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Culture of Mexico

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Mexico's culture emerged from the culture of theSpanish Empireand the preexistingindigenous cultures of Mexico.Mexican culture is described as the 'child' of both western and native American civilizations. Other minor influences include those from other regions of Europe, Africa and also Asia.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

First inhabited more than 10,000 years ago, the cultures that developed in Mexico became one of thecradles of civilization.During the 300-year rule by the Spanish, Mexico was a crossroads for the people and cultures of Europe and America, with minor influences from West Africa and parts of Asia. Starting in the late 19th century, the government of independent Mexico has actively promoted cultural fusion (mestizaje) and shared cultural traits in order to create a national identity. Despite this base layer of shared Mexican identity and widerLatin American culture,the big and variedgeography of Mexicoand the many different indigenous cultures create more of a cultural mosaic, comparable to the heterogeneity of countries likeIndiaorChina.

From the pyramids ofTeotihuacanto the intricate murals ofDiego Riveraand the image ofOur Lady of Guadalupe.Cuisine delights with its fusion of indigenous ingredients likemaizeandchili peppers,showcased in beloved dishes such astacosandmole.Festivals likeDia de los Muertoscelebrate indigenous traditions alongsideCatholicrituals, while music genres likemariachi,popular musicand regional dances likeballet folklóricoexpress cultural diversity and pride. Luminaries likeOctavio PazandCarlos Fuentescontributing to a global literary canon. Sports, particularlysoccer,unify the nation in fervent support, alongside the enduring influence oftelenovelasand iconic figures likeThalíaand a deep-rooted sense of community andfamily.

The culture of an individual Mexican is influenced by familial ties, gender, religion, location, and social class, among other factors. Contemporary life in the cities of Mexico has become similar to that in the neighboring United States and in Europe, with provincial people conserving traditions more than city dwellers.[7]


Cerro del Cubilete( "Dice Cup Hill" ). At the top of the hill is theCristo Rey(ChristtheKing) statue.
Sawdust carpetmade during "The night no one sleeps" in Huamantla, Tlaxcala

The Spanish arrival and colonization broughtRoman Catholicismto the country, which became the main religion of Mexico. Mexico is asecular state,and theConstitution of 1917andanti-clericallaw imposed limitations on the church and sometimes codified state intrusion into church matters. The government does not provide any financial contributions to the church, and the church does not participate in public education.[8][9]

In 2010, 95.6% of the population wereChristian.[10]Roman Catholicsare 89%[11]of the total, 47% percent of whom attend church services weekly.[12]In absolute terms, Mexico has the world's secondlargest number of CatholicsafterBrazil.[13]According to the Government's 2000 census, approximately 87 percent of respondents identified themselves as at least nominally Roman Catholic.Christmasis a national holiday and every year duringEasterand Christmas all schools in Mexico, public and private, send their students on vacation.

Other religious groups for which the 2000 census provided estimates includedevangelicals,with 1.71 percent of the population; other Protestant evangelical groups, 2.79 percent; members ofJehovah's Witnesses,1.25 percent; "Historical" Protestants, 0.71 percent;Seventh-day Adventists,0.58 percent;The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,0.25 percent;Jews,0.05 percent; and other religions, 0.31 percent. Approximately 3.52 percent of respondents indicated no religion, and 0.86 percent did not specify a religion.


Plaza de las Tres Culturas

Mexico is known for itsfolk arttraditions, mostly derived from the indigenous and Spanish crafts.[14]Pre-Columbian art thrived over a wide timescale, from 1800 BC to AD 1500. Certain artistic characteristics were repeated throughout the region, namely a preference for angular, linear patterns, and three-dimensional ceramics.

Notable handicrafts include clay pottery from the valley of Oaxaca and the village of Tonala. Colorfully embroidered cotton garments, cotton or wool shawls and outer garments, and colorful baskets and rugs are seen everywhere. Mexico is also known for itspre-Columbian architecture,especially for public, ceremonial and urban monumental buildings and structures.

Following the conquest, the first artistic efforts were directed at evangelization and the related task of building churches. The Spanish initially co-opted many indigenous stonemasons and sculptors to build churches, monuments and other religious art, such asaltars.The prevailing style during this era wasBaroque.In the period from independence to the early 20th century, Mexican fine arts continued to be largely influenced by European traditions.

After theMexican Revolution,a new generation of Mexican artists led a vibrant national movement that incorporated political, historic and folk themes in their work. The paintersDiego Rivera,José Clemente Orozco,andDavid Siqueiroswere the main propagators ofMexican muralism.Their grand murals often displayed on public buildings, promoted social ideals.Rufino TamayoandFrida Kahloproduced more personal works with abstract elements. Mexican artphotographywas largely fostered by the work ofManuel Álvarez Bravo.[15]


Portrait and book bySor Juana Inés de la Cruz,Baroque poet and writer.

Mexican literature has its antecedents in the literature of the indigenous settlements of Mesoamerica and European literature.[16]The most well known pre-Hispanic poet isNetzahualcoyotl.Modern Mexican literature is influenced by the concepts of the Spanish colonialization ofMesoamerica.Outstanding colonial writers and poets includeJuan Ruiz de AlarcónandSor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Other notable writers includeAlfonso Reyes,José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi,Ignacio Manuel Altamirano,Maruxa Vilalta,Carlos Fuentes,Octavio Paz(Nobel Laureate),Renato Leduc,Mariano Azuela( "Los de abajo" ),Juan Rulfo( "Pedro Páramo" ),Juan José Arreola,andBruno Traven.

Contemporary Mexican literature not only captures the essence of Mexican culture but also resonates with universal themes, making it a significant contribution to world literature. Authors likeElena Poniatowska,Juan Villoro,Valeria Luiselli,Yuri Herrera,andFernanda Melchordelve into themes such asmigration,inequality,historical memory,and the complexities of Mexican society.


Distribution of linguistic groups around 1500.

Mexico is the most populousSpanish-speaking country in the world.[17]Although the overwhelming majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish, there is node jureofficial language at the federal level. The government recognizes 62 indigenousAmerindian languagesas national languages.[18]

Some Spanish vocabulary in Mexico has roots in the country's indigenous languages, which are spoken by approximately 6% of the population.[18]Some indigenous Mexican words have become common in other languages, such as theEnglish language.For instance, the words tomato, chocolate,coyote,andavocadoareNahuatlin origin.[19]



With thirty-four sites, Mexico has more sites on theUNESCO World Heritagelist than any other country in theAmericas;most of the sites pertain to Mexico's architectural history. Mesoamerican architecture in Mexico is best known for its public, ceremonial, and urban monumental buildings and structures, several of which are the largest monuments in the world. Mesoamerican architecture is divided into three eras, Pre-Classic, Classic, and Post-Classic. ArchitectFrank Lloyd Wrightis reputed to have declared thePuuc-style architecture of theMayaas the best in theWestern Hemisphere.[20]

TheNew Spanish Baroquedominated in early colonial Mexico. During the late 17th century to 1750, one of Mexico's most popular architectural styles was MexicanChurrigueresque,which combinedAmerindianandMoorishdecorative influences.

TheAcademy of San Carlos,founded in 1788, was the first major art academy in the Americas. The academy promotedNeoclassicism,focusing on Greek and Roman art and architecture. Notable Neoclassical works include theHospicio Cabañas,a world heritage site, and thePalacio de Minería,both by Spanish Mexican architectManuel Tolsá.

From 1864 to 1867, during theSecond Mexican Empire,Maximilian Iwas installed as emperor of Mexico. His architectural legacy lies in the redesigning of theCastillo de Chapultepecand creating thePaseo de la Reforma.This intervention, financed largely by France, was brief, but it began a period of French influence in architecture and culture. The style was emphasized during the presidency ofPorfirio Diaz,who was a pronouncedfrancophile.Notable works from thePorfiriatoinclude thePalacio de Correosand a largenetwork of railways.

After theMexican Revolutionin 1917, idealization of the indigenous and the traditional symbolized attempts to reach into the past and retrieve what had been lost in the race toward modernization.

Functionalism, expressionism, and other schools left their imprint on a large number of works in which Mexican stylistic elements have been combined with European and American techniques, most notably the work ofPritzker PrizewinnerLuis Barragán.His personal home, theLuis Barragán House and Studio,is aWorld Heritage Site.

Enrique Norten,the founder of TEN Arquitectos, has been awarded several honors for his work inmodern architecture.His work expresses a modernity that reinforces the government's desire to present a new image of Mexico as an industrialized country with a global presence.

Other notable and emerging contemporary architects includeMario Schjetnan,Michel Rojkind,Isaac Broid Zajman,Bernardo Gómez-Pimienta,andAlberto Kalach.


Singer and actor Pedro Infante, one of the leading figures of theGolden Age of Mexican Cinema.

The history of Mexican cinema dates to the beginning of the 20th century when several enthusiasts of the new medium documented historical events – most particularly the Mexican Revolution. Mexican cinema began in the late 19th century with the introduction of film technology. The first Mexican film is considered to be "Don Juan Tenorio"(1898) by Salvador Toscano Barragán. TheGolden Age of Mexican cinemais the name given to the period between 1935 and 1959, where the quality and economic success of the cinema of Mexico reached its peak. Directors likeEmilio Fernández( "Maria Candelaria"),Fernando de Fuentes( "Vámonos con Pancho Villa"), andJulio Bracho( "Distinto Amanecer") were prominent figures. An era when renowned actors such asCantinflasandPedro Infanteappeared on the silver screen. Actresses such asDolores del RíoandMaría Félixbecame icons of Mexican cinema during this era.

The emergence of the "Nuevo Cine Mexicano" in the late 20th century introduced new talents likeArturo Ripstein( "El Castillo de la Pureza") andFelipe Cazals( "Canoa"). In the renaissance and New Wave of the 1960s-1970s. Present-day film makers from 1980s-Present, include directors likeAlfonso Cuarón( "Y Tu Mamá También"),Guillermo del Toro( "Pan's Labyrinth"), andAlejandro González Iñárritu( "Amores Perros) gained international acclaim, contributing to a resurgence in Mexican cinema's global influence. Other influential individuals includeCarlos Reygadas(Stellet Licht), screenwriterGuillermo Arriagaand directors of photography such asGuillermo NavarroandEmmanuel Lubezki.Mexican cinema today spans various genres, including comedy (e.g., films byEugenio Derbez), horror (e.g., "Tigers Are Not Afraid"byIssa López), and drama.

National holidays[edit]

Fireworks in Mexico City forNew Year's Day.

Mexicans celebrate theirIndependence from Spainon September 16, and other holidays are celebrated with festivals known as "Fiestas". Many Mexican cities, towns, and villages hold a yearly festival to commemorate their local patron saints. During these festivities, the people pray and burn candles to honor their saints in churches decorated with flowers and colorful utensils. They also hold large parades, fireworks, dance competitions, and beauty pageant contests, all the while partying and buying refreshments in the marketplaces and public squares. In the smaller towns and villages, soccer, and bo xing are also celebrated during the festivities.

Other festivities include Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ( "Our Lady of Guadalupe Day" ),Las Posadas( "The Shelters", celebrated on December 16 to December 24),Noche Buena( "Holy Night", celebrated on December 24),Navidad( "Christmas", celebrated on December 25) andAño Nuevo( "New Year's Day", celebrated on December 31 to January 1).

"Guadalupe Day" is regarded by many Mexicans as the most important religious holiday of their country. It honors the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico, and it is celebrated on December 12. In the last decade, all the celebrations happening from mid-December to the beginning of January have been linked together in what has been called theGuadalupe-Reyes Marathon.

Epiphanyon the evening of January 5 marks theTwelfth NightofChristmasand is when the figurines of the three wise men are added to the nativity scene. Traditionally in Mexico, as with many other Latin American countries, Santa Claus does not hold the significance that he does in the United States. Rather, it is the three wise men who are the bearers of gifts, who leave presents in or near the shoes of small children.[21]Mexican families also commemorate the date by eatingRosca de reyes.

TheDay of the Deadincorporates pre-Columbian beliefs withChristianelements. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. An idea behind this day suggests the living must attend to the dead so that the dead will protect the living.[22]The celebration occurs on November 2 in connection with theCatholicholidays ofAll Saints' Day(November 1) andAll Souls' Day(November 2). Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased, usingsugar skulls,marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. The gifts presented turn the graveyard from a dull and sorrowful place to an intimate and hospitable environment to celebrate the dead.[22]

In modern Mexico, particularly in the larger cities and in the North, local traditions are now being observed and intertwined with the greater North American Santa Claus tradition, as well as with other holidays such asHalloween,due to Americanization via film and television, creating an economy of gifting tradition that spans from Christmas Day until January 6.

Apiñatais made from papier-mache. It is created to look like popular people, animals, or fictional characters. Once made it is painted with bright colors and filled with candy or small toys. It is then hung from the ceiling. The children are blindfolded and take turns hitting the piñata until it breaks open and the candy and small toys fall out. The children then gather the candy and small toys.[23]

President of Mexico giving the "grito"of" Viva México "at the commencement of Independence Day festivities in 2023
Skulls made ofamaranto,given during theDay of the Deadfestival.
Revolution Daymarking the start of what became the Mexican Revolution.
Since the 16th century, thepoinsettia,a native plant from Mexico, has been associated withChristmascarrying the Christian symbolism of theStar of Bethlehem;in that country it is known in Spanish as theFlower of the Holy Night.[24][25]
piñatas are use duringbirthdaysandLas Posadas.Christmas tradition where communities reenact Mary and Joseph's search for lodging.


Dining table,painted between 1857 y 1859, oleo sobre tela (oil on canvas) byAgustín Arrieta
Chiles en nogada,a popular dish from Mexico
Mole poblanois considered Mexico'splato nacional
Pear,QuinceandPsidiumcajeta.In 2010 declared theBicentennialDessert of Mexico.

Mexican cuisine is known for its blending of Indigenous and European cultures. The cuisine was inscribed in 2010 on theRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanitybyUNESCO.[26]Traditionally, the main Mexican ingredients consisted ofmaize,beans,bothredandwhite meats,potatoes,tomatoes,seafood,chili peppers,squash,nuts,avocadosand various herbs native to Mexico.

Popular dishes includetacos,enchiladas,mole sauce,atole,tamales,andpozole.Popular beverages include water flavored with a variety of fruit juices, and cinnamon-flavoredhot chocolateprepared withmilkor water and blended until it becomesfrothedusing a traditional wooden tool called amolinillo.Alcoholic beverages native to Mexico includemescal,pulque,andtequila.Mexican beeris also popular in Mexico and are exported. There are international award-winning Mexican wineries that produce and exportwine.[27]

The most important and frequently used spices in Mexican cuisine arechili powder,cumin,oregano,cilantro,epazote,cinnamon,andcocoa.Chipotle,a smoked-dried jalapeño pepper, is also common in Mexican cuisine. Many Mexican dishes also containonionsandgarlic,which are also some of Mexico's staple foods.[28]

Next tocorn,riceis the most common grain in Mexican cuisine. According to food writer Karen Hursh Graber, the initial introduction of rice to Spain from North Africa in the 14th century led to the Spanish introduction of rice to Mexico at the port ofVeracruzin the 1520s. This, Graber says, created one of the earliest instances of the world's greatestFusion cuisines.[29][30]

In southeastern Mexico, especially in theYucatán Peninsula,spicy vegetable and meat dishes are common. The cuisine of Southeastern Mexico has quite a bit of Caribbean influence, given its geographical location. Seafood is commonly prepared in the states that border the Pacific Ocean or theGulf of Mexico,the latter having a famous reputation for its fish dishes,à la veracruzana.

Chocolateoriginated in Mexico and was prized by theAztecs.It remains an important ingredient in Mexican cookery.[31]

Vanillaoriginated in Mexico. It was first cultivated by theTotonacsof Mexico’s east coast. Vanilla is used in Mexico to flavorhorchataand Mexican desserts such aschurros.[32]

Mexican tea cultureis known for its traditional herbal teas such aschamomile,linden,orange blossom,spearmintandlemongrass.[33]

Music and dance[edit]

José Pablo Moncayoknown for his orchestral works, particularly "Huapango"

The foundation of Mexican music comes from its indigenous sounds and heritage. The original inhabitants of the land used drums (such as theteponaztli),flutes,rattles,conchesas trumpets and theirvoicesto make music and dances. These were common during celebrations likeNetotiliztli.This ancient music is still played in some parts of Mexico; however, much of the traditional contemporary music of Mexico was written during and after the Spanish colonial period, using manyold worldinfluenced instruments. Many traditional instruments, such as theMexican vihuelaused inMariachi music,were adapted from their old world predecessors and are now considered very Mexican.

Mexican society enjoys a vast array of music genres, showing the diversity of Mexican culture. Traditional music includesMariachi,Banda,Norteño,Ranchera,Cumbia,andCorridos.Traditional Mexican music enjoys some popularity outside Mexico, and isparticularly popular in Chile.[34][35]Some iconic traditional Mexican songsCielito Lindo,La Adelita,El Rey,Jarabe Tapatío,(Mexican Hat Dance)La Llorona,La Bamba,andLas Mañanitas.

Mexicans also listen to contemporary music such aspopandMexican rock.[36]Mexico has the largest media industry in Latin America,[37]producing Mexican artists who are famous in theAmericasand parts of Europe.

Folk songs calledcorridoshave been popular in Mexico since the early nineteen hundreds. It may tell the story of the Mexican Revolution, pride,Mestizaje,romance, poverty, politics, or crime. NotableAfro-Mexicancontributions to the country's music are theSon Jarochoand themarimba.

José Alfredo Jiménez' tomb inDolores Hidalgo,Guanajuato, attracts visitors from around the world.

Mariachis perform along streets, festivals and restaurants. A common Mariachi group can include singers,violins,aguitarrón,aguitarra de golpe,vihuela,guitars,andtrumpets.[38]The most prominent Mariachi group isVargas de Tecalitlán,which was originally formed in 1897.

Other styles of traditional regional music in México:HuapangoorSon Huasteco(Huasteca, northeastern regions, violin and two guitars known as quinta huapanguera andjarana), Tambora (Sinaloa, mainlybrass instruments)Duranguense,Jarana (most of the Yucatán peninsula) andNorteña(North style,redobaandaccordion).

Folk dances are a feature of Mexican culture. Significant in dance tradition is the "Jarabe Tapatío",known as" Mexican hat dance ". Traditional dancers perform a sequence of hopping steps, heel, and toe-tapping movements.

Among the most known "classical" composers:Manuel M. Ponce( "Estrellita" ), Revueltas, Jordá (Elodia),Ricardo Castro,Juventino Rosas( "Sobre las olas" ), Carrillo (Sonido 13), Ibarra, Pablo Moncayo (Huapango) andCarlos Chávez.

Popular composers includes:Agustín Lara,Consuelo Velázquez( "Bésame Mucho"),José Alfredo Jiménez,Armando Manzanero,Álvaro Carrillo,Joaquín PardavéandAlfonso Ortiz Tirado.

Traditional Mexican music has influenced the evolution of theMexican popandMexican rockgenre. Some well-known Mexican pop singers areLuis MiguelandAlejandro Fernández.Latin rock musicians such asCarlos Santana,Café Tacuba,andCaifaneshave incorporated Mexican folk tunes into their music. Traditional Mexican music is still alive in the voices of artists such asLila Downs.


Club América vs Cruz Azul at theEstadio Azteca.

The traditional national sport of Mexico isCharreria,which consists of a series of equestrian events.[39]The national horse of Mexico, used inCharreria,is theAzteca.Bullfighting,a tradition brought from Spain, is also popular.[40]Mexico has the largest venue for bullfighting in the world - thePlaza Méxicoin Mexico City which seats 48,000 people.

Footballis the most popular team sport in Mexico. Most states have their own representative football teams. Among the country's significant teams includeChivas de Guadalajara,Club América,Cruz Azul,andPumas de la UNAM.Notable players includeHugo Sánchez,Claudio Suárez,Luis Hernández,Francisco Palencia,Cuauhtémoc Blanco,Memo Ochoa,Jared Borgetti,Rafael Márquez,Pável Pardo,andJavier Hernández.

The country hosted theSummer Olympic Gamesin 1968 and theFIFA World Cupin1970,1986,and the upcoming2026and will be first country to host the FIFA World Cup three times.[41]

See also[edit]


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  3. ^Eye, The (2020-07-29)."Al Pastor and the Lebanese Influence on Mexican food".Beach, Village & Urban Living in Oaxaca.Retrieved2022-01-04.
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  6. ^"Mexico's Lasting European Influence".banderasnews.Retrieved2022-01-04.
  7. ^Mexico - Daily life and social customs - Encyclopedia Britannica
  8. ^Public DomainHerbermann, Charles, ed. (1913)."Mexico".Catholic Encyclopedia.New York: Robert Appleton Company.
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  10. ^"The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency".cia.gov.12 September 2022.
  11. ^"Religión"(PDF).Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2000.INEGI.2000. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 15 December 2005.Retrieved2 August2009.
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  13. ^"The Largest Catholic Communities".Adherents.Archived from the original on August 18, 2000.Retrieved2007-11-10.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  14. ^Mexican Folk Art - Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
  15. ^"Mexican muralists: the big three - Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros.: Mexico Culture & Arts".mexconnect.2 June 2020.
  16. ^"Western Literature".britannica.
  17. ^"Learn Spanish in Mexico - Spanish Courses in Mexico - Spanish Schools in Mexico".Spanish-Language. Archived fromthe originalon 2010-09-17.Retrieved2010-02-18.
  18. ^ab"Mexico - General country information".MoveOnNet.eu. Archived fromthe originalon 2009-04-02.Retrieved2010-02-18.
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  21. ^Botto, Ricardo."Dia de Reyes, the story of Los Tres Reyes Magos".Mexonline.RetrievedSeptember 26,2013.
  22. ^abFranco, Gina; Poore, Christopher (1 November 2017)."Day of the Dead is not" Mexican Halloween "—it's a day where death is reclaimed".America Magazine.Retrieved12 November2018.
  23. ^"The mysterious origins of the piñata".BBC.
  24. ^Hewitson, Carolyn (2013).Festivals.Routledge.ISBN9781135057060.It is said to resemble the star of Bethlehem. The Mexicans call it the flower of the Holy Night, but usually it is called poinsettia after the man who introduced it to America, Dr Joel Poinsett.
  25. ^"The Legends and Traditions of Holiday Plants".ipm.iastate.edu.Archivedfrom the original on January 22, 2016.RetrievedFebruary 17,2016.
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  31. ^"History of Chocolate".
  32. ^"The History of Vanilla".National Geographic Society.Archived fromthe originalon February 27, 2021.
  33. ^"A Nice Cup of Tea: Searching for Camellia Sinensis".
  34. ^Montoya Arias, Luis Omar; Díaz Güemez, Marco Aurelio (2017-09-12). "Etnografía de la música mexicana en Chile: Estudio de caso".Revista Electrónica de Divulgación de la Investigación(in Spanish).14:1–20.
  35. ^Domic Kuscevic, Lenka (2000)."Geografía y literatura. Una aproximación metodológica".Estudios de Humaninades y Ciencias Sociales(in Spanish).6:51–54.
  36. ^As well as an art, music is a way of life
  37. ^Media industry in Mexico - statistics & facts
  38. ^mariachi | music - Encyclopedia Britannica
  39. ^""Mexican Charrería", a national sport "(PDF).gob.mx.
  40. ^Sports and recreation - Mexico - Encyclopedia Britannica
  41. ^Dubov, Kalman (22 June 2022).Journeys to the United Mexican States.Kalman Dubov. p. 188.[self-published source?]

External links[edit]