred to as Yugoslavia, joined the UN as an original member on 24 October 1945. By 1992, it had been effectivelydissolvedinto five independent states, which were all subsequently admitted to the UN:

Due to the dispute over its legalsuccessor states,the member state "Yugoslavia", referring to the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, remained on the official roster of UN members for many years after its effective dissolution,[43]including the presence of theSFRY flagat UN headquarters.[50]Following the admission of all five states as new UN members, "Yugoslavia" was removed from the official roster of UN members.

The government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, established on 28 April 1992 by the remaining Yugoslav republics ofMontenegroandSerbia,[51]claimed itself as the legalsuccessor stateof the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;[52]however, on 30 May 1992,United Nations Security Council Resolution 757was adopted, by which it imposedinternational sanctionson the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia due to its role in theYugoslav Wars,and noted that "the claim by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) to continue automatically the membership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations has not been generally accepted,"[53]and on 22 September 1992, United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/47/1 was adopted, by which it considered that "the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations," and therefore decided that "the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations and that it shall not participate in the work of theGeneral Assembly".[54][55]For many years the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia refused to comply with the resolution, arguing that it was the legitimate successor to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and that the resolution and the sanctions were illegal and counted as a de facto expulsion of Yugoslavia from the UN (though the UN itself declared that the resolution was legal and de jure not an expulsion of Yugoslavia since they were not the legal successors of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and so the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was never a UN member). Following the ousting ofPresidentSlobodan Miloševićfrom office, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia applied for membership, and was admitted to the UN on 1 November 2000.[49]On 4 February 2003, it had its official name changed to Serbia and Montenegro, following the adoption and promulgation of theConstitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegroby the Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.[56]

On the basis of areferendumheld on 21 May 2006,Montenegrodeclared independence fromSerbia and Montenegroon 3 June 2006. In a letter dated on the same day, thePresident of Serbiainformed theUnited Nations Secretary-Generalthat the membership of Serbia and Montenegro in the UN was being continued bySerbia,following Montenegro's declaration of independence, in accordance with the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro.[57]Montenegro was admitted to the UN on 28 June 2006.[58]

In the aftermath of theKosovo War,the territory ofKosovo,then anautonomous provinceof the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was put under the interim administration of theUnited Nations Mission in Kosovoon 10 June 1999. On 17 February 2008 it declared independence, but this has not been recognised by Serbia. TheRepublic of Kosovois not a member of the UN, but is a member of theInternational Monetary Fund[59]and theWorld Bank Group,[60]bothspecialized agenciesin theUnited Nations System.The Republic of Kosovo has beenrecognised by 114 UN member states,including three of the five permanent members of theUnited Nations Security Council(France, the United Kingdom, and the United States); several states have suspended or withdrawn their recognition of Kosovo's independence, bringing down the total to 98. On 22 July 2010, theInternational Court of Justice,the primary judicial organ of the UN, issued anadvisory opinion,ruling that Kosovo's declaration of independence was not in violation of international law.[61]

Suspension, expulsion and withdrawal of members[edit]

A member state may be suspended or expelled from the UN, according to theUnited Nations Charter.FromChapter II,Article 5:[5]

A Member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by theSecurity Councilmay be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by theGeneral Assemblyupon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.

From Article 6:[5]

A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

Since its inception, no member state has been suspended or expelled from the UN under Articles 5 or 6. However, in a few cases, states were suspended or expelled from participating in UN activities by means other than Articles 5 or 6:

  • On 25 October 1971,United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758was adopted, which recognized thePeople's Republic of Chinainstead of theRepublic of China(since 1949 controlling only Taiwan) as the legitimate representative of China in the UN and effectively expelled the Republic of China from the UN in 1971(see the sectionFormer members: Republic of China).This act did not constitute as the expulsion of a member state under Article 6, as this would have required Security Council approval and been subjected tovetoesby its permanent members, which included the Republic of China itself and the United States, which at that time still recognized the Republic of China.[62]
  • In October 1974, the Security Council considered a draft resolution that would have recommended that the General Assembly immediately expelSouth Africafrom the UN, in compliance with Article 6 of the United Nations Charter, due toits apartheid policies.[43]However, the resolution was not adopted because of vetoes by three permanent members of the Security Council: France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In response, the General Assembly decided to suspend South Africa from participation in the work of the Assembly's 29th session on 12 November 1974; however, South Africa was not formally suspended under Article 5. The suspension lasted until the General Assembly welcomed South Africa back to full participation in the UN on 23 June 1994, following its successful democraticelections earlier that year.[63]
  • On 28 April 1992, the newFederal Republic of Yugoslaviawas established, by the remaining republics of Serbia and Montenegro of the formerSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.On 22 September 1992,United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/47/1was adopted, by which it considered that "the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) cannot continue automatically the membership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations," and therefore decided that "the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations and that it shall not participate in the work of the General Assembly". It did not apply for membership untilSlobodan Miloševićwas ousted from the presidency and was admitted on 1 November 2000(see the sectionFormer members: Yugoslavia).

Withdrawal of Indonesia (1965–1966)[edit]

A black-and-white three-quarters view of Sukarno's face
IndonesianpresidentSukarno's withdrawal in 1965 was the only time a UN member attempted to withdraw; it rejoined a year later.

Since the inception of the UN, only one member state (excluding those that dissolved or merged with other member states) has unilaterally attempted to withdraw from the UN. During theIndonesia–Malaysia confrontation,and in response to the election ofMalaysiaas anon-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council,in a letter dated 20 January 1965,Indonesiainformed theUnited Nations Secretary-Generalthat it had decided "at this stage and under the present circumstances" to withdraw from the UN. However, following the overthrow ofPresidentSukarno,in a telegram dated 19 September 1966, Indonesia notified the Secretary-General of its decision "to resume full cooperation with the United Nations and to resume participation in its activities starting with the twenty-first session of the General Assembly". On 28 September 1966, theUnited Nations General Assemblytook note of the decision of the Government of Indonesia and itsPresidentinvited the representatives of that country to take their seats in the Assembly.[43]

Unlike suspension and expulsion, no express provision is made in the United Nations Charter of whether or how a member can legally withdraw from the UN (largely to prevent the threat of withdrawal from being used as a form of political blackmail, or to evade obligations under the Charter, similar to withdrawals that weakened the UN's predecessor, theLeague of Nations),[62]or on whether a request for readmission by a withdrawn member should be treated the same as an application for membership, i.e., requiring Security Council as well as General Assembly approval. Indonesia's return to the UN would suggest that this is not required; however, scholars have argued that the course of action taken by the General Assembly was not in accordance with the Charter from a legal point of view.[64]

Observers and non-members[edit]


In addition to the member states, there are twoUnited Nations General Assembly non-member observer states:theHoly Seeand theState of Palestine.[65]

TheSovereign Military Order of Malta(not to be confused with theRepublic of Malta,a UN member state), which is not a sovereign state but an entity, has observer status at the UN and maintains diplomatic relations with 113 countries.[78][79][80]

A number of states were also granted observer status before being admitted to the UN as full members.[81][82][83]The most recent case of an observer state becoming a member state wasSwitzerland,which was admitted in 2002.[84]

AEuropean Unioninstitution, theEuropean Commission,was granted observer status at the UNGA through Resolution 3208 in 1974. TheTreaty of Lisbonin 2009 resulted in the delegates being accredited directly to the EU.[85]It was accorded full rights in the General Assembly, bar the right to vote and put forward candidates, via UNGA Resolution A/RES/65/276 on 10 May 2011.[86]It is the only non-state party to over 50 multilateral conventions, and has participated in every way except for having a vote in a number of UN conferences.[87]

Non-member states[edit]

TheCook IslandsandNiue,which are bothassociated statesofNew Zealand,are not member states of the UN, but are member states ofspecialized agencies of the UNsuch asWHO[88]andUNESCO,[89]and have had their "full treaty-making capacity" recognized byUnited Nations Secretariatin 1992 and 1994 respectively.[21][90][91]They have since become parties to a number of international treaties for which the UN Secretariat acts as adepositary,such as theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change[92]and theUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,[93]and are treated as non-member states.[94][21]Both theCook Islandsand Niue have expressed a desire to become a UN member state, but New Zealand has said that they would not support the application without a change in their constitutional relationship, in particular their right toNew Zealand citizenship.[95][96]

The sovereignty status ofWestern Saharais in dispute betweenMoroccoand thePolisario Front.Most of the territory is controlled byMorocco,the remainder (theFree Zone) by theSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic,proclaimed by the Polisario Front.Western Saharais listed by the UN as a "non-self-governing territory".[97]

Sovereignty over Kosovo is disputed between theRepublic of KosovoandSerbiawhich considers it to be anautonomous province.As perUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1244and theongoing dialogueon thepolitical status of Kosovo,the Republic of Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations, despite havingrelations with half of member states.It is a member of twospecialized agencieswithin theUnited Nations System:theInternational Monetary FundandWorld Bank.It applied forUNESCOmembership in 2015 but was unsuccessful.[98]

Republic of China (Taiwan)is not a member of the UN, asPeople's Republic of Chinaclaims sovereignty over "Taiwan Province".See the discussion above in sectionBids for readmission as the representative of Taiwan.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Thesovereign entitywithstatehoodover the territory of theVatican City State.
  2. ^Afghanistan: The United Nations currently recognizes theIslamic Republic of Afghanistanas the government of Afghanistan instead of thede factoruling government, theIslamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
  3. ^abcThe member states of theRealm of Denmark,Realm of New ZealandandKingdom of the Netherlandsrepresent their metropolitan countries as well as their other constituent countries:Faroe IslandsandGreenland(Denmark);Aruba,CuraçaoandSint Maarten(Netherlands);NiueandCook Islands(New Zealand).[21][22][failed verification]Niue and the Cook Islands have full treaty-making capabilities and have the option of seeking membership.
  4. ^Before 1966,at least five seatsout of eleven, and often more, were guaranteed to be aligned with the United States, enough to block the required seven-vote supermajority without a veto.
  5. ^Specific items include:
    United Nations General AssemblySession 48Agenda itemA/48/1911993-08-09.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 49Agenda itemA/49/1441994-07-19.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 50Agenda itemA/50/1451995-07-19.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 51Agenda itemA/51/1421996-07-18.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 52Agenda itemA/52/1431997-07-16.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 53Agenda itemA/53/1451998-07-08.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 54Agenda itemA/54/1941999-08-12.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 55Agenda itemA/55/2272000-08-04.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 56Agenda itemA/56/1932001-08-08.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 57Agenda itemA/57/1912002-08-20.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 58Agenda itemA/58/1972003-08-05.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 59Agenda itemA/59/1942004-08-10.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 60Agenda itemA/60/1922005-08-11.
    United Nations General AssemblySession 61Agenda itemA/61/1942006-08-11.


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External links[edit]