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Modular group

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Inmathematics,themodular groupis theprojective special linear groupof2 × 2matriceswithintegercoefficients anddeterminant1. The matricesAandAare identified. The modular group acts on the upper-half of thecomplex planebyfractional linear transformations,and the name "modular group" comes from the relation tomoduli spacesand not frommodular arithmetic.


Themodular groupΓis thegroupoflinear fractional transformationsof theupper half of the complex plane,which have the form

wherea,b,c,dare integers, andadbc= 1.The group operation isfunction composition.

This group of transformations is isomorphic to theprojective special linear groupPSL(2,Z),which is the quotient of the 2-dimensionalspecial linear groupSL(2,Z)over the integers by itscenter{I,−I}.In other words,PSL(2,Z)consists of all matrices

wherea,b,c,dare integers,adbc= 1,and pairs of matricesAandAare considered to be identical. The group operation is the usualmultiplication of matrices.

Some authorsdefinethe modular group to bePSL(2,Z),and still others define the modular group to be the larger groupSL(2,Z).

Some mathematical relations require the consideration of the groupGL(2,Z)of matrices with determinant plus or minus one. (SL(2,Z)is a subgroup of this group.) Similarly,PGL(2,Z)is the quotient groupGL(2,Z)/{I,−I}.A2 × 2matrix with unit determinant is asymplectic matrix,and thusSL(2,Z) = Sp(2,Z),thesymplectic groupof2 × 2matrices.

Finding elements[edit]

To find an explicit matrix

inSL(2,Z),begin with two coprime integers,and solve the determinant equation

(Notice the determinant equation forcesto be coprime since otherwise there would be a factorsuch that,,hence

would have no integer solutions.) For example, ifthen the determinant equation reads

then takingandgives,hence

is a matrix. Then, using the projection, these matrices define elements inPSL(2,Z).

Number-theoretic properties[edit]

The unit determinant of

implies that the fractionsa/b,a/c,c/d,b/dare all irreducible, that is having no common factors (provided the denominators are non-zero, of course). More generally, ifp/qis an irreducible fraction, then

is also irreducible (again, provided the denominator be non-zero). Any pair of irreducible fractions can be connected in this way; that is, for any pairp/qandr/sof irreducible fractions, there exist elements

such that

Elements of the modular group provide a symmetry on the two-dimensionallattice.Letω1andω2be twocomplex numberswhose ratio is not real. Then the set of points

is a lattice of parallelograms on the plane. A different pair of vectorsα1andα2will generate exactly the same lattice if and only if

for some matrix inGL(2,Z).It is for this reason thatdoubly periodic functions,such aselliptic functions,possess a modular group symmetry.

The action of the modular group on the rational numbers can most easily be understood by envisioning a square grid, with grid point(p,q)corresponding to the fractionp/q(seeEuclid's orchard). An irreducible fraction is one that isvisiblefrom the origin; the action of the modular group on a fraction never takes avisible(irreducible) to ahidden(reducible) one, and vice versa.

Note that any member of the modular group maps theprojectively extended real lineone-to-one to itself, and furthermore bijectively maps the projectively extended rational line (the rationals with infinity) to itself, theirrationalsto the irrationals, thetranscendental numbersto the transcendental numbers, the non-real numbers to the non-real numbers, the upper half-plane to the upper half-plane, et cetera.

Ifpn−1/qn−1andpn/qnare two successive convergents of acontinued fraction,then the matrix

belongs toGL(2,Z).In particular, ifbcad= 1for positive integersa,b,c,dwitha<bandc<dthena/bandc/dwill be neighbours in theFarey sequenceof ordermax(b,d).Important special cases of continued fraction convergents include theFibonacci numbersand solutions toPell's equation.In both cases, the numbers can be arranged to form asemigroupsubset of the modular group.

Group-theoretic properties[edit]


The modular group can be shown to begeneratedby the two transformations

so that every element in the modular group can be represented (in a non-unique way) by the composition of powers ofSandT.Geometrically,Srepresents inversion in the unit circle followed by reflection with respect to the imaginary axis, whileTrepresents a unit translation to the right.

The generatorsSandTobey the relationsS2= 1and(ST)3= 1.It can be shown[1]that these are a complete set of relations, so the modular group has thepresentation:

This presentation describes the modular group as the rotationaltriangle groupD(2, 3, ∞)(infinity as there is no relation onT), and it thus maps onto all triangle groups(2, 3,n)by adding the relationTn= 1,which occurs for instance in thecongruence subgroupΓ(n).

Using the generatorsSandSTinstead ofSandT,this shows that the modular group is isomorphic to thefree productof thecyclic groupsC2andC3:

Braid group[edit]

Thebraid groupB3is theuniversal central extensionof the modular group.

Thebraid groupB3is the universal central extension of the modular group, with these sitting as lattices inside the (topological) universal covering groupSL2(R)→ PSL2(R).Further, the modular group has a trivial center, and thus the modular group is isomorphic to thequotient groupofB3modulo itscenter;equivalently, to the group ofinner automorphismsofB3.

The braid groupB3in turn is isomorphic to theknot groupof thetrefoil knot.


The quotients by congruence subgroups are of significant interest.

Other important quotients are the(2, 3,n)triangle groups, which correspond geometrically to descending to a cylinder, quotienting thexcoordinatemodulon,asTn= (zz+n).(2, 3, 5)is the group oficosahedral symmetry,and the(2, 3, 7)triangle group(and associated tiling) is the cover for allHurwitz surfaces.

Presenting as a matrix group[edit]

The groupcan be generated by the two matrices[2]


The projectionturns these matrices into generators of,with relations similar to the group presentation.

Relationship to hyperbolic geometry[edit]

The modular group is important because it forms asubgroupof the group ofisometriesof thehyperbolic plane.If we consider theupper half-planemodelHof hyperbolic plane geometry, then the group of all orientation-preservingisometries ofHconsists of allMöbius transformationsof the form

wherea,b,c,darereal numbers.In terms ofprojective coordinates,the groupPSL(2,R)actson the upper half-planeHby projectivity:

This action isfaithful.SincePSL(2,Z)is a subgroup ofPSL(2,R),the modular group is a subgroup of the group of orientation-preserving isometries ofH.[3]

Tessellation of the hyperbolic plane[edit]

A typical fundamental domain for the action ofΓon the upper half-plane.

The modular groupΓacts onas adiscrete subgroupof,that is, for eachzinwe can find a neighbourhood ofzwhich does not contain any other element of theorbitofz.This also means that we can constructfundamental domains,which (roughly) contain exactly one representative from the orbit of everyzinH.(Care is needed on the boundary of the domain.)

There are many ways of constructing a fundamental domain, but a common choice is the region

bounded by the vertical linesRe(z) =1/2andRe(z) = −1/2,and the circle|z| = 1.This region is a hyperbolic triangle. It has vertices at1/2+i3/2and1/2+i3/2,where the angle between its sides isπ/3,and a third vertex at infinity, where the angle between its sides is 0.

There is a strong connection between the modular group andelliptic curves.Each pointin the upper half-plane gives an elliptic curve, namely the quotient ofby the lattice generated by 1 and. Two points in the upper half-plane give isomorphic elliptic curves if and only if they are related by a transformation in the modular group. Thus, the quotient of the upper half-plane by the action of the modular group is the so-calledmoduli spaceof elliptic curves: a space whose points describe isomorphism classes of elliptic curves. This is often visualized as the fundamental domain described above, with some points on its boundary identified.

The modular group and its subgroups are also a source of interesting tilings of the hyperbolic plane. By transforming this fundamental domain in turn by each of the elements of the modular group, aregular tessellationof the hyperbolic plane by congruent hyperbolic triangles known as the V6.6.∞Infinite-order triangular tilingis created. Note that each such triangle has one vertex either at infinity or on the real axisIm(z) = 0.

This tiling can be extended to thePoincaré disk,where every hyperbolic triangle has one vertex on the boundary of the disk. The tiling of the Poincaré disk is given in a natural way by theJ-invariant,which is invariant under the modular group, and attains every complex number once in each triangle of these regions.

This tessellation can be refined slightly, dividing each region into two halves (conventionally colored black and white), by adding an orientation-reversing map; the colors then correspond to orientation of the domain. Adding in(x,y) ↦ (−x,y)and taking the right half of the regionR(whereRe(z) ≥ 0) yields the usual tessellation. This tessellation first appears in print in (Klein & 1878/79a),[4]where it is credited toRichard Dedekind,in reference to (Dedekind 1877).[4][5]

Visualization of the map(2, 3, ∞) → (2, 3, 7)by morphing the associated tilings.[6]

The map of groups(2, 3, ∞) → (2, 3,n)(from modular group to triangle group) can be visualized in terms of this tiling (yielding a tiling on the modular curve), as depicted in the video at right.

Paracompact uniform tilings in [∞,3] family
Symmetry:[∞,3], (*∞32) [∞,3]+




{∞,3} t{∞,3} r{∞,3} t{3,∞} {3,∞} rr{∞,3} tr{∞,3} sr{∞,3} h{∞,3} h2{∞,3} s{3,∞}
Uniform duals
V∞3 V3.∞.∞ V(3.∞)2 V6.6.∞ V3 V4.3.4.∞ V4.6.∞ V3.3.3.3.∞ V(3.∞)3 V3.∞

Congruence subgroups[edit]

Importantsubgroupsof the modular groupΓ,calledcongruence subgroups,are given by imposingcongruence relationson the associated matrices.

There is a naturalhomomorphismSL(2,Z) → SL(2,Z/NZ)given by reducing the entriesmoduloN.This induces a homomorphism on the modular groupPSL(2,Z) → PSL(2,Z/NZ).Thekernelof this homomorphism is called theprincipal congruence subgroupof levelN,denotedΓ(N).We have the followingshort exact sequence:

Being the kernel of a homomorphismΓ(N)is anormal subgroupof the modular groupΓ.The groupΓ(N)is given as the set of all modular transformations

for whichad≡ ±1 (modN)andbc≡ 0 (modN).

It is easy to show that thetraceof a matrix representing an element ofΓ(N)cannot be −1, 0, or 1, so these subgroups aretorsion-free groups.(There are other torsion-free subgroups.)

The principal congruence subgroup of level 2,Γ(2),is also called themodular groupΛ.SincePSL(2,Z/2Z)is isomorphic toS3,Λis a subgroup ofindex6. The groupΛconsists of all modular transformations for whichaanddare odd andbandcare even.

Another important family of congruence subgroups are themodular groupΓ0(N)defined as the set of all modular transformations for whichc≡ 0 (modN),or equivalently, as the subgroup whose matrices becomeupper triangularupon reduction moduloN.Note thatΓ(N)is a subgroup ofΓ0(N).Themodular curvesassociated with these groups are an aspect ofmonstrous moonshine– for aprime numberp,the modular curve of the normalizer isgenuszero if and only ifpdivides theorderof themonster group,or equivalently, ifpis asupersingular prime.

Dyadic monoid[edit]

One important subset of the modular group is thedyadic monoid,which is themonoidof all strings of the formSTkSTmSTn...for positive integersk,m,n,....This monoid occurs naturally in the study offractal curves,and describes theself-similaritysymmetries of theCantor function,Minkowski's question mark function,and theKoch snowflake,each being a special case of the generalde Rham curve.The monoid also has higher-dimensional linear representations; for example, theN= 3representation can be understood to describe the self-symmetry of theblancmange curve.

Maps of the torus[edit]

The groupGL(2,Z)is the linear maps preserving the standard latticeZ2,andSL(2,Z)is the orientation-preserving maps preserving this lattice; they thus descend toself-homeomorphismsof thetorus(SL mapping to orientation-preserving maps), and in fact map isomorphically to the (extended)mapping class groupof the torus, meaning that every self-homeomorphism of the torus isisotopicto a map of this form. The algebraic properties of a matrix as an element ofGL(2,Z)correspond to the dynamics of the induced map of the torus.

Hecke groups[edit]

The modular group can be generalized to theHecke groups,named forErich Hecke,and defined as follows.[7]

The Hecke groupHqwithq≥ 3,is the discrete group generated by

whereλq= 2 cosπ/q.For small values ofq≥ 3,one has:

The modular groupΓis isomorphic toH3and they share properties and applications – for example, just as one has thefree productofcyclic groups

more generally one has

which corresponds to thetriangle group(2,q,∞).There is similarly a notion of principal congruence subgroups associated to principal ideals inZ[λ].


The modular group and its subgroups were first studied in detail byRichard Dedekindand byFelix Kleinas part of hisErlangen programmein the 1870s. However, the closely relatedelliptic functionswere studied byJoseph Louis Lagrangein 1785, and further results on elliptic functions were published byCarl Gustav Jakob JacobiandNiels Henrik Abelin 1827.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Alperin, Roger C.(April 1993). "PSL2(Z) =Z2Z3".Amer. Math. Monthly.100(4): 385–386.doi:10.2307/2324963.JSTOR2324963.
  2. ^Conrad, Keith."SL(2,Z)"(PDF).
  3. ^McCreary, Paul R.; Murphy, Teri Jo; Carter, Christian."The Modular Group"(PDF).The Mathematica Journal.9(3).
  4. ^abLe Bruyn, Lieven (22 April 2008),Dedekind or Klein?
  5. ^Stillwell, John (January 2001). "Modular Miracles".The American Mathematical Monthly.108(1): 70–76.doi:10.2307/2695682.ISSN0002-9890.JSTOR2695682.
  6. ^Westendorp, Gerard."Platonic tessellations of Riemann surfaces".xs4all.nl.
  7. ^Rosenberger, Gerhard; Fine, Benjamin; Gaglione, Anthony M.; Spellman, Dennis (2006).Combinatorial Group Theory, Discrete Groups, and Number Theory.p. 65.ISBN9780821839850.