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Coordinates:37°31′49″N27°16′42″E/ 37.53028°N 27.27833°E/37.53028; 27.27833
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Miletus Ancient Greek theatre
Miletus is located in Turkey
Shown within Turkey
LocationBalat,Didim,Aydın Province,Turkey
RegionAegean Region
Coordinates37°31′49″N27°16′42″E/ 37.53028°N 27.27833°E/37.53028; 27.27833
Area90 ha (220 acres)
BuilderMinoans(laterMycenaeans) and thenIonians(the later on a former Anatolian site)[1][2][3]
Site notes
Public accessYes
WebsiteMiletus Archaeological Site

Miletus(/mˈltəs/;Greek:Μῑ́λητος,romanized:Mī́lētos;Hittite:𒈪𒅋𒆷𒉿𒀭𒁕Mīllawāndaor 𒈪𒆷𒉿𒋫Milawata(exonyms);Latin:Mīlētus;Turkish:Milet) was anancient Greekcity on the western coast ofAnatolia,near the mouth of theMaeander Riverin ancientIonia.[3][4][5]Its ruins are located near the modern village ofBalatinAydın Province,Turkey.Before thePersianrule that started in the 6th century BC, Miletus was considered among the greatest and wealthiest ofGreekcities.[6][7]

Evidence of first settlement at the site has been made inaccessible by the rise of sea level and deposition of sediments from the Maeander. The first available evidence is of theNeolithic.In the early and middleBronze Agethe settlement came underMinoaninfluence. Recorded history at Miletus begins with the records of the Hittite Empire, and theMycenaeanrecords ofPylosandKnossos,in the Late Bronze Age. Miletus was a Mycenaean stronghold on the coast of Asia Minor fromc. 1450to 1100 BC.

The 13th century BC saw the arrival ofLuwian languagespeakers from south central Anatolia calling themselves theCarians.Later in that century other Greeks arrived. The city at that time rebelled against theHittite Empire.After the fall of that empire the city was destroyed in the 12th century BC and starting about 1000 BC was resettled extensively by theIonian Greeks.Legend offers an Ionian foundation event sponsored by a founder named Neleus from thePeloponnesus.

TheGreek Dark Ageswere a time of Ionian settlement and consolidation in an alliance called theIonian League.TheArchaic Periodof Greece began with a sudden and brilliant flash of art and philosophy on the coast ofAnatolia.In the 6th century BC, Miletus was the site of origin of the Greek philosophical (and scientific) tradition, whenThales,followed byAnaximanderandAnaximenes(known collectively, to modern scholars, as theMilesian school), began to speculate about the material constitution of the world, and to propose speculative naturalistic (as opposed to traditional, supernatural) explanations for various natural phenomena.


Map of Miletus and other cities within the Lydian Empire



The earliest available archaeological evidence indicates that the islands on which Miletus was originally placed were inhabited by aNeolithicpopulation in 3500–3000 BC.[8]Pollen in core samples from Lake Bafa in theLatmusregion inland of Miletus suggests that a lightly grazed climax forest prevailed in theMaeandervalley, otherwise untenanted. Sparse Neolithic settlements were made atsprings,numerous and sometimesgeothermalin this karst, rift valley topography. The islands offshore were settled perhaps for their strategic significance at the mouth of the Maeander, a route inland protected byescarpments.Thegraziersin the valley may have belonged to them, but the location looked to the sea.

Middle Bronze Age


The prehistoric archaeology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age portrays a city heavily influenced by society and events elsewhere in the Aegean, rather than inland.

Minoan period


The earliest Minoan settlement of Miletus dates to 2000 BC.[9]Beginning at about 1900 BC artifacts of theMinoan civilizationacquired by trade arrived at the site.[8]For some centuries the location received a strong impulse from that civilization, an archaeological fact that tends to support but not necessarily confirm the founding legend—that is, a population influx fromCrete.According toStrabo:[10]

Ephorus says: Miletus was first founded and fortified above the sea by Cretans, where the Miletus of olden times is now situated, being settled by Sarpedon, who brought colonists from the Cretan Miletus and named the city after that Miletus, the place formerly being in possession of theLeleges.

The legends recounted as history by the ancient historians and geographers are perhaps the strongest; the late mythographers have nothing historically significant to relate.[11]

A panoramic view of The Theatre ofMiletus,Didim.

Late Bronze Age


Recorded history at Miletus begins with the records of theHittite Empireand the Mycenaean records ofPylosandKnossos,in the Late Bronze Age.

Mycenaean period


Miletus was aMycenaeanstronghold on the coast of Asia Minor fromc. 1450to 1100 BC.[12]Inc. 1320 BC,the city supported an anti-Hittite rebellion ofUhha-Zitiof nearbyArzawa.Muršiliordered his generalsMala-ZitiandGullato raid Millawanda, and they proceeded to burn parts of it; damage fromLHIIIAfound on-site has been associated with this raid.[13]In addition the town was fortified according to a Hittite plan.[14]

Miletus is then mentioned in the "Tawagalawa letter",part of a series including theManapa-Tarhunta letterand theMilawata letter,all of which are less securely dated. The Tawagalawa letter notes that Milawata had a governor,Atpa,who was under the jurisdiction ofAhhiyawa(a growing state probably inLHIIIBMycenaean Greece); and that the town ofAtriyawas under Milesian jurisdiction. The Manapa-Tarhunta letter also mentions Atpa. Together the two letters tell that the adventurerPiyama-Raduhad humiliated Manapa-Tarhunta before Atpa (in addition to other misadventures); a Hittite king then chased Piyama-Radu into Millawanda and, in the Tawagalawa letter, requested Piyama-Radu's extradition toHatti.

The Milawata letter mentions a joint expedition by the Hittite king and aLuwianvassal (probablyKupanta-Kuruntaof Mira) against Miletus, and notes that the city (together with Atriya) was now under Hittite control.[citation needed]

Homermentions that during the time of theTrojan War,Miletus was an ally of Troy and was city of theCarians,under Nastes andAmphimachus.[15]

In the last stage of LHIIIB, the citadel of Bronze AgePyloscounted among its female slaves ami-ra-ti-ja,Mycenaean Greekfor "women from Miletus", written inLinear Bsyllabic script.[16]

Fall of Miletus


During the collapse of Bronze Age civilization, Miletus was burnt again, presumably by theSea Peoples.

Dark Age


Mythographers told that Neleus, a son ofCodrusthe lastKing of Athens,had come to Miletus after the "Return of the Heraclids"(so, during theGreek Dark Ages). The Ionians killed the men of Miletus and married their widows. This is the mythical commencement of the enduring alliance between Athens and Miletus, which played an important role in the subsequentPersian Wars.

Archaic period

The Ionic Stoa on the Sacred Way in Miletus
Apollo statue found in Miletus. Currently on display at the Istanbul Archeology Museum

The city of Miletus became one of the twelveIoniancity-states ofAsia Minorto form theIonian League.

Miletus was one of the cities involved in theLelantine Warof the 8th century BC.

Ties with Megara


Miletus is known to have early ties withMegarain Greece. According to some scholars, these two cities had built up a "colonisation alliance". In the 7th/6th century BC they acted in accordance with each other.[17]

Both cities acted under the leadership and sanction of anApollooracle. Megara cooperated with that ofDelphi.Miletus had her own oracle of ApolloDidymeus MilesiosinDidyma.Also, there are many parallels in the political organisation of both cities.[17]

Temple of Apollo inDidyma

According toPausanias,the Megarians said that their town owed its origin toCar,the son ofPhoroneus,who built the city citadel called 'Caria'.[18]This 'Car of Megara' may or may not be one and the same as the 'Car of the Carians', also known asCar (King of Caria).

In the late 7th century BC, the tyrantThrasybuluspreserved the independence of Miletus during a 12-year war fought against theLydian Empire.[19]Thrasybulus was an ally of the famousCorinthiantyrantPeriander.

Miletus was an important center of philosophy and science, producing such men asThales,AnaximanderandAnaximenes.Referring to this period,religious studiesprofessorF. E. Petersdescribedpan-deismas "the legacy of the Milesians".[20]

By the 6th century BC, Miletus had earned a maritime empire with many colonies, but brushed up against powerfulLydiaat home, and the tyrantPolycratesof its neighbor to the west,Samos.

First Achaemenid period

Coinage of Miletus at the time ofAristagoras.Late 6th-early 5th century BC.
Electrumcoinage of Miletus, circa 600–550 BC.

WhenCyrusof Persia defeatedCroesusof Lydia in the middle of the 6th century BC, Miletus fell underPersianrule. In 499 BC, Miletus'styrantAristagorasbecame the leader of theIonian Revoltagainst the Persians, who, underDarius the Great,quashed this rebellion and punished Miletus by selling all of the women and children into slavery, killing the men, and expelling all of the young men as eunuchs, thereby assuring that no Miletus citizen would ever be born again. A year afterward,Phrynicusproduced the tragedyThe Capture of Miletusin Athens. The Athenians fined him for reminding them of their loss.[21]

Classical Greek period

The plan of Milet in the Classical period

In 479 BC, the Greeks decisively defeated the Persians on the Greek mainland at theBattle of Plataea,and Miletus was freed from Persian rule. During this time several other cities were formed byMilesiansettlers, spanning across what is now Turkey and even as far asCrimea.The city's gridlike layout became famous, serving as the basic layout forRomancities.[citation needed]

Second Achaemenid period


In 387 BC, thePeace of Antalcidasgave the PersianAchaemenid Empireunder kingArtaxerxes IIcontrol of the Greek city-states ofIonia,including Miletus.

In 358 BC, Artaxerxes II died and was succeeded by his sonArtaxerxes III,who, in 355 BC, forced Athens to conclude a peace, which required its forces to leave Asia Minor (Anatolia) and acknowledge the independence of its rebellious allies.[citation needed]

Macedonian period


In 334 BC, theSiege of Miletusby the forces ofAlexander the Greatof Macedonia conquered the city. The conquest of most of the rest of Asia Minor soon followed. In this period, the city reached its greatest extent, occupying within its walls an area of approximately 90 hectares (220 acres).[22]

When Alexander died in 323 BC, Miletus came under the control of Ptolemy, governor ofCaria,and his satrap of Lydia,Asander,who had become autonomous.[23]In 312 BC, Macedonian generalAntigonus I Monophthalmussent Docimus and Medeius to free the city and grant autonomy, restoring the democratic patrimonial regime. In 301 BC, after Antigonus I was killed in theBattle of Ipsusby the coalition ofLysimachus,Cassander,andSeleucus I Nicator,founder of theSeleucid Empire,Miletus maintained good relations with all the successors after Seleucus I Nicator made substantial donations to the sanctuary of Didyma and returned the statue of Apollo that had been stolen by the Persians in 494 BC.

In 295 BC, Antigonus I's sonDemetrius Poliorceteswas the eponymous archon (stephanephorus) in the city, which allied withPtolemy I Soterof Egypt, while Lysimachus assumed power in the region, enforcing a strict policy towards the Greek cities by imposing high taxes, forcing Miletus to resort to lending.

Seleucid period


Around 287/286 BC Demetrius Poliorcetes returned, but failed to maintain his possessions and was imprisoned in Syria. Nicocles of Sidon, the commander of Demetrius' fleet surrendered the city. Lysimachus dominated until 281 BC, when he was defeated by the Seleucids at theBattle of Corupedium.In 280/279 BC the Milesians adopted a new chronological system based on the Seleucids.

Egyptian artefact found in Miletus

Egyptian period


In 279 BC, the city was taken from Seleucid kingAntiochus IIby Egyptian kingPtolemy II Philadelphus,who donated a large area of land to cement their friendship, and it remained under Egyptian sway until the end of the century.[24]

Aristides of Miletus,founder of the bawdyMiletian school of literature,flourished in the 2nd century BC.

Roman period


After an alliance with Rome, in 133 BC the city became part of the province of Asia.

Miletus benefited from Roman rule and most of the present monuments date to this period.

TheNew Testamentmentions Miletus as the site where the ApostlePaulin 57 AD met the elders of thechurchofEphesusnear the close of his Third Missionary Journey, as recorded inActs of the Apostles(Acts 20:15–38). It is believed that Paul stopped by the Great Harbour Monument and sat on its steps. He might have met the Ephesian elders there and then bade them farewell on the nearby beach. Miletus is also the city where Paul leftTrophimus,one of his travelling companions, to recover from an illness (2 Timothy4:20). Because this cannot be the same visit as Acts 20 (in which Trophimus accompanied Paul all the way to Jerusalem, according to Acts 21:29), Paul must have made at least one additional visit to Miletus, perhaps as late as 65 or 66 AD. Paul's previous successful three-year ministry in nearbyEphesusresulted in the evangelization of the entire province of Asia (see Acts 19:10, 20;1 Corinthians16:9). It is safe to assume that at least by the time of the apostle's second visit to Miletus, a fledgling Christian community was established in Miletus.

In 262 new city walls were built.

However the harbour was silting up and the economy was in decline. In 538 emperorJustinianrebuilt the walls but it had become a small town.

Byzantine period

Byzantine Palation Castle

During theByzantineage thesee of Miletuswas raised to an archbishopric and later ametropolitan bishopric.The small Byzantine castle called Palation located on the hill beside the city, was built at this time. Miletus was headed by acurator.[25][26]

Turkish rule

An Ottoman mosque from the Turkish period at the Miletus site

Seljuk Turksconquered the city in the 14th century and used Miletus as a port to trade withVenice.

In the 15th century, theOttomansutilized the city as a harbour during their rule inAnatolia.As the harbour became silted up, the city was abandoned. Due to ancient and subsequentdeforestation,[27]overgrazing (mostly by goat herds),erosionandsoil degradation,the ruins of the city lie some 10 km (6.2 mi) from the sea withsedimentsfilling the plain and bare hill ridges without soils and trees, amaquis shrublandremaining.

TheIlyas Bey Complexfrom 1403 with its mosque is aEuropa Nostraawarded cultural heritage site in Miletus.

Archaeological excavations

TheMarket Gate of Miletusat thePergamon Museumin Berlin

The first excavations in Miletus were conducted by the French archaeologistOlivier Rayetin 1873, followed by the German archaeologistsJulius HülsenandTheodor Wiegand[28][29][30]between 1899 and 1931. Excavations, however, were interrupted several times by wars and various other events. Carl Weickart excavated for a short season in 1938 and again between 1955 and 1957.[31][32][33] He was followed by Gerhard Kleiner and then by Wolfgang Muller-Wiener. Today, excavations are organized by theRuhr UniversityofBochum,Germany.

One remarkable artifact recovered from the city during the first excavations of the 19th century, theMarket Gate of Miletus,was transported piece by piece to Germany and reassembled. It is currently exhibited at thePergamon MuseuminBerlin.The main collection of artifacts resides in theMiletus MuseuminDidim,Aydın,serving since 1973.

Archaeologists discovered a cave under the city's theatre and believe that it is a "sacred" cave which belonged to the cult ofAsklepius.[34][35]

Examples of the Milesian Vase



Location of Miletus at theMaeander River's mouth

The ruins appear on satellite maps at 37°31.8'N 27°16.7'E, about 3 km north ofBalatand 3 km east ofBatıköyinAydın Province,Turkey.

In antiquity the city possessed aharborat the southern entry of a large bay, on which two more of the traditional twelve Ionian cities stood:PrieneandMyus.The harbor of Miletus was additionally protected by the nearby small island of Lade. Over the centuries the gulf silted up withalluviumcarried by theMeanderRiver. Priene and Myus had lost their harbors by the Roman era, and Miletus itself became an inland town in the early Christian era; all three were abandoned to ruin as their economies were strangled by the lack of access to the sea. There is a Great Harbor Monument where, according to the New Testament account, the apostle Paul stopped on his way back to Jerusalem by boat. He met the Ephesian Elders and then headed out to the beach to bid them farewell, recorded in the book of Acts 20:17-38.



During thePleistoceneepoch the Miletus region was submerged in theAegean Sea.It subsequently emerged slowly, the sea reaching a low level of about 130 meters (430 ft) below present level at about 18,000BP.The site of Miletus was part of the mainland.

A gradual rise brought a level of about 1.75 meters (5 ft 9 in) below present at about 5500 BP, creating severalkarstblock islands of limestone, the location of the first settlements at Miletus. At about 1500 BC the karst shifted due to small crustal movements and the islands consolidated into a peninsula. Since then the sea has risen 1.75 m but the peninsula has been surrounded by sediment from theMaeanderriver and is now land-locked. Sedimentation of the harbor began at about 1000 BC, and by 300 ADLake Bafahad been created.[36]



Map of the Black Sea, featuring the chronological phasing of major Milesian colonial foundations.

Miletus became known for the great number of colonies it founded. It was considered the greatest Greek metropolis and founded more colonies than any other Greek city.[37] Pliny the Elder(Natural History,5.112) says that Miletus founded over 90 colonies. Among them are:[38]

Notable people

Thales of Miletuswas a Greek mathematician, astronomer and pre-Socratic philosopher from the city. He is otherwise historically recognized as the first individual known to have entertained and engaged in scientific philosophy
  • Arctinus of Miletus(775 BC – 741 BC), epic poet
  • Thales(c. 624 BC – c. 546 BC),Pre-Socraticphilosopher
  • Anaximander(c. 610 BC – c. 546 BC), Pre-Socratic philosopher and geographer
  • Cadmus(fl. c. 550 BC), writer
  • Anaximenes(c. 585 BC – c. 525 BC), Pre-Socratic philosopher
  • Aristagoras(fl. 6th-5th century BC), Tyrant of Miletus
  • Phocylides(born c. 560 BC), Greek gnomic poet
  • Hecataeus(c. 550 BC – c. 476 BC), Greek historian
  • Histiaeus(died 493 BC), ruler of Miletus
  • Leucippus(fl. first half of 5th century BC), philosopher and originator of Atomism (his association with Miletus is traditional, but disputed)
  • Hippodamus(c. 498 – 408 BC), urban planner
  • Aspasia(c. 470 – 400 BC) courtesan, and mistress ofPericles,was born in Miletus
  • Aristides(fl. 2nd century BC), writer
  • Monime(died 72/71 BC), a Greek noblewoman and one of the wives ofMithridates VI Eupator
  • Alexander Polyhistor(fl. 1st century AD), Greek scholar, born in Miletus before being taken as a slave to Rome
  • Aeschines of Miletus(fl. 1st century AD), a distinguished orator in the Asiatic style
  • Isidore(fl. 6th century AD), Greek architect
  • Hesychius(fl. 6th century AD), Greek chronicler and biographer
  • Timagenes or Timogenes, historian and rhetor[39]
  • Philiscus of Miletus, rhetor. Teacher ofNeanthes of Cyzicus[40]
  • Hellanicus, historian[41]
  • Dionysicles (Ancient Greek:Διονυσικλῆς) of Miletus, sculptor. One of his famous works was a statue, atLeonidaion,of Democrates ofTenedoswho was anancient Olympicwinner at wrestling[42]
  • Baccheius or Bacchius of Miletus (Βακχεῖος), a writer. He wrote a work on agriculture.[43]

See also


References and sources

  1. ^Alice Mouton; Ian Rutherford; Ilya Yakubovich (7 June 2013).Luwian Identities: Culture, Language and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean.BRILL. pp. 435–.ISBN978-90-04-25341-4.
  2. ^Alan M. Greaves (25 April 2002).Miletos: A History.Taylor & Francis. pp. 71–.ISBN978-0-203-99393-4.The political history of Miletos/Millawanda, as it can be reconstructed from limited sources, shows that despite having a material culture dominated by Aegean influences it was more often associated with Anatolian powers such as Arzawa and the Hittites than it was with the presumed Aegean power of Ahhijawa
  3. ^abSharon R. Steadman; Gregory McMahon; John Gregory McMahon (15 September 2011).The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia: (10,000-323 BCE).Oxford University Press.p. 369 and 608.ISBN978-0-19-537614-2.They had certainly been familiar with the territory earlier, in the Late Bronze Age, by way of commercial and political interests, and perhaps even trading posts, but now they came to stay. In the case of such settlements as Miletus and Ephesus, as implied, the Greeks chose the sites of former Anatolian cities of prominence.
  4. ^Luc-Normand Tellier,Urban World History: An Economic and Geographical Perspective,p. 79: “The neighboring Greek city of Miletus, located on the Meander river was another terminal of the same route; it exerted certain hegemony over the Black sea trade and created about fifty commercial entrepôts in the Aegean sea and Black sea region...”
  5. ^Carlos Ramirez-Faria (1 January 2007).Concise Encyclopeida Of World History.Atlantic Publishers & Dist. pp. 305–.ISBN978-81-269-0775-5.
  6. ^A Short History of Greek Philosophy By John Marshall page 11 “For several centuries prior to the great Persian invasion of Greece, perhaps the very greatest and wealthiest city of the Greek world was Miletus”
  7. ^Ancient Greek civilization By David Sansone page 79 “In the seventh and sixth centuries BC the city of Miletus was among the most prosperous and powerful of Greek poleis.”
  8. ^abCrouch (2004) page 183.
  9. ^Steadman, Sharon R.; McMahon, Gregory (15 September 2011).The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia: (10,000-323 BCE).OUP USA. p. 369.ISBN978-0-19-537614-2.
  10. ^Book 14 Section 1.6.
  11. ^The late fantasy fiction ofAntoninus Liberalis,MetamorphosesXXX 1–2 after Nicander, can be safely disregarded as being in any way history. His entertaining tales have the imaginary character namedMiletusfleeingCreteto avoid being forced to become theeromenosof KingMinos.He founds the city only after slaying a giant named Asterius, son ofAnax,after whom the region known as Miletus was called 'Anactoria', "place of Anax".Anaxin Greek means "the king" andAsteriusis "starry".
  12. ^Hajnal, Ivo."Graeco-Anatolian Contacts in the Mycenaean Period".University of Innsbruck.Retrieved22 September2013.
  13. ^Christopher Mee,Anatolia and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age,p. 142
  14. ^Mee,Anatolia and the Aegean,p. 139
  15. ^https:// poetryintranslation /PITBR/Greek/Iliad2.php#BkII811,Iliad, book II
  16. ^Palaeolexicon,Word study tool of ancient languages
  17. ^abAlexander Herda (2015),Megara and Miletos: Colonising with Apollo. A Structural Comparison of Religious and Political Institutions in Two Archaic Greek Polis States;see Abstract atAlexander Herda research
  18. ^Paus. i. 39. § 5, i. 40. § 6
  19. ^Miletos, the ornament of Ionia: history of the city to 400 B.C.Eby Vanessa B. Gorman (University of Michigan Press) 2001 – pg 123
  20. ^Francis Edward Peters(1967).Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon.NYU Press. p.169.ISBN0814765521.
  21. ^Herodotus (5 March 1998), Waterfield, Robin; Dewald, Carolyn (eds.),"Histories",Oxford World's Classics: Herodotus: The Histories,Oxford University Press,doi:10.1093/oseo/instance.00271233,ISBN978-0-19-953566-8,retrieved4 May2022
  22. ^Chant, Colin (1999)."Greece".In Chant, Colin; Goodman, David (eds.).Pre-industrial Cities and Technology.London: Routledge. p. 61.ISBN9780415200752.
  23. ^'The Life of Alexander the Great' by John Williams, Henry Ketcham, p. 89
  24. ^Foundation of the Hellenic World."Hellenistic Period".fhw.gr.[unreliable source?]
  25. ^The Byzantine aristocracy and its military function, Volume 859 of the Variorum collected studies series, Jean-Claude Cheynet, Ashgate Pub., 2006.ISBN978-0-7546-5902-0
  26. ^Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, Volume 10, Jean-Claude Cheynet, Claudia Sode, published by Walter de Gruyter, 2010.ISBN978-3-11-022704-8
  27. ^"Miletus (Site)".perseus.tufts.edu.Retrieved20 January2024.
  28. ^Olivier Rayet and Thomas, Milet Et Le Golfe Latmique, Fouilles Et Explorations Archeologiques Publ, 1877 (reprint Nabu Press 2010ISBN1-141-62992-5
  29. ^Theodor Wiegand and Julius Hülsen [Das Nymphaeum von Milet, Museen zu Berlin 1919] and Kurt Krausem, Die Milesische Landschaft, Milet II, vol. 2, Schoetz, 1929
  30. ^Theodor Wiegand et al., Der Latmos, Milet III, vol. 1, G. Reimer, 1913
  31. ^Carl Weickert, Grabungen in Milet 1938, Bericht über den VI internationalen Kongress für Archäologie, pp. 325-332, 1940
  32. ^Carl Weickert, Die Ausgrabung beim Athena-Tempel in Milet 1955, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Deutsche Archaeologische Institut, vol. 7, pp.102-132, 1957
  33. ^Carl Weickert, Neue Ausgrabungen in Milet, Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im Vorderen Orient, pp. 181-96, 1959
  34. ^'Sacred Cave' in ancient Miletos awaits visitors
  35. ^The Ancient City of Miletos’s “Sacred Cave” Opened to Visitors
  36. ^Crouch (2004) page 180.
  37. ^Colony and Mother City in Ancient Greece By A. J. Graham page 98 “Judged by the number of its colonies Miletus was the most prolific of the Greek mother cities. For though some of the more extravagance claims made in antiquity have not been substantiated by modern investigations, her colonies were by far more numerous than those of any other Greek cities.”
  38. ^Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. (2006).Greek Colonisation. An account of Greek Colonies and Other Settlements Overseas. Vol. 1.Leiden, Boston: Brill. pp. lxvii - lxxiii (Table 6).ISBN978-90-04-12204-8.
  39. ^Suda, tau, 590
  40. ^Suda, nu, 114
  41. ^Suda, epsilon, 738
  42. ^Pausanias, Description of Greece, 6.17.1
  43. ^A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, Baccheius
  • Crouch, Dora P. (2004).Geology and Settlement: Greco-Roman Patterns.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN9780195083248.

Further reading

  • Greaves, Alan M. (2002).Miletos: A History.London: Routledge.ISBN9780415238465.
  • Gorman, Vanessa B. (2001).Miletos, the Ornament of Ionia: A History of the City to 400 B.C.E.Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press.ISBN9780472111992.