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Minoan pottery

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"Marine Style" flask withoctopus,c. 1500-1450 BC
Figurine of female worshipper,Phaistos,1700-1600 BC displayed in theHeraklion Archaeological Museum

TheMinoan civilizationproduced a wide variety of richly decoratedMinoan pottery.Its restless sequence of quirky maturing artistic styles reveals something of Minoan patrons' pleasure in novelty while they assist archaeologists in assigning relative dates to thestrataof their sites. Pots that contained oils and ointments, exported from 18th century BCCrete,have been found at sites through theAegeanislands and mainlandGreece,inCyprus,along coastalSyriaand inEgypt,showing the wide trading contacts of the Minoans.

The pottery includes vases, figurines, models of buildings, and burial urns calledlarnakes.Several pottery shapes, especially therhytoncup, were also produced in soft stones such assteatite,but there was almost no overlap with metal vessels. The finest achievements came in the Middle Minoan period, with the palacepotterycalledKamares ware,and the Late Minoan all-over patterned "Marine Style" and "Floral Style". These were widely exported around theAegean civilizationsand sometimes beyond, and are the high points of the Minoan pottery tradition.

The most comprehensive collection is in theHeraklion Archaeological Museumon Crete.

Traditional chronology

Minoan chronology
3500–2900 BC[1] EMI Prepalatial
2900–2300 BC EMII
2300–2100 BC EMIII
2100–1900 BC MMIA
1900–1800 BC MMIB Protopalatial
(Old Palace Period)
1800–1750 BC MMIIA
1750-1700 BC MMIIB Neopalatial
(New Palace Period)
1700–1650 BC MMIIIA
1650–1600 BC MMIIIB
1600–1500 BC LMIA
1500–1450 BC LMIB Postpalatial
(at Knossos;
Final Palace Period)
1450–1400 BC LMII
1400–1350 BC LMIIIA
1350–1100 BC LMIIIB
Pottery from Lebena, Crete, 3000-2100 BC, AMH

The traditional chronology for datingMinoan civilizationwas developed by SirArthur Evansin the early years of the 20th century AD. His terminology and the one proposed byNikolaos Platonare still generally in use and appear in this article. For more details, see theMinoan chronology.

Evans classified fine pottery by the changes in its forms and styles of decoration. Platon concentrated on the episodic history of the Palace ofKnossos.A new method, fabric analysis, involves geologic analysis of coarse and mainly non-decorated sherds as though they were rocks. The resulting classifications are based on composition of the sherds.[2]

Production and techniques


Little is known about the way the pottery was produced, but it was probably in small artisanal workshops, often clustered in settlements near good sources ofclayfor potting. For many, potting may well have been a seasonal activity, combined with farming, although the volume and sophistication of later wares suggests full-time specialists, and two classes of workshop, one catering to the palaces.[3]There is some evidence that women were also potters. Archaeologists seeking to understand the conditions of production have drawn tentative comparisons with aspects of both modern Cretan rural artisans and the better-documented Egyptian and Mesopotamian Bronze Age industries.[4]InLinear Bthe word for potter is "ke-ra-me-u".[5]

Technically,slipswere widely used, with a variety of effects well understood. Thepotter's wheelappears to have been available from the MM IB, but other "handmade" methods of forming the body remained in use, and were needed for objects with sculptural shapes.[6]Ceramic glazeswere not used, and none of the wares were fired to very high temperatures, remainingearthenwareorterracotta.All of these characteristics remain true of later Greek pottery throughout its great period. The finest wares often have very thin-walled bodies. The excavation of an abandoned LMkilnatKommos(the port ofPhaistos), complete with its "wasters" (malformed pots), is developing understanding of the details of production.[7]The styles of pottery show considerable regional variation within Crete in many periods.[8]

Early Minoan


Early Minoan pottery is broadly characterized by a large number of local wares with frequentCycladicparallels or imports, suggesting a population of checkerboard ethnicity deriving from various locations in the eastern Aegean and beyond.[citation needed]



Early Minoan pottery, to some extent, continued, and possibly evolved from, the local Final Neolithic[9](FN) without a severe break. Many[who?]suggest that Minoan civilization evolvedin-situand was not imported from the East. Its other main feature is its variety from site to site, which is suggestive of localism of Early Minoan social traditions.[citation needed]

Studies of the relationship between EM I and FN have been conducted mainly in East Crete.[10]There the Final Neolithic has affinities to the Cyclades, while both FN and EM I settlements are contemporaneous, with EM I gradually replacing FN. Of the three possibilities, no immigration, total replacement of natives by immigrants, immigrants settling among natives, Hutchinson[11]takes a compromise view:

"The Neolithic Period in Crete did not end in a catastrophe; its culture developed into that of the Bronze Age under pressure from infiltration of relatively small bands of immigrants from the south and east, where copper and bronze had long been in use."

Pyrgos Ware

Early Minoan pottery fromPyrgos,3000-2600 BC,Archaeological Museum of Heraklion(AMH)

EM I types includePyrgosWare,[12]also called "Burnished Ware". The major form was the "chalice",orArkalochori Chalice,in which a cup combined with a funnel-shaped stand could be set on a hard surface without spilling. As the Pyrgos site was a rock shelter used as an ossuary, some hypothesize ceremonial usage]. This type of pottery was black, grey or brown, and burnished, with some sort of incised linear pattern. It may have imitated wood.

Tripod Cooking Pots


The EM II era in the Minoan civilization saw the start of tripod cooking pots at places like Knossos, with that came a brief adoption of horned stands in cooking pot production, primarily used during the EM II period. These features have not been identified elsewhere beyond Knossos and surrounding regions. Cups had reduced in size for it to be used by one person.[13]The vast majority of these Minoan tripod cooking pots had deep featured bodies, usually being supported with three legs with either horizontal handles or vertical handles with a small opening on the top. They appear to be the most common way to cook.[14]These cooking tripods were made from red firing clay with rock fragments to create the coarse touch that these pots had. The usage of animal goods can be identified in the tripod cooking pots, and the usage of plant byproducts can also be identified.[15]The mixture of both can be found in the tripod cooking pots, but with plant byproducts being more evident than animal byproducts in some instances. There appears to be also found residue of beeswax in the tripod cooking pots. Most of these discoveries were found at Sissi. What that beeswax was used for is uncertain. This appears to potentially lead to the possibility of subtypes of these cooking pots.[16]There is evidence that these pots started to show up during the EMI in the Hagia Photia; its appearance in theHagia Photiaduring the second EMII period is questionable.[17]Most of these discoveries were located in the Northern and Northeastern sections of the island.

Incised Ware


Another EM I type,Incised Ware,also calledScored Ware,were hand-shaped, round-bottomed, dark-burnished jugs (Example) and bulbous cups and jars ( "pyxes"). Favored decor was incised line patterns, vertical, horizontal or herring-bone. These pots are from the north and northeast of Crete and appear to be modeled after the Kampos Phase of theGrotta-Pelosearly Cycladic I culture.Somehave suggested imports or immigrations. See alsoHagia Photia.

Agyios Onouphrios, Lebena

Agios Onouphrios ware with painted parallel-line decoration, 2600-1900 BC, AMH

The painted parallel-line decoration ofAyios Onouphrios I Warewas drawn with an iron-red clay slip that would fire red under oxidizing conditions in a clean kiln but under the reducing conditions of a smoky fire turn darker, without much control over color, which could range from red to brown. A dark-on-light painted pattern was then applied.[18]From this beginning, Minoan potters already concentrated on the linear forms of designs, perfecting coherent designs and voids that would ideally suit the shape of the ware. Shapes were jugs, two-handled cups and bowls. The ware came from north and south central Crete, as didLebena Wareof the same general types but decorated by painting white patterns over a solid red painted background (Example). The latter came from EM I tombs.

Koumasa and Fine Gray Ware


In EM IIA, the geometric slip-painted designs ofKoumasaWareseem to have developed from the wares of Aghios Onouphrios. The designs are in red or black on a light background. Forms are cups, bowls, jugs and teapots (Example: "Goddess of Myrtos"). Also from EM IIA are the cylindrical and spherical pyxides calledFine Gray Wareor justGray Ware,featuring a polished surface with incised diagonals, dots, rings and semicircles.

Vasiliki Ware


The EM IIA and IIBVasiliki Ware,named for theMinoan sitein eastern Crete,[19]has mottled glaze effects, early experiments with controlling color, but the elongated spouts drawn from the body and ending in semicircular spouts show the beginnings of the tradition of Minoan elegance (Examples 1,Examples 2). The mottling was produced by uneven firing of the slip-covered pot, with the hottest areas turning dark. Considering that the mottling was controlled into a pattern, touching with hot coals was probably used to produce it. The effect was paralleled in cups made of mottled stone.

EM III Pottery


In the latest brief transition (EM III),waresin eastern Crete begin to be covered in dark slip with light slip-painted decor of lines and spirals; the first checkered motifs appear; the first petallike loops and leafy bands appear, atGournia(Walberg 1986). Rosettes appear and spiral links sometimes joined into bands. These motifs aresimilar to those found on seals.In north central Crete, where Knossos was to emerge, there is little similarity: dark on light linear banding prevails; footed goblets make their appearance (Example).

Middle Minoan

Clay house model from Archanes, 1700 BC, AMH

The rise of theMinoan palacesatKnossosandPhaistosand their new type of urbanized, centralized society with redistribution centers required more storage vessels and ones more specifically suited to a range of functions. In palace workshops, standardization suggests more supervised operations and the rise of elite wares, emphasizing refinements and novelty, so that palace and provincial pottery become differentiated.[citation needed]

Theformsof the best wares were designed fortable and service.In the palace workshops, the introduction from the Levant of thepotter's wheelin MM IB enabled perfectly symmetrical bodies to be thrown from swiftly revolving clay.[20]The well-controlled iron-red slip that was added to the color repertory during MM I could be achieved only in insulated closed kilns that were free of oxygen or smoke.[citation needed]


"MedallionPithoi",or storage jars, at theKnossospalace. Named from the raised disks, they date to MM III/LM IA.

Any population center requires facilities in support of human needs and that is true of the palaces as well. Knossos had extensive sanitation, water supply and drainage systems,[21]which is evidence that it was not a ceremonial labyrinth or large tomb. Liquid and granular necessities were stored inpithoilocated in magazines, or storage rooms, and elsewhere. Pithoi make their earliest appearance just before MMI begins and continue into Late Minoan, becoming very rare by LMIII (Examples 1,Examples 2). About 400 pithoi were found at the palace of Knossos. An average pithos held about 1100 pounds of fluid. Perhaps because of the weight, pithoi were not stored on the upper floors.[citation needed]

New styles


New styles emerge at this time: an Incised Style (see above), and the tactileBarbotineware, featuring the relief decoration studded with knobs and cones of applied clay in bands, waves and ridges. Such decorations are sometimes reminiscent of the marine-derived features such as thesand dollartests,and barnacle growths (Example).

Early Minoan jug in barbotine style; surface treatment: barnacle work; dark painting on yellowish slip - Middle Minoan IB-IIA, earlier Protopalatial period - height: 19.2 cm;Kassel,Germany,Schloss WilhelmshöheAntiquities Collection

Barbotine ware features three-dimensional decorations, as well as the use of the ceramic slip. Ridges and protuberances of various types are seen on the surface of vessels.[22]

The earliest stages ofKamares warealso appear at this time. Scholars place Barbotine ware a bit earlier than the Kamares ware,

"Barbotine Ware appears, in its earliest stages, a bit before MM IA, in EM III. The style gradually becomes more popular and picks up significantly in MM IA, along with the conservative incised style, dark on light style, and White on Dark Ware."[23]

Gisela Walberg places Barbotine Ware, with its thin walls and dynamic motifs, in the Early Kamares Ware phase.[24]

Spirals and whorls motifs appear in Minoan pottery from EM I onwards (Walberg), but they become especially popular during EM III.[25]A new shape is the straight-sided cylindrical cup.[26]

MMIA wares and local pottery imitating them are found at coastal sites in the easternPeloponnese,though not more widely in theAegeanuntil MMIB; their influence on local pottery in the nearbyCycladeshas been studied by Angelia G. Papagiannopoulou (1991). Shards of MM IIA pottery have been recovered in Egypt and atUgarit.[27]

Kamares Ware

Kamares ware jug
A Kamare style vase, 2100-1700 BCE

Kamares Warewas named after finds in the cave sanctuary at Kamares on Mt. Ida in 1890. It is the first of the virtuosopolychromewares of Minoan civilization, though the first expressions of recognizably proto-Kamares decor predate the introduction of the potter's wheel.

Finer clay, thrown on the wheel, permitted more precisely fashioned forms, which were covered with a dark-firing slip and exuberantly painted with slips in white, reds and browns in fluentfloral designs,of rosettes or conjoined coiling and uncoiling spirals. Designs are repetitive or sometimes free-floating, but always symmetrically composed. Themes from nature begin here with octopuses, shellfish, lilies, crocuses and palm-trees, all highly stylized. The entire surface of the pot is densely covered, but sometimes the space is partitioned by bands. One variety features extravagantly thin bodies and is calledEggshell Ware(Example 1,Example 2).

Four stages of Kamares ware were identified by Gisela Walberg (1976), with a "Classic Kamares" palace style sited in MM II, especially in the palace complex of Phaistos. New shapes were introduced, withwhirling and radiating motifs.(Examples 1,Examples 2,Examples 3,Examples 4,Examples 5,Examples 6,Examples 7,Examples 8,Examples 9,Examples 10)

Age of Efflorescence


In MMIIB, the increasing use of motifs drawn from nature heralded the decline and end of the Kamares style. The Kamares featured whole-field floral designs with all elements linked together (Matz). In MMIII patterned vegetative designs, thePatterned Style,began to appear. This phase was replaced by individual vegetative scenes, which marks the start of theFloral Style.Matz refers to the "Age of Efflorescence", which reached an apogee in LM IA. (Some would include Kamares Ware under the Floral Style.)[citation needed]

The floral style depicts palms and papyrus, with various kinds of lilies and elaborate leaves. It appears in both pottery and frescoes. One tradition of art criticism calls this the "natural style" or "naturalism" but another points out that the stylized forms and colors are far from natural. Green, the natural color of vegetation, appears rarely. Depth is represented by position around the main scene.[citation needed]

Late Minoan


LMI marks the highwater of Minoan influence throughout the southern Aegean (Peloponnese, Cyclades, Dodecanese, southwestern Anatolia). Late Minoan pottery was widely exported; it has turned up in Cyprus, the Cyclades, Egypt and Mycenae.

Floral style


Fluent movemented designs drawn fromflower and leaf forms,painted in reds and black on white grounds predominate, in steady development from Middle Minoan. In LMIB there is a typical all-over leafy decoration, for which first workshop painters begin to be identifiable through their characteristic motifs; as with all Minoan art, no name ever appears.

Marine style


In LMIB, theMarine Stylealso emerges; in this style, perhaps inspired by frescoes, the entire surface of a pot was covered with sea creatures, octopus, fish and dolphins, against a background of rocks, seaweed and sponges (Examples 1,Examples 2,Examples 3,Examples 4). The Marine Style is more free flowing with no distinct zones, because it shows sea creatures as floating, as they would in the ocean.[28]The Marine style was the last purely Minoan style; towards the end of LMIB, all the palaces except Knossos were violently destroyed, as were many of the villas and towns.[29]


Steatite rhyta in foreground, clay on shelf behind.

Dated to LM IA and following also are conicalrhyta,or drinking cups, insteatiteand also imitated in ceramic. (Example) Some of the rhyta are ornate libation vessels, such as the noted "Bull's-head Rhyton"found at Knossos. TheBull's Head Rhyton,however, was a specific type of which many instances have been found. The bull's head is found in ceramic as well. Other noted stone vases of LM IA and II are the "Harvester Vase"View 1,View 3,View 4,fromHagia Triada,which depicts a harvest procession, "the Chieftain Cup",depicting a coming-of-age rite, theBoxer Rhyton(Hagia Triada), showing bo xing scenes,the Sanctuary Rhyton,depicting a peak sanctuary to the "mistress of animals" and featuring birds and leaping goats, and others.


Restoredfriezeat Knossos showing Minoan ware. Although therhyton(conical vase) is probablysteatite,the other ware is most likelyceramic.

Around 1450 BCE, the beginning of LM II, theMycenaean Greeksmust have moved into the palace of Knossos. They were well-established by 1400, if the Linear B tablets can be dated to then. The resulting LM II culture is not a break with the Minoan past. Minoan traditions continue under a new administration. However, the vase forms and designs became more and more Mycenaean in character with a large variety of decoration. Style names have multiplied and depend to some degree on the author. The names below are only a few of the most common. Some authors just use the name "Mycenaean Koine"; that is, the Late Minoan pottery of Crete was to some degree just a variety of widespread Mycenaean forms. The designs are found also on seals and ceilings, in frescoes and on other artifacts. Often Late Minoan pottery is not easily placed in sub-periods. In addition are imports from the neighboring coasts of the Mediterranean. Ceramic is not the only material used:breccia,calcite,chlorite,schist,dolomiteand other colored and patterned stone were carved into pottery forms. Bronze ware appears imitating the ceramic ware.

Palace style

Late Minoan III Floral style, 1400-1100 BC

During LMII, Mycenean influence became apparent. Thevase formsat Knossos are similar to those on the mainland. ThePalace Style[30]showcased by them adapts elements of the previous styles but also adds features, such as the practice of confining decor in reserves and bands, emphasizing the base and shoulder of the pot and the movement towards abstraction (Examples 1,Examples 2,Examples 3). This style started in LM II and went on into LM III. The palace style was mostly confined to Knossos. In the late manifestation of the palace style, fluent and spontaneous earlier motifs stiffened and became more geometrical and abstracted. Egyptian motifs such aspapyrusand lotus are prominent.

Plain and Close Styles


ThePlain StyleandClose Styledeveloped in LM IIIA, B from the Palace Style. In the Close Style the Marine and Floral Styles themes continue, but the artist manifests thehorror vacuior "dread of emptiness". The whole field of decoration is filled densely. (Examples). The Stirrup Jar is especially frequent.



Finally, in the Subminoan period, the geometric designs of the Dorians become more apparent. (Example)

Discovery and recognition


Minoan wares were already familiar from finds on the Greek mainland, and export markets like Egypt, before it was realized that they came from Crete. In most 19th-century literature they are described as "Mycenaean", and the recognition and analysis of styles and periods had gone some way on this assumption. Only in the 1890s were the first finds on Crete recognised and published, from a cave at Kamares. These were found by a local archaeologist who allowed the youngJohn Myresto publish them; Myres had realized that they were the same ware as finds in Egypt published byFlinders Petrie.For several decades analysis of Minoan pottery was essentially stylistic and typological, but in recent decades there has been a turn towards technical and socio-economic analysis.[31]

Written records of pots and pans


The Linear B tablets contain records of vessels made of various materials. The vessel ideograms are not so clear as to make correlation with discovered artifacts easy. Using a drawing of the "Contents of the Tomb of the Tripod Hearth" at Zafer Papoura from Evans'Palace of Minos,[32]which depicts LM II bronze vessels, many in the forms of ceramic ones, Ventris and Chadwick[33]were able to make a few new correlations.

Ideogram[34] Linear B[35] Mycenaean Greek Classical Greek Etymology Examples
LM II Vessels[36]
202GOBLET? di-pa *dipas (sing) depas(sing), cup, archaic large vessel. C.Luvian tappas and H. Luvian (CAELUM)ti-pa-sº 'sky (perceived by Anatolians as a cup covering the flat Earth)' (Yakubovich 2010: 146) 1
207TRIPOD AMPHORA ku-ru-su-pa3 Possibly *khrysyphaia[37]or possibly containingSemiticsuppu"vase".[38] ? Possibly "gold and grey" if Greek or "golden vase" if Semitic 1(Early Cypriote)
209AMPHORA a-pi-po-re-we *amphiphorewes (pl) amphiphoreus (sing), an amphora "port-about" (Hoffman) 1
210STIRRUP JAR ka-ra-re-we *khlarewes (pl) khlaron (sing), archaic oil jar "yellow stuff" (Hoffman) 1,2,3,4
211WATER BOWL? po-ti-[]-we ? ? ?
212WATER JAR? u-do-ro *hudroi (pl) hydros (sing), a water-snake "water (jars)" 1
213COOKING BOWL i-po-no *ipnoi (pl)[39] ipnos (sing), a baking dish "Dutch oven"[40]

See also



  1. ^This chronology of Minoan Crete is theone used by Andonis Vasilakisin his book on Minoan Crete, published by Adam Editions in 2000, but other chronologies will vary, sometimes quite considerably (EM periods especially). Sets of different dates from other authors are set out atMinoan chronology
  2. ^Fabric Research and Analysis,The Spakia Survey: Internet Edition.
  3. ^Traunmueller, 341-350
  4. ^Traunmueller, 341-350
  5. ^Traunmueller, 348
  6. ^Oxford, 409
  7. ^A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-Central Crete,Joseph W. Shaw et al.,HesperiaSupplement 30, 2001.
  8. ^Oxford, Chapter 30 summarizes these.
  9. ^This termdating from the late 20th century means the very last, transitional phase of theNeolithic,in which stone tools were in use along with elements of the succeeding metal age. The terms, "Chalcolithic", "Copper Age" and "Sub-Neolithic", clearly fall into this category. They are used in this general sense in thearchaeology of Europe.Archived2007-01-07 at theWayback MachineHowever, the Final Neolithic also tends to refer to specific cultures. With reference to the Aegean, it meansLate Neolithic Ib - IIArchived2006-05-25 at theWayback Machine,during which painted ware was replaced by coarse ware in theCyclades;on Crete, it means the Neolithic before EM I, which features coarse wares. In a general sense, all EM might have been Final Neolithic, as bronze materials do not start until the MM period. It is not, however, used in that sense with reference to Crete.
  10. ^Hayden, Barbara J. (2003)."The Final Neolithic-Early Minoan I/IIA Settlement History of the Vrokastro Area, Mirabello, Eastern Crete"(PDF).Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry.3(1). MAA: 31–44. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on August 12, 2011.RetrievedMay 2,2013.
  11. ^Hutchinson, Chapter 6
  12. ^Pyrgos I-IV,EM I through LM I, has been defined.
  13. ^Relaki, Maria; Papadatos, Giannēs; Branigan, Keith, eds. (2018).From the foundations to the legacy of Minoan archaeology: studies in honour of Professor Keith Branigan.Sheffield studies in Aegean archaeology. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.ISBN978-1-78570-926-5.OCLC1002835631.
  14. ^Apostolakou, Vilē; Brogan, Thomas M.; Betancourt, Philip P., eds. (2017).The Alatzomouri rock shelter: an early Minoan III deposit in eastern Crete.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: INSTAP Academic Press.ISBN978-1-62303-415-3.
  15. ^Apostolakou, Vilē; Brogan, Thomas M.; Betancourt, Philip P., eds. (2017).The Alatzomouri rock shelter: an early Minoan III deposit in eastern Crete.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: INSTAP Academic Press.ISBN978-1-62303-415-3.
  16. ^Roumpou, Maria; Tsafou, Evgenia (2023). "Culinary practices and pottery use in Minoan Crete. Integrating lipidic residue analysis in the study of cooking vessels from Sissi and Malia".Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.50.Bibcode:2023JArSR..50j4050R.doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104050.
  17. ^Papadatos, Giannës; Relaki, Maria (2018).From the foundations to the legacy of Minoan archaeology: studies in honour of Professor Keith Branigan.Sheffield studies in Aegean archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books.ISBN978-1-78570-926-5.
  18. ^Examples 1,Examples 2.
  19. ^"Minoan settlement of Vasiliki, eastern Crete".
  20. ^Prior to the introduction of the wheel turn-table disks were used, such as were discovered in Myrtos I from EM times. The larger pots continued to be made this way.
  21. ^C. Michael Hogan. 2007.Knossos fieldnotes,The Modern Antiquarian
  22. ^Horgan, C. Michael (2008)."Knossos Fieldnotes".Retrieved2009-07-23.
  23. ^Amie S. Gluckman (2015),MINOAN BARBOTINE WARE: STYLES, SHAPES, AND A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CLAY FABRIC.Temple University -- temple.edu
  26. ^Terracotta straight-sided cup.Minoan, ca. 1800–1700 BCE. - metmuseum.org
  27. ^Merrillees, Robert S. (2009)."The First Appearances of Kamares Ware in the Levant".Ägypten und Levante(in German).1:127–142.doi:10.1553/AEundL13s127.ISSN1015-5104.
  28. ^T., Neer, Richard (2012).Greek art and archaeology: a new history, c. 2500-c. 150 BCE.New York: Thames & Hudson Inc. p. 30.ISBN9780500288771.OCLC745332893.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  29. ^T., Neer, Richard (2012).Greek art and archaeology: a new history, c. 2500-c. 150 BCE.New York.ISBN9780500288771.OCLC745332893.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  30. ^Evans' term, after the Palace Period
  31. ^Knappet, Carl, in Cappel, 329-334
  32. ^Volume II, Page 634, Figure 398
  33. ^Documents in Mycenaean GreekPage 326.
  34. ^The ideograms vary somewhat. A link to the unicode standard is given.
  35. ^Only names on Cretan tablets are given.
  36. ^Most of these vessel types can be found inBetancourt'sCooking Vessels from Minoan Kommos: A Preliminary ReportArchived2013-11-04 at theWayback Machine.The dates are MM and LM, which shows that the forms of the ideograms were long-standing.
  37. ^"Mycenæan Greek".
  38. ^Best, Jan G. P.; Woudhuizen, Fred C. (1989).Lost Languages from the Mediterranean.Brill Archive.ISBN9004089349.
  39. ^Ventris wrote aletterArchived2007-12-15 at theWayback Machineto Bennett concerning this reconstruction.
  40. ^Possibly*aukw-,but the origin of the p instead of a reflex of kW istroubling.For a detailed linguistic presentation see Brent Vine,[1]


  • Betancourt, Philip P. 1985.The History of Minoan potteryPrinceton University Press. A handbook.
  • Cappel, Sarah et al., eds.,Minoan Archaeology: Perspectives for the 21st Century,2015, Presses universitaires de Louvain,ISBN2875583948,9782875583949
  • Hutchinson,Prehistoric Crete,many editions hardcover and softcover
  • Matz, Friedrich,The Art of Crete and Early Greece,Crown, 1962
  • Mackenzie, Donald A.,Crete & Pre-Hellenic,Senate, 1995,ISBN1-85958-090-4
  • "Oxford",The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean,Eric H. Cline (ed.), 2012, Oxford UP,ISBN9780199873609,google books
  • Palmer, L. A.,Mycenaeans and Minoans,multiple editions
  • Preziosi, Donald and Louise A. Hitchcock 1999Aegean Art and ArchitectureISBN0-19-284208-0
  • Platon, Nicolas,Crete(translated from the Greek), Archaeologia Mundi series, Frederick Muller Limited, London, 1966
  • Traunmueller, Sebastian, "Pots and Potters", in Cappel,google books
  • Willetts,The Civilization of Ancient Crete,Barnes & Noble, 1976,ISBN1-56619-749-X
  • Yakubovich, Ilya,Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language,Brill, 2010,ISBN978-90-04-17791-8

Further reading

  • Betancourt, Philip P. 2007.Introduction to Aegean Art.Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press.
  • Boardman, John. 2001.The History of Greek Vases: Potters, Painters, Pictures.New York: Thames & Hudson.
  • MacGillivray, J.A. 1998.Knossos: Pottery Groups of the Old Palace PeriodBSA Studies 5. (British School at Athens)ISBN0-904887-32-4Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002
  • Preziosi, Donald, and Louise A. Hitchcock. 1999.Aegean Art and Architecture.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Walberg, Gisela. 1986.Tradition and Innovation. Essays in Minoan Art(Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern)
  • Dartmouth College:Bibliography (see Pottery)
  • Edey, Maitland A.,Lost World of the Aegean,Time-Life Books, 1975