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Mibu no Hana Taue

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Mibu no Hana Taue
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Mibu no Hana Taue(Nhâm sinh の hoa điền thực)[1]is ritual of transplanting rice that is held every year on the first Sunday of June inKitahiroshima, Hiroshima,in hopes of a good harvest. It is a traditional event. It has been designated as anImportant Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japanand is listed in theRepresentative List of Human Intangible Cultural Heritageof theUNESCOConvention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.


Since theKamakura period,it has been customary in westernJapanfor a Saotome to sing a rice planting song while singing a rice planting song, whispering with a large drum, a small drum, a flute, or a hand-made kane, in accordance with the time signature of Sasara. It is a farming ritual to worship Sanbai (Ta-no-Kami) and pray for a good harvest and good harvest, and it is also a device to enjoy the hard labor of rice planting. Eventually, the rice planting event became even more gorgeous by gathering a large number of people, and thecowsthat were shavings put on a saddle decorated with artificial flowers, and Saotome and others dressed up with red sashes and waistbands to create a day of hare. It is said that it got the name of Hanada Ue because of its gorgeous appearance.

Mibu no Hana Tadashi is the largest rice planting in western Japan, and the "Kawatoda Orchestra" and "Mibu no Hana Tadashi" convey the tradition. In addition, due to its depth of history, it was designated as an important intangiblefolk cultural propertyof Japan in 1976, and was registered as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in November 2011.[2]


  1. ^Mà nguyên では “みぶ の はなだうえ” と hô ばれる (Quảng đảo huyện の văn hóa tài - nhâm sinh の hoa điền thựcBắc quảng đảo đinh: Nhâm sinh の hoa điền thực) が, nước Nhật の quan trọng vô hình dân tục văn hóa tài chỉ định およびユネスコ vô hình văn hóa di sản đăng lục の tên は “みぶ の はなたうえ” となっている.
  2. ^"Mibu no Hana Taue".UNESCO Culture Sector.Retrieved2012-02-15.